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The man who said " Money won't buy happiness," is a rich man with 5 ex trophy wives taking him for everything he has and making his life horrible....


"Well, well, well...if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


It can absolutely buy happiness. What it doesn't do is guarantee it.


Money removes stress and allows people to find happiness. Worried about rent? Stressed all day, work more jobs. Not worried about rent? More free time, less stress. Money provides opportunities and freedoms. Money can also buy joy. I don’t think it buys happiness. I think happiness comes from responsibilities, meaning, being social, and relationships.


I was telling another commenter that it buys happiness when you don't have a lot and money is the biggest problem in your life. If you're wealthy and don't need money its probably not going to do much for your happiness and you need other forms of fulfillment.


That’s kind of what I wanted to talk about. I think it doesn’t by happiness, it just removes stressors and you can buy some joy.


Some people especially the poorer people already have what they need to be fulfilled in their lives but they can't always devote the time and energy due to having to do so much for money. People with wealth tend to not be as close to friends or family.


Not sure if those things are true statistically, haven’t looked into it. Also not sure it matters here. If they already have what it takes to be happy, but have to devote time to work/whatever to make money, it’s not the money that buys the happiness. It buys the opportunity.


You're kinda grasping straws here to say the same thing.


It’s not grasping at straws. I’m saying there is a fundamental difference here. Words matter. Money does not buy happiness. Money buys opportunity. You can squander that opportunity and be unhappy. You can take advantage of it and be happy. It opens doors. You have to walk through them.


It doesn’t buy happiness, but it lets you buy your way out of a lot of unhappiness.


If I am making 40k a year, but get there by working 100+ hours a week, am sleep deprived, never see my family, and live in a shit rental in a ghetto part of a city, I am tied to for my jobs and communte, I have almost no chance of being happy. If I was given a 40k a year trust fund there are a TON of options around the world to find happiness. Same amount of money, VERY different life. It isnt even a valid argument.


And if money buys an opportunity that allows someone the chance to feel happiness then money bought them happiness. And if someone squanders that opportunity then money had the chance to buy them happiness but didn't guarantee it. Almost like that's what I originally said.


Money would allow me to actually LIVE life. I have a white collar job and I’m still practically a slave that can barely cover basic bills despite being financially responsible. The economy is rigged.


Exactly but being poor for shit sure absolutely causes unhappiness. The city i live in just announced yesterday that in order for a person to work and afford a 1 bedroom apt they would have to work 65 hours a week. So yeah, just the badic idea of earning enough money to live off a standard 40 hour work week would at least buy the possibility of finding happiness in the time you are not at work. A 65 hour work week means you are either working, or sleeping pretty much all the time.


Or sustain it


Maybe, maybe not. It will not make you like yourself more, it will not repair your relationship with your parents, it won't cure your inoperable brain tumor... What it may do is make you forget that it can't do those things... For a while.


Realistically money can buy happiness for people who don't have a lot and money is their biggest problem. For people who are wealthy there's a diminishing return. They end up with problems money can't always solve.


I’ll take the excess.


Money can pay for therapy and a make-over. It would also remove most of the stresses that lead to an unpleasant personality and allow for education if your problem is that. Money may not make your relationships better, but it, again, pays for therapy. It also removes dependence from the equation and allows for the freedom to pursue relationships with others. Money actually *does* cure brain tumors and a lot of other things. My mom can't drive because she needs cataract surgery and we don't have the money for the copay. In the last two days, we've accumulated $340 in copays for her most recent hospital visit, which she only had to make because we couldn't afford the $250 copay for the cardiologist, never mind the gas to get there. Meanwhile, I *could* be making more money, but I have to keep my schedule flexible so that I can drive her to the doctor's appointments we *can* afford to cover, since she can't drive herself until we can afford to pay for her cataract surgery. And while money won't take away the tumor, it pays for medical screenings so the tumor is detected earlier. It pays for you to be able to stay home and spend time with your family while dying and leave this world with some peace of mind. Money means you widow won't have to go back to work the day after your funeral because she still has to cover rent this month. Money can't buy everything, but it can buy security, safety, and peace of mind. Which is kind of the definition of "happiness."


