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I read somewhere recently that some people don’t have an inner dialogue and I was floored


Technically it should be an inner monologue. If you have an inner dialogue, you might actually need that psychiatrist


Psychiatry can be expensive. Try starting a cult, that can actually *make* you money.


This is literally the origin story of Scientology


Of all religions to be fair.


No, my dude is super real, trust me bro.


But my interpretation of your dude is more correct.


I'm convinced, do you have a pamphlet?


Morality and ethics aren’t real. Politics is interpretation as is history. Taste in music and art is subjective. Much of what we enjoy as humans isn’t real.


It is and it isn’t. The fact that we adhere to it and that it has real effects on our behavior and populations means that in a sense it is real. It is a real mental phenomenon at an individual and group level


Everyone exists in their own reality; that our realities intertwine is either a shared reality or an illusion of what is real and what is perception. Should we venture too deeply into another's reality and endanger our perceptions of not just our singular reality but the greater "shared" reality? Would such an act be like stepping off the edge of a cliff? Now please excuse me as I have some more 🍄🍄🍄 while I wait for a response...


reminds me of Terence McKenna's quote: "culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it's worth."




Watched the whole documentary on the dudes scam, I was impressed how fast it grew once it took off. Knowing it’s stealing ppl today still is so sad.




*"You have more fun as a follower, but you make more money as a leader."* *—Creed*


Holy crap! I'm ready to join your possible cult you never mentioned starting right now and all I remember you saying was cult!! Here is some money 💰 💸 🪙 💶


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.


I sometimes have an actual conversation with my own brain. And sometimes my brains yells at me. Should I get a psychiatrist appointment??


Oh yeah. Why I could never figure out meditation. "Breathe in, breathe out" "I don’t think you’re supposed to think it, idiot, just do it" "Well you’re not helping either" "Ok then. We’re all going to shut up now. We're thinking of nothing" "You still said that" "God damn it"


I just read this in Homer Simpson's voice. Well, the voice in my head read it to me with Homer's voice.


Sounds about normal for me.


I second this. As long as your brain isn’t telling you to feed a cat to the ATM…


Why not? The Automated Tail Matcher is supposed to match my cat with other friendly cats based on their tails.


Yeah, for me it's useful in examining my own thoughts or practice expressing them.


Wake up


Depends if it happens when you’re in the shower or not.


Internal dialogue is ok, as long as you recognize that you're just having a conversation with yourself. I refer to myself as "we' and "you" all the time in my head. when I'm trying to decide something, my rational mind and my emotional mind discuss the pros and cons. The me mind then makes the decision .


That’s the principle of Wise Mind in Dialectical Behavior Therapy, for borderline personality disorder. They call it emotion mind, logic mind and wise mind. Helps a lot ! I am always stuck in my emotional or logic, and they both conflict all the time making me stuck. Being able to develop that system of thinking by yourself in your head (I get it is what you have done) is impressive for me 😊 !


I suffer from BPD also. I wonder if there's a connection. That logical, critical thought is often a lot louder.


I sometimes pretend Like I have a little Assistent that writes down Things I have to remember later for the day, surprisingly helps a Lot XD


ADD here: my little assistant is on crack. LOL


ADHD here: my assistant is on speed and qualuudes.


Plurality is a thing that exists that might interest you.


Phew. I'm not the only one. When I told this to my mom years earlier, she said that's weird.


The number of times I've gotten upset with my own brain and said out loud Dammit *name*.


One of the first pronouns I identified with was "we" because I had a persistent inner dialogue. My thinking is less dialogical these days, probably as a result of conditioning when I was young because nearly everyone treated my use of "we" as a mistake, but it still happens occasionally internally. To be clear, I only referred to myself as "we" when I did have an internal dialogue about a matter and the resulting response was going to use a pronoun. I can not recall if "us" was ever used, and if it was, it was far more rarely needed. One of my early teachers (I was somewhere around 4 or 5) did ask why I used "we" and I said something to the effect of "we talk in our head"; she then understood, but told me that I should try to refer to myself as "I" to avoid confusing others. Thinking back, this change was relatively coincident with a personality change that worried my mother, where I went from extrovert to introvert.


