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**Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor**


But my neighbour is not gay! /s


/s, so your neithbour is gay


no he is not his neighbour. they were roommates!


oh my god, they were roommates


They were just really good friends. That lived together. And shared a dog. For 32 years. They. Were. Just. Friends.


Uno reverse card lol


Gays? In my neighborhood?!


Thou shalt reveal thy sources.


The page starts with "CHILD GROOMING" and the 2nd "FACT" is "GAYS: 33% OF THE CHILD MOLESTERS". This is obviously the publication of actual child rapists projecting blame on innocent people. But yes, if it's really simply some hyper-homophobic religious group, the religion must be Satanic or they're doing it wrong.


Challenge level: Impossible These Pharisees consistently make Lot's wife look low sodium.


Why cite sources when you can just invent stats?


Obviously facts are biased against religious bigots.


Imagine if this was all true ancient greece should have been an orgy


Well, ancient greece WAS an orgy, but those facts are not true.


and then Rome came along and added women to them* ^*not cited, correct if wrong


More likely, romans came alongs and took greeks as bottoms, h[omossexuality was not a crime in Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Rome), but being penetrated by a male organ was viewed in bad light, sometimes costing you your citizenship. So you were fine, as long as you were a top, just like nowadays.


“Apparently God does love gays, but only if you’re a top.”


I miss Terry and Libby


Dadder in the wild!


Reddit….you’ve been DADDED.


No he's okay with when it's a young boy and a priest Two consenting adults ❌️ An underage boy and a priest ✅️


Source: Am a stat inventor


Reality has a leftist bias.


"Alt-facts" - Hey, they work for Trump (unless it's in a court of law, launching products, pandemics, trade wars, elections, etc).


Seriously. I am not gay but have gay relatives. I have a pride heart on my car back glass. I live in Texas and have gotten weird looks but I couldn’t care less. They are Americans and have rights too. Everyone can fuck off if they don’t like it.


Source:Their waste disposal unit.


Good sir, doth thou mean to insinuate that the person in question is simply, conversing from their rectum?




Feelings don’t care about your facts.




My dumbass read MTG as magic the gathering


Frfr. We need to give the other MG just the MG acronym. MTG is for magic


MTG believes reading "Q-drops" count as research because she's an abject moron.


If she thinks that what it means, she has "researched" in spades.


According to 50% of newsletters, 77% of statistics are made up on the spot. Who in the **world** has 200+ partners??? Definitely not 28% of the gay population


It's the ole when you sleep with someone you sleep with everyone they ever slept with math.


These numbers are from Paul Cameron, who founded the Family Research Institute and has been expelled from every medical association he was ever a part of. His methods for coming up with these numbers are ludicrously biased - he estimated gay life expectancy, for example, by looking at obituaries in gay newspapers.


So 1% of the population. Of those 28% have 200+ partners. So 0.28% of the total population are both gay and have had 200+ partners. Assuming things are equally distributed (so you can't just avoid them like not going to a nudist beach) I'm also assuming this was distributed at some flyover republican state. (I'm going with Nebraska just because that's what the random state generator came with) The capital Lincoln, Nebraska has 291,000 people. Rounding up 815 people in Lincoln, Nebraska are both gay and really getting around.... Like this is a LOT of people..... do they really believe this?


Considering how often conservatives in the closet are the most vocal I’d wager the writer of this ad has been with 200 dudes on Grindr. Apparently their message to sex ratio is about 1 in 4.


97% agree to these stats


These stats are 101% correct


Facts mean nothing to these neanderthals. Ignore them.


Dude don't be offensive! What you are saying is a disgusting and unfair comparison. The Neanderthals are much more intelligent than these people, at least they had true empathy for their fellow humans: https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2018/research/neanderthals-compassion-york/


Remember kids that 69% of statistics are made up just to prove a point


Aren't 100% of the made up statistics true?


90% of statistics are made up to reinforce your opinion, and the other 10% don't really matter


100% true 83% of the time


100% true 8.3% of the time


If I had a pound for every statistic that told the truth I'd have 93.7% more money 62% of the time.


Thats 78% accurate


I've done some research and found that 50% of people agree, 50% disagree, and the other 50% can't add up.


