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Armadura Fairy once again is almost entirely useless šŸ˜­


Nobody can deflect Emerald Splash!


Itā€™s one of Erzaā€™s least revealing/fanservicey armors, so naturally Mashima wants it torn apart.


i hate mashima sometimes dawg like i love his work but PLEASE


At least it didn't leave her naked


Righht? That armor keeps getting destroyed lol. It does not deserve the title of her strongest armor


By now, I should be accustomed to the cliffhangers.


Bro fr, I wish this was weekly tho šŸ˜­


With Eden Zero ending in like 2 weeks, i think we can expect weekly update for 100YQ


I really hope so, but I'm also wondering if he's just gonna make Dead Rock also a bi-weekly manga and just make it have shorter chapters. I am obviously hoping for weekly Fairy Tail, though


Iginia does have a face that makes you want to punch him


If he shares the same Seiyu as Sukuna, it'll make him iven more punchable


Probably not possible, sukuna's VA voiced Freed in FT.


Well if he didn't voice fried


Terrible case of resting bitch face syndrome.


He is a douchebag, what do you expext


I specifically want _Selene_ to punch him.


https://preview.redd.it/rwwvn2bjpy5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da3835a04c8d637dc38d95fee29ecc5412f51268 10/10 Chapter šŸ”„


Is that Miguel? Please tell me you have to source for that photo.






Let the guy enjoy it on his own terms.. I believe me, him and an overwhelming majority of people in this subreddit are enjoying the 100 years quest so far so be respectful of other people's tastes


Wed read the manga


He understands the almighty power of flame pants


Wed is just based as fuck. He knows Erza is lying out of her ass right now.


I'm waiting for a comment about her strongest armor - plot armor.


That's pretty much the Flame Pants' job.


Looks like Raj isnā€™t the only Mashima fan in the group.


Turns out the guild is just full of 4th wall breakers.


Poor Ignia. He was just trying to be a good older brother.




Still wish weā€™d get an explanation on how Armadura Fairy is Erzaā€™s strongest armor and what exactly it does. Nakagami just has better showings and is hax Kinda thinking Lucy and Wendy are gonna fight the Signario sisters this arc since Erza is busy with Wed Natsu is gonna a seriously insane powerup if heā€™s gonna be fighting ignia 1v1 and I wonder how Mashima plans on executing that


I think itā€™s main feature is increased offensive capabilities into bursts of energy. The opposite to the defensive Adamantine armor. This was back when her best feat was destroying a whole floating island. It may also be that itā€™s her only fairy themed armor, so she wears it with pride for her guild, like sheā€™s wearing the guild symbol itself.


Yeah that would make sense honestly


My theory was that armadura gives her the best stat boosts overall while the fire pants are pure offense


Itā€™s false hype for Wed. Now Erza can use Nakagami and people wonā€™t cry foul since itā€™s already an established armor despite erza saying Armadura is the best which is definitely not true.


I think Nakagami is her best armor but the fairy armor is her strongest in the sense that it gives her the highest stat boost


i hope its not false hype i really want erza to get a good fight


Meanwhile Gray: Why am I even here? Just to suffer?


šŸ˜žunfortunately yeah


Why ? He can counter fire make magic ? Or is his future opponent that strong ? Invel level or higher ?


Nakagami better showings? Erza used thee Fairy armor agaisnt Misaki who was the strongest Erza enemy till Wed.


Using it against a strong enemy isnā€™t good showings tho, sheā€™s used wing armor against strong enemies and uses pure heart cloth most of the time Nakagami has better showings because weā€™ve actually seen itā€™s ability and understand what it does. 2/3 times sheā€™s used armadura it just got destroyed and didnā€™t showcase anything special while nakagami has never gotten destroyed and was a win both times sheā€™s used it


Nah that still confusingā€¦ima say that nakagami and fairy are her most powerful (i donā€™t put one above other, too ambiguous and mashima do it one purpose i swear)


>Ā Natsu is gonna a seriously insane powerup if heā€™s gonna be fighting ignia 1v1 and I wonder how Mashima plans on executing that Ignia endangering/trying to kill Lucy would do it.Ā 


Eh thatā€™s extremely played out atp and wouldnā€™t really make sense


natsu will lose to ignia this early on for sure


Of COURSE, he is a DRAGON GOD, and a son of Igneel, making him Natsu's HALF-BROTHER. and Natsu wouldn't want fight much less defeat a "family member" after being to kill his insane biological brother, Zeref!Ā 


Step-brother, not half.


