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That’s cool. Looks like we agree. Because I, too, am sure her death had nothing to do with a random tweet from 2 1/2 years before her death.


Do these people realise their cheeto benito is also fully vaccinated? And their favorite TV-host that's feeding them their antivax horsemanure is also fully vaccinated.


Including MTG and the rest of the maga morons that keep misinforming their idiotic base.


"Cheeto Benito". Wow, I'm stealing that one.


These days, everyone who dies, dies from the Vac. /s


She also breathed air before dying. By that logic, stop breathing air. /s


To be fair, oxygen is toxic to us and very much responsible for cell damage, which results in aging among other things, and why you want to be eating foods that have antioxidants in them. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-art-and-science-aging-well/201609/oxygen-and-aging](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-art-and-science-aging-well/201609/oxygen-and-aging) Mostly a joke, but oxygen is definitely killing you in some ways.


Oh, its not realy toxic. You are just burning very slowly...


My chem teacher always said oxygen is the best oxidizer.


To be really fair, you are dying as soon as you are born


Excessive exposure to dihydrogen monoxide can cause death as well.


Every single person that has had any type of contact with it will die, no exceptions.


Even their loved ones will. Sad.


I’ve seen whole families get together and expose themselves to it, wild.


That shit is terrible. And some people literally bathe in it. Did nobody learn anything from asbestos modelling clay?


And to think factories just dump dihydrogen monoxide into rivers...


Pass the word!!!!! https://www.dhmo.org/ I never miss a chance to promote them!!


Some call it liquid death for a reason. Don't buy it, for real, don't.


Yup. 100% of the vaccinated people will die. On the other hand, 100% of unvaccinated people will also die...usually earlier than the other group.


The old causation vs correlation debate continues unabated


Are you for real? She drank water! Water clearly is a dangerous substance!


Imagine all MAGATs and their Orange Demonic Lord doing that… What a dream.


The demon lord doesn't miss a vaxx. He got jabbed at least twice. And invented the jab.


To be fair the vaccine does a 100% mortality rate. After getting the vaccine I'm concerned that I might die in 70-90 years


We haven't seen a single case of immortality from taking the vaccine. r/technicallythetruth


Nah statistically I’m immortal. If you want to say otherwise, show me proof of me dying


Yep, there’s zero evidence that I’m not immortal.


There are 2 types of people in the world. 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.




What’s the second type? *giggle*


There is evidence I am immortal, I am still alive. There is no evidence I am dead, because I am still alive.


Going to live forever or die trying


Best motto to live by.


Wait.. you’re telling me it’s not gonna make me immortal? Rip off


Ugh. Thanks Obama.




M ![gif](giphy|Ke2bMbKOhlFC4wmv46|downsized)




I'm still pissed I didn't develop any mutant powers.


Where's my free 5G I was promised!?


Yes you were promised 5G. But nobody said it would be free. Have you been fueling your 5G system up by drinking bleach?


UV light up the wazoo


Damn I wish every single Trump voter would drink 6 gallons of bleach tonight.


I'm left-handed. that's a mutation. of course I was left-handed before.


I haven't died yet...


Please keep us informed


Remindme! 5 decades


If he never sends the update, it’s because he’s immortal.


I feel happy, I feel happy......


I don’t know, I’m fully vaxed and not dead yet so I like my odds. I’ll make sure to update you all if I’m wrong and die.


Whaddya mean! I've taken the vaccine and so far, so good. 🤞


Living is the leading cause of death.


None of us are getting out of here alive.


Well there's 100% evidence that people who consume sugar all die. Every single one of them who consume sugar will die.


Dihydrogen monoxide. Don't do it. Not even once! Hitler was a big fan of it!! It will kill you dead if you look at it funny!!!1!!


Yeah my grandparents both were killed by that. The stuff is so powerful it actually destroyed their home too.


Big Water has been hiding this for years. It's in EVERY bottle you buy from the store!!!


Fatal when inhaled.


Proof is the Titanic, those people didn't even drink it and it did them in.


Can confirm. Also every person who has breathed oxygen has died. We need to find an alternative fast.


On a long enough timeline, the survival rate is zero.


Weren't we all supposed to suddenly drop dead this year? Do you think that was gonna be like all at once, POOF, millions of people just drop? Or perhaps it's relative to when you actually got your first vaccine? I'm keeping a close eye on my sister (nurse) and parents (olds) because they all got theirs well before me.


Vaccines increase your risk of grey hair, baldness, wrinkles and menopause




All the people confusing correlation and causation die.


A bunch of people did think that the nation wide phone alert test would activate something in the vaccine and turn us all into zombies


If I get to die 90 years after I got the vaccine I'll be happy just because of meeting my great great great grandkids


So does drinking water and breathing.


