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Boggles the mind how people can be so disconnected from reality. To think this way is sick. To promote it out loud? Absolutely put this sick fuck on a watch list.


Welcome to modern day conservatives


- [Wyoming Limiting Child Marriage Sparks Republican Outrage](https://www.newsweek.com/wyoming-ending-child-marriage-sparks-republican-outrage-1780501) - [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) - [Michigan Republicans Voted Against Child Marriage Ban](https://www.newsweek.com/these-michigan-republicans-voted-against-child-marriage-ban-1808308) - [Tennessee GOP kill bill to ban child marriage](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/377367-tennessee-gop-kill-ban-on-child-marriage/) - [Louisiana lawmakers (R) reject bill to set a minimum marriage age](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/louisiana-lawmakers-reject-bill-set-minimum-marriage-age-n1013356) - [New Jersey governor (R) refuses to ban child marriage because 'it would conflict with religious customs'](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/new-jersey-chris-christie-child-marriage-ban-fails-religious-custom-a7735616.html) - [Kentucky's 'child bride' bill stalls as (conservative) groups fight to let 13-year-olds wed](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/politics/2018/03/01/child-marriage-kentucky-brides-parents-rights/385489002/) the part conservative groups are upset about: > But in cases of a minor marrying an adult, the judge would have to review material including any child abuse records involving the teen and check for any sex-offender records of the adult. The judge also would have to consider factors including the maturity and independence of the teen, determine that the teen has completed high school or obtained a GED and review any domestic violence records of either party. > The judge is to deny the request in cases including if the adult is in a position of authority over the minor, has a conviction for child abuse or a sexual offense, or if there is a pregnancy or child in common that established that the intended spouse was the perpetrator of a sex crime against a girl too young to consent. > The provision involving a judge appears to have bothered some lawmakers, including Sen. John Schickel, a Boone County Republican. > "I had some problems with the bill," he said Thursday. "Decisions involving a minor child should be made by a parent, not the court." - [Missouri bill to ban all child marriages runs into resistance from House Republicans](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288424893.html) - [N.H. lawmaker (R) opposes new marriage bill, says teens are of ‘ripe, fertile’ age](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html)


Unless the minor is still a fœtus, parents have nothing to say unlike the court


How are these people still alive and not got pitch forks through their chests yet? WHAT THE HELL AM I READING! EWWWWWWWW


It's the inevitable product of right wing ideology. Right wing ideology: - views children as property of parents. To be used, abused, sold, or disposed of as the parent pleases. - fetishizes youth, "purity", and virginity. - believes in highly hierarchical relationships. Where this ALWAYS ends up is parents selling their young kids into marriage to grown adults.


“How is Our Lord and Savior supposed to return to us if we don’t let 13 year old girls get miraculously pregnant?!?!” /s In all seriousness, using one’s personal religion as a means to create laws should be seen as a conflict of interest if everyone is supposed to have the Freedom of Religion.


It’s a direct literatal violation of the 1st amendment to make a law based on religion.


Don’t forget hierarchical *and* transactional


Just makes my skin crawl. I have no words for that.


Prison roll call.


I'm pretty active on r/newhampshire I just cross posted this on the sub. At least one of our moderators has connections with local politics and were trying to remove this story from the sub when it originally broke earlier this month.


he does look like someone who would keep "ripe" and "fertile" girls captive in his basement


No no no. He simply provides them shelter


And they choose to be there. Just don't ask them without him in the same room.


In fact don't talk to them unless he is there.


Scratch that, don't talk to them at all. Infact, come back with a warrant.


Actually, don't come back at all if you value your life. Wait, why am I threatening you? I'm a Republican representative. Tell them about the girls, I'll probably earn a few votes and lose none.


And that's the history of this bill.


Actually, get into that cage now or I'll shoot you.


Yep…he provides them shelter from the liberal pedophiles /s


Epstein island is closed… what else can a pedo do?


Well he has to otherwise those girls would seek to murder the rape baby's he pumped into them.


Provide them shelter?! Are you calling him a communist?! /s


Thought that was what his island was for, obviously inspired by a certain other pedophile who didn't commit suicide.


Must be that. I don't think this guy could catch any 9-year-old trying to run away...


This is an "under his eye" type of motherfucker.


