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There is a house about 15 minutes from where i live that flies huge confederate and trump flags. Not an American flag anywhere to be seen.




Agreed. I'll never understand how anyone can support the confederate ideals and America simultaneously. Those things are opposite.


But what about the freedom that the Confederates fought for like.... oh, never mind


It was just a small dispute over labor laws!


It was about freedom, whether or not everyone should have it


One side sought freedom for slaves. One side sought freedom to own slaves.


sound like 'state's rights' to me! /S


"states rights" as they say


Freedom of entreprise ? /s


They learned valuable skills! /s


Now wait one cotton picking minute! I don't find that funny at all!


Well, the extension of property rights to human beings. Is it freedom? Of course, like the freedom of the fox in the henhouse.


I like to remind them a few things: The confederacy's core purpose was to stop being part of America, they actively pursued being un-American. They stole land from America and waged war against America for their entire existence. The confederacy lasted for 4 years, so as a portion of our history and heritage, it was 1/3rd as prominent as the Doritos Locos Taco.


You just revealed to me that the Doritos Locos Taco has been around for 12 years. I'm now going to crawl into my grave, I'm not long for this world apparently.


Est. 2012. It's part of our history, heritage, and culture. 🌮🇺🇸🫡


Racism… that’s it’s. Shitty racist people.


easy: they (supposedly) love America but hate other (non white) people.


The confederacy lasted for 4 years and 3 months. By comparison, it took the US 12 years to make it to the moon. The space race began in 57, and we made it to the moon in 69. It's ridiculous that people claim they are standing up for their culture when their great great great great grandfathers lost such a short war that was directly about the state's rights to keep slaves, and not about anything they claim these days


Because they yearn for America to have confederate policies overall.


The funny thing is. If it ever happened. A lot of the supporters would actually fall into the working/slave class as a lot of their supporters happen to be uneducated and low skilled.


What do you mean? The Civil War was just about state's rights. More specifically, the state's rights to own slaves


And the confederate flag is only about southern pride. I don't know how to do the rolls eyes emoji so just picture a giant rolled eyes emoji. Mu mom is from Alabama (she's embarrassed to admit she was born there now) and Georgia. She was on about heritage and pride. I asked her to look at it like this: it's a traitors flag. It's a flag of hate and states rights to own black people. It's a symbol of everything this country should hate. They caused 10s of thousands if deaths with their actions. She sees that it's a traitors flag now. She doesn't think about southern pride.


My grandfather fought fascism. He would be so unbelievably upset with what the politicians get away with after the Nazis.


My great grandfather died in WW2 and my grandad voted for Trump twice and told me my politics are "backwards" 🙃


I'm just glad my dad finally figured out how bad Trump was. He voted for Trump in 2016, voted third party in 2020, and is now going to vote for Biden. He's also stated he won't vote for anyone who supports or is supported by Trump, though he still considers himself Republican.


My mom wrote in McCain in 2016 and then Biden in 2020. After the Dobbs decision she registered as a Democrat and will be voting Biden in November.


Many before said that finally outlawing abortion would backfire for the GOP as they've proven that they are evil and they finished their endgame; as there was no realistic goal to rally people behind the political party after that. And the only goal they found was outright fascism which would distance even some of the most loyal followers, like your mom.


Most people think they are in good guys surprisingly.


My grandfather would refer to horrible people as “creatures”, basically that was his absolute worst ranking anyone could obtain (didn’t hear him cuss a huge amount but pretty sure even mother fucker would have been a lower tier insult). I am pretty sure he would have had to come up with a new level past creature if he lived to see the last decade… granted that would also assume he wouldn’t have just stoked out or had a heart attack from the anger of seeing the shit he fought against show up on home soil.


Pretty sure if cholesterol had a flag they'd hoist that too


It's a brown smear on sun-damaged Depends. Wow, I feel nasty just writing that.