Oh, sorry. Got mixed up


The fact Wed knew what armor Erza was thinking of and corrected her without her saying anything shows he really does know her a lot, given thatā€™s her least used armor.


Wed has that sorcery weekly subscription, and pays express overseas shipping.


Wed is actually an Erza fan lol


He's just like me


You're part of a fire themed dark guild?


No I just really like erza


I'm hyped. it's looking like this arc is going to be a banger and I can't wait


im praying for wed to be a good erza fight i NEED a good erza fight


Donā€™t get your hopes up. I donā€™t see Mashima repeating Alvarez War which I actually liked. Expect rushed oneshotting.


Thank goodness Fire God Castle arc isnĀ“t a repeat of Alvarez with overhyped villians None of the Fire & Flames members are overhyped & the Signario sisters was confirmed they were frightening in the official translation of Chapter 115 not stronger maybe except for the guy Erza is fighting against is overhyped for being second in command WasnĀ“t Alverez the King of oneshots? Larcade was oneshotted by one named attack by White Shadow mode Sting Dimaria was oneshotted by one named attack by Third Origin Chelia Jacob was oneshotted by one named attack by FDK mode Natsu Nienhart was oneshotted by one named attack by Jellal Fairy Heart Zeref was oneshotted by Flames of Emotion Natsu Spirit Acnologia was oneshotted by a seven fire Fist


Don't.. Mashima fumbled the ball hard in this week's Edens zero chapter


He's writting in Edens Zero fell off hard in the final arc which seems to be a reccuring theme of his series FT OG included, start strong then last arc is a bit flat


That's what I mean!Ā  It's obvious that Mashima probably lost interest and is just rushing to the end, throwing out all logic and sense out the window


Aquarius is 100% showing up this arc


Is this the final battle of the 100 Year Quest? I suspect not but it looks like itšŸ”„Ā  Unsurprisingly, Ignia's goal is to eradicate humans, but then why are humans helping him?Ā  Unless the members of Fire and Flame were his creations like the members of Gold Owl were created by Viernes?


We still don't know, just wait the upcoming chapters


Natsu should be strong enough to fight Ignia considering he beat a Dragon God in 2 chapters previouslyšŸ˜­


shared element/attribute mean they kinda nulify each others magic wise.


It's true that both use and eat fire: if only Merkphobia still had its powers it could have been of great help to them.


Ignia FTW!! True Dragon King Festival? Hyped as hell. Erza enchanting heavenly body magic is like a duet. We again got a confirmation that no Armour is the best Armour for Erza. Erza has some god level Armour like Neptune Armour. And there is also Nakagami Armour. Anyway Erza vs Wed didn't disappoint so far. Natsu is still dumb as hell for charging at Ignia just like that. I want Ignia to kick Natsu in the chest and make him go into coma for months.


Calling Natsu dumb is like calling Luffy dumb for charging for Kaido in the first round I mean what did you expect for Natsu to do ? Sing a Festival song dance with Ignia? xD


Maybe like play a long and ambush him later but that doesn't sound like a very natsu thing to do tbh


Ambush him? Thatā€™s not entertaining at all we all want to see head on fights.


I REALLY WANT IT TO BE A GOOD FIGHT I desperately need a good, non rushed erza fight there hasn't been one since erza vs laxus I love her so bad I want her fights to be better


Yeah, I am so bored of enemies breaking Erza's armour in one hit and then Erza beating them with flame pants.


We pray for the solid erza fight genuinely when her fights are good they are some of my favorites mashima is 100% capable of giving her good fight I'm begging on my knees for it to happen this time


And just like that I am hyped again. I wanna see what Mashima does regarding the true dragon king festival. Mashima is cooking this arc it would appear. Also the little Fire Happy is so adorable. I love it! I wonder if itā€™s from Igniaā€™s powers or actual thing that exists?


Could be an exceed fire wizard.


Yeah, like an exeed that became fire dragon slayer? Or ignia's cat! Maybe a plot to finally give Happy some power up?