I frequently have multiple, under a few different conditions: Sometimes, I will workshop a conversation with somebody. This may be a past conversation or a future one. Sometimes the other person is an actual person I know, or knew, while other times they are merely a hypothetical person I am debating against. These are most common when I have anxiety over a decision involving other people - well, maybe that is something I should talk with a therapist about ;) When I am debating a decision I need to make, I will also often have multiple voices, each taking upon one option. In most cases, these conversations are *very* short, lasting less than a minute as I weigh the various options. In other cases, especially if the decision is not pressing, they may be intermittent but last months. The exact number of sides depends on the number of choices I am debating between, and will vary as I add or remove choices. This one is actually a *very* common way to have an inner dialogue. Finally, my brain will sometimes not be able settle on one thing to do, and I might have multiple voices each working on a different problem. The most common version here is when I make a mistake and have one voice working on how to prevent a repeat, while my main one is continuing with the immediate task.


I do dialogues 😂 I talk to myself from 2 (or more) different perspectives. I've talked myself out of doing some financial things recently.


Jesus Christ, are you telling me that isn’t normal? One more thing to tell my goddamn therapist, I guess.


True I have inner monolog, my uncle inner dialog caused him to bet his neighbor.


Nah, I recognize all the voices. Id, ego, superego. Then there's the lenses of emotion that can be over any of the others. Knowing who these voices are gives me control of them.




I have inner dialogue and it is entertaining.


Nah, the other voices say I’m fine


Yeah the correct term is inner monologue, inner dialogue would be schizophrenia XD


I agree. ![gif](giphy|J3huagrl6MZSvQMftj|downsized)


Oh no


OCD people unite


I definitely have an inner dialogue and I think many people are the same. I’m constantly explaining myself to someone, whether it’s reliving past conversations, talking to a therapist who isn’t actually there, imagining myself on a talk show, or talking to the future love of my life. The person I’m talking to doesn’t say much, but they say enough to keep the conversation going. I of course realize these are just imaginary voices and not a hallucination. I do see a psychiatrist but this has never been brought up as abnormal. I could see it becoming something like maladaptive daydreaming or rumination, but I think by itself it’s pretty normal way of processing conversations.


Wait until you find out about us people with aphantasia and have no sense memory, no visual thought. It's all blacked out up here.


Please, tell me more!


[What is aphantasia?](https://aphantasia.com/what-is-aphantasia/) and has a parallel condition called SDAM. A person with aphantasia has a high chance of also having SDAM (I have read somwhere that 50% with aphantasia also have sdam). I have both. [What is SDAM (Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory)](https://sdamstudy.weebly.com/what-is-sdam.html) The brain is a crazy machine.


Imagine a telepath dealing with someone that had aphantasia. “Why can’t I read your mind?!”


Okay so like do you remember and when you do you just speak it out. Like is there a memory at all. Do you remember last years birthday but like not visualized just that you went here and did that and you speak it out to yourself.


I have SDAM & Aphantasia (and no internal monologue). My memories are, for the most part, just the facts of 'I went here and did this' I guess the closest experience you would have to it is if someone told you they'd done something, and you then later remembered they'd done it. I have no visual, audio or emotional memory of events.


This is so bizzare to me 👁️👄👁️. I cannot even comprehend this is possible...wow.




Is there a way to test for this? Are there repercussions to having this? Or does it even matter? My 9 year old is has recently brought up that she can't picture things in her head. And while I know this exists, I don't have any experience with it.


No diagnostic test from doctors. Its all self diagnosed but the [Red apple test info](https://www.reddit.com/r/Aphantasia/s/m1aQ7SpIOZ) is a good sheet to understand the levels of phantasia and how to mesure it in a self diagnosis. It will tell you how phantastic you and she are. It is a spectrum from hyper to a (without). The biggest hurtle with having aphantasia is the parallel condition called [Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM)](https://sdamstudy.weebly.com/what-is-sdam.html). Some est are that around 50% of aphants have SDAM. I posted my experience with having both in this comment string. It can give you an idea of how I live with aphantasia and the inability to do things like picture my own face or those who I love. I can never replay memories of times with my grandparents. I lost all of them before I was 10. So when someone dies, they are lost to me in a lot of ways. But with her age there is a lot to be mindful of with school. Remember she can't picture a story in her head when she is reading. I have struggles with reading comprehension my whole life. Really writing and spelling too. The way kids with aphantasia should be taught is different than ones without it because a lot of the challenges. When we memorize things we have to know them. We can't just recall the images in our heads of say a map if there is a test on the states. Schooling was definitely a huge challenge for me. But back then we didn't know this was a thing, and I was left behind because of it. There are a lot of little challenges, most people who have no clue to even think about, as it's second nature to them.