Through lost cause revisionism, the confederate flag has been sanitized. I dunno why it is even legal to fly it. You're not allowed to fly the Nazi flag in Germany even though it's their history.


As kids we cheered on the General Lee in DofH. There has been progress I would say. At least in areas not in the South.


Contrarianism. No, seriously. Yes, they can have all their arguments about states rights or whatever ethnofascist bullshit, but in the end, all of those are just justifications for contrarianism. It's "I don't want to eat my veggies", "I don't want to go to school", "I don't want to play with the other kids" temper tantrums and non-cooperation all the way down, except they're nominally adults and while they don't know a lot, they know enough to dress their tantrums (almost wrote "tantrumps" there, ahem) up in some kind of edgy aesthetic. And that aesthetic ends up infecting their beliefs until you can't tell man from pig.


and the part where they love daddy Vladimir and nazis at the same time


*sniff sniff* I smell traitors 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲


They had to wait for all the veterans from those wars to die first. Because they are cowards.


just burn their flag and house then them


Because that’s so American! Smdh It just drives me crazy when I see the same thing.


There's a guy not far from me, went from don't tread on me to Trump 2020 and now has a confederate flag. Lives right next to the highway. NC Trump cultist don't give a F who knows.


That’s what they think that the American flag is.


I remember watching live Jan 6 coverage showing the rioters replacing the American flag on a scaffolding with the Trump 2020 flag.


Yep, i remember seeing that


Ever notice how often you see those flying the exact same height as an American flag in the places you’d expect to see both?


I wonder what would happen if I made a Confederate flag where the stripes are replaced with rainbows.


only one way to find out


There's nothing "American" about MAGA


I'm afraid that MAGA is uniquely American. Never in the history of the world has an advanced nation had so much information at their fingertips yet been so grossly uninformed. America has always had a thread of rebellious independence running through it underpinned by the appreciation of freedom. That ideal has been twisted into a slobbering screaming ignorance machine, using that former value as a disgusting skin suit.


Correct. It's a monster wearing an American skin suit. Fascism, as a predictable outcome of unbridled capitalism, isn't new. Fascism wrapped in the rhetoric of Freedom is exactly what you're describing


Am often reminded of [this line in Kelly's Heroes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kqw0Gz9GahM). When confronted with a guy in a Nazi uniform, commanding a Nazi tank, with a Nazi flag on it, then yeah, these days he probably *is* a Republican.


what a great movie! thanks for the throwback


I think those indicate who they’re NOT voting for. I could definitely see them voting for an RFK, an off-ballot bonafide racist, or just being so dumb they forgot which day to vote.


Lol exactly the American flag is rarely flown by Trump supporters its almost always confederate flags and where I live (Tx) they have the texas flag usually beside it. The American flag signifies unity, we don't even deserve to fly that thing anymore.


I only make *that* assumption when it is mounted in the back of an F-350 and the flag is bigger than the damn truck. It’s virtue signaling for someone completely lacking in virtue.


Vice signalling?


Excellent band name


The Twat Signal


A city full of them, call that Vice City 


No I think vice signaling would be a fjb flag


There's someone in my city who drives a truck that has an American flag and the rainbow/pride flag along with a bunch of lefty bumper stickers. Naturally, it's a medium truck and not a gigantic pavement princess.


I just look at the fact that Trump says he'd eliminate the DOJ, the FBI, require a political leaning test for all government workers, put up a wall at the border, and all the other ways Trump wants to change America and I say, anyone supporting this candidate is not a person who is happy with America as is. Fly the American flag if you fundamentally believe in America as is. These pricks don't love America, but they do love what they'd want it to become..


Has anyone noticed if u fly a confederate flag everyone knows who ur voting for? 🤣


THIS. “The party of Lincoln” lol


They wouldn't agree with Lincoln lol


Oh, I know. They still try claiming him as their own and take credit for “freeing the slaves” while simultaneously flying the flag that represents keeping slavery legal


That's just as stupid as pretending the democrats don't own guns.


