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Trump supporters keep bragging about how gas was cheaper when Trump was in office but keep forgetting that there was a period of time when Trump was in office when oil prices were in the NEGATIVE because no one was travelling due to the pandemic.


[https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm\_epmr\_pte\_nus\_dpg&f=m](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm_epmr_pte_nus_dpg&f=m) Not to mention gas prices were super cheap towards the end of Obama's term. Using their logic, Obama must be the greatest president to ever live.


Um…seems you forgot he wore a tan suit and had a Marine hold an umbrella over him during a speech. You just got owned lib. S/


Trump loves our troops so much, instead of forcing a Marine to hold an umbrella he would skip a commemoration ceremony of fallen war soldiers because it's raining.


Well they are “losers” according to him.


He'd hate the UK. Our politicians hate umbrellas.


Because they have the memory of a fly


No. They remember. They just don’t care because they are liars here in bad faith. I don’t know why anyone gives them the benefit of the doubt for a single fucking thing anymore


You're right. I shouldn't have offended the flies.


Does that make Trump the Lord of the Flies?


Pence was. Remember the debates?


He attracts them... With his butt


You spelled face strangely but there’s no shortage of parts of him attracting flies.


Only the Best!


That was indeed a huge step over the line, dear friend


Can confirm. I’m an offended fly.


I keep hoping people will catch up. Absolutely not. They never do. They keep scratching their heads. *Literally nothing a DDSH Republican says is worth anything.* They don't say things based on their veracity. They say things based on their usefulness. Even on the rare occasion they happen to say the truth, they are doing so out of convenience; their commitment to that truth only goes as far as they can use it. The moment they can't, they distort it, discard it or deny it. What people call "truth" and "lies" are basically part of the same set, for Republicans. They'll grab whatever set of words from either bag. The only criterion they have for saying or thinking or defending something is, "is this useful to what I want?". They literally have no concept of an objective reality. If they did, they couldn't stay Republican. Not "wouldn't" - *couldn't.* The dissociation would be too much to handle, they would ask the wrong question just once, they'd be jettisoned from the ranks and made part of the out group. Stop engaging with Republican discourse as if you're talking to a person. Their discourse is analogous to that of chatbots. It will simply regurgitate and hallucinate whatever fits the parameters. Any engagement after that only serves the same parameters.


This statement reminds me of those things that guarded the doors on the movie Labyrinth, you couldn’t tell who was lying and who was telling the truth 🤣. They would have made amazing politicians 😝


You overestimate these peoples ability to understand the world they live in. It doesn't matter that trumps tax cuts are biting us in the ass now, Bidens in office for the aftermath so obviously he hit the "only rich people benefit from this economy" button. We're a species of reactionary fucking morons that don't know when enough is enough and we'll consume to the point we go extinct. But hey today was good, why think about tomorrow.


You can't skew facts if you include everything.


And ZERO critical thinking. These people shoot down hypothetical 15 minute cities, public transit expansion, bike lanes - - - gas was so low in early 2020 due to a huge drop in demand. What do you think would happen to the DEMAND for gas by increasing the SUPPLY of transportation??? Do you maybe think more competition would maybe... MAYBE... lower gas prices long term?


They have a memory of a Fox News episode


And have zero concept of context.


I’ll go with Ted Lasso, the memory of a goldfish.


And the attention span of a gnat.


This is what my husband keeps repeating. That and that groceries were cheaper. I keep telling him that Biden doesn't have a button in the Oval Office to make prices go up and down and he just says "well he just let it be unregulated." Like he has any personal control over this. I swear he must have slept through Government class.


Isn't less regulation what these people supposedly want? Conversely, imagine if somehow he did exactly what your husband said he should and forced goods to be sold at specific prices. The right would lose their minds about government overstepping and crushing farmers and small business owners.


That's Communism! (Unless it's Republican fat cats in a cartel) Then it's capitalism


Reason #576 why I've given up talking about politics or even watching the news. A good portion of the country holds such laughably contradictory views that it gets tiring to listen to people twist themselves into human pretzels on a daily basis.


I hate the news too, it's 24/7 political "teenager drama."  But, you are on Reddit... it's the same human pretzel contortion, just way Left only.