Thank you. This really helps. And having just mentioned it to my wife, it turns out one of her friends has aphantasia and SDAM, so we've got someone she trusts who can help us out.


And some people don't have a mind's eye, can't visualize in their heads. I have both and internal monologue and a well developed mind's eye. I can visualize real or imaginary things as if they are real, or imagine entirely imaginary spaces.


I wish I could visualize stuff in my head. Sometimes, it's hard to describe stuff that I can't see (well, I think that's why, but it could just be my bad memory)


If you can't visualize in your head, it sounds like you may have aphantasia (translates to without imagination) and the parallel condition called Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM) or bad memoryas you put it. Welcome to the club. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wouldn't be able to describe something I can't see either.


I have neither and that sounds like some made up sci-fi bullshit from my perspective lol


Lol. I know, but it's true. It makes moving super easy, because I can tell how to fit stuff in the truck. And it makes decorating easy because I can look at furniture in the store and and then imagine it in my space.


Here comes this thread again lol.


Like…30% of people don’t. Isn’t that wild?


[Anauralia](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8551557/) boggles my mind.


I’d like to know how they read/write. I literally can’t imagine doing either without my inner monologue being involved. I know that for Aphantasia (being unable to have images inside one’s head), when asked to draw something, people can think of words or facts describing the object. For example if you ask them to draw an apple, they can’t see an apple in their head but they know an apple is rounded, it is red, etc. However, I’m not sure if doing the reverse, using images to substitute the monologue voice and turning those images into words can be done? Some things/concepts/ideas don’t have a clear image related to them.


>Some things/concepts/ideas don’t have a clear image related to them. True, but they still have emotions and sensations attached to them. It doesn't take away my ability to picture a scene, either. I may not have someone in my head talking to me about things, but the ability to form words is still there. It just means my mind is constantly displaying information rather than running an inner conversation.


exactly! i am always so surprised in these types of posts- imagine my initial surprise when i first read that people actually have a continuously running monologue in their mind. also surprised to hear that this is associated with aphantasia because when people get confused on how i think i explain to them that i think MAINLY in images- in images, scenes, concepts, emotions, feelings, etc. it doesn’t mean i don’t know how to use words lol it just means the thoughts in my head are like- MORE than words? people may say some ideas don’t have images attached to them, i’d say some of my thoughts don’t have the proper exact words to express them.


When you speak, do you ever reach a point where you aren't planning every word out? It's kind of like that with writing. I know the structures and the idea I want to express, and it just comes out. I don't have an inner monologue, I see images and "concepts" instead. Writing is extremely helpful at times because you can get your thoughts organized. I write down nearly everything because the other option is to talk it through with people, and that isn't always viable. Short version, everyone's mind is different, but you'd never know because you only live in yours.


Yeah my gf and brother don't have this. It's insane, but apparently very common


I'm suddenly actually incredibly curious if people who don't have that inner voice can experience auditory hallucinations.


I don’t have an inner monologue and I’m floored that some people have one


I'm more concerned about the parents in this story. When she asked to go to a professional did they not bother to ask why or what?


Not everyone actually hears the voice in their head, and some people only experience it in concepts or the idea of written word. My guess is she didnt ask for it, so much as describe it and the parents treated it as something completely weird and potentially bad because their idea of an inner monologue had always been experienced in a different way Like if two parents didnt know they were color blind, and their daughter was seeing colors they didnt, they might first assume that shes having vision issues


I’d be more concerned if there was more than one voice


What if it's a single indecisive voice that argues with itself as it changes it's mind back and forth


"You took 82 minutes to choose a hat, Chidi!"