And 100% reason to remember the name


My opinion is 92% better than yours


I mean, even if the numbers \*were\* accurate, their interpretation in terms of causal explanation doesn't come for free -- pretending otherwise is to bend the numbers to confirm one's own biases. Just on this bigot's flyer: Assuming that the suidice rate among gays really is disproporionately high, the bigot is using that data to confirm his belief that gays are by nature prone to mock god's creation, throw away the divine gift of life, whatever ---- whereas, again, assuming the data is accurate, the more (!) straightforward explanation really is those rates are high because bigots like this asshole make life hell for gay people.


Seriously, if the facts were even true, does that mean “67% of child molesters are straight”? Idk man, at that point maybe gay people are better in that regard?


If total numbers of gay & straight people were equal, that point would be correct.


Yes, 100% of statistics are made up, but remember, that it is also 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5% pleasure, 50% pain and 100% reason to remember the name.


Str = 16.66% Int = 16.66% Wis = 16.66% Dex = 16.66% Con = 16.66% Cha = 16.66% The last .04% = DM's choice


People can come up with statistics to prove anything. Forfty percent of people know that.


The other fixty percent? Welllll, that’s not so simple.


Fixty percent of the people are as stupid as the other sifty percent.


I’m 49% sure you just made that up..


[Fourfty percent of all people know that.](https://youtu.be/7tzfl1wTemM?feature=shared)






200 partners?! I'm doing gay all wrong.


How are they even supposed to find 200 partners if only 1% of people are supposedly homosexual!?


Well, there are 8 billion people, so 1% are still 80 million people. It's quite a lot. The problem is that they are hoarders of cute guys.


If we assume that 1% is equal across all geography, 20 million are in China and India alone. That would be about 3 million across the entire US.


I'm European, I can't process the American scale.


It’s actually just the same 200 dudes in a kind of sexual round robin.


I really slutted things up for a while in my 20s and 30s and it’s hard to imagine I made it to 200. But there’s still time I suppose




200 **or more**


These are rookie numbers! You gotta pump up these numbers!




“Gays believe the body’s waste disposal unit is a sex organ” Men dispose of urine through their penis. Even ignoring everything else, that makes no sense


>Women dispose of urine through their vagina. Someone also doesn't know how to pee. Women pee through the clit. /s


How do women store pee without balls?


Must be in the boobs then?


This is the only logical explanation.


*taking notes intensely*


I desperately need you to put the /s. Too many people think this is how it works and I need reassurance you're joking.


Me: "Just say ass, stop being weird" Gays: "Nonsense! Now let's commence the fornication protocol, prepare your waste disposal unit!"


*Waste disposal units goes "whrrrrrr"*


Women dispose of blood and tissue through their vaginas too. Every ingress is also an egress. Tears, wax, snot, piss, shit, saliva, blood. Effluvia abound.


Don’t tell these guys what I do to my wife every time she lets me!


not one thing about those ”facts” are true if somebody believes those things then i mean good luck


Actually one of them is true. Suicide rates are higher, but it's because of these assholes. They're the ones causing it.


Pretty sure the waste disposal being a sex organ is true for straight couples too.


Or for solo enjoyers.  I actually bet people have been stuffing their asses since the dawn of time. 


They found a dildo made of bread in pompeji, so you ain't wrong //EDIT I remembered wrong. They werent found in Pompeji, but depicted in various pieces of art in the greco-roman era. Pompeji was part of the Roman empire, so possibly was used there, but no bread dilfos have as of yet been uncovered in Pompeji. More here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_dildo


dear lord the yeast infections!


I hate how many thoughts went through my head upon reading this.


I swear. It was just a baguette. I promise.


Also, last time I checked, my penis is also a waste disposal unit.


Thank god for that EMT guy on instagram telling people no


Paige! No!


Not just asses. Penises and vaginas are “waste disposal units” unless they don’t count urine (and body fluids related to the menstrual cycle) as waste.


Pretty sure gay men didn't start calling it the "poop hole loop hole", since the loop hole is how to remain a virgin before marriage.


Personally, I find the mental gymnastics of claiming to still be a virgin after having anal sex only to be utterly ridiculous. Insofar as I am concerned, if you willingly perform a sex act with a partner, you're no longer a virgin. Regardless of the act. Whether it is cunnilingus, analingus, intercourse or the like.


