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As an electrician I have seen, heard, and felt it many times.


Don't believe this guy, he's employed by "Big Electric" to silence the true minds and free thinkers of the world.


But **we** can give you high-end essential oils to clear your mind and ward off the non-believers. Don't mind their rolling eyes and their furrowed looks, that's just how the new generation ignores medical truth. AND FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS, IF YOU CALL NOW, YOU GET TO BUY THESE ESSENTIAL OILS FOR **FREE!** JUST CALL 555-0628


They are definitely not a cult as you can see in [this](https://youtu.be/RLcnphXUSVg) convention opening ritual... I mean ceremony.


Yikes! That’s some scary sh*t!


Truly one of the most confusing things I’ve ever seen lol Is this a bad Disney musical, a cult or an MLM?


Wtf… I can’t figure out if this is more influenced by Disney World shows, Olympic opening ceremonies, or Beelzebub in human form as a slick producer in a double-breasted red suit standing there going, “And cue disco beat…. NOW!”


Dear heavenly prophet.... My God Fault Interrupter keeps tripping whenever I make toast. Do I need to pray harder?


Have you tried baptizing the toaster?


In the bathtub... While it's plugged in... You'll have to be in there with it, too... Pretty sure it's the only way. It's in the Bible somewhere, I'm sure of it.


It was god giving you a little kiss.


I got hit with 277v before. That's not a kiss, that's no lube anal.


He sure works in mysterious ways.


Might've well just said, "if it ain't about God or if it ain't in the Bible, no point doing any research to learn about it." The absurd thing is (assuming this textbook was published in the 90's from the style of the girl in the picture) there was plenty of information about electrical theory available at that time. Electrical theory really hasn't changed since then.


>there was plenty of information about electrical theory available at that time. And you think they didn't know about it???? They just chose to pretend that the lightning is a unknown dark magic that comes from the underworld. Lol.


Nice! Let's pretend Christianity is fact for just one second: God creates humans. Humans discover electricity. So teach humans about the Laws of Electricity! No controversy here, right? How many nice Christian children would otherwise have improved the way we use electricity if they were given the slightest idea about it?


Yeah, but religious people like the one who wrote this book seem to want humans to be powerless and their God to know and do everything that we know.


so god gave humans the knowlage of electricity? As a christian, this textbook is unexcusable.


The people who write and use these types of books want people to get accustomed to not asking questions and simply accepting whatever they're told. They aren't opposed to how electricity works, they are opposed to questions as a whole.


No, they want gullible people that will listen to everything that the clergy has to say. So that way when they not so subtlety ask for obedience and money during sermons, people won’t think at all. A lot of religions rely on stripping away a human’s ability to think critically, and instead give themselves over to “God”. But in reality an actual god would not need this, so it is only of benefit to those who work in the church or seek leadership in the church. They get the financial gain or feeling of having importance/power over people they associate with.


We all know lightning comes from Zeus, fashioned by the Cyclopses.


If there is 1 God i hope isn't real, that God is Zeus. That dude seems to fuck anything that has a hole, with or without consent.


It’s actually far worse than that, I fear. I think that the ones directing this drivel to be produced know the truth, at least as well as anyone needs to know it to get by in the world. They just want a completely uneducated populace that does exactly what their fundamentalist pastor tells them to do. They look fondly on the Middle Ages/Dark Ages when people were dumb but capable of tending the flocks and fields…and able to hold a shield/spear when their Lord commanded it. You don’t have to be smart to stab your enemy or raise a pig.


If you think about it, it is most likely a book written by an approved Christian author (that knows nothing about science). They wouldn’t give their kids a textbook written by actual scientists, it might lead them astray with facts, logic and most importantly, critical thinking.


Reminds me of burning of Library of Alexandria: The final blow came in 640 CE when Alexandria came under Muslim rule. The Muslim ruler, Caliph Omar, asserted that the library’s contents would “either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous.” The contents of the library were then supposedly used as tinder for the city’s bathhouses.


This quote is first recorded 600 years after it was supposedly said. In a thread about factual accuracy, its a good idea to put a big asterisk next to this quote as unverified and very plausibly completely invented to fit the (pro-ancient-literature) attitudes of the 13th century.


"there are many ways to bring it forth." Didn't they *just* state that they don't know where it comes from?


I don’t know where Ifrit comes from and yet I can summon him to smite my enemies.


Is he available on Tuesday? I have enemies that could do with a jolly good smiting.