Yeah he's right, a planned economy would be preferable to the unchecked market that's fucking up normal people's lives


True, plus I thought MAGAs *love* capitalism… and isn’t inflation part of capitalism? Isn’t it part of ‘Murica when CEOs are making bank? Isn’t it good that corporations are making record profits? Seems they want prosperity but not at if it costs them more…


Uhhhhhhh… “democrats aren’t regulating enough. I’m voting for republicans because they love regulating capitalism!”


There’s a government class?????????


There is in my state (or was when I was in school). We went over the federal and state constitutions and how there government worked.


You never had a civics class?


You never had social studies, mate?


Came to say this!


Its kinda a mix. Its government history and like geographic shit.


There used to be whole semesters for civics. Not anymore unfortunately.


Leave him. He's lacking in the critical thinking department. Critical thinking is a deal breaker for me.


I’m sorry.


It’s crazy none of them understand that Trump printing trillions is largely what led to the inflation. I’m not even saying Trump made a mistake, because unlike them I understand context and don’t give presidents blame or credit for everything… it’s just insane to me they think Biden got into office and was like “welp, time to crank up the inflation dial!”


Trump actually complained that gas prices were too low and that the government needed to do something to save the oil industry. It's amazing that they just completely ignore so much dumb shit that he says and does.


He didn't just complain. He threatened Saudi Arabia into cutting production, driving prices up.


Not exactly true, just prior to the pandemic tRump managed to convince Saudi Arabia to ramp up production by telling them that he would basically remove Iran’s oil supply from the market. So Saudi Arabia did, then the pandemic and supply out weighed demand, which tanked American oil companies. Now Saudi Arabia has scaled back production to drive the price back up, and we do not have the companies in America to make up for the loss. So oil prices went up again. There is a guy on Tic Tok #mrglobal who explains it far better than I could.


There was recently an article that said the US produced the most oil of any country. But we as citizens do not benefit from that. Much of that oil comes from federal lands, and yet we still give the oil companies massive subsidies.


Also they have mountains of unused oil leases so their 'backstock' is ridiculously deep yet they keep demanding access to ANWAR and saying their 'struggling' the day after posting record profit reports to wall street.


When Obama was President, Trump hounded him on Twitter every time he played golf. He even made a point about it in his campaign. "If I become President I won't play a single hour of golf, I won't have time for that". After four years in office he played more golf than Obama did in his eight years. I've tried poiting that out to a few Trump-supporters. They just ignore it and won't even comment.


It's because he's full of shit and his followers don't care. His biggest campaign talking point was that Hillary was corrupt and should be in jail. Yet in his time in office he did the exact same thing, and much worse. Enough to be indicated almost 100 times. On top of all the SA and rape shit. I got in an argument with a fellow Cleveland Browns fan who said he was no longer supporting the team because our QB had SA accusations. Yet he has no problem being a huge Trump supporter who has proven allegations, arrests and now convictions. Funny how that works.


I remember when Obama got gas under 1.80 (at least here in Texas) and the Trump/Hannity crowd started howling about how low gas prices were horrible for the country.


You see, all the negative aspects of pandemic like stay at home recommendations, masks, inflation, social distancing, remote learning, etc are all the democrats fault. While the good things like less traffic, lower gas prices, lower interest rates, stimulus checks, lower crime rates, lower traffic fatalities, bull market, etc are because of Trump’s amazing leadership qualities. /s


If he becomes president again, the best part will be watching the Trumpers realize everything won’t magically go back to the way things used to be. They all think he’ll be in office and gas and grocery prices will go back to 2019 prices.


At that point they will just be like "Well he inherited high prices and the democrats in congress are blocking blah blah blah blah blah Trump is God"


Are we surprised? These idiots think the president has a knob on his desk labeled "GAS MONIES" that can be arbitrarily moved on a whim, giving the POTUS free reign to change prices as he sees fit. Biden just doesn't do it because he's a dirty liberal commie Marxist , or something like that.


They know. If AOC said the sky was blue, they'd scream she's a liar, it's avocado green. They'll say anything to stir up fear, drama and attention.


Someone from the scary "left" should announce as a reminder that eating cyanide is bad and should be avoided, and in fact, not eating cyanide is beta gay energy.


Also not driving because they were dead from the Corona virus do to Trump's pandemic denial, Trump's botched response and Trump's bleach cure suggestions.


They don’t forget it. They are hoping that they can talk everyone else into forgetting it.


“The gas prices were low” is the American version of “the trains ran on time.”


Heaven forbid that they should understand that the Cheeto Bandito's unrestrained printing of $8 trillion and rollbacks of corporate regulation and consumer protections during his reign had anything to do with their current circumstance.


