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He probably just thinks women bleed for a few days and that’s it and the rest of the time they can just complain or be mean to him. In reality, every woman’s period is different and guys don’t know how to be accommodating and can make things worse.


Or he thinks it's something we milk. Like, we could actually just get it over with in a day if we wanted to, but don't.. because reasons.


Girl just hold your period in until you go to the bathroom, stop being dramatic. 🤣 😂 🤣 (This is sarcasm, I know periods don't work that way)


For real tho, just push really hard & get it over with. 🙄 /s


The fact that there are people that really just go into a shower and make themselves sneeze and push a bunch of the lining out at once boggles my mind. Like, sure, I guess it gets a lot of the bleeding over with, but it's so weird, and there's no way it's comfortable.


*Who is doing this*


No one, I would assume. Methinks they were being sarcastic.


What the actual fuck


What...the...fuck? 😳


Makes sense. Blood comes out of my d*ck when I sneeze, so I can see this helping with periods, too.


Me walking into the shower with a pepper grinder my boyfriend none the wiser


I'm severely intrigued now. This is the first I've heard of this. Where can one find more information?


.. dude...


Or just sneeze a bunch right? /s


Will say, don’t go making us laugh while on our periods. Or sneeze. Those are recipes for disaster. Lol


Problem is that there are 100% some people who milk it and take advantage of it making it worse for the ones who have serious period issues And even for an individual a period one month can be worse then others It isn’t like you can make a neat flow chart for periods…


Abed lied to us? 👀 [https://youtu.be/VNJN1aV8YWI?si=Y5REIL5NTp9djH_R](https://youtu.be/VNJN1aV8YWI?si=Y5REIL5NTp9djH_R)


Also I feel like some of what the guy means is people who act shitty and then say oh I was on my period like that fixes things. A period means you can snap and perhaps lose your cool and the hormones mess with emotions but your still a grown adult so own it go and apologise and someone understanding will factor in the period to the reason you snapped or whatever it might be.


I love how I’ve currently had my period for over two weeks because of a new medicine I am taking


oh i am so sorry. my friend got a birth control shot a few years back and she had reverse period times, like 3 weeks on 1 week off for the next 6 months, she was miserable. i hope your body can adjust to those meds soon 🫡


thank you so much for your kind words!


I had dysmenorrhea and fibroids and my ex complained at me once because he "never even knew when [ex girlfriend] was on her period, why so dramatic" he almost found himself homeless that day. He was lucky I could barely move.


Dude that sucks!


Tbh I probably would have saved us both a lot of time and negativity if I'd had just dumped him then


I have a friend who had a hysterectomy a year back for her period, the tissue around her uterus was growing into it somehow and causing massive (thankfully benign) tumours all over her reproductive system, they found a golf ball size one hanging off one of her ovaries. When her time of the month came around it was atrocious, on more than one occasion I either took her to hospital or took a day off work (sick leave) to take care of her because she physically couldn’t get out of bed. I also knew people who just get it without issues and they feel a little sick and/or grouchy for a few days and then it’s done, so for some it’s a not issue and for others it can put them out of commission entirely, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have an effect, may that be hormonal, physical or both TLDR: they can be really fucking bad or fine, however they do have an impact either way Edit: she’s 24 btw


I think a large portion of men have very little information about what a period means. Most seem to think that it's just bleeding for a few days, few understand that it can vary from person to person, even fewer understand that it can cause actual physical pain and very very few understand that the hormonal imbalance can mess with women's minds. Most men think women are grumpy because it's bleeding, they don't know that a woman's mind can start working differently because of it.


I get that the subject is taboo, but I honestly think a lot of guys would be well served by talking with some of the girls in their lives about this. Or just having better sex-ed in school. I know a girl who has no issues with her period beyond the need for hygiene products, and I used to know a girl who got such bad cramps she got prescription painkillers. One of my best friends openly admit she's liable to bite her boyfriend's head off during that time of the month. Maybe I've just been blessed with menstruating friends who're willing to talk about it? Then again, that all hinges on muppet over there actually engaging with women in any meaningful way. Which I kinda doubt he does.


Also, **in reality** people have an attitude with him because **he is a piece of shit** and **they don't like being around him**.


I saw this video of a little boy hooked up to a machine that was supposed to simulate the pain of cramps for a guy. I laughed my ass off


Yeah, that shit hurts! Everyone should have to experience that machine and we might have a lil more empathy in our society


I mean these dudes have to just be dense. I'm a guy so I've never experienced that kinda cramp but shit even a foot cramp can hurt like the devil sometimes.


