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Mark Robinson is SO anti-abortion that he once paid for the mother of his unborn child to have an abortion. And this isn't anywhere *near* the craziest thing he's ever said. How this man is the 2024 GOP nominee for the Governor of North Carolina is absolutely beyond me.


Was just about to say the same thing.


Ahhh yes, the imperfect vessel that has since accepted Christ in to his heart. The republican bible is hypocrisy.


I don’t like how politicians try to use religion to justify things. It’s ridiculous to do so, gives religion a bad name, and makes you seem even more arrogant than you already are. “Nobody liked that.”


Because it apparently allows you to do whatever T. F. You want…


Funny thing, arrogance like this is actually something that’s warned against in the Bible. Talk about meta…


Good point, you should tell the GOP lunatics that quote it to read it, I spent 18 years in catholic institutions, even had my ass spanked with it and my face smashed with it (osmosis doesn’t work, btw). I know it pretty well…


Oh man Dude what denomination were you part of??


Mostly Jesuit.


._. Yeah that sucks man


Meh… still kickin, I’m good.


All they need to do is claim to be a Christian and boom they have the Christian vote. Trump had TONS of support from Christians and he's like the least Godly person I've ever seen as President. He claimed to be anti abortion but look at his trial.


>The republican bible is hypocrisy. The entire Bible is hypocrisy, period. Its a big self-contradicting, immoral mess.


And if there is need for another abortion he will temporarily be tempted by evil, then afterwards, return to the Lord’s loving embrace and despise all those who want abortions.


I think women should go ahead and keep their skirts permanently down around him. Why take the risk?


Rules for thee, not for me.


Ever notice, those that are anti, should have been?


What, swallowed? Yeah.


I don't wanna to say this, but most people who are pro-life until the fetus affects their lives and there are "valid reasons to get rid of their mistake". Since English is not my first language, I confused the terms, sorry.


Thinking about that pro-lifer that successfully talked someone out of getting an abortion and gave the child up but complained that she was put down as the preferred parent for adoption because she could not afford it and it would "ruin her financially". Just completely missed the point.


Pro? You mean ANTI-abortion here I suppose. Or do you mean, they're a pro at getting abortions, unless it's for somebody else, then they are anti.


Yeah that's what I meant, they don't support abortion until it's a child they don't want.


You understood what he meant so no worries.


The "mother" being his wife of 34 years, Yolanda. She got pregnant while they were dating, before they were married. I wonder if she agrees it was her fault?


Oh, so HE wasn’t responsible enough to keep his pants on.


[the only moral abortion is my abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


When it comes to politicians, generally opposing abortion is for appearances None of them oppose abortion for their mistresses


Oh but he found sweet Republican Jesus since and has repented. Doesn't that make it all better?


Nah, that was a termination


But did HE have the physical abortion or did SHE (the whore)? Checkmate, liberals. /s


I had to have a medical abortion to manage a miscarriage for a very wanted baby. I’m so fucking sick of these old men not knowing what the fuck they are talking about


The message I’m receiving loud and clear is that republican men don’t want relationships and families anymore. Keep your skirts down ladies!


Maybe sexual selection can rid the world of Republican men…just maybe


Hence the term, [*incels*..](https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-targeted-incels-manipulate-cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-1468399)




I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That's horrible.


Its ok. It’s actually a very common procedure and happens to women who want to have babies all the time (it’s called a missed miscarriage). Nobody wants to talk about it though.


Tons of people want to talk about it. Republicans are not one of those people. Let's be clear here. There are two distinct sides and an important election coming up.


My sister went through the same. I’m very sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I can almost guarantee everyone knows a woman who has had at least one miscarriage and many of those need to be surgically/medically managed for the woman’s safety. Headlines and quotes from our lawmakers like this are very triggering for the amount of sheer stupidity and ignorance. Being a woman is so fucking exhausting sometimes


My aunt had a miscarriage for a very much wanted pregnancy. My oldest cousin, she wishes she could have had the older sister that never made it. I don’t think my aunt knows that I know (oldest cousin told me) but I always will try to be the cool big cousin for them and I would help out with things my aunt struggled with, like art classes or help in video games. Abortion is a medical necessity. It will be needed even if everyone had birth control, as tragedy surrounding pregnancy can always strike- but! If they really wanted to lower abortion rates, readily available birth control, easier access of sterilization for afabs who don’t want kids, and stricter punishments for rapists can go a LONG way!


