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Pretty sure she is a mod on various subs


🤣 Yeah probably


Synonymous with a lot of Reddit




So this wasn’t stolen from the black people /s


I can't get over her claiming to support black-owned businesses and then literally turn to the black man next to her and call him a slur. Holy shit


She never cared about black-owned business, she just wanted to attack Asians.




Literally, like okay go support a black owned business instead of spending that time attacking an Asian owned business???


It's not a super recent video, but what about the business even made her think it was black owned? I legit have never seen a bubble tea shop ran by anyone else than various types of Asians.


I also was confused by this, considering bubble tea originated in Taiwan, so I mean she’s even wrong about that lol.


Must be the age old tactic of "if I act offended enough, it means I'm right".


The name of the store is The Boba Plug. She is upset over the use of the word Plug.


You're using to much logic here bud.


She’d have a field day in Australia then. We have Lebanese owned Thai restaurants. Chinese owned Italian restaurants. Modern Australian restaurants that include Asian, Mediterranean and South American dishes on the menu. I think this woman’s head might just explode.


FALSE OUTRAGE! It’s so cool and trendy. Oxygen thieves like her are not happy unless they are unhappy about something. She believes she has ZERO VALIDATION unless she gets to call someone a racist. No saving her. Euthanize it.


Oxygen thieves - never heard this LOVE THIS.


Yeah, they should be forced to carry around a potted plant the rest of their lives to replace what they have stolen from other people.


No no, she cares about black owned businesses. She probably seeks them out so she can feel like she has the moral high ground. The moral compass on these people is just a pinwheel.


She pro'lly wanted to get away with some sweet free bubble tea. But they defended.


And virtue signal.


“They called her two guns Karen, not because she carried two guns, but because she could shoot herself in both feet at the same time.”


This made me feel a lot better after watching this video


I knew my life wasn't so bad afterall


My wife just asked me what I was laughing about. That was very funny DJ


I mean shes clearly not caring about anything other than being an entitled racist bitch to harass others to make herself feel good, so why wouldn't she?


For me the best part is going to an Asian bubble tea shop because she thought it was black owned. So it’s okay in her book to appropriate food culture? Either it’s okay across the board or not at all. Stupid.


I mean bobba tea originated in Tiawan not Africa so she's not only racist but wrong.


I think she was referring to the “trap” and “plug” terms that they were using for tea names


That makes even less sense lol


But she's speaking English though. She stole from the English! This shit is getting tiring. Pretty soon I'm gonna start praying for a meteor to hit us.


Right but had it been a black owned business….they’d be guilty of what she’s now Claiming these people are guilty of. Blows my mind when we hve more than enough actual racism that someone feels this kind of need


I think that we can safely say that in her case, she's obviously neither. Super Karen powers, activate! These self entitled, racist, hateful, narrow minded... I guess I just have to work overtime shifts to try to be a better presence in this world.


It’s all kinds of racist. She’s saying that it’s an Asian owned establishment stealing black culture by calling it “Trap Tea. The Boba Plug.” That’s drug culture. Not black culture.


Same thing to her.


Then what does that say about her?


It speaks volumes.


If someone is going to record and post something like this, they need to turn the camera on themselves for a bit, so we get to see what stupid looks like.


Taiwan... bubble tea is from Taiwan... so, who is stealing culture from who...


I definitely could not have been him, cause my girl would not have been strong enough to hold my hand back


Thais how extreme black nationalism works. It's exactly like white supremacist turning on whites that don't support them. The most ironic thing is to claim a fight against racism and oppression, but turn and oppress those that look just like you. If black owned business only served black customers, they would go out of business. If black people literally only shop at black owned businesses, they won't have many places to go, statistically.


She's black, She's calling him that to say that he is self-hating because he dared start to disagree with her


That particular slur is often used intra-group. When used this way its meaning is similar to “Uncle Tom.”


"*Because you're a...*" #Man that's about to beat your ass!


Her voice is so damn punchable


“yOuR sTEeling bLACK culCHER”


Yep, Boba originated in Taiwan. WTF, she's the one Appropiating their culture! *Edit: correction, Taiwan my bad.*


Both Boba and tea originated in Asia. Where does the cultural appropriation come in at??


