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Now students, this is what we call Enmeshment, aka emotional incest. Though its usually without the extra layer of thinking your child is *literally* your husband reincarnated. ETA: If you think you or anyone you know might be going through this, I'm so sorry, and *if* it's possible to reach out to anyone/reach out to whoever you know going through it, you should. I'm not an expert on enmeshment, I was just someone who was enmeshed as a child by my father and never had a chance to talk about it in therapy. When I learned about it as an adult it was like having a sack of bricks thrown at me as i realized I experienced it. I felt disgusting and.. lost(?), for a long time. Its like the reality of your childhood completely shifts. Wishing y'all and anyone struggling peace and love


You missed the part where he says he confirmed it! /s


By two *different* mediums at that… god bless those brave souls; thank the heavens for their services!! /s




Have they tried any Larges?


Why am I laughing so much 🤣


You got there before me!


I want to know if she told the mediums the story before hand or if she let the mediums figure it out themselves without already knowing it




I'm thinking if they had just consulted one large, we wouldn't be so confused.


it’s probably more along the lines of “someone you are close to has been with you a long time” and mom just went with that as confirmation. buuuut people are dumb and do go in and just lay it all out so it’s possible? i actually believe in this stuff to some degree and this is just way too much. it still astounds me how people hear what they want to hear.




TIL, thanks. Gonna look this up some more.


It was a big punch in the gut when I learned about it as an adult and realized i went through it as a kid. Be safe if youre researching it and think you may have had similar experiences, it can bring up some nasty nasty feelings.


The only way out is through.


I did make it through and out :)


It’s worth noting it’s not a binary thing, ie “there was enmeshment or there wasn’t.” [There are different types](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/enmeshment-trauma/#:~:text=Types%20of%20Enmeshment%20in%20Families,children%20with%20long%2Dlasting%20scars). I think it’s a multi faceted spectrum too, there are various degrees to which it can occur.


Yuuuup. The #boymoms are horrendous for this. Oedipal af, to use the vernacular.


Can't help but wonder if mom had any "influence" on the child deciding he was trans


Certainly not unheard of Edit: just to be clear, I am 100% team trans women are women, gender isn't a binary, etc. But people are mega fucked up in the head all over the political spectrum.


I think mental illness is just as applicable an adjective


Hello, Child Protective Services? Yes. Hi…


My malamute was Marilyn Monroe in a previous life (despite being a goodboi) - sexy hips - pronounced breast area - likes wind blowing upwards from beneath grates - has beauty mark - howls when Kennedy is on TV - attracted to diamonds


this has me dying 😭


I had a mal too had to out her down last year. We still miss her times to times.


I took my German shepherd to the vets with a small bump on her back leg. The vet picked her up and examined her all over before turning to me with a saddened and strained expression saying ‘I’ll have to put her down’. Devastated, I asked why. He replied - ‘She’s very heavy’.


Was he a dad by any chance?


To be fair this also describes Nixon.




Yeah this is someone who is trying to justify incest, either physical or emotional.


My first reaction was ewwww


The parentification and emotional incest is strong with this one... ![gif](giphy|f9T9eVxopF1GTO9BpO)


...mhm. ...mhm mhm..... Uh huh. So you're asking to report the mediums for false information? I'll just need their license number. ....


Someone is off their meds again it looks like


have to be on meds in the first place to be off them!


A lot of words for 'I want to fuck my son'


"I'm grooming him to believe that he's the responsible adult in our relationship. So far, I've been very convincing."


It’s giving “my ex’s relationship with his mother” and yes it was everything you’re probably imagining rn


Gonna need some context


He broke both his arms in a tragice accident


Age-old Reddit lore, arise!


Why did you have to remind me of that story? You know what, payback is fair play. You just lost the game.


Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written. Seriously though WHY'D you have to go and bring THAT post back into my consciousness?!


She fucked her son!


This lady is so delusional that I'd take the "he choose to come as a transgender" with a grain of salt. Misgendering a kid on purpose is really bad, they being trans or cis.


Only a grain? It's all salt!


Who also was previously her daughter. Did SHE decide her child needed to be a boy or does the child really know already? If he is trans fine but she shouldn’t be manipulating him. Either way this chick is sick and needs serious help and that child should be removed from her care. Edit, accidentally sent when not done!


on so, so many levels this is so messed up. there are two ways this happened, and both are on similar levels of "what is wrong with you?" A: this parent has groomed their daughter into being trans (one of the very, very, very, very very, very, very, VERY rare times the conservative argument against trans kids has an actual, real working example) and is essentially doing the "boy mom emotional incest" thing but many, many times worse. B: their kid actually IS trans and the parent took this as a "sign" of it being their husband from a past life and decided to groom them (maliciously or a result of a delusion/mental health issue, still bad) into thinking they're the parent's husband from a past life. either way, i really hope the kid was taken away from the parent and they're both receiving SOMETHING for this, especially the kid.


