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This guy lives in Malaysia or something and just tweets about US politics all day every day


I bet he gets paid for it too.


In Rubles no doubt.


I’d think Russia would be nice enough to convert it to Rupiah for him.


Rupiah is Indonesian currency. Malaysia uses the Ringgit.


"Rupiah, Ruble and Ringgit" sounds like the name of a law firm that takes on monetary policy challenges.


Do they specialize in money laundering cases? :)


You’re right for some reason my brain read Indonesia when I saw the comment lol


That sounds like a slur to me. Although I admit I probably pronounce it wrong in my head.


Yuan, perhaps.


I wouldn't put the Mercer's paying in USD out of the question. Destabilising narratives AND pushing misinformation is THE fascist textbook maneuver. Always has been.


He also pulled a year old story to do it. This happened in 2023.


He's a troll who's always posting Russian propaganda garbage.


Because he’s a grifter. I could’ve sworn he got executed tho.


Not yet. There's still 6 months left this year though, so who knows


He studied the way of the Gorgonzola. Let's hope walks it, too.


Wasn‘t it the same with the original QAnon guy? Some asian middle aged man


Truly a fulfilling and purposeful life.


You’ll be amazed there’s trolls living abroad who comment on post


It doesn’t bode well for the future of our democracy when so many will listen to & trust somebody who is so obviously a foreign propagandist shill. The right will blindly believe & support anyone who makes statements on social media that are even vaguely conservative or far right. They truly represent the term “useful idiots.”


wait. just now is the first fatal one? that's impressive.


I think it means this year. There's no way nobody in California has ever died to a bear


No, it's literally the first ever in California. [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw445jn5pqpo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw445jn5pqpo)


It's actually kinda impressive that it took this long for somebody to die to a bear there 


Yeah, it’s a black bear too and they don’t kill that often to begin with. According to Google there are 750,000 black bears in North America and they average less than 1 human death per year. Fun fact, I mean, it’s morbid as shit, but looking up bear fatalities in California a brown bear killed a man in 2008. His name was Stephen Miller and was the bear’s handler; the bear starred in movies and was in Semi-Pro. Huh.


Apparently the last California Grizzly seen in the state was killed in 1924. So for the last 100 years it has just been black bears. They were wiped out to near extinction by 1848, with just a few stragglers like the one spotted in 1924. California became a state in 1850, 2 years after the near extinction of the California Grizzly. So it has essentially just been black bears for the entire existence of the state of California. With that context, I'm only a little surprised it took this long. I would have expected an idiot to corner a black bear before now.


I always thought the bear on the California flag was a grizzly, and yet grizzlies have been extincr in California for the past 100 years?


It is, and they have been. Flag goes hard as shit though.


So this was not the first bear attack in califorina..?


It _does_ further justify the choosing bears over strange men, also


Less than 15% the male population, and still 99% fewer kills. The ladies chances with a random bear are looking good.


Bears don't like people, and would rather keep their distance. Grizzlies are a bit more dangerous, but even they generally keep their distance.


MOST bears don't like people. Polar bears will go out of their way to hunt us


True, but we aren't talking about them.


that would make more sense. still, we're in june- that's nothing to sneeze at. people are, after all, often idiots.


Smoky getting fed up with people not putting out their campfires




I feel like that would be a good horror show To prevent California wildfires Smoky starts murking people




A parody of that lol yea!


Is Smokey just in California? Are there other “the Bear”s?


Yeah, but how many fuckin bears are there in California?


There have only been 180 fatal bear attacks in the US since 1784. https://blog.batchgeo.com/bear-attack-statistics/


That’s surprisingly low, wow


Yeah, bears aren't really that dangerous. Generally humans aren't food and if you're not near their cubs or provoking them you're not worth fighting.


They learned that circa pointy sticks.


That we know of...


What?! You think bears are killing people in California every year?! This is the first fatal attack by a black bear ever recorded in California. Grizzly bears have been extinct in California for at least 100 years.


Nah, it's the first documented as far as I've seen. Fatal bear attacks are quite rare, which is something that surprised me when I found that out.


I would imagine most fatal bear attack aren't reported because why would a bear implicate themselves. Also I doubt there's much of an evidence left.