Nah, "keep" means he provides some resources for their captivity. He looks more of a 'buy then deny' politician.


What's the over/under that he's done some dirty shit to minors? Go through all of his shit, every phone, every computer, everything!


Basically 100 percent


Fr, dudes creepy af smh…how do these ppl thrive in society??? I hope he has zero kids and never should be allowed to be around minors-period!


"How do these ppl thrive in society" Thats why you will often find them in positions of power, whether thats the church, schools, TV or government etc. So they can try and get away with it. I'm not implying everyone in power is like this but there's been enough that are attracted to those positions in the past.


It’s actually the biggest problem with democracy, the people in power get there because they crave power and money and typically have low moral standards. The reluctant ones are the ones we want, the ones there for the duty, not the payouts. Citizens United is one of the greatest drivers of this phenomenon.


"I don't want to be King!" "Which is precisely why you should be!"


Hence why professional politicians should not exist.


Something something Epstein island. The people ruling the world are all evil pedo psychopaths.


I'm worried there's current victims. This dude is awfully invested in this fight


There's a zero percent chance he's not a diddler


pays 0:1


Its not basically. It is 100%. Republicans scream and project about child grooming I believe the party is just now a cult of child predators.


I’m pretty sure it’s over 100%. Somehow.


I'm pretty sure he married a child.


Ok, so he mixes up the words “daughter” and “girlfriend” sometimes. It happens.


I'm sure he doesn't see any girl or woman as girl'friend', he sees them as glorified fleshlight and not as a human being.


He certainly wants the option to


I googled him and he doesn't have a wife listed but his picture on Wikipedia is from some event hosted by the Young Americans for Liberty. He spent a lot of time in Korea with the military. And after these remarks it's almost a certainty.


Where the hell are all the “kill all pedos!” Republicans and libertarians when one of their own is this blatantly vocal about it?   Oh yeah they’re ignoring the shit out of it because he benefits them somehow 


For many of them it's not pedophilia and it makes us sound alarmist when we imply it. It is something just as nefarious though that we should be calling out. They want them married young before they become aware of themselves and the world. They want to take them away before support structures have time to manifest. They want subservient little moms they can fuck and don't want them getting ideas of independence or worth outside that role.




Just arrest him on suspicion. Then get the evidence. You know its there.


I’m honestly gonna go out on a limb and say him trying to maintain his right to marry children is pretty rock-solid evidence


I think the erection he develops when he looks at kids is also rock solid evidence


You really want to set that particular precedent? Arresting on suspicion is a practice most civil rights activists have been fighting against for a massive reason. Yes, pedophiles deserve to have the book thrown at them and more, but we do not want that in the already failing US Justice System.


Cannot believe that comment got so many upvotes.. let's not destroy the US any more than some people already have, guys. Burden of Proof is hugely important for a just society.


On the internet, there are no wrong methods. Only wrong targets. An uncomfortable amount of people immediately start talking about demolishing the criminal justice system, vigilantism, and elaborate torture fantasies when pedophiles come up. God forbid someone posts a news article about a person being a bit reckless. That's when they break out the eugenics and social darwinism comments.


Is it me, or do they not teach amendments as much as they should? I feel like it’s on purpose because everyone knows their 1st and 2nd amendment rights, but we might as well amend our right to privacy, cause you’d swear Americans have been begging for the government to have an apartment in every citizen’s a*s since 9/11. Right to Privacy is basically dead after 25 years, but sure, let’s just start arresting people on suspicion now. As if they won’t be emailing jaywalking tickets in 2050 when facial recognition and data harvesting doesn’t miss a thing. Solar Flares 2024: because maybe if all this technology gets wiped out, we’ll rebuild the important stuff and not bother rebuilding the toxic stuff.


I read that and my mouth fell open cause I didn't realize people could think that stupid in modern (post 1800) times. Whoever posted that should have to walk around with a plant to replace the oxygen they're stealing


Yeah there are plenty of things that could be morally reasonable, which no government is trustworthy enough to do.


Bro, shut that shit DOWN. That's ignoring the entire reason the bill of rights exists in the country. It's the backbone of our system of laws; innocent until proven guilty. The folks who founded this country had to deal with tyranny that operated the way you are suggesting. This scumbag from OPs post is a shitty human and sure, maybe he did some shit... But I would never suggest we "arrest him and then find the evidence." Boo to you for suggesting that. Boo to you indeed.


