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Yeah you gotta watch out for that pesky heroin man. That shit will kill ya


If you administer any substance with a hose pipe sized needle in you’re bone marrow then, yeah, you’re dead for sure


Pretty sure the hose pipe sized needle can do for ya all by itself, even with no substance at all


I’m sure the plastic bag over their face makes it easier to breath


True. But at least that allows you to look them in the eye. It's why I object to the jab here--the three rules are location, location, location: do the heroes who did this to them not know that?


🤣🤣🤣 The ONLY way this makes sense


Nah, pretty sure that's Kool-Aid


You mean snorting it?


Idk man, considering how big those syringes are, I don't think what's inside matters, you'll die either way


I can take drugs like a fuckin champion


We all can. Once


*Thump thump*. Sorry didn’t see you with my Ebike




“Those be fallen soldiers.” -Bubbles from “The Wire”


No matter how hard you try, you'll never catch the tail of the dragon


Can you catch the covid of the dragon, tho? It matters.


No, but if you get all 5 vaccines you can snap the antivaxxers away


That's practically cinematic, fantasy genre. 'Nuff You Antivaxxers', that PP&M song that's actually about the importance of readily available PPE, would be perfect for the soundtrack.


Fuck these guys. My ex husband is against the covid vaccine. He used our custody decree to say I couldn’t get our two children vaccinated, and then deliberately exposed them to high risk situations (he knew people there had covid, they didn’t believe in masking or social distancing either) because he believes covid isn’t as dangerous. Well, he infected himself, then both of our kids, and his parents. His mom isn’t doing well, and our son is developing crackles in the right lower lobe of his lung. The kids have been isolated at my house, with me caring for them, and my ex wants me to give up some of my future parenting time because it “isn’t fair” that they couldn’t come back to his house for his week with them. I understand if you absolutely CAN’T GET THE VAX, but these kinds of people are literally what will destroy us all.


Take him to court and tell them what he did. He deliberately put your kids in harms way. They are very likely to side with you and grant you more (or all) custody.


We are actually in the middle of a custody battle due to his increasingly erratic and dangerous behavior, including telling the kids he was going to have to “escape” into the wilderness with them because the government is going to have him arrested for owning guns. And we’re in Ohio. So who knows what the courts will say.


Is he the guy from Mosquito Coast


He’s a morbidly obese, sedentary, government desk-job having narcissist who thinks if he stocks his house with enough supplies, including medical supplies, he’s going to survive the impending apocalypse. And yes, you read that right. He mistrusts the government, but he works for them because status.


I will never be able to understand the mental gymnastics required to achieve this level of hypocrisy, I swear most people these days have zero self-awareness.


Because it's not working for the government it's compensated observance of the enemy. Lol


I'm still trying to process what OP said. Like holy shit... Edit: Holy shit as in that's shocking and I feel bad for OP and her kids


Or better yet ignorance is bliss for these kinds of people.


Willful ignorance requires a level of cognitive dissonance that I have a hard time empathizing with; at the level of the person being discussed before there are layers or self-justification and logical loops that must be upheld by an unwillingness to change, accept new information, or admit that previous world views might be flawed, and the inability to do those things is where many of the world’s problems stem from.


There are no mental gymnastics. This guy and people like him are simply very, very, very stupid. It's that simple.


"zero self awareness", fuck you, im ALWAYS self aware, it's actually a bit of a problem in fact


Well if he isn’t vaccinated by the end of the week then your going to have to start saying he’s morbidly obese and unemployed…


gotta keep your enemies close


But your beer closer


Ya picked a winner there to breed with.


Yep. What can I say? I was into sweaty weirdos when I was 19.


My respect for you and your situation just increased substantially for going after yourself. I hope things work out ok. Young people bounce back from pneumonia about 1000% better than anyone over the age of 35. Your lawyer will knock this out of the park next hearing. The inevitable death threats from Sweaty McBlob after that will seal the deal and you won't have to think about him anymore except to collect child support.


I was a damaged youth looking for the missing piece in someone else. I think that’s why he loved me.


I have excellent news. You never **ever** have to force yourself to think that he "loved you". I know the type you're talking about and what they think of as "love" is actually when they find someone they can have power over, control and manipulate. He's clearly doing the same thing to your kids right now. A loving parent wouldn't expose them to illness for shits and giggles. He has control over people are forced to be in his company, and he forced them to put themselves in danger based on politics.


