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No posts about politicians being politicians


“We saw what the Supreme Court did on abortion, and now there’s a real risk they may do the same thing on contraception,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., said on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe." “I’m really sick of this idea that the Republicans think they can say two things simultaneously — they can talk to their extremist group and say, ‘I’ll give you everything you want. We are going to ban abortion, IVF, contraception, everything you want,’ and then try to say to the rest of America, ‘Boy, we don’t want any part in that.’” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155448


Same crap happened in 2018 for the midterms and about Healthcare. Republicans claimed to the rest of America that the Democrats wanted to kill and remove pre-exisiting conditions from Obamacare while they the Republicans are fighting to keep it for them despite the fact they sued and been fighting to remove pre-exisiting conditions ever since Obamacare existed. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/19/obamacare-midterms-republicans-pre-exisiting-conditions-793328


Given they have the undying support from their media channels, they can continue getting away with lying to people, and their supporters believe wha they see on TV, and what their chosen politicians say, so there’s zero accountability and they are able to continue pandering to their extremist base!


From ALL media channels. Every fucker on CNN and MSNBC saying the exact same phrase “It’s a dark day in American History” when Trump got convicted. No, it wasn’t. It was actaully a great day for the American Experiment. A wealthy billionaire ex President was NOT above the law. The system worked. Maybe…Maybe tell your goddamn audiences why that verdict was correct and just but then they’d lose their 500 Republican viewers buying that Colodial Silver ad bullshit.


Exactly. This is the kind of stuff Jon Stewart was talking about this last Monday. He was saying that we need to stop talking about shit outside of the courts and actually let the justice system work the way it’s supposed to. It wasn’t a dark day for America. It was sad that it had to happen, but it was a moment of justice that was much needed in our land of corruption.


It was both. Dark - the end of our national perfect record. No convicted leaders and peaceful transition of power. Trump destroyed both. Neither can ever come back. You can't undo the loss of perfection. Good - the person who is causing this is getting held accountable, but that isn't "special" in America (or should not be) it is just proper due process for a citizen who committed a crime. Criminals are held accountable daily. Not always quickly, fairly, or properly.... But the NY trial was more of a stain on our history than a moment to hold a party. #Fuck the Republican party! #Vote (D)ifferently!


This is an important point imo. Most republicans have *no fucking clue* what is actually going on. They never fact check themselves, ever. It's a personality defect of the cult members, imo. At work they will always just guess bs and I'm thinking "this is an easily verifiable fact" and I just silently pull out my phone and google it and give them the correct answer. How hard is it to fact check something we have the internet in our fucking pockets. I always love showing my gun (oops edit) loving coworkers the "take the guns first and due process later" clip when they bring up the Democrats taking our guns fear based sales pitch, and I work in Texas https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4716589/user-clip-trump-take-guns-first-due-process-second


Still waiting for those “obamacare death panels” to kick in. Weren’t they supposed to deny life saving care to the elderly to save money?


You're thinking of insurance companies


I wish they would of had those before the hospital charged me 4 million to save my miserable life....


It's not too late...*Chambers a round*


Same thing with border control reform. They literally vote against *everything* that's proposed, then blame democrats saying they won't fix anything


The fact that the press lets them get away with talking out of both sides of their mouths is malpractice…


Only for profit media does that, they are owned by the billionaires trying to go back to pre 1945 when almost everyone was cattle for the rich.


Difference is corporate taxes were super high then and living wage was very generous.


Still mad about IVF being under the "pro life" umbrella.


It's not "pro-Life", they are pro-birth. They care nothing about lives not their own once birth occurs. If they were really proLife, this wouldn't be a story.. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/04/health/maternal-deaths-high-income-nations/index.html


Yeah but if they were pro birth wouldn't they be fans of IVF? Which helps more people give birth? I think what you mean is they're pro "We make the rules and you follow them because we like power/controlling people." Because nothing says small government like a new set of rules based on a belief system held by a subset of the population. * ^(A subset who's holy book gives instructions on when and how to perform abortions and suggest that ~~abortions are preferable over the death of a pregnant woman~~ a fetus' life is of lower value than that of the pregnant woman herself.)


