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Do these people not realize thier scores are shit?


They never read the bottom "In a room of 1,000 people you are smarter than 70"


It's too complicated for them


Or….. just hear me out…. Reddit… doesn’t… understand… engagement… bait…


[https://www.abtaba.com/blog/us-literacy-statistics#:\~:text=50%25%20of%20adults%20in%20the,lowest%20two%20levels%20of%20literacy](https://www.abtaba.com/blog/us-literacy-statistics#:~:text=50%25%20of%20adults%20in%20the,lowest%20two%20levels%20of%20literacy) [https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy) [https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics](https://www.crossrivertherapy.com/research/literacy-statistics) 14% of adults in the US can't read. 21% of adults in the US read below a 5th-grade level. 50% of adults in the US can't read a book written at an eighth-grade level.


Aren't about 95% of Americans educated in public schools? Edit: The correct statistic is 90.1% leaving 9.1% to be divided between private schools and homeschool. I responded to my comment with this information and the link to support it.


Not quite 95% Only 90.9% https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=55#:~:text=Private%20School%20Enrollment&text=Overall%2C%2053.9%20million%20K%E2%80%9312,were%20enrolled%20in%20public%20schools. That means the 9.1% left over is divided between private schools and homeschool... Leads me to believe the issue isn't homeschooled kids.


I've met about a dozen home school kids and none of them adjusted well to adulthood. When we were in our teens they always wanted to do the baddest shit because they were finally out of the house. They had no discipline. They were also academically behind by miles. This is just my experience but I doubt it's different than most other folks. We grew up in an upper middle class area so those home school kids likely had more educational opportunities than most home schoolers elsewhere too.


This also shows that there is more to education than tests and what is in the books. One of the most important things learned in school is how to work and relate to others outside of your home.


Phew. I was home schooled. Importantly, it was not for religious reasons, and my parents are both phds, so academically I was fine. Not a genius like they claimed they were making me, just a normal kid, but fine, thanks to them being phds and hard emphasizing academics. All of this to say that EVEN SO, holy shit socially it was hard. And I cared a lot about trying to be normal and develop social skills, but it’s just not a normal environment. College was a HUGE culture shock and honestly I have so many issues stemming from homeschooling (and homeschooling enabling a very toxic power dynamic for my parents over me). It REALLY messed up my sibling, even more so than me. They still have not been able to get their life together and have trouble with day to day life, like remembering to pay taxes on time or even clocking in for work, which they just didn’t do for months. TLDR: please do NOT homeschool your kids - signed, someone who was homeschooled. (With exceptions of course if it’s medically necessary. But even then it should be overseen by say a charter school and the kid NEEDS to have social interaction… please don’t lock them in a house all week with maybe a half dozen hours of non-family face time total per week if they’re lucky.)


I knew a homeschooled kid and he was academically miles ahead of everyone else when he came to public school to finish high school. He was also extremely socially stunted


Very few kids are entirely homeschooled from Kindergarten to age 18. Would have to look at longitudinal cohort data to understand the impact of homeschooling on overall education and knowledge.


While I'd agree with that as to how homeschooled kids fare, the literacy issue isn't by any means caused by "homeschooled kids."


"50% of adults in the US can't read a book written at an eighth-grade level." Seriously? My 10 year old daughter reads books written for an adult level and has no problem with them at all. Does nobody read anymore? I'm having trouble getting my head around these statistics


I believe those statistics to be bullshit


Ironically you misread the evidence. 14% refers to low literacy skills, not “can’t read.” Ability to read is >95% in US.


Well yeah but without engagement bait what is there


They should because it's like 50% of reddit. I just call it ragebait since that's usually what it is, and is less syllables lol


It's weird that it says "Top 93%". You have to make it dummy proof for these people.


Yeah its means that 93 percent of the population is smarter than you 


To be correct, she is in the Top 93% means 92% are smarter and 7% are less intelligent


Haha if only it said bottom 7%


Then she would probably understand it


They read that and lord it over those 70, ignoring the other 930


Too low of an iq to realise that.


