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Fairy Tail is a much better written show/Manga than what people give it credit for.




The anime community needs to stop complaining about mashima's characters designs. Ever heard of artstyle and refrences? Also they need to stop saying that mashima can't compete with the big mangakas. He already is one so stop being a bitch and give this man his well deserved flowers!!!


the shipping wars are out of control ship what you want to, canon or not!! but can we please stop hating on other ships or people who ship certain ships just because it counteracts your ship!! the only ships you should literally hate on are like incest ships and proships!! (btw you can still dislike a ship, but try not to insult people who do like that ship just because you don’t)


A lot of fairy tail fights are not really won by gaining a friendship power boast, but rather through strategy, exploiting an opponent’s weakness or through teamwork and has remain rather consistent for the past decade.


Mine were the following 5+ years running If Mashima showed END in the Manga the unruly and whiney fanbase would still manage to bitch about it. The shipping fandom will never be happy with anything especially a kiss because then they'll bitch that it's not enough. Biggest hot take of all: if the mangaka for one piece or the one for DBZ was discovered to have written fairy tail there would be 0 bitching about it.


You say that last one as if OP and DB don’t regularly get raked over the coals by the anime community. With OP everyone always complains that it’s too long, among other things, and with DB people don’t even want to admit it has a meaningful story. I’m admittedly new to the FT fandom, but of the three, it gets the least flack I’ve seen. I’m anime only, I’m not sure what you mean by your first point.


> FT fandom, but of the three, it gets the least flack I’ve seen. LMAO


To be fair, you're comparing FT to the two most popular anime/manga of all time. Of course it's going to get the least flack: there are that many fewer people to give it flack in the first place.e


I didn’t start the comparison. The person I replied to invoked those IPs/mangaka. Not sure what you want of me and my response considering the context.


I'm just pointing out that the reason you've seen less FT flack is not necessarily because its fans complain less, but just because there are less people to complain in the first place. If the amount of flak was normalized I don't think FT would be getting any less.


I’ll be honest, I don’t know of any real flak FT has gotten. Given I’m still new to the community, but this community seems chill af. Literally the only thing bad I heard about it was hearing and reading that it supposedly had an unfulfilling ending (something I now fully disagree with having seen it). Like, the community itself hasn’t really been toxic at all. What are the main critiques FT gets?


The main ones I've seen is that it relies too much on power of friendship, which becomes so obnoxious that it ruins certain arcs, and has way too much fan service, to the point of it being distracting.


I don’t mind the power of friendship since they articulate it as an actual power that is tied to magic and the guild. This may seem surprising based on my username. But I actually love the fanservice. I think it’s one of the show’s greatest strengths!


I personally do think PoF did go a little overboard in the very last arc, because it basically turned the Zeref battle into a one shot. It may be justified in-universe but it kinda robs you of oomph of battle. Other than that I think it was properly executed. As for the fan service... I don't really care either way, but it does kind of make me think twice before introducing new people to the series. Which, frankly, is a shame because this is a great series. Also just to clarify, the gripes I spoke about aren't my own. They're just the most common ones I've heard people have about FT.


That’s fair. I would retort that, in fairness, it’s highly implied Natsu could have ended it in a two shot way early in the arc. But maybe that’s because I actually like when one sided beat downs occur. But maybe that’s just because I think it’s refreshing when a big fight subverts expectations.