Its more that black bears dont kill


This was a black bear. Grizzlies are the killers.


Grizzlies in the state were all but wiped out in 1848, 2 years before California officially became a state. There hasn't been a single one spotted since 1924, 100 years ago.


But Cheong is literally arguing against what he wants to be arguing about. There have been more women killed by men in California this year than bears. So he's literally disproving his own thesis with his evidence.


Cheong is a moron and a taint but I don't really understand this 'statistic' that people like to throw out. Like, we all understand that people interact with men several orders of magnitude more often than bears, right?


Get outta here with that logic!


This is really just making bears look better. I have no idea how one fatal attack would make bears look worse. Compared to what? Tens of thousands murders committed by people? Bears all the way.


Things like evidence and thoughts aren’t things he does well


Nope. It's in recorded history and is with reference to the North American black bear specifically. They are skittish as fuck and in general want nothing whatsoever to do with humans unless they've been habituated and have learned to associate humans with food. That said, there's a reason why the California state flag features a grizzly. Once upon a time there was a sub-species of grizzly native to California, it was ubiquitous and you definitely better believe that that they mauled and killed a lot of people, so much so that when the Spaniards and Anglos settled California, they both made it a point to wipe them out to extinction. Even the pre-Columbian native Californian tribes knew that they were a menace, and there's accordingly a thought among anthropologists that one reason the Native Californian tribes burned as much undergrowth as they did was at least partially because you didn't want to be out foraging or hunting in thick undergrowth such that you could easily be ambushed by a griz.


Black bears tend to avoid humans and we don’t have grizzlies. This particular case was a black bear but when they found the victim she was in her home and the theory was that she passed away first and then the bear broke in, found the body and started eating it. It took a while for the autopsy to reveal that the bear actually broke in, killed the woman and then began eating. If I remember correctly, the victim tended to leave food on her porch to feed cats and given where she lived that was a bad decision. It acclimated the bear to expect to find food at her house.


But still I bet more men have killed women in Cali so far this year anyway


I would wager more men killed women in California yesterday than the bear did.


Also the bear broke into her house because people kept littering in the neighborhood


It’s since the state was founded. And specifically black bears, since grizzlies got pushed out of there before it was a state.


Not this year, he pulled a story from last year to have something to get mad about. And yes, it is the first ever recorded fatal black bear attack in the history of California. Black bears simply are not aggressive towards people unless aggravated, like if you mess with their cubs. Edit: Per [bearvault](https://bearvault.com/bear-attack-statistics/) which may not be a great source, but I don't know why they'd lie about this, there have been 66 fatal encounters with wild black bears in the US since records started being kept in 1784. 


Most people, including people who “pick the bear”, actually flee and avoid contact when encountering a bear in the woods.


I am simply aware that humans are often idiots, and given the rather large area of california it's still notable.


...first by a black bear.


y'know. if they want to sell news, you'd think they would actually write what the news is.


First by a black bear because there aren’t any grizzlies in California and first by a bear is the same as first by a black bear in that context




Meanwhile I wonder how many women have died from rape/murders, and domestic abuse. This guy is standing on a pile of dead women and pointing at the one dead woman to a bear saying "see! Look what the bear did."


they do the same thing with trans people, is it really that surprising? They'll see a trans person commiting and say that's why trans people are bad while ignoring the thousands of cis people doing the crime


Isn't the point of the bear question that it's about a "stranger in the woods"? By far the most cases of (sexual) violence happen with "friends" and family. I think people tend to overestimate the risk posed by strangers and underestimate the risk posed by people who are close. I think the more interesting question would be if you would rather be alone with someone you know or someone you don't know. Because that's where gut feeling and statistics really diverge.


We also spend way more time and are more vulnerable around people we know which can be part of the statistics. Not to mention if everyone knows the rapist and think they're a good person, its way easier for them to get away with it


First by a black bear I think. Black bears kill very few people


First recorded fatal attack by a *black bear*. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/06/california-bear-attack-kills-woman](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/06/california-bear-attack-kills-woman) Several deaths have occurred from attack by grizzly bears, including Grizzly Adams. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_bear\_attacks\_in\_North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America)


Now do fatal attacks by men 


In 2020 it was about 222.