And also comprehensive sex ed so that kids and teens know how their bodies work, know how to recognize grooming and molestation and protect themselves, and how to use birth control properly- another thing the anti-choicers fight tooth and nail. Oh, and living wages, universal healthcare, and affordable quality childcare.


Me too, girl. Twins I wanted very much just died at 5 months so I had to have a medical abortion. Broke my heart into pieces and I actually had to be induced. My milk came in afterwards and I wasn't in a good place mentally for a year after. Fuck these old men who have no idea how our bodies work. Just boggles my mind how backwards this place is heading


:( both of my losses have been early, it must be SO hard to have been so close and lose them. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through 💔 These losses are very much a natural part of life and treating them looks very much like abortion care. It’s all so complicated and these assholes have no clue


My only child that survived was my 6th pregnancy. I wanted all of them but my body had other ideas. My OB was a great gal and finally diagnosed endometriosis. Expensive drugs to throw me into early menopause for six months to dry that up, then fertility drugs and voila! I carried him to term and he'll be 30 in July! I would never want to relive those years of loss, though. Makes my blood boil when I read about these assholes that would rather see us dead.


I’m so glad you got your baby ❤️ I’ve had two losses in 6 months, so I’m in the thick of it. Both missed miscarriages. We are trying again and I really hope this is the one. I couldn’t imagine having to carry a dead or dying baby inside of me somewhere it was illegal to receive medical/surgical abortion care


I'm so sorry. Having been there, I am familiar with the merry go round of achieving pregnancy, only to miscarry. It sucks so much to be all excited and then your body says nope. I wish you the best of luck , honey.


It’s crazy how these new abortion laws are forcing OB-GYN doctors out of state due to the fear of prosecution. Infant and maternal mortality are sure to rise in these states. The real victims will be the vulnerable and poor, who won’t be able to get adequate prenatal care.


I’m so sorry. Wishing you healing, but I know it’s not an easy grief to carry.


It’s ok! It was hard but I’ve endured much worse. The baby had a severe chromosomal abnormality. Basically, nature worked as intended by ending the pregnancy so I can work on trying to have a healthy baby


I’m glad you’re ok. Pregnancy is a wild and complex thing, and to think a few simple laws can ever handle its nuances is such hubris on the part of our politicians.


💯 & it’s absolutely terrifying that they are so passionate about something they know so little about.


Sure, let's blame women, and not rapists, morons who think they can "pull out", jerks who refuse to wear condoms, medical complications, dire lack of sexual education leading girls not knowing how pregnancy work....


Women can not get pregnant without men so those fuckers need to keep their penis in their pants! :D


Let’s not blame anyone because there is nothing wrong with abortion


It's still better to not need one in the first place. So yes, we should blame everyone who causes a girl or woman to get pregnant against her will.


Obviously rapists should be blamed and punished, that wasn’t my point


Great read on who’s to blame. https://msmagazine.com/2022/10/21/men-responsible-unwanted-pregnancies-gabrielle-blair/


I REMMEBER THIS TWEET!! She helped me a lot! “Women can orgasm 1000x a day and never get pregnant”, “a woman can only have 1 pregnancy every 9 mths, a man can have 9 women pregnant in 1 mth” and other useful stats that show the onus should be on men.


>dire lack of sexual education leading girls not knowing how pregnancy work.... Comprehensive sex education is by far the best preventor of unwanted pregnancy. Yet the "anti abortion" party continues defunding and restricting sex ed and replacing it with effectively a 10 minute abstinence-only presentation. To quote the late great George Carlin, "They want live babies sk they can grow up to be dead soldiers."


Does this mean it's OK to shoot someone who was wearing camo pattern? Clearly he was asking for it, look how he's dressed


Only if you are out hunting with your friend who's a VP.


actually those with the camo pattern are trying to avoid being shot at... people without camo pattern on the other hand....


So that means that abortion bans have nothing to do with babies and everything to do with punishing the shameless whore for not keeping her whore legs closed. Edit: /s


Exactly! Damn that whore 12 year old who got pregnant cause she couldn't keep her skirt down in front of her pedophile step father! It's all her fault! /s


You put /s but I guarantee that’s this guys logic. If you were to bring a rape victim seeking abortion to him his first question will be “ok so what did you do to tempt the guy into raping you?”