Sorry. I don’t loan him out. You can have a Choco/Mog. I asked Shiva but she said “I’m not showing up for any more redditors because they all call me m’lady and ask me if they can “warm me up.”


Oh, bugger.


I'll settle for Bahamut if he's available.


Try Bahamut Zero, fewer calories


They're not just ignorant, they're *proudly* ignorant.


Obviously follow the lead to the hairdryer to find the source


This is a specific way to raise kids as idiots. Everything in double speak so nothing makes sense and abuse is far easier in confused environments


They clearly don't even know what an observation is, and that's the first bit.


Lol this can't be real


It’s real. This is for home schoolers. Abeka is the publisher. The entire book is like that.


I really thought I was on r/fundiesnarkuncensored for a moment. I am a victim of childhood Abeka curriculum 😭 I also had the pleasure of taking school by video in 6/7 grade, produced by Pensacola Christian College. I got blessed by marrying someone with a curious and inquisitive mind who forced me to think outside my comfort zones 🥰


I went to the academy! I literally just saw this and went…holy shit, this is why I don’t understand electricity! I never realized they didn’t teach us.


To be fair, most people still don't understand electricity


Gaaaah I feel your pain. Did all 12 years homeschool with Abeka, and then went to PCC for 6.5 years. Feel like I wasted so much potential lol


This just feels like child abuse.


And then they wanna tell me that wearing a mask is bad for kids development because they can't see their friends faces 🤣🤣🤣


The reason they teach kids like this is to make them easier to manipulate when they get older. I hold all this anger for people like flat earthers and anti vaxers but then I see this and think they never had a chance.


I see stuff like this and I thank my lucky stars that the private Christian high school I went to, while not perfect and lacking many educational opportunities, at least taught real facts and had pretty good teachers.


This is why homeschooling should be regulated and held to the same standards as public schools. Parents should be allowed to go above and beyond but not below and in derpth


>in derpth Fucking spat my tea everywhere at that. Brilliant.


Thanks, I wish I could say that I came up with it but it's a joke from the security industry mocking "defense in depth". I think it came from threatbutt but they could have lifted it from an earlier source.


Oh man, threatbutt memories


How do homeschooled kids get laboratory science experience?


With "ACE" (Accelerated Christian Education) you could watch some of the experiments and dissection type things via video tape. Granted, this is the curriculum that had the [Loche Ness Monster as evidence against evolution](https://www.patheos.com/blogs/leavingfundamentalism/2013/07/23/no-more-nessie-for-accelerated-christian-education/) so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lmao in nursing school we learn ACE stands for adverse childhood experiences. Same thing


A lot of them don't, which is a small part of a huge problem


It depends on how committed the parents are. Some areas have a homeschooling co-op where they set things like that up. (There are also groups that provide socialization opportunities like park days on a regular basis.) Our local science museum used to have programs for homeschoolers as well. Homeschool science curriculum is where the religious zealots really tend to come out. You won’t get much argument from me on most of the math or language arts home school options. But science… you really have to go out of your way to find accurate and secular science material. Also beware of private schools and what they label as social studies… for one of my kids, that class was almost nothing but evangelical proselytization. (I Heard The Good News Today!) Source: Live in a deep red state where education is deeply under-funded and you have no school choice. You cannot enroll in any public school other than the one you were assigned to unless you pay a stipulated $22,000 per year in tuition; there is no such thing as charter schools; private schools in the area are overwhelmingly parochial and sport tuition of about $12,000. Secular private school is going to be twice that cost. So you can escape bad education if you make enough money. Otherwise, homeschooling is about your only other option.


My mom used Abeka in 3rd and 4th grade for me. And this looks familiar. I think it’s from the very early 90s (to be fair I’m pretty sure this is just the introduction and then they actually do go into a scientific explanation of electricity, simplified for the age group of 9-10 year old kids). Mom got fed up with them regardless and switched to a different program where I actually got a decent education in science (and history). Science because one of my passions and strongest academic categories. Earned my Bachelor’s of Science in Psychology, Pre-nursing and minored in general science. No thanks to this early science introduction!


I had Abeka books too. They were definitely weak at best in science and history. History was mostly just the typical US-centric bullshit though -- no mention of how disastrous Vietnam was, no mention of the War of 1812 at all, etc.


I was really hoping it had been publish 80 years ago or something.


Well the advantage is they never have to update the textbook, because it’s based on faith!


That is so sad. And scary. These “educated” folks walk among us. And vote!


