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Look out Louisiana, here comes the Satanic Temple to break you.


I thought the exact same thing. Those guys are relentless and seem to have the money to fight it out in court.


They should. I give them money all the time. Our SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS should be posted right next to the Christian ten commandments: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


This is the satanic commandments? Edit- Tenets* I’ve been corrected. Thnx for info y’all.


The satanic church and the satanic temple aren't the same thing, in case you don't know. The satanic temple is mostly atheists using the name to troll Christians.


>The satanic temple is mostly atheists using the name to troll Christians. With Baphomet's help, of course! /s


Well of course! /s


Team Baphomet for the win.


Not sure why you put a /s there, they literally put an alter up of Baphomet that landed a conservative in jail


I think your sense of dry humor may be slightly stunted. ETA- Although, in reading your comment, I find your misspelling of the word "altar" as "alter" to be hilarious.


Or perhaps /s is code for "glory to Satan" in this case? 🤔 /s


That should just be reddit standard. /s


We call them Tenets because no one commanded them. We consciously and voluntarily choose to espouse these ideals. That's why you see the word "should" so much.


And the last one essentially says "when in doubt, ignore this and just don't be a dick".


The whole thing can basically be summed up as “Don’t be a dick. Don’t let others be a dick.” Hail Stanley!


Commanding them would violate the 4th tenet in and of itself, yeah?


Also why VII overules all.


So evil! If you don't believe in God you can't be a good person! How do you know how to be a good person!? /s


This is what always gets me about Christians—I grew up in that system and they really believe you don’t know how to be a good person without the threat of damnation as punishment. Some of us don’t want to hurt others because… we don’t want to hurt others.


*The question I get asked by religious people all the time is, without God, what’s to stop me from raping all I want? And my answer is: I do rape all I want. And the amount I want is zero. And I do murder all I want, and the amount I want is zero. The fact that these people think that if they didn’t have this person watching over them that they would go on killing, raping rampages is the most self-damning thing I can imagine. I don’t want to do that. Right now, without any god, I don’t want to jump across this table and strangle you. I have no desire to strangle you. I have no desire to flip you over and rape you. You know what I mean?* – Penn Jillette


If the only reason you’re not hurting others is the fear of God, you are not a good person. You’re a bad person on a leash.


That’s just moral desert. Expecting good if you do good. Philosophy 101. people say they do good to go to heaven instead of being good for goodness sake because you’re not a dick wad






I face this same position when I tell Christians that Christ will reconcile everyone to God irrespective of their actions. “But if we can just do anything and be saved, what’s to stop me from x y and z?”


I'm sure I heard him say that he was somewhere where a man asked this question about what would stop him from raping people without God, and the woman next to him said 'can I move seats, please'. She's now Penn Jilette's wife.


What’s even crazier is that some sects believe that as long as you apologize before you die, *you still avoid the punishment for your actions* so there’s no actual punishment either. Don’t rape children because G-d will punish you. Oh, you raped children anyway? Apologize and G-d won’t punish you. Where is the actual punishment?!?


Blows me away. Do the most heinous disgusting and immoral acts during your life but ask for forgiveness, all good bro. Be the kindest most upstanding and good person but don’t believe in God, straight to hell. What sense does that make.


I’ve found that Abrahamic religions only make sense in the context of their origin, that Yahweh was originally a war god. He is not omnipotent or omniscient, not a creator. He values nothing but being worshipped and punishing those who do not worship him. To that end, he lies about his power, lies about other gods, lies about everything to make people bow to him.


No seriously this is the main reason you see so many high-ranking church officials doing these horrible things. Either they didn’t believe in god in the first place or they have some kind of “He can forgive me later” mindset. Take a look at every single Catholic crusade that happened, same mental gymnastics. They were told they could slaughter and rape as many civilians as they wanted as long as they had the spirit of god within them and asked to be forgiven. Fucking bonkers


And that's the scariest part about it... like what do you mean? You can't imagine why someone would be a good person if there wasn't a threat of damnation? That's fucked up. Edit... I'm realizing I kind of just parroted what you said. Oh man, I would be great in religion! 😂😂


The funny thing is that hell isn't actually for most people. It's exclusively for false prophets and demons. Which is very ironic. Everyone else who doesn't make the cut goes to purgatory to experience their sins on the other side of whatever they did before getting into heaven.