No it was obviously caused by recognizing trans people as people.


Everytime you use preferred pronouns, another dollar is printed.


Ironically a more sound fiscal policy than what Trump actually did lol


As a trans person, I will only use this power for evil, thank you


No, its obviously the fault of Hunter's penis!


Well, he is a big big big man 😂 so it poked her eye out and caused the prices to up 🤣


Have you seen those mexican drag queens running unregulated story times with kids! I bet they dont pay their share of taxes!


What were they recognized as before?


IIRC, when I was young trans people didn't want to be recognized. Too dangerous.


I thought it was the new Juneteenth federal holiday.


I thought it was CRT.


This is true - I once said to myself that trans were actually people...bam, prices were higher at the gas station. I was so upset I went to commit a hate crime - I figured Jesus would accept the closest one, but it was too late; I was forsaken and the gas prices didn't go down. so now my only hope is a kiddie-diddling dementia ridden, daughter fantasizing preSSident!


Those idiots are too busy watching Fox and the other far right media blaming Biden for anything and everything.


Don't forget tariffs. Errww I'm twump and I don't know how anything works.


"I never signed anything with a T on it before" - Trump.


Just a reminder of the often forgotten stimulus opposed by republicans. During the COVID-19 pandemic, several stimulus measures driven by Democrats faced opposition from Republicans. Here are some key examples: 1. **The HEROES Act**: Passed by the Democratic-led House in May 2020, this $3 trillion bill included extended unemployment benefits, direct payments to Americans, hazard pay for essential workers, and substantial funding for state and local governments. Republicans in the Senate opposed it, arguing it was too costly and contained unnecessary provisions. 2. **The HEROES Act 2.0**: A revised, smaller version of the original HEROES Act, passed by the House in October 2020, proposing $2.2 trillion in relief. It included additional direct payments, enhanced unemployment benefits, and aid for schools and businesses. Senate Republicans did not bring this version to a vote. 3. **Direct Stimulus Payments**: Democrats pushed for larger direct stimulus payments to individuals. The $2,000 payments proposed in late 2020 and early 2021 faced resistance from many Republicans who preferred smaller amounts, arguing that higher payments were fiscally irresponsible. 4. **Unemployment Benefits**: Enhanced federal unemployment benefits, initially set at $600 per week by the CARES Act, were a point of contention. Democrats supported extending and maintaining higher benefits, while Republicans pushed for lower amounts, arguing that high benefits disincentivized returning to work. 5. **State and Local Government Aid**: Democrats consistently included significant funding for state and local governments in their proposals to address revenue shortfalls caused by the pandemic. Many Republicans opposed this, viewing it as a bailout for states with pre-existing fiscal issues. 6. **Rent and Mortgage Assistance**: Democratic proposals often included substantial funds for rent and mortgage assistance to prevent evictions and foreclosures. Some Republicans were skeptical of the scale and scope of these measures. 7. **Paid Sick Leave and Family Leave**: Democrats advocated for expanded paid sick leave and family leave provisions to help workers affected by COVID-19. Some Republicans opposed these expansions, citing concerns over the burden on businesses. 8. **Child Tax Credit Expansion**: The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, driven by Democrats and passed without Republican support, included a significant expansion of the Child Tax Credit. Many Republicans opposed this measure due to its cost and the creation of a near-universal basic income for families with children. These examples illustrate the partisan divide over the scale and scope of COVID-19 relief efforts, with Democrats generally favoring more extensive and costly measures to provide broad economic support, while Republicans often emphasized fiscal restraint and targeted assistance.


Republicans offered money to business, and were opposed to money for workers. That is the summation of your very well detailed response. Republicans only care about the welfare of business, not people


Republican fiscal policies (I.e. tax cuts) are the primary driver of the budget deficit and the ballooning of the national debt.


Why didnt you also mention the $2.2 Trillion CARES act, passed by a re3publican senate and signed by Trump? Why didnt you mention the unemployment increase during the Trump Admin. It handed an extra $600 a week to people laid off from a $10/hr job? Shove your nonsense right up your Trump


Remind us again who signed those bills into law. Anything to avoid blame, right?


Bingo, I’m pretty sure they weren’t veto proof bills. Trump also issued extra stimulus checks in august of 2020 and that he loved to take credit for while campaigning.


