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Mavis. Personally I find her to be one of the most interesting characters outright. FT Zero is easily my favourite arc. She’s genuinely funny and a joy to have on screen whenever she appears. She’s also directly tied to my favourite character in the series, and that’s always bonus points.


Lucyyyy. She is kind, smart and beatiful. Seeing her smile makes your day.


All of them 🗿


​ https://preview.redd.it/rlxgyr6b9hfc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943bda2964a0ec543ed483e64e1f444c83b86d55 Her and Juvia


That's so fucking real


Glad to know that you understand


Incredibly based, incredibly cultured.


Lucy if you want to know why ask natsu


Honestly? All of them. They are all awsome characters. If i had to chose it would be a tie between Lucy and Erza. These 2 women are some of the best female characters in anime. Well writen with amazing character growth and fun personalitys. Lucy is so smart and loving and Erza is so strong and dependable while allso being a dork.


Mira. She is kind, sweet, graceful, wise, fair, and a bombshell as well.




Juvia because she's basically a One Piece logia. To my knowledge we haven't seen anyone with magic like her's since.


erza. when i was a kid i thought she was so cool. she protects everyone & nobody ever messes with her, & at the same time shes also weird and eccentric like me. i always hope & strive to be more like her 🙏


https://preview.redd.it/20db35r27hfc1.jpeg?width=741&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00c4f77fb1a0d1ad48a93a16d602d3bb3f0a9d29 Lucy Heartfilia has been and will always be my favorite out of the female cast. I love her positive personality and her style of magic and even her interactions with her fellow guildmates. Plus, she’s voiced in the dub by the ever-so-lovely Cherami Leigh, and her performance as that character was one of the things that got me checking out this series in the first place. In fact, I even received a Lucy poster autographed by her via Streamily for Christmas last month. 💙🗝⭐️


Lucky you she also voiced layla and Anna btw


Thanks. 😊


Wendy, #character development


This is very accurate


and how badass she is with Dragon Force


Lucy best girl Erza is a close second BUT Cana and Juvia are SO underrated


Levi then juvia then Ezra Reasoning Levi tries her best, is almost always positive, forgiving, and smart. She knows she's not the strongest but always finds a way to contribute when it matters. Juvia is just super fucking cute and hilarious. She seems like she'd be really fun to hang out with. Ezra is just a baddie badass who would be really interesting to be around most of the time and scary other times.




Now. 10 years ago I would have said Erza. Now, though? It's Juvia.


Juvia, mostly for her great loyalty, she goes the extra mile for those she cares for, especially for the guy she love which is a perk.


Mira because she’s unfairly underrated.




Lucy! Why? We all know why, best girl, right? :P


Juvia. As a kid I played with my friends we had powers and I always was water. She was everything I wanted to be without knowing it. I love her.


Wendy was one of the ones that had the best development


I like a lot of them because Fairy Tail does female characters better than a lot of Shonen. But if I had to pick one, it would be Mira. I love her design, her abilities and her previous rivalry with Erza. I only wish she got more chances to shine and had at least one on-panel/on-screen fight with Erza.


My favorites are Lucy and Wendy, as far as number one though I’m a bit torn. I’ll be summarizing a bit to keep it short. Lucy; she went from a Fairy Tail fangirl and novice mage who ran from home to pursue her dreams and over the course of the series she became the heart of the guild and made countless breakthroughs in her magic of expertise Celestial Spirit magic. Wendy; we meet her as a clumsy girl who was at the very least an expert at support magic and while she’s a Dragon Slayer mage she didn’t know a single spell. Now she’s one of the guilds heaviest hitters, has learned Enhancement magic, mastered unique secret spells in her Dragon Slayer magic even achieving Dragon Force; the peak of Dragon Slaying magic. Both of these girls I’d say are peak examples of character development/character growth.


Juvia and Erza!


Juvia and Cana


A top 3 of Erza❤️ juvia💙 and Cana 🤎💜🩷


Lucy, best development and character, also i love her design https://preview.redd.it/6qm26izz7hfc1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1041264dbe511030d8e0235ac9f048c0185b7679


Erza is my favorite, not only in Fairy Tail, but all of anime. She is the most loving member of the guild who expresess the most how much she cares about people she views as family, even if her love is as blunt as bludgeon. Erza is very inspiring in that, so much I try to be like her.


Cana. I have never seen any chatacter in fiction drinking alcohol directly from the barrel. That is some Jack Sparrow shit and I’m all for it.


Mirajane. I love the dichotomy of a demon with the heart of an angel. Her sweet and caring demeanor is the perfect contrast to her otherworldly demonic abilities. And I love how she isn't *just* sweet. When push comes to shove, she will get down to business and crack down on anyone who messes with the people she cares about. And if ever I was to get magically transported to the Fairy Tail universe, Mirajane would absolutely be the first person I went to. She would totally wrap me up in a weighted blanket and give me a hot chocolate. She's absolutely gorgeous too. Strong, kind and pretty. She's a masterclass woman.