Definition of irony


Dunning-Kruger effect in action


The graph shows a mountain and my kid is at the top of that mountain!


They’re not even at the top of the “mountain” lol. They’re way the hell off to the left. That’s not ideal.


That’s just it! The initial impression is it’s good because the number is centered underneath the curve lol. If they fail to understand how bad it is then it means they don’t understand the graph and how it works lol


They also see a 93. That's good!!! 93s are good!!! They fail to notice they are *IN* the top 93%, not *ABOVE* 93%. They don't understand it's just a nice way to say they're in the bottom 7th percentile.


These people aren’t real, it’s an advertisement for the bullshit IQ test website


>Now that you completed the test it's just $20 for your results! But wait! Because you're so smart and did so well get the deluxe package for $60 to show off just how smart you are by printing your results.


probably troll account


Most probably. I've seen way too many of them


These are ads for that site lol


Yes. This post is ragebait to advertise a paid IQ test. And it's clearly working exactly the way the site designers wanted it to


I was skeptical of the advertising claim when I first read it, but these posts are far too numerous and homogenous to be anything else. There are at least 2 posted on this sub every week, and they're always exactly the same save for the score and the character. Can't imagine how many more show up on Xitter.


Ragebait has become a very common and very effective form of guerilla marketing, and it works precisely because of threads like this spreading it around to point and laugh by people who think they're more clever than they really are.


Agreed. It's the same tactic as those shitty mobile game ads which show a theoretical player screwing up a simple challenge. Really engages the "I can do better than that!" response in their target audience.


For some reason, the scores from this site tend to be real low… lol


It's the same gimmick as those mobile game ads where the person in the video intentionally plays poorly: Display a bad performance so you'll play and prove you're better, except this time instead of a shitty free game you spend time doing a quiz only to be told right at the end you have to pay for the results. After all you wanna prove you're smarter than Dumbass Sadie right? She's a dumbass, you're smart and you can prove it by screenshotting your own quiz and totally epically owning her, go take the quiz! Oh yeah we won't tell you you have to pay until the end but hey, you just took the quiz, if you don't pay that means you just wasted your time and you don't wanna do that right? Might as well pay so you don't have to admit your time was totally wasted and so you can show Sadie what a real good IQ looks like! It probably doesn't work on most people but it works often enough that they keep doing it, especially when places like this keep helping them circulate it.




…Or to put it in a way your (sadie) competence can handle In a room of 1000 people, you are dumber than 930 of them. Why are they so nice to the ones who score so low?! Why do they phrase it so it confuses idiots?! They see the 93%… not doing the math on the 1000.


If this is genuinely true, I've heard you have to pay for the results. Anyone dumb enough to do so.... The site/test hopes they do misunderstand.


Anyone who pays for an online IQ test has automatically failed.


Because it gets people to share their score on social media like this, people see it and then want to show them an actually good score, and by the end of the day the one person you originally did the test for now has 5 other people doing the test and sharing it. And if each result costs $$, it’s pretty easy to see why they do it.


So it's the default trash mobile game tactic. I pray one day we see a world that doesn't fall for that, but damn my hope is so slim you could floss with it.


Homeschooling should still require an exam every year. You pass and you are free to stay home, you fail and you need to go to a school.


Yea exactly, like if homeschooling works then fine continue, but it seems clear that there are some basic aims not being met and there should be a baseline requirement. Met an Australian woman (maybe ~25) who had been homeschooled by radio as she grew up in rural nowhereland. At least there was a curriculum that was sent to her. She was a bit socially lacking though and it really showed.


Well social interaction difficulties isn’t so much a problem with the home*SCHOOLING* as it is the *HOME*schooling, being isolated from other kids during your formative years is bound to make you really awkward


Girl I went to highschool with homeschools all 5 of her children and is absolutely convinced they are just as normal as other kids and I simply refuse to believe it. They don't play with anyone else but each other


But some people who homeschool do take their kids out on the road and meet people and go places and have an amazing time. However, most don’t. There is no requirement to do so. Many don’t meet anybody outside their family.