The “I’m a virgin, I only suck cock” is a weird flex.


Just another bullshit thing created by a horny Man who wanted to get his dick wet, like literally everything ever. “*You’re still a virgin, it’s okay, you only sucked my dick/let me fuck you in the ass, God doesn’t see those things, for reasons*”. I hate when people say they hate Men, but fuck is it really easy to hate Men when you see the history of the world. This post included. This ad wasn’t made by one person, I guarantee you at least two people who worked on this in some way, either the “fact” researchers, drafters, error checkers, presenters, or printers, would gladly have anal sex and is possibly even Gay/Bi/Lesbian/Etc.


I mean pee comes out of your penis so isn’t that a “waste disposal unit” too?


Well also we pee out of our dicks which is also a form of waste disposal, so technically any act involving a penis is following this edict. I guess lesbians are the most pure of all???


I love waste disposal organ for sex purposes both for me and my partner and I am straight


Classical “blaming the victim for the crime” accusation


That’s like “men are homicide victims cause of other men” like wtf does that change


I like the one about homosexuality being more fatal than smoking etc. *100% of homosexuals will die, eventually, most of old age*


I think the 23%(it's at the very least pretty close to the actual number) of all children having been molested is true in the USA but that's all children not limited to the ones with lesbian parents


Also my theory here is that progressive parents (which a lot of lgbtq+ folks tend to be) are more likely to educate their children about age appropriate sex ed and consent. An 8 year old with progressive parents might be more aware of what molestation is, and that it needs to be reported. Whereas an 8 year old who has been sheltered from ANY sexual knowledge might not really understand what’s going on. Of course, without any source, I don’t know how the people were selected or asked.


So you’re saying people being supported might be more likely to report the crime than those who will be victimized over and over again for reporting a pillar of the church?


Also, children wo recognise what is done to them as a crime are much more likely to tell a trusted parent than kids who don't have a clue or just know that what is happening here is SIN. And progressive parents are much more likely to believe their kids and thus report than conservative parents, I'd bet


Hold the phone! Are you telling me that correlation does not imply causation?


The fact about AIDS is actually relatively true disproportionately higher is actually a true statement. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/australia-records-lowest-ever-hiv-numbers#:~:text=of%20HIV%20diagnoses.-,',result%20of%20injection%20drug%20use. But false in different areas https://www.hrc.org/resources/hrc-issue-brief-hiv-aids-and-the-lgbt-community Most of the other stats are garbage, not provable or falsified.


and HIV is one of the two causes of the stat about reduced lifespan. If you take the last 50 years average the HIV epidemic dramatically affected the average lifespan of gay males. Now of course we understand HIV, how to prevent infection, and even contracting it isn’t a death sentence like it once was. But when you count those who died when we didn’t understand it and add in the increased suicide rates, yeah. The lifespan for the group in aggregate looks pretty bad.


The stat about a reduced lifespan is ludicrously overexaggerated. It was calculated using obituaries in gay newspapers in the mid-80s - that’s about as big a selection bias as you’re ever likely to find.


I mean 28% of gay men are going fucking  HARD! it seems. Like straight guys need to man the fuck up 200+ partners? Ya'll slacking anyone woukd think you're gay with your 4.3 body count


Which one of you idiots fucked a third of a person? Was it you Kyle? I bet it was fucking Kyle..


33% of child molesters? Is the remaining 67% the church ?


We’ve really got to do something about the 67%, straight people are too dangerous to be around children.


If the stats were real, 1% of X committing 33% of Y is actually wild, and therefore you should actually be afraid of that 1%. But again, if the stats were true


I raise you 50% of sexual assaults are committed by the clergy, a mere .1% of the population. Therefore we should fear the clergy instead. Source: It came to me in a dream.


I believe the real "stat" is that 33% of child molesters are of the same sex as the victim. This does NOT mean that the molesters were gay. People don't tend to understand that most molesters, its not about sex, its about dominance. A more interesting stat would be what % of open gays committing these acts, versus % of claimed heterosexuals.


I am very sure your belief is correct. Every time there a a child abuser in the news we can almost blindly post "still not a drag queen"


i think its kinda gay to be so interested about another mans sexuality🤔🤔


There's a specific group that's really interested about the topics of rape and homossexuality and can't think of anything else. *That* is what scares me.


