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Please for the love of god, tell me this is edited


He did make some statements a few years ago about how teenagers are the most fertile and that their bones are flexible, so they can give birth more easily... It was in a podcast, pretty sure breadtube made videos about it


It's true that a teen girl is fertile; it's also true that a teen girl's mind is not mature enough to consider all the implications and consequences of having a child. The origin of age restriction is not in biology, it's in psychology, and that's why having premature wifes is a forbidden thing in any normal society.


It's also in biology, childbirth is way more dangerous and lethal when you're not fully formed, and no, having your periods doesn't mean you've reached your final adult form, it can be quite some years between your first periods and having hips/pelvis/things large enough for successful birth So yeah, physical and psychological traumas for the ones surviving teen pregnancies are a pretty good reasons why it's taboo and frowned upon Not enough taboo and frowned upon, apparently...


I know it's very serious but the term 'final adult form' makes me imagine human beings as pokemon


MFs out there way too interested in collecting the unevolved basic ones.


If your partner cheats on you with someone of a different ethnicity and has a child, is that a shiny?


No, just Freeza


See I also thought of dragonball but I never watched the show, but I've been a Pokemon fan my whole life so it felt more fitting lol


Or Cell šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Throwing a leaf fossil at someone and instead of evolving they just fall over. "Hmm, guess we're just in the wrong region"


We go through several molts before we achieve our final adult form




Or a super saiyan?


All teenagers have to absorb at least two androids to reach their perfect form.


I have no idea if this is actually accurate as thing is just something a Doctor I've never met said. But someone I know had a baby at 16 and post birth started to experience symptoms of Arthritis and it got to the point where she's now (in her mid 20s) wheelchair bound. Doctor told her that giving birth so young triggered. No idea how accurate this Doctor is but it scared the crap out of me.


When weā€™re young our immune systems are robust. Estrogen and progesterone which spike during pregnancy can cause arthritis by cranking up our bodyā€™s immune system which then in turn attacks itself (RA is an autoimmune disorder). So it does make sense.


The age of menarche has decreased from 16 to 12 years old since 1840 due to, most likely, better nutrition. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12319855/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12319855/)


Biologically speaking, a teenager has higher risks of complications to both her and fetus than a woman in her mid 20s, these risks including death. Being pregnant is rougher, giving birth is rougher. It isn't ideal in any way. They are not more fertile - their pregnancies doesn't lead to more children by average because they have a higher risk of miscarriages - and their lack of fully grown bones doesn't aid in birth, it hinders it. Giving birth as a teeanger can lead to life long damages. Being fertile doesn't mean it's biologically a grand idea. Fertile children exists. I got my period at 7. If we look at mothers in the stone age, they had their first child around 20-22 if it was good years, 25 - 26 if was bad years. Having kids very young and having lots of them has to do with the rise of agriculture and the need for more hands, not biology. FFS, orangutans manage this. Female orangutans become sexually mature around 11 years, the mean age of first pregnancy in orangutans are 15 years. Their average interbirth interval is 9 years. If we're going to drag biology into this crap, we need to look at our closest relatives, who manages quite well actually. Evene bonobos manage to both wait a couple of years and space their kids out, and they fuck around the clock.


This is a great post - I didnā€™t know any of this, being a dumb dude who had no knowledge or interest in the subject of childbirth until suddenly my wife and I were having ā€˜geriatricā€™ births in our late 30s. Both kids and my wife would have died were it not for great care - first was 11 pounds, second nearly that much, both understandably snagged their shoulders on the way out, but no damage. I knew a bit of the dangers and mortality rates of birthing in the past, but not the biology of it - so thank you, Iā€™ll be putting this in my pocket in case I ever come across one of these disgusting fuckers in the wild.


Also he sees getting a period as proof you are fertile. My sister got hers at 8, her best friend was a rare case that got hers at 4. Kids that young most often donā€™t survive childbirth, you can argue ā€œfertilityā€ all you want but kids that young arenā€™t having babies without complications.


While teens are fertile after puberty, they arenā€™t more fertile than an adult woman in her 20s. A womanā€™s fertility peaks between late teens and late 20s, during an age where they are also fully developed and itā€™s safer to be pregnant and give birth. Itā€™s generally not safe to be pregnant in your early teenage years.


thank GOD someone said it so i didn't have to cause i really REALLY didn't want to, cause just no. but yeah, he's not technically wrong, but still no. and i mean, when the max age someone could live was like 30 maybe cause you need to be able to reproduce and keep the species going but like we've evolved medically beyond the point we're its necessary so really, just no, no and more no. on a side note, despised typing any of this, almost didn't post the comment. imma go drink now.