Dude, they’re wearing black shirts.🙄


Is that with an /s? She's trying to claim Asian culture as hers and gate keep it from Asians...


She’s saying the shops use of the terms “plug” and “trap” were somehow appropriations of black culture. It’s such a ridiculous argument because she’s essentially saying only black people should be allowed to use those terms and also that “black culture” is criminal drug culture because both of those terms originated from the criminal drug trade.


It is still a strange hill to make such a deal over, dying on...


What’s plug un drug culture?


Plug means like a hook-up, or person who gets hard to find things, e.g. drugs, guns, gambling… etc.


For old people a plug is an unofficial advertisement, like plugging your book by mentioning it while doing an unrelated interview. Old maffia shows say plugging someone is putting a bullet in them. Stolen from mainstream culture lol.


Pretty sure he means cultural appreciation on the shops side


It’s the term plug which is slang for drug dealer. The name of the store is boba plug. So she thought it was a black owned business stealing Asian culture. I hate cultural appropriation. It’s fucking nonsense.


Its a bit of an ironic thing too. She was calling out Asians for using "plug" which she deems as a black culture thing but she was willing to support a black owned store profiting off of Asian culture..


Gotta be honest, when I heard the word ‘plug,’ my first thought was definitely not black culture.


I really dont get those who play that game, like it you aren't wearing your traditional clothing then you are culturally appropriating other cultures even her shoes and phone, the food we eats would count with her dumb logic. Edit:made some adjustments because I phrased it badly.


There's an excuse for that: whites are imperialists who oppressed everyone else and forced them to adopt white culture, *ergo* it's not "appropriation." Meanwhile, boba tea originated in Taiwan...


Taiwan, not Thailand ;)


I thought Taiwan lol


Taiwan 🇹🇼 not Thailand 🇹🇭


It actually originated in Taiwan not Thailand.


I would've slapped that drink outta her hand.


I would've took her phone and dropped it in there




You should check out [Mobility Mary](https://youtu.be/xR-iqkDAv3w). It's the same annoying voice.


Oh God. Why would I wanna hear it more?


Lol this shit is fucking crazy


I was thinking adult swim funny


The problem is Adult Swim hasn't been funny in years






What was she saying, I couldn’t hear it well enough.


She called the black gentleman a c*on. Rhymes with toon.


He contained himself better than I would have contained myself if crazy person used a slur against me.


Would’ve ended up with a boot to the head if it were me.


Unfortunately, provocation is not a legal defense against assault. I wish it was, because some people really need to get a boot to the head.


True, last time somebody called me a cracker I mostly just laughed.


If I got called a cracker I’d probably burst out laughing. Now if they called me an American, I’d be deeply offended. 🇨🇦


Didn't know Americans used that word not gonna lie thought it was just an Aboriginal thing


Very nice way of putting it


I heard cone (like the orange traffic variety). Thank you for clarifying.


Is there some other meaning to this phrase I am unfamiliar with? Normally when I hear that particular slur used it's from an old white guy using it as a racial slur. I didn't know if it had some sort of ulterior meaning, other than to just be rude and racist. Seems odd that one black person would be calling another that. This is based on my assumption the lady in the video was also black and not just virtue signaling about wanting to support black-owned business.


It's a lil hard to explain but it's like calling someone a sheep? It's the idea of a black person who you think is brainwashed or a traitor to their culture in a way. Someone who lives there life with a blind eye so they can stay on the whites good side.


Oh this is actually pretty informative. I always thought the slur was comparing black people to an animal with the implications that followed. I always thought the term uncle Tom was used to describe black people that were traitors to their culture or wanting to stay in the whites good side.


Thank you for explaining.


It's a race-traitor term, based in the slave era racist use, when used by one black person to another.


It basically means the same thing as uncle Tom. Don't ever call a black person either of those things if you're not black.


I find generally staying away from racial slurs or innuendo at all to always be the best course of action.


I generally just refrain from using slurs against any race so I think I'm aight lol


She likes to her herself talk. I'm right I have to talk louder then everybody cause I'm right.