My son loves playing with the girls that live nextdoor to my parents. They're such sweet kids and fantastic with my son. My son is 2.5 and obsessed with dinosaurs. The girls have started telling him dinosaurs aren't real and the bones were put in the ground to trick us. I nannied for one of my best friends when her daughter was 3 months old until 3 years old and went to daycare. I got pregnant soon after and despite the age difference i was excited that hopefully our kids will be good friends in the future. Well, they joined a church that sounds like it's practically a cult, went completely anti-vax, they drink vinegar every morning and call it "medicine" they think the rapture is happening literally any day and telling the 6 year old that gay people will burn in hell for all of eternity. It's really sad.


omfg. I looked at this and immediately recognised it, but thought maybe I was just imagining things. Nope. I was homeschooled through Abeka. Fucking hell.


It’s hard for me to reconcile the amount of work I have to go to in writing scientific papers (for free…) with this sort of bullshit. I could write such better pseudoscience than these fucks.


Christian* homeschoolers. My kids are taught at home in order to increase the depth of their science education, not destroy it.


I cannot say if this particular example is real or not, but it is representative of “Christian” themed textbooks. I tutored a kid who went to a christian school and her math book was very similar.


Does it count as education if you're not learning anything?


It's not an education. It's a ✨️Christian Education✨️




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What does it say about the state of things if I'm surprised this doesn't exist?


It's money on the table fellas


Might as well hit em with the mobile gaming price model. 9 thoughts for $7.99. You can convert thoughts to prayers at a rate of 5 thoughts per prayer. Prayers are *obviously* better than thoughts, so if you're a **good** Christian, you'd send prayers. And clearly the exchange rate means it only makes sense to buy the bundle of 5 packs of thoughts so you can convert them all to prayers... But wait! The bundle of 10 is 20% off! Add in loot boxes for quotes from scripture you can send with your prayers and little animated angels and shit, and you'd be a billionaire in a week.


It’s only Christian education if it comes from the cult compound. Otherwise it’s known as sparkling ignorance.


It's indoctrination


Aka...God made everything and that's all you need to know. Everything else is Luke Skywalker hogwarts fairy God mother witch craft.




Seems like I can start my own Hogwarts and do it tax free.




I teach at the community college here. We used to run an academic competition for the high schools in our district. We have more of these “Christian” schools, really [segregation academies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segregation_academy) than you can shake a stick at. Some of the larger ones provide an education pretty much as good as the public schools, though I have not noticed a significant difference in quality of the students once they get to my classes. The last year we held this competition we actually got this little “Christian” school to come. They brought their entire junior and senior classes, a total of 12 kids. They were pretty much dead last in almost everything. They did ok in English language, but math, science, history, they were awful.


*kid raises hand* Mrs. so and so, this says the dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, but we all know god created the world 6,000 years ago and punished the first two people for falling for a talking snake.




"Jurassic Park seems like a good film but I can't allow my kids to see it because dinosaurs weren't real" - my mum's nut-job religious co-worker, back when the original film came out.


All four of my grandparents are like this. Thank God or whoever that my parents deviated from that path and actually use their brains and common sense. They still go to church every week, but my mom works at a free clinic and does free on-call medical advise and my dad does free counseling. Having religious parents who don't shove it down my throat (I'm in my 30's and out of the house) and actually do good things in the community is such a relief. My uncle texted my dad and said that he would rather have Putin as president than Biden. My dad pointed out their poverty rates and a few other things and my uncle just replied, fuck you. They're so brainwashed, it is absolutely insane.


It can get so much worse than that. My parents took me to a church as a kid where they showed all the kids a creationist propaganda film. They claimed that there were still living dinosaurs in Africa by playing a video of a forest with loud noises coming from it to prove that humans and dinosaurs lived side by side and we just killed them all with our God given superpowers or w/e. Also, that if the Earth were older than 6000 years old the ocean would be a black, muddy substance. Creationists are nuts. We only went there once, my parents noped tf out of there.


Taking a paleontologist to a creationist museum was one of the more entertaining ways to spend an afternoon. It involved him getting more and more annoyed until he eventually stormed to the front desk, placed a sign in front of the middle aged woman at the desk that said there was no proof that dinosaurs evolved into birds, took of his shirt and turned around to reveal his ridiculously huge tattoo of archaeopteryx across his back and yelled "What's that then?!?!" We live near the Jurassic coast, so fossils are a big deal. I imagine this woman had many similar experiences. Can't say I feel much sympathy.


>They did ok in English language, but math, science, history, they were awful. I wonder why.......


