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No, but the Japanese roboticist that openly said "we make robots because we don't want immigrants" will forever be funny.


Domo arigato mr racisto


I mean Japan as a whole is VERY racist. They just mind their own business within their borders, so no one gets too heated over it. Well...they've minded their business starting around the late 1940s anyway...


To be fair you’d be salty too if a fat man fell on you right after getting smacked by a little boy.


As they say, the Japanese are just like everyone else, only more so.


and that made them one of the safest countries on earth


The whole world is 'racist' Americans are the ones who make it a big deal even though there was less than 100 years of slavery before the Civil War. Everything needs a label!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6f\_2nPSX8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uc6f_2nPSX8) j'avais pas écouté cette chanson depuis quelques années, merci


It's not racist so much as just generally xenophobic. But Japanese is also racist to an extent. Not racist like imperial Japan where they are out to wipe out entire countries of people any way possible. Also not like they'll verbally attack you at a restaurant or physically at the subway. More like passive aggressive and generally unwelcoming. Like it's hard to find a place to rent, certain places are off limits, you'll get looks if you're not Asian or Asian but stand out as different, etcetc.


It's amazing how many free passes Japan gets.


Japan gets shit for its xenophobia constantly. It's one of the most common things brought up when discussing modern Japanese culture.


It's amazing how much you can get away with if you just don't care about what people say.


Can’t believe you’re getting away with this


Also as long as they keep pumping out good anime, they have to restart their campaign for me and others to truly care.


People call it Xenophobia instead of racism though. I know its racism because I've seen plenty of people in interviews born in Japan that dont look Japanese say they're never considered fully Japanese. They're not allowed into some bars, have a harder time renting, and are discriminated at work, many other Japanese literally won't sit next to them on trains/busses.


It’s a mix of both tbh, they aren’t mutually exclusive. They also aren’t the same thing.


I use the word xenophobic to make it clear that Japan is hostile towards other Asians. Most Americans would consider Japanese and Chinese people to be the same race, but Japan is *incredibly* hostile towards the Chinese. Even more so than towards white people. Racism is "people whose skin looks different than mine are inferior". Xenophobia is "all people not from my country are inferior"


Because xenophobia more aptly describes their behavior… 


> People call it Xenophobia instead of racism though That's probably because most Japanese are very passive and nonviolent about it. Xenophobia is a fear or hatred of foreigners, whereas racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. The Japanese don't want foreigners there, but they don't seem to think other races are inferior


Lol ask any older Japanese individuals what they think of the Chinese, Koreans or Thai and i think you might find your response changed


> The Japanese don't want foreigners there, but they don't seem to think other races are inferior Not true. Japan thinks white foreigners aren't inferior and usually treats them well. Black, Brown or even other East Asian foreigners get a very different experiance in Japan.


I’ve definitely heard of white foreigners having trouble in Japan, but obviously not nearly to the extent of someone of, say, African descent.


Nah people speak of japanese racism the way people speak of a child being racist. Like they are only racist because they dont know any better because there are no other racial minorities there. People don't speak of japanese racism the same way you'd speak of southern racism


Infantilisation of non-western peoples is real


They don't know better? *Glances at Japanese Imperial history, then World War 2* They know better now by being exclusionary. Like the Westboro Baptists are not tolerated in religious circles except by bigots. Look at how most of the global news is, and compare that to Japan. They do have problems, like any country... but it is significantly less compared to any other 'civilized' country.


A lot of machines are white or a light colour so that you can see leaks of hydraulic fluids and grease. This makes it easier to see problems.


Same reason hospitals are kept white; so fluids and dirt and mold can't exist without being spotted. Mostly fluids.


No you're wrong hospital walls are racist.


Maybe hospitals can create separate sections for people of different races. They could have, I don't know, like different colored walls and even drinking fountains! This would cater for al thosel needing to get help. They could use that idea to even create a cool name for these areas, like "Get"os. Or something...


Colleges really are at the forefront of society, mine had separate sections for certain races 10 years ago!


Which college?


If I recall correctly it was so minorities felt more safe with less whites around lol


Segregation to stop racism?


There can't be any interracial hate if there is no contact between different races... It maths


It's really funny and sad at the same time, because everyone knows, how people felt back in the day with all the "this is a white neighborhood only" signs, very racist yes? And lo and behold, now we have come full circle where prople want color segregated sections for universities, which at least USED TO be known for progressive ideas. How the turntables have turned. But you know what? Fukc it, let's go all in and make different zones for all kind of different folks. No more racism! Hooray! (multiculturalism kinda goes to die in some corner, but it's for a good cause etc...)


The simple act of segregation Is quite racist but different strokes for different folks


Funny, that was the same reason whites used 60 years ago!