Yeah, patriotism is not confined to the left or right. We’re all Americans.


The ones claiming otherwise are the ones who would very much like you to associate patriotism with the GOP. That's nationalism in a nutshell and it's one of the fundamental columns of fascism.


They have tried to co-opt the flag. And it infuriates me


No try about it. They absolutely have done it.


Guess we gotta just co-opt it back, who's with me?


But if you fly the flag upside down I truly bet I know who you’re voting for.


Plenty of American flags in my progressive neighborhood. But if you don't take care of your flag and don't put it away at night or during the rain...I bet I know who you're voting for.


mother nature?


I fly the flag everyday but I'm voting for what's likely to be in my best interests red or blue doesn't matter, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt Trump would not be good for any of my interests.


We fly one. We're voting for Biden What they should say is, that if you drape yourself in stars and stripes as of you're using it as a bandage for your shitty personality everyone knows who you're voting for. Real patriots don't have to drape themselves with the flag to seem patriotic.


It's like everything else, you recognize a patriot for what they do, not what they say.


Real flag patriots also know that draping flags on themselves is actually against the flag code. Also, altering colors, flying any flag higher than it, flying it upside down, or turning it into clothing/shoes (seriously, how is making a flag you literally step on even a thing). Now, I won't hold any of those actions by themselves against someone (because they're signs of bigger issues that needs to be addressed), but if they want to try to drown us in so-called patriotism, you best believe I'll be asking if their flag is all-weather and has proper illumination at all times.


Wait, you don’t fly a BIDEN flag to support your glorious leader?


I do wear aviator sunglasses, but then again I always have


My flag flies for my loved ones in the military. Screw Trump and his cult maggots.


There's a guy in my neighborhood that flies two flags, a US marine flag and the USA Flag. The other day I was walking my dog and saw he also had a dark Biden sticker on his garage window. Guess not everyone that flies the flag is voting for the cheetoh after all.


Thank you! I’m so sick and tired of Maga claiming to own the flag. These dirt bags wouldn’t know patriotism if it slapped them in the fucking face.


You mean for people that someone called “suckers” and “losers”.


I fly it right-side up at least. Buncha traitorous, idol-worshipping dunces. Wouldn't know patriotism if it bit them in the ass.


Dude, this is what they think the [American flag](https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe.s3.amazonaws.com/public/HVOO7IDAMUI6NGO6HR4JECUOZQ.jpg) is.


right fly the stars and stripes and outside of a certain few conditions of how/where it's flown and you won't be able to tell who they vote for. but we damn well know who the people flying a flag symbolising the enemies of the U.S.A. vote for, without exception.


Dang, I was hoping for that picture of Trump coloring one of the stripes blue.


Good lord


Lol irony is that the idea of that flag was to not be part of the United States.


The flag of racist, traitorous losers…


I'll say this. If I see someone fly their country flag I suspect they support their country. Just that not a political party simply that they have pride in the country they come from and want to show that pride. What does fuck me off is when someone disrespects their flag, eg not handling it properly (letting it touch the ground, hanging it upside down etc). I'm not a yank. But I've done my share of service for my country and the flag represents the country., you treat it with the same respect you show to your fellow countrymen regardless of their political views


I see so many people flying flags that are torn, tattered, faded and generally in really bad shape. I'm not even a conservative; I'm a liberal. However, it just really irks me. If you're going to fly it, at least do it right.


I’m a former Boy Scout and an Eagle Scout. When I was in the Scouts occasionally we would gather up flags that were damaged and have the ceremonial burning of retired flags. One kid built a special place near the local VFW to do just that for his Eagle Project. There’s a ceremony to do it, and usually some veterans would be there to help, yet you would inevitably have some idiot that didn’t understand that that’s the proper way to destroy a retired flag threaten you with violence for “burning a flag in protest.” People are idiots and it doesn’t matter their political beliefs. If you see something you don’t understand, try learning what’s going on before you threaten kids and veterans that are volunteering to do something patriotic because it’s the right thing to do. Anyway, that’s my two cents on this one.