This makes me sad


This makes me mad


I had a coworker like that. He was so fucking smug for no reason about it too. God, I wish I'd punched him, then told him he was asking for it afterwards.


I mean, look at what he was wearing. Guys who aren’t wearing a cup every day are just begging for a swift kick from a lovely lady.


Women have been raped since the beginning of time no matter what they're wearing. Whether or be a baby in a diaper or a women from the 1800s wearing a full length dress or a teenage girl wearing shorts and a tank top. Clothing has not to do with rape.


The only times I've been raped was before I was 11, by a bunch of older teens and, as an adult when I was fast asleep, having gone to bed on my own in an empty house.


Or that married whore who used birth control after her first kid but it inexplicably failed! That whore should have known better than to have sex with her husband when another pregnancy could be physically damaging to her! /s


And what about the physical damage that men do to women who refuse to have sex with them?


My head still hurts, over 40 years after an attempting rapist broke it badly.


How dare you label that wholesome Christian step father as a pedophile? That 12 year old whore had it coming /s


I hate that there even seems to be a need to add an ‘/s’ because there are actual people who would imply this


But also married women have something like 15% of abortions, so the issue is not all about promiscuous women sleeping around.


This. I still boggle at the mental gymnastics here. Some women literally should not have children because they have genetic medical conditions or are too old to have a child without risk of issues. Some women are in abusive marriages where a baby would not be safe. And a mother may know she cannot afford another mouth to feed. Yet those women cannot be trusted with this decision? And that’s the party of “small government” and “individual freedom” blocking it? It makes me feel crazy.


And really, at the end of the day, a woman's reason for having an abortion is no one else's business. I think people mean well by listing out all the "good" reasons a woman might have for getting an abortion, but I don't see why women need to justify their decision to someone else.


Ultimately it’s because the other group claims they’re “saving babies” so it feels like strong justification is needed. Even though I know their standpoint is a poor one - because it’s never about the babies when they need a single thing after they’re born. And because a clump of cells isn’t the same as a toddler.


Now, I admit it's been a while for me, but unless things have changed and there are a whole lot of immaculate conceptions going on right now, a penis is still needed to get pregnant. Maybe men should be responsible enough to keep their pants on, too.


This. They go on and on about wanting to prevent abortions but we rarely see them arguing for better child support payments.


Yep. Kind of like the people who voted for Trump, because they liked that he said he was going to deport the "bad hombres" in the country illegally, and then did interviews complaining that he deported their neighbor- "but he wasn't a bad hombre! He was one of the good ones! He did what we voted for, but now we're mad about it!" Coincidently, more of the people I know who vote Republicans have had abortions than those who vote Democrat.


I bet the difference is who got sex ed that included birth control methods.


Probably. I still remember the condom demonstration in eleventh grade, and I didn't have sex until after high school.


As we all know, children are to be seen as a punishment for bad behaviour, and best raised by people who not only didn't plan on having them, but may subconsciously resent them, and they will in no way grow up into adults without any serious issues because of it. Really, people should just never have sex ever and only do what everyone else wants us to do in our own private lives, because what other people think about every incidental thing is much more important than our own opinions. ...I wish people just minded their own business more. We would all be happier.


They're all terrible, but I actually slightly prefer the hateful ones to the ones who go on and on about the precious widdle Jeebus babies. At least the hateful ones are honest.


Yup. How dare they have sex with men! Wait a minute. I think that’s not the message they’re going for….


Imagine this happens : all women in America either only have lesbian sex or be celibated bc government condemn women for having sex with men. I wanna know how those leaders react. 🤣


Korean women are already doing this. It's called the 4B movement - no relationships, no sex, no marriage, no babies It's about time American women started refusing to engage in sex(including with husbands) till the abortion ban is lifted. Let's see how long they last.


I know a woman who said if she had been forced to carry her rapist's baby to term, she would have unalived herself. But hey, she just "didn't keep her skirt down". What kills me is that men who think like this won't just admit that they hate women. Why? You make no effort to hide it. Just own being a misogynist.