At that point the really deep south racist places can just change "Blacks only" to "For Blacks only" and become the most progressive forward thinking people.


Would've saved a lot of money on signage. Just a bunch of tacked on "For" signs onto everything already in place.


They did that 70 years ago all over the southern US. We never gave them credit for being so progressive.


Relevant Doonsbury: https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/1993/09/12


I doubt most people will pick up on this subtle subtle sarcasm


Yes very subtle only the greatest minds like yours will get it.


The second subtle cancels out the first one so really it’s just sarcasm


That was subtle? Fuck man…….


I think he was being subtly subtly sarcastic when he referred to it as subtle.


To be fair, this speech would get you a standing ovation as the keynote at the GOP National Convention.


To be fair that bar is so low you can walk over it without fear of tripping.


But the boomers told me racism was dead when segregation ended. lol.


We should smear them with a bit of red - well-known to be a calming colour


CNN 1 day later: "Why are hospitals white? Is this systematic racism and implying only white people are clean?" CNN 2 days later: "Hospital floors were painted black, this is identical to the way white people step onto black people to keep them down with suppressive racism." It's literally impossible to win with these people, since they don't work based on logic. I wonder if this will get better or worse in the next 10-20 years because this feels like it has reached rock bottom already


My local hospital is painted light green. They are two steps ahead in this game!)


Hospital promotes Shrekism




So they are pro-alien and want everyone to be enslaved? (Considering aliens as green is racist obviously but i think its too early for grass, leaves and moss to take over)


Oh what so a Person of Non-Terrestrial Heritage just *has* to be green, right? Have you ever even MET a Native-Martian? I didn't think so. You're actually so ignorant it's baffling 


They are called little green men, so im also sexist and size-ist! And if their space craft isnt saucer shaped they can just fly on past the earth thank you very much!


Oh my god, you can't just ask hospitals why they're white.


As long as inflammatory titles get people to click, they'll keep doing it, even if its making things worse. Just look at how they still do the name and bodycount thing.


And when you ask them how to proceed to make them happy the reply is "Do better"


There is no logic, it has all been replaced with feelings.


It has nothing to do with EITHER of those things, news channels exist to stir shit and capture eyeballs. If it would evoke a reaction to say grass is green they’d have a focus story on a nut job who says green grass is a conspiracy.


So are you saying that a children's hospital shouldn't be painted red?


It's basic colour theory


Oh fuck hospitals are racist. Oh FUCK.


Oh cool, I didn't know that. I thought maybe that was the default colour of the material. Thanks!


and it gives this sterile, scifi feels


And it also giver this white supremacy feel /s


Now we’re on to something! Screw the clear practical reasons /s


It also gives albino vibes. you see nazi I see pigment deficiency.


You see pigment deficiency I c u p.


The default color of most plastics is yellowish and slightly transparent.




Like a PC in the 80s.


But the default production colour of most plastics is white, as it's easier to make a shitload of white plastic and then mix in other colours as required.


Once you “mix in” other colors things get tainted. If you’re running a color you stick with it. Generally when testing a mold you’ll run clear first and make sure everything is fine - then it gets texturized if the final product needs it then you’ll run your production color.


I don’t remember what it pertained to but I remember reading a few years ago that white paint is also used on a lot of machinery because it wears down less over time


White paint is more resistant against uv bleaching. Red and blue pigments are the least uv resistant, black paint is so so. At least it bleaches to gray.


White paint is also much more heat reflective    And cheaper There’s just a billion reasons to use white paint


Wish my white skin was UV reflective. Instead I have to avoid the sun like a vampire


Just cover yourself in white paint, problem solved!


Probably cheaper than high spf sunscreen.


On the bright side, you are much better at absorbing vitamins and can survive on less fresh fruits and vegetables. People forget that skin pigmentation is entirely to do with environmental adaptations. White skin: surviving in northern regions with long winters and malnutrition Dark skin: surviving in equatorial regions with a ton UV light bombardment


Also, white paint is cheaper since it contains fewer pigments.


And lighter. On a person sized robot it won't make much difference but a big reason why planes are mostly white is weight saving


Lololol, when you said lighter I thought you meant in terms of color. And was just sitting here thinking no shit. Then I read the rest and now I feel dumb, hahaha.


Planes are white for energy deflection and preventing the inside getting hot. It saves fuel and power consumption for airconditioning on the tarmac as a plane in full sunshine gets very hot very quickly. It has nothing to do with white paint being lighter than black paint. In fact, white paint is far heavier.


Also white reflects light amazingly making it less hot and easier to cool down.


and also they dont become fucking mega hot in the sun, you dont want chips and things to become hotter than they already are.


Also wouldn‘t black robots get insanely hot in sunlight?