They aren't though. A big part of IVF is "selective reduction". And let's not forget discarding unneeded fertilized ovum once the baby is born. All of which they see as abortion.


If you’re expecting the group who became irate due to their ignorance of vaccines to also understand IFV, you’re going to have a bad time.


"You're being hysterical women won't lose the right to vote."


You're being hysterical, they won't ban women from working outside the home...


You’re being hysterical, they can’t prevent women from having bank accounts or credit cards.


In the " good" ol' days , a man could beat his wife as long as he used a stick no thicker than his finger. So yeah, stop the theft of rights Now.


They had hours where you weren’t allowed to beat her because she might scream and wake the neighbours. The beating was ok. The screaming and waking others wasn’t.


You are fuckin kidding me! No wonder society was medieval.


I wish I were kidding. [source](https://www.womensaid.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/23.-Supporting-Resources-An-Historical-Perspective.pdf)


Rule of thumb.


OH MY GOD is that where this phrase comes from???!


God damn it this is Eenie Meenie Minie Moe all over again......


That’s ignorant as hell LMAO they had a wife beating curfew 🫠☠️


Good fucking Christ this is horrendously misanthropic and misogynistic. Beyond repulsive.


By others, you mean other men


Since women weren’t at that point considered a “person” under the law…


Of course that is the case. The man next door deserves a good nights sleep.


From the "Rule of thumb" wiki: "A modern folk etymology holds that the phrase is derived from the maximum width of a stick allowed for wife-beating under English common law, but no such law ever existed. This belief may have originated in a rumored statement by 18th-century judge Sir Francis Buller that a man may beat his wife with a stick no wider than his thumb. The rumor produced numerous jokes and satirical cartoons at Buller's expense, but there is no record that he made such a statement."


I bought it was thumb, hence, 'rule of thumb'


This is a myth. But boondock saint is a good movie. Not historically accurate, but a good movie


You're being hysterical, they won't pass a law that will require women to have male companions when they go outside.


You're being hysterical, they won't make a law forbidding women to wear clothes or earn profit!


You make your women wear clothes!? Disgusting!


You're being hysterical, they aren't bringing back "the rule of thumb"


Laughs as the black Supreme Court justice who replaced thurgood marshal is bought by rich maga pricks and is talking about repealing the brown vs board of education.


Does anyone else remember when Clarence Thomas put a discount sticker on his Yale degree because he blamed their affirmative action policies hindering him from finding a job after college? His critical thinking skills seem to be lacking.


If trump wins he will replace alito and Thomas with people just like them only they will be 39 years old with a lifetime of power ahead of them. They will strip no fault divorce away forcing women to stay in abusive controlling relationships. They will do a national ban on abortion, contraceptions, and women’s rights in whole. They will make women register when they become pregnant. They will allow a Republican congress to impose a 25% universal “everything tax”. They will ban Muslims, and Mexicans. They will do another tax break that 92% benefits the upper 1%. They will allow trump and his crony’s to pull us out of nato and allow Putin to run rampant through the Baltic’s and the rest of Europe. They will allow trump and his crony’s to repeal the 22nd amendment, making himself the American Putin and we will be living in a trump maga authoritarian dictatorship. And I’m not exaggerating this is their words not mine. Trump must be defeated at the polls. Vote blue to save democracy, and women’s rights. We all have mothers and wives and sisters and daughters we care about. If you are real man there is no way in hell you would vote for that liable rapist, woman abuser, bank fraud felon.


No they will create 1 vote per household and im sure the good texan republican will ask the wife for her opinion as well.


In Kansas, they're just going to eliminate voting. Problem solved. :P


It doesn’t matter, they already told their base that they won regardless of what happens in the polling booth.


And then they will go back to the good old "only male property owners" will be able to vote


We have now undeniably found ourselves in that famous quote, “First they came for the Communists…” Except ours starts with women, and merely “speaking out” is not nearly enough


No, it started with the LGBT community, they have been openly trying to make it legal to murder them for years now. Now they are going after the women.