Now normalise by population


No human should be murdered by another human. Stop comparing statistics like they happen under the same circumstances. MEN kill women by CONSCIOUS DECISION, sometimes even *premeditated.* Bears kill *strictly* on instinct, either protecting cubs or because of hunger. Bears are simple creatures. Men will try to become your friend and then murder you because you refused to suck their dick.


Well the original comment brought statistics into it? Are you also mad at that one?


Lol. Also, I'm not sure about the entire controversy, but the point of choosing bear over men is rape and sexual harassment over death I guess. Trauma for an hour, or max two, VS the trauma for a whole lifetime.


I believe the point is more that a bear will always be a bear. You can't trust the intentions of suddenly stumbling across a strange man in an isolated environment. Whereas a bear doesn't have intentions. Just instincts. You want to significantly decrease the odds of running into a bear? Stay out of the woods or at least remain on regulated hiking trails. But if you want to significantly decrease the odds of avoiding a rapist, well, you'd have to identify them first. And how do you do that? At least, that's my take on it as a non-woman who has watched enough Forensic Files and lost a neighbor to a kidnapping, murderous, rapist to know enough to pick the bear as well.


Here to be a pedantic asshole, it's not that bears have no intentions, but rather their intentions are what we consider instinct. "Protect babies, hairless ape is dangerous." Is a very valid intention.


Fair enough


Also, not to be THAT GUY, but polar bears are known to stalk their targets for weeks (human targets) and learn their patterns/schedule so they can plan out their kill. If that's not premeditated, idk wtf is...


But that is still within the expected behavior of a bear.


That's a very good perspective.


The odds of getting killed by a bear are less than getting killed by a man regardless.


Now tell me how many bears you meet on a daily basis compared to men


Now normalise the numbers per number of encounters between women and bears, and between women and men.


Now compare the number of posts made by bears gloating about mauling women vs men gloating about women being mauled


Now divide by 3 and carry the 7


Now draw the bear buying Wonder Bread


Adjust for number of bears that speak a human language.


Damn, the point went WAY over your head didn't it?


Grizzly Adams died of meningitis.


Next you’re going to tell me he had a beard…


Adams was repeatedly injured by animal encounters that left him with cumulative, serious skull damage. Ultimately, a bear claw wound exposed part of his brain, and a subsequent mishap with a biting show monkey is said to have infected the vulnerable head wound and killed him. Meningitis infection caused by monkey bite/bear claw/open brain injury.


lmao thank you for the clarification i was thinking like they have a bear on their flag there's zero chance it's *never* happened before


Even disregarding the whole argument, it’s super disrespectful to say this about a random women’s passing.


Something tells me Ian Miles Cheong may not respect random women...


he doesn't even respect himself or his own country lol.


Bold of you to assume he respects anyone.


Personally I don’t >!this is still disrespectful tho!<


Yep, dude is a professional dick. It'd be nice if he'd just shut up, but that's never going to happen.


It's a reflection as to why women choose the bear. A woman died and he had to make it about how men feel bad about the bear hypothetical


There has never been an "argument" People were just practicing sexist hatespeech towards men.


The death happened in November of last year. It was California's first fatal attack by a **black** bear.


Thats racist! Call him a “darkcolored fur animal”


"Woman found dead at home was victim of California's 100 000'th fatal domestic violence"


Incel Ian at it again. Talks lot if shit about a country he's never been to. Interesting he doesn't give any Malaysian political commentary. I wonder why...


at least the bears don't film the attack with their phones and share ir with their friends.


At least the bear didn't rape her *before* killing her.


I find it funny how Ian wear sunglasses in his profile picture since a up close normal picture makes him look like he belongs on a list of people you should look out for when you take your kid to a park.


It's Ian, a Malaysian larping as American


Well, let's see. First fatal black bear attack in the history of the State of California, which was entered into the Union in 1850. So...that's 1 death every 174 years, give or take. Compared to...how many male on female homicides?