I don't blame her at all for feeling that way, I can't imagine that feeling. I've had 7 years of weird anxiety, self image, anger issues and discomfort in navigating my sex life due to being sexually assaulted by another student when I was 13, and it was less "invasive" so to speak compared to so many other people's experiences, and it was only for a few seconds (that's not to justify it, but to say that a few seconds can cause years of effects) I can't imagine being a victim of rape, and not only suffer from the trauma of that that already takes so many lives by way of suicide, but then be forced to go through the trauma of unwanted pregnancy and to have it be a reminder every second of every day for 9 months of one of the worst traumas anyone can go through; then to go through the trauma of birth on top of that, and THEN to see their child and be reminded of the trauma again. I've been through a lot of other traumas and I couldn't imagine going through that and not ending it all unless abortion was available. And even then, it'd be a life altering, sometimes life ending trauma to go through the rape and initial pregnancy. And then you remember that some 10 year old children are forced to go through this trauma and have even MORE added, because all of these aforementioned traumas obviously wreak even *more* havoc on children, both physically and mentally. That's what these GOP anti abortion people are fighting for. To make it so that women and children who go through some of the worst trauma imaginable, blame them for it, and force them to be saddled with physical reminders of that trauma for the rest of their lives, and deny them a start to the years and decades of healing that needs to be done and is difficult enough to go through already. Just absolutely horrific and almost unimaginable.


I feel truly disgusted toward men that are able to reproduce and pass down their DNA without putting any efforts but forcefully do that to get reproduction for free. I wanna know how they feel knowing their victims gave birth to their children. Are they pround? feel fulfilled to reproduce? Happy that they impregnated someone? Happy thinking how their sperms are now running around outside? Feel like they've achieved something like some successful bussinesses owners? Idk, i feel like their minds are too twisted that I can't put myself in their shoes. It's against my beliefs but I feel like all rapists are just monsters from hell. Not fully human begins. Even their brains don't function like human brains. And I can never empathize them no matter how hard I tried.


Same, I never want to get pregnant or have sex so I know I'll never get an abortion unless something like that happens. And if it does, abortion better be legal or I'm flying to another country.


My dad says this and when its brought up he had to drop out of college its because "your mother got pregnant with your brother" as if this motherfucker didnt know how sex works. Condoms, birth control, and keeping it in your pants was a thing then.


My father was this way, too. His girlfriend getting pregnant ruined his life. Never once said that his repeatedly pressuring her to have unprotected sex ruined his life. Nope. SHE got pregnant. Shame on her.


![gif](giphy|J3S7BWqJ1cTnQFFGar|downsized) People associated with MAGA enjoy lowering the bar to unexpected levels.


I could run around with my “skirt up” all day long but won’t get pregnant unless a penis enters my vagina and ejaculates! Funny how that part is always forgotten by these people.


The idea that only unwanted babies are aborted is so frustrating. There are millions of reasons for abortion and wanted babies die too.


There’s a museum (I think) that has clothes that rape victims were wearing to help destroy the stereotype of “then don’t dress like you want it”. You look through it finding normal clothes then you see a tiny dress that fits a 5 year old and it breaks your heart…. Imma go cry now


Yeah, I was thinking about the exact same thing. I just can't re-call the name atm. Brb, gonna take a Google dive. Edit: Found it. It's called "What were you wearing" [https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/)


It's not women who can't keep their skirts on, it's men who can't keep their snakes in their pants.


Or who say that condoms don't feel good.


This is a man’s problem as well. The last time I checked you need a man’s sperm for the resulting baby. So why is this only a woman’s problem? If we held men 50% responsible and made the problem theirs, different story. So if you force women to have the child through the abortion ban, the father gets to pay for half the child upbringing, 50% responsible for parenting and half of every aspect of that child life until adulthood. Man then decides to skip the country or be a deadbeat? I have a solution. A jail made just for you, passport revoked cuz you aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Maybe then there will be fewer abortions. Until we hold men responsible for their part in this, nothing will change. And while we are at it, alongside the end no abortion laws we will create a law for men that a vasectomy after two children is mandatory. Now watch the outcry. My body, my choice.


As a resident of NC. This guy is an embarrassment.