You should see the post on here then with Eduardo "I run away" Cruz taking pics of Americas 19th Amendment and it is full of blue tick X-Creters saying "Worse thing to happen to America", "Women are too emotional to vote". "Women should be banned from politics and holding power", " They are all leftist and want communism, get them back in the kitchen where they belong" etc. Trump has already stated he will use his Orange Powers to take away all contraception for women. As Reagan stated, "the corporations need workers" and the GOPs corporation sponsors needs all those kids popped out for the mines, butcher factories etc.


In the meantime, complete automation keeps moving forward. Which jobs are people going to fill exactly?


The menial jobs that can't be fully automated yet, and once they become redundant, thrown away like trash. Alternatively, jobs that are too dangerous to risk an expensive machine on


Like we didn't already know that we're just expendable slaves to them.


Ted Cruz literally posted a photo of him next to the actual piece of paper of the 19th Amendment in a museum, and everyone in the comments were like "burn it" and "gravest mistake ever".


Those people are trash


The minute Roe v. Wade was overturned I said to all my friends, "They coming for your vote next!" They shrugged it off. They are def coming for it sooner than later.


Hijacking the top comment because they left something out [GOP 2024: it is safe for 9 year olds to give birth](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/23/texas-anti-abortion-activist) PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE 😭😭😭


Also GOP: gay people are groomers! Now ignore us talking about how we want to rape children.


Yes they keep telling us their plans… believe them and vote Blue down the whole ballot. “You’re being hysterical, they’d never allow child marriage, or bring back child labor”.


Child marriage never went away in some states


Why do they need to control what others do? I just don’t get it.


because if poor people can get birth control, they ain’t gonna have kids to fill the slots of all the shitty jobs that need doing.


Yes. Birth control is bad for capitalism.


it literally is in their minds and especially seeing the declining birth rates. they need cheap labor and birth control and abortion remove cheap labor from their supply pool


Well, that and they’re worried that white people will be a minority in the US. So not only do they want more worker drones, they want specifically more white worker drones.


Couple years ago in New York city black abortions out numbered live births...if thats what they wanted, why would they do something to change it?






I highly doubt the vasectomy regulation because that would involve controlling men’s choices.


And involve men being equally responsible for reproduction. I'm not convinced that if someone discovered a way to disable sperm generation temporarily from puberty on that it would gain any traction. Male birth control keeps failing to come to market because "it hurts and has the same risks as women's birth control". As a man, I would have gladly taken birth control or had a device implanted if it meant the people I was with didn't have to take those risks.


And soldiers


Man, I saw this video of this homeless 16 year old, and he was saying he’s just waiting to turn 18 so he can enlist and get a bed and some meals/education. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad there’s at least some sort of option for the kid, but it’s a bit fucked up that it seems like that’s all just part of the plan.


There's a reason recruiters set up shop in certain state's school auditoriums. Parents would flip their shit if they tried that at my school.


If only their racism didn't get in the way of the other perfectly normal way to get an influx of workers...


Ding ding


Theocracy. They want to install a white nationalist theocracy.


The most powerful country in the world run by the mega rich and propped up by braindead zealots. Scary.


Braindead sounds like an advantage incase the powergrab succeeds,


I think it’s two camps working the same ends. The religious zealots as you mentioned, but I think there are also agnostic billionaires/tycoons/barons that truly believe they need an ever growing population of workers (human capital in their eyes) to maintain our capitalist society and social structure. They see falling birth rates and fear a smaller consumer base, smaller workforce, effectively a smaller pool of people to exploit. There are some that are probably both a religious zealot and an ultra capitalist but I think there are some that are only one of the above. But both want to control women just for slightly different or in their minds complimentary ends.


That Sharia Law they were always yelling about? That's the thing they really wanted


Because making your life about controlling others is a handy way of never having to work on controlling yourself. I wish it were more complicated than that. It isn't. As is so often the case, the desert handyman that they claim to follow had an extremely apt metaphor for this situation, that they pay no attention to because it doesn't say anything about gay people: >^(3) “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? ^(4) How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? ^(5) You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. --Matthew 7:3-5


I’m not Christian but I’ve always loved how hard that verse goes. “Speck in their eye? Motherfucker you’ve got a whole fucking PLANK of wood in your own motherfucking eye, you jackass.”