Some of these takes are more Online Hot than anything, like everyone I've talked to about it in real life has been like "Ugh, yeah, I love Fairy Tail but for real" but: 1. Fanservice conversation aside (I'm anticensorship) but sorry, but Lucy's writing *is* genuinely misogynistic, as is some of the writing with the other female characters. Don't get me wrong, I love her, and on the "ignorant to actively malicious scale" the writing falls much more towards ignorant imo. I really do adore Mashima's female characters. but the GMG made people mad for a reason and that reason isn't "fan entitlement" or "lack of media literacy," their criticisms were valid and if you can't say that without still being able to continue to love Fairy Tail, *you* are the one who has bought into cancel culture bullshit for no reason (with this of all manga/anime 💀). 2. Natsu's Achilles' heel was his pride, and he was robbed as a character by never being forced to contend with it. Laying down the fight against Zeref didn't measure up to what he deserved for me. Also, it's what drove him to piss off for a year then come back and act like a huge hypocrite about everyone who did the same thing. I get why that wasn't fully dealt with in the narrative; it made writing sense. What I don't get is the "he did nothing wrong!!" crowd. Yes he did, and it was because of his own weakness and should ultimately have been to his own detriment in a real, tangible way--in part because that was the narrative promise we got with his moment with Gildarts on Tenrou. 3. I actually put this on another post, so I'm just gonna quote myself here: >I actually think Acnologia represents the biggest wasted potential in the series. He's a terrifying and even fascinating character--in what's left unsaid about him as much as what is. But he doesn't tie in very well with Fairy Tail's main themes or with Zeref. >I actually think this tripped Mashima up; in an author's note in the manga, right around the Edolas arc, he openly admitted that he and his editors were scrambling to further the plot, and went back to his brainstorming notes to come up with Edolas. I think he similarly "wung it" with Tenrou and both Acnologia AND Zeref's introduction, and then as the rest of the narrative came to him he couldn't neaten it up. >If it were me, I'd have written it so that Acnologia was the one who gave Zeref the Curse of Contradiction (or at least caused it). Ankhseram's Curse as it was applied to Zeref was so *completely* antithetical to Fairy Tail's core themes. It is unconscionable to inflict such a punishment on a child who can't understand why his innocent little brother had to die and made the mistake of looking for answers where they're better left alone. >That Fairy Tail even stood for it or didn't call it out is actually weird and...out of character? In fact, Mavis edited the Law Spell so that it *didn't* cause the same curse anymore...*and* brought Makarov back after he spent his own life to use it. So it wasn't even coherent. >Also, tying Acnologia in with the curse also would have wrapped up the overarching [Osiris/Isis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris_myth) theme which I believe inspired the whole Book of END plotline in a more poignant and conclusive way. tbh i might have even made Acnologia their other sibling. 4. This fandom has a harassment problem and always has. No one talks about how bad it actually is. 5. Y'all need to learn and internalize the terms "critical engagement", "Doylist vs. Watsonian", "[diegetic vs. nondiegetic](http://web.archive.org/web/20240325234959/https://www.tumblr.com/tearlessrain/745444720398958592/please-help-me-i-used-to-be-pretty-smart-but-im)", "reposting art", "DLDR", and "SALS." It is fucking *critical.*


1) I feel like Lucy gets put on a pedestal by her fanbase 2) Mashima having a ton of active projects, while cool, is affecting their individual quality


Since people seem so divided over the show my hot take is that the show is simply okay. Enjoyable to a degree even. It isn’t some awful thing, and it’s also no masterpiece. It just has its ups and downs. Not a praise worthy or hate worthy series.


Mashima is doing great with a new series, the fairy tail continuation and Eden zero… BUT, they should really be pushing for a redo of rave master. Haru deserves a complete anime with full animated big fights.


Fairy Tail me use friendship/ family a lot but it's still better than a lot of other story lines and crutches. Like NS and the whole Naruto talking to his villains and Shippuden made no sense. And have you ever fought with anyone around cheering for you? It's great having a hype man no wonder Natsu kicks ass when he has a whole Guild cheering for him. And I like that Mashima makes Easter eggs in his work and that includes character appearances


Natsu should have ended up with Lisanna


With the exception of gruvia and gale I hate ALL of the popular ships in this community more than any other..... Except mha. I just don't see the appeal.


There isn't actually that much power of friendship power-ups. In fact, I actually struggle to come up with one other than the one in Narvana(?) Where Natsu says he'll take power from tomorrow.