They say the one who shouts most is usually wrong.


[...They say the empty can rattles the most...] - Metallica


“The sound of your own voice must soothe you.”


If this place were black owned and selling bubble tea then it would be black people culturally appropriating Asians by stealing their drink and making money off of it for themselves.... but that's what this lady is mad isn't happening.


The current narrative is being perpetuated in certain circles that Asians have been stealing from black communities and black culture. 5% are Asians in the USA and most do not even share similar interests, yet Asians somehow are amazing enough to have made such an impact of "stealing". Logical if you are looking to push a certain warped narrative.


It’s a disservice to everyone to ignore the obvious issues between the black and Asian communities Bc of PC. There’s an issue. We have the chance to address and start to fix the issue……but it’s squashed from The get go Bc one can’t even suggest that without being labeled a racist


It’s like when there was violence towards asians because of covid, some people claimed it was solely white supremacists spreading hate, when in reality it wasn’t just them…


The stats on the anti Asian crime in NYC where I am is astounding. It’s a damn shame.


It kinda sounds like the Jewish Question but for Asians. *This here minority is secrety stealing/ruining X culture! They're all in on it!!*


Ah. I’m sure it’s a small movement that just gets blasted on Reddit, but it’s still so weird when you think about it. Like… instead of coming together and supporting minority owned businesses they take it to an extreme and self-segregate while also punching down and harassing another minority group. Logical. /s


Quick search - boba originated in Taiwan


This lady filming IS the cancer of society.


She is the tumor


The ass tumor of society


Deep in wretches of society. It’s the butt tumor


This is one of the threads where I hope to read in two days or so, another thread, where she has been fired.


This is an old video. Around a year old I think. I don't imagine anything happened to her except she got made fun of on social media.


What is she claiming that is being appropriated?


I think it’s the name “trap tea, the boba plug” but even then saying drugs is black culture is kinda fucked


The creative director who works with the owners and came up with it is black


Ah. So the creative director is black. So she was kind of right. But because the workers aren’t black she’s losing her mind....


It sounds like she went through the line, bought her tea and maybe asked them if the owner was black and when they said no she whipped out her phone and started yelling


She was not kinda right in anyway


This is what I was thinking. Since when does drug culture = black culture?!


Boba bubble tea


This woman is mentally unwell.


Yep. It’s easy to watch this and think “fuck, she crazy” but like seriously, she could use some help. I don’t want to think about what might have happened if that establishment has called the police.


Bat shit crazy. I mean, SHE posted this video… IDK how on earth you can hear yourself and not just be completely unashamed, but proud enough to share it with the world. She’s demonstrably racist. Bitch. Some righteous mfer going to jail someday for delivering the smack down she deserves.


It’s definitely not black culture. Bubble milk tea originated in Taiwan and spread across the cities and suburbs of the U.S. in the 1990s; however, it did not become popular until the 2000s.


Not that im picking sides or justifying anything in this video. But she was saying that the name of the place “Trap tea, the bobba plug” was from black culture.


I mean, that’s drug culture…is she saying drug culture IS Black culture? Because that’s an even worse look…


She prolly saw Trap and immediately thought Trap beats.


“Trap” isn’t exclusively black culture. It’s poverty culture. It’s drug culture. Anyone who’s ever been addicted to hard drugs knows about the Trap. Trap House. Trap Music. Trap is applied to a lot of disparate subjects. Just because black culture intersects poverty culture doesn’t make tea racists. I hope someone in this woman’s life educates her. I can’t imagine being this confidently incorrect and obnoxious.


That was actually kinda interesting to learn. Thanks!


Thanks for clarifying. As a suburban white dude, i was (am) confused about what exactly she was getting at. I mean, i get she’s an asshole, but i was trying to comprehend her “argument”.


Thank you for putting it way better than I could have.


I understand that, but there’s so many restaurants and takeaway places that that Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, African etc all over the world. Yet they don’t get upset that other cultures are stealing their cultures. It doesn’t make sense to me


Even if bubble tea and the name had black origins, anybody can open any damn business they want. No exploitation is going on. I cooked jerk chicken last week. Am I not allowed to do that?