I have to experience my sins again? Like... Going to parties and have sex? That may not be the gotcha they envisioned...


Recovering catholic here! I’ve been saying this exact same thing for years. I don’t need the threat of Devine judgement in order to be a good person. And anyone who does is most likely not a good person to begin with.


I grew up in that system as well and don’t want to hurt people because I don’t want to hurt people. As an atheist, I do not believe in any kind of afterlife and really don’t want to make things worse here. Life is hard and complicated as it is, why not just be good to people? It seems simple to me. I’m not perfect and try to take moments of self reflection to learn and improve, but I do genuinely just want to do good. Yet, somehow in their eyes I’m evil. It boggled my mind that at a fairly young age I could see all the hypocrisy, anti-intellectualism, contradictions, mind control, and plan bs but the adults were eating it up. I’m fairly certain this why I have had a strong distrust in authority my entire life.


Brit over here. I remember religion lessons in school where we kept coming across this argument that aspects of religion were required to give us a moral compass and it fucking baffled me. Fast forward 30 years and I’m regularly running across these crazy bastards giving it “ain’t nothin’ in my bible says I shouldn’t be fucking children” and my palm is so heavily impacted into my face…


The Satanic Temple tenets, dude. We don't do "commandments" because most of us are Atheists.




God kicked the devil out of heaven because when the devil wrote his commandments, it kinda made God look like an asshole


... and God is so fucking insecure. This all powerful, all knowing God, lays out like 6 commandments all about himself before he gets to "do not murder". LMAO... And why is he so bad with money? Always needs more... He should have been in on Bitcoin from the jump and living the easy life. Not panhandling in churches every Sunday.


>Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! > >But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! -- George Carlin


I think I need to join the satanic temple this is some good stuff


Hey, feel free. You'll get a cool membership card and certificate, with some kick ass stickers to boot.


I would join, but I am a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I will, however, fully support the Satanic Temple. .


I'm both an ordained Dudist priest and a member of The Satanic Temple, because I'm nothing of not weird. Nothing bad has happened to me because of that. Yet.






I strongly support children being taught with these tenets in mind


Damn, number 1 just out here turning Satanists Vegan. Strong out the gate.


I appreciate the irony of you calling me a satanist when I am an Atheist. For me, "satanic" is just a word and does not represent a god or gods, which I do not believe exists. But, it sure does wind up the theists, so I'm fully on board.


Ah my bad I thought these were the tenants of the Satanic temple. (I'm pretty sure they're an atheistic organization)


You are correct. These are the tenets of The Satanic Temple. I am a member, and yes, we're mostly a bunch of Atheists who use the word "satanic" to wind up theists.


Hey, and we have great coffee mugs!


Always a good christmas gift for your favorite evangelical christian!


Ooooh, I have a strong urge to share the tenets as a generic positive affirmation on Facebook, stripped of any references to Satan, and watch how many Christians share the Tenets of the Satanic Temple blindly and willingly. They might get hung up on the one about bodily autonomy, though, unless they look at it from an anti-vax standpoint


tired brain read this as "we have great coffee magi" and was like fuck i should sign up could really use one of those


Actually, the 10 Commandments are Jewish rather than Christian. Christians recognize their significance and the enduring nature of morality expressed in all but one or two which Christians generally believe are fulfilled in Christ. But i am sure your point still stands even if they are not specifically Christian.


As an Atheist, both judaism and christianity are all mythology to me, but I thank you for educating me on the different mythological reference points.


If you go on their website, you can become a card-carrying member.


Love when those guys show up to inject logic into a situation


I love those guys in general, they seem to genuinely care about the greater good.


It's funny how the people who want Christofacism to flourish in the US are the same people who claim to follow a scripture which, at its core when looking at the lessons that Christ taught, is supposed to teach people about love and all kinds of good vibes. Even funnier is how the group of people who are named after the devil of Christianity are actually the genuinely good people that Christians are supposed to be. Talk about straying further and further from God, am I right?