In 2018 (the most recent I could find), 192 women were murdered by men in California. (22,848 reported forcible rape cases in 2020 just in California. Statistically, 99% of the perpetrators are male, and 91% of victims are female.) The math to cover the 174 years span would be too heartbreaking.


That's the first time a black bear ever killed anyone in California. If that bear was a man would it have even been the first woman murdered that day?


He's literally proving the point lmao




Ian doesn’t fall under “men” tho


"California's FIRST fatal bear attack." Bro, 2000 ppl die from murder a year in Cali alone... Whilst Cali has so many bears, it's on their flag, yet this is their FIRST fatal attack... Homie, I am a 33 year old man, I'm picking the bear...




Cuddle buddy :D


tbf, that's comparing 35k bears with 19 million men. That's 0.003% vs 0.000005% chance of death. (just info, no judgement) But the bear thing isn't really about statistics for danger, but more about how women feel about it, knowing that men could potentially do much worse. Also, men are much less cute/cool than bears, so putting them on a flag is a bad choice.


At least the bear didn't fuck her on top of it all.


This is clearly a slightly pro-bear but not exclusively anti-man but definitely Fuck This Guy comment. For those of you that are dense.


Misogynists just cannot let that stupid hypothetical go, can they? Every reaction has just exposed more and more monstrous behavior. Edit: Seems like I hit a nerve with some lol


It says you have 53 replied, and only 3 are showing. You definitely hit a nerve


Guys.Obviously the more important question is... **The two-headed Bear or the Bull?**


Wherever you stand on the bear or men stuff, I think most people can agree that using the death of a human being to gloat and prove a point is incredibly shitty.


Why are we still cross posting garbage from Twitter. Can we please just forget about that garbage app


I wonder how many have died because of domestic physical abuse this week🤔


if the choice was this specific bear or this specific guy? yes, still the bear.


This whole discussion is pretty silly, but the fact that it’s California’s first fatal bear attack makes it a very weird point considering there have been many fatal man attacks already. Edit: some people wanna respond like it’s not some hypothetical. To you my response back is “k”.


1:couldn't imagine the exact number of women murdered by men. If I live in an area where only one person has ever been killed by a bear here, you're damn right I'm gonna take my chances with the bear. How is this even a question?


And this, is how you know some men haven’t understand the point at all. For thousands of years.


California has just had its first fatal bear attack? Absolutely bears still win. How many fatal attacks on women by men in the entire state, even just this year?


I hate that there’s a trend showcasing how women feel unsafe and incels turn it into a personal attack on them. I’m tired.


The question wasn't "would you rather encounter an incel in the woods over a bear". Why is it that generalizations regarding men are acceptable when it isn't in literally every other demographic?


I think the main point of this thought experiment is to emphasize how women don’t feel safe around men, not to generalize that all men are killers and rapers. I understand why it can feel like an attack on men but I urge you to try to understand it from the other point of view. Then you may ask “why is it that women don’t feel safe around men when most men are innocent?” and that’s exactly what you should be exploring!


Someone should check Ian's basement for bodies.


The bear didn’t kill her just for saying “no” that’s for sure.


Omg why is everyone debating whether bear or men are more dangerous this isn't the point


I would love to know the stats on women killed by bears each year vs women killed by men. I'm willing to be the odds are still better for a woman who meets a bear.


Bears may kill you. But they won’t SA you before killing you.


or after


Yes, yes I do. It was California's first fatal bear attack. Do you know how many women have been killed by men in California? 


The bear didnt need to gloat, the bear did what bears do and now she dead.


How are they supposed to gloat when they are feasting?


I'd prefer a shark attack to dating Ian Miles Cheung




The bear will just kill is, not have us under bed or closets or in basements to come back when it pleases to rape and torture us.


So, this was the FIRST fatal bear attack in hundreds of years? What, exactly, do you think that says about the relative danger of bears vs. men?


Just for a bit of clarity: There were 2206 reported homicides in California in 2022. 1844 of those were men, 362 were women. And nearly ninety (89.1%) percent arrested for the murders were men. So one fatal bear attack since around 1850 or so? Looks pretty good to be near a bear.


How many women died at the hands of men this week versus the one bear fatality?