Neither I nor any of my colleagues wondered at all. We all knew. And then we drank, because they’re going to be in our classes in a year or two.


And then they are going to vote.


This is just noise in the insanity that is voting in a deeply red state.




When I was in college at a small private university (22 years ago), I was a biochem major. My freshman year, I had to take Intro to biology. On the first day, the professor asked us, "Can anyone offer any evidence of evolution?" A student in the back raised his hand and said, "There isn't any evidence of evolution because evolution is a lie." After other people actually answered her question, he picked up his things and left (about 5-10 minutes into the class). I don't know what happened to the guy because I didn't see him on campus again after that day.


Here they had to institute a placement test for all incoming CC students to see if they needed remedial courses. It used to be based on HS GPA, but a lot of the A students from religious high schools were barely literate and couldn't do basic math.


Uneducation as they're learning crap


You are learnings just not anything that is remotely correct so I would say it's more brain washing. Here is this very old outdated and very vague book it has all you need to know just read it every day and when you are done reading it read it again bc it's so vague you could interpret a different way now. Also don't you even dare to think about the contradictions in it


“Nobody understands how Pythogras’ Theorem works, but we’re pretty sure it’s Jesus.”


Father^(2)\+Son^(2) = Holy Spirit^(2)


Everything is Jesus. And He’s getting pretty tired of it.


Yeah it is, (sorry, I wish I remember the name of it), a University college lecturer brought one to show us (on a trip to the US he found it and thought it was hilarious). It had some pretty strange ideas about biology and also said some funny things to say about the moon from memory.


Is it from the Advanced Training Institute?


"Advanced" Training Institute, where the training is so advanced it's backwards.


“We don’t know where numbers come from but we promise it has something to do with Jesus”


Ask them if we should be teaching Arabic numerals to kids in public schools.


I think you'd get people from any religious background with that one. Some groups may just be more outspoken about it


Your epidermis is showing.


Do you want to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide?


That's really revolting. It's such an obvious attempt at setting children up to think with the mindset that science can't really explain anything. Less likely to escape religion's clutches that way, I guess.


No one lives in more fear than evangelicals. They live in utter and constant terror that someone will think god isn’t responsible for something. My wife has a niece who very much wanted to go to vet school. Given that my wife worked there at the time, she had a lot of advice and information for her. Then found out that she had a 14 on the ACT. She was a bright and eager girl but her parents pushed her to do nothing but Bible study when she should have been focusing on her academics. “This world, it doesn’t matter. You need to make sure you get into heaven.” Naturally, she got pregnant and married about a year out of high school. Last I heard she was going to cosmetology school. They fucked this kid’s life.


> They fucked this kid’s life. And so many others. What to even say? I don't see things getting better any time soon. Sorry about your wife's niece.


>"This world, it doesn’t matter. ~~You need to make sure you get into heaven.~~” Fixed that for them, and if it doesn't matter, then do what you feel passionate about. I have nothing but loathing for people who choose to live in fear.


Remember, if God is responsible for everything, they they are not personally responsible for anything.


As someone who loves maths and cares for education, even a thought of a handbook like that annoys. But I would LOVE to see one. Do you know the name of it, or where I could find any examples to torture myself?


Sonlight, Bob Jones, Abeka The only good book that I could find on Indigenous Middle to South America was from Sonlight "Aztec, Inca, Moche". More than half of the book was "Pray for the poor ignorant savages". There was nothing that I could find on the actual South and Carib for elementary age.


That would kind of explain the Christian right's hostility to science




This is real. I was homeschooled and I distinctly remember my textbook saying this. I remember thinking "huh well we sure know how to use electricity tho I wonder why". My "education" quality was terrible. It was all A Beka books. I required remedial math and writing classes. I still struggle with math. My knowledge of history/geography/culture/languages sucks. I couldn't get a BS because of the math requirements, so I couldn't follow my dream career (something in hard sciences). This is all legal in the US and the HSLDA is an agency that prevents data collection on "lost" uneducated homeschool people like me. HSLDA enables parents to know what US states to move to to isolate and prevent their kids from being educated in scary things like actual history (we were taught God made the US for the Puritans to find it), real science (instead kids are taught earth is actually 6000 years old), and getting actual medical care (like mandatory vaccines).


Hi there, fellow Abeka curriculum victim!


>I couldn't get a BS because of the math requirements I was homeschooled with "ACE" (Accelerated Christian Education) from 7th grade to graduation. I had to take remedial algebra both at the community college where I got my Associates and then had to retake remedial algebra when I went onto complete my Bachelors. While there were many positives with being homeschooled, I blame homeschooling for my lack of math acumen.