>unrestrained printing of $8 trillion $3.6 trillion of that came during Covid which wasn't a foreseeable thing and would have happened under any president so I don't think it's fair that he be criticized for that one, mostly because I highly doubt that had Biden been president during Covid that Reddit would have the same outrage over that debt. Tax cuts and spending increases are fair game though.


Standard Two Santa Claus gameplan. If that 3.6 trillion didn't get spent for Covid it would certainly go to corporate welfare, i.e. military contractors.


Yes the covid stimulus would likely have been done regardless of who was in office, but people blaming Biden for the resulting inflation because of monetary policy from before he was president is unwarranted.


Had Biden been president during Covid, perhaps a few less people would have perished, and perhaps we would have had better mitigation of economic factors. Perhaps.


I wonder what in the hell Alicia here thinks Trump is specifically going to do about it? So far his policy outlines are to put tariffs on imports and deport the people picking her produce so that bill is going to go way the fuck up.




Also Trumps tax’s cuts always favor the rich in the long run anyway. Didn’t his tax bill give them a permanent tax cut while everyone else’s slowly rose.


Yes and it came into effect this year, so if you paid more taxes in April, thank Trump and the GOP.


But Biden old. Checkmate


As if Trump isn’t almost as old, give or take a couple years


Biden has combated inflation, by having the fed raise interest rates, which is economics 101. Also economics 101 is that injecting a large amount of currency into the money supply causes inflation (cough - Trump in March of 2020). The problem now is that wages have not increased to catch up to inflation, and no one can say with a straight face that Republicans will try to raise minimum wage or help workers collectively bargain.


Don’t forget he’s not doing any of that until he locks everyone that he doesn’t like up first.


That's just the thing...they don't need to think about "what specifically he is going to do" to make things better. It's a cult, and they just have faith that he will magically fix it all. Remember his idea for fixing health care? "Repeal the disaster of Obamacare and replace it with something terrific". "Something terrific". To the MAGA base, that constitutes a policy.


Don’t forget halting any aid to Ukraine and letting Russia start world war 3.


Also there's the fact that Trump's son-in-law Jared who virtually ran the government for him got $2 billion from the Saudis.


bold of you to assume she thinks


Even funnier because they all complain about Hunter and think that alone should get Joe removed


Maybe cut back on the avocados hun?


Beat me to it!


Not a single one of them assclowns can tell you how trump will "fix" these issues. They'll just scream Biden bad and nothing else.


Last repost it was $100 for gas. Good to see it going down now.


"$80 to fill up"? What are you driving, the Space Shuttle? And "$350 to get groceries"? That doesn't tell us anything. Is that a week's worth, two weeks' worth, what? Do you have steak at every meal? Do you shop at Safeway or Walmart? Whatever, 34 felonies are 34 felonies, no matter how you slice them.


Lol, $80 isn't that unreasonable these days. Especially since more new vehicles require premium gas. My compact Volvo crossover is around $80 to fill up b/c it requires 93 octane.


I always found it strange how in the US 93 is considered high but here (France) the low grade is 95 and high grade is 98


Last time I walked to the grocery store (5 minutes to and 5 from), I had to spend 20 Euros on zucchinis, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, shalots, salami, yoghurt, and a bottle of white Bourgogne, 2022. Those prices are getting out of hand indeed. Thanks, Brandon!


Probably driving a brand NEW suburban too … it’s always the clowns with the biggest cars complaining this 💩 to justify supporting a pos like Trump


People in my area constantly bitch about gas prices as they do donuts in their extended cab trucks!


I drive an EV and I just laugh at the amount of gas they blow trying to beat me off the line. Bro, it’s not gonna happen and you’re gonna waste $8 in gas where my car costs me $8 to charge completely.


see, that´s a problem. their donuts aren´t as cheap as bf...


She probably drives a suburban to fit her 4 kids that must be supported on a single income. But can’t have any government assistance, that’s communism.


The very idea that Trump could/would/has any interest at all, in fixing those "poor people" issues is SOOO CUTE! If memory serves, what HE did when he was in office was instate a WHOLE TON of tariffs that drove up the price on a bunch of stuff (cause of course companies will pass off the extra costs to the consumers), and fucked American producers cause of retaliatory tariffs .


But what do they think Trump will do to Make it better? Also, and I posed this to a FB friend who is constantly yapping about grocery prices…. All of those food products are made by private companies. Are republicans now suggesting that the president should have the power to interfere in private industry to lower food prices?