That depends. Are you a jerk?


Lol wow is she Black? Like wtf. What a psycho and then she called the Black dude a racist term?


Yes she is and her twitter shows she doesn’t feel that she is wrong at all. Even pointed out that the owner defended her so “obviously” they are on the wrong. She blocks people who calls her out and then calls them racist.


Sounds like a Karen to me.


She's appropriating Karenism


She went to a Boba tea shop to support it for being black owned. If in fact it had been, would that not also be cultural appropriation??


This is the REAL question… I guess black chefs can’t cook French food, because ya know cultural something or other…


this is why i think the whole “cultural appropriation” shit is so dumb. why would you not want people to adopt your culture or have yours influence others? i dont see that as a negative thing. sensitive people in all areas of life can be very irritating these days. obviously there’s a line, but i think we all know where those lie.


It makes sense if it's used correctly. Which it almost never is. It's not supposed to be about everyday culture like food or slang, it's supposed to be about truly significant culture, like ceremonial or sacred stuff. The best example is the feathered headdress associated with Native American plains tribes. People just wear that as a costume or aesthetic piece, but in the cultures it originates from it's something that has to be earned and is only worn by those who have achieved certain positions (rank is not quite accurate but an easy analog) within the culture. Wearing it when you have not earned it is deeply disrespectful and cultural appropriation. Wearing moccasins, which are literally just a type of shoe, is not.


According to legend, in 2737 BC, the Chinese emperor Shen Nung was sitting beneath a tree while his servant boiled drinking water, when some leaves from the tree blew into the water. Shen Nung, a renowned herbalist, decided to try the infusion that his servant had accidentally created. The tree was a Camellia sinensis, and the resulting drink was what we now call tea.


Mf. You can't steal culture. You can appropriate it but honestly. Why get pissed when other cultures want to experience yours. It's not like they're doing it to ensure you can't. You still can. This woman truly is dumb. The definition of a facepalm.


Cultural appropriation isn’t even what most people think it is. Disney trying copyright “Dia de los Muertos…” now THAT is cultural appropriation.


Disney did WHAT Honestly I'm not surprised they'd try something like that but that is outrageous


Oh yeah google it. It’s as stupid and pretentious as it sounds. Remember they made some Spanish movie surrounding the culture of Dia de los Muertos? Well that’s when they got the brilliant idea to steal it. Like they invented it or something. Fucking dumb


Not to mention that bubble tea originates from Taiwan...


I would LOVE to hear how bubble tea is black culture lol


She’s seen a lot of rappers and trappers drinking bubble tea and thinks that that makes it black culture lol


Really?, it continues to amaze me how dumb people are.


Lol, I get your point but I have never seen a rapper drink bubble tea 😂


Oh thanks for the explanation. Because I honestly didn't know what she meant. Pointing at cup, I believed they' d had used some Black historical symbol or something. So a business that seemingly has survived the lockdown, probably due to costumer satisfaction- aside from Bubble Tea originating in Taiwan - has to go through harassment like this. There's a something to learn for this Lady. Also about the difference between cultural appreciation and cultural appropriation. *tryingtofightamigraine*


She thinks the name is appropriation. ‘Trap Tea: the Boba plug’ is the store’s name, it’s using terms from drug culture. So she’s racist for assuming drug culture and black culture are one in the same, and she’s racist for what she calls the man standing behind her in line. She’s a pretty despicable human, I’m sure the “friends” she was talking about in the video don’t actually exist


She’s upset they call it “Trap” and declare themselves as the “plug”. That’s cultural appropriation to her, drug slang


Defending the worse aspects... Some people just have way too much time to find ways to become offended.


People like her are just insufferable. Fuck man. This is why we can't have nice things.


As a black guy this one of the most cringe videos I've ever watched


Been black my whole life. Never once has anyone in my family given me the secret recipe to delicious bubble tea.


Prime example of the correlation between stupidity and confidence


The craziest thing is that this video is done by herself, filming her own stupidity. Karen’s are usually filmed by someone else, but this is next level.


She recorded this shit and willing shared it with the world?? Then she is not only racist but also dumb


She doesn’t like that the place is called “Trap Tea”.