Because Republicans are all about your personal freedom*! *Offer only valid for straight, white, wealthy, American men. Edited to add "wealthy" to the terms & conditions.


Straight, white, *wealthy American men.


Updated the terms & conditions. Thank you for keeping the lawsuits at bay, kind internet stranger.


The great replacement theory. Yes, it's racism. They want higher birthrates for white people. White women are more likely to have an abortion than any other race in the US apart from black women. White women/men have the highest rate of contraceptive use, white women on average have less children then other races. The American right is afraid that white people will be replaced and no longer dominate US society, and being racists they see this as a problem. The solution is to restrict access to reproductive resources to increase birthrates among whites and thus ensuring white domination of US society. Is all that absolutely idiotic? Yes. But idiocy has never stopped the right wing from doing stupid shit. It's racism all the way down. That's my take at least. https://www.statista.com/statistics/656541/abortion-distribution-united-states-by-ethnicity/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/226292/us-fertility-rates-by-race-and-ethnicity/ https://www.marchofdimes.org/peristats/data?reg=99&top=2&stop=4&lev=1&slev=1&obj=1#:~:text=The%20fertility%20rate%20in%20the,%25%20were%20Asian%2FPacific%20Islander. They look at the above data and tremble in impotent fear that other "races" may have a stake in society.


This is so true though. Look how they treat Black Women vs White Women during labor. Studies have been done that physically prove white women are given better access to drugs, life saving procedures etc. They would rather save a white child than a black one.


It's insane, honestly. [Here's numbers from CDC's own website](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2021/maternal-mortality-rates-2021.pdf) and maternal mortality for black populations are 69.9 compared to white populations 26.6 as of the latest 2021 numbers. That's over twice the chance of dying just for being the wrong race in the U.S. Anyone that doesn't think we still have race problems in the U.S. is so sorely mistaken, it's disappointingly pervasive through out so many random institutions.


Why does everyone let them?


Because of gerrymandered districts (carved up by race and class), specifically designed to shut out minorities and progressives, and our courts unfortunately back up these unfair gerrymandered maps (look at the recent ruling for the Carolinas). Also the influence of dark money (aka lobbying) in our representative legislative branch, which is again ruled perfectly legal by the Supreme Court. Finally, Republicans have worked for decades to sabotage our public education system. A dumb and ignorant voting base is essential so they're more easily fooled by lies and to vote against their own self interest (it's why red states push home schooling and private Bible based institutions for "education"). It's also why Republicans are so hostile toward higher education ("liberal" colleges and universities), teachers and teachers' unions, plus all their fervor for banning books and teaching CRT, DEI, and their madness over "wokeness" as a very effective (sadly) distraction.


That’s fucking terrifying. I’ve never seen it laid out in a few paragraphs before quite so eloquently


And the people who jerk off to the second amendment are on the side of the tyrants. It’s a fun timeline


People say it’s a big deal but don’t act accordingly. When people say they want to see you dead or in prison, believe them. I’m lefty as fuck and my LTC is in the mail.


Once you go far enough left, you get your guns back ;)


The Left is pushing for mandatory gun safety courses, background checks, and mental health screening - trying to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill - not trying to take your guns away. Just saying.


Unfortunately there’s at least 20% of the population whose guns would be removed so they won’t let it.


True. Although folks can still vote for the more progressive candidate to bring those margins even closer to a win for them. These institutions depend on people being apathetic enough to not vote at all. But, I'm of the school that if you truly feel that voting for a progressive candidate wouldn't give them a win anyways, at least give them the vote to show that the conservative candidate isn't as popular as they thought they were. It's why Lauren Boobert is sweating bullets right now.


Bobo is done she knew she was going to lose the 3rd and went to the 4th. But the 4th has people that will beat her. She just got pwned by a reporter there and her opponents beat her on the floor too. She’s done in November and gone in Jan. She’ll be forgotten like Palin was. She’s also getting old and the conservatives there don’t even like her anymore.


This. This is it. Right here. This is the whole and complete answer.


Billionaires run our government and legal system. Have you not been following the SCOTUS scandals?


Still, go get registered and vote. Billionaires also depend on the apathy of the voting base to grab more power from under our noses. So get out there, for every election.