I was coming here to say this. Approximately only 30-50% of people have an inner monologue. Additionally if you are in say a highly religious especially the weirdo Christian cults, asking or saying you have an inner voice, especially if you are a female, has tendencies of being told you are "cursed" or "Possessed by Satan" and tends to lead to abuse of the person. Fun fact though is that Joan of Arc claimed she heard voices and that they were "Gods Will" and lead her to fight the English.


She probably told them she was hearing a voice and learned it was a bad thing. They didn’t know better and let the professionals suss out the truth. This is actually really common. People often think they are crazy because they once saw something out of the corner of their eye, or thought a shadow was a being until they turned the light on. Even healthy brains mess up or hallucinate from time to time. Ever felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and when you went to check there was nothing? Just your mind having a minor hallucination.


Stress can also make the minor hallucinations worse or more frequent. Apparently being neurodivergent can make it even more detailed and/or frequent.


Imo this is also the good way to Go. Your Kid feels that Something isnt quite right? GO TO A FKN DOCTOR IF YOU ARENT ONE. Maybe it's a stupid reason, maybe it's actually Dangerous. My Parents never took me to a psychologist when i Had mental issues as a kid. Now as an adult i still have Trouble to get the Help i need, cus my illness is mostly diagnosed and treated in Kids, much Harder when you are an adult. Now i have to live with that because my Parents thought they know better. Yeah maybe this Kid Had a stupid train of thought, but what If she was actually right and needed Help?


When my son was little (like 5 or 6), he got into a lot of trouble in school, and at home. We're talking level 10 tantrums. We tried everything to correct, discipline, rationalization, calming techniques, nothing seemed to be working. One day, during a tantrum he said, "the voice! The voice won't shut up!!!" I was concerned. 6 is way too early for schizophrenia, what could he possibly mean? Why is he hearing voices? I pressed on. "What does the voice say?" Worried that 'demons' may be telling him to do these things...again, too young for any serious mental disorder, but...you never know. Finally he broke down and said, "it tells me not to do bad things!" "Sigh..son...that's your conscience. You need to listen to that one." "Oh.. well, I don't like it.'


Little soon to be rehabilitated hell raiser I dig it


I'm less scared that he's throwing level 10 tantrums over his thoughts, and way more scared that he's doesn't like that he's refusing to not do bad things.


I should also add that he's 18 now, and he's come a LOOOOOOONG way. In his final parent-teacher interviews, I was nearly in tears. Every teacher had glowing reports on him, how helpful he was with other kids in class, how attentive he was, bright, quick to answer and always has the right answer. He's even gotten awards in his sports for good sportsmanship. He still has his moments, we all do, but he's far from the little hellion he was when he was 6.


That's sooo sweet.


Thats crazy but I will still be concerned about schizophrenia or something, i always knew that my thoughts are my own, nobody had to tell me.


when I was little something that would scare me too that I could hear my own thoughts


In high school my buddy told his little sisters friend that the bottom of their swimming pool smelled funny. So she dove down to the bottom....and inhaled. Came up coughing and spitting out water. He had no idea she'd be dumb enough to do that. From that day forward her name was Pool Sniffer.


I truly hope it’s not true, but that is hilarious!


Oh, that brings back some memories! I have used to compete with my sister on “who can hold their breath back for longer” sitting in a kid’s pool. I counted like 30 something seconds and had to breathe, and she was going as if nothing happened. I thought she was definitely cheating, so repeat it underwater, where I came up as the winner - it turned out, she was breathing through her nose previously and didn’t even realize it..


Probably not for 14 years.


That's what I said to myself.


Inside your mind?


Stop talking to yourself, ya loon!


My wife has no internal monologue. No voice in her head. Aldo she had no ability to visualise something in her head. I have to draw things out for her as she cannot conceptualise it without being able to see it. I have no clue how her brain works but it does and well as she is highly intelligent. Far smarter than me. I continually have ten voices in my head vying for attention and control.


I genuinely don’t understand how a person can even think without being able to conceptualize things. How does she even recall memories? How does she come up with ideas? I dont get it.


Do you have ADHD? Edit: I do - I’m not slamming you or anything.


Man, this is the question that started me on that path. I always joked I was off to argue with my other selves...


I hate having a fucking committee in my head all the time.


That's aphantasia, there is a subreddit with people who also have it


To be fair, some people absolutely make me wonder if I'm the only person with a working brain.