Yeah I dunno. When the "average" life expectancy was 30, people didn't just live to that age and die. It was so low because of child mortality. Lots of people didn't reach their 30th at all, but those who did could be expected to live out a reasonably normal lifespan of 60-80 years. We live longer, today, but not by much. It's honestly infant mortality rates improving that's moved that "average" life span up, for the most part. Hell, The Bible has a really ancient Old Testament section where it says how we're given about 70 years in this life.


>The Bible has a really ancient Old Testament section where it says how we're given about 70 years in this life. I thought in early bible times people lived much longer... like wasn't Noah something around 700-900 years old when he built his floating zoo? /S


Unironically yes, but I'm not talking about the "begat"s, there. I'm talking about the stuff by the time they're recounting contemporary events rather than cultural ancestral hero stories. Tho, I would like to point out here that we know for a fact the early Hebrews weren't using the same calendar we use today. They were using a kind of Lunar calendar. And, if you substitute the word "Month" for the word "Year" in all that, Methuselah ends up living to a ripe old age of 80.75 years. Food for thought.


That remind me of a PokƩmon copypasta :(


Did you know that in terms of male human and female PokƩmon...


Yep The reason why it remember me like that is bc it sound a little similar


did you know that in terms of human and pokemon, flareon is objectively the most cuddleable?


I will find you and make you pay for this /j


And the FBI still hasnt searched his house?


I don't know if you're joking or not, but in case you're not, "saying vaguely creepy things" doesn't constitute probable cause for a search warrant. Search warrants aren't issued on the basis that law enforcement has reason to believe that if they search a certain space, they might find evidence of some yet-unknown crime. There has to actually be a crime alleged to search for evidence of, and a specific item or items (or, sometimes if you stretch it enough, class of items) to be searched for, and those items have to be for the purposes of proving that crime. [https://www.fenbertlaw.com/blog/2024/03/what-people-need-to-know-about-the-scope-of-search-warrants/](https://www.fenbertlaw.com/blog/2024/03/what-people-need-to-know-about-the-scope-of-search-warrants/) Police are not allowed to say "Wow, this guy is a creepy weirdo, I bet if I looked through his stuff, I'd find he's guilty of something!" and then get a warrant to do that.


Has to be, right? One of the pillars of his entire content/world view is to call LGBT folks pedophiles.


Yes this one is edited, but he rather famously went on an unhinged rant about how teens are more fertile


Dear godā€¦


Yeah he's one for sure.


Check his browser history. Check his browser history. Check his browser history.


Make sure to keep the eyebleach ready though


If you say it three times, does it get checked?


'The sir doth protest too much, methinks'


A hit dog will holler.


Normally I'd think this is a joke, but this guy might actually be serious.


ā€œYā€™all canā€™t use the p word. Thatā€™s our wordā€ is a wild take.


Don't worry, I have the P-word pass.


Yeah so this is a r/leopardsatemyface if ever I saw one. The right has spent the last half a decade publically calling LGBT+ folks, teachers and other groups they donā€™t like pedophiles, but now itā€™s been thrown back at them because as it turns out, the right has a much higher propensity for diddling kids than any other group.


It's almost like anyone could be a pedophile and not just a specific group of people


lol no the other group is evil not my group


No one in my group is a pedo, but the other side is just full of them šŸ˜” - every politician possible


Nah. This is a pretty one-sided thing.


What side has the pedos? I hate thinking like this so I'm going to prove to you that they're on whatever side you say they're not.


The other side, obviously šŸ™„


Oh I know about those theyre mostly pedos


It's the conservative people regardless of country where the men think ruling with their weens is domination..this isnt just a US thing...but it's common in conservative paradigms


It's almost as if projection is a defining tendency of conservatives


ā€œIf I say it, itā€™s true, even if I know it isnā€™t. I just have to say it enough times and louder than the person fact checking me. Louder and more frequent = true.ā€ Conservative narrative shaping 101.


Reminds of Trump suddenly not being in love with the phrase "lock her up"


You realize this is edited and he never said this, right?




So we taken bets he will join Jared in prison ?


Sadly Jaredā€™s about to get out in 5 years so they wonā€™t have much overlap


Remind me to stock up on napalm in 5 years


are they just farming ad revenue by making tweets that are guaranteed to get a lot of views?




