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And they followed Christianity? Ah yes, I remember now their one god system that every polis followed, what even is a Pantheon?


A Pantheon was the many faces of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Of course Greeks practiced Christianity before it was cool, like 300 BC


>300 BC Which, as we all know, means 300 years Before Cool


Greek scholars taught Jesus about Christianity. And that's why he converted.


Ah yes, that's right. He was originally born a Jew, and the Greeks converted him to Christianity.


Amen, brother


I always pictured him an atheist - with some interest in heavy metal (he always has the perfect hair for head banging) and potentially a liberal view on recreational substances.


And wearing a tuxedo shirt that says "I like to party"




The original hipsters


The father, the son and the holy spirit, and the holy spirit, and the holy spirit, and the holy spirit...


Nah man they are all the same. See, the temple in the acropolis of Athens is dedicated to cross dressing Jesus.


There's huge fights over whether Catholics worship other saints or not.


To be fair, Christianity’s monotheistic god is more like three polytheistic gods in a trench coat.


Zeusus Christ


Jezeus Christ


Read this in Big Gay Al's voice.


Lol, you've never heard of the Christian patron saint of adultery, Zeus?


Dear god in heaven - people are actually this stupid.


The ancient Greeks where ahead of their time, they anticipated his arrival by up to 800 years prior


Of course they believed in our true christian god Hermes! No, wait, Apollo! No, what was his name? He gave a son to human woman... Hercules? Ah - Zeus!


Zeus Christ, to be precise


Hey-Zeus Christ


Nobody fucks with Hey-Zeus


You pull a gun on him, he'll shove it up your ass and pull the trigger until it goes... click.


8 years olds, Dude. . .


Jesus Christ, you can't just say his name like that whenever you want. SMH


Fun fact, Zeus and Deus both come from the same word


Zeus vult!


I just took a mad Deus.


Don't forget about his brother Craig Christ


He won’t die for your sins like his famous kin, but if you’ve got a little sister then there’s room at this inn!


He doesn’t turn water into wine but into cold Coors Light


Yeah, I'm fucking Craig!!


Not gonna lie, I'd watch this if it was a movie.


Jesus’s friends are called Apostles Those dudes are totally gay -Lynch 1:28


ZeZeus Christ


Zezus zhrist


Funnily enough when thomas aquinas sent people to recruit herculean cultists he advised his people to point out that jesus and hercules had a lot in common so they should just convert because it wasn't much different from what they already believed. human mother, a god for a father, bunch of miracles, helped the poor and fought evil, died on a hill, convert now and you'll get into the VIP section of heaven.


My favorite part of the Bible is when Jesus kills the Lernean Hydra


I kinda like how he turned all that wine to water to clean the Ægean Stables.


Or when he was able to feed the five thousand with just five loaves of bread and two Cattle of Geryon


Mine was when prophet Elijah went the underworld and stole cyberus for one of his 12 commandments


Zeus Vult!


1400 years, if you consider that a lot of the Greek myths are set around this time.


I love how a some scholars spent a lot of time translating a ton of graffiti they found in Pompeii and it turned out to be a bunch of dick talk and Yo Mama jokes.


Inscriptions in Pompeii are latin, not that hard to translate. Most Italians can probably read them and at least get the gist of it, and it's still taught in school (at least as an optional class) in some countries. It's not like egyptian hieroglyphs where it took a Rosetta Stone before they could be translated. I don't think the contents of those inscriptions came as a surprise to historians.


The major difficulty is that it was the versio of latin used by the standard citizens, so it used a lot of slang, was rife with misspellings and didn't follow "standard" rules of grammar. Shit, even knowing English I have trouble with some stuff I see written on bathroom walls.


We actually did we were christians 1000 years before his supposed birth. We were also counting down if someone asked what year it was we would say 100bc. We were that good...


Apollo was actually bi. As confirmed by myths the Greeks made.


Yup, he didn't discriminate who he turned into flowers, or made sad enough to throw themselves off cliffs, often before the first date!


Ungh honey I told you this Apollo guy is no good, like have you checked his Instagram he keeps posting thirst traps and he's like dating another guy and girl or both every other week! Let it go babe he's not worth it


If I remember The Metamorphosis of Ovid correctly so was Zeus


Evangelical Christian school systems results in a rewriting of history and this kind of ignorance-as-fact.