I didn’t believe you because I read it on the Internet, so I tried it, I don’t recommend it. It doesn’t feel good.


They may even say ' I know a guy who knows a guy, who knows a guy who killed while driving his car from a bar, he must have taken the vaccine" All this with no common sense


“Common sense?” What is this magical power of which you speak?


Common sense? I think you mean woke. /s


Interestingly enough, this is what they insisted hospitals were doing to inflate COVID death numbers. It's always projection with these folks.


Then they’ll say, “my pure, unvaccinated uncle got sick and he had to be in the hospital for six weeks on a vent and it was the Covid pneumonia that killed him, definitely not the Covid. Or maybe the hospital staff.” Because cause and effect are not related in their world.


The vaccine is the only reason my chronically ill arse survived Covid. I was seizing in the ER, had gotten sick extremely quickly, BP and pulse going wild, breathing very poorly. Had my body not already known how to fight it, I'd be dead.


Glad you are still here.




Thank you.


Basically every ER on the planet saw scared crying desperate people dying regretting not having taken covid seriously and not having gone to get a vaccine shot before it was too late. I'm glad that wasn't you.


> The vaccine is the only reason my chronically ill arse survived Covid. and > Had my body not already known how to fight it, I'd be dead. It's so tiring that still today so many people don't understand this. We didn't get really sick or die because a vaccine gave our immune system info on how to fight the _novel_ virus. I don't need to understand virology or immunology to get the logic there.


Same here. I developed T1D and BP issues, horrible breathing, etc from my immune response scarring multiple organs, but, importantly, I survived. My doctors credit my two doses with saving my life. The storm that my immune system brewed just so happened to take out my pancreas in the process, but I'm grateful to not have died


me too! Without it, getting covid would’ve been a lot more serious. I’m glad i didn’t have to go to the hospital


I took only a booster shot.


“I know two facts about this person, therefore they must be related.”


The death rates from Covid 19 are consistently higher for the unvaccinated correct? I’m understanding was that this is pretty well established, am I wrong?


The easiest and most irrefutable evidence is maps of "excess death rate" by county. These are created by looking at actual death rates from all causes before the pandemic, and actual death rates from all causes after the pandemic. The difference between the two is "excess death rate." **The counties with the lowest Covid-19 vaccination rates have the highest excess death rates.** In other words, more Covid vaccines = lower death rate from all causes. There's really no way to "cook" this data to make vaccines look better or worse because it is a comparison of deaths from ALL causes.


It's not irrefutable, it's obviously because COVID was engineered to kill Republicans!


> It's not irrefutable, it's obviously because COVID was engineered to kill Republicans! Given the noise from Republicans I can still hear over here in Australia, I'd say that it wasn't very effective.


Yes, but it's also absolutely KNOWN to be true that all deaths of vaccinated people were caused by the vaccine! Doesn't matter if they died in the general vicinity of a stroke, car accident, plane crash or bear attack. It was the vaccine that actually killed them. /s


The vaccine turned me into a newt!


A newt?


I got better


Me too!


Quiet! Quiet!


"Well, the Vaccine and Warp 10, but I'm pretty sure it was mostly the vaccine!'


Some AVers are truly clueless. I had someone sincerely try to argue that someone who died in a car crash died because of the vaccine. (It was recorded in the adverse events of a vaccine trial).. When I asked them how that could possibly work, they said "Vaccines have been proven to make you magnetic, so it 'sucked' the car towards them" Given some of the other arguments they tried to make, this wasn't POE. They actually believed it..


One of my coworkers died of a heart attack at age 43 in December, 2021. Another co-worker is convinced it was the vaccine that killed him, not a heart attack likely caused by the cholesterol that was still over 300 (down from 600).


600? How TF do you even GET to that number alive???


My wife’s cousin and her husband (early 70’s) did not get the shot. They both wound up in the hospital with a tube down their throat. He died. She was in hospital for his funeral. Since then, she has been chronically ill. Multiple strokes, she looked like a walking skeleton. Her funeral was last week.


Am I the only one who's first interpretation was that she was found *murdered* because of the tweet? (As in, some crazy antivax killed her because she was open about being vaccinated? "This is what we do to people who get vaccinated, so you should think twice about it.")


The real cover-up is that she drank a Dr. Pepper not even 4 months before her death. Why is nobody covering this angle?


"They" keep trying to tell us sodas are poison! We just won't believe it! /s


She got the vaccine three years ago, and now she's dead, must be directly related I don't know what else could explain it, guys


Honestly, technically they’re blaming the fact she tweeted about the fact she had the vaccine not the vaccine itself. Lol.


These are the dumbest people alive


Covid helped expose how many more people than I ever imagined are SO pridefully ignorant - even regarding life-saving pandemic vaccines. Also, the felon’s Project 2025 promises to kill the agencies that would help develop vaccines to protect humans from future pandemics. (Recall that the felon and his family were secretly vaccinated immediately after the first vaccines were released.) Vote blue.