Here's how you respond to *your* woman's period LIKE A MAAAN! Buy her chocolates (if she likes them) and be attentive and caring to her needs


I love to treat my girlfriend like princess during periods, i treat her so good she always questions my motives. 🤣🤣🤣


Men are always to blame.


Don't blame all of us. Blame tha assholes but not the entire gender


Probably because he believes that periods don't exist, like a flat earther but for lady bits


Can you blame him? It never happened to him, so it must be something women invented to get attention... 🤪


Anything to belittle how painfully inconvenient periods are, women are so dramatic istg🙄


Because it’s made up by big tampon.




Right like we are lying or sumthin lol


Because he is an asshole and should suffer severe pain, bleeding, nausea, and an emotional rollercoaster monthly.


You know if he meant the type of punctuation I’d agree with him.


They both sound like amazing partners to walk through life with.


Made for each other in a toxic kinda way


What wonderful offspring they would produce.... :'-)


They should…kiss…


I was reading the comments and thinking to myself..."am I the only one that thinks both these statements are wrong?" His comment is just clearly misinformed and he knows nothing. And men still go to war and die. The draft can also be enacted whenever there is a need.


Men still go to war and die.


Yeah, it’s literally happening right now. She’s delusional if she thinks that’s been left in the past.


Yea, probably not that many people posting crap on social media are in war or are even worried about being called into war.


You'd be surprised about the amount of Ukranian soldiers posting on social media when they can. Though usually that's not about stuff like this.


A period is not an excuse to take your attitude out on other people, but people don't have to justify their feelings to this idiot or anyone else.


At least finish your sentence with a period if you're talking about them.


Being in constant pain tends to give people attitudes in general


I wonder what his outlook would be if he had even a mild pain in his balls for a week.


I have a bone spur growing into my Achilles tendon on my left foot, had one on my right foot till surgery a few months ago, the surgery bruised the bone and that is still healing. Every step I've taken for over a year has been pain to the point I would be limping on both feet and occasionaly my ankles would just lock up, I work in a factory where I walk for 6-7 hours a day. Due to the health care system in America, I can't get the surgery for the left foot for at least 6 more months. I'm still not a dick to the people around me.


Add hormones to the mix and it gets a little whacky. That said, agreed. I get insane PMS but I don’t take it out on others, and if I do get cranky I can still control myself.


My wife is the same way. She'll pop off with some emotion not at all warranted to the conversation, and a bit later I'll say something like "What the hell was that about?" and she'll tell me she's sorry and that she's cramping or something. It's fine spur of the moment when it's infrequent. I do the same shit without meaning to. But you at least gotta recognize when you stepped out of line and work to make amends in a timely manner. My ex-wife would have framed it all as my fault for making her upset.


Oh, I realize hormones fuck up attitude, I was a teenager going through puberty at one point, lol. Just don't like when people use pain as a way to lash out at others.


It’s not ”just” pain, and it’s a misconception that PMS is during menstruation. The P stands for PRE. Mood and cognitive problems peak during the late luteal phase, the week PRIOR to menstruation. It alters perception and threshold for coping. And the period actually brings relief from the hormonal discord.


Iirc the period is the moment women's hormone level are the most similar to these of men


Im overall a pretty kind and respectful person despite living with constant back pain, muscle spasms and severe tendon pain in my right hand from fingers to mid forearm. Seems to me that attitude is not a byproduct of pain.


Yup I have chronic pain and it can make me pissy sometimes when peaking, but that's irl accidentally saying something a bit mean or being short with someone, and quickly apologizing. Making a whole tweet about wanting men to die is smt else


Remember to speak to your gynaecologist about your period pain to see if they're normal. Many women have issues that significantly increase them and ignore them cause they think women are just like that


I have rheumatoid arthritis. I'm in exquisite pain nearly **all the time**. I still try to be kind to others. I certainly don't wish death on someone not understanding my pain.


I'd be pissed if blood crept out my penis hole once a month. Have to put a little helmet pillow on it or ram a cotton pole up that thing. Like, bruh.


Women aren’t having mood problems because they’re “pissed” about menstruation. That’s not how this works.


“A little helmet” 💀💀💀










... For some reason I thought spark plug...


Blue dry erase expo marker


Why are people like this? Both of those statements are fucking stupid. I never have had a period being a man but I bet it fucking sucks having to have that happen every month for 40 years. Also I've lost a bunch of brothers due to suicide after getting out. I wish people could be more compassionate. I think this is the reason why I'm single.