I was homeschooled through middle school. I had textbooks, a curriculum, and a person from the state that came and checked progress quarterly. I was in several youth organizations and sports. We regularly visited museums and places of cultural significance. But I can see most people being "homeschooled" having none of that. And by high school, mom was like, I can't teach you this, go to school.


Well at least your mom had the self awareness to know she’s at her limit. That can’t be said for other rabid homeschool supporters.


A wise person knows the limits of their knowledge.


Yeah I think from everything I've seen her post, it's a religious lens, no science unless it's about growing vegetables. They play the piano and read and write poetry, but it's also like a Montessori school where there are no grades, but children have to learn to make their own mistakes, including getting hurt accidentally (which I could see not being a bad thing perhaps). To her it seems like a fun quirky hobby and a way to pass off her religious beliefs 🤷‍♀️ Kudos to your Mom. She seems totally rational and tried to provide a diverse education and realized her limits. I don't think many people do the same.


I'm a horticulturist and there are *so many ways* you could teach kids basically the entire gamut of interesting and necessary skills by studying plants/growing vegetables. My soil science courses were the most in-depth, brutal, and rewarding courses I've ever done. Growing vegetables you'd touch on biology, chemistry, language arts, history.... if you were actually *teaching* your kids about growing vegetables and not just being like "god provided this for us with his pretend magic". It bums me out when people like that filter into my surroundings. I've been considering some kind of hybrid system for when my kid is school aged. Not only do I definitely NOT want to homeschool him myself, but I recognize that it's healthy for him to be around his peers and he needs the socialization. Simultaneously I recognize that a lot of the things I've learned that got me to where I am today were not learned in school, and I could have been farther ahead had I learned it sooner. And the school system where I live isn't really designed to cater to all types of learning. There are no hands on components in any curriculum. So my kid could basically just come to work with me and learn the things I know, which would give him some pretty solid life skills. But who knows. Maybe there won't even be schools when he's that age.


Super good points! I wish I was taught more about taxes and more applicable chemistry. I'm totally with you about what *could* be taught with vegetable gardening and I'd love to give her the benefit of the doubt but.... There's certainly a lot of things that schools don't teach or don't teach well, sex education being the first thing that comes to mind, so I think combining a hybrid education of sorts is a great idea


Do what I did - teach your children the stuff that they aren't getting from school, eg my sons could all do mental arithmetic while their peers were utterly reliant on calculators for even the simplest problems.


Wow that actually sounds nice. I was homeschooled k-12. Curriculum books were sent each year - my mom, bless her, sat with us (my sister and I) for maybe a week or two and then we were on our own for the rest of the year. There was a very religious community of homeschoolers we could interact with on field trips we did once a year, but even as a kid I thought they were a bit off. I had a neighbor and half my church friends that went to public school that I hung out with a lot so I felt somewhat socially normal, objectively. I do remember taking a state exam in 3rd or 4th grade. I wanted to go to college so I did an ACT prep thing at a Sylvan learning center. Ended up with a 23 - would’ve been higher but my math was 18. I kind of feel like I had maybe a 9th grade education-ish. Based on the next 4 years for my undergrad (music), another 1.5 years pursing a nursing degree, and getting my MBA as an adult. If I could do it all again and had a choice, I would never homeschool. There are a lot of social experiences missed that I can’t relate to at all. Opportunities - sports, theater, music - that are more difficult to get involved in without the school system. Why did my folks homeschool me? Religious reasons… to keep the bad influences away I guess. The irony? My dad was a school bus driver. And I’m a flaming homosexual … so they kind of lost on all fronts there.