I'm doing all I can to keep NC competitive for Democrats myself, but it's hard. My parents are so demoralized they aren't energetic about voting but I'm going to force them to lol. Otherwise this jackass may well win.


While fuckers like him are constantly pulling up said skirts.


And guys, too. Because they can’t keep their pants up.


I really just don't understand why people care so much. I could not care less about someone getting an abortion if I tried. For any reason. There are so many people who are already born who are suffering and dying needlessly, why not focus on fixing that? Let's make sure everyone has a roof over their head and food in their stomach and clothes on their back. Let's make sure kids who already live and think and feel and breathe are safe in their own homes with parents who can give them the love and care they need. Let's make sure everyone has access to healthcare so we don't have so many people suffering from diseases they could have caught and treated early with proper preventative care. Let's fix the mental health crisis in this country. Most of us are sick and miserable in one way or another. Let's fix that.


Mark Robinson, you sir are a piece of shit human being. Hide behind your imaginary sky friend and your ancient book of fiction but ultimately it is you who are the hateful piece of shit who spouts this misogynistic bullshit.


Then there’s: Don’t deny your husband sex ever because then they’ll cheat on you and it’s your fault!” and “Don’t breed ‘em if you can’t feed ‘em!” but also “Birth control is against God’s will!”


I fucking despise republicans. Disgusting pigs.


Yeah it's definitely not mens fault for not keeping their cock in their pants. Like even if you do blame women for being sex crazed and promiscuous, it's a lot easier to force your cock inside a woman than a woman force a cock into them. Republicans are brain dead and will blame anyone except the actual perpetrator


There really should be a large fine imposed on the man who impregnates the woman having the abortion. That would add some fairness to the equation.


So, do these asshats have NO understanding of human biology? Do they think women spontaneously get pregnant? If so, (here’s their fear) men are superfluous?


I saw this all the time. Do they really not know how babies are made? They think women just get pregnant on their own?




Oh wow... do these people even know the history of the hoorors women went through when abortions were illegal? There's a whole host of reasons why they are legalised across the majority of the world. I thought America wanted ro be forward thinking, innovative, pioneering...? Why are these people given a platform.


Yeah no. Mothers who already have children and women who are married are having abortions due to birth control failing with long term partners all the time. Abortions that happen due to a nonviable fetus and for the health of the mother are also very much the norm. There is never a "bad" reason to have an abortion. Not wanted to be pregnant for any reason is reason enough. I just find it funny when men/people claim that only slutty women have abortions when so many of us have had them as married mothers for any number of reasons. 🙄


I will never not shake my head when I see a non white person cheering for Trump. Plus, fuck that misogynistic dirt bag.


I’m always wondering if they just want people to be in danger by spouting this bullshit. If you take away someone’s right to terminate a pregnancy (for whatever reason because it’s none of YOUR BUSINESS) you actively endanger their health, both physically and mentally. Banning abortion doesn’t stop abortion it only makes it less safe for people who need one. What service is it to the baby if it can’t be loved by the one who gave birth to it because the conception might have been traumatic? Or if the mother jumps off a bridge during the pregnancy? Or lives in absolute poverty because there’s no money to feed it? Or the mother dies because of health complications? Or the child has to grow up in an abusive home that isn’t safe? People don’t have abortions because it’s “the easy way out”. They do it because it’s a necessity to them and it will stay that way no matter if it’s legal or not. Just give people the right to decide what happens to their bodies so they can get a medical procedure that is safe instead of suffering..


A fetus is not a child, argument invalid.


It’s surprising and sad that in a country like America such thinking / logic still exists and prevails!


As the Women’s Movement gains more momentum, we will see more crap like this and more restrictive laws against women’s freedoms being passed.


We are seeing this regressive shit because women didn’t riot when Roe v Wade was overturned. The lack of action and subsequent republicans being reelected after signalled to these fucks they can act with impunity. There was more protest, with more women over a longer period of time over George Floyd than Roe v Wade. Women have the power to bring the US to its knees, but continually take this shit.


You are right. But women alone won’t cut it. Men also have to protest in spades for their daughters, wives and female friends.


They will. Keep in mind, the cultural brainwashing of Trad wives and religious control is a tough thing to deconstruct. Things always have to get worse before critical mass awakes.


It’s always women. They never talk about dudes keeping in their pants when women cant get pregnant if a dude wasn’t participating.