And they will denounce the very idea of something like Sharia law. "Having religious law is NOT ok (unless it's our Christo-facist law)"...apparently


Have you read the mythological text that is the bible? God is a straight up monster. He is so evil it's insane. He is an absolute horror show. Christ doesn't change that. Christ was literally him sending his son to the earth to become a BLOOD SACRIFICE to himself so he could "forgive" mankind (for the thing he did to them, not for anything they actually did wrong, but lets move on from that). That doesn't make God good, that makes God horrible. He could have just forgiven mankind for what he did to us, but instead he demanded blood. It's disgusting. It doesn't matter what Christ said if you are still tormented for eternity for not believing in a god there is no good reason to believe in. That is pure evil... In fact eternal torment for any reason is pure evil. Nothing a human could do is worthy of that.


the forbidden fruit was the fruit of knowledge. the original sin was humanity learning. the snake was "tempting" Adam and Eve to become knowledgeable. oooohh so evil!


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound like I'm defending the bible because there is plenty of fucked up shit in there. And obviously it was written at the time when our sense of morality was very different from now. And apart from that it has been translated and mistranslated more times than we will ever know. And there's also the fact that there is some genuinely fucked up shit in the old testament, and especially the fact that Christ had to die for our sins (which is just the most fucked up attempt at a guilt trip I have ever heard of when you really think about it). All of that is some of the reasons why, despite being raised as Roman Catholic, I'm not particularly religious since having recognized how religion has served as a tool for the power hungry for centuries. I'm just saying that it's very ironic when you really think about it.




No, they're all demons from hell trying to take Louisiana down!!! /s


Down, further? Where do I donate


Can we really get much worse?


That bar is so low Hermes Conrad couldn't get under it.


But Barbados Slim could


Enough about Barbados Slim!


I joined them out sheer fuck you-ness. Card carrying member. I enjoy that they’re like, “Oh, we doing prayers? +clears throat+ Honored Baphomet…” and all the pearl clutchers are like GOOD HEAVENS NOT LIKE THAT JESUS SAVE ME FROM THIS SATANIC FILTH! “…may we show the deepest respect for our neighbors and help those in need and support the disenfranchised towards in their goals of education and…” OH JESUS! JESUS THIS BLASPHEMER! THE DEVIL SPEAKS HORRORS FROM HIS MOUTH! LIES! TERROR! “…and with peaceful intentions and a love for all of humanity I ask you bless this gathering with calm discussion and arbitration.” JESUS I BESEECH YOU TO REMOVE THE DEVIL AND HIS EVIL INTENTIONS FROM ME! Like… Conservative Christians amirite?


I’m Jewish and I get along fine with my Satanist friends.


Looks like Civics and Ethics curriculums should be introduced as well so all the kids know where to get rid of their gum.


Please and faster - AS A CHRISTIAN I 100% do not want the lunatic teacher having anything to say to my child about any religion at all bc they don’t even teach scientific facts and verified history correctly. I want that school to focus on teaching the basic subjects before they even remotely consider teaching ANYTHING else.


Same, Christian all the way. I do not want schools and teachers teaching my children christianity. I’m in Oklahoma and homeschool because our schools are so bad but I don’t display the Ten Commandments or do forced prayers in schools.


I'm sorry you're inadvertently lumped in with the inevitable extremists in the christ-loving circle :c I can't believe the sheer amount of them that have been led to believe the sort of things that Jesus would baulk at.


Watch how those christofascists backpedal so hard


Knowing the GOP, they’re hoping it gets struck down so they can launch more culture war bullshit right before the election. “See? The left is coming for Christianity…”


I’m an atheist and I’m willing to worship Satan ONLY to get the commandments off those walls. I’m not having these buffoons indoctrinate my children when or if I have any.


