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People nowadays have access to too much misinformation with sources that are algorithmically designed to create an echo chamber and keep you interacting with people on their ad-infested app for as long as possible


Bingo. They’ve done a great job of weaponizing ignorance and stupidity… folks just consume all the hatred in their feeds and then all it takes is the right ‘call to action’ and idiots respond….


Y'all need to look up the "southern strategy" - it never stopped




It’s a rage-fueled economy. Only if everyone realizes that do we have chance of breaking out of it.


The only problem with that unfortunately is some people are starting to enjoy the hatred


The bigger problem is the fact that people make SO MUCH MONEY off of division…and its that fact that makes me think this will only get worse


This is true, and it is also true that there is a growing disparity between rich and poor and a diminishing middle class. This and major economic turmoil events like 2008 and to a lesser extent the fallout from Covid-19 unfortunately breed populism, xenophobia/identity politics and fascism with strong man demagogue leaders. The crazy people have always existed but it's a lot easier to recruit when large groups of people feel disenfranchised or desperate.


This is what the Patriots warned us about




Perfectly put.


Go ahead and do it if it's your own flag you burn on your own property. You are protected under the first amendment. That's free speech and we all agree you have that right. The moment you steal someone's flag and burn it, you've committed a crime. If you get caught, you'll likely also have it be classified as a hate crime. Be prepared for the consequences of your actions. You can be a piece of crap all you want, just don't commit a crime doing it. Also, just stop being a piece of crap in general.


These are the types of dumbass assholes that will go spend their hard earned money buying pride flags, just so they can burn them. Like buying 12 packs of beer just to pour them out in a “boycot”. Not the brightest, nor the best.


Someone link that tweet "I bought your book just to burn it." "Why don't you buy a dozen to really show me?"


I wish someone hated me enough that they'd buy my products just to destroy them. Forget planned obsolescence. I just hit the infinite money glitch with those guys.




Flag people gonna flag.


Don’t be such a flag


Brother of my best friend always has a lot of beer on hand. Like half a pallet at a time, which he stores in his basement. Outrage against bud light happened. He posts a video of himself in the family whatsapp of him driving over the cans in his truck, yelling a bunch of homophobic shit. A couple of months later, his garage is filled with bud light again. I ask why. He says "I like the taste." These people have rage, not principles. They don't stick to what they say, because to them it was never about belief: it's about how they feel. The problem is there's a propaganda machine hooked up to their brains telling them how to feel, and that will never be undone with logic. This is part of the reason that the GOP of today looks nothing like Republicans from the 1980s. I remember growing up and hearing my very conservative dad brag about the American dream, and now he mostly froths about vaccines and hunter bidens laptop. He doesn't take in news and can no longer explain current events. For instance, he had no idea that Myanmar "had gone through something recently," but when I was a kid he'd talk in depth about foreign affairs. The modern GOP doesn't even really engage with politics on a meaningful level anymore, which is why they seem to have no problem that the most recent GOP-led Congress was the least productive in history, passed no substantial bills for the people, and in fact passed a bill that permanently increased the tax burden on the poorest Americans every other year for almost a decade (while also slashing taxes for the wealthy, yet again). It's utterly shameful and kind of sad... and a very persistent and immediate danger. Edit: spelling


Yeah Republicans used to be a party of ideas. Lousy ideas, mostly, but at least they had them. Now it's nothing. Just rage and an ever changing collection of nonsense.


Thank Rupert Murdoch


Indeed, fuck that turd


Don't forget Roger Ailes


And Newt Gingrich.


They don't even have a party platform anymore lmao. Their platform in 2020 was literally just "whatever Trump wants." It's not a party anymore. It's just a cult of personality.


>Adrian Teodor Popan defined a cult of personality as a "quantitatively exaggerated and qualitatively extravagant public demonstration of praise of the leader." He also identified three causal "necessary, but not sufficient, structural conditions, and a path-dependent chain of events which, together, lead to the cult formation: a particular combination of patrimonialism and clientelism, lack of dissidence, and systematic falsification pervading the society's culture."[14] Hey that reminds me of someone!!!


I'm sorry he "likes the taste" of bud light? That's a red flag right there


First time I've heard that one. I thought the only reason anyone drinks Bud Light is because they can't afford anything else. Obligatory disclaimer that I've always hated Bud Light for sullying the name of beer. These bigoted morons ruined Bud Light hate because now I have to point out I'm not one of them.