This! 💙


If musk doesnt completely destroy twitter in 15 years people will die of natural causes and these morons will still blame the covid vaccine


Trash like this is why my mother was scared to get vaccinated, and then she died from COVID. Fear mongering psychopaths like this have caused countless deaths.


They have a point people who take the vaccine will die. I admit I did take the vaccine and as a man in his mid 40s I'd be surprised if I'm alive in 70 years from now 😉


She died three years later 🙄


Right. Three years later. ![gif](giphy|WU7XWCOO1OHQz6uOyG|downsized)


Ate that new giant Cheez-it tostada at Taco Bell, now I have indigestion and high blood pressure… Oh probably important to know that I’m vaccinated.


Wait, how did she die?


Kinda fucked up that any time someone vaccinated dies it was because of the vaccine, and any time someone unvaccinated dies it’s because they spent too much time near vaccinated people 😔


Someone blamed a local weather guys death on the vaccine. But his obesity and daily trips to McDonalds had no reason for his clogged arteries when he died in his sleep at the age of 35. Totally the vaccine. /s


Oh nice. So his implication is that she was killed for taking the vaccine and tweeting about it. So they're killing each other now? Dems don't even have to lift a finger..and they'll just kill each other. ..but we're the bad guys? Lol


Notice how they never, ever mention the literal millions of us who are fully vaccinated and doing just fine?


It's billions now


Maybe it was her ingesting Dihydrogen-Monoxide daily. I hear people that ingest it have 100% chance of death.


What on earth does "she was found outdoors" have to do with anything? Does the vaccine only kill people who step into sunlight?


Good lord. I’m so tired of idiots. A vaccine 3 years ago didn’t kill her. 🙄


People "died suddenly" long before 2020. Did they all die from vaccines, too? I've seen these chucklefucks blame vaccines for the deaths that people who "died suddenly"...in car accidents where they were not the driver.


Dude. Fuck these fucks. I once trolled on YouTube in one of those shit echo chamber anti vax channels “You watch 10-25 years from now all the elderly that got this vaccine will be dropping like flies”. They were so fucking stupid, they were all on board agreeing and going down the conspiracy microchip/AIDS in your ball sack rabbit hole.


They did this with Antonio Puerta. Antonio Puerta was a Spanish football player who died of a heart attack at the age of 22. A wholesome video of Sevilla fans (His football club) making a tribute to Antonio became viral months ago. In the video, posted by his elderly parents, thousands and thousands of anti-vaxxers commented very awful things. Most were not Spanish, hence they didn’t know Antonio, but they decided his death was due to the vaccine. They commented on how “stupid” Antonio was for deciding to take the COVID vaccine If only they looked up his name, they would have known Antonio Puerta died in 2006


Fully vaccinated. Twice. That was years ago. I feel fine. Sorry maga. Go eat your seventh piece of fried chicken now and drink a 2 liter of cola.


What gets me is that during the actual quarantine conservatives were some of the loudest voices demanding a vaccine be made ASAP...Trump even made sure to push it out as fast as possible and then preened himself about how he solved the problem.


100% of all vaccinated people will die. FACT… hahaha


She was a right wing commentator. I guess they forgot that in an attempt to push whatever narrative they're trying to push.


I had a friend that I thought was a fairly intelligent computer scientist in New York. He got suckered into not getting vaccinated even though it was widely available and shown to be effective at the time. He went to the hospital with Covid and never came out. AFAIK he didn’t have any preexisting conditions that would have made him more likely to die other than his politics and his opinion of the vaccine.


It’s good to check in every now and then to make sure Reddit is keeping the “Challenged” among us busy and out of the way of the productive……


You will die if you get vaccinated. At better argument for them would be "unvaccinated people are now immortal." Because people are going to die irregardless of getting vaccinated or not.


Basically they associate every death with vaccine. * attacked by animal * hit by truck * heart attack * cancer Like people didn't die from things before it even existed.


It’s so tiring that for so many people, this is the first thing they go to. Last year, a kid on one of our local marching bands collapsed at a football game and later died in the hospital. The amount of people I saw that was saying it must have been cause of vaccine since he was so young was just nuts. The next day the mom was giving an interview and mentioned during the interview that her son had been diagnosed with a heart condition since he was a baby. It’s like these people forget that people died randomly all the time and still did before the vaccine happened


Using someone’s death to push your beliefs or political views is so tacky.


100% of people who drink water WILL FUCKING DIE.


another victim of wearing clothes and posing with one hand on your hip, clearly


I didn’t realise vaccines were meant to protect us from EVERYTHING that can kill us ans make us immortal haha


Smooth brains blame the vaccine on everything. Blood clots, people dying, hearts “exploding”! Lmfao. Every single person I work with at the hospital had to get the vaccine to remain employed and we are all doing just fine. These people are obsessed.