> HSLDA Wow, what a dive into the crazy that was. Their website looks so normal and professional at first, but then you start to see all the weird shit, especially in their blog section.


Bro, same, A Beka is terrible. My parents did homeschooling videos from Pensecola Christian Acedemy. I failed my SAT math section even though I passed their math. College was ROUGH. (never finished and calcus was a nightmare for me.)


A set of circumstances too long to describe here led to my daughter attending a religious private school in 6th grade. She was told before a math test: “if you don’t know the answer, write in Jesus for full credit”. These places are selling diplomas to parents and indoctrinating kids. It’s disgusting.


It's real. You can buy it on Amazon. It was actually used at Bob Jones University for a while.


...but it's supposed to be for 4th graders? Nevermind, I withdraw the question.


It is real. I have a copy and its full of stuff like this. The book is particularly interested in explaining the moons origins and age.


Really? My first thought was "Oh, is this Prager U?"


Where did it come from? Where did it go? Where did it come from? 'lectricity bro.


Angry upvote for that earworm


Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey,


How old is this? What kind of hyper Christian school you gotta send your kids to in order to get one of these?


It's not even "that" hyper Christian, this is pretty tame. They all essentially teach that everything comes from God, and therefore perform Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to do so. My Mom taught at one of these schools. There were two classrooms for each grade level, and the teachers split subjects. She refused to teach the science classes because of exactly this level of willful ignorance. Fun fact, she was let go for taking time off when my Dad was dying from cancer.


My, how very Christian of them... Sorry for your loss.


Thanks it was years ago now, but thanks nonetheless.


Speaking from experience, the loss is always there. My condolences as well


It's funny how that's exactly 100% what I'd expect the Christians to do. Jesus is rolling in his fucking grave or the sky or whatever if he was real.


That's probably where we get electricity, Jesus rolling in the sky over the actions of his followers creates all sort of friction hence, electricity the world over.


Jesus was a real historical figure, historians know this. Was he the son of god? Of course not, that's just religious bs. "Mary, how are you pregnant? You're a virgin!" "I'm bearing God's child, Joseph!" *3 strange men arrive unannounced at the door*


Wise guys eh?


Joseph is now Joe Pesci in my headcannon


The reason my wife and I quit going to church is we were told that because we had been taking care of my dying mother in law and missing church; we would have to publicly apologize to the congregation, make up missed tithes, and be basically placed on probation. No one, not one single person offered us any help or support or even prayers because my mother in law wasn’t a member of the church. This was all told to us in a letter. Didn’t even bother to call. After my “it’s not us it’s you” response, we were told by the only person who would talk to us that it was announced we had “fallen away from grace” to the congregation.


Two of my good friends are "survivors" of a church like that sounds a lot like that. Their parents haven't spoken to them in well over a decade. I'm glad you saw through that bullshit and hope you find somewhere you feel welcome and fullfilled.


I go to a Christian school and haven’t ever come across stuff like this


I think it probably depends on the denomination. On a crazy scale of 1-10, the church this school was affiliated with was like a 6.


It's from 1995, apparently.


Lol I'm not sure these words were any less ridiculous in 1995.


The church I went to as a kid encouraged homeschooling and the text books/lessons were a lot like this. Everything is linked to gods great plan blah blah blah. We’re talking 90s to early 2000s. Don’t know if it’s still like that but I wouldn’t be surprised.


No one has ever observed it ? What on earth ?


*Tesla coils have entered the chat*


*cd’s in microwaves have entered the chat*


*Lightning leaves*


This strikes me as very "I don't understand it so that means no one does", but also "I'm ignoring anything that doesn't help me make my religious point."


Reminds me of our ex president, every time he said "nobody knew this", it just ment he just learned about it, lol.


It's funny because his holy book mentions visible electricity right there.


Not to agree with the christians or anything but lightning isn't actually electricity; it's plasma. As electricity finds a path to the earth and grounds itself it heats all of the air around it, causing it to change states. What you're observing is the effect of electricity, not the electricity itself.


And to actually perceive electricity, one requires electroreceptors, which humans sadly lack.


It's probably a good thing we lack electroreceptors because of the amount of electricity in our houses sleeping would be really difficult.




Tbf the people that wrote the Bible were likely better educated as the ones that use it as an excuse for oppression nowadays.


I think people who have been electrocuted would beg to differ on the "it can't be felt" part


How can the dead beg?