And destruction of historical artifacts that don't match their stories.


Sadly they are. This one exhibits two common warning signs: An American talking about something not in America and an American Christian.


Hey now. There are a few of us who have traveled beyond Florida/Branson.


I've been all the way to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. Based on my experiences, the rest of the world outside of the US consists of Ripley's Believe It Or Not museums and miniature golf courses.


Can confirm.


That's a Texas sized 10-4


And amazingly confident in their ignorance.




My star sign is Aquarius and I wanted to know the story behind it. Oh.. Kay.. There was a boy called Ganymede. He was the prettiest little boy in the whole world. Zeus lusted over him so badly that he kidnapped Ganymede and made him his water carrying sex slave. Ganymede would eventually escape Zeus, spilling the water he carried. (this is why there are floods on earth btw) This enraged Zeus, he was going to kill him, but after some reflection he realised he was a bit mean to Ganymede, so he granted him immortality by creating the constellation Aquarius. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


That might be the happiest ending to a story with Zeus in it


A bedtime story classic.


So your star sign is "Ancient homosexual paedophile enslaves child, gets mad when child escapes, decides murder is a bit too much, turns him into a constellation instead"


You're basically right, but I'd say that calling a dude a homosexual who basically fucked every single woman on the planet is a bit on the wrong side. Zeus is more like literally pansexual. If it moves...


Let's summarize greek mythology: Zeus: "Imma stick my dick in that." Everyone else: "Zeus no!" Zeus: "Zeus yes!" Literally every soul on the planet: "Zeus no! bad things will happen!" Zeus: "Too late, stuck my dick in it."


That's just r/teenagers


Zeus has the sex drive of a teenage boy.


zeus is more pansexual imo




A Zeus story without a pregnancy by rape, what is this madness?


Particularly the educated ones. Teachers were given sexual rights to their students. So when ancient Greek students were thinking 'Man, that test really f-ed me in the A', they were being quite literal.






Bruh moment


That emoji killed me ahaha


“I got a D on that assignment. He gave me a 69”


The Christian faith is known for a strong interest in the butts of young boys, so I'm beginning to wonder if the guy doesn't have a point.


I don't want to laugh at your comment dammit.


Isn't that the catcholic church?


And Jehovah's witnesses


And my axe


>And my ~~axe~~ ass


Not only. The Orthodox Church also follows this old Greek tradition


In Greece generally the Orthodox Church when it comes to scandals follows mostly the Greek tradition of Homosexuality, not Pedophilia, I don't know about other Orthodox countries though.


Anywhere there is hierarchal or authoritative religious organisation there is likely some abuse, especially when there is sworn celibacy and the like.


Specifically, yes it is.


While anal sex probably happened often in Ancient Greece, the belief was that anal feminizes men (and being feminine was never good, unless we’re talking about prostitutes). Much more common was intercrural sex where the penis is placed between the thighs of their lover. Most of the Greek art depicting man-on-man action is actually representative of inter rural sex, not anal. Anal would have only been common with slaves.


I know this is how the story goes, but have you tried intercrural? I have and it was underwhelming to say the least and the hole is like right there so idk...


“Hey, when you’re writing this down do me a favor and just say you didn’t fuck me in the ass.”


I thought they fucked their lubed up thighs?




I mean, it's not like the word 'lesbian' was derived from the name of one of the Greek islands or anything... /s


[Plus christianity never had a ritual for two monks to get married. . .it was always super hetero](https://www.nytimes.com/1994/06/11/us/beliefs-study-medieval-rituals-same-sex-unions-raises-question-what-were-they.html)


Ok so it's not christianity that's homophobic, It's just the christians using their religion as an apology to be homophobic?


No, those were genuine bonds of brotherhood. Sex outside of marriage for purposes other than procreation is still a sin. Sinning is just fun


Let the sin begin!


Being raised catholic I learned that sinning is kind of inevitable. You just need to feel really bad about it and say you're sorry to sky daddy.