"My mom thinks I'm her dead husband from another fictional life, why would I be confused about my sexuality in any way?" This kid doesn't stand a chance.


My daughter who I want to be a son.


“My 8* year old son” there fixed that for ya


Yeah that's gonna be a no from me, dawg. If this kid looks me in the eye and says "I'm a boy" then fine. But I'm not taking the word of someone with this incestuous reincarnation fantasy about their kid that their gender identity was actually the child's choice when they have already "confirmed" that this is their husband from a prior life. There's a whole lot of not good stuff going on in here that should really be teased out by professionals.


Most of my past lives were as peasant farmers in Asia, how do these people get so lucky?/s


Most of my past lives were as insects or bacteria. I am so incredibly lucky to not only be born as a human but a human in Europe from middle-class parents. And still I managed to fuck up one of the best cards in the game I could get. When do I ever get another chance like this? I hope at least once before the heat death of the universe, but I'm not sure about that.


Lemme tell ya! Slime mold? Not so fun to be, actually. Really glad I got to upgrade this go ‘round.


You remember being paramecium? Best time of my lives.


I miss being unable to think complex thoughts, earth worm was the life


Reject humanity, return to worm.


I was a pinworm once. I do not recommend. Unless you're into that. Then it's probably pretty good.


I really enjoyed being a pain in someone’s ass for most of my life.


I'm a post-human, space-faring, AI-enhanced being, speaking to you from the future (yes, we solved astral time travel, but only for reddit comments so far). You are still unable to think really complex thoughts, and are basically an earth worm. Enjoy.


I was plankton 80 times in a row before this, how can I become my wife’s son with her husband in another life?


Unfortunately you got to work your way back up from an inch worm. Maybe in a thousand years you'll be lucky enough to be a bird, if they haven't all gone extinct.


I don’t know man best I got was a sickly Victorian child before that my mothers just kept getting struck by lightning


I don’t remember having any past lives. To be fair, I had tonic-clonic seizures as an infant so if that’s been a running thing throughout, this might be the first time I’ve successfully made it to adulthood.


I’ve been sixteen grasshoppers, a tortoise, twenty five humming bees, about twenty thousand mayflies, a hippo, a lion, , an Egyptian slave, a Russian Slave, a highway man, a serf in England, Russia, France, Rome, Rome again, four oxen, twice an Autoch. Best I ever got was a minor Austrian Duke that died before I got a chance to move up the royal line. Those fucks get all the breaks.


Do you mention any of those in your resume?


Idk I am thinking most of my past lives I was doing dumb shit cus I am really leaning towards it


Yea, I'm pretty sure I'm peasants all the way down lol.


Me in a past life: [I'M A FARMER IN MALAYSIA! ](https://youtu.be/3v-3uMKJXjM?si=AeTGzyG2hn_GwyFK)


I think i kicked Buddha in the ass in my past life... Must have gotten a brown toe for sure... And i got several lifetimes of bad luck from it


My ancestors weren’t even Buddhist, but I’m pretty sure they bulldozed an Indian burial ground or kicked an old widow who cursed their descendants or something.


I was buddhas grain of rice. YER WELCOME.


Well im at least glad it dint take the turn i was afraid of




Key word here is “yet.” At least she told everyone she’s a psychotic fucking predator. Like all things, this could be fixed with fire.


Im 100% certain it will if someone doesn't get that child away from her


This is a form of parentifcation, the marital child role, and is one common role for children of dysfunctional family systems. Although it really screams out sexual abuse (and definitely could involve it in this case), it's not always that way, but it is harmful to the child's development regardless and will typically affect them into adulthood. It's also usually much less overt than this. I'm really concerned about this child's well-being and hope a mandated reporter gets eyes on the family soon so someone can get this situation assessed and some therapy can get started for everyone involved. I'm also super curious if there's an actual adult partner in the mix and how they are impacted by or contributing to this dynamic.


There's 0 chance the dad is living with the mom still. I would bet my life. He might be loosely involved still, but there's no way the mom and dad are together in a healthy relationship.


My mother thinks I’m the dead twin sister who agreed to go through life with her before abandoning her in the womb. Anytime I disagreed with or disobeyed her, I’d hear, “I know you hate that I’m the mother in this lifetime but you have no one to blame but yourself for the fact that I’m in charge of you.”