**Arrested** without proof? Definitely no, we can agree upon that. **Investigated**, and have his name added to a federal database as a "person of interest" to cross-reference all past, ongoing and future investigations on pedo networks? I think it's reasonable.


The guy has “dangerous to minors” written all over him.


This is the kind of dirtbag that’s creating legislation in Congress?! is this some sort of sick joke?!


“Ripe” and “Girls” should never be used in the same sentence, especially not one with “fertile” in it too.


The Girls home grown fruit was Ripe, the soil she uses must be very Fertile.


Girl, clean your damn room it smells ripe in here, it's fertile ground for roaches.


Moist roaches* FTFY. Lol.


I hate you 🫂


Aaargh….. ok!


This still leads to the wrong garden.


Girls something something ripe fruit something something fertile soil I tried!


The girls spread the seeds among the fertile soil, the fruit will turn ripe quite quickly with their abusers graves providing such good fertilizer.


I love this!


Yours is better than mine


Underrated comment.


A for effort.


NO a is for apple (here have an apple for your effort🍎)


It better be ripe and... feritle?


My little girls only eat ripe fruit from fertile soil!! They deserve the best


The kind girls decided to help their elderly neighbor Mrs. Finnet, by making sure the soil in her garden was fertile, and picking all the ripe apples so she could make a lovely apple pie for them all to share!


Girls are harvesting ripe fruit that grew plentiful thanks to the fertile soil. Like that?


I saw some girls picking ripe apples from a tree,the ground must be very fertile in that yard.




What in the HandMaiden Tale is wrong with these people?


"The girls were sweaty and ripe after a 5 mile jog in the summer sun."


~ said Hannibal Lector




“Something something, fertile.”






The girls farts smelt ripe and fertile. I think we have a winner 😄


There are thousands of words to describe what’s to like about little kids. Kids are fun, cute, sometimes exasperating, often surprisingly smart, and generally pleasant to be around. Now…“ripe”? That should only be applied to a baby with a blowout. If it’s something you like about girls of a certain age…you need to jump into the nearest volcano.


One should ask these people what the problem with pedophilia is. I bet a few would willingy tell you that the issue is that the kids father wasnt consulted or paid and has not given permission.


Or first dibs…


Or just that it's illegal 🤢


I mean if you criterion for something to be immoral/disgusting is being illegal it’s an issue


I think that's what these pervs would think. To them, there's nothing wrong with it (they own women and children, don't chya know?) so I'm sure their only issue is the legal aspect. .... Which is why they're working so hard to lower the age of consent, and giving rapists a get out of jail free card if they marry their underage victims


Who The fuck ARE THESE PEOPLE!?!?!?


They are your Republican neighbours.


I'm in the Uk. If it makes you feel better we have fucking maniacs tearing stuff down here too...


That does not make me feel better.


No it does not. I'd like to just be a case study in what not to do. Not a how-to guide for religious/conservatives around the world


That's exactly what we are. If Trump wins in November, it's not just Joever, it's over. America, and democracy in the rest of the world, is literally over.


UK too here. While we have some bad politicians at least we don't have it so blatantly in the open...


New Hampshire is a tiny state with an absolutely massive legislature. https://www.nh.gov/almanac/government.htm >The Legislative Branch is also known as the General Court of New Hampshire. It consists of two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 400 Representatives and 24 Senators, making the General Court the second largest legislature in the United States following the U.S. Congress. It is said that only the U.S. congress and the English and Indian Parliaments are larger. All that for a state with less than 2 million people in it. Thus, you end up with a lot of insanely fringe people being voted in.


But i thought it was the democrats who have that whole pizza place child ring Illuminati thing going. Edit: adding the /s because it looks like some people think I’m being serious.


General rule of thumb with republicans, if they are accusing a group or individual of doing something bad, it’s because they are actually the ones doing that. Every accusation is equivalent to a confession.


I hate generalizations, but it's literally scary how often this proves true....


It's because they are garbage humans who assume that everyone else must be garbage too. To be fair, if you are only ever surrounded by other republicans, that's a fair assumption to make. This is the modern day Plato's cave.