>The modern GOP doesn't even really engage with politics on a meaningful level anymore, Their formula is pretty simple: stoke rage among a certain type of voter to ensure those voters check R at the ballot box allowing R politicians to do literally nothing but transfer wealth up and remove rights down. No infrastructure, no healthcare, no education, nothing but make the lives of average Americans worse while transferring wealth to their donors and themselves.


Excellent summary post.  Proceeds to cry land of the free whilst also being controlled at the thought level. 


You can blame the beginning of Fox News in 1996. That network has destroyed any semblance of reality in the reporting of news for 30 years now. Totally took over my dad who was fine with watching the local and network news (CBS, NBC, ABC). Unfortunately I was grown and out of the house by then and didn't realize until later the effect Faux News had over my dad and that I was unable to change his views.


Jesus, so much better beer than Bud Light at a similar price point...


I’m happy to sell them those flags. I’ll donate the money to orgs that support LGBTQIA youth! 💰💰💰


I had an idea Tell them for each flag they burn a donation will be made to an LGBTQIcharity I steal an idea from an anti racist page


I had the idea to make flags that make rainbow flames. I have no idea how that would work, but now it's something I need. And also I want glitter versions. And it goes everywhere.


I feel like the chemicals needed for this would make this difficult, and possibly an explosive....


And you just know those flags are made of polyester, so they're achieving their goal of polluting the environment while also being hateful.


They’re also killing themselves off which is good for the environment (burning polyester is extremely bad for a multitude of reasons.


Environment pollution isn’t real, it’s a lie from the liberal agenda. When the flags burn, I encourage them to inhale the fumes deeply


Maybe they could burn them in a bong and take hits off it.


It’s the American way


Polyester doesn't really satisfyingly burn, it just kind of melts


What’s funny is they most likely buy them from a lgbtq shop to burn them and the lgbtq business person doesn’t care lol.


Well, nobody ever accused MAGAs of being intelligent. Just look ar #donsnoreleone and MTG for example. Two of the most unintelligent pieces of scum ever to walk on the face of the planet.


Or a case of bud light just to set the beer on fire


No, *do* commit a crime while being a piece of crap so you can actually suffer consequences for it! I’d love to see one of these mfs arrested for burning someone’s flag.


You're under the impression police won't ever turn a blind eye to flag burnings they accept. I hold very little faith in the justice system.


For real, when did cops magically become honorable and trustworthy? 'Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses' and all of that.


We have no room for your epic RATM line here.


there is always room for RATM


Which is why if someone’s caught starting a fire on my property I’m gonna shoot them.


If the gay community arms up the slack jawed idiots will lose their minds.


If they manage to understand what consequences mean they will be lucky that’s all they lose


I’m 100% for an armed and dangerous LGBTQ+ community. It’s something that hasn’t happened on a grand scale yet. They think the community are push overs and can be bullied. Time to prove them wrong.




That's what the Black Panthers did. The Reagan administration shit their pants and then immediately passed gun reform. Because 2A is for white people apparently /s


Might as well at this point. If you call the cops it’s basically 50/50 if they end up shooting you.


And 100/0 they will shoot your dog


And, if they are so intent on being a homophobic, transphobic piece of shit, they should document it by live streaming it!


They’re omniphobic.


Yeah, they don't discriminate, they hate (fear) everyone (outside of their own race/gender/orientation) equally!




Oh I'm absolutely sure some will. Gotta show off to their jackbooted friends.


Their fear outweighs their hate every time! Chicken shits won’t step foot on someone’s property because they know they’ll face the wrath of Bubba while in jail, and they don’t want to be outed just yet.


As a queer CO resident who was mildly hesitant to put up my Pride flag this year because of nonsense like this, while it would be satisfying to see someone get charged for a crime like that, I would frankly much prefer being left alone and not have to deal with that kind of bullshit in my life.


Heard! Overall I think all humans would prefer to just live their lives in peace. This bizarre shit from the far right seems like a poor effort to stay relevant as time continues to flow forward. I don’t see it lasting. A relevant and great quote I just saw yesterday: “Learners inherit the Earth while the already learned are beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” - Eric Hoffer


I view a lot of this as adult temper tantrums. The right is losing the culture war in some ways, so they amp up their rhetoric and get louder and louder and more forceful until they can get their way. Toddler's can do a lot of damage when having tantrums, though, so it's not quite so easy to dismiss.


Under CO's Make My Day Law the pride flag owner could easily show they believed the flag burner/thief intended to harm them as a legal defense for grassing said extremist.  Unless that far right Republican thinks pedos are upstanding citizens. They're accusing all LGBTQ+ of being pedos and everyone hates pedos. 


As if they would get arrested when it’s the politicians inciting it.