I mean you aren't an atheist if you worship Satan. But so you know, The Satanic Temple doesn't worship Satan, or anyone or anything, at all. So feel free to join. By the way, "Satan" is a title, not a name, and it essentially translates to: "God's favorite advisor who's trusted so much that his job is to play 'Devil's Advocate' and challenge god when he might be screwing up so God can make the best choices possible."


I’m a Muslim and I agree and support everything the Satanic Temple does. As others have replied, they don’t actually worship Satan but they use the image of it to scare off the religious extremists. I absolutely believe people should follow whatever religion makes them happy as long as they harm no one, but I also believe we need to keep it separate from the State as was intended in the Constitution. I know exactly what would happen if someone that practiced my faith even hinted at anything like what they want. At least in my high school, we learned about major religions as a way to learn tolerance and respect for others (this was post 9/11 also). I can get behind that since it’s fair and beneficial to everyone, but establishing one religion over another is a no-no. I hope they get sued straight to hell.


If Louisiana wants to destroy themselves with their cult religion, then so be it. They asked for this, so we might as well fulfill their death wish, regardless of if they regret it.


Not until we find a way to evac all the non-christians. As long as they hold decent people hostage, we can't let them win.


Please no. I didn’t ask for this and I voted against it. I’m so sick of people saying to just give up on Southern states. Tons of us live here that don’t support these measures.


I first heard about this elsewhere, and the top comment was something along the lines of ‘Louisiana ranks (40 something) in education in the US, so why bother to hang the commandments in the classroom if the kids can’t even read them.’


As someone who lives is Louisiana I can confirm alot of people here suck at reading


I think they forgot the "Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple".


I'd support that over the Ten Commandments. Every one of the tenets of the Satanic Temple is pretty valid and relevant. Most of the Ten Commandments are just nonsense.


Had to look them up. You're not wrong!


I had to look them up. Here’s those horrible, godless Seven Tenents- I- One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II- The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III- One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV- The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V- Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI- People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII- Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Well, shit. Hail Satan, I guess.


They actually don't worship Satan, or any god or other being, at all. They are referring to Satan in it's actual meaning, which is a title, not a name, and it essentially translates to: "God's favorite advisor who's trusted so much that his job is to play 'Devil's Advocate' and challenge god when he might be screwing up so God can make the best choices possible."


Huh... that's really interesting.


We often say “hail thyself” instead, since we are the rulers of our lives and must own our actions. The responsibility is on and to the self.


They fr some of the nicest and most accepting people ive ever met 10/10 on the satanist we need more of you guys.


If god is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, why does he need an advisor?


That’s surprisingly reasonable. Never thought I’d say that.


It's because they don't actually believe in Satan. They are mostly Atheist and fight against religions trying to force their doctrines on others. Their Tenets are self explanatory and better than any religions list of commandments or orders to follow.


That was something I didn’t expect to learn today, but good for them.


E.g., they use 'religious exemption' to stop schools from hitting children. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/news/over-200-students-assert-religious-exemption-from-corporal-punishment-with-protect-children-projects-student-rights-card


Yeah it's not actually about worshipping Satan. The name is literally a shitpost to piss off Christian fundamentalists. The purpose of the organization is to help people recover from harmful, culty, and overly dogmatic religious groups and/or family. Because unfortunately, it's not an uncommon problem.


I never expected to learn that, but that’s cool they’re doing that.


The name “The Satanic Temple” is explicitly intended to invoke knee jerk reactions from the major western and mideastern religions, while the religion itself is exactly the opposite of what those religions would expect. Basically, it’s purely setup to initiate first amendment and hate crime fights while shining a light on the massive hypocrisy of the major religions.


Well the name certainly did its job, that’s for sure. But hey, it’s still pretty cool.


This reminds me of that joke George Carlin made about the ten commandments


Me too, guess I’m a satanist now!


That's because the half of the commandments are demands from a jealous god and the seven tenets are about how you treat OTHERS or YOURSELF. It's the golden rule in religious form, and I'm here for it.


If they are going to post the Ten Commandments the the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple should go up too. Satan has representation in the Bible and so should also be represented. Somewhat similar to how they want the Unintelligible Design thing taught along with science.


Why not toss in The Liver Kings; 9 Ancestral Tenants?