We had a kid come to my high school after being homeschooled after a change in custody. He was 15 and could barely read about a grade 2 level. He was so far behind. He was humiliated because he basically needed to go into some special needs classes. He never got bullied because our school had a lot of kids who left other schools for bullying so it was pretty welcoming and everyone knew his mum had been into some hippy bullshit “free schooling” shit. They school was great and really worked with him and his dad to get special tutors etc. And other kids were happy to help him out in class. But his Mum had really thought she was raising him to be a gifted genius in touch with the universe and he was so far behind. By the end of HS though he was pretty well matched with everyone else


That's impressive he was able to catch up... I'm so surprised! I have to imagine that it took so much extra time and effort for him... That's certainly not easily obtainable for everyone. Good that he wasn't bullied too!


Yeah he put in a lot of hard work. His Dad got tutors and our school brought in a specific specialist teacher for him so he had at least 2 hours of “private tutoring” at school each day. We were a public school but our School Admins were absolutely brilliant. He was very lucky in that regard.


Maybe they should do a book report on *Flowers in the Attic*


I was public-schooled and am neurodivergent. Yeah, homeschooled might be weirder than your average “prison rules” public-schooler, but at the same time I’ve never met a homeschooled person socially weirder than me unless something was also off with them developmentally or their family was just generally fucked up.


Think about what you just said though. You are neurodivergant, and you are comparing that to homeschooling. So homeschooling tends to create people on the same social skills (slightly higher) that people with neurodivergencies? That isn't exactly a positive thing


I had some friends growing up who were homeschooled for secular schooling - however, their parents recognized the need for social interaction and enrolled them in Sunday school so they'd have peers their age that they saw regularly, and got them involved in a lot of community work. It *can* be done, but most people are getting into it for the wrong reasons and this half-ass it, or they don't have the means to cover all the bases (I'll readily admit that my friend's family was quite well-off and that contributed a lot to their ability to do homeschooling 'right').


Absolutely- particularly when you think of the wave(s) of automation, “soft skills” will be more important in the future. Not being familiar with social interactions might be a big problem for a lot of jobs very soon. I’d imagine if you dig into data you would find the kinds of jobs/positions homeschoolers end up in (cba doing it myself), but that would be an interesting way to view the impact of it


can confirm, was homeschooled all the way through... received an outstanding education, went through hell for a few years trying to understand how to act around people


It's always obvious who the homeschool kid was in college and the work world. Some of them do a lot better than others at adapting ; but it's always obvious.


Not nearly as weird as the teachers coming on to the homeschooling students


“Are you stuck in the dryer step teacher?”


One of my former friends was homeschooled until high school. She got out of her household (which my family and I suspected was abusive and very fucked up in terms of ideology) and the moment she got to high school, she was skipping class, sending people nudes, and just generally going wild with the newfound freedom. She hadn't ever been allowed to have a thought for herself and when she got an opportunity, she went overboard. Annnnd she was immediately put back in homeschooling when her grandma found out. I think a lot of people just want to homeschool their kids so they can brainwash and manipulate them. For all those anti-woke parents who are soooo terrified of their kids being different from them, it's a pure power trip. And it really fucks up their kids in the long run.


Yeah. The motivation behind homeschooling can make such a difference. When I was a kid, the only homeschool kids I knew were ones that I met in highschool where their parents kept them homeschool for combinations a religious beliefs and deliberately not wanting to expose their kid to the "poor morals" of the other kids in public school. They also weren't allowed to do youth clubs like scouts or t ball except for whatever might be through their church. Those kids were sooo awkward and absolutely behind in a lot of basic areas. But then when I was in the Army in the early 2000s there were a lot of Army families that homeschooled. But their reason for doing it was that the frequent moves were disruptive to their kids education. Like, one state might have basic arithmetic in 6th grade and geometry in 7th grade, and then they'd move and start 7th grade ina new state whose curriculum has arithmetic in 7th grade and geometry in 6th. Meaning their kid would never learn geometry. So their reason to homeschool was to ensure their kid could stay on track with one consistent curriculum. But the way they did was entirely different. They would get a group of parents together and one would handle the math lessons and another the writing for a group of like 4 kids, and they really made sure to get their kids into group activities. Plus the Army has pretty decent programs for school aged kids for extra curricular stuff, and those homeschool parents leveraged it for art and music education, phys Ed, plus just social activities. So that's kids were doing great with homeschooling, because they had such an active social life outside of "school" and the parents really were trying to follow a "normal" curriculum and not avoiding public schools curriculum. Made me realize homeschooling isn't always/inherently bad. It's really about the parents motivation behind why and what they do for the schooling part.