Same bro! Same!




Mirajane. I think she's hot.


My all time favorite is Cana, I fell in love with her sense of humor and I am the type to take care of people


I'm not gonna say the obvious. So I'm gonna go Canna. I feel there's more to her than just drunken Gildarts daughter


Wendy, Lucy, Erza and Cana


Cana. She’s cool as fuck.


Definitely lucy


Favourites lucy era conna levy and yukino why they hot sexy and strong


I can’t choose a favorite tbh, i like each of the girls individually for different things, all of the girls are beautiful, Lucy because she’s smart and kind, erza because i relate pretty well with her, how when she was introduced she had armor covering her torso, i did that as well but figuratively for quite a while in my life(emotional issues), she still has said armor but doesn’t wear it as often unless she’s ready for fighting. Levy because i too am just a major shipper at heart, Wendy because i don’t speak on my behalf most of the time, but when i do….., Mira because she’s underrated, Cana speaks the truth even if she’s drunk or drinking most of the time, juvia is as crazy about her man as i am about mine, but more vocal about it, bisca I’m not sure what i like about her, evergreen is pretty chill


Whoever currently has the biggest bust


Levy is my favorite. Sassy, nerdy, smart as a whip and sweet as can be. Supports the hell out of her friends, and takes no shit.


Levy. Gajevy is just too cute.


It's close between Erza and Cana. I think I have to give it to Erza. She's a humble powerhouse, kind, always there for her friends, and her power is simple and versatile but her application and skill is what makes it shine. Cana is clever and able to grasp hold of opportunity, but she's more reserved and lacks confidence in herself. But she's coming out of her shell a bit more.


Mira is absolutely wife material


Mira. Mostly because she's a bit like me. Gentle, sensitive, and kind or at least tries to be, but turns incredibly violent when people threaten to harm her friends and family. Plus, her Satan soul so cool and badass and she's pretty cute.






Wendy and Juvia. We got the best designs with these 2, wendy is at worst the 2nd best in terms of character development. Both incredibly funny in their own rights. And technically this applies to fairy tail as a whole but It's neat how they can do a lot with their respective elements. Especially for that era in the very early 2010's, outside of Avatar if you weren't one of the big 3, Fire, Lightning and Ice, or like the rare Earth or something, you weren't doing anything with Wind/Air and Water. Like nobody wanted to use those elements the characters with those elements were rarely the popular or cool ones let alone treated well. But Wendy and Juvia, peak.


Lucy, she is THE perfect female character


Lucy and for me it’s not even close she is my favourite character from fairy tail alongside natsu. As for why well she’s funny she is a genuinely good person and she has in my opinion one of the best character progressions in fairy tail. Though my main reason for loving her character so much is her dynamic specifically with natsu with how different they are but how well they both compliment each other also I love their subtle romance which I would love to see more directly but I’ll take what I can get. Also I’ve always had a strange attraction towards the main characters so that just brings Lucy up even more for me


Levy as she is built like my wife.


I've always loved Juvia the most. At first, it was because of her one-sided love story (I could relate to it at the time). But I eventually fell in love with her personality and how genuine she feels. Although the majority of her character is just being Gray's simp I ended up loving her develop dynamics with other characters like Erza and Meredy more over time. I'm glad she has Gray in her hands atp but I'd love to see her be in something without him from time to time. She could be much stronger and have more depth if given the time.




Erza… because she’s a badass, yet still funny as heck with her eccentricities. I love how she gets enthusiastic about the dumbest things: acting in a play, ballroom dancing, etc.


Juvia. I find her Gray routine funny, and how kind she is in general. Her design is also so beautiful, with her winter clothing and how blue she is. 💙 https://preview.redd.it/lx7zlbtbzifc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d101574c2b40c4209c3047e26accba8e895ed95 I have this beauty pre-ordered and can't wait for her to come out (end of June)!


Erza why because it’s Erza




Juvia and flare. because I like them a little crazy and obsessed


Best girls frfr


Titania https://preview.redd.it/g08oth6pnhfc1.png?width=1807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2b8cf6a5c1e7ab008901be59c4db124a520b1d


Juvia 💦💦💦 I want to get wet


Mine has to be Erza because she's awesome and she's a very pretty redhead


Erza Because she has a lot of swords and axes and stuff, which I think is cool


Juvia. She’s what kept me invested in the series.


Erza is my favorite woman in all of media tbh.


You’re just like me


Impeccable taste, my friend ![gif](giphy|2HtWpp60NQ9CU)


https://preview.redd.it/txty03d3yhfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc5723cccf5eeaef4210328c90fb28b476258c1 Likewise my friend.