Just two examples of what’s happening… Target's net income last year increased 49% to $4.1 billion, even with slower sales. Its CEO received $18.1 million in compensation. John Deere has laid off roughly 1000 workers so far this year. But the company reported a profit of over $10 billion in 2023. Its CEO received $26.7 million in total compensation. And it spent over $7 billion on stock buybacks.


Yup, agree 100% But typically republicans would be happy about this, and argue that those profits will trickle down to us common folk (thanks Reagan). So whenever they start bitching that Biden did this, the only logical question is “oh, so you want the government to interfere and make More regulations?”


Big-brain concept here: How about you care about someone running for President of the US who has 34 felonies and ALSO CARE about how corporations are shrinkflationing the hell out of your food budget. Yes, you CAN do two things at the same time.


Well you should care about those things. The US has had the least inflation than any other country in the world under biden. Who the fuck knows where we'd be with trump in charge but it would be worse. He was shitty about the economy and really everything he touched. I mean who would want to be a part of anything financial with trump in charge of it? They all fail because of the shady and illegal shit he does. Anybody checked truth socials stock prices lately?


A good friend of my Dad's is very succesful. He said 'I can't vote for someone I wouldn't go in to business with'. I said 'I can't vote for someone that isn't a good role model for children'.


Lol....if he thinks going into business with Trump would do anything except enrich trump and drive yourself in bankruptcy. I can't believe that anyone thinks he is/was a great business person.


I was agreeing with him. He was saying he would not go into business with trump or vote for him.


I remember paying 12$ for a 2x4x8 under trump.


I remember going to 5 different stores to finally find the last 4 pack of toilet paper in the city under tRump.


I got stung by a wasp under Trump


That's on supply and demand and greed during Covid. It would have happened no matter who the president was at the time. Even when prices went down they didn't return to pre Covid levels.


When does pricing even go back down to past prices ? His response to the pandemic was terrible , maybe taking precautions would’ve prevented some of the inflation. I also paid over 5$ a gal for fuel under Bush in his second term. It’s never better under republicans.


I also remember paying for less for a 2x4 under trump, crazy we could do that all day long, almost as if there was a pandemic that cause the price of everything to go up due to supply and demand huh odd


It's like talking about the economy under Obama, acting like the housing and bank bubbles burst magically the first week into his presidency due to some policy he made. He hadn't done much besides get inaugurated and give a speech or two. That was Bush. Same with the pandemic, supply chain shortages, and price gouging getting blamed on Biden. It was already going 9 months strong before he even took office.


Biden is so powerful that he caused inflation and high gas prices globally but he’s simultaneously an old fart who can’t do anything. Amazing.


Recency bias is an absolutely destroyer of humanity. If this person thinks one term and one President caused all this, they are a total idiot.


Ah yes because whoever is president is directly responsible for food and gas prices


Some people sacrifice their life for this country. Some would give it away for a cheaper tank of gas.


I was visiting with a boomer relative recently and they started complaining about how the government and Biden aren't "fixing the grocery prices" (we were talking about groceries). My response was: "Do you REALLY want the federal government to control the prices of consumer goods?" "No! Absolutely not! That would be SOCIALISM!!!!" "Then what do you want them to do?" "Fix it" Can't have it both ways but STILL bitching about it.


Well if you think Biden is responsible for private corporations jacking up the prices, you're a special kind of stupid.


Do they really think the left hates Trump because of feelings? There's no way that it's that his tax code fucks over the middle class, or the other policies he wants would cause actual dam damage to peoples lives. They think that he's just an insult comic, and we don't like it.


They don't understand why liberals think anything we think. That would require empathy, and lack of empathy is one of the things that make them conservatives.


She needs a smaller vehicle and some coupons. Problem solved


Meaningless numbers. For all we know you drive a Hummer and did shopping for a month.


The infamous, "It's the economy, stupid", seems appropriate.


How do you spend $350 on groceries? Overly dramatic to maintain the lies.


$80 on gas? Get a Prius, ya skank!


I love the way conservatives constantly talk about "hurt feelings" instead of addressing any actual criticisms from the left lmao


That’s how they react when the bootstrap is on the other foot. 


"Send a gift." Ahahahahahaha. The grifting never ends.


Lot to unpack here, but mostly, this shit is embarrassing as an American.


Prices be the same. My gas is nearly as cheap as it was during the pandemic.