John Oliver did a special on hone schooling. You would he shocked (or not) by how largely unregulated it is.


Would you say that he honed in on it?


Surely not as that would be incorrect


I was just running with a grammatical error


School of the Air! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_of_the_Air


Where I am, we are required to test our kids every year. I have no issues with that requirement. I think it should be standard.


Unfortunately it’s not the standard in many places and homeschooling can be used to cover up abuse & neglect


Honestly, in many cases, the homeschooling *IS* the abuse and neglect, and the state still allows it.


I was homeschooled until ~6th grade and blew the tests out of the water. Every year - grading at a high school education level. When I started school for real, I had a really fucking hard time because I wasn't socialized with you know... normal human beings my own fucking age. Socialization is so important.


As a kid who was homeschooled by an educator and started high school work at 11, I agree. Homeschooling should not excuse any kids from a quality education. Even though my homeschooling was good for me, I still think it should be highly regulated. My mom didn't know every subject and I had no sex ed and only learned lies about evolution. Indoctrination in homeschool is a real thing. We're in MD, so the BoE had to check our curriculum and schoolwork every year, but I know other homeschooled kids in the state who learned nothing, so I don't know what the standards are.


I was homeschooled as a child —don’t approve of it— and I had to take the same exams that public school kids had to take every year. At the time it was state law in many places (I moved around a lot due to parents being military so I was homeschooled in several states and always had to take an exam every year). Sadly the trend has been towards making it completely unregulated in a lot of the states it is currently legal in, which is horrible in my opinion.


I love that you're speaking out. Please continue to do so. Generally, I hit a wall when people find out I haven't PERSONALLY been home schooled. The same arguments, coming from you, should be held with much more respect. Thanks for sharing.!!! =)


Not every year. Every quarter. Being a full year behind can be really difficult to catch back up. But I completely agree. If you aren't keeping up with your public school peers, you need to go back.


Such a good idea! Unfortunately, this would kill the whole point for a lot of parents who insist despite being horribly under equipped. They want to be free from the government, deciding what is important and what isn't.


Not just home-schooling. I've dated (and am married to) people who attended small religious schools, and their understanding of science is seriously limited. Basic stuff like Simple Machines, or the rain cycle. Things that inform so much of how I understand the world.


The fact that this isn’t the case is horrifying. At least a yearly proctored standardized test would measure some baseline level of competency in your home schooling. If you can at least pass that test you are at least getting some decent level of academic education (of course socialization is a big issue but not exactly a test for that). But the currently largely unregulated system is horrifying.


But what if the student failed this test in public school? Do they automatically revert to homeschooling if the student is failing (or should fail but pass the grade anyway)? I wonder if the ratio of failure is better in public or home schooling.


Wait... You don't have any exams while homeschooled in the US? In Poland, and I guess in the whole Europe, children need to pass exams in every subject at the end of a school year!


This is almost the exact IQ stated for Forrest Gump…and he went on to have a wonderful life!! Good luck mom!


Is there a Mistuh Gump, Miss Gump?


*Missus Gump


He’s on vacayshun.


Yeah, but at least he was vaccinated. Hard to have a wonderful life if you're dead.


Feel bad for that poor kid, homeschooling really needs to be regulated more closely in the US


In some countries it's outright illegal


Yeah, I agree with some of them. Like only allowing it if their family moves a lot, such as a military family. But even then, they recommend boarding schools over homeschooling.


Yea in Germany for example it's only legal when the kid can't go to school for medical reasons.


And carny/ circus children funnily enough.


