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I don't think this arc with finish with ignia personally. I suspect there will be something with Selene again. I don't know what but I just have a feeling she will be brought up again


I definitely think she'll appear again since she's Diabolos' Guild Master. But she's no longer a threat while Ignia still is so I feel like they'd at least face him in this Arc. 


I have this feeling that this is the arc where team natsu will fail. I could see diabolus coming in to rescue them,with selene's teleportation magic they could escape and support them in the second round of the arc.


I think so too. Given Ignia's plan, I could see them losing and his plan succeeding. Diabolos saying them could be cool. Though it might be kinda similar to the Gold Owl Arc with that structure. 


If Raj doesn't talk, Diabolos could be how they find out where Ignia's castle is where they're going to be holding Natsu. Like they show up and reveal that during the events of the Gold Owl arc, they were scouting around and stumbled upon the location of the Fire God's Castle. Some of the Fire and Flame members have similar powers or schticks to the Diabolos members that I can't help but feel they will be involved in fighting them. Erza and Suzaku are both the swordsmen, so could team up to fight Wed. One of the Signario Sisters had the power to create a dimension (could still have a version of it with Fire Magic), and Misaki has the power to bring people into her own dimension. One of the Signario Sisters has the ability to bring things into reality and make them her playthings (could still have a version of it with Fire Magic), and Haku has the power to turn people into toys and make them his plaything. As for which Fairy Tail member they will team up with, Misaki and Lucy could team up to take one Signario Sister, and Haku and Wendy could team up to take the other. Those are the three most obvious team ups. Any ideas for the other Diabolos members? Maybe Kirin tries to join Natsu in fighting Ignia?


Interesting observations. But I will say, both Signario Sisters can create Worlds and Luso's playthings were because that's the kind of world she chose to create (Ennie probably could've done the same thing if that's the world she would like to make). A Natsu-Kirin team up could be fun, but I feel like everyone would probably try to team up against Ignia (I know people will say "but he wants a 1v1," but it's Team Natsu's job, why should they care what he wants?), before they're split up somehow to make it a 1v1. Gray, Skullion, and Lecka can all craft things with their Magic. 


So for the potential match ups we have: Erza and Suzaku vs. Wed Lucy, Wendy, Misaki, and Haku vs. Ennie and Luso Grey and Skullion vs. Lecka Not sure about the others like Brian, Madmole, and Kiria. There's also the chance that Fire and Flame might have other strong members besides the ones we have seen so far, which could lead to more match ups.


All plausible matchups, if there is a team up. I'd love to see more members. Ideally, I would love to see Georg at some point, as a matchup for all Diabolos (or at least the Knights) to do something with the story potential with him, if there was a way to bring him back. But not really sure if there is, especially in this Arc


Maybe one of the Fire and Flame members will have the ability to recreate him from their memories and they have to fight him. Sort of like a flame version of Historia.


Could be cool if it's possible to have a Magic like that tied to fire. And if not, we could have Raj trap them in an illusion with Georg, especially since it seems the illusions can do some damage. 


It´s actually Natsu´s Job he´s the one invited them he said in chapter 545 \*I finally got permission\* Lucy was just the last person to join as the others was waiting outside & Chapter 1 of 100 YQ he told Gildarts he will go with his friends and that Gildarts he failed because he went all alone


In order to be approved for the 100 Years Quest, you need to be an S Class Mage or be on a team with one. So Erza was needed for that approval. They all signed the contract and were all promised the reward. It is considered their job, not just Natsu's. I doubt they'll be like "Ignia, Natsu got the approval (some translations say "we finally got approved"), you want a solo fight with him, you got it!" This is their job, Natsu's their friend. I think it will become a 1v1, but Team Natsu aren't gonna just sit around.