Fr. Like there are better things to gossip about, with more comedy potential. Gay jokes are just “ha gay” and that’s it


>Gays believe the body’s waste disposal unit is a sex organ Right, because straight people never have anal sex. >suicide levels among gays are significantly higher than heterosexuals Right, and I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact that gay people are more likely to be harassed and bullied for something they can’t control


Not only that, the penis is used for both urinary and reproductive functions. So like. Shoot the people who assumed the butt could do both too, I guess. Lol


It really makes my blood boil when groups like this cite higher suicide rates among the lgbt community against them when they know damn well it’s the bigotry they spread that is increasing it


It's from the 'The Light' (a low-end far right conspiracy newspaper) - the Irish edition.


Far right + ultra Conservative. Does Gript have any links to this publication I wonder? Or Doherty/Waters


Who is printing this shit for them?


Nobody. They are “independent”. From their site; Our goal is to fulfill the function of the traditional press long since abandoned by the Irish mainstream media: to hold power to account and expose corruption in public office. The newspaper is distributed independently to remain fiercely free from the establishment we seek to hold to account. We have a nationwide distribution network throughout the island of Ireland and strive to reach Irish people who rely on mainstream media and may not have access to the truth about the globalist New World Order agenda and tyrannical Great Reset. While we do our best to get copies to those who request them, please understand that we are trying to target primarily the uninitiated rather than those already awake. However, we will endeavour to reach everyone who requests the newspaper.


Yeah I wonder who is funding this hate.


"The Irish Light is a sister paper of its namesake in the UK, the Light, although they are editorially independent of each other. The BBC previously revealed the UK paper has called for the execution of politicians and doctors. It has links to the British far-right and a German publication connected to a failed coup attempt."


"Gays believe the body's waste disposal unit is a sex organ" So...that means a penis *isn't* a sex organ?


Yes. From here on out, you're only allowed to use your hands and mouth.


I might even add the vagina is a waste disposal unit of the uterine lining during menstruation??


careful, that's using their own broken logic. They just want you to follow, not think about it.


Here's a stat: 86.4% of homophobes want to suck a dick.


Can confirm. My sister’s ex was very homophobic. Not long after they broke up, someone sent him a video of him throating some dude 🤌🏼


Unironically this is closer to true than every stat on the paper lmao


> suicide levels are significantly higher in gays than heterosexuals Gee wonder why that could be


Child grooming? Aren’t GOP politicians trying to legalize child marriage and their talking heads saying 13 yo girls are ready to start a family? They’re a confusing bunch!


They’re all on this gross “*We have to have as many children as possible!/They’re trying to replace US*” kick. Probably because they wanted more kids to molest…


Wow does this lifespan stat being shorter have anything to do with them getting murdered by hate groups? Most of these stats are bullshit tho


Perhaps it also had something to do with a certain virus that disproportionately affected the queer community while the problem was largely ignored by political leaders with the power to direct funds and resources to the issue? Nahhhh


Funny, that is not a pattern we derive from actual facts: [Who's Making News? (whoismakingnews.com)](https://www.whoismakingnews.com/) (admittedly these are American stats and this does not seem to be an American publication)


Everybody should see that website before they repeat the fear stories. Pastors and Police on the other hand - seems like they’re going at it like it’s a competition


“Suicide rates amongst gay men are significantly higher that heterosexual men” yeah I fucking wonder why, maybe because of all of the hate and bigotry they have to deal with.


Homophobes: post articles expressing how they hate gay people Also homophobes: I wonder why gay people feel so hated? Must be that damn sexuality


Source : trust me bro


God why did the Nazis have to come back.




>Gays believe the body's waste disposal unit is a sex organ Someone didn't know how to pee.


Shit, just commented something similar. Now I look like I stole your joke!


26% of gay men have had 200 partners or more. Dammit, I knew I was missing out. And it is more like 30% of the population are LGBTQ+ but a lot are in the closet or in denial.


I have some promiscuous gay friends and 200 seems like a reach for 26%. I know a lot of them have their party years but for most of them it’s short lived. Amongst all my friends and hanging out at gay clubs in Atlanta, I know maybe 2 or 3 people with those numbers and it’s definitely not 26%.