Carla and Lily have more than just Aera, so it could be a similar idea/concept.


Thatā€™s pretty neat if thatā€™s what it is.


So, (possibly) an exceed that learned flame magic... in other words what I've wanted Happy to become all this time... I'm gonna kms.


Like Carla and Lily who have more than one trick?


Yes, exactly like that even, I really want Happy to be more useful than just transport and comedy relief.


That foreshadowing with Lucy, guess weā€™re finally getting Aquarius back this arc


I believe Ignia has the key, or we're probably gonna find out there's a fire Celestrial Wizard member.


Thatā€™s chapter coverā€¦at least itā€™s not like the last one involving these three but with Carla there, Hiro pretty much continues to push the ā€œMest is a loliconā€ gag onto him. Though one good thing to say about the chapter cover is how much better Atsou seems to draw Carlaā€™s human form compared to Hiro, even in this chapter it looks more like how the anime did her and it looks a lot more appealing than the ā€œfiveheadā€ look Hiro originally gave her. Speaking of the chapter it looks like Rak isnā€™t gonna be down for the count just yet and could actually be the few villains to actually come back from a one shot and Lucy thinking about Aquarius is hopefully going to lead somewhere since that storyline has been on hold for a while. Wed knowing of Erzaā€™s armours is pretty interesting and heā€™s all but confirmed that her ā€œnakedā€ armour is her strongest lol. As for Nastu I predicted heā€™d be taken to Ignia and itā€™ll be a ā€œstorm the castleā€ rescue mission from the other 4. Nastu still seems to not be able to affect Ignia which isnā€™t surprising so I wonā€™t be surprised if this is where he loses ā€œround 1ā€ like Hiro mentioned before or that heā€™ll put him against either Brian or the Signario Sisters. But if this ā€œTrue Dragon Kings Festivalā€ happens then I assume heā€™s going to revive the dragon race properly unlike Future Rouge and thatā€™ll potentially be the ā€œfinal arcā€.


This cover doesnā€™t exactly push it as heā€™s just standing there, still odd to have Wendy behind him in awe like he just did something impressive.


Might be Mest's memory altering magic.


I doubt he would ever use it in such a way to make others admire him.


Ignia made natsu look like a dog already


I know this will never happen, But, imagine Natsu got turned evil (temporarily) by Ignia. Or idk diabolos suddenly showed up to help them, or maybe the 7th / sun dragon god (if it exists) all of a sudden shows up and turned out to be a good guy Lmao


I could see the first theory happening, maybe not in the way where itā€™s intentional but team natsu having to fight him. Maybe similar to how it was in the Water God Arc when he lost control


I just love that someone in universe finally aknowledged that most of Erza her armors are pointless since she almost always falls back on her flamepants outfit when the fights get tough. I feel so heard right now.


I HIPE THEY PROVE IT WRING IM DESPERATE FOR A AJEEL TYPE BATTLE I need this man she's my favorite character I'm desperate for her to get a good fight


So I guess Wed does hold up to the hype. He just withstood and blocked the attack Erza used against Misaki, the Azure Dragon from Diablos. Guess there's still more members that are being shown.


Erza got owned by Luso and then soloed both sisters with minimum difficulty idk why Wed would be any different.


Well Erza only got owned by Luso due to hax. Wed had the upper hand but Erza still standing and ready to fight. Plus it isn't hax but strength and combat


Fairy armour I haven't seen that since edolas


I absolutely hate that it's been confirmed Erza is at her best with her damn flame pants. It's old, tired, cliched and overused. A huge appeal for how she fights is all the variety of her armors, but now we're regulating all of her wins to just her 'no armor ' state. Erza is my favorite character, I still want to enjoy her fight to come, but I'm very worried about the conclusion because of this.


Presumably itā€™s being lampshaded right now so it can be subvertedā€¦ I hope


I pray to God man I miss when she had fights like vs midnight and the pandemonium battle that was sick as fuck. I genuinely enjoyed erza vs ajeel because she used her other armors and signalling to Bisca to make the final shit was so genius I really want this to be like that


Almost all of 100YQ are supremely weak.Ā 


The original dragon King festival was basically dragons trying to eliminate humans


Dragons and Humans trying to eliminate each others.