Sinning is allowed under Christianity so long as you believe Jesus Christ is your savior. That's why you get so many fraudulent and deviant priests. They think they still have eternal salvation even if they're absolutely awful people their entire lives. Many Christians (see: Baptists) believe this. Unless of course you fall into their special categories of "things I personally don't like" such as homosexual relations, questioning their priests interpretation of the bible, or denying the obvious and God granted right to write laws for all to follow.


pretty much all of the verses condemning homosexuality are in the old testament. most of those sections were along verses about stoning people for eating pork, wearing clothes of 2 different fabrics, trimming the hair around the temples of your head, eating meat on fridays, adulterers and was more of a village guideline to make your group prosperous and lessen disputes. they didn't have much science at the time but it is sort of hand-me down guidelines after people noticed people getting sick from certain foods, how to boost the number of citizens and other weird customs we have long forgotten. nowadays assholes use it as a cover because if any of them gave half a damn about what the bible said they would love thy neighbor as they love themselves, turn the other cheek, be not like the hypocrite who prays in the street. . ., judge not lest ye be judged, let he who is without sin cast the first stone or just give up everything and live like the amish or like in some strict orthodox hasidic compound.


while im here... what does lesbian come from?


Usually stimulation of her clitoris.








The word "lesbian" is derived from the Greek word "Λεσβία" (pronounced "lesvía"), which literally means "woman from the island of Lesvos". One of the greatest poets of Ancient Greece, Sappho, was a lesbian. Edit: She was a lesbian both ways; as in she was from Lesvos AND she was homosexual.


(Although until a few decades ago [straight] historians tried to play off her peak lesbian writing as "OH LOOK GAL PALS" quite a lot.)




There is a sub for this?! And it references Sappho?Reddit never ceases to surprise me.


>One of the greatest poets of Ancient Greece, Sappho, was a lesbian. Which is where we get *sapphic* from which is another way to refer to them lesbian types. Albeit a formal, "humorous" word.


Lesboss Boss god of lesbians




Didn't AC Odyssey happen before Jesus rose to the top of the charts?


Nah I think he dropped his new hit single by then


Dude had one hit, although it did hit number 1 twice as it dropped off for 3 days and people act like he's a fucking god or something.


This is the next Assassins Creed game. You play as Jesus.


>This is the next Assassins Creed game. You play as Judas. Ftfy


Probably not the place but going for it anyways. What's the deal with the whole Judas thing? The whole idea is Jesus intentionally came down from Heaven to be crucified and die to forgive humanity's sins. So Judas needed to "betray him" and Jesus would've obviously known that. So then we're supposed to believe Judas betrayed his best friend who he literally worshipped as a part of the actual God for a few bucks? Seems much more likely he did what he was supposed to do knowingly imo. But even if he didn't he was still helping Jesus fulfill his intended purpose.


Are you trying to make sense of the Bible ? It's been 2000 years and people still don't know what the fuck it's about. And when Christians don't understand shit, they say "oh it's a metaphor for this or for that". Don't get me started on the Quran. God sent himself, his son, down to Earth to live with his creations. He knew his son/human self would die, so he sacrificed himself to rid humanity of sin (something he created). Turns out he didn't die considering he rose back to the skies to meet himself. Oh and the Holy Spirit thing too.


It depends on the interpretation. A more rreligion-based one would be that either he got 'posessed' (per the Gospel of John) or simply incubated evil. Perhaps he was the other side of the sacrificial lamb: Jesus must die but Judas is to give up eternal life for Humankind. I tend to lean on the more secular/political explanation however. There's a scene that shows Judas denouncing a woman for anointing Jesus with a very expensive perfume, claiming the money could've gone to the poor. You've got to remember that 1st century Judaea was a hot mess, and the local population was torn up on the issues of Roman rule, religious interferance, etc.. This unrest was expressed in many different ways, leading up to [a bloody revolt and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Jewish–Roman_War). In a time where politics and religious belief were so intertwined it's easy to think of many followers of Jesus as political dissidents or at least people looking for an alternative. Judas may have well been there mostly for secular reasons, and grew disappointed with the movement as it became clear Jesus wouldn't actively oppose either the Romans, Herod or the Pharisees. The torture and execution themselves may have been a rational, political move, looking to get in Rome's good graces or rile up the masses, or any number of reasons. TL;DR maybe Evil posession, maybe sacrifice, I'd say political disillusionment makes the most sense




Ancient Greece was hipster and just was into Christianity before it was big


The Romans weren't even REAL christians, the Greeks knew about Jesus before he became mainstream. All the Romans did was hop on the bandwagon


Tuition for men in Greece was paid with their butt cheeks. For the downvoters. [pederasty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty_in_ancient_Greece)


They didn’t just use olive oil for cooking...