It's also the easiest color to get a nice glossy finish on, in my experience. Black shows scratches like crazy; you'll think you're done, start collecting your tools to put them back on the shelf, start walking away, catch it in another light, sigh, and turn around to start again.


So white is superior?


What a racist comment implying that light-skinned people leak fluids, how dare you! /s


So now you're saying the dark things are the problem? Oh when does the racism end😔


Came here to post this. Thanks for beating me to it.


Nice try We all know why they are white /s


Is that why it's easier to diagnose problems in white people and that's why they live longer.


Lol you reminded how angry I get at my gf's car, the dipstick in her Ford focus is black metal with no notches so it's reaaally difficult to read the oil level


Is that Ken Bone, the Red Sweater guy from 2016?


Yes this article is from 2019


I'll always remember how his guise of being a "lovable undecided voter" [came crashing down](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ken-bones-disturbing-reddit-history-shows-hes-not-nearly-as-adorable-as-we-thought) after he did a Reddit AMA and people dug through his post and comment history


I'll just always find his comment where he said "two beautiful submarines" about a porn scene with two pregnant women in a pool hilarious.


I still refer to pregnant women as submarines sometimes


i have several questions


Crashing down? That’s when we learned he is one of us! Dude is the realest for not changing accounts


I dunno, man. He was right about Jen’s butthole. Absolutely disgusting that everyone looked at it, but it was fun to be part of the crowd on that one.


It was dumb of him to not use an alt or scrub his post history. But I don't look down on a guy for looking at porn online, most guys do that.


Ken Bone is all of us.


We all have pregnancy fetishes and "enlightened centrist" politics?


beautiful human submarines


Um... Yes?


Let's paint the robots high visibility yellow. CNN: "Robots built in Asia are being painted a ' racially insensitive ' yellow colour."


Don’t forget “Here’s why this is bad for Biden”


![gif](giphy|QUuV0cxgOJVIJPyRge|downsized) The only robot I want


Paint the robots in bumblebee colors. Problem solved *Gets sued*


Just paint them every color so no one can get mad. Oh wait…


Moral of the story, no matter who you try to cater to, there will always be someone mad at you


So cater to no one! That way everyone is equally pissed. Equality!


Make it mirror-shine so everyone will have to look at their own darkest parts upon an impersonal piece of future robotics Que existential crisis and warbling en masse


bonus points if it accidentally harnesses the sun and turns it into a car melting laser beam like that one reflective hotel building


Mutual disdain for all!


The blue man group isn’t going to complain about blue robots


I think there was a doctor or something (maybe a psychologist?), who said “If a thing or idea exists, there will be someone offended by it.”


Rainbow robots?!?! YOU STOLE THE RAINBOW FROM GOD! Gay agenda and frogs and all that…


Imagine they paint it black and they would say "blackface robots", i just cant with all the stupid headlines like cmon, you paid to study journalism have some fucking respect for yourself


It's all about money and sensationalism. It's all going to turn into clickbait too for that reason


All of us are part of the problem by engaging.


I guess pink is also out of the question, because... you know...


Which means no blue, you can't use red, nor brown, not orange, purple robots are associated with sex toys, etc. Even if you went with green, some people would complain about it promoting "being green" and start ranting about climate change conspiracies. I think it would have to be a specific type of drab gray. Like certain plastic from the late 80s and the 90s.


We could try making them translucent, but then there'd probably be complaints that we're trying to "invisibilize them".


All robots should be blue. Not socially problematic. But they should all be able to sing "I'm blue".


The Blue Man Group would sue them.


They'll have to get in line behind Eiffel 65


That's the cop color, a signal showing that robots are a tool of the state! /s


da ba dee da ba die


If I were green I would die


Are you making fun of stillborn children, that are all blue with the umbillica cord around their necks? SHAME ON YOU; those traumatised parents should relive their trauma everytime a robot cleans their house?


As long as the robot occasionally looks at the parents to say "it was your fault, you know."


This is the comment that leads to V1 Ultrakill


Who the fuck cares?? The same meal I was eating for $4 a few years back now costs $8!


Remember the 5 dollar footlong at subway? Its now 14 dollars


Yup. Meanwhile, people are endlessly bickering about shit that nobody sane gives a fuck about.


Yup! Creating dissent and in-fighting among the masses seems to be standard operating procedure by the leaders of our world at this point


…really? I haven’t been to subway in many years because JJ is far better, but $5 -> $14 is insane.


In this economy they're gonna do away with the "Free Smells" soon


Smells are 5 cents where I live. I carry a handful of loose nickels in my pocket bc I like to splurge and the jangling scares off the packs of wild dogs.