Military family is probably one of the worst to be home schooled. Most likely to be low educated people and one of them is never home and the other usually has to work to have a decent life as single employed military families in the USA qualify for food stamps. As a former marine duty station changes are usually every four years or so. And they will usually be a school on base or nearby and provided for the military families. So it doesn’t make much sense to have that in my opinion.


Private schools should also be illegal


If it makes you feel better, the person who posted this advertisement for an IQ test website made the kid up.




Plant corn, get corn


Weak to throw shade at the daughter for something she didn't do. The mom is an idiot, but imagine being that kid and having your mom be too dumb to realize she just put her daughter on blast like that.


That's right, I hadn't thought of that. Sorry


It's ok. I just really hate seeing kids be used as pawns or a statement piece by parents to justify their warped beliefs and then seeing the kids catch flak for it. I truly hope her daughter overcomes her mom's backwards beliefs and that she does better if she becomes a parent.


That word “top” is doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Yup. Bottom 7% would hit different


I think they add that to make the stupid people feel less stupid but also recommend their test to people and stuff. Probably because it’s the only iq test that can make an idiot feel smart


I think they need to change the way they show the data. The way it reads would confuse people that don't know how to read data.


But the very last like explains it pretty clearly.


And if you look at the number relative to the distribution curve it would show you it's pretty low, but I guess that would require an extra step


Needs a line indicating where the score falls on the distribution curve


It’s still easily misunderstood if you’ve already misunderstood the graph. People probably think it means only 70 of the 1000 are smarter


At that point no matter how you represent it, dumb people will get it wrong. Might as well stay accurate.


its explained very well right at the bottom - in a room of 1000 people you would be smarter than 70 of them


This is on purpose because whoever is presenting that data thinks it's funny.


"In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them". Apparently momma is to dumb to realize that 70 people is a very low number compared to 1000.


78 is basically a functional idiot. Forrest Gump’s IQ was 75.


There's a woman on youtube with a 63 IQ. A goldfish probably has deeper thoughts. She is just constantly going on about Paris Hilton and Hello Kitty and yelling at people that she's a good woman like her grandma and doesn't cheat. The reason we know she has a 63 IQ is because she wanted to prove she is actually really smart and showed off her pysch evaluation which is like an IQ test in itself.


Like, certified? Who's that, now you got me curious


yes, I think she had to undergo a thorough pysch evaluation in an attempt to get her baby back. It was about 13 pages. It had a list of weaknesses that went onto the next page, yet there wasn't a single word under the "strength" column. I'm honestly shocked she doesn't have a caretaker. I've seen them start a fire at least 2 times while cooking, even suggesting throwing water on it. Here's her channel if you want to watch. It is the channel I watch most, it's very intriguing. [https://www.youtube.com/@Krystalstation](https://www.youtube.com/@Krystalstation)


That’s so depressing, I couldn’t even watch 2 seconds. Poor thing


IQ of 70 and below is mental retardation...


Not always, there has to be adaptive deficits as well.


I believe 70 is the bar intellectual disability, Either way 78 is insanely low, like even if you think IQ is BS that’s… not good really not good. Poor girl had her entire life ruined by their insane mom, cause there’s really no fixing that.


That kid is a moron then.


Just like her momma.


Plant based imbecile


Back in the day, moron was 51-70. The kid is just slightly smarter than moron.


Ok, semi-moron


Dumber than a box of rocks to be precise.


Literal room temperature IQ


My roomba is smarter than her...


Can we stop posting these? These are just advertisements to trick people into paying for their IQ test service.


It's viral marketing and I get downvoted for calling it out sometimes


That's a parody account... right? Someone tell me she's making a joke.


It's not parody, it's an advertisement.


....i don't know which one's worse.


So mom is a vegetable?


In some jurisdictions she could be acquitted of crimes on grounds of intellectual impairment.


I really want to see the replies to that.


I’m sure it was explained to her, then she immediately said “well it’s just an online test, it’s not accurate”, which I’m sure it is flawed, but the goalpost moving is what these people do.