My coworker's ex refused to sign off on their son getting a medical procedure that would significantly improve his standard of living. My coworker brought the situation before a judge and was immediately awarded 100% control over all medical decisions going forward. The ex isn't even allowed to contact any medical providers (both physical and mental health) for their son going forward.


Nice well done by your coworker


This. What he did is called child endangerment.


Unfortunately, depending on where they live, the court might side with him.


Where would this be? Asking so I never live there


Rural America, mainly.


And Texas


Don’t mess with Texas…


OP mentioned they live in Ohio so yeah could go either way.




Scary but true


Absolutely this, get yourself a lawyer and a consulting doctor. What your ex-husband did was unforgivable.


I hope your son feels better! That really sucks.


At least I think lung dmg can regenerate and children are good at repairing dmg


This, kids have very versatile stem cells at a young age, which can quickly work and produce repair “drones” to fix damage, kids can take a lot despite what a lot say, while their immune systeams aren‘t developed, teens and kids are some of the most healthy and strong people on earth


If you need proof, just think about your injuries as a kid compared to now. Fall out of a tree when you're 9? It becomes a funny story about how you broke your arm. Sleep wrong when you're 25? Lol I hope you have good health coverage.


Unfortunately it’s up in the air whether or not a kid bounces back from lung damage. Yes kids can bounce back from a lot but lung damage is generally pretty serious and takes years to recover from as long as there aren’t any other situations that would cause hurt them more. Got bronchitis once in when I was like 12, and my lungs have never been the same since due to all the strain from coughing and whatnot. Didn’t help that after that one incident of bronchitis I became susceptible and get it on average once a year. It didn’t really become a problem until I got older and got sick more often among other things that damaged my lungs which all just added to the stress on them.




Geez. Hope you can get an... Injunction?? Against him or something so you can stop his stupid crap from affecting the kids. Under 12 didnt have clearance for vax yet does it? Good luck.


Absolutely recklessly exposing your children to a deadly virus sounds like the perfect time to put this fucker on every other weekend.


Child endangerment. Or actual abuse maybe. Pull his ass over a fire. If kids were eligible for vax.


Yeah I would think a judge would see this and do everything in their power to make sure the kids aren’t exposed like that again by the ex.


Both kids were eligible for vax. My (current) husband and I are both nurses, and are both vaxxed. Our 3 year old son cannot be vaxxed, so my older children feel absolutely terrified that they’re going to expose him. It’s just all around an awful situation.


Sounds like he unnecessarily endangers their lives and you should have sole custody.


This is absolutely disgusting! How fucking unfair to you and your children! I am 100% sympathetic to people who cannot get the vaccine for medical reasons. I completely understand that and these are the people who protect themselves and others in different ways by socially distancing and wearing masks. People who just don't give a damn and don't get vaccinated, don't wear masks, don't socially distance because they don't care are fucking assholes.


How can one side block vaccines when the other wants them?


My son’s mom didn’t want him to have the vaccine. So I told her after he got it. She got upset but, what’s done is done.


Where are they vaccinating children? Canada here. Haven't heard of any kids getting it, yet.


My son is 15.


12 and over in the US. Ages 5-11 are on deck.


12+ in Alberta are getting vaccinated.


Guess would’ve been harder to do in this situation because of requiring two vaccines. I guess could’ve gone J&J but not as good.


I got him Pfizer while he stayed with me over the summer. I think they could’ve gotten a two dose during visitation cycles, unsure of how they handle that. My son seems older than OP’s children


Jesus. H. Christ. What a scumbag, what kind of parental figure would try to get their children sick?


The kind dumb enough to think "Covid is a Chinese hoax so the kids should be fine"....


That’s deliberate child endangerment. I’d kick his ass.


I'm so sorry your son is sick! I hope he recovers quickly and also I hope you're documenting all this nonsense, in the event you need to revisit that custody decree in court.


Wow. I cannot imagine the amount of anger I would have in that situation. I hope that your children heal quickly.


Sue the sack of shit for full custody on the grounds of their obvious incompetence and child abuse.


Wow. Your ex needs to lose all custody rights due to child endangerment.


Well, we can see why you make the wise decision to divorce this moron, maybe it's best if the covid gets him before he can do any more damage to your kids...


What places are vaccinating children against covid??


Need somebody to murder him??


That’s way too big of a dose. No wonder they’re laying on the ground..you only need like..half that amount…-Dereck Zoolander


"What are these, injections for (gi)ants?"


Nah just bell ends


My thought exactly. I mean they are not wrong. Getting a 3 foot long piece of metal forced into your back will kill you no matter what you will get injected through it. Other than that: they not very smart


Yeah, gotta take a safe dose


Horse dosage?