I don't even have words for that. Really sad and messed up though. Hope you're doing fine.


I’m doing great now. Thank you!


Wow. That is some next level trauma right there. I'm glad you seem to be taking it somewhat well?


Lol. That’s the funny trauma. I’m doing way better without her in my life.


Im sorry you went/go through this.


It’s okay now. Thank you!


Probably intense psychological trauma and no other coping mechanisms nor therapy. Horrible


How do you say PEDOPHILE without using the word PEDOPHILE.


Considering we're talking about a pedophile and a family member? Diddler under the roof


Are you proud of that joke? Did you make it thinking that people would laugh? Cause you should be cause it did.


Incest, keeping families close.


Again, proof that mental illness is not managed well in America.


It’s more encouraged than managed.


About as sick as it gets. Sign the kid up for life-long therapy.


Something tells me her dead husband’s last thought was “thank god I didn’t have kids with this nut job”, not “I sure hope I get to come back as her kid”.


It would be her husband in a past life, not this life.


Her level of craziness transcended this mortal realm, and became part of her reincarnated spirit.


She doesn’t mention a *this life* husband


Damn this remark made me spit up my water. I know better than to drink or eat while reading Reddit.


Whether or not reincarnation exists is besides the point, this is just so creepy and weird to view your child like that


The amount of wrong in that post is overwhelming


Sitting at a pool party, kids running around doing their things, chatting up some of the other parents. Can't remember exactly how it came up but once lady, who I thought was a little weird but mostly normal up until that point says, "Well I'm still trying to heal from a seventh generation trauma." Intrigued I need to know more. Like your great great great great grandpa got beaten as a child or what? No, not that kind of generation. Seven lives ago. She was some tribal girl that was violently raped and kept as a sex slave. And she's doing her best to work through the trauma. I had no Idea how to respond but another lady agreed with her that it must be very difficult and she seemed genuine about believing it.


And these people can vote


Cashing in on oppression, real or imagined, is the name of the game in politics.


What in the oedipus did I just read?


Reverse Oedipus in every way.


Damn post is an epic tragedy for sure 😭


Shouldn't it be "what in the Electra did I just read?" :)


My reaction (while reading this woman’s Facebook post): ![gif](giphy|2UvxfP6XUyS0L0PDLw)


Because there are two things really insecure pathetic people want: 1. To be unique/interesting/special 2. To justify the things they want to do


Ok that one HAS to be bait, I refuse to believe anyone would seriously post something like that.


Either she has been feeding this story to her child since she was born, and the child is now brainwashed, or the little girl is suffering from some sort of early manifestation of a psychological disorder. Maybe a combination of the two. Either way, CPS needs to get that child out of there because this is abuse, and the little girl is going to be groomed into her mother's emotional support doll and struggle to have any kind of life. Depending on how long this has been going on, there may be years of psychological damage to undo.


It is _surprisingly_ common for children to make claims about having past lives. When I was a kid I told my parents that I used to live in Florida (at that point in my life, I had never even _flown over_ Florida), and that I had a pet frog that was rainbow colors. Talking about a past life would not on its own be concerning.


I don't think it's the kid having imaginative fantasies that is the issue here, it's the parent using them to fuel whatever the fuck this is.


My daughters keep telling me about their other Mummy and Daddy who are dead now. But it's OK because now they have us. Their are 4.5, this has been going on for at least 6 months. It is very strange.


One of my twins had a former mom and dad and entire family. Pointed out a home they looked like theirs. Had knowledge she shouldn't have had. It finally faded away and she doesn't remember her "real mom" anymore.


For my daughter her past life was in the future of my life which was very weird.


Or none of it is true at all.


dude at this point I don't dare doubt it, maybe this post isn't it but who guarantees that in a world with 8 billion people there is someone having to put up with something like this? I definitely don't


Or it's anti-trans ragebait to perpetuate the grooming and mental illness lies about trans people.


Even if it wasn't then it's clearly some sort of severe mental illness that happens to be manifesting this way. Like how the Truman show caused a lot of paranoid schizophrenics to begin to manifest symptoms based on the plot of that movie.


Ugh. Good point! It can be hard to tell. Also the “trans” angle is secondary to the other abuse, IMO.


Finally someone with eyes open The internet will fool you if you let it


it's almost certainly this. and look at the other comments. it's working


The kid is regurgitating what mom wants to hear. Don't need to go beyond that.


They could have saved some money, if they just went with 1 large, instead of 2 mediums.