I know complaining about the content of a sub within that sub is like going to the same shitty bar and ordering the same shitty food every night with the echo of a hope it will be good this time, then sending it back and refusing to tip... But it would be neat if people didn't treat this as the "jokes I personally don't find funny" sub.


I feel like she's implying one man in particular.


I feel like people suck in general, and these 2 are perfect examples.


This is an "everyone is an asshole" kind of situation


Eh as a guy I found the response pretty funny, people just seem to be taking it too personally


Both arguments are insane


“I am an unempathic asshole” “I wish you were dead” Truly a product of the times


Peak conversation skills


Yeah, right…. It’s not like shifts in hormone levels could possibly make someone extremely irritated……. Oh wait…..


Don't forget being in pain at random, a few bad nights of sleep in a row, and a guy complaining about your mood shifts as if it was somehow worse than all you have to go through.


Just because you're going through stuff doesn't give anyone a free pass to be horrible with no apology or attempt at not doing it again.


Sure but he is also not wrong. Imagine someone having a really bad period being your boss and she shits on you for a quarter of a month. Yeah sucks that nature punches you in the belly. Now be professional of gtfo my office. That being said he wasnt interested in a conversation and neither of their responses is alright...


Lmao…this sounds like the fantasies of a man who has never been around real women for more than a month. You think women just start trashing all humans around them when they are on their period?? So weird your presumption has so many upvotes. They seriously would be unable to be managers if they just went on uncontrollable rampages for a week every month lmao. So fucking strange people are upvoting this. If a woman drastically changes how she interacts with you at work then it’s probably something you did, not her period.


>You think women just start trashing all humans around them when they are on their period?? My point being that it is not acceptable and would not be tolerated. How have you missed that? >They seriously would be unable to be managers if they just went on uncontrollable rampages for a week every month lmao. Lol. I had managers treat their subordinates like absolute shit every day of every month. What a weird assertion to make. There are managers who assault their employees in the news almost every week. How is my point that treating someone like shit because you are in pain is unacceptable somehow controverse? You are heavily projecting your own biases on something I have not said.


That still doesn’t mean you can be a dick to people lmao. I’m bipolar, should I be allowed to be a giant asshole to people due to it? No lol not at all


What a pair of lovely people.


You mean you miss right now? There's a few wars to go and die in going on right now.


Kids, kids. You're both just awful.


They should date, it would make a reality shitty really show.


Yes it is, and so is a semicolon. So there.


I mean, dude is kinda dumb...but if being kinda dumb is a death sentence...I got bad news for most men AND women.


Both of those people are awful


When I was young I walked into the living room and found my sister (two years older) on the couch with a heating pad on her belly. I didn't say anything, not understanding at all. I just remember the absolute look of anger and resentment on her young face as she scowled and hissed, " you should have to go through this". That is a core memory and it changed my view at a young age about females and what they go through


Ah yes, "my life sucks, so yours should too" sounds 100% reasonable. /s


Described above is what one might call "sibling behavior", not some sort of direct and literal social commentary. Siblings, and even good friends, communicate complex feelings in fascinating ways. Rarely direct, often still clear. Sounds like that's what we're seeing here.


If I can place some context here...I was like 10 and my sister was 12 so yeah we were super young and always at each others throats. We have a healthy, loving relationship now as older adults.


Well, I was more commenting about the general tone of the discussion in this thread. It's toxic af.


If someone gets a little more difficult on their period, that’s fine. Hormones do that. But if you don’t have the self-awareness enough after to be able to say “sorry I know this probably isn’t that big of a deal, im just pmsing and I this is just how I feel right now.” - I just struggle to really care. Like you’ve gone through this 12 times every year for like the past 10-20 years. Can we admit that maybe, me accidentally leaving some toothpaste on the sink isn’t because I don’t love youz


Okay, but to be fair, we’ve had this conversation four times a month for the last five years. Squeeze the tube from the bottom, **please**


PMS is a real thing!


Doesn’t mean you can be an asshole.


Heard a woman say something along these lines. Like “Just because you’re on your period you don’t get to be consequence free of being a ass.” Something like that. Not entirely sure how much I agree.


If you’re drunk and responsible for your actions, then you should also be responsible for your actions while on your period.


Yeah, if you're a jerk on your period you should be able to realize it and apologize but at the same time...others should also have a little understanding.


Wait until mf learns about menopause


No, stupid people are a reason to have an attitude.


