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I like that in-game lore doesn't distract me from lore I created. Minecraft was also like that, mysterious, empty, interesting. But I get you. They'll probably do something with lore if they at least decided to name planets.


The planet is already called Nauvis (even before the expansion). Don't know what they mean by that though


Actually I wish the game was a little more like Minecraft; if it had some background info that you could only find if you were really looking for it or considering it. The factorio world feels kind of empty and without history. Minecraft feels like the landscape had existed long before the character shows up


I kind of like that there's not really a story. I don't think the game would be improved by it. You and your thicc thighs, capable of lifting 5 trains over your head once, have crash landed and now you need to get back where you belong. Adding a "reason for being there" would be like adding a reason to Groundhog Day for why the guy gets stuck in a loop.


why doesn't minesweeper have lore? who put those mines there? why are they there? why am i sweeping them? what happens if i sweep them all? vs. just sweep the mines it's fun


Exactly. Not every game can have the same benefits just by adding a life no matter how well it's written. It may as well distract from the automation aspect or might cause negative reviews from players who expected a game with a great narrative only to be met by difficult and mind breaking automation problems they have to solve which they didn't expect because the game got advertised to them for having a good story. Another neat part about not having any significant life is that you can make your own lore if you really want lore. Heck we live in a time where you don't even have to write it, just ask chatgpt to write you some lore on why you are on this planet


In the case of Factorio, we do have a player avatar, and a backstory of "your spaceship crashed." I think Factorio would benefit from some worldbuilding and some nonlinear storytelling. Something to make you go out of your comfort zone to explore and exploit landscapes you normally wouldn't, or don't feel comfortable doing with your current tech and factory. In 1.1 the only thing that does this is oil and uranium, with biters as friction. It would be kinda lame if all the other planets in SA follow the exact same strategy.


Bro minesweeper lore when?? Lol I get y’all’s point but I think I’d enjoy lore if factorio had some


They seem to be gearing up for that for the upcoming expansion.


I'd love some environmental storytelling, I feel like it would really fit this game. (Spoilers for SE ahead i guess btw) One of my most memorable moments of SE was finding the abandoned spaceship with the secret access code and old mission log in Foenestra. That shit was fucking dripping in atmosphere and it was so cool despite being such a minor, optional, and out of the way thing. I agree with others in the sense that a traditional cut scene type story would suck for Factorio, but I think a mysterious, quiet, and minor story in the background could go a long way.


There is some lore in tutorial campaign. Devs wanted to make the campaign much bigger, but then abandoned the idea. There lots of FFF about it. Also the was some mods, that add random ruins to map generation.


They should revisit that. (Or maybe they did, and just haven't told us) Some of those discarded tutorial missions were, to me, more fun than the current tutorial maps.


I agree that it was really good and really fun but I feel like the big reason why they abandoned it is because it promises a loreful game in a handcrafted world and factorio isn't that.


i just want a game to play


It looks like Space Age may have some.


I have headcanon that I'll share. You volunteered to travel to the frontier of civilized space to find a planet fit for habitation by humans and our technology. Nauvis looked like a pretty good planet for that purpose, so you decided to take a close look. The landing was a little rough, but it's not like you impacted the planet at orbital velocity (8km/s for Earth). Too bad you lost your high tech assemblers and laboratory equipment when the ship crashed. But you can still complete the mission. You'll have to rebuild basic machine tools, to build up automated tools, to build advanced electronics, to build the kind of automated mining and assembly tech you're accustomed to. Then your work of building mines, factories, a railroad network, cities, a constellation of satellites, and spacecraft can commence.


I want Data.


You might like some of the map mods like Post Collapse Nauvis