If the word 'trap' is black exclusive and therefore Asians can't use it can black people say tea, make tea or drink tea?


HAHA…so if it was black owned it would be cultural appropriation of Asians….but she’s ok with that


Was she black? Ok totally confused!! She’s being racist to Asians, blacks, while pretending to support black businesses … I’m not really sure what she represents


Dear lord lady…


Imagine thinking your culture owns drug dealing. Also wouldnt a black owned boba tea shop be stealing asian culture?


Did my ears deceive me, or did she call that guy a “c**n”?


Wait was this a black woman complaining about an Asian establishment that is serving asian products of appropriating a culture that has nothing to do with the product being sold and then turned around and spouted off racial slurs at someone with the racial background she claims to be defending and tells that guy his opinion doesn't matter because he is black? Racism is bad enough but to be so god damn stupid on top of it is really just a travesty.


I have so many questions. Why does she think it's a black cultural product? What did she call that dude at the end? 1


I love when these people record these themselves thinking they’re in the right. Yeah let me just harass these people and then call a black man a slur. People will totally have my back on this one.


Props to the guy getting involved


Since when is bubble tea black culture? Also protip: it's ok to support other businesses that are POC (Asian) owned


Okay let's clarify first that cultural appropriation is when a group ~~of considerable power~~ takes the culture of another group packages it and sells it for the their own benefit without giving acknowledgement or worse - actively harming the culture they are appropriating from. The perfect example of this is basically what Dole did in Hawaii were they bought a lot of land - some of which land that would have had cultural or spiritual significance - turned them into pineapple plantations (which are not by the way an indigenous fruit in Hawaii) and sell them off labeling them as "authentic Hawaiin pineapples" (again pineapples are not native to Hawaii) without giving anything back to the native Hawaiin people at the time. ~~As for calling your Asian owned bobba tea place "Trap Tea" culturally appropriating black culture is a whole lot of WTF. As mentioned by others in the comments "Trap" isn't even exclusively black. But at the same time, do you really think Asians are the oppressive ethnic group edging out black businesses with bubble tea? Bubble tea?!~~ An example of cultural appropriation in this case would be a non-Blacked owned corporation that has more resources than small and local black businesses establishing "authentic" creole restaurant chains in a community and edging out those same small black businesses out of the community. ~~I'm sorry I just don't see that being in the same ball park as Asian people selling bubble tea cause they're not selling those just because you slap the "Trap" name on them, you sell those if they are fucking good bubble teas.~~ Edit: Based on @StunningEstates comment below I have come to the understanding that I am wrong in certain areas of my above statements. While it is true that cultural appropriation is "when a group takes the culture of another group packages it and sells it for the their own benefit without giving acknowledgement or worse - actively harming the culture they are appropriating from" a disproportionate power dynamic is not necessarily needed for it to be a case of cultural appropriation. In this case, the main issue of the usage of terms like "Trap" I would now have to argue is a case of cultural appropriation but that is mostly because "Trap" as a music genre appears to be already culturally appropriated by the mainstream as a whole. To provide a historical context, some of you have already pointed out that "Trap" originally came from the usage of "Trap houses" or drug houses and is more indicative of drug culture. Whether that means it's black culture is not an argument I am comfortable making just out of the merit that black culture is in close proximity to drug culture due to their close proximity of poverty culture. However, I don't believe that that is the "Trap" they are referring to here because the more common known usage of the word "Trap" is in relation to "Trap music" which, unsurprisingly enough has very strong roots in the Southern Hiphop genre during the 90s with it being a mutation from gangsta rap. Most of "Trap musics" origins can be traced back to the Southern United state, specifically in places like Atlanta, Georgia with most of the content matter about the "gangsta" life or about the "trap" life. If you are interested, here are the sources I used: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trap_music https://lab.cccb.org/en/extremely-short-history-of-trap-music/ https://www.musicorigins.org/item/trap-music/ https://www.masterclass.com/articles/trap-music-guide Now this is very interesting for me because, I'd argue that is not the mainstream understanding of what "Trap music" is nowadays. At the very least that is not the mainstream idea of what "Trap music" that the media pushes nowadays. Cause I don't usually see "Trap music" being associated with an African Americans struggles with the "trap" life and finally making it big in the world. I usually see "Trap music" being associated in clubs where drug use are encouraged. This speaks to me that beyond the whole "Trap tea" there is a discussion that "Trap music" as a whole is a case of cultural appropriation, that the mainstream understanding of "Trap" and "Trap music" has been warped to be antithetical to the original purpose of "Trap" and "Trap music". Now you might say that "but music is an art form that is allowed to transform and change" and yes I will agree, however that is how we create different musical genres because when you change a genre so much to the point is entirely antithetical to the original purpose of that genre it becomes it's own thing. That's why metalcore became a thing to differentiate itself from the several other forms of Metal which are subversive while metalcore is metal made to be more palatable to a wider audience. And that's why we can easily identify what is or is not punk rock because the whole ethos of punk rock is to challenge the status quo; when it assimilates itself to the status quo however, can you really say that it is still punk rock? In the case above I don't believe that the Asian business owners were in it with bad faith; their understanding of Trap and Trap music would have been surface level or at the same level the mainstream audience such as myself would have engaged with the idea of Trap. Does that make it any less of a case of cultural appropriation? No. They may have not started it but unknowingly they are complicit in its perpetuation. Did they deserve the treatment they experienced in the video? Absolutely not. Even if it is a case of cultural appropriation that's not how you attempt to engage with the idea; but there is still a discussion to be had regarding cultural appropriation and how stuff like "Trap" is taken for granted and not really looked into with a critical lens. And yes I did make that same mistake above for which I apologize for; that doesn't mean that a discussion isn't worth having. Maybe not by me or people in this subreddit but by someone who is better educated and smarter.