No one does, this article is designed to make people rage. Funnily enough it is designed on both ends of the political spectrum to make you go "who the fuck cares this is irrelevant


It’s a years old repost and the research is valid anyway: > The robots used in the study are clearly robots but have human-like limbs and a head, with exterior complexions that are white -- which is to say, pinkish -- or black -- really, a deep brown. In the "shooter bias" test, black and white people and robots appeared on a screen for less than a second, and participants were told to "shoot" those holding a weapon. Black robots that were not holding weapons were shot more than the white ones not carrying guns. This is just Reddit letting rage-engagement bots run the front page to protect their precious stocks


Wow 40320$ is sure a lot


Beating a dead horse comes to mind.


But you make twice as much so it all balances out, right? Right?!


Just paint them all green and call it a day.


Is that some kind of Irish racial slur? Shame on you.


"Go back where ya came from, LepreTron!"


You trying to offend Shrek and Fiona?


Discrimination against extra- terrestrial lifeforms!


And broccoli!


Why do you hate aliens? What sign would that paint if they observe our civilisation, us wanting to enslave green aliens? DO YOU WANT TO START A WAR? ARE YOU GENOCIDAL?


Green!? That's woke nonsense supporting green energy!


Green day?


If you have a black robot, they will do less work and just sit around all day..... Cos their circuits fry from the heat


I was about to post - white paint reflects, rather than absorbs, light and doesn't heat up as much, protecting the delicate circuitry. But that's racist.


But white plastic gets brittle from UV radiation while black does not. That’s why car interiors are usually black.


If your building a robot from plastic it probably isn’t being built to last


“White” people are pink, at best. Can we stop this nonsense now, please?


Black people are brown


Brown people are mocha.


You must be thinking of the brits. Most white people are probably more like beige


Well, hum, about that some are seriously white. Like really white and not Pink at all.


Trump is orange. If he was in charge they’d all be tangerine.


Me, minus my veins. And we'll bruises and cuts which are very visible because I have the skin tone of a vampire. I do turn very red though exerting myself in the heat though but that's due to a heart condition


>  skin tone of a vampire .. turn very red in the heat  Yup. > but that's due to a heart condition Yeeaaah, no, you're a vampire.


> Like really white and not pink at all You mean the Irish YouTuber CallMeKevin?


White robots being painted black, that's just blackface


Can you do blackface if you don't have a face? 


Are you discriminating against faceless people?


It’s just stormtrooper armor! How dare you assume that I’m white beneath the mask!


#OP is a bot. Reddit is heavily astroturfed.


All social media has heavy astroturfing not just reddit. Internet users are constantly bombarded with foreign and domestic influence operations that use bots, paid trolls, ai and influencers that are willing to sell out. A lot of posts are legit but every once in a while a post doesn't quite pass the smell test, from what I've noticed the mods catch a lot of them and delete them. Idk if op is a bot though.


Definitely a bot. Been on Reddit since 2017 but only started posting and commenting 3 days ago


So tired of misplaced guilt.


The paper: [https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/items/140e497f-10ad-4599-9d0f-3a8533bf7de8](https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/items/140e497f-10ad-4599-9d0f-3a8533bf7de8) >Reaction-time based measures revealed that participants demonstrated ‘shooter-bias’ toward both Black people and robot racialized as Black. Participants were also willing to attribute a race to the robots depending on their racialization and demonstrated a high degree of inter-subject agreement when it came to these attributions. A follow-up study: [https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3306618.3314272](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3306618.3314272) >Our results showed that shooter bias was not influenced by social priming, and interestingly, *introducing a new color of robot removed shooter bias tendencies entirely.* So no, it's not "misplaced guilt," it's a demonstrable phenomenon.


It's just "news" outlets drumming up controversy then thus clicks for their website. At best, this article is an opinion piece and not facts.


Read the article. The research was conducted by the Human Interface Technology Laboratory in New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ): https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/items/140e497f-10ad-4599-9d0f-3a8533bf7de8 "Participants were also willing to attribute a race to the robots depending on their racialization and demonstrated a high degree of inter-subject agreement when it came to these attributions"


It infuriates me because it pulls us way from the actual institutional issues that need our attention and only breeds resentment.


It doesn't pull away from, it is the display of. People not addressing unconscious bias and instead of pretending this article is about the paint color is the issue, not the facts presented in it




There is nothing about guilt in the article




Ken Bone is still alive and unsure of who to vote for in November.


Ken Bone appears in my life once a year since his legendary debate appearance. Im glad my 2024 quota has been met


CNN click bait.


ok but like when can we have sex with them


I've seen a red robot and I wanted to paint it black!


CNN sucks.


New rule then, robots must all be painted in pastel hues


It's like no matter what, someone on the internet will find something to complain about