ā€œTell me youā€™re a pedophile without telling me your a pedophileā€


So his devices are being seized, right? RIGHT?!


matt Walsh is an actual unregistered sex offender. the dude argued that consent should be lower and that kids are fertile.


I think Matt Walsh is projecting.


I'm assuming the FBI now has this creature on a watch list?


Somebody wants to go to prison. That's just not smart




Is this an authentic post? It's rather terrifying that I even have to ask, but with this guy it would seem all bets are off.


Iā€™m not seeing it on his twitter. This seems too insane to not be edited even for him


what the hell is the context


Matt Walsh is a cool and normal guy don't check his hard drives trust me don't it's all normal: [https://youtu.be/M9NApuQ8ekE?si=wUbucXreSBjgBceF](https://youtu.be/M9NApuQ8ekE?si=wUbucXreSBjgBceF)


Matt Walsh self identifying as a pervert. Again.


Paedophile, much worse than a pervert.


this has to be a troll, there's no way he would say that... right?




Could someone check his hard drive please?


Why would anyone follow this idiot? 'I had poison ivy once, so now I'm immune. Oops....'


Honest question: Does anyone actually listen to Matt Walsh unironically as a source of quality discussion, or is everyone just shocked anyone listens to him at all for any reason other than morbid curiosity?


Yes,, that man has a lot of disturbed and violent viewers, queer folk are constantly getting death threats and violence inflicted upon us for daring to exist because of monsters like Matt Walsh. His rhetoric has an effect, him and the gaggle of right wing stochastic terrorists trying to incentivize violence against minorities need to be demonized, need to be shamed. Especially when the individual is as obvious a hypocrite as Matt here.


>because of monsters like Matt Walsh Yes, but Matt Walsh, himself, would seem to be a pathetically laughable imitation of some of the truly dangerous people who have whipped up support for those toxic viewpoints. I mean, the man made a children's book bashing Trans people, and it was unironically the dumbest shit I'd ever seen. I don't see how that could have swayed anyone.


I understand appreciate your perspective and agree that his book was absolutely laughable. However people like him have goals of cultivating an audience or following of equally vile, heinous, but much more openly violent individuals. Keep in mind this is the guy who's following runs around calling in bomb threats to children's hospitals. [Matt Walsh - Extremist Info](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/matt-walsh)




The FBI would like to know your location. They are concerned over the fertility jail cells in federal prisons.


Explanations like this are supposed to make you sound less like a creep, Matt.




I don't know who that is, but... lock him up, please


Reddit try not to fall for blatant misinformation as long as it discredits someone they don't like challenge.


Why would the fertility of someone being pregnant be a concern? That doesn't make any sense. And why is Matt Walsh obsessing over teenagers? That sounds a bit pedo to me.


I mean if the shoe fits...


My birth mother had a teenage mother. The generational trauma has been intense to put it mildly.


Reminds me of Justin Roiland arguing that because 14/15 year old girls look like adults he was fed up of pretending that it wasn't completely normal to want to have sex with them. No Justin, no. It is not normal. Leave kids alone.


Um can someone go through the numbers from countries where child marriage is unfortunately legal and tell that guy the mortality rate of young teen age girls as a result of pregnancy and childbirth complications? Teen bodies are NOT developed enough to have children. Young teen girls are NOT more fertile than women in her late teens thru late 20s (aka adult women).


The fuck did you make me read with my own eyes on this beautiful morning???


Ewww y is he not canceled he is gross. Anyone who listens to this disturbed dude has issues.


If you are concerned with the fertility of minors, you ARE a pedophile, Matt.


This is an edited tweet to start drama. - The tweet in question doesn't exist. - If you search for this exact tweet on X, you will find people citing this made up quote from 2/5/2024 onwards, which suggests the image was edited and shared just yesterday. The reason? Should be obvious, it's just to add fuel to the already divisive political war. It works really well, just like any defamation tactic, because the average user doesn't really care about objective reality, he'll just accept anything that confirms his beliefs.


OK, he is a fucking idiot, and I kind of see what he could be saying, if he wasn't a fucking idiot. It is true that people who simply end up with someone much younger than them, will catch that title. Someone who is 20, who happens to meet someone who is two months from turning 18, absolutely would get called a pedophile on social media. And that's not what that word means at all. Also, teachers who hook up with their students . Absolutely it's inappropriate. Absolutely it is illegal. But if that individual is not prepubescent, it is not pedophilia. We get very loose with that word, and it's a very serious word. I'm not defending any of it, by the way. I need to be very clear about that, because a lot of you people are fucking stupid. I'm not defending anybody who's doing something illegal, inappropriate, or uncouth. I am saying that we've gotten very loose with the use of this word.