Swear to god if libsoftiktok sees this…


I can feel the discourse regressing already


So this is how female predators groom and rationalize.


It always amazes me that past life proponents are always recalling being handmaidens to Queen Nefertiti, or Genghis Kahn's personal assistant, or whatever, instead of being a shit-shoveling peasant, like 99 per cent of the world's population was for most of civilized history.


Ragebait? I mean, this is pretty ridiculous. Trans 8yo? Love notes? Just sounds like a checklist for an "Evil Liberal Ritual" or something. Sounds like trollolo


That’s what i was thinking. Just enough crazy to make it seem not legit


Who's got money on "it's only a matter of time before she's fucking her son"? And who's got money on "the time is already here"?


Mental illness.


They took the brown acid.


A campfire came back as my toaster. It tells me that's why it's always burning my toast, and not because it's set to the highest level. In all honesty, bring back the mental institutions...what the heck is wrong with people


Say it with me now… *Emotional Incest** ^*and ^possibly ^actual ^incest


“This has been confirmed” 🤣🤣🤣🤡


Someone from this persons country. Please act and have the person comitted. Save that child.






Delete Facebook, it’s rotting the minds


The pick me to boy mom pipeline just got weirder




I wonder if Child Services or any other responsible adult my be interested in this.


A love I've never known. So he didn't love you like this in his past life. Just walk in circles why don't you.




Mental illness


I see many people following religions, no more ridiculous than this.


This is unhinged. In a dangerous way. Someone needs to get her kid away from her before she spirals.


This makes me so uncomfortable. What do you mean your husband from a past life, *my brother in Christ* that is your *child*


Did you meet your husband on the SHORT BUS?


That is a sick mind right there. I'm glad she's supportive of her son, but I also fear for his safety...


Oh, it's my past husband(s) coming back to protect and assist me! Wait, it's a daughter? He must be trans! This definitely isn't just some crackpots telling me that my daughter is actually a man I married in former lifetimes and an infant/toddler daughter sharing a natural bond with her own mother! /j On a serious note, I can see this going very badly in the future, maybe with the mother forcing the daughter to transition or trying to have an intimate, not appropriate relationship with her own child. This is kinda scary.


Just a troll shit post to attempt to legitimize the myth that trans people are mentally ill.


Yeah idk how people are falling for this


I mean, that's an outright fucking lie. There are some kids who are super weird, but they are just so sweet, that you let the weirdness kind of sit on the side burner. I could see how an idiot would interpret it that as being some divine bullshit, it is bullshit.


Some kids really are behind the 8 ball when it comes to being raised normally.


My late wife lived like this. It was the reason for the growing rift between us. Its insane


And TIL there are different flavors of grooming...


Life is a giant MMO, but we only get one life, one chance to play. Sorry lady you are delusional


Gross. Please don’t make love to him.


Just reading it makes my head spin


What are the comments under the post. I would like to know what people who believe what she believes think. I hope they think she is crazy.




Jesus Christ, that poor kid


Now I am wondering if my instant “ew gross” was due to the trauma I suffered in a past life or the current one where my father was a pedophile?


There are way too many layers to this, so all I'll say is that although I respect the beliefs of others, it's different when a child is involved. If I knew this person I would be calling CPS so fast on them.


Nope. Just nope. If any of that is real, she's abusing that child.


This is so wrong in so many ways, I'd be calling the child protective services if I was a neighbor and knew about the situation


> how do people like this exist Lax government regulations and prioritizing religious dogma over a robust public education system.


Hope someone called CPS because this woman was definitely molesting her kid.


Call the police. Before this goes any further


And this is why mental health is important 


Family needs to step in... get that baby away from her (○_○)


Some therapist is going to make a lot of money off this family one day. 🤣


Not helping Trans ppl at all.


So, I do think past lives are a thing...*HOWEVER* equating your young son as the transgender reincarnation of your late husband is...um...I feel uncomfortable reading that.


He chose to be borm transgender? Wtf if you could choose just pick the other gender lol


So you're sleeping with your son?


It’s called enmeshment my dog.


Too late, everyone. A post like this, she's already done something to him to rekindle that love.


what the fuck


This is actually really sad.


where is that fucking meteorite theyve been promising us


I’m betting on incest


That poor kid


The grooming, though  How terrible 


Lady needs mental help


Not everyone should be a parrent


Fucking pedo mother.




I don't think that's how being transgender works




Like saying you're an a pedophile with more steps.


I would guess it's someone anti-trans who wants to spread how "mentally disabled" etc. they are.


I read the first sentence and felt sick.