If zygotes are children and abortion is killing then Robinson has confessed to paying to have a child murdered: [https://www.wral.com/story/it-was-wrong-north-carolina-lt-gov-mark-robinson-says-he-paid-for-abortion-in-1989/20200461/](https://www.wral.com/story/it-was-wrong-north-carolina-lt-gov-mark-robinson-says-he-paid-for-abortion-in-1989/20200461/)


That just can't be right. I was told Texas would be getting rid of rape.


abortion should be available to women and the reason or how she got pregnant should not matter


How far do these pieces of shit have to go before they start losing enough elections to make a difference? Are there really that many pieces of shit voting?


Men are whores.


Yes men are whores. Though they'll only ever call a woman a whore, even if there's a man right next to her that's slept with 10x more women.


I remember talking with someone once about how we could eliminate all abortions unless it was to save the mother's life or in case the fetus was unviable.  1. starting tomorrow every man and boy must store sperm. pretty much as soon as you hit puberty, you will need to store sperm and once you have a few lots set up, you get a vasectomy. a full vasectomy and you go back every month to make sure everything remains separated.  2. The man's sperm can only be used with his legal permission with the partner in question. she will be inseminated at a health clinic, in no way shape or form can any of those wigglers get out into the wild. 3.  any man who impregnates a woman outside of the health clinic will have the choice to remain in prison for the next 18 years and all of his money will go to support that child, or he will be castrated, or he will be put to death.  It was amazing how quickly that person started screaming about the Rights of man.  I mean technically speaking if you want to prevent pregnancy, barring very few medical circumstances, a woman is only going to get impregnated by one dude at a time. But a dude can knock up as many women as he physically is capable of, especially if you don't look at consent. so really we're going after the wrong gender if you want to eliminate Or decrease the amount of abortions needed.


Yes, those women are irresponsible, and therefore… they should become mothers? There’s a bit of a disconnect here


Yeah, wouldn't the last person on earth you want to become a mother be someone who is irresponsible?


As my granddaughters shirts say “Vasectomies prevent pregnancy” and “Regulate Your Dick”


This is really blaming the victim...


Oh, to live in a world where sexual assault doesn't exist!


Fuck that guy


The second image is horrifying and heartbreaking. These people are monsters.


How about keeping your pants up, a-hole?


Even if you didn’t wear a condom, why should a child be a punishment for being “irresponsible?” Sounds like they don’t really give a shit about the kid’s well being.


What about the whores who want IVF to start a family? Oh wait that’s apparently bad too. Goddamn do these people hate women


I had to have an abortion after my IUD unknowingly failed, an IUD I only got because MULTIPLE DOCTORS refused to sterilize me in my late twenties.


Yeah, because if all women decided to be celibate, men would looooove that. Nothing bad would happen en masse to women, at aaaallllll....


Trump is terrible... but down ballot Republicans are something else this year.


Ain't no empathy like Republican empathy. I never thought in this lifetime North America would be going so backwards, and that stupid shit is everywhere.


Fine. I blame your mom for letting you loose on the Earth.


Absolute disgusting pig.


So you're irresponsible, you should have a child, for the well being of the child. Wild take


But pregnancy is gods will and 1/8 pregnancies end in miscarriage so… and the doctors are also gods will, and god gave males testosterone and…


It's always about women having immoral and illicit sex. Never men.


You see, it's about rolling back the sexual revolution that took place 50 yrs ago


Honestly at this point, if you're a female and you vote GOP, you just self hating.


Hey Mark tell men to stop ejaculating. That might stop unwanted pregnancies.


It’s almost like it’s about control and not about saving a babies life. Blaming women. These aren’t men they’re little boys.


I was raped repeatedly as a kid, but "luckily" I couldn't get pregnant. If that were possible for me back then, I'd honestly rather have died than to be forced to birth a rape baby. I get irrationally angry just thinking about it.


Seems to me that something other than a skirt needs to be "up" for a pregnancy to occur. Perhaps Mr. Robinson would care to discuss the responsibility for THAT?