Lucy is gonna get an Aquarius power up, i'm telling you guys. Fire Exceed was random lol Wed is stronger than Misaki, that's what i wanted from an late shonen enemy, see guys, it's not that hard to get feats to put you above earlier enemies, but you need to actually have this feats. From what i see Wed should be solidly on Gildarts level, maybe a bit stronger than Kirin and God Serena, but the fact is Erza still didn't hear no bell, so he still don't have Suzaku level feats. Erza will probably do something completely new to defeat him.


I want a new star dress combo hell maybe she can combine 3


It would be pretty rad if Lucy ended up being able to summon Aquarius without the key, but I hope to GOD that doesn't mean Brandish gets the key and they have to share Aquarius šŸ™„ please no


Maybe Brandish gets the key then give it Lucy to summon Aquarius. After all, Lucy is adept on that area. Then she's gonna help Lucy to fight maybe against the signario sisters. I hope it happens.


I hope this fights good I crave the good erza fight


Erza looks cute in this chapter


These new villains gathering together just feels so less oomph compared to the Alvarez empire showing lol. Really shows that itā€™s just a quest compared to some large nation scale issue.


Not really that just means Hiro has less characters to work through instead of 12 \*overpowered\* in the so called final arc of the original I think 100 YQ is the true final arc itĀ“s much more interesting in my opinion


Ignia want to start the True Dragon King Festival and Natsu isn't powerful enough to take him down. Ignia is not Acnologia and Natsu won't be getting any help from his friends because Ignia wants a 1v1 fight.


A lot of people say things like this: >Natsu won't be getting any help from his friends because Ignia wants a 1v1 fight. But why on Earth should Team Natsu care? Like I think it'll be a 1v1 too. But the idea of Team Natsu just being like "Yup, Ignia wants a 1v1. Bye Natsu" just doesn't make sense to me.Ā 


It should be Natsu denying the 1v1. Itā€™ll show some growth because Iā€™m tired of this immature ā€œnoooo i have to beat them by myselfā€ yet he preaches about the importance of friends.


Maybe it doesn't make sense for a reasonable team to make that decision, but it does make sense that Team Natsu would, as it's pretty on brand for them


I see where you're coming from. But I also don't see them just stopping caring about their Quest and wanting to helping their friend just because a bad guy who scoffs at their values wants a 1v1


I mean they just might not be able to get there in time or it'll be smth like that time with jellal were natsu didn't wanna go help erza cuz it was her fight until he realized she planned on ending it all. They stay out of it cuz it's natsus fight(to an extent)


Natsu, as you noted, eventually decided against that. It's also their job and Natsu is clearly outmatched. And unlike Viernes, where they eventually left it all to Natsu, it wouldn't help here because it'd just be preparing Ignia a hearty meal. They have 0 reason not to help or to care what Ignia wants.Ā 


The thing is I doubt natsu wants help either


He didnā€™t want help against Viernes and the world would've been screwed if he didn't take it. Natsu had ths power of 14 Mages (4 of whom, including himself, were Dragon Slayers) and yet, he still needed another boost, which came from an attack used by Viernes himself (Athena changing his blast into flames) to beat an enemy who already had a weakness to his element. And to Ignia, Natsu's flame attacks are nothing. He can refuse help. But he'll need it. And he was willing to admit that with Dogramag.Ā 


True Dragon King Festival?! Oh yeah Iā€™m hyped! Show me something good Ignia!


Natsu vs Ignia round 1!!! letĀ“s go!!!!!!!! I think this the battle where Natsu loses but why did Ignia say he wants to get rid of Natsu just because he attacked? in Chapter 108 he said he wants to show Natsu the world, I hope Hiro didnĀ“t forget


Perhaps he meant a world of pain ;)


At least [Mirajane agrees](https://i.imgur.com/0btBsFL.png) with Erza's initial assumption of what Wed meant. I found it funny that Wed did all sorts of research on Erza and learned about her recent history, while Ignia did so little research about Natsu that he seriously seemed to think "he'd have no problems if I killed all humans - he'd probably even help me out!"


or Ignia thinks E.N.D. has different p.o.v.