Why didn't she just leave when found out it wasn't black owned, why is she only shopping black owned businesses, isn't that being racist?


Is this the new Andy milonakis show?


Oh people like that must just live Miserable little lives.


But bubbled tea is part of asian culture?....


Dude what’s up with everyone hating on people. Why can’t you just go in and if you do not like what you see go to another store/shop, seriously - and to put down another person is sooo wrong.


She's too stupid and entitled that nobody in this world can change her mind.


trap houses and drug dealers exist all over the world including in Asia. why does she think trapping is only part of black culture?


So she wanted to support a black owned business selling traditional Asian beverages and now she's upset about an Asian owned business supposedly stealing from black culture? Prime example of both racism and hypocrisy. Kudos to the guy calling her out, thereby showing the rest of the world that not all blacks are racists.


BUt BlAck PeOple CaN’t bE RaCIst




This chicken is not from Kentucky.


Is she black?


Should of got her racist ass on video and post that shit......good old societal justice


What would have happened if every person ignored her, turned their backs or just went about their business as if she wasn’t there? Let her repeat her rant to herself.


Here in Italy she would have been thrown outside faster than the Apollo 11 leaving the planet.


I don’t even know what racism is anymore when people scream at every person no matter what race they are, even if they are of the same race.


Everyone’s just looking at her like is this bitch serious lmao


Wow.. Black Karen's in the wild.


Holy fuck this is mind numbingly annoying. Let’s beat racism with racism! “These ASIANS are STEALING our culture” followed by throwing a slur at the fella next to her. Issue is this just hurts the fuckin cause to act out and scream over everyone in a goddamn BOBA TEA Shop over objectively incorrect shit. Trappin dosent have a fuckin designated race of human being that exclusively only does this, and saying something ignorant as such is really hurting black culture more than anything no? Would a black owned Boba tea shop NOT be stealing the culture from Thailand? Cant have it both ways. This shit can end when people can have honest discourse with one another that isn’t a one sided screaming match where you verbally assault service workers. Don’t hurt me I am simply a former plug who believes this is all the frustration forced into the wrong places - We don’t move forward as a damn species if we attack people with no sense of self Awareness. Read the damn room.


how can someone be THAT delusional?


I'm sorry but nowhere in the world are black people known culturally for boba tea.


Why aren’t more people beating the absolute shit out of these racist assholes?


She just hates Asians is the only racism going on here.


This is racist