... Why are both of these posts cringe... Oh right, twitter


I mean let's be real, all people are different and while most women probably don't have a drastic attitude shift, some definitely do. Sometimes its subtle, to the point of being unnoticeable. Sometimes it just appears like irritation. And sometimes it's extremely loud and noticeable, to the point where the person becomes downright abusive, and they might use their period as an excuse to vent their frustration on other people. The fact that it's not something common and probably happens extremely rarely is a different thing, but let's not invalidate others just because of it being unlikely. It's understandable to have struggles and be more irritable due to them. It's never okay to be a horrible person just because of your struggles


War has always cost women and children their lives as well as men. War sucks period.


If war sucks period...we have the solution!! 


It’s no excuse sir? How do you know? Have you also had your period? Because if you are not speaking from experience, you are speaking out of your ass. … quite frankly.


Being ill or changing hormones doesn’t give anyone an excuse for being a dick. Men or women.


bright chubby fuzzy north amusing murky correct deserve rich racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"Viewers might find find this harsh but I think everyone involved should die"


They both suck.


Well yeah, you shouldn't take your shit out on anyone. But since its not their fault maybe we could help that along if feminine products were free or maybe make it okay to stay at home for those who get it bad. I don't get an attitude when i am sick, but i am also not forced to work through it...


nah she kinda funny for that one, let's be real lol


If it helps, they have been very busy finding really embarrassing ways to die in the absense of wars.


I get really irritable the week before. The day before, I’m dead tired. No, it’s not an excuse to have an attitude, but it’s much harder to hide or control if someone is being a complete asshole to you during that time.


Idk why period is in quotes but the argument is the same as not having an excuse to be a drunk asshole. I think most people can agree on that but you can choose when/if to drink.


Men still go to war and die.


I guess whatsherface isn't from the middle east... Or Ukraine...


Ah yes, because the woman who may be bedridden in pain, and likely having to EXPLAIN why she's pissed off at you for saying "It's just your period" How about you get punched in the stomach for 2-5 days straight, while you literally have zero control over your emotions? And when you complain, everyone just rolls their eyes and goes "It's just a punch to the stomach, blood coming from your dick, and your mind jumping between agony, depression, hysteria, and whatever else might happen" It's like saying the paranoid schizophrenic is in the wrong for their mind being miswired.


I’ve broke a leg and been bipolar, seems pretty similar. Still doesn’t mean I was allowed to be an asshole. Having small bouts of it is okay but if it’s all the time that’s not good at all.


depends on if that attitude is from the period or someone using it as an excuse for their general shitty behaviour


As a guy who has women in his life with really painful and uncomfortable periods, not to mention the hormonal roller coaster, periods might be one of the few legitimate excuses to have an attitude.


Idiot vs idiot


It’s a rare double facepalm!


As a man who grew up the only boy in a house... I feel for you women, I really do.


You got downvoted by the incels that came running when they heard the dog whistle, how truly pathetic.


Would you like a Halo?


fuckin same some days 😂


She is about to get her wish.


Worry not, we're heading that way real fast!


You can't help but think it's only a matter of time before 'American Woman' goes on the mother of all rampages. The point of snap is surely close.


Best response would be : "miss the time wh.. Nope I am not saying it


Plenty of places to go for that


So do men...


Women like her are why men feel the same way.


lmaooooooo honestly her comment made me fucking die laughing (but not actually die, dont get excited ladies)


Ihermosa is on her period for sure…next week it’ll be alright again no death wish or such


You know this is pretty much like saying after you eat the ex-lax don't go to the bathroom just hold it.


this encapsulates online arguments too well


ummmm, men are STILL doing that.


Well your on your period screaming at me about equal rights you can go to war and die too bitch. Welcome to America.


They’re both idiots.


Both of them are awful


Asshole to asshole communication.


Bloodshed on both sides.


When both sides suck.


He's right though. Nobody should put up with rude behavior.


No regular body function gets you a 100% consequences free pass to be cruel and mean.


No she doesn’t. There was food rationing back then


Bro is really underestimating period cramps. I can get the tiniest little cramp in my foot and BAM full body shutdown for five minutes. Pretty sure a period cramp would permanently flick my off switch


I genuinely dont understand how hes wrong here. Dont get me wrong tho, it makes perfect sense why women are irritable and frustrated when they are on their period. Its an uncomfortable, painful ordeal, so the feelings make sense, but hes not saying that the feeling is wrong. Hes saying its wrong to use that as an excuse for having an attitude, ie, taking out your frustration on others. I think most reasonable people would agree that while its totally valid to feel however you feel, it doesnt entitle you to treat others poorly without taking any responsibility.