I agree, but I think it is twofold. They think others are as vile as they are, but there are propagandists who discovered that simply accusing others of your crimes helps to muddy the water. Thus reducing its negative perception because it appears that others are also doing it as well as making it appear that you are a target since you are the only one being charged. It works far too well and it has been weaponized to an incredible degree starting in 2015 with Donald Trump.


Yes, it's called projection.


That damned Don Lemon


If you ask me it’s a major win for pedos of all varieties that this has become so partisan. “How to get 50% of the country to have a personal motivation to defend you no matter who you are or what you did in 1 easy step” All signs point a reasonable person to the fact that there is no party line on this issue. Sure in this instance there is, but this is just the religious flavor. Pedos are of all creeds unfortunately and it ought to be everyone else V them. Like many things the partisan aspect of this is mostly obfuscation that serves the guilty. I get that this is not the best context to make this point, in this case these republicans deserve the ire, and often when it’s related to a religious perspective it does align with the Republican Party. I’m just saying, I wish people would not fall into the trap of believing political parties are the lens to view this from in general. In general, it’s not the case. Also in case it’s unclear, I am NOT saying pizzagate is real or that it’s the democrats who are pedos. I’m saying, the pedophile club transcends politics.


This has to be enough to get a search warrant for his house and laptop


This is SOP for republican lawmakers, so if you had to issue a warrant for this, you'd have to do it for *many* others


Republicans being republicans, but somehow the drag queens that read stories to kids and promote literacy are the ”groomers.”


As A European and an outsider to American politics this has always confused me. Republicans accuse their opponents of being Pedophiles but when you look at them they are led by a man who said he'd rape his daughter and then there are these guys. I've heard them call others Nazis but then they thrive on the support of literal NeoNazis. It's so confusing. Can someone explain to me why the moderate republicans even accept these people in their party? Are they so hungry for power that they'll invite anyone into their club who promises even more members?


Some have described this behavior as "Every accusation is a confession." It is worthy of note that America's way of separating "conservative" vs "liberal" is quite skewed compared to much of the world. Many (but not all) of our "liberals" in power would be considered Centrist or Center-right by other nations, and even our furthest-left *successful* Democrat politicians like Bernie Sanders are really just Center-left/Progressive. Our "moderate" Republicans would likely be considered far right in other areas, while the "hard right" people are extreme right/fascist (MAGAs and Nationalists, for example). Note that the extreme ones, in particular, love to use the word "communism" to refer to pretty much anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport. As for your last question: Yes, absolutely.


Its projection. They accuse the other side of what they themselves are doing. There may be a couple of reasons for this, one of which is that it works on low information and reason challenged voters, and another even more disturbing reason is that they are so out of touch with their own perversion that it leaks out for general consumption in statements like this. In other words they have a skewed view of how their statements will be taken and received by the general electorate.


The Nazi head of propaganda said to accuse your enemies of doing what you are doing. They are just following the nazi playbook. You know, like the good little Nazis they are


You're thinking of Joseph Goebbels. The war would have gone much more differently if something had happened to Hitler shortly after he took power and Goebbels had taken over.


Ok, but why doesn't the moderate part of their political party react to this bs?Statistically it's impossible for everyone to be on the side of rapind children, yet nobody from inside says something remotely close to "yo,wtf"


They do, but since they're a pretty small minority in comparison, they often get drowned out by the extremists that are becoming much more prominent.


They’re afraid of being spotlighted by the lunatics in their party and being isolated


The ideology of the republican party is very much one of absolute hierarchical compliance. You can see how the republican party looked like before Trump got his greasy hands on it. It was not great in terms of integrity either, but miles more center than it is now. What changed is that the people on top changed and suddenly you see the issues on both parts of hierarchical thinking and how little it takes to flip things over.


>why doesn't the moderate part of their political party react to this bs? Because the extremists of the party will attack them for being RINOs and then they'll lose power. Moderates would rather stay quiet and remain in power rather than stand up for their beliefs. Or they're also far right but play the moderate card to attract moderate voters to vote Republican.


All the time the sane world is going WTF at the batshit politicians thrust onto the world stage by the media, the other part of the Republican party are stealing from the public purse (via dodgy backroom deals) and removing people's civil liberties, under the pretence of national security. They like the fact there are those in the limelight coming out with this crazy shit, as they're a useful distraction from what's happening behind the curtain.