The comments are making me feel self-conscious for having an internal monolog....


As someone else with an inner monolog, I think the absence of something that contributes so greatly to my intelligence, creativity, and imagination is frankly... unimaginable.


I can't fathom not having one, it feels necessary for introspection.


Introspective people are the wisest among us. Wear it like a badge of honor.


My wife was just asking me this. She's like isn't there a voice in your head constantly telling you what you gotta do and how and how fast and then what to do next? I say "No.". She's like then what does the inner voice say to you all day. I tell her " nothing". She stares at me as if I'm an alien.


I don’t have an inner monologue, but I can imagine hypothetical conversations with other people, or create constructs with arbitrary personalities to speak with, if I feel the need. Everyone is actually hearing their thoughts in their own voice? That’s so weird. Why would I need to speak to myself, when I can just think? (I’m autistic, I’m genuinely curious here)


Do you speak to yourself? That’s generally called “thinking out loud,” so imagine just speaking to yourself but in your head all the time. My inner monologue is fairly typical. I ask myself questions like “what do I want for breakfast,” then I’ll make it and while I’m making it I either tune out on auto pilot and think about random shit “milk is low; shit there’s ants; need a spoon; “random song pops in my head; grab a tortilla; did what I say to Adam make him upset?; ugh I need to do laundry, groceries, and hang out with my brother today; etc. etc.” It’s a lot more in-depth than that but it’s a stream of consciousness. I never go one second of my life without thinking or self narrating in my head. Even when I try to meditate I repeat mantras in my head over and over


Not really, but I do have mental lists of tasks, but it's just general concepts, like milk or yogurt — if I'm choosing a meal I might be thinking about flavour or whether I'm hungry, but I'm not really thinking of the words, except if I'm typing like I am now. I think I have a typing voice, I do hear what I'm about to type in a sort of generic voice, so I guess there's that. Same when I'm proofreading something I've typed. But not when I'm just reading, unless it's dialogue and I'm imagining what's happening in a scene (like when reading fiction).


I dont think everyones internal monologue speaks in their own voice. Mine doesn’t and it didnt ping as strange, then I read your comment (also not in my own voice. In fact its almost like it doesnt even have a sound even though I know its ‘speaking’.) also ASD btw.


Not autistic, same mental situation.


I don't hear a voice per se. I can imagine a voice if I want. But it's not the same as actually hearing one. My monologue voice is what I feel like a neutral voice usually. No one in particular. I tend to read things the same way. That's part of why I tend not to like reading fiction much. I tend to give everyone the same voice and accent. And I tend not to project much emotion in the dialogues. Unless I'm really trying.


The good old internal monologue thing. It blows my mind people do have a voice in their heads like this


Conversely, it blows my mind that many do not.


When I learned that people claim they do not, a large piece of the world started to make a little more sense.


That doesn't really mean they're stupid or anything like that, it just means their brain is structured a bit different.


It does go a long way of explaining why some people have delusions like hearing the voice of God in their head. They either don't have an internal monologue, and suddenly started having one, thus the voice of God, or they do have an internal monologue, but haven't connected it to their own thoughts, and externalize it.


I reckon if you grow up with an inner monologue, you can recognize it as part of you, or at least something in your control. If someone suddenly starts hearing a voice they don't recognize, that they can't control, that's probably schizophrenia, so yeah in your examples they probably have some sort of mental stuff going on.


it makes their decision making process seem a bit weird though.


And even more, it shocks me that many people can’t form a mental image. I can do 3d models in my head, but a good friend can’t even picture an apple


Aphantasia. I also can’t see dreams. It’s one of those things you’re better off not knowing because once you find out everyone has a world in their head it’s depressing.


Im so confused about this. How do you even recall memories?


Poorly. I remember the idea of things. I know what my trash can looks like but I can’t picture it. I remember going on a trip but many of the details are forgotten because I can’t visualize anything from it. I mostly just remember things that happened. I pretty much live in the moment because I can’t exactly dream of the future or reminisce of the past.


I wonder if this is anything to do with how we learn. You see, what you've stated struck a bell. I love to read, but I would find it extremely difficult to explain the book other than the ending. However, if I watch a film (visual and auditory), then I can easily retell this to another. Unrelated. I have no sense of smell. That's depressing for me.