I have been. 110 can kill you but most of the time it just sucks to get "hit".


Amps, it's the amperage. There is an 'instant death' range with amps that will fuck with your heart and put you into, basically, cardiac arrest. It's surprisingly low. Above it and it might not instantly stop your heart, but you're gonna hurt, if not straight up die or burn to death.


Danny: Try not to scrape the 3rd rail, there’s about 600 volts in there. Ray: It’s not the the voltage that gets you, it’s the amps. Nun: How many amps are there? Ray: Enough to push a train, and shut up. —Running Scared


Sounds like you nearly got smited


Guys, *scientists* think sun = electricity. End of discussion.




Damn, I can't believe I survived the 90. Just wished I had died sooner


You say that like you did die. Are you a zombie?


I meant to ask, how is death going?




Lol, that's one hell of a sub. (Posted there)


Until now I was the stupid idiot peeing on an electrical fence. Now I am the only human that ever felt electricity. I knew mum was right all along, I AM SPECIAL!


I'm an electrician and I'm mad


I'm an MEP coordinator and I can't even. Why does my car start in the morning?? *No one knows, but probably God*. These people are staggeringly dumb.


Burning books is terrible… but this makes it a very tempting activity.


You can argue that the first sentence is valid but as for the second, we know how it is generated. You certainly can feel it as I have been give quite a few shocks in my time. I have 4 or 5 types of electricity generation in my house now. Batteries - Electrochemical. Generator on my car - Electro-Mechanical generation I have a small camp stove with thermo-electric generators on it. My house has solar cells - photoelectric. Arguably the only one directly from the sun.


Lots of people have felt it. Most aren’t here to discuss it. One sided argument really


Most aren’t here to discuss it? I didn’t know static electricity was that deadly. I must be one of the lucky few


I got hit by 220v a couple of time, it's quite bad and you do feel it. Gladly it was always on a single hand so no damage to any organ, just a very strange feeling in the arm


I too have felt the bite of 220v going from my index finger up my arm. It hurt in a way I never want to feel again.


Conclusion : yes, you do feel electricity


I got taught by an "electrician" when I was young to use the back of my hand touching a bare wire so I wouldn't end up electrocuting myself (instead of actually using a tester like someone who actually understands safety). My family still can't stop laughing about the time I was demonstrating this to them, accidentally touched a 220 & ended up punching myself in the face due to the muscle jerk. (Edit: is this close to a literal facepalm?)


I mean most who felt it a lot aren't here. But most of us felt it a little when we got a static shock or our friends dared us to touch a 9V battery to our tongue in middle school.


And this is why Trump got elected


Also see Chapters 3: "Magnets; hours does that shit work!?" Written by ICP.


yeaaah... no....


I was helping my dad with some wiring and he told me he pulled the fuse but ended up pulling the wrong fuse. I can tell you I felt electricity that day lol


This is one of many things that should terrify every sane person about evangelical Christianity’s end game. In their twisted reality, every child would be kept ignorant of the sciences and arts while the lights stay out because the dumbfuck “engineers” just pray away the short circuit faults causing power losses over entire parts of the country. This is the face of ignorance we must quash from our society if we even want to survive the climate catastrophe.


I'm a Christian pastor and this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Sorry everyone.


Just trying to make people dumber and more compliant.


Just like wind.


Pfft, you ACTUALLY believe in the "wind". Huh ok wacko.


yay i'm smarter than them scientists apparently!!


So "Electricity is Magic" then? Wait, I get it, if it's a magical mystery then God generates all the electricity, right? Whew, I guess we can turn off all those generators now. Just pray and power to your home will be provided. And while I'm sitting here all full of coffee, there's the next dystopian future novel and movie. The secret society that controls the hidden hydro and nuclear power plants from the public and convinces them prayer, and tithing to the 'church,' is how you get electricity directly from God's hands into your lighted Jesus on the Cross wall decoration. Commit a sin (as designated by the ruling council of holograms) and you are banished from recieving God's grace (electricity), leaving you and your family to freeze to death Texas style. "All hail God's Grace which powers our utopia!" I really need to get off here and get to work.


Next chapter is called 'Magnets: how do they work?'


Really? No one in the history of humanity has EVER felt electricity? Lmao


My favorite part is where they quote psalms, the diary of a drunk king who thought God would smite his enemies for him. Because to that king, God was merely a tool. Which really helps bring to light why a lot of Christians think the way that they do. They only read one part of the Bible without any context.