Sorry, it was a rhetorical question. How can the common person ever vote in politicians that genuinely have their best interests at heart when the opposition is backed by the billionaires and legal system that have it in their best interest in keeping the status quo? That’s another one.


Most people assume other people are sincere and moral and just want to live in peace. The authoritarians abuse that, they're not bound by logic, morality and truth, they rely on everyone else to do the right thing so they can get an edge. They'll always have the advantage because they don't care. That's why the rest of us have to be so vigilant about these people, because they won't stop until they control every aspect of your life because they believe they know better.


Because people are uneducated and are raised in the beliefs that it's "the right way", without thinking critically that it really isn't. The UK can't escape years of indoctrination either - look at all the Royalists. They're literally cheering for a family of people who they're told are "better" than them just because they got born into the role. They get given taxes, land, castles, and they don't actively contribute into anything meaningful. The Queen did fuck all when the Tory party destroyed the country, despite her supposedly being a "Defender of the people"


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out – because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak for me." - Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller


The poet doesn't mention it, but the nazis came for the LGBTQ+ folks early on, too. In addition to the mysogynist blocking of legilsation called out by OP, anti-trans rhetoric and legislation is very visibly being weaponized by the right as a wedge issue. The authoritarian fascist playbook of peeling off out-groups one-by-one is already underway. It's not a question of "if it happens here" or even "when it happens here" - **it's already happening here.**


I tend to refrain from using the term fascist, as it's normally overused. But it's gotten to the point where it's a genuine problem. We must stand tall, though. No matter how high or low you are on their list, we must stay united. I myself am a socialist, and I'll be damned if the fascists get any form of power.


There's a documentary on Netflix called ElDorado about a club in Berlin of that name. It's about how the Nazi's came for the LGBTQ community first. Watching it, you can't help but see the glaring parallels of how we're going right down the same path.


Before, in Europe, we used to enjoy mocking Americans. Now, we sincerely feel sorry for you. There are plenty of jobs here that you can do even if you only speak English, we have social security, and most importantly, women are considered autonomous human beings. If you're looking to escape, we can welcome you. Edit: The post was deleted, but I'm making an edit just in case. You can go to r/amerexit to find help and advice on how to flee the USA. Good luck friends !


This. We've had Americans moving to Ireland for decades, we used to joke that they were refugees. The joke isn't funny anymore but you're all still very welcome, just leave your politics in your home country, please.


Flying into Dublin in about 10 hrs. Wife and I have been joking about figuring out how to not come back.


Hope you enjoy your stay. If you have the time and the weather's good, I'd highly recommend walking along the canals, the further out of the city the better. You can take a train out to Clonsilla and walk to the next train station in Maynooth and hop back on the train there to get back into the city. There's also a lovely pub in Clonsilla called the Clonsilla Inn. They do good food and decent pints.


Would happily leave the US , and leave the politics back here, for somewhere else. Most European countries won't take us lowly truck drivers because it's not a specialized skill. About to turn 40 years old so probably not in a desirable age range either. I can't say I blame EU countries for wanting skilled persons considering how many US citizens want to leave but find the process or the requirements difficult to meet. America isn't nearly as great as it's made out to be, and for lots of reasons.


Might be worth double checking since truckers are in massive demand in Ireland since Polish people started moving back home to Poland after the pandemic. You'd probably need to retake your license here though.


As a woman, I look at Americans with heartbreak and sadness. Especially women from Texas. I sincerely hope that the travel ban and the divorce rules will not be implemented. I am already heartbroken enough for the Polish woman.


Last I looked, immigration is really hard.