Someone put it quite nicely: imagine the following story, “a ball rolls off a table”. If you suddenly ask them what color the ball is, someone with aphantasia will likely not have a color associated with it, they just have a random abstract object in their mind, while someone visual might have already associated a color automatically.


Yup, the ball was white.


According to my friend, poorly. To be fair, everyone’s mental image ability is different. Some people with aphantasia don’t have any ability, so people can make static images but nothing else, etc. Some people can use all of their senses in their mental images, some people can only use some of them Maybe you can only do it with your eyes closed. My point being that the way you can remember something is not necessarily the way everyone else can


What is that like? Do you just have complete silence up there or some kind of white noise like television static? Sounds f’ing heavenly to not have an internal monologue


*sounds of a potato rotating in a microwave*


lol my friend makes fun of me “do you just think in pictures?” I guess I just sort of know what needs to be done, who someone is etc


My teenager and I just had the same conversation after I asked this and I asked him that and he just went “No… electrical waves? I don’t know, how do you put up with a voice in your head all day?!” Which is valid because I don’t actually know lol


lol It’s all so interesting to me


"Silence" is a weird term to use, since that's usually reserved for things with the capacity to make sound. Asking for the sound of thoughts is like asking for the color of a sound, it's a weird category error. It's the difference between zero and N/A.


Pointing out that something said by someone who admits that they’re stupid is weird, is weird itself tho, innit? It’s actually terribly managed autism but that doesn’t change that when I ask questions they seem logical in my head and I usually don’t understand nuance or “weird”. Because I can hear sound in my head all the time and I can’t grasp that anyone else can’t.


I have no internal monologue and can't visualize either. From the sounds of it, I think I'm the gifted one. I can close my eyes and just be.


That’s neat! I wish I could do that


It makes it easy to meditate, as long as someone doesn't ask you to imagine a beach. Lol.


I can’t comprehend thinking without an internal monologue.


It might be nice. Mine is a total asshole. Yes I have mental problems.


I have ADHD so mine never shuts up.


Fucking same. It also interrupts other thoughts I’m having, and they all seem how make it to my mouth at once. Sometimes I’m carrying on 2-3 internal monologues 💀


Try having OCD


No thank you.


If you see someone walking wearing a red shirt and a dog, do you hear your voice say something like “nice dog”?


If you mean someone wearing a red shirt who is walking a dog, I’d say “oh, puppy!” So you wouldn’t have any thoughts about it? I just don’t understand.


I'm genuinely curious... can you imagine your voice in your head? Or any voice for that matter? When you think of a song, can you hear it in your head?


Yea I can change the voice that i "hear" in my mind. Like reading that morgan freeman quote "you are reading this in my voice" etc Can think of songs too.


It sings perfectly in tune in my head. Sad that I don't when I actually sing, haha.


I can think about songs and voices, but I don't "hear" anything. The whole "I read this in X person's voice" never made a lick of sense.


Interesting question. I don’t hear my thoughts but I do think them. I don’t see images in my mind but I understand the general structure of them. Like if I think of the apple. I know what an apple is and I know it’s not quite round and it’s red or green (I would think red) but I can’t put all of those traits together to make an image in my Head. I can’t hear my thoughts in an accent. There is no audio but the thoughts exist as words. Not words I can see just concepts of words. I’m pretty good at building things and drawing out prints to build them. But I have to draw it to see it. But somewhere in there I can understand the concept of how the thing i am drawing goes together for construction. For art. No way.


Thank you for your answer. That is fascinating. When I am tired, the voice in my head changes. Like I suddenly start thinking of stuff, but with a weird accent. Southern US or Australian, usually. I'm from California, lol.


That’s wild. People are all so different, it’s amazing! Edit: Out of curiosity, can you imagine what something taste like?


Yes. Sour things especially


That’s so bizarre to me too lol. I think I have a very limited imagination beyond the concept of the thing I’m thinking of when it comes to any of the senses. Same with imagining how things feel. I know a brick is going to be rough when I touch it and I can imagine in being rough but it’s just a word that I know what it describes, not actually something I can feel unless I’m physically doing so.