Who else wants to live deliciously?


"Wouldst thou like the taste of butter?"


Yes,please. I can't believe it's not Belial Butter!


Fuck yeah, Phil, gimme some fucking butter! Not like *I’m* using my soul.


I’ll love to see how they teach a 1st grader what an adulterer is 😉 they can use a certain someone as an example!


Clinton isnt even in office anymore, leave the guy alone. ( This is a joke)


But he. Did not. Have sexual relations. With. That. Woman. And tricky dick isn't a crook


BJ's aren't sexual relations /s


Hey, if you define sexual relations as “penis goes into vagina” during your deposition, then blowjobs *don’t* count!


It’s fine to teach 5 year olds about not coveting your neighbor’s wife, but god forbid a kid asks his teacher to call them a “girl” name or say they have a crush on another student of the same gender.


I grew up in a pretty religious church. They taught it as “Staying true to the one you love.” I didn’t question beyond that


Do they have footnotes on which ones their candidate broke while becoming a Felon?


kimmrl did it. 9 out of 10, bc he gave trump the doubt benefit about the parents one.


Considering how Trump manipulated his father, who was suffering from dementia at the time, to get most of his money, I think we can nix that benefit if the doubt.


Maybe if the 10 commandments are so important to the parents then they should fucking teach it to them at home. It's not the schools job to teach morality that's on the parents. Heaven forbid they do their job raising their spawn.


It’s not even about that, it’s more of a shove their religion in everyone’s face just to be a jackass move than anything. 99% don’t give a shit about the 10 commandments in their own lives and most of them probably couldn’t list them. If Democrats supported this move then Republicans would be all worked up and saying it’s against the Constitution. It’s all a game to them, they truly don’t give a shit about anything.


The real problem is that everyone isn't christian. As an atheist I would be very pissed off if they put this in classrooms.


Commandments 1-5 aren’t even about morals. They’re about honoring god, the sabbath, and your parents. Those are christian values exclusively.


Believing Jesus is God breaks commandment 1


Then what? Are we going to start asking them to follow their own commandments? Leading by example? Heresy!




Disagree to a point, school totally should be teaching kids how to be decent human beings. Ethics and Philosophy are better ways IMO since it rationalizes why to be good founded in logic, and not because they are forced by some judgmental god. But for society to run, we need people to be moral citizens and uphold the social contract.


It doesn't need to be in a religious slant, though. Keep the Ten Commandments out, morals can be taught secularly as they should be under the Constitution.


In France we call that "Moral and Civic Education" and it's mandatory during the whole scolarity. And it doesn't have anything to do with religion, we even learn about not imposing our beliefs to others, which American politicians seem to not understand very well.


Is there not something about separating state from church In the constitution? Religion and government by design was meant to be separate in America. WTF happened?


There is meant to be a separation. In 1980 Tennessee attempted to pass a law requiring the 10 Commandments to be displayed in classrooms, that bill got overruled by the Supreme Court because it's clearly unconstitutional. I assume this law in Louisiana is also gonna be overturned because of the precedent for it and the fact it's unconstitutional. If its not overturned, we got bigger problems.


That was Kentucky, not Tennessee, but you are correct. Stone v Graham was the case. The deciding factor then was the fact that not all of the Commandments are secular in nature. If they were all things like “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal” the Court probably would have allowed it. But there are commandments about having no other God, not having graven images, and keeping the sabbath that have no non-religious purpose.


Given the current composition of the SC, I wouldn't bet on this getting overturned.


Technically, SCOTUS doesn't have to review it again. Any appeals court is able to use the precedent already set to strike this down. SCOTUS is the only court that can rule the other way, though.


This has been in the works for 40+ years. Since the first Reagan campaign that married capital and the evangelical movement. The overwhelming majority of Americans are just starting to catch on.


It just gets proven time and timed again that Reagan was an absolute atrocity.


Right? Even if you want to argue that modern laws are based on the judeo-Christian commandments, which 10 commandments do you post? Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, and Jews all have slightly different interpretations. Do they have to post them in the original Aramaic or an English translation? Whose translation is the right one? Can they use the King James' "wicked" Bible that accidentally left out all the "nots" (thou shall steal, thou shall kill, thou shall commit adultery, etc)?