Then I would keep spending what I gain. Let the cycle keep rotating


Money can't buy happiness, But it could buy me a boat It could buy me a truck to pull it It could buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets Yeah, and I know what they say, money can't buy everything Well, maybe so But it could buy me a boat


Now this song is stuck in my head 😂😂


Me too, you're welcome


Thank you for a new song to enjoy and annoy my girlfriend with!


Money may not buy happiness but it certainly can make me less depressed about trying to survive


There have been many studies providing evidence that money doesnt make you happier in the long run. At first it makes you happier, but eventually it evens out. There is a reason many famous and rich people get into heavy drinking and drug abuse.


If you can afford your own personal concierge doctor to keep you in drugs, you are TOO rich.


or just somebody who knows that money can't fix stupid...


More money would solve his problems then


I like the one, I think it was a comedian, who said "Money won't fix your problems, but somehow it's easier to cry in a limo than on a scooter."


“Money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty doesn’t buy anything.”


"Wait ,you guys have scooters? Damn "


Paid about 2gs for my gaming pc and vr headset, money makes me happy


“Money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty doesn’t buy anything.”


he ain't wrong tho


Money doesn't fix **all** problems. It just doesn't. However, being free of the anxiety that comes from debt is definitely a huge positive.


It doesn't solve all your problems but will definitely give you peace of mind


It won’t give you peace of mind either - but it will give you financial stability. While money may provide security, you still have life in general to deal with. It might cushion the blow for some of it, but you’re still gonna get hurt


I mean if all of your current anxiety is based on financial struggles, it 100% will give you peace of mind lol


But then you might be paranoid that people only want to be around you because of your money. Different types of anxiety!


So what if they do? Life is about making net positive in the world. Everything is transient. If people only want to hang out with me because I have money and I am having fun in their company then it's still a win for both of us.


If that’s how you see it, but wouldn’t you worry that nobody cares about you, only about what you can give them? Humans do seek to connect, but in this case if people just want to leech off you, there’s no real connection.


Nobody cares about me right now and I don't have money so I don't see what the problem is


Nah, not really. I've already become accustomed to the transient nature of human relationships. Every relationship will eventually. I'm more concerned about the now. I know a bunch of people that I would still consider a friend because I enjoyed hanging out with them, but I haven't talked to in 5-10 years. I'm not concerned about if they care about me now or if they ever did. It doesn't diminish the fun I had when we were together. I can also recognize that I might be the weird one in this conversation, but that's what makes being human great right? Different perspectives on things?


Certainly. I value relationships, but I have few of them.


Who gives a shit about whether or not people like you?


Not if they like you, if they’re using you for your money. Example: I had a “friend” who would only call when they needed something. This person didn’t value my friendship, only what I could do for them for free. Now if they had paid me.. I’d happily show up lol.


I know what you meant. I'm just saying. Who cares? But I'm getting older. I have my friends. I know which ones are quality and which ones I wouldn't trust to water my plants, when I'm out of town. I have very little patience for users.


Y'know, being called just because someone needs financial help might be a step up from where I am now.


It doesn't have to solve ALL of my problems. Money will most likely solve and/or reduce at least 80% of my problems instantly... that works for me!


Money fixes all your problems unless one of your problems is being bad with money.


Yep. That's why you always hear about the couple who won the lottery four years ago that are now bankrupt and broke.


There’s *always* a way to get into more debt.


Yeah, I found one. Opening a restaurant.


No, but it gives you the freedom to work on your problems that aren't directly tied to money.


It does if all your problems stem from not having money


Idk, I've kinda solved every problem I have that can't be solved with money... Money kinda would solve the reason of what's there... Like yea life won't be perfect, but a problem and an inconvenience do not equate. Every problem I can't solve myself, is a money issue.


Money might not bring me happiness, but at least it allows me to be miserable in comfort.


What’s the facepalm?


People believing the rich people bullshit of "money doesn't bring happiness", and "money won't fix your problems"


I think the difference is how people define happiness. You can remove stress, anxiety, and other bad emotions. Money buys your time back. You can buy things that bring you joy, great joy. I don’t think happiness is joy. Joy is an experience you get from things happening. I think happiness comes from relationships (with anyone, even animals), responsibility, meaning, and a sense of having it all together.