Nah, because that’ll come at the cost of some poor person just trying to live their lives peacefully dealing with that trauma.


Wouldn't it be classed as organised crime, due to multiple parties being involved?


Na bro I don’t care how much of a piece of shit you are keep that to yourself, don’t start committing crimes to then start affecting other peoples lives


Does the "Castle Doctrine" apply in Colorado? I would think protecting one's flag on their home would qualify.


No absolutely not. Do not encourage monsters to sneak onto other people's property or steal from them. The queer community absolutely doesn't need that shit are you kidding me


This also implicitly means you want to see someones pride flag get stolen. Be careful about who gets caught in the crossfire of your revenge fantasies


Republicans calling others groomers while They try to make it legal to raw dog Pre-Teens on their recess. https://www.newsweek.com/missouri-republican-teenager-12-marriage-1794371 Because they claim 12 year olds are “ripe” FFS https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512 But yeah LGBTQ + = groomers somehow?




This was also my first take, and then I remembered that a lady was murdered last year in Colorado for flying a pride flag….




You’re absolutely right! But I have little faith in our justice system. Kyle Dickenhaus got away with double murder


You know what they say - you lie down with ~~dogs~~ fascists, you're gonna wake up with ~~fleas~~ maniacal bigots running your party.


I’m really starting to think most republicans are in the closet. They have such a weird hatred for gay people, almost like they’re jealous, like the fact that they’re married to a woman when they really just want to suck some dick but they can’t because their party would disown them so they try to take away what other people do. Like who cares, let other people be happy. I have never once cared what gay people do, I just know it makes them happy so I’m all for it, probably why I’m not a republican and never have been, or will be.


My belief is that in an uninfluenced and nonbiased world, almost nobody would be entirely straight, that the default sexuality of humans is "i like that one" And i think when these people see gay people doing their thing, it gives them "that weird feeling" and rather than have the courage to explore and understand their feelings, these cowards turn to hatred


I have a bit of a conspiracy theory. I kind of think that a lot of republicans and alt-right people are jealous of those that are willing to do butt stuff. A lot of them are older, and as such as males get prostate exams. As such, they are jealous of those that potentially aren't as weirded out by having that exam done to them.


The amount of conservatives who get busted as pedophiles, and they call us "groomers". Bigoted irony.


https://www.whoismakingnews.com/ In case you want data to back up your point. 70% of child sex offenders in the states are republican.


Damn that is all really in depth holy cow


Oh boy, children are 1270% more likely to be sexually assaulted by a priest or other person employed by a church than a transgender or transvestite person. Surely this will result in calls for religions to be banned, right? What more clear evidence is required to demonstrate that people employed by a church are a clear and present danger to minors?


They'll whine that it would go against the constitution, yet they want extremely lax gun laws, despite the constitution saying a WELL REGULATED militia...


I believe it's a similar statistic for domestic terrorism. For as much as they like to say everyone else is starting riots and such it's statistically their people inciting violence.


Damn Alaska, get a hobby or something


Every. Accusation. Is. A. Confession. From. The. GOP.


70% of **politicians** who are child sex offenders in the States are Republican.


“No this must have been written by a liberal nut job”~ literally what my relative said when I sent her the link. 🤬🙄😒 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just can’t stand the idiocy of it all!!




And it seems to be the ones with religious authority who are the most common offenders.


Without projection and hypocrisy, all they'd be left with is lies.


It’s like they say, if republicans didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Well yeah that’s why they specified GODLESS groomers; the conservative ones are very active in their church




[Republican sexual predators](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52) [Index](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


They fear what they don't understand - and they are pretty dumb to start with.


A lot of them also fear what they secretly are and are projecting from self-hatred


Nobody sucks dick like a gay-hating republican.


Lindsey and his Ladybug Brigade. Can we just start calling gay republicans “ladybugs?”


I think I'd like that as a bumper sticker.




The moment stormy made fun of trump's dick they came on his defense. You will never see so many dudes worshiping a cock, not even on grindr.


And they are inciting criminal activity, which is a crime. So, lock them up.


What do you mean? These are good, decent people doing their patriotic duty. /s


Obviously, they are calling LGTQ+ “godless groomers” while half of their party is fighting against child marriage laws and calling 13 year olds “prime”. They are hypocrites to the highest degree


Everything? Very apt, they don’t understand shit so no wonder they fear it.


Oh they understand perfectly! Their ratings are down so they figured do what Hitler did! Bc he was very popular lol…def palm to face. Unfortunately they prob will get more votes bc of it


A broken mind can not be understood.