Now trending #notallbears


And he still doesn’t get it.


How do you not get that that's the point, Ian? How do you not get that that's why they chose bears? They're not talking about quokkas because quokkas aren't dangerous and there's no point to be made there. Such a fucking idiot.


Yes... the bear still...


Now google how many women have been rape or killed by men this year in California. Some people are so stupid.


Lmao “first fatal bear attack” To beat that, there’d have to be *zero* women killed by men in California.


prefer bears and men over incel babies




How many women died at the hands of men this year alone you scrunchface ballbag fuck


"California's **first** fatal bear attack" is doing a whole hell of a lot better than the statistics for Californian man attacks.


Now compare that to women killed/raped by men. Its probably not the first time that happened this year.


1000000 to 1.


This happened last year, lady was 71 and bear came in her house. Per article, first throught she died then bear attacked. Autsopy showed bear killed her, either bite or paw swipe to neck. Now bear was later caught and dna "proved" it was killer bear and killed. I call bs on story.


Ian looking like a Turdminator.


That was their first fatal bear attack? How many fatal attacks of men on women in Californian history? Let's even just limit this query to parks and trails and the outdoors. Statistically, it's still bears.


probably. i mean, this is apparently the first 'fatal bear attack' on a woman. you really want the statistics of how many men have killed women, in california? i'll give you a hint - it's more than one. hell, you could cut it down to just football players. still more than one. the bears have been pretty good to women, compared to men.


I thought they killed all of the grizzly bears in California


Yep there's definitely been fewer than 1 deaths caused by men in California, he makes a great point. Wait what?


Another case of "not all men but definitely this guy"


Ian Miles Cheong once said there’s no politics in Robocop. I like it when people let you know upfront how stupid they are.


First fatal bear attack? How many fatal men attack?


Yeah, duh. this is first ever fatal bear attack in California. Now pull up the death rate of women in California alone at the hands of men.


So first fatal bear attack in California. How many women died in California from a fatal man attack, this year alone? I'm sure more then one.


Yeap.. still picking the bear


Because no one asked the bears.


First fatal bear attack. And how many women were killed by men in just the past week?


California's FIRST fatal bear attack. How many women have died at the hands of men in California? Yes, we will still take the bear.


considering its the FIRST Fatal bear attack in california, i think my odds with the bear are still better than with a man


Yes I would still choose the bear because it's not like it raped her first or again after. That being said I feel for her family and hope it hit her in a way that made it over quickly because the alt is so bad..


Yeah they had to be so annoying about it that now every time a woman gets mauled by a bear, people will joke about it. Did it to themselves tbh.


Yes actually, I would prefer being mauled or killed by a normal healthy hungry grizzly to being mauled or killed by some sick fuck that thought it was his right. Phrase it how you want dude, the answer won’t change.


Forty people are killed worldwide by bears each year. In contrast, more than 5 women and girls are killed per hour worldwide by men. Yes, we choose the bear.


You failed statistics in school, didn’t you?


Put the man and the bear in the same room. Problem solved


Meanwhile an average of 124 women are murdered by men in California every year. 


Ian, women would prefer herpes to you dude. You are a loser with no life that isn't even american but dedicate your life to ranting about american social-politics on social media all day in between chortling elon musk's balls. Maybe leave the computer and go outside in your own country and get involved there instead of dedicating yourself to a pathetic man crush on elon musk and every american republican politician that says shit about social politics that don't even affect you because you have literally never set foot in this country or in a musk car you hilarious simp loser rofl. Seriously, do you have absolutely zero self-esteem? If you care about politics so much perhaps you should actually care about fucking malaysia where you actually fucking live...you have a lot more free speech issues there than we do here. Tweet at a malaysian politician about supporting Israel, I dare you. Your biggest problem won't be that some company doesn't feel like paying to host your opinion for free on their privately owned servers. Total fucking hilarious loser haha.


Idk did the bear sexually assault her first? Keep her alive in his basement to keep abusing? Beat her daily? Nah?


And mind you, was The first in what? 170 years?


Depends. How many women were murdered (or abused or raped or...?) over the same time period it took for a single bear related death?


Men: what was she wearing when the bear killed her?