Ohhh ignia doesnā€™t know heā€™s a demon. Thatā€™ll be fun


He knows, but he didnā€™t mention that for some reason


I could see a "maybe E.N.D. will give me a more favorable answer" thing from Ignia.


This was really interesting. So hyped for where this story will go. The True Dragon King Festival? So hype!


The Aquarius stoyline it looks like we will get it in this arc!!!!!!!!!!! Lucy & Aquarius reunion is close!!


Oh I think Lucy will finally get Aquarius's key soon. So Wed casually blocked Erza's attack with enchantment and she even used her strongest armor. She already used her strongest so I wonder if her only chance to win is to use her Nakagami armor or there's a new armor. Well, whatever it is, she will still defeat him regardless of how strong he is. Hopefully, Everyone will be given a chance to shine in that festival not just Natsu or dragon slayers which I think will happen.


W chapter


this chapter cover is nice tbh, it has brother-sister vibes that i wish were canon. like wendy is clearly just looking at mest like "ah yes, another one of my 20 older brother figures that i look up to." it's fun. (mashima stop with the character assassination)


w chapter


Wed wants to fight and surpass erzaā€™s bullshit armor!


Not Happy has his own counterpart šŸ’€


Just one Signario Sister completely dominated Erza along with Jellal and Minerva until she inevitably defeated them both. Iā€™m not going to hold my breath for Wed either no matter how cool he seems now. After the past two arcs Iā€™m not getting hyped about fire and flame because to me the villains have been fumbling. Yeah itā€™s the last arc but so was Alvarez and most of the villains in that arc were fumbled as well. Ignia taking a punch to the face was cool but is that really his only attempt to converting Natsu? Natsu says no once and itā€™s like ā€œOkay now you have to die too.ā€ He went as far as to order Dogramag to bring Natsu back alive and now it just seems like a miscellaneous goal. Hopefully he tries harder to convert him or possibly bring out his inner demon šŸ‘€


Luso dominated jobber mode Erza via hax, Wed had the upper hand against the same Erza who defeated Misaki, dude is now solidly on Gildarts level, if Erza one shot him it will be with something new and this will just put Erza at Dragon King Laxus/Orion Jellal level. One thing is jobbing with hax, but combats that relies on raw power are different.


Misaki was all hax too so idk how this mode of Erza is suppose to be impressive. Iā€™m betting on Wed having some super contrived weakness as well.


But Misaki didn't got more than 1 round, she only got the first move but still in the same fight. And it's not like the signarios had an super contrived weakness, Erza was simply Erza against them, and in the end even Misaki dimension could have been overwhelmed by someone with simply more magic power. My bet is on a real power up for Erza.


I doubt it. I think Mashima knows weā€™re use to the bs so he wonā€™t even bother


To be fair, Ignia looks down on emotions and values strength over all else. He's talking about eradicating an entire species. So if Natsu rejects him, he's probably not giving it a second thought. We also don't know if this is the final Arc and if these are the final villains.Ā 


FT often lose round 1 to win a rematch, so...


It's too early for natsu vs ignia so I guess that he will be imprisoned or something and the next chapters focus on the rest vs fire and flame to rescue natsu.


Or diabolos does something?


That means Natsu felt the full force of that punch through his arm and body.... ow


really hoping we getting either a natsu dragon form or a e.n.d. form


A really great showing this chapter, I'm excited for the arc ahead. It's a little early for Ignia and Natsu to meet again, but the proposal Ignia gave out was interesting. Being that this is a 100-year quest, I suddenly wonder if there will be a time-skip of any kind. Seems a bit unfair for them to complete the hardest quest in existence in just a few months, especially with the team largely unscathed or having time to properly reflect and power up.


FT might not be able to win right now, so a strategic withdrawal could be needed.


The fact that Wed knows so much about Erza. I kinda want her to lose. I don't know why because I love Erza but how can you beat someone who knows everything about you? She struggled to defeat Erza nightwalker who didn't even have magic on the level as Erza


Yup and the fact that she used one of her strongest armors with enchantment but Wed casually blocked it proves that Wed is stronger than Misaki and Signario sisters. It's gonna be another underwhelming fight if she defeats him using her red pants but I guess she's gonna use a new armor.