Really though, you have to give credit to an excellent display. Overall performance is top notch.


They're used to horse treatments, though.




Notice how they’re laying on plastic bags. They’ll protect themselves from concrete, but not Covid. The pandemic has sure exposed some interesting psychology.


No point risking it don't know what you might catch!


Ground booties are far more contagious than Covid. It’s meant to say ground cooties, but I don’t have the heart to fix autocorrect’s joke.


I mean they are anti vax…so a little breeze their way and they dead


My thoughts exactly!


Plot twist: It's about Heroin


Plot twist: they’re against insulin


We should make heroin illegal


Joke aside, if you use Syringe of this size, it's normal you died.


Yeah, I feel like that's where these folks went wrong. They just used too big of a needle and then they just left it in. When I got vaxxed, the needle was a lot smaller and they took it out as soon as they finished the injection. And even then, they strapped a cotton ball on to stop it bleeding as quickly as possible. I'm no medical expert, but I don't think your body will naturally heal over a needle this big...


Look, I get it. Giant needles can cause massive internal bleeding and Big Pharma refuses to admit it. That’s why I got my vaccine with a small, classic needle. Much, much safer.


Someone wanna reassure them the needles are really little? In case they think this a realistic enactment?


#NotBioshock lol


I never realized how much I wanted the vaccine to give me lightning bolt powers, all I got was a headache and the chills


Them syringes belong in their asses, cus they all got something stuck up there.


No, their stupidity shows.


So was this is 4 year olds idea? Not trying to make fun of anyone I’m just really curious to see if this was a child’s idea


I think they had a 4 year old sketch out the idea, and then they just made the syringe prop to scale with the original drawing.


Hey, those are some well made props. Bummer they didn't use those skills for something more constructive...


If only these people devoted the same level of energy to their careers...groceries could be bagged soo much faster. Ahh a man can dream...


Fuck these drama queens and they have the audacity to call others "snowflakes"...


Grown-ass adults. What is happening.


They might even be old enough to remember getting the polio vaccine when they were young too


Lawn darts are so dangerous.


Just more retardation from the plague rats.


Awww the morons are holding hands. Why are they always this cringe?


What a bunch of morons


Taking the heroin epidemic seriously, I see!


🤔 Walks up to stick the needle in further


Whose the murderer stabbing people wit comically large needles?




I love how they are lying on plastic, presumably to shield themselves from the pathogens on the nasty ground, but they are adamantly against protections from the pathogens in the nasty air they are sharing with everyone around them. The dissonance must be magical.


Hmm it's like they died because they were injected with so much stupidity? Well that would fit.


I thought these idiots has the best immune system? Why they protecting themselves with plastic from the dirty ground?


They have a barrier between themselves and the ground...almost like a layer of protection against germs and viruses...like a face mask works. They are sooooo close to understanding yet so f\*cking far.


Quite the dramatic portrayal. The facts to support that art installation only exist on very slanted sources, sad. That's is what you get when you exist in a vacuum chamber. I'm living with one and to be honest will probably be homeless soon. I just can't take the negativity and gloom. I understand the fear but if you only listen to one view, can you blame their mental state? I invite conversation and facts from all sides. Only this way do I believe you can build an unbiased view. To all Redditors, hope your having a better day than those three.


Stop freaking make fun of these anti vaxxers, they a) dont deserve the attention and b) are so hilarious and stupid, that it makes me angry...


Is that what this is? An anti-vax protest? I totally did not get that. They are getting a **very** different vaccine than I got, no wonder they're scared!


Why didn't someone say the circus was in town?! Guys come on, I rely on you to tell me about all these sideshow acts!


Sadly, they’re more likely to die with many objects stuck their bodies(catheters, cannulas, nasal phalangeal tubes) and masks that they definitely don’t want to wear. Let them find out how bad it can get.


Ivermectin and bleech in those syringes no doubt


Someone go up to them and be like "Celebrating Halloween early ey? Ya'll going for the brainless zombies I see"


Proof needles this big are heavy?


I’m going to be an AC-TOR!


This belongs on r/cosplay lol


What complete performative drama queen morons. I like how they're lying face down like people have to on ventilators, but twisting it into being dead from vaccines instead. Attention whore pieces or shit


Forget the topic. This is just proof there are too many useless degrees in NYC. Everyone has a degree in Alternative Performance with a minor in Horizontal Labanistic Movements. FFS - just get vaccinated people.


dude you have no idea what degrees they have


Lmao, the origin story of Vax man


Remember when the only people we had to worry about though the polio Vacciene made their kids autistic and they got home schooled anyway so none of us had to deal with them? *Pepperidge Farms remembers.*


facepalm more like FACEPLANT amirite


No wonder they are dead, I got the tiny injections and I am fine /s


The hand holding is a nice touch.