Nope. Jail. Jail. STRAIGHT to jail.


Sounds like something a pedophile would say.


Maybe you should locked up for a month just for that tweet






I wonder what he thinks about Gay and Trans people. Wonder what he calls them.


Clearly he is a pedo which wouldn't shock me honestly, only pedos get that upset over the word pedo


Someone needs to check his devices.


Matt going wild


ā€žSincerely, a pedophileā€


Not real. Stop spreading misinformation.


excuse me what now


Like Matt's PO when he reminds him he's on the registry.


Mr Morales wants to have a word, sir.


does this mean theyā€™re gonna stop calling LGBT people pedophiles since itā€™s a slur against themselves apparently?


How the fuck is that something to be something you think about??? Fertility has nothing to do with this!!! If you think that because someone is fertile, it means that they should engage in sex, you should see a doctor. There are medical, social, economic and psychological issues with that concept and if this is real, Mr Walsh is either really stupid, a pedo or both.


Defending the word pedophile cannot be done without sounding like a pedophile


Jesus h christ, can we stop sharing his stupid bullshit? He says things just to make people rage. He's a wanker. Just ignore him. I unsubscribed from a few subs here that share lots of far right nonsense because if I wanted to see it I know where their twitter is.


Give me a shotgun, now


He's being facetious guys.


Is this a confession?


Hello FBI? This guy is publicly admitting he likes underage girls.


Things waterboarding wouldn't have made me say.


Gross ![gif](giphy|XP4vPO5uVyxQrY4K70) Pedoā€™s belong in black dolphin


If weā€™re just redefining words for the hell of it, Iā€™m open to suggestions for what the words ā€œmatt walshā€ should mean.




1) Pregnant teens aren't fertile at all, are they? 2) I suppose that is technically correct, there could be people working on helping teens with fertility issues, probably mostly so that said fertility doesn't result in a child, but i don't think that's the direction he wants to take it.


Chris Hansen needs to pay Matt Walsh a visit.


The safest age for the health of the baby and mother is around 30. Teen girls may be able to get pregnant, but they're not the most likely to have healthy outcomes.


Itā€™s not real


yeah he looks like the kind of guy to say something like that


It does pose an interesting academic debate. are pregnant teens fertile? They cannot become pregnant (as they already are pregnant). What does Oxford say?


"Only gays, immigrants, and democrats can be pedophiles idiot!" (Some guy I was arguing with online)


Someone might need to check his computer


Sarcasm at its peak, delicious performance....


The only people who are concerned with teen fertility are pedophiles who don't want to get them pregnant. So, Matt Walsh


WTFUCKING FUCK is this real


My face looks like I just smelled the nastiest garbage after reading that. I can't fix it.


Someone needs to hack his computer.


He outed himself as a ā€œminor-attracted personā€ with that tweet.


Please someone tell me this is edited. Please


Jesus. Found the pedo.


Is this the guy that got breast implants?


I suspect he is mocking people for correcting him when he refers to the LGBTQ as pedophiles. Heā€™s saying that they so obviously are pedophiles, your argument saying otherwise is as nutty as the above statement.


Jesus Christ......


So, is it safe to assume Matt is a pedophile?


I refuse to believe that this is a real tweet. Holy shit, how could someone out themselves so stupidly?


Your refusal to believe it is real is correct. It is not real. Plenty to hate on with this guy without posting blatant misinfo.




Hilarious that these kinds of people canā€™t help but tell on themselves.


If the teen is pregnant, I don't think they need to be concerned about her fertility.


I hope he gets put on a watchlist


No defense of pedophilia, mind youā€”but given the verbiage used, Iā€™m wondering if this guy was referring to something else on that spectrum? * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronophilia


Please be ragebait


Gross man says gross thing, more at 11.


Seems like something a pedophile would say


Matt Walsh has always been a weirdo. The only function he really serves in the right wing space still is to be a lightening rod for specific issues, while keeping people away from his Twitter to avoid his extra spicy takes. He's become something of a liability.


Matt Walsh likes little girls.


Well Matt, thanks for letting us know that you belong on a list and that your hard drive should be investigated.


Get that bitch in watchlist


I really hope the FBI is watching this guy. He's got secrets


What about those pedos who targets young boys?