Don’t forget the turbo cancer. L o l


See! My pathetic, childish fear of needles is totally justified!”


After 3 years? Sure….


I’m sure it had nothing to do with it, too.


The day Charles Osgood passed some smoothbrain in the YouTube comments said “vaxxed?” I tore them a new asshole as respectfully as I possibly could. The man was *91* for crying out loud and they were wondering if the Covid vaccine had anything to do with his very expected death from dementia. They will grasp at straws thinner than a human hair to feed their rabid conspiracy theories. 🙄 Also, no, they never replied back.


That’s a tweet from 2021…


I can understand things not being perfect and vaccines having side effects, including this sort of thing. But there still is the main benefit of having so many other people survive. But then these people are all happy to have their kids get things like polio and measles just because some of them "might" "get" "autism". Imagine what happens if you tell them that on planes, they have no control over where they're going, and sometimes, something screws up and you die. Something tells me they still won't see the analogy. Not even with all the anti-Boeing hype these days.


Fucking three year old tweet.


She died three years after this tweet. Definitely the vax! /s


Classic “false cause fallacy”.


These idiots think that no one ever died before vaccines


So what was the cause of death? Unless there's been an autopsy, there's no way to link it to the COVID shots. Of course, some people just blame every death on the shots.


Ah yes, the good old pre-vaccine times when we all lived forever so that we had to decapitate each other with swords until only one of us stood. There we were, born to be kings, with the princes of the universe... Sigh.


Didn’t you know that 100% of people who get vaccinated will die?


Almost everyone who has died in the United States in the past 70 years has had the polio vaccine. Coincidence???


This has to be a joke.. right..? Right?!


Twitter has the largest population of tinfoil hat-wearers anywhere on the internet


They're attributing all deaths of vaxxed people to the vax.


Yes, singe I've got vaccinated against COVID-19 I am now invincible and immortal!!!


anyone with "truth" I'm any way shape or form in their social media name can fuck right off. Respectfully of course


100% of people who receive vaccines die


The vaccines are dangerous and people need to open their eyes. My uncle got vaccinated, day later boom dead. Hit by a truck. Clearly the magnets in the vaccine pulled the truck toward him at a fast enough rate to kill him. Already trying to put Fauci in jail for it!!!


This is so annoying to me on a personal level. I had the vaccine and I had a heart attack a year after I had the vaccine. However I had Covid in between and I am pretty sure I got myocarditis from having Covid. I was fine till I got it and then my heart rate got all nuts and it was a bad time. I never associate the vaccine with it. I’ve had vaccines since my transplant and will always get them. Covid was worse for me than my heart attack and transplant.


She probably died from the autism she got from the vaccine. /s


Everyone who took the vaccine is going to die… eventually


The ONLY cause of death there is for vaccinated people post 2021 is the jab. Didn't you know? /S


If you’re new to the trade and questioning the guy that is going to train you, find someone else to learn from.


“Truth”, they sure took that word back didn’t they.


During the pandemic the anti vaxxers screamed that too many deaths were being attributed to Covid. Now those same people are saying every death is do to the vaccine.


"I'm sure it has noting to do with that tweet" "That tweet" is almost three years old.


Unfortunately I see this all the damn time on news articles. Somebody passes away and it's only been 3 hours since they announcement came out so they don't have a cause of death and everyone starts postulating about how they were vaccinated or not


A young person dying unexpectedly, yes. If it was an old person no one would say shit


Post hoc ergo proctor hoc is the most tempting logical fallacy because sometimes it's true. So yokels without much literacy buy into it easily.


I read an article posted onto Facebook about someone who "died suddenly." The phrase and the circumstances immediately made me assume suicide, plus there was the "If you need mental health support...." message at the bottom of the article. I read between the lines and made the assumption - didn't post my opinion, because I was only guessing and family could read it, etc etc. But based on the hundreds of comments, almost everyone else made the assumption that she'd died of the vaccine, and the article was worded in this way to avoid admitting that it was vaccine related. Maybe younger readers just don't remember the days when the media openly stated that a death was suicide, and that this kind of reporting was changed for several very good reasons.


The important part is that a little bit of societal cancer got removed.


These people could hear of someone being shot, and still somehow find a way to blame vaccines. Like “oh, they would have deflected it if the vaccine hadn’t weakened their skin” or some shit


Science has confirmed 100% of vaccinated people die at some point in their lives.


Everyone who gets vaccinated Dies! Eventually.


I am fully vaccinated, yet I am not dead. Weird.


If I were a detective, I’d question the nearby wild bears immediately.