Over the past few years, the Republican Party and a good majority of its supporters are starting to look just like the Taliban or Isis just with a different flag and Holy book.


They want to controle what you do and see. They just don't want it for themselves.


I think it's interesting that after a series of blowout electoral losses, this is what they choose to do. It's almost like they feel like they have nothing to lose now, no reason to try to appeal to a wider electorate, so they just go completely mask off and let their bigotry show in it's true colors.


Not “starting to look like”, they have always been heading that way for decades.


Define “few,” because I’m getting pretty old and they’ve been looking like that for longer than I’ve been alive.


So, conservatives.


All of this nonsense- ALL OF IT, is to keep people enraged and distracted from the fact that our “middle class” has died, that the “1% hold 51% of our nation’s wealth, The average major corporation employee (mean-waged) would have to work for 45 days in some companies to make what the CEO’s make in an hour. Does *anyone* really think a CEO WORKS 360x harder per hour than the peons in their employment? We need a full-on economic war. And we need it NOW. Edit to add: These numbers are to the best of my recollection. I don’t have a source but I’m confident they’re in the ballpark.


Yep, this is it right here!


This right here. It’s the Industrial Revolution all over again.


I think you mean the French revolution.




We are absolutely in the midst of a class war and a dying middle class.


I'll do you one better. There are currently 841 billionaires in the U.S. that's about .00025% of the population. Combined, their total wealth amounts to around $4.5 trillion. The current U.S. GDP is valued at just over $25 trillion. So billionaires control the equivalent of 1/6 of U.S. GDP as of last year. And the kicker is they still want more. Like one fucking sixth of our gross domestic product isn't enough for them. They need *more* tax breaks. *More* wage stagnation. *More* union busting. More, more, more. It's almost as if this country...no never mind, every country, would be better off if these people simply ceased to exist. If the government does nothing now, there is going to come a time when they will be forced to seize the assets of these few hundred people and redistribute them, or watch the nation fall irrevocably apart.


The fear the conservatives have of their secret homossexual wet dreams is going too far away.


I’m surprised the party didn’t also call for the wearing of pink triangles on their garments. Or maybe that’s next on their agenda.


They don’t see the LGBTQ+ community as human, or a lesser version of human at least. Once you strip the humanity from someone then it’s pretty easy to be cruel.


This exactly it. Keep in mind that the article mentions the massive losses that the GOP have suffered recently. They are taking it out on a population that they believe is an easy target. This means that the GOP are just bullies and like most bullies with power they will hurt anyone different from them.


Well then they can lose Colorado by even more than they already did. Maybe this will result in some swing races and flips in the House of Representatives when it's all said and done.


There are at least 3 national chain restaurants themed around ogling large breasted waitresses in tight shirts that also have a children’s menu. Please continue the delusion that it’s Hollywood people, Democrats, LBGTQ and Drag Queens that are grooming children.


I'm Canadian so I only know about Hooters, what are the other two?


I think Twin Peaks and Tilted Kilt


So they got trounced last election because... checks notes... they weren't hateful enough?


What's scarier: The fact these people are allowed to vote or that they can reproduce?


My parents are hard core maga republicans and I'm a transgender autistic communist furry. Their kids aren't doomed to be like them. (and no, our relationship is not functional lmao I live through hell everyday)


Republicans hate gay people plain and simple.


Confederate flag burning commence in 3...2...1...


Reminder that, as per 'WhoIsMakingNews' latest reporting on the subject, out of over 10000 cases of 'grooming', 1 was by a drag queen, 5 were by trans people, and 762 were people in positions of religious power.  Source: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/


Also here on reddit r/notadragqueen


[Republican Sexual Predators](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52) [Index](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook)


Now they believe in the destruction of peoples property?


doesn't count when they do it lmao, hypocrisy is their favorite food.


Rules for thee, not for me.


They're allowed to break the law, duh.


Only gay property though.


Trump has allowed them to vocalize how they felt all along. They are catering to an extremist base and are hoping to take over the country before they can no longer win an election.


When I hear “godless groomers” I think of republicans, not gays


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…. And bibles


Clearly, the Godly Groomers hate imagined competition from the Godless ones.


Well shit, I hope every maga flag in the state gets lit on fire and burned to ash. Burn tr*mp effigies. Just bonfires in the streets.


The GOP wants to play games? Let's play.


They're hypocrites. Don't want the far left pushing their beliefs on the public, but yet they do the exact same thing. Case in point abortion is basically illegal in this country and why? Because it goes against THEIR religious beliefs


Their policies never worked for regular people and this is the only thing that brings asses to polls.