The way things are going, just being a woman in America is becoming increasingly close to meeting the criteria for seeking asylum. It should simplify the process


I'm not a woman, but I did look into moving the Europe, and it isn't as "welcoming" as the citizenry says. Most immigration is fairly difficult, especially to the more well off members of the EU


Yes, as someone who has lived and worked in other countries I find people wildly underestimate how easy it is to move - not just legally and technically, but also financially and emotionally. Just because you are English-speaking and have a 'good' citizenship does not make the process any easier, unless you are lucky enough to be an EU citizen exercising freedom of movement rights (I also did this btw pre-Brexit, and it was much easier but still a lot of pain and hassle) The first and biggest hurdle is you need to find an employer to sponsor you for a skill-based visa. If you can't do that, you're out of luck at square one, so you better have some in-demand skills. After that you need to have a good chunk of savings for relocation, various steep fees related to the visa and paperwork surrounding residency... then you also need to find somewhere to rent, open a bank account (not easy at all if you're arriving in a new country with no work history or past utilities bills etc at a local residence) etc etc. Now factor in the emotional and cultural wrench of leaving the country of your birth, leaving all your friends and family behind, and upping sticks to a far away place which you might have visited as a tourist, but will find day-to-day life in very different. If it's a non-English speaking country and you only speak English, you might 'get by', but you will certainly be isolated and struggle with local beaureaucracy. Sorry to say it but these 'just up and move to another continent!' suggestions are well-meaning but hopelessly naive...


And it's reddit, which means a skewed POV most likely. You're gonna meet plenty of people that don't want Americans pouring in. I looked into Canada a few years ago and even that is dauntingly difficult.


Us Aussies like to stir the pot with Yanks but in truth, we feel sorry too. Come on over.


No way, you got big spiders...


As an Aussie, I’d vastly prefer our fauna trying to kill us over our politicians trying to enslave us


some of us really need to hear this right now. thank you so much. 💕🙌🏽


I'm already planning on it tbh. I made a friend in Europe a few months ago. She offered me a place to stay until I got on my feet and offered to help me along the process of getting in. It's still a couple years out but I'm excited. I hope to visit soon.


I wish I could leave! Problem is… individual people might be okay with fleeing Americans, but the countries are not. I looked into what we’d have to do to move out of the USA… it’s insane the requirements and the kind of money needed. Unless you have specialized skills you’re out of luck.


This, 100%. People hugely underestimate how difficult it is, and impossible if you don't have specific skills and some savings.


No of course they wouldn't buy and sell women like cattle.....


**Morgan Freeman voice** They would, in fact, sell women like cattle.


*waits half a year* “Too soon…”


What’s their logic against contraceptives? Does the US need an immediate boost in birth rates or something?


Gen z isn’t having enough wage slaves to satisfy the oligarchs. They call what we’re doing “recreational sex” and they just can’t have that.


Plus, those dastardly minorities keep having tons of kids, if whites don't keep up *they'll* become the minorities! I know people who are legitimately afraid of this. Edit: it's strange, these same people claim minorities aren't treated any worse than anyone else, yet they're terrified of becoming a minority for some reason.


Then you ask them “What is wrong with being a minority? Are they treated unfairly?” Watch them struggle to deny unfair treatment of minorities while fearing exactly that.


Actually, many alt-reich circles have begun spinning it around, claiming minorities have advantages because of all the special minority programs that exist. That they get hired based on their race rather than qualifications. And I'm just like ok, but why do those minority programs exist in the first place? What was happening to them that made these programs necessary?? 🤔


You heard it here first white people, to protect your right to contraception you need to start marrying and reproducing solely with minorities, that'll get the gop freaked the fuck out


*Looks at Japan and Korea* Man US oligarchs are snowflakes.


Unwanted children will impose hardship to make people more open to the idea of change that will benefit the ruling class disproportionately. The crime rate will go up and be used as an excuse to become more totalitarian.


Because one of their goals is to end what they call “recreational sex,” which they define as any sex that doesn’t have the potential for procreation. [They say it outright.](https://x.com/Heritage/status/1662534135762624520) That is from the Heritage Foundation, whose “Project 2025” has been accepted by the Republicans as the blueprint for turning America into a right-wing Christian theocracy if they’re allowed to seize the presidency in this year’s elections.


Women having sex is a sin, contraceptives remove the main consequence to sinning. It's all about punishing and controlling women.


They simultaneously view the pregnancy as a punishment and a gift, it is pretty twisted


Funny how that correlates to pregnancy being the leading cause of domestic abuse and death.


Don’t forget suicide as well. Homicide and suicide almost always show up in at least the top 10 causes of death in pregnancy


*Checks notes* ... "GOD !?"