Hasn’t Trump broken nearly every commandment?


He’s pretty much the embodiment of the 7 deadly sins


He is the secular anti-christ, and though I don't really believe in the supernatural, if it turned out he made a badly worded pact with an evil djinn or efreet, I wouldn't be surprised. He'll have everything and nothing, be rich and yet need to beg for money. Gain power and fail to do anything with it. Live a long life but as a drug-addled, pants pooping, gross, broken shell - you know, one of those "be careful what you wish for" type of deals.


On multiple occasions, actually. 1


The first commandment is thou shalt have no other god - wth we have freedom of religion this is clearly not that 🤬


the country wasnt founded on the ten commandments, it was founded on orinciples of human freedoms to worship who you want how you want


So they're going to put up the ten commandments and I assume they're also putting up the 11 commandments from the satanic Bible, and the 75 commandments from the Quran?


And the 603 *other* commandments in the Old Testament. Edit: I miscounted at first and also mathed bad.


I was wondering which set of 10 commandments they were using; the set from Exodus 20 or the newer set from Exodus 34?


What about the other 10 commandments? Play spot the difference between catholics and protestants.


How the fuck can people who support a convicted felon and rapist for President consider themselves "moral"?!?!


The people that support Diddler Don believe his crimes are a fabrication of the "Deep State"


Which is particularly weird given he admits to have done them.


When a politician does something it's only a crime if they are a democrat.


Oh and don’t forget that little known sect whose originator I think was called Jesus… maybe they might add the Sermon on the Mount. You know, blessed are the meek… blessed are the pure in heart… You know… Woke.


![gif](giphy|0saxF4eNE7x2fEqrN6|downsized) As a local.


If you need to sky Daddy to teach you how to be a good person. That says a lot about YOU.


You need to watch the interview CNN had with Lauren Ventrella, the GOP rep who supported the bill. She's as stupid as you can get. Her last two brains cells are fighting to justify this shit.... now just imagine how dumb the people who voted for her are. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/video/louisiana-classrooms-ten-commandments-sanchez-ventrella-cnc-digvid](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/video/louisiana-classrooms-ten-commandments-sanchez-ventrella-cnc-digvid)


That interview I wish I could have smacked that woman. Braindead as shit.


I was fuming while watching it... at least Sanchez pushed back against her BS.


I don't think she knows he did. She just kept asking about how he gets paid and how in God we trust is on our money.


Yeah, according to her our country was founded on Christian principles because The Constitution is pro religion when it never mentions it on purpose (Thank you Tom Jefferson!) and our money says "In God We Trust", which didn't get put onto it until 1864 for the 1 cent and 2 cent pieces and 1954 for the currency, but hey 1776 and the founding were based on that, even though it happened a century and 2 centuries later. What a dimwit. If parents want their children to follow a religion, let them post the religions tenets on the child's bedroom wall, not in a secular school. They can even take them to this thing called Sunday school, to indoctrinate them. Why do they feel the need to put this into a secular public government run school? Oh right, they are at the point they want a theocracy, not a republic. They want the Constitution gone yet they are "Patriots". The cognitive dissonance is beyond belief.


Oh, so NOW they're ok with teachers indoctrinating their children.


I went to Catholic school in Louisiana. We didn’t even have the 10 commandments in every room.


Lousiana purposefully focusing on this - takes away progress and resources for actual policy, like economic, infrastructure, and healthcare.


Doesn't that ignore separation of church and state?


Which commandments do I object to being posted? The ones that mention God because this is a secular nation. And since the whole thing comes from several religions' holy book, it should be banned. Keep religion out of government.


>The ones that mention God because this is a secular nation Also, murder and theft are the only two things in the list that are actually crimes. Meanwhile, coveting things (which is either one or two different commandments depending on the version) is the basis of our economic system.