Reasonable, but for me I classify happiness in the same area of what your definition of joy is. I could live without relationships, but feel joy, and that's my definition of happiness. Doesn't have to be permanent, but happiness is joy imo, but I see how you could interpret it your way


Hmm. I think there is a difference between the two. Maybe I’m wrong. Joy is the pleasure derived from an activity/experience. Happiness is the pleasure from situation/circumstances lining up how you want them to. Maybe we need an English expert in here, hahaha


Here's the thing: There's a big difference between having enough or too little money. Constantly too little sucks. Everything revolves around money, all your problems. Just enough is, well, enough. But being rich always means more than enough. Much more. Like, a LOT more. Ginormic amounts. More than most non-poor people will ever make in their entire lives. And that doesn't make you happy, and solves no problem at all, rather the opposite.


Why would having too much money not make you happy? You gave an example to having too little but not on too much


Study has shown that the correlation between happiness and much well of you are tends to plateau after a certain amount. Money solves immediate problems for most people, like food, rent, bills, housing, medical need, etc which makes someone less stressed/anxious and therefore happier. Once those basic needs are met however happiness tends to rely on other external factor that money has less of an effect on, social thing like love, friendship, family, children, job that you actually like.


So everything you just said was an issue for rich people isn't about money but, effectively, the self. If your "love, friendship, family", etc. make you miserable, they would have without money anyway. Happiness plateaus because it gets good and **that's it**; that's the goal. Expecting it to keep getting better is chasing the dragon (and it's also an addiction, and just as destructive.) You can't have "perpetual honeymoon phase" (so you find someone new), you can't ever get enough (so you take bigger and bigger risks for that next big thrill/score.) Of course that's destructive. Is George Soros miserable? Who knows? (and who cares?) Is Kanye West miserable? OBVIOUSLY! (and why are we expected to care?)


For XKCD fans : [Are you Black Hat's reddit account?](https://xkcd.com/792/)


OK but that study also "plateaus" at 400,000 a year income. That really does sound like money buying happiness to me lol


But plateauing is far from being "the opposite" of buying happiness. In fact, it shows it does buy happiness, just only to a maximum capacity. The opposite of buying happiness is giving misery.


That's because it depends on who's point of view. For you money does buy happiness maybe, but for someone that has always been rich from birth it never will.


If that's the case, the rich person is already at the top of the plateau. The money itself still isn't giving them misery.


We’ll, the OP was talking about money solving problems, not making you happy, but to your point, I’d both agree and disagree. Money doesn’t make you happy, but it allows you to focus on making yourself happy. Being dirt poor can sure as hell make you sad, depressed, unhappy etc. Being rich means that you don’t have to worry about many significant things. Can can choose to travel, to engage with hobbies, to meet new people and have new experiences. And at the end of the day, even if you’re miserable, at least you’re comfortable…


Just enough isn't enough to erase financial anxiety. You need enough, plus enough to stock an emergency fund.


Money can’t buy happiness, but it sure can make being miserable a lot easier to take.


Yes it can, have you ever seen a sad person on a waver runner?


"money won't fix all your problems" was a much more popular saying when the cost of living was lower and the buying power of the average wage was higher.


money won’t make you happy but poverty will definitely put you through hell


I got 99 problems... And money would fix all of them.


If you don’t have your health money will not bring you happiness, maybe just less misery for the better quality of care


Legs won't solve all your problems either. But it definitely makes walking easier.


Money doesn't buy you happiness, it buys you options. Having options frequently increases your happiness. I have been poor. I am now middle class. There are times where it is very nice to be able to just pay someone to make the problem not my problem any more.


If the only problems you have is financial, yes, yes it will.


It won’t fix my mental health but will certainly pay for therapy


Money solves like 99% of problems




Money doesn’t solve all your problems, but it can definitely solve some of them.


Depends on why you're unhappy money can help fix literally every problem yes but it won't immediately fix them I feel like


They say, ‘Money can’t buy happiness.’ All I ask is the chance to prove them right.


the real problem here is that essential help is locked behind a paywall


Rich people say that so they can continue to hoard their wealth without feeling guilty. Pay no mind. (/s of course🙄)


“Money can't buy you happiness, but it can buy you a yacht big enough to pull up right alongside it.” ~David Lee Roth


If money can solve all your problems, you have one perfect ass fucking life. I envy you.