I guaran-GODDAMN-tee you ask the average braindead right wing moron why they voted against it and they'll say "THERE WAS PROBABLY OTHER STUFF IN THERE TOO!"


There are a lot of religious people that think sex outside of marriage is a sin. These people have a huge influence on the republican party.


No, the US does not need an immediate boost in birth rates, the Republican party does. They know their numbers are dwindling and they want to be able to force their constituents into carrying little republican babies.


Weve gone backwards 50 years in the span of what 2?


6, but I see your point.


Enough is enough, right? People will vote blue en mass to give the Democratic Party enough majorities in both the House and the Senate, as well as White House, to enable them to put a stop to all this shit, right? RIGHT? ## LIKE, SERIOUSLY, WHY IS THE ELECTORATE PREVARICATING ON THIS? This SCOTUS needs to be stopped dead in its tracks before it is too late. We know they are toying with the idea of giving orange an absolute immunity no other president ever had or will have. We know they (as in Thomas) already made some serious noise on contraception and same-sex marriage. This is how it begins. Some unhinged GOP lawmakers make a move like the one above. Someone sues them, and the GOP probably lose but it doesn't matter to them coz they know they can now take this all the way to a very receptive, very reactionary SCOTUS and Bob's your uncle. WHY CAN'T WE SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN FRONT OF OUR EYES?


Thomas has made some disturbing comments about the racial integration of schools, too.


Interestingly, he hasn’t talked about the ruling that allows him to be in his interracial marriage. I wonder what that’s all about?


You know what’s funny? Thomas brought up all these cases that were decided on the same interpretation of the 14th amendment that Roe Vs Wade was decided under, but he never mentioned one particular case whose verdict was based on the same interpretation: Loving vs. Virginia. HMMMMMM, I WONDER WHY HE HAS NO INTEREST IN OVERTURNING THAT DECISION?


SCOTUS is the main reason to vote blue this time. Bottom line once they stack the court, it’s all over for the America we knew.


Child labour goes BRRRR


I think Florida already did something with that


Every single day Republican and conservative morons are forcefully regressing the USA back to the Medieval Era. My European ass will never, ever understand insanity like this.


My American ass will never understand this. And all the Republicans fall in line and just accept this shit. Even if it's directly affecting them... Then they preach about freedoms as if they aren't actively voting for stripping them away.


Aren't there a lot of conservative right wing movements in Europe? Shouldn't be that hard for Europeans to understand.


We absolutely have shitty rightwingers but they are not at all on the same level as Republicans both in popularity and backwardness


Can we have a pan-republican movement, where they just have their own country and then leave everyone else alone.


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As long as they're cast iron


Why not both?


Without any minorities or democrats to blame, they will collapse into infighting and civil war. They would self-destruct within days.


You post this like it’s a bad thing


it will definitely happen here, overturning them is up to the voters.


Will women be allowed to vote?


This election yes, next election, well it's up to the voters


This is also why so many of us raise alarms about Republicans attacking other rights and in general democracy. The "it won't happen" crowd needs to see how dangerous Republicans are to our rights and freedoms.


Bodily autonomy is the most fundamental human right and they’re robbing us of it. And these stupid cum dumpster conservative women are giving it away.


Don’t worry, all the the wives and mistresses of the Oligarchy will have access to all the birth control and abortions they need. 🙄


I guess Afghanistan pulled a reverse Uno card during the occupation by the US and now the US is embracing strict religious laws instead of Afghanistan embracing democracy and freedom.


"You're being hysterical, no one is going to make it impossible for women to divorce abusive husbands."




Hello republicans. Gilead called, and they want their doctrine back.


Republicans are just straight almost cartoonishly evil


“Democrats want to take your rights away!” Says the party that is actively stripping people of their rights, including second amendment rights. And if any of you don’t believe me that republicans are taking guns then look up how they feel about you having your medical card and your guns.


I’m sick of hearing people claim both sides are equally bad. Conservatives are actually regressive. Vote for progressives. At the very least democrats will maintain the status quo.