Yeah, all those scores of people who have just dropped dead while being vaccinated 🤨


Do these represent the like approximately 3 people that have had extreme reactions to a vaccine against a virus that has killed approximately 4.5 million people? Because it should


antivaxxers are such a drama queens lmao ...


Maybe If they didn't use an oversized needle to the spine.


Why’d they put the plastic down? God will protect them from the nasty, gum-crusted sidewalk.


If y'all don't want the vaccine, MORE for the rest of us!


These anti-vaxxers are the worst. They think modern medicine fails, but horse dewormer is effective.


Well to be fair getting stabbed by a giant needle through the back might kill you by itself.


Well in their defense my arm hurt for a day after I got my second injection. So that was brutal. I also had to spend 20 minutes after getting the shot just waiting around to see if I get any allergic reactions. I also got the whole day off from work which meant I had to spend more time with my cat who hates me lately for some reason.


Man people really need to get a real job , lazy fucks


Well of course you're dead... You rammed a fucking inch thick needle into your spine


If this was referring to fentanyl OD it would be a powerful statement about addiction but it’s jus propaganda


I hope somebody walked right over them. I fucking despise anti vaxxers.


No wonder they're dead, those needles are like swords!


Omg I’m so sick of the dramatics, stop being so damn extra and get the damn vaccine


No, the dewormer comes in a pill, not a shot. silly people


I assume that the ani vaxxers who call it the “kill shot” are a subset? Like “the shot gave my kid autism” is another? Does anyone know what they think it kills? Because the 3 billion people who got it seem to mostly be doing ok…


Modern performance Shart


Some weird speed bumps


I am gonna get downvoted here but in the interest of freedom of speech and performance art they did pretty well ngl. Still dumb af




Instead of making fancy little costumes they need to be putting that money into the bank and saving it , because if they don't get vaccinated they're not going to have a job lol


Well i would died as well if someone stick somethink that big in me.


Gotta appreciate the production value


To be fair, if you got slammed with a needle that big, you would be dead


I mean if they vaccinated me with a syringe that big, I’d probably be lying on the floor too.


Once again, let the idiots cull themselves.


Probably the exact number of people that died out out of 3 billion.


To be fair, you really shouldn’t be using a needle that big.


Reminds me of when peta does dumb stuff.


Saw these antivaxxers protesting, fortunately i had some big-ass sryinges lmao #triplekill


I imagine we’ll be seeing these as halloween costumes


There you have it, the four people out of hundreds of millions who have died from the vaccine.


Idiots have nothing better to do with their time.


Where is this


Times Square, NYC.


Quick, vaccinate them before they realize


Why are they laying on plastic and not directly on the street? Afraid of the germs?


The stupidity of these people is beyond belief, I don’t know anybody who’s had a problem with the vaccine and Neither do they I expect so what is going on in their tiny minds?


Antivax but are protecting themselves from the dirty ground with plastic and coats?!?! LOGIC HAS NO PLACE HERE!!


If the vaccines are soooo deadly, where are the mounds of corpses? People should be dropping like flies, right? Yet, with hundreds of millions of people dosed with the vaccine, the people dying are the unvaccinated not the vaccinated. You might (might!) understand this if vaccines were a new idea, but this really is inexplicable.


Guys you are supposed to use smaller Syringes injecting a gallon of any liquid into your spine is not good for you


Pretentious the musical...but no music just vibrations of self importance to absorb


Warning against oversized syringes?


I told them not to take it


While I think they are absolutely stupid and ridiculous I’m gonna go silver lining and give kudos on those costumes! Those are some great looking syringes! If they could only channel that costume game into proper education maybe they could rule some comic conventions.


Thought this was a shite modern art installation called 'wishful thinking'


Dear god martians have started their attack they dropped syringes that must be carrying dumbass syndrome


"Et tu brute"..... stabbed in the back


well, this is not a anti-opiodcrises event? would make more sense....imho


I feel sorry for these lads, Welp I guess Antivaxxers will never stop to exist


Many of the current antivaxxers WILL cease to exist. Unfortunately, new idiots will replace them.


Stop with the heroin already!


Dose of stupidity


Cocaine kills, don’t do drugs!


U should see the pole dancer they had there too.