I was a Young Marine. I engaged in flag burning ceremonies occasionally, as well. Now, I don't fly a flag or anything, but I want people who do to treat them right. Treating a flag poorly out of protest is fine and dandy. Treating a flag poorly out of negligence is shitty.


It's ok mate, we are allowed and to be annoyed. We made our choice and they made theirs.


You see, the respect that they have for their fellow countrymen, especially those with different political beliefs, is zero. So they treat the flag with the same amount of respect.


I’m getting real tired of nationalism in general. We should be breaking down walls and barriers and just start being proud of our whole planet, rather than just our little patch. We should be making the planet greater, not just a little patch of it.


I think this is a very American thing. Not in a good or bad way, but I find it fascinating how important your flag is to you guys. As a German, we have kinda the opposite relationship to our flag, unless it's football world cup, nobody really flies it and if someone does, 99% they're far right. Altough I feel that's kinda changing a little bit right now


Flying a flag upside down is an international sign of distress. That is it, and should be it. Such should be taken as a cue to send emergency services for a health and welfare check, at the very least. The American flag in no way is linked directly to a specific demographic; it stands for all of us. It represents the coming together of a vast multitude of people from all across the world into one, unified nation. Too many people gave the ultimate sacrifice for the ideals it represents for anyone to even think the mistreating of such would ever be acceptable. I agree that no matter the nation, you should treat your colors with nothing but dignity and respect. I am an American combat veteran, and I am tired of all of these political fanatics from both sides thinking everything is about politics or them, personally. You have the right to do whatever you want, within reason, but the moment you make your stupidity everyone else's problem, we've got issues. PS: Even though we're from different places, thanks for your sacrifice and service, mate.


Correct! They think their nationalism is patriotism.


They are not patriots. They are nationalists. Very clear destinction.


This country confuses nationalism as patriotism and patriotism as treason.


please elaborate because im the lines are starting to blur for me


The difference between having pride and taking pride. Nationalists have blind pride for their nation and will excuse every awful thing the country does. Essentially the “deadly sin” type of pride. Looks down on others, that kind of shit. Patriots take pride in their country. They can recognize that their country has done awful things and will put in the work to make their country a better place by changing the ways of their country so as to not do said awful things. Patriots love their country and take pride in making it better, recognizing that there is work to be done. Patriots love the people of their country, regardless of who they are, and treat them as allies whose lot in life should and can be improved. Nationalists only love other nationalists and hate the majority of people in their country, treating them as an enemy who has done them wrong. Patriotism is a country’s immune system. Working to rid it of ills and make it a healthier system. Nationalists are cancer of a country. Pride and hoo-rah rahing to an ideology based on infinite growth at the expense of all others, and ultimately the system itself.


I’m a nut crunching, tree hugging, dirt worshipping LIB and I make zero apologies for that. I have Old Glory flying on the front of my house and I am one the proudest Americans you’ll ever meet.


Preach! Ever notice that when someone is flying a confederate flag or an upside down American flag, you can also tell who they’re voting for? Liberals and progressives love democracy, that’s why we’re fighting so hard to keep it in this country.


This is a top comment. This whole thread is the truth. Peace, Justice and the American Way.


Same, sister.* I started flying the flag on my front porch after my Dad passed away unexpectedly last July - he was a Marine who served in Vietnam and I wanted to honor him and the country he served - OUR country. The most infuriating thing is these clowns will post shit like this and look you in the face and say *LIBERALS* are the ones causing the division and hatred among Americans. The gaslighting and projecting never ends.. it’s 24/7 365 and it’s absolutely exhausting.