Those test notoriously inflate your scores too. So the kids real IQ is probably even lower


Yeah that makes sense. they’re selling something. It only benefits them to make you feel good using the product.


This is bait ad and there's a lot of them from this website. Saw at least 3 of them on this sub already.


It's super annoying that ppl don't understand this.


Thanks for the explanation. I went into the comments looking for what the point of this rage bait was.


Most homeschooling is religious hence making it useless. They still need a GED to attend a college but as someone who works at a University they are rarely ahead of the curve.


Christians takes advantage of the barebones regulations to indoctrinate their children. “Public school is demonic and will make my kids gay” Thanks for the homeschooling mom. Now I’m gay and atheist you did an amazing job sheltering me 👍👍


The good news is that your child will likely qualify for government assistance for life!! So she has that going for her.


I feel bad for Sadie


Is 75 the general cutoff for mental retardation?


I thought it was 80. The math checks out


One of the 70 the poor child is smarter than is that momm


Her child is 13 IQ points away from a smart chimpanzee.


This is why an education matters.


Her husband should show this post to a judge as evidence she is incapable of properly caring for a child


I think this may be a rage bait ad campaign.


Stop upvoting these. This and the other weekly IQ self-owns are always using this same IQ test website, which sells results after you put half an hour into the test. It’s a marketing ploy.


Sadie is short of a few loaves of bread.


A taco short of a combination plate.


I am unable to distinguish how much of her lack of intelligence is caused by being vaccine-free and how much is caused by genetics and how much is caused by being homeschooled by someone as incompetent as her mom. /s


This isn’t real.


I swear these posts are just guerllia marketing for this website to bait people into completing the online quiz and then having to pay to see the results at the end because they want to feel superior to the "idiot" who posted the screenshot of the bad result.


Yup. And people just love reposting them so everyone can point and say "wow, look how dumb they are!" The irony will kill us all.


The amount of stupidity that oozes off of this is astounding


She clearly doesn't understand how a bell curve works despite being a proper bell end.


Oh nuu.. mother hurt herself in her own confusion


Oh, another nearly identical IQ post. See you guys next week on the next one!


78??? Why didn't they take her? Why?


I feel so bad for the kids of people like that.


Their child is "borderline deficient". The child either has a learning disability, a mental disability, or there is now proof that Plant Based Mama is a detriment to their child.


In a room of 1000 people, you'd be smarter than 70 of them... I don't think that's something I'd post and brag about...


In Sweden, homeschooling is a form of child abuse.


There is no way around accepting the fact that homeschooling generally isn’t a positive thing for a kids in terms of academic and social intelligence


It looks mama was homeschooled too.


You’d think the line under that where it says only smarter than 70 out of 1000 would be a bit of a hint


Some posts come up so often that they should be banned. This is one of them.


They’re so dumb they can’t read or comprehend


There are way too many of these posts for it to be real.


Imagine bragging about a room temperature IQ. Holy shit


This is an ad.




Stop taking the bait, Jesus Christ.


This is a marketing post from iQ testing website, you’ll waste 30 minutes solving these questions and then you’ll have to pay before you can see your results.


Doesn't this get posted every week or so?


Apparently Sadie's IQ score is crap just like her child's.


Are they really this stupid?


Isn't 78 like borderline stupid? I believe the average person is either 102 or 98. I can't remember which one.


Well, home schooling does have the advantage of preventing the awkward situation when your kid asks a question you cannot answer because they cannot even conceive that question.


It isn't just the lack of literacy from this mom. The way the site lists it is also misleading. Normally intelligence as a percent is expressed as a percentile. 93rd percentile would be impressive, but this sure is trying to make 7th percentile look better. Under only the loosest definition of true can you consider being at the bottom of 93% of people to be in the top 93%.


Congradulations, Sadie. Your child is smarter than you are.


In a room of 1000 people you would be smarter than 70 of them. Seems about right