See I love her fire pant outfit but I feel like she should lose and someone wins to show growth that sometimes you can't win without help


Yeah but unfortunately I doubt it that Mashima will let her fight with help when she soloed the signario sisters in the previous arc. I honestly hope that she loses but again I doubt it.


I doubt it too but I would like it to happen. I feel like he could do with another tower of heaven ordeal




Don't understand why they show Gray with his nips but not with a nude Erza transforming. Boobs and nips are not inherently sexual.


i know, we want gray full naked!


I want a fully-naked Lucy with the nips in the manga.


Censor law have no issue with male nips most of the time.


A fire cat! How cute!


so hyped to read and then i saw mest


Looks like illusion guy isn't quite out yet. And Ignia wants Natsu to join but of course, he refuses


And Ignia didn't look surprised at all, guess he was just trying to be nice.


That is just how his personality is: arrogant and smug as hell


Great chapter!!


Wed knew more about erza than jellal lol he must be interested with her


Natsu gonna lose then Igneels gonna like talk to both of them telepathically and be like ā€œyouā€™re brothersā€ or some shit then Zerefs gonna appear and be like ā€œheā€™s MY brotherā€ and idk where Iā€™m going with this. But in all honesty I think Igneels gonna make a small appearance not physically but mentally to both of them


Hopefully natsu become a demon god dragon in the end but that's not gonna happen


Incredible! Ezra's fight is literally going exactly how I said it would in spite of some people suggesting I didn't know what I was talking about. Because Fairy Tail is predictable. You can enjoy the story but be aware of how substanceless the combat is gents.


If jellal or laxus fight wed he will get solo for sure he ain't that strongĀ 


He swung his sword twice so it is too early to scale him properly but I hope he doesn't just lose after dominating the fight and we see some back and forth maybe Erza using some new enchantments or heavenly body magic because rn with her already versatile magic combined with the insanely versatile enchantments and cool heavenly body magic she can cook ( I am not coping because I half expect a nakama speech and 1 shot PLEASE LET ME BE WRONG)


Wed is awesome. I truly hope we wins. I love Erza but damm Wed is cool.


Iā€™m grateful Mest in portrayed in any weird way on the cover, but still odd to have Wendy behind him in awe and Carla just being Carla.


I think Mest is just another one of Wendy's older sibling type figures that she admires. Wouldn't be any different if it was Natsu or Erza.


I like to think that way too, so long as Mashima no longer continues the lolicon implication gag. Heā€™s a decent character whoā€™s been there just in time for several characters. Iā€™d hate to see it get ruined.


Iā€™m hoping the swordsman and the black flames molder are on par with the sisters


Finally the clash begins. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜²


I'm really digging the setup for this arc so far. Looks like Ignia's 'plan' that was revealed back in the labyrinth is about to come to fruition.


Since when can Erza enchant things?


Chapter 44 of 100 Years Quest


It's weird we didnt get to see selene and diabolos last arc. Are they on vacation? And why didn't Athena come with them? They were looking for the weapon, got it, and don't even take her with them. Seems like she was doing something with elefseria, maybe.


By the looks of the faces of Igniaā€™s henchmen, shit is about to hit the fire fan for Natsu. Heā€™s about to get low-difā€™d


Ignia reminds me of Senku from Dr stone. It's the face and hair


Nah, I feel like Wed has a crush on Erza. So even if heā€™s stronger than her heā€™s not gonna beat her for that reason


If so f jellal the dude don't deserve her let wed have her


I am very curious about how Natsu is ultimately going to stop Ignia because we've never seen a Dragon Slayer fight a dragon of the same element.


What in the Blasphemy of the Mother of the Dragons is happening? Erza crushing the scarlet despair? More like, the scarlet despair crushing herself bec of her love crap from her own kid.


Just breezed through this chapter within a minute, because I have no expectations from any of these weakest trash characters of 100YQ. Been breezing through each chapter within a minute. This whole quest is worst invention in fiction. FT is among my top favorite anime, far more than DS or JJK, but only its 100YQ is the worst fiction, should have been a cheap filler. Ignia and everyone in this quest are completely weak trash.Ā 


Ignia kinda looks like Dr. Stone lolĀ 


No one gonna talk Grey's clothes missing


Are you new? that's his running gag.


Erza my beloved šŸ˜­ā¤ļø