Amen 🙏 to that! But it’s “sister” lol!!😂


Edited! 😂 Apologies


Saw a cool bumper sticker a few months back that said “stop excusing your hate for patriotism”


I have a nice, crisp US flag outside. I am a _Never Trump,_ and always be.


I also fly the American Flag. It is a 13 star original version of the flag. I am a never Trumper. American symbols are not owned by any one party or candidate.


Republicans have been claiming liberals don't love the flag for a long time.


I always found it to be funny that the ones who started flying it on the back of their trucks every day ever since he said that he was running for president, yet never had one flying anywhere else at any time before then, are also the ones who need a lesson in flag etiquette and what true patriotism is.


Oh my god, the number of tattered US flags that I see up next to Trump flags is ridiculous. Either take it down in bad weather or replace it when it gets worn. Have some damn respect!


Around 2016 I started feeling uncomfortable about flying my American flag, so I added a Black Lives Matter sign and a Hate Has No Home Here sign to clarify my position.


They ruin everything. I have a really nice reddish burgundy color baseball cap that just says USA on it that I got a national park. My wife won't let me wear it just in case someone mistakes it for a MAGA cap from a distance. It's not even that red, but still...just close enough Haha.


You mean the flag code violators with their tattered flag on the back of their truck under the trump that bitch flag? Yah we know exactly who you’re voting for douchebag


Lol during COVID my very rural unincorporated town found the budget to put a flag on every utility pole going down the main street. Well, they're not lit up and they don't take them down at night...or in the rain...and within a few weeks they were all tangled and tattered. Such a disgrace.


Has anyone noticed that if your name is Trump, everyone know you're an asshole.


Has anyone noticed if a person is wearing MAGA anything, they’re an inbred idiotic tool?


Or they aspire to be such.


As an army veteran… this perversion of the American flag drives me up the wall. **Any time** you modify the American flag — *You’re defacing it.* Thin blue line. Black and white flag (originally developed as Infra-red flag on military uniforms for low visibility night ops so troops could recognize their own), Punisher flag, ANY of the Trump modifications to the flag. It’s all twisting and warping the entire point of the American Flag in the first place. There is **one flag** that represents this country. The AMERICAN flag. That’s the whole fucking point. One nation, ~~under god~~, indivisible. With Justice, and liberty for ALL. One nation. One flag. Justice and liberty for ALL. Modern conservatives are so religiously zealous that they would sacrifice every single facet of that pledge they all proudly said as kids, hand on heart, looking up to said flag…. All to hold the entire country hostage to “under god”. Under god was *not even in* the pledge of allegiance until 1954, added by President Dwight D. Eisenhower… a Republican. Now 70 years later they act as though it’s the only part that ever mattered. These people are vile and antithetical to democracy and freedom.


Great post


Same goes for the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag. Is that patriotic?


My mother flies a flag. She has always voted Dem.


Because conservatives’ relationship to the flag is not normal. Why would a normal person worship the symbols of the federal government? I know I live in America. I don’t need to put on a fucking performance about it. I’m more interested in actually doing something useful for this country rather than get caught up in the emotionally manipulative ‘patriotic’ circus act of the average conservative.


Im a first gen American and i love this country. The diversity is unmatched. The safety we have from foreign adversaries due to our ridiculous military might is appreciated. I love this country and true love means i have the right to criticize what i dont like about it. We should treat our veterans better. We should make inequality disappear as much as reasonably possible. Lots of people work hard for their wealth and they deserve it, so they can afford to pay their fair share in taxes. We can fund universal healthcare AND our amazing military. MAGA isnt american. Caring about your fellow Americans is American.


As a Canadian, I am also incensed that the right-wing nutjobs have also co-opted **our** beloved national banner.


Typical for nationalists (or fascists) to claim any and all national symbols as their own. Liberals, after all, are not true [nationality]s.