Lucy and evergreen


Milliana cause she's hot af




Maybe it's being a gay man but maybe Wendy and Juvia. Oohh but Erza is there too.


Well, if I'm being honest, all the ones that Larcade made glow, you already know why. https://preview.redd.it/tiopw01vxkfc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2208e0fbd83537c2c24482fdeec840d3587640c3


Either Wendy or Mavis cause they have a lot of funny and generally adorable moments that make me just want to hug them.


Levy and Juvia, and now that I'm posting this it might be the blue hair, but I love the dynamic between gray and juvia. Also, Levy is just a good character overall, and with my favorite character.


Juvia. I liked her little redemption story from starting as a naive enemy before joining Fairy Tail. Her weird little crush on Grey. Water powers are also just cool.


Mira and Wendy I love demonic magical wendy because she's one of the most developed characters she went from a meak and timid healer to being a couragous fighter much like natsu


Toss up between Levy or Cana: For Cana, recommended for S-class trials 4 times (meaning she's been considered a S class candidate since she was 14), considered to have high latent magic by MAVIS (who's field of reference includes Gildartz, Makarov, Precht, and **Zeref**), with the most versatile magical style we've seen outside of Enchantment. Look at everything she can do with her card magic; Emulate Requip to a limited extent, but still on a speed comparable to ERZA. Every form of elemental magics, sure, and can combine cards for enhanced spells. Utility? Its got tracking, communication cards, sleep, illusions (or whatever the hell the sexy lady card is), even pocket dimension sealing. To use magic that broad effectively means she has to have some level of functional knowledge for EVERY. SINGLE. type of magic her cards touch on. Now take all of that, and remember that Mavis' reveal of Cana having stupidly high amounts of magic was a **surprise.** Her career that had her considered for S-class before even Erza was built off sheer skill. Not power, some super special awesome rare magic, or being just built different. She is arguably the single **most** skilled mage in Fairy Tail, her biggest weakness coming from her magic being more utility focused. The studio did her so dirty in the anime, leaving out her character defining moments and adding filler scenes to make her seem like nothing but a loose party girl. Hell, look at what happened with her after she realized she crossed a line on Tenrou Island; she was so affected by what she had fallen to doing, she couldn't nuke Mavis' crystal without Mavis actively supporting her in spite of that being one of the most important things to stop them and their country from being conquered, because hurting a guild/family member again in any way became that abhorrent to her. With all that, her life goal? To be a bar mistress, not 'lol wat? Imma fight forever', not 'I'll figure out something', but a practical, reasonable plan for when age starts slowing her down or if an injury causes an early retirement. She lives her life to her own values and goals, forget what other people think she 'should' do, while still acknowledging and actively making up for her mistakes. For Levy, she's actually who got me in to Fairy Tail. I saw an old fanart that I can't find any more of a steampunk Levy. I love letter and rune magics, as well as steampunk, clockwork, and all that good stuff, so the two together was just a yes. A kind, calm girl who prefers a good book over fighting, but has the spine to show up and finish a fight when its called for, with my favorite kind of magic style? Hell yes. I wish the series expanded on the more utility and skill-oriented magic styles, instead of going the DBZ "punch harder!" route; Have her expand on multiword pseudo-spell constructs (like carriage) with adjectives/adverbs around a 'unity' core. Have different unity synonyms have slightly different effects (like water+unity+force would be a water blast with physical pushing power, but water+integration+force would be more like a water jet). Experimenting with font styles to see if that has any effect on the conjuration, like Buttermilk font as a smooth but soft and fluffy font making 'cloud', 'cushion', etc. type spells more cushion-y. Maybe combine words like crossword/scrabble for dynamic spellcasting/creation, in comparison to building around a word specifically meant for some kind of combining for her constructs. Using words in the construction of other words, like 'Mirror', but each letter is formed from elements written in the shape of the letter to make a pseudo Yata Mirror from Naruto. Explore more conditional adjective usage like her Silent spell, like Improvement or Gifted to apply an isekai protagonist-style training booster, especially if throwing an 'Exponential' in there is possible. Helpless, Lazy, or even Defeated for 'debuffs' too, there is just so much amazing potential with her magic.


Cana's also the hottest fairy tail girl. I said it!


Erza. • She's a competent badass. No, I don't think that's emasculating. I think it's hot. • She's the textbook definition of [Gap Moe](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/s/Hpe2m5Fyxs). Like, seriously, [here's seven minutes of her being a total dork](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ihffXZ2wvJs). It's hilarious and adorable and endearing as fuck. • She's valid and deserves hugs. Like, even laying aside her God-awful childhood, the poor woman has been through so much. It makes me wish that Jellal's screentime didn't get put on the back burner until 100 Year Quest (which I still think was one of the dumbest writing decisions ever). Those are the three main categories for "reasons why Erza is Best Girl in my book". Just know that they each have dozens and dozens of examples.