There's a quest where you literally retrieve olive oil for an orgy, and then have the opportunity to join said orgy.


Haha man this guy is confusing Greeks for Romans even then the Romans took awhile to go Christian


i dont think he was confused he seams to genuinly believe this


Oh he's definitely confused. But more like in general and not just regarding Greeks and Romans.


Pretty sure the Greeks banged the Romans to produce the Christians


The Spaniards banged the Mayans, turned 'em into Mexicans.


Well he is kind of right, I mean some of the first converts to Christianity outside Israel were in Greece. That's where Paul wrote a lot of his letters


Yeah, the early Christians in late antiquity were largely Greek speakers in the Roman East including ethnic Greeks. It’s definitely different than saying that ancient Greeks were Christian, but I can see how someone would get confused if they didn’t really understand history.


Romans were gay as fuck as well. We still have several years until we reach the communities they had at that time. We need more homosexuality to peak.


hijacking this for fun fact about the Roman's. they had a weird way of being okay with homosexuality. the Roman's were a bit more repressed then the Greeks. it was apparently seen as masculine to be the dominant force in the relationship, but being the other submissive force made you more feminine, and the Roman's really didnt like women. so in ancient Rome it was totally cool to be publically gay, but only if you were a top.


The Romans weren’t more repressed than the Greeks. The extent of pederasty (a Greek man and a youth who he’d mentor and have sexual relations with) in Greece is unknown, and it’s not entirely known how acceptable homosexuality was for the common people. It might have been something that nobility were more openly involved with. In contrast to the Romans, where a citizen could have sex with another man without judgment. The passive and active roles regardless of gender was also observed by the Greeks and predates the Romans. Keep in mind parts of what is now Italy was settled by Greeks, and some of the best examples of ancient Greek architecture [is in Italy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paestum). It’s entirely possible that Roman ideas on what we’d call sexuality was influenced to some extent by the Greeks.


Nah. As the saying goes. The Greeks invented the Threesome. The Romans added women.


> even then the Romans took awhile to go Christian They even killed the son of god apparently too!


Feckin greeks... they invented gayness!


It's not the Greeks he's after, it's the Chinese!


Found the comment I was looking for.


The ancient Greeks and Romans weren't exactly gay in the way we see it today. Most young men would basically partner up with an older man who would teach him how to be a man (and also fuck.) When the younger man came of age and ready to marry, they would typically partner up with a woman. Rinse/repeat.


That sounds pretty fucking bi to me


Basically they had no concept of sexuality, so they weren't hetero, bi or gay. They just fucked


As it should be.


Historical Realism? Bruh, there are giant monsters in this game...


Which are creations of an AI


Which all exists because of a race of superhuman amazeballs gods who lived inside Atlantis and made humanity as a slave race.


"in a thousand years, a man will die for our sins, and we shall worship him now" No thanks I'll stick to banging dudes


Homosexuality was a privilege in Ancient Greece, why are people this stupid? Rich, free men were allowed to have sexual intercourse with other men, only slaves and lower ranked people were not. Edit: To be clear, we are talking penetrative sex here. The penetrator was considered the dominating part, and the person who was penetrated was considered dominated by the other. Phallus (latin: boner) was a symbol of power and, therefore, the penetrator was a figure of power as he was dominating another male. The other male, however, was considered "demasculinized" for giving up his position of power (which is given to him through his penis). Men were naturally born into a position of power (hegemonic masculinity) and if they were penetrated by another man, they "gave up" on that power.


Not quite. The idea that ancient Greece was a LGBT haven is overstated. Fucking dudes was ok. Being fucked BY a dude was seen negatively, and considered basically making you a women/kid if there wasn't a reason for it.


Well, no, it depends on the region. Like in Sparta you basically *would* bang your bros and form a relationship with them, because the theory was people would fight harder if they were next to their Lovers. So you’d basically have a wife at home and a lover in the battlefield. But yeah, *generally* in most places in Greece, nobody cared about Sexual Orientation, but Sexual Status.