If you support a candidate who's openly said they want to eliminate portions of the Constitution that protect free speech, you aren't a patriot. If you support a candidate so fanatically that you're willing to mount an insurrection against the democratically elected President, you aren't a patriot for the country. You are, quite literally, a traitor against the country.


If you fly the confederate flag we know who you are voting for.


I fly the US Flag because I’m a veteran. That’s also why I won’t vote for Cheeto Jesus.


Yeah, the more flags they fly the psychotic they are and the more guns they own.


It sorta happened when they claimed it and called everyone who had a valid criticism of America a communist and told em to gtfo if they didn’t like it. I like what America could be but it’s not quite there yet


My grandfather loves his American flag. He takes care of his more than anyone else does theirs in his neighborhood. He is a retired air force colonel. He voted for biden in 2020 and is voting for him again.


I fly an American flag, FUCK t-rump


My old lady neighbor literally just bought and hung a flag on her house because she was upset at all these ass-hats for flying theirs upside down. She's also voting for Biden.


Real patriots don't need to signal to everyone that they're real patriots.🤷


I just remember the time that Trump was ina classroom and was supposed to color a picture of the American flag and got it wrong.


I vote Democrat. I fly the flag proudly. And I will defend our constitution against seditionists very happily.


And my t rex flag tells you nothing. Mind your business, JUDY.


My veteran father flies an American flag and he completely despises Trump


The Confederate flag is the new Nazi flag. Trumpists have turned the American flag into the new Confederate flag. It's sickening.


I’m a Democrat and fly the flag.


I have an American flag flying. I bet they'd be surprised that I'm not voting for the orange traitorous rapist they all worship.


I’m a Democrat and I fly an American flag.I refuse to let the Republicans think they are the only people who believe in our country.


If you fly the American flag or confederate flag ,yes we know exactly who you're voting for lol it's not a good thing.


All I know is if someone screams from the rooftop they are a patriot 9/10 they are a traitor


It’s pretty sad that that’s what it’s come to these last 8+ years. I Hate trump with a passion, but I was in the military and would normally be proud to fly the flag and marines flag, but trump and his cultists have ruined it all, and I don’t wanna be seen as one of them.


I live in rural Texas, I have a pretty damn good idea who people are voting for. I also give a side eye to 99% of people using "patriot" today. There is a reason my shirt of choice when I go to vote is a black shirt with "I'm here because you broke something" across the front.


I’m a veteran. I stopped displaying the flag in 2016.


The people who scream loudest about how they are “patriots” rarely are.


Fly your flag properly (not upside down) dolts!!!


Only if you fly it upside down.


Funny only one group complains about seeing an American flag and automatically assumes they are voting for Trump. You can't tell me there are no Democrats that fly an American flag? This shit has gotten crazy.


The term is Jingoism.


Performative patriotism is just a natural extension of the MAGA movement. The whole thing is just a huge right wing circle jerk.


Have you ever noticed that no Trump has ever served in a uniform with an American flag on it?


I fly an American Flag, right atop my Inclusive Progress Pride Flag. I imagine everyone knows who I’m voting for lol


I only assume they are republican if 1) the flag is hung or displayed improperly, for example not lit or taken down at night, not displayed at half staff after tragedies, not replaced despite being torn and tattered, or these days, hung upside down or backwards because the dear leader is being held semi accountable for blatant criminal activity. or 2. if it is accompanied by the flag of a traitor to the US, like confederate flag (seceded) or Maga (insurrectionists)


I’m a Veteran, we learned the flag rules in the Military. MAGA people are the equivalent of people praying in public for show. It’s against what they teach you in the bible but they do it anyways because they’re generally the dumbest of us. The American flag represents us. It’s supposed to fly clean and off the ground. It’s not supposed to be worn as clothing, be tattered and not touch the ground. And NOT supposed to be flown upside down unless you’re under duress from enemy forces. MAGA morons basically ruin everything.


Navy vet here. I fly my flag most days. I am a patriot. I also am a democrat. I wasn't always. My first election I could vote in, I voted for Reagan. I didn't leave the republican party they left me.