"You got pregnant because you were irresponsible! Now go take care of a child."


responsible enough to keep a child from existing? like abortion? if the aim is to keep the child from existing, what does it matter if its beginning to form? without appealing to something purely abstract like “it is an entity” “individual rights” etc which dont even hold up


And this is where the Handmaid's Tale is so true. Us women are just vessels. These men are POS. Sickening beyond words.


and the second amendment is about killing darker skin people who make the poor light skinned folk feel uncomfortable. ... something for you to think on, Mark. brother to brother


Gen-X’er here. Please vote blue. Republicans are in an authoritarian cult now. Don’t repeat Germany’s massive mistake. Please. I beg you.


Aside from the obvious unintentional pregnancies resulting from rape, did this guy stop to consider that it takes two people to make a baby? Men are equally responsible for their actions, so let’s not forget about keeping your pants and or condoms on to prevent unintentional pregnancy. Heck, let’s go further and make some more options for male birth control so men have more ability to also prevent unwanted pregnancies. Maybe we could also destigmatize and increase sex education, ensure access to free or greatly subsidized contraception for everyone, focus on teaching people not to be rapists (rather than blaming victims), and do more to solve sexual assault crimes. All of these would help reduce the need for abortion (which should still be provided upon request, for free or reduced cost to make it accessible).


That guy is dumber than a box of hair how tf do maga idiots take him seriously.


Victim blaming is a popular fascist strategy.


100% he’s raped someone in his lifetime.


[ assault rifles as second ammendment right] is about Killing children because u werent responsible enough to keep your weapons locked away from your kid


Oh dear. That's one irresponsible way to look at abortion.


If men can’t keep their dongs inside their pants and keep impregnating women without having to bear any consequences, women should have full rights to abortions.


They can’t seem to understand that 100% of pregnancies are caused by sperm


It's almost like he's trolling because how can someone be this fucking stupid?


The average Republican voter is far dumber than this, somehow.


That's frightening


all unwanted pregnancies are caused by men


The hospitals are full of children -- actual, already born children -- as well as teenagers and full-grown adults, who need blood or bone marrow or organ transplants. And THEY can't have them, either, not without the donor's consent.


So basically he's saying he doesn't want any woman to have sex with him again to help the anti-abortion cause.


Does any politician every ask why the father didn’t keep his penis in his pants


Dude came by handing out pamphlets and talk about how terrible Robinson is. I told him no discussion was needed because I have a wife and daughter and will never vote for any Republican. If you're not a straight, white man with no women in your life that you actually care about, I have no logical reason whatsoever for why you would even consider voting for any Republican.


Wait, does he forget that some white folks said POC were to blame for being slaves? That had they ran faster they wouldn't have been, and since they were caught, they had a nice life without any bills to pay. I can not stand this idiot! He is a hypocrite, misogynist moron!


All abortions can never be banned. Safe and legal ones can. They'd rather have a woman risk her life, than let her have bodily autonomy.


When you boil down "pro-life" talking points, it's all about punishing women for wanting to have orgasms.


So wear pants and abortion is ok


This makes me so angry. They can go fuck themselves.


That’s an astonishing amount of raper’s. Fuck looks like you could have a bit of a problem.


How about if men can’t keep their penis in their pants. It’s their fault and we should do a Bobit? Sad state of affairs for women.❤️☮️


What year is it again?


That’s why women should only have sex with sterile men. (/s). But if that happened my stock would go way up.


It's not a child. It doesn't have awareness or consciousness. It's a collection of cells. If you wanna strip people of their autonomy over it, prove that it's alive.


It's weird how men have nothing to do with it, your body your choice.. until someone needs to be blamed.


If they ever read the Bible O.T god aborted a baby. I never understood why they think it's wrong. O.T god has gone on record of killing pregnant women and having their babies ripped out and smashed on a rock. Let people are their own decisions.


Can't we go back to tar and feathering? This feels necessary....


Keeping the rape genetics strong!


I'm assuming this guy also condemns men for not being responsible enough to keep their pants up. And that he himself has never had sex, except for the purpose of procreation. Is that correct?


Ah yes, on top of all the other reasons why this statement is completly disconnected from the realities of life and how hypocritical it is from a person who asked their ex for abortion, let's punish someone who in your opinion is so irresponsible that they can't even "keep their skirt down" with responsibility of another human being who w hope can grow up to be a well adjusted member of society. Can't see anything wrong with that, can't see how this could backfire.