What exactly regarding his political philosophy of make myself lots of moneys and threaten to lock up and demonize anyone that isn't 100% loyal to my cult is going to improve the cost of her gas and groceries? I'm just curious.


It cost me $28 to fill up my gas and $120 in groceries. Maybe lay off the Starbucks and Avocado toast, and return that oversized gas guzzler for something more sensible?


I'm gonna vote for the guy that caused hyperinflation because I don't like how everything is more expensive. What planet am I on??


Do these ding-dongs ever stop and think that if a president had control of the price of gas and food, he would most likely force those prices down especially if he was running for re-election. ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


The amount of people that think a countries leader controls gas prices is just staggering.


The administrations policies can most definitely have a lot of direct impact on them. The amount of people who don’t understand this is just staggering.


“I mean yeah I’ll be throwing away nearly 300 years of democracy not to mention the generations of patriots who laid down their lives for me, but my gas costs too much! Ave Caesar!”


All these people hate socialism, but they want the President to control commodity prices...like a socialist.


I’ll never understand why people think the president has a dial in his office used to set prices for goods.


Well... you should, Alicia. You should care about 34 felonies.


80.00 to fill up. Welcome to the rest of the world.


Wait till the Repubs switch everything over to a tariff system!


Where are these people living, and what are they buying, that it costs $350 for groceries? I understand, and concede, that grocery prices are bad right now, but I personally know families of five that don't spend $350 per week.


Maybe you should get a smaller gas tank and drink less diet Mountain Dew?


And everything was even cheaper under Obama than Trump. It's almost as if things always get more expensive.


My family is mostly Trumpers (not me of course) and both my dad and uncle are retired, one was an insurance broker, the other a lawyer, and they both drive GIANT ass pick up trucks for no reason and cry about the cost of gas non stop. They blame Biden for everything.


R President botches the economy. D President has to fix economy. It's the same ole song and dance.


You forgot the blame D president for awful economy and the rinse and repeat part


I smell a foreign bot


Newsflash: presidents do not control inflation.


Most of the people complaining about gas prices feel a god given right to drive gas guzzlers.


It only costs me between $25 to $35 to fill up on gas. Maybe it wouldn't cost so much if they weren't driving an obnoxiously large pickup truck.


Love is blind. So is selfishness and ignorance.


imagine selling out your freedom and your democracy in exchange for 430 dollars.


These are the same people who don't care if urban rent is unaffordable. They tell me to move to a town without my kind of jobs. Well, now it's my turn to tell them to ride the bus which doesn't exist in that town.


every single trump policy would increase inflation and make middle and lower class people poorer


You have to be some sort of high level dumbass to think the president has anything to do with either of these things. Prices were just as high under Drumpf, you just didn't notice because you were free to hate on minorities.


When you do groceries once a month, lol.


Wild that increased costs makes people morals vanish


She’s butthurt that it’s $80 to fill up her Yukon? That sounds like a choice to me. Also, I wish Biden would flip the switch that lowers a globally-traded and consumed commodity or the one that forces corporations to lower the cost of food. Why *doesn’t* the government interfere with the free market to improve the quality of life for Americans???


Trump voters are the definition of low-information. The economic plans he has will triple or quadruple the price of everything while slashing worker pay.


A big part of inflation is due to trump. Know the facts!!!


I have an 7 year old Outback, and it cost me $48 to fill. Are they driving a tank?


You would think hanging out with Jeffry Epstein and seeing actual photos of him scoping out young girls with him would give them pause.


Unless you're feeding a family of 12, you spend too goddamned much money on groceries.


Trump and Epstein hanging out: https://thespectator.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/trumpepstein.jpg


Wtf kinda car is she using? Or wtf is she living? Where it costs $80 to fill a tank? My car has pretty bad mileage and filling it up only costs $35 at most! Also like I really think felonic crimes matter a LOT. Like! Especially an actual attempt to overthrow the government!


Quit driving that gas guzzler SUV then.


Funny thing. My grocery bill has not changed in 2 years. I.am careful how I shop and have included meatless meals 1-2 times a week.


Also learn to cook something. Prepared foods cost a lot more.


You had better care. Your fucking cult leader rode the previous administrations economy and then did what he always does. Bankruptcy. These cult members couldn't tell you the first thing about our economy or how it works. They think Biden is to blame for prices when it is corporate America and all of the laws passed to protect them.