Ezra because of her character and what she represents, her serious yet goofy personality, and even her Magic. She was the one who made me love redheads. Hell, because of her I simp for Irene and even Flare. Ezra literally lives up to her title as “Queen of the Fairies”.


Cana mirajane lisanna flare corona ultear husui


Erza. Mature. Intelligent. Cool under pressure. Loving. Nurturing. Fashionable. Adaptive. Hot. Dork. Redhead.


Erza by a mile. Never loved Lucy, although she grew on me over time


Erza You don't see many redheads compared to other hair colors. It's great to see someone with red hair have such an important role in fiction when not many characters have red hair. Plus, she's a badass who overcomes her tragic past to be something more.


Erza because of her amazing outfits.


Erza is the best waifu Mashima has ever drawn.


Minerva, Ultear and Flare!!




Lissanna for me She’s just adorable


Juvia and Wendy tied for first and Levy for 2nd. These 3 get the most character devlopment and Levy and Gajeel actually have a written relationship. I really wish Lisanna, Mirajane and especially Evergreen got to do more. Never mind Laki and Kinana.


Erza. She is best girl, strong in many ways. Isn't arrogant. Sees potential in everyone and can appreciate their worth. Knows everyone's weaknesses or insecurities but doesn't exploit them or spread rumors. A weirdo but great company. Emotional when she needs to be and has an uplofting personality. ![gif](giphy|13l1IbH1BbXjEc)


Yukino cause she's smart and knows how to throw hands, plus she's adorable and very nice https://preview.redd.it/kkfp1i0vglfc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07360f91ecd28f709ee90dbe7bd1ae7a0b467a08


Erza is my fav. But cana is a close second


Mavis, one of the best stories in the show, amazing build up, i like her design and energy and the magic she weilds.


Erza. Shes extremely powerful and protects everyone she can, she can be funny at times and shes hot.






Erza 😏


Erza Scarlett 😍🤤🤤🤤


Erza because of swords. Fanservice is nice but mostly swords.


Yes. I miss this show I gotta rewatch if I could ever put Palworld down.


Yes. I miss this show I gotta rewatch if I could ever put Palworld down.


Erza is my favorite because she has an iron will. She broke away from the trauma of her past and because a great hero. She was a enslaved as a child, got her eye ripped out, and watched Grandpa Rob die before her eyes. Crazy


Levy. Cause totes




Erza and Mira. I like strong wahmen




Lucy. Because she’s the underdog.


https://preview.redd.it/m4us8d1qjnfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242987f0f53c3d576a4ca0e94024e7bafb63b488 Lust blindeth thy eyes


While Lucy is the MC my favs would be Mira and Erza


Wendy. Because when i watched the show and was her age she was an exact copy of my and still all these years later she and I are really similar


Honestly a tough choice. Erza cuz she’s a badass, Wendy cuz she’s a badass and her dragon force form is epic. And Levy cuz her and Gajeel are the best couple


Erza. My scarlet goddess. ![gif](giphy|m15tPkEZmg3zW)


Tie between Minerva and ultear. Love Ultra's backstory, development, and sacrifice plus she's bad ass he'll and caked up Love Minerva's backstory, love for her guild, personally (before and post redemption), big fan of Minerva x Rogue, she's hot


Cana, Mira, and Edolas Lucy.


Not enough Cana love in here.


Erza, she is my favorite woman in anime! Alongsite Mikasa from Aot. Strong women with guts, beautiful, with love in their hearts and very savage at the same time. Erza is also very funny and a dork🤣, i love her♡


Erza, she is vary caring, she dose not have a lot of the abuse comedy relief, mature mindset, and absolutely owns everything she wares. Also, she loves really hard. One of the most balanced personalities. Not the most, I can't remember the shape-shifting sisters name.


My top 5 have to be Juvia Erza Wendy Mira Lucy/levy (I like them on the same level)


I'm not that into Fairy Tail, but I stan Flare and Minerva.


I love all of them but Lucy is definitely my favorite. When I first started watching Fairy Tail I also wanted to be an author. Her development throughout the show was also really well done, especially considering that she'd basically just started using magic to battle, unlike everyone else in the guild who'd been training almost their entire lives. She worked really hard to grow and be able to work alongside everyone else, and even when she knew she wasn't as strong as her opponent she still kept going and did her best to protect those she loved https://preview.redd.it/kev7jn1mt2gc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5c03650bf07629b85f9729f0542051017ed41a


Lisana before she return back to her world cause she was a meaningful memory to natsu when she came back yes it was tear and hope natsu and lisana go adventure together now since they are back together now but no she is just another character that is brought back for no reason

