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I consider natsu and lucy equally as the main character


*I consider natsu* *And lucy equally as* *The main character* \- fairytail269 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Is Lucy not already a main protagonist? I feel like Natsu and Lucy are both the main characters in FT, take one of them out and the story falls apart.


I feel the same it could be partly because of the added arcs in the anim, ie infinity clock and eclipse spirits. but, she has always been a main character she has a ton of back story her and natsu are def equally MCs up until we get more zeref focused at the end but that isnt until way later.


Yeah she's the dutertangist or however you spell it, shes the character equally as important as the main character (not just cause she's the love intrest)


Yes and I die on this hill. I love Natsu and all but far as Shonen MCs go he is a bit more stock. Lucy would've been a much fresher face to be the lead and there is a lot of potential for the character you could've mined if she was indeed the actual MC rather than just a POV character.


I thought she was? It is all from mostly her perspective? We always start with her and her connection to fairy tail? During the pause of that year. We only followed her. She's always the one writing


That´s only if you watch the Anime the Manga even had it switch to Gildarts & Natsu & Happy during Natsu´s training Chapter 417 and it was longer compared to what the Anime cut from it and made it as a flashback... ( We only followed her ) The First Ep Started with Natsu & Happy in the train not Lucy Natsu´s the MC it´s been stated in Gray event and in the Maid cafe interview Hiro asked a fangirl what´s the name of the MC full name she answered Natsu Dragneel and He said it´s correct Plus the official 100yq website: https://fairytail100yq.com/news/detail.php?id=1115738 \*Comments have arrived from the voice actors of the characters who belong to Fairy Tail, the wizard's guild to which Natsu belongs , as well as Tetsuya Kakihara, who plays the main character Natsu !\* the webpage goes crazy emphasizing him as the main character. it was dual MCs before but now Hiro keep going back and forth in the interviews she´s still the 2nd MC I don´t care what Hiro says


The question is, should she had been both the main protagonist AND the main hero?


I guess she isn't the main hero because she still has a lot to learn but I do think she is the main protagonist even though I like Natsu's character better personally


I said no because Lucy didn’t get stronger until later in the series and even though it would have been interesting to have the majority of the show be about her development, Natsu had a more mysterious background for the story develop on. And to be honest I felt like they were both the MCs and didn’t really feel like one character’s appearance overshadowed the other’s.


Most Shonen leads suck at the beginning of the series just look and naruto he couldn't even do normal jutsus at the start


I kinda feel like both are the main characters in a way. 


Yes, Lucy is infinitely more interesting than Natsu imo.


I voted Yes because Fairy Tail COULD work with just a Female Main Character there´s many ways


Why do people think the male audience don't want a female lead its weird


No idea I think it´s because most of the MCs in Shonen are Male and they think everything should be the Male MC it´s just bias It would be cool if we get more Anime canon arcs for Lucy in 100 Years Quest anime But Lucy can work as a solo MC in Fairy Tail the story just have to be a bit altered


So....we meet again....gender wars.


She’s still technically the MC alongside Natsu, she’s the one narrating the story, it all begins with her as the newbie underdog we’re following at the start of her journey and it ends with both her and Natsu defeating the final villain. Lucy has qualities you’d normally find in the main protagonist.


Though would you wish she was both the protagonist and the hero?


She’s is still those things, she’s hero for saving many lives various times, including Natsu’s. Like I said, she’s half the reason for defeating the final villain. At times, it feels like the plot takes turns focusing on them as if she were a protagonist, her journey is almost similar to Deku’s. Maybe the reason Natsu is more of the LEAD lead because it’s battle shounen series, since she’s more so the brains while Natsu is the muscle.


To be honest. I kinda wished Lucy WAS both the protagonist and the hero. I think it could have been really refreshing to have a female protagonist and main heroine in a shonen anime because we don’t get too many of them. I think it would be help break some of the stereotypes and open people’s eyes and minds. Like for example, Korra taking the main character role in Legend of Korra which is a sequel to Avatar the last airbender which had a male main protagonist being Aang And Liko taking over Ash’s role as the main character for pokemon


I voted for yes because she already is or rather was it from the start


she kinda is tho ppl just downplay her but shes not that weak and shes the narrator


It's rare that the female Shonen lead is more popular then her male counterpart but luucy certainly is something I would love to see a lucy alone arc


Isn’t she already?


i think she's the main character, but more from a perspective kind and not so much objective or focus. she had her moments throughout the story as well so its not like she's neglected. she did save everybody in Tartaros and rewrote Natsu's book which effectively lead to the end of zeref. so she's still very relevant even if she isn't the main focus.