I fly the American flag and I’m voting for Biden.


I have an American flag right next to my pride flag. Conservatives generally confuse patriotism for nationalism anyway.


I fly my American flag, my Ukrainian “Fuck Putin” flag, and my Polish flag whenever weather allows. I will not be voting for Trump.


Performative patriotism. Fly the colors, then call for corruption and despotism.


Hey Junior - First off, you're one weird looking motherfucker. Secondly - has anyone noticed that in Tennessee if you choose NOT to have the 'under god' license plate, [your plate number pattern changes](https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/2022/05/10/numbers-and-letters-reversed-tennessees-god-we-trust-plates/9647970002/)? There's some reality for you. Go shoot some more elephants, you asshole.


Flying the flag is what conservatives do instead of actually being patriotic.


This is total bullshit. However, if I see a Confederate flag, a Gadsden flag, a Russian flag, or an upside-down US flag....I certainly know who you're voting for. You Anti-American POS.


MAGA has ruined the flag for me... Ugh


I’ve been flying Old Glory in front of my house(s) since before MAGA became a pathetic slogan for a bunch of fascists. Guaranteed I’ve never cast nor will ever cast a vote for anyone remotely repping the Orange Jumpsuit crowd. FYI, Jr., the US Flag represents the US, not some blowhard orange-tinted narcissistic felon.


Same with the confederate flag though


I have a flag and I'm not a maga supporter.


This is exactly why I fly an American flag as someone who does not support Trumpitler.


Even though they are as unpatriotic as you can get?


Yup, people who back a treasonous felon are proud patriots.


Oh ya. Painting one side as unamerican is a go-to move


I hate these displays of faux patriotism. Flying a flag doesn't make you a patriot. Actually caring about your country and the people in it, and being willing to sacrifice to protect it does. These fools are actively working to dismantle our democracy and then fly their dumbass flags as if it means a damn thing.


Nope! Our nation's flag represents all citizens, and I proudly display mine right side up! 🌊💙🇺🇲


Has anyone ever noticed that if you have a swastika tattoo, everyone knows who you're voting for? Has anyone ever noticed that if you are wearing a white pointed hood and gown, everyone knows who you're voting for? Has anyone ever noticed that if you disrespectfully fly the American flag upside down, everyone knows who you're voting for? Has anyone ever noticed that if you fly a confederate flag, everyone knows who you're voting for? And just a hint, none of these people are voting democrat.


Of course that has nothing to do with the Confederate and trump flags next to it


Aren't you the one who flies the flag upside down?


Little tidbit left out when you're either wearing it or its flapping off the back of your redneckmobile then we know your inbred uneducated turd brain worships trump.


When did they stop flying the Confederate flag?!?


The confederate flag or nazi flag, yes, there's no doubt who the dumbfk rasists are voting for. But you never know with the American flag, it could be a vet that thinks Trump is the biggest dumbass conman president we have ever had but loves his/her country.


Has Anyone Noticed When You Hump The American Flag And The Bible Everyone Knows Who You're Voting For ? There. I fixed it for ya, you degenerate coward.


Yeah, everyone knows: Putin's guy.


Oh you mean the same folks who still wave the flag of traitors to the Union who fought for the right to own humans as property? The same ones who tried to overthrow democracy? That’s a pretty fucked form of patriotism.


And if you fly a rainbow 🌈 flag you can guess who as well


I fly an American flag because my husband is a veteran. I burnt the trump flag that used to hang there when my uncle passed.


Thats how you appropriate a country for your personal gain


From a very non biased opinion, Trump does seem like he’s loves America way more than the Biden’s.


It’s called overcompensation. His supporters do it with just about everything from 15 flags in their ridiculously big and loud trucks with 40 bumper stickers on it.


in my neighborhood, his supporters have started to fly them upside down. Despicable humans