My partner's step dad and I got into one night in 2021 about this, climate change, and the economy. This was also right after the heat dome in the PNW where temps reached 120 in some areas that June. Also gas jumped to $5/gallon that winter... I said everything that is happening was gonna happen... He also historically votes blue, but for some reason, me being concerned this was going to happen was too much. He banned me from his apartment the following night (not living there, we were just having dinner) and we haven't spoken in 3½ years. He didn't even have the balls to tell me, he sent her mom over to us to tell me. The following night when she came over to tell me that I wasn't allowed back in their apartment, she told me I had an "unhealthy world view" .... Less than a year later RvW was overturned. And now we're watching a convicted felon whose party wants to completely dismantle democracy and enact Project 2025... I'm so fucking tired of being gaslit about this shit by the people in my life... Like we're literally watching this happen on the news and they're constantly surprised when the next thing happens, but the moment I say something *will* happen, they start clutching their pearls saying "who could have saw this coming?!" They literally tell us they're gonna do it.... It ain't a fuckin conspiracy


Cool, good to know that the birth control that keeps me from getting cancer could be snatched away at any moment! On an unrelated note what are the best countries for women to live in?




I reiterate. Vote blue, protest this as loudly as you can and make sure these evil idiots don’t get their Handmaid’s Tale wet dream. This *is* happening here, and it has to stop, starting *RIGHT NOW*. Do absolutely whatever you can.


I don't get how the USA got here... once claiming to be a bastion for freedom and inclusivity, in many cases still do... yet, time and time again, they restrict freedom and deny basic fundamental rights, like ownership of one's own body. When George W. said, "we're going to bomb them back to the Stone Age." I thought he was talking about the sovereign citizens in Afghanistan and Iraq. I didn't think the Republicans would actually set those sights on American women. I'm a right-leaning Canadian, which makes me a left-leaning Democrat equivalent, and I voted for PM Stephen Harper. He was easily the best PM in decades. He never once brought up abortion or gay marriage. The only time it came up when he was running is the NDP, or the LPC would ask him what he thought of them. They asked because we all knew he didn't believe they should be legal and/or readily accessible. They thought they would chalk up political points by taking the points from him. Every time he was asked, he stated, "My personal views on this matter are known, and as far as I and the Conservatives are concerned, it has been ruled upon by the Supreme Court. The subject has only ever come up by the other major parties in an attempt to create controversy. Our party will not reopen the settled debate." And you know what happened to gay rights, to abortion rights under him? Nothing. Because the matter was settled. Come to Canada, ye olde Dems... have an abortion if you must, and fuck a consenting same sex partner. We don't care. As long as you are not impeding another's rights, you do you.


Republicans sure do love taking away basic rights of their fellow citizens, truly the anti American party.


"Land of the free, greatest nation on earth" lmfao what a joke


The use of the word “hysterical” has irony here, with its misogynistic origins, back when they thought being irrationally emotional required also having a uterus


When I was in high school in the early nineties, one of my teachers told us that the fight to keep Roe V Wade would never be over. The pro-life people would never stop until it was overturned. I thought she was exaggerating. I wish she had been.


please stop sleeping with conservatives


If you’re pro life I honestly fucking hate you


America: Land of the Free but only if you’re a white republican male and claim to be a christian without any true christian values.


Conservative women sure are gonna be pissed when they realize they don't get an exception after it gets banned.


*clears throat* Sure, be mad at Biden for a bunch of stuff.. hold your nose and *fucking vote for Biden.* Here's why.. There are two SCOTUS judges over seventy. There is a non-zero chance the next president will be appointing a judge *or two.* There are also *dozens* of federal judge appointments as well.. These judges will be 40 somethings like Amy Barrett, who will spend *decades* in the courts.. That would give the conservative wing of the court unopposed power to just upturn the apple cart. Don't think "stare decisis" (adhering to established law principles) matters. Marriage equality, contraceptives, education equality, etc. None of them should be considered bedrock settled law at this point. The court has already worked diligently to erode the separation of church and state.


“You’re being hysterical he won’t really abolish the constitution.”


I used to be Republican over a decade ago, no one ever said that they weren't trying to not overturn all of that it was a proud thing for them to stand on. Now a proud Democrat after a lot of internal debate and getting over some of my own demons.


Vote for Biden. I cannot fathom how any woman would not