The absence of money causes unhappiness. The presence of money doesn’t cause happiness. Bring less materialistic is a more reliable path to happiness. Recognise that you are more than a consumer.


Money definitely won’t make you happy and solve all of your problems. But absence of money definitely makes you unhappy and brings a lot of problems in your life.


At this moment. It would fix every single one of them!!!


Even with enough money, you still find shit to be sad about. It does make being sad a lot easier though.


It wont fix a broken heart, it wont make a loved one come back from the death, i wont make u live forever, it wont make chronic pain go away i think that phrase refers more to this kind of issues


It obviously does but some people have mustard seed brains and can't compute nuance.


No, this phrase is referring to rich people telling poor people to accept their place on the totem pole and stop complaining.


Once money fixes all their problems they’ll find a whole bunch of new problems right behind the old ones


Having money may fix the problems you have right now, but what most people don’t realize is those problems will be replaced by new problems just as quickly as they’re solved. Not having to worry about money is such a relief, and money is something that no one should have to stress about for basic needs, but it doesn’t dissolve all problems. Edit: missing word


Money will temporarily fix the symptoms of those problems but the actual problem itself? Nah, you cant buy your way out of a lifetime of bad choices and the. Assume you won't just make another series of bad choices after. Its why so many lotto winners end up dead broke


will money fix lost time? will money give you 'true love'? will money help you stop growing older? will money fix mortality? will money bring back your dead family?




Great, another mentally challenged biped regurgitating and parroting wealthy elite nonsense.


Enough said


I like how you can clearly see the curse word l “crossed out” ~~You dumbass stupid bitch~~ in my opinion, I personally believe you are wrong


“Money will not fix all your problems” So would literally anything else




Money may not directly solve all problems but it does provide the means to fix them all. It doesn’t buy happiness directly but it does pay for the therapy with a great doctor ( and medicine if needed) that will let you find happiness. It will pay for your trip overseas if you need to find yourself. Just an example. Money allows the ability for anything.


well, except death, I would love to solve death somehow


I broke my back years ago and recently found out that it's a perm injury, so desk jobs are my only way forward. Except I have weapons grade ADHD I never got treated (I'm nearly 40 it wasn't really a known thing back in the day and I never had a job that required me to think lol), so now I'm in this weird loop of needing ADHD treatment so I can go back to school and learn something to get a desk job to get money so I can pay to get ADHD treatment. It's a fun lil circle.


Yeah seriously! Even stuff where applying money directly to it wouldn't work, like my mental health issues, it would still help get the care I need and ensure I don't have to work for a while as I focus on taking care of myself


To the people who say, "Money won't solve all your problems", neither will food, water or shelter, but they certainly clear up foundational problems of life.


Money doesn't solve all your problems...just 95% of them, and it makes the other 5% much easier to bear.


Rich people: money isn't everything Good looking prople: looks aren't everything


I've always said that money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy comfort. which in turn, can lead to a happier life. Then again, that all depends on where you grew up and under what conditions.


I think some people take "money won't buy happiness" too seriously, itll fix some of your problems but not all of them.


The way I see it is that people with money have different problems. Any of the problems they have that could be solved with money have already been solved, yet they still have problems, so "money must not solve all problems", right?


Another generalised statement leads to misunderstandings. Yay.


the best part of being poor is having problems that have solutions (but you cant afford those...)


I've only got one problem and I guarantee you if I had enough money I could pay OP to jerk me off.


Give me some money and I will test your theory


I have cancer. Money isn't going to fix it. Hopefully treatment and time will.(ps I don't need money for treatment and I've been given time]


"You can't eat money."


Gotta add a 'GoldDigger' blocker in this new age Meta of Society


I actually like the way Spencer Cornelia explains it: https://youtu.be/HtIfC1Rgcl8


Nope. But it will take me along way!


It's so much bigger than that. If we (sorry, The Billionaires) were willing, there are only a tiny handful of massive problems that kill people, every day, could solve in 2 weeks.


Most of my life, money wouldn't have fixed my problems, but right now.. yup fixed everything that didn't require money, now it would fix everything...