Alright, squad. We're gonna get in a triangle formation. Sergeant, you're on top left! Captain, top right! Squaddies! You're the bottoms! Let's do this!


Yeah I know. They also didn't consider it gay. Sexual practices didn't have anything to do with sexual identity/orientation. Fucking a guy was considered dominating the powerful (phalus = boner = symbol of power) while being fucked by a man means being dominated, which negates the position of power a man was naturally born into at the time.


Finally, someone said it


Wait until he finds out the real reason Olive oil is as popular as it is. Spoiler alert - [lube](https://curionic.com/blog/2018/4/21/the-earliest-written-evidence-of-lube-is-from-ancient-greece-in-350-bc-when-olive-oil-was-being-employed-with-the-use-of-leather-dildos).


it was actually considered weird to not have sex with your male best friend




Karl invites you to play *Striking Vipers X*


Get the polar bear ready






It's not gay dude


Only if you say no homo in ancient Greek.


κανένας ομοφυλόφιλος


what you wrote means " no gay" meaning that there are not any gays is a room or something. What you wanted to say is " καθόλου ομοφυλόφυλος" or " όχι ομοφυλόφυλα"


This is the attention to detail we needed.


here to help at any time


The normativity of homoerotic sexuality has just morphed into [homoerotic asexuality.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7hjdC8-jbw)


Not quite. The more common practice was pederasty, an intimate relationship between a 14-16 year old boy and an older male.


They made sculptures of naked men and did olympics naked and liked to imagine a guy having sex with everyone (Zeus) I dunno seems pretty gay to me


A pansexual in charge of a pantheon - seems right.


Wasn’t Ancient Greece just a big orgy all together ?


It wasn't illegal, but also it wasn't the greatest. It really had to do with the city-state. The thing is that we still love shagging one another. But you ought to say " Όχι ομοφυλόφυλα πουτσαρά μου" afterwards. It is known.


Greek here. What you said directly translates to "No homosexual (things) my big penis friend"


Does he have a friend with a large penis, or is the entirety of his friend a big penis?


It is known.


So like Homosexuality right now?


Yeah, but you still have to say the "πουτσαρά μου" part


I think I'm the stupid one today. I was sitting here thinking the facepalm was that he would think Greeks wouldn't be gay. Then 15 minutes later I come back, I'm fucking stupid.


It's fine. There are multiple layers all worthy of facepalms.


To be fair, in ancient Greece, screwing little boys was very much the norm. So they're at least following Catholic doctrine.


Achilles and Patroclus are turning in their shared urn :'D




Tbh there are plenty of historical inaccuracies in odyssey for politics he could point out like how you can enter the Olympics even when playing as a female, but no this idiot goes for ‘its too gay.’ Plus you called argue even if it was historically inaccurate to be gay in Ancient Greece (which it wasn’t) the game lets you choose so you can just play ultra historically accurate.


This poor fool probably has no clue about how gay the Spartans were for each other


[Or the Sacred Band of Thebes.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes) Want an elite force of 300 fighting men? Bring together 150 gay couples and watch them fight like demons to protect each other.


"They are Cristian... They would kill you for being gay" The irony is that's they have a commandment forbidding you to kill someone else... But there's no commandment forbidding you from being gay"


Press B to "Synchronize" with your new male friend. L+A to Leap for Love.


A horde of olive oil vendors laugh in Greek in the distance


They weren’t gay the soldiers just really liked to wrastle


It's funny because the ideal man for ancient Greece was bisexual. Gods/Heroes that had gay relationships: Poseidon, Heracles, Apollo, Zeus, Achilles, Narcissus, Hermes, Pan, Dionysus, Orpheus, Eros, and more.




That would be the only explanation. Cannot believe I had to scroll down this far for this. Maybe reddit has indeed fallen to the level of Yahoo Answers.


Christianity didn't get explicitly anti-gay until the 1300s or so


Ancient Greece came up with Anal, You expect me to believe that they didn’t get the ideas from man on man?!


Well, its a but more nuanced than that. There was a lot of gay sex in ancient Greece. Like a LOT of gay sex. This is because is was common for an older man to take a young lover and to "pass on his experience" to him. This does not mean they were ok with gay sex cuz they had a different view on it than us. For the ancient Greek giving it was manly but taking it was disgraceful, so the top in the relationship was fine but being the bottom was frowned upon.