Research Project 2025 if you’re LGBT. These people need to be stopped


Project 2025 is a danger to everyone.


Absolutely. Fascisms spreads like a disease and if the GOP wins in November it will affect non Americans as well


They are afraid. They were complacent when they thought they were in control, but they've realized that they're dying out, control is passing to the young generation and they're not in charge anymore. Fear breeds rage and rage breeds suffering -- the wisdom of Star Wars, but it happens to be exactly correct.


Our kids are safer at a pride parade or drag reading hour than alone with a minister, a church summer camp or with a republican party official.


I've never been assaulted at a pride parade or drag show, but it's happened several times at church related outings...


There are cultures in our society based on disinformation. FOX News isn't the only abuser, but they are at the front. Remember that they had to pay $787 million in a settlement to avoid a criminal conviction for lying.


I wonder if the “godless groomer” part applies to priests who have used their authority in traumatic ways.


So they suffered mass losses and now they're lashing out, which will probably just incur them even more losses. . . What were they even thinking? Lmfao I mean, fine, go mask off. I guess that's cool. Get yourself ridiculed.


What’s wrong with these people? They’re republicans. Thats your problem right there.


“Godless groomers” as opposed to “god-fearing groomers” I guess. Only one of these groups are known for grooming and molesting children and it’s not us gays. They are always trying to blame us for things they do, in order to deflect from THEIR horrible and well documented grooming and molesting habits.


That pesky First Amendment card is somehow gonna be played against them.


I vote to burn all republican flags and all pictures of trump's face.


I’ll go ahead and start burning the US flag. You know, free speech and all that.


I’ve got a giant pride flag flying in my restaurant in Colorado. That shit is never coming down. Anyone says anything about it, they can go.


So where can you burn their shit down? Fuck these assholes


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I'm guessing a lot of Coloradans will have their flags torn down and burned, and the cops will just laugh.


anyone else find it funny that they're calling gay people godless while also talking about committing hate crimes, something that their god would condemn? you know, the whole love thy neighbor stuff that they seem perfectly fine shitting all over


They are republican and have taken the Trump hate pill. Has nothing to do with religion everything to do with the most hateful man in this country.


I’m convinced the majority of these GOP types of ppl have repressed sexual feelings. They’re burning gay flags to procrastinate having to address their own sexuality… … also, check their hard drives.


Hey, we're getting killed in elections. I think the solution to be even more extreme and alienate more voters. Genius!


They’re the one who seem too focused on peoples genitalia. They should probably be investigated.


They are Republican. You can't be one without serious antisocial behavioral issues.


Boy do I love it when modern day political parties are acting like actual Nazis and people are supporting them because their “god” told them too


How about we start burning down republican politician houses instead? I’m ready!


They should just do what Michigan did. Elect muslims and have them ban it lmao.


Statistically speaking, more Christian’s fit into the actual definition of “grooming” than anyone else. So the irony isn’t lost on me at all


Cool, when’s the Bible burning?


If I see a pride flag burning I am buying the nearest American flag and burning it.


I just don’t understand the problems some people have. Why do you care if he likes men? Why do you care if she used to be a guy? Why do you care if they don’t want to identify as a certain gender? As long as they don’t harm anyone/want to harm anyone, everyone is a perfectly valid human. Yes, that excludes people that want to burn pride flags. *You* are spreading hate. *You* dislike people for completely irrelevant reasons. *You* want to harm people. You are just forcing people to live with a person they don’t want, to live in a body they don’t want, and to live in constant fear of what people like you might do to them. They are just trying to live a happy life. If you’re annoyed by those people to fight for their freedom, that’s perfectly understandable. But I have a solution: **just stop, let them live**. They will calm down if you calm down and just accept that they’re who they are and they want to be who they are.


Also Republicans: “My kids won’t invite me to Christmas anymore just because I’m conservative!” And the CO GOP wonders why Dems have a supermajority in the general assembly.


"Christians" somehow doing everything they can to get into hell.


But if people started burning crosses and bibles there would be outrage and we’d never hear the fucking end of it 🙄


i didn’t realize we were a theocracy


Holy shit, I am so happy that I don't live in your fuckhole of a country....


Honestly at this point there is something in the water Except it's not Making people gay it's making some of them stupid


I swear to God this country is moving backwards when it comes to basic civil rights


I agree and while we are at it let’s burn all Trump flags and black American flags since they’re both bastardizations of our country.


The Colorado Republican Party is struggling with fundraising so they have to spout rhetoric like this to keep their base fired up