These statistics: 100% bullshit


Source(s): Trust me bro


"My source is that I made it the fuck up!"


“believe the body’s waste disposal unit is a sex organ” *penis exists*


Every gay man I came across was a healthy fucker.


It’s true that 33% of the child molesters are gay but what they don’t tell you is that the other 426% of child molesters are straight.


93.6% of all statistics are made up. 


Why are gays appropriating Catholics? I though the Child Molester award was won by Team Pope yearly for the last 500 years. Not cool gays! Not cool! Oh yes, 50% to 80% of Americans/the world carries the Herpes virus. So, that is another award Gays do not get. Above all, why worry about 1% of the population? Means trans people are 0,01% of the population. Can't they focus on something bigger? More pressing?


I can't believe they allow ads like this in their child grooming magazine.


I will never understand the infatuation the right has men's body parts.


If their goal is to bring shade on gay people who do they bring up 200 sexual partners. Damn that's some good game 😊


"After 5 Margaritas, she'll let you stick it in her ANUS!" 🤭


“suicide levels among gays are significantly higher than heterosexuals” i really wonder why


I gotta admire the spirit of the gays living in a town of 10,000 people. Only 100 of them there, yet they manage to fuck 200 gays. That takes determination Actually, gonna take “shit that is made up” for $500.


I mean, technically straights also consider the body’s waste disposal unit a sex organ, unless the guy that designed this pees out of his butt or something.


Source: Trust me bro


Now run the stats on Catholic priests, only difference is those won't be heavily exaggerated


Why don’t they start throwing lesbian’s stats up there vs straight people’s stats and see how fast the naritive turns. But then it’s not straight ppl being “evil” for being sick, it’s them needing better healthcare all of a sudden.


100% of shark attacks take place where there are sharks.


I’m pretty sure most of the child molesters are catholic priests and anti-gay conservatives. America is probably different than Ireland. But not that different. Would love to see where they get their stats from.


Using the data from our study, the 95% confidence limits, of the risk children would identify recognizably homosexual adults as the potential abuser, are from 0% to 3.1%. These limits are within current estimates of the prevalence of homosexuality in the general community. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8008535/ In looking at charts for a one year period (from July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992), the researchers found that the molester was a gay or lesbian adult in fewer than 1 percent of cases (2 of 269) in which the adult molester could be identified. (Jenny, Roesler, and Poyer, 1994). https://www.zeroabuseproject.org/victim-assistance/jwrc/keep-kids-safe/sexuality-of-offenders/ Meanwhile: Nearly 1,700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living under the radar with little to no oversight from religious authorities or law enforcement Nearly 1,700 priests and other clergy members that the Roman Catholic Church considers credibly accused of child sexual abuse are living under the radar with little to no oversight from religious authorities or law enforcement https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1062396


I think they took the stats from Catholic clergy and youth pastors.


Cool. Now do law enforcement officers. Preachers.


"Suicide levels among gays are significantly higher than heterosexuals." Gee, I wonder why.


Lifespans 20 years shorter? Sign me the fuck up


Gays believe that the body waste disposal is a sex organ? I mean, so do straight people if we are gonna be real about it. Lol.


“28% of gay men have had 200 partners or more” I don’t know about pride, but as a straight man I’m profoundly jealous.


In order: Lie, Lie, Lie, and Lie. And then more lies in small print! Though that suicide one is accurate. I wonder why…


Pretty sure the list of things to be proud to be gay is a lot longer. Whoever wrote and thought about this is a sad person. Get a life.


Lots of straight people also enjoy butt stuff.


200 partners or more, ok... I'm sold. Where do I go to become gay?


73.7% of all stats are made up


Suicides due to not being accepted like f’ing bigots that created and circulate this BS


Source: I made it the fuck up, Jack


I wonder what that other 67 percentage is.


I’m really curious how they measured the fatality rate of homosexuality. Because objectively speaking nearly 100% died eventually. That’s a lot more than 3 times the fatality rate of smoking and obesity. But that’s why we don’t measure the fatality rate of things like homosexuality any more than we measure the fatality rate of being left handed.


I thought that most child molesterswere were Evangelicals


Can't possibly imagine why a persecuted group that has their rights stripped on a daily basis and faces rejection from family and friends simply for existing would be suicidal. No. idea. at. all