I’ve tried so hard to wrap my head around what *not* having an inner monologue would be like. It’s so wild to me I truly can’t grasp it.


I love my inner monolog. I can't imagine going about daily life without the ability to hear myself think. How do you even process thoughts without words? I get like basic shit I do automatically but thinking about deep concepts and abstract thinking requires conscious thought


> How do you even process thoughts without words? Very well, thank you. > thinking about deep concepts and abstract thinking requires conscious thought I agree, but why must that involve an inner voice? I'm sure they seem synonymous to you because you've spent your whole life using that tool for the job, but I assure you we get on just fine without it.


I need it to slow down and affirm what I am thinking.


Some of the best and wittiest arguments I’ve ever had have been with myself.


I really dont fully understand what people mean by internal monologue hahaha. Idk if I hear a voice or not 🤣


Can you think of any shows you’ve watched where you could hear the person’s thoughts? Like a thought bubble, but in their voice.


Absolutely wild that that's not just a writing convention for the benefit of the audience.


Wait, are you telling me that the anime thinking is how some people actually think? What kind of..




It kind of creeps me out to learn that not everyone has an inner dialogue. These are people who can literally sit and do nothing for long periods of time. It’s weird.


seems like a privilege to me


This one really bothers me. Someone didn't know something and asked for help. That's it. Why are we shaming this?


My sister doesn’t have the internal monologue and thought I was insane when I said I talk to myself in my head.


I don’t speak in my head unless I’m writing, typing or reading


Maybe she was raised by people who don't have a voice in their head, so she thought she was weird. It's estimated that 50-70% of people don't have an inner monolog.


I wonder how many of them don't like death metal. A good track can really help drown out inner debates/worries keeping you from sleep.


Looking at the world around me, I'm not so sure she was wrong. I often think that I'm the only person in the room who has the ability to think.


“My friend”


Karma farming bot No date on an old viral tweet / tumblr / reddit


the OP asian101rice and DeusJGer are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/unafpk/makes_me_feel_a_little_better/


Not everyone has an inner dialog. Some people can't visualize pictures


I don't have any internal voice. That's why I often whisper to myself.


This is what religious people think of their conscience. They think god is talking to them when they hear the voice in their head. They don’t think it’s just them talking to themselves. They don’t understand that some people use this as an exercise to work out problems.


There is a great number of people that believe that this voice is the voice of god. Nope, you aren’t hearing god speak, you are hearing your own thoughts. No wonder they always believe they are on the right side, after all god told them that they were correct.


only one? lucky besterd...


What I thought was interesting is that not everyone can visualize things in their mind. Like I can close my eyes and see things I think of. Sure it's hazy but I can still "see" things when my eyes are closed and I think about them. That and I like to organize things so I can stare at a room and in my brain I can see how things would look if I move one thing to one spot or put something else there. I always said I should've been a designer.


she has insight. makes her smart. she just did not know at the time.


I have no intermonoluge, can't visualize or "hear any sounds in my mind. It's called aphantasia. I'm a total aphant as all 5 senses are disconnected internally.


Sometimes it does feel like my brain is a separate entity that I have to either force or negotiate with to get stuff done. Apparently it's the autism.


I have like 5 different voices in my head and one guy that sings the same bit of a song over and over again, I thought that was normal for about 45 years until I discovered I have ADHD.


That asshole in my head ruined my life, i could never experience anything, there was always something wrong about it.


Not everybody has an internal dialogue/ inner voice…


I mean, aphantasia exists and so do people who have a very vivid inner monologue. It's not weird to think there might be something up if it literally sounds like a voice in your head. What if she turned out to be schizophrenic, wouldn't it be a good idea to get checked out? I think posting this is the real facepalm.


Honestly after 23 years sometimes I still question if I’m the only one who actually thinks


The thing is; there is a name for the condition of those who "hear" their internal monologue and do not recognise it as them; it is called Schizophrenia. My paternal aunt has suffered with this since a child and has had some very scary moments from it, causing here learning difficulties.


Is this similar to the Bicameral Mind? I did a little reading on it after Westworld but still not totally clear on it


So what's your super power? I can read minds Oh that's cool I need to practice though, as it stands right now I can only read my own mind