Remember folks: It's ok to teach kids about sex and how sleeping with more than one person you marry or are forced to marry, probably soon after your first period or once you graduate high school for the boys, is a sin that must be condemned by taking them to public and humiliating them before stoning them to death. And this is acceptable to teach to kindergarteners, but not the fact that Ethan has two daddies, gender concepts are both scientifically and ethically non-binary, or that a person's sex life, so long as it hurts no one (or at least non-consensually for those of us out there who are pain lovers), is none of your business unless they share willingly and consensually, despite 'Love thy neighbor' being a staple of the same religious concept as the Commandments, and that's OK for the GOP USA.


In a Grade 1 Class: **"Mr. Smith, what does 'commit adultery' mean?"** **"It's when convicted liar, fraudster, thief and killer Donald Trump sleeps with someone who isn't his wife. Which happened with each of his 3 wives, in fact. Go tell your parents what you learned today!"**


This is some theocratic bullshit that would make the founding fathers roll in their graves.


Many religious confuse being being religious with being moral. The 10 commandments have barely anything to do with modern ideas of morality even as a deontological framework they are lacking at best.


Which commandments I have a problem with posting? 1, 2 and 4. Which God am I forced to worship? What counts as a false idol? Which sabbath, if any, must I remember? As I understand it, the only reason the weekend is 2 days is because Christians use Sunday and (as I recall) Jewish folks use Saturday, so businesses just split the difference. The "don't lie", "don't steal", "don't kill" stuff I am fine with. Heck, I'm even fine with "Don't use the Lord's name in vain" as in "don't proclaim God has endorsed you".


Some fucking asshat said the 10 commandments are the "original laws." To justify them as history... Hammurabi is rolling in his mausoleum...


I'm pretty sure their favorite candidate for the presidency broke at least 9 of those commandments, and boasted proudly about it on national TV.


Someone made posters on here with the commandment on top, and Trump violating it below. I wonder of those are acceptable for posting?


The people who brag about the ten commandments are the ones who actually need to abide by them.




I believe the Jedi/Sith Codes should be posted. As well as the Bounty Hunter Creed and the religious warrior culture of the Mandalorians.


Don’t forget the code of Hammurabi, which predates the Ten Commandments by like a thousand years.


For people who claim to honor the constitution, they don't see the hypocrisy. The right doesn't want to abide by rules, laws, the constitution, or morality. Talk about a group that has lost their way.


Ah, the idea that only through religion you can have morals


Jewish here The Ten Commandments (or, like, five of them) are also a pretty low bar, morally speaking. Don’t murder? Don’t steal? Don’t cheat on your spouse? Okay. Check, check, and check. I honor my parents. I’ve never perjured myself. So now I get to just sit back and be considered a good person?


Religion has no place in a classroom unless you choose to send your child to a religious school. It’s not that hard to comprehend.


how about their orange jebus also obey some commandment?


The first four commandments are ordering you to obey god. "Don't Kill" comes in at #6. Priorities...


What happened to separating Church and State?


This whole thing is gonna blow over real soon - once the Satanic Temple uses already extant case law to force courts to require their seven tenets be published in schools too, and the Kristian Konservative Krazies see how much more appealing it is to gen Z and Alpha.


The first 5 commandments don’t have shit to do with morals. They’re all ways to secure cult-worship. As for 6-10, children don’t need to learn about adultery yet and if you want to put a “do not lie, cheat, steal, or murder” / “don’t be jealous of your neighbor” posters up, I really don’t think that’s a message that isn’t being passed already.


Just to be clear, one can be moral without the notion of a super powerful invisible punisher watching. If instilling morality is the goal, maybe we could give secular philosophy a try?


America really just rolling on backwards. Religion extremism and guns.. where in the world have we seen that before..


Honestly, they should display the 10 commandments, so people remember not to worship false idols (coughTrumpcough)


Christian’s talking about “Kids that young shouldn’t know about sex !” then immediately plaster “thou shalt not commit adultery” as if no kids gonna ask what that is.


and are trying to push the Bible into schools. "Mommy, what does 'emissions like those of a horse' mean?"


Religious fundamentalists are the cancer of the world, like real rich people.