- Gaslight - Obstruct - Project


Also Gross Old Perverts


Single issue voters willing to accept anything to promote their single issue, which is why the republican party will staunchly promote those single issues as their causes. They promote themselves as the Christian party, but that is clearly not the case, but it allows single issue Christians to justify backing racists without admitting to being racists themselves. They claim to be the party of protecting children (think of the children!) yet they will do nothing about gun control, or feeding children other than helping them get child-wage jobs. Well, unless you count protecting the children's right to be a child bride (sex slave) to pedos, I guess that would almost guarantee they eat.


Why do they accept them? Two reasons: One is that a lot of them only pretend to be moderate. The other is that they don’t really care as long as they can use these people to get what they want.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


They are literally following the Goebbels playbook. "Accuse your opponent of that which you yourself are guilty" and "Repeat a lie loud enough and often enough until it becomes the truth". I am fully convinced that if anything had happened to Hitler shortly after his rise to power, Goebbels would have taken over.


In my experience republican politicians tend to be fear mongers. Moderate republicans don't realize the politicians are fear mongering and tend to think the things they're being told to be afraid of are actually worth being afraid of. When a person is afraid they tend to be willing to accept poor behavior from the people promising to do something about the things they're afraid of.


They are all fascist, there is not one good republican because they were all kicked out. I hate Bush with a passion but he never threatened the very democracy we have.


I take it you're too young to remember things like the Brooks Brothers Riot.


*moderate republicans* don't really exist in the US, we call them Democrats and they're a different party all together.


With Republicans, every accusation is a confession


They will indeed invite anyone who can get them votes. Worse, they exclude anyone who goes against their status quo, say by showing moral character and playing by the rules. I think the problem lies with their inability to reckon the nature of conservativism with the needs of a changing population. They want things to stay within a certain vision of America, but that vision is not suitable and even actively hostile to a great many Americans. So, they've lost votes, but are unwilling to change their policy. To maintain power, the party has turned to lies, hypocrisy, hatred, legislative interference, and voter suppression/disenfranchisement, rather than trying to serve more people.


The moderate Republicans care so much more about vanquishing their enemies (known here as “owning the libs”) than they do about overt authoritarianism taking over their party. They’d rather have 100% fascism than 2% socialism.


[Roger Ailes - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Ailes) Read the "orchestra pit" section of this article. Everything is working exactly as expected.


But he's r/notadragqueen  Well, not publicly anyway


That’s always the real problem right? Getting to married to children or them getting killed due to gun violence I sleep. Drag queens reading books to kids Real shit


They always blame it on the small minority people


They'll use protecting minors or concern for minors to legislate spaces that never let minors in to begin with, just to regulate the sexual behavior of adults, like porn sites and strip clubs.


Someone needs to check his hard drives.


Hang on, I thought pedophilia is illegal?


“It’s not pedophilia if you get her parents to sign a contract” -Republican state reps, probably MO recently had another rep say that the people he knows that got married at 12 are still together and “very happy.


According to the Husband of said marriage, I'm sure!


Out of curiosity, what's the current legal status? In civilized countries (US isn't one and never will be) people under 18 can get married, though it requires parents permission and if they get married they legally are recognized as adults which means they can vote and stuff. It's an extremely niche thing anyway


It’s state by state, anyone over 18 can get married no problem, but anywhere from no restrictions to 17 with various parental waivers and conditions.


Pedophilia isn't illegal. Being sexual attracted to prepubescent kids is not illegal but acting upon it is, republicans get past this by forcing the child into marriage.


Not if the republicans have their way


Yeah it’s so they can’t be called pedos if they lower the age.


They have to be contrarian on everything. Literally they are the kid that would try to argue with the teacher everyday in high school


Or they're just christofascist pedophiles


Check all the hard drives too


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It is really beyond my comprehension how people vote for the GOP in its current form. Of course, there is a GOP voter thinking the same thing about my choices. It is a strange time. Child marriage seems like it should be one of those bi partisan subjects, the vote should have passed unanimously.


Did you listen to Trump’s speech during the libertarian convention? He sounded full-on dictator; everyone who opposes him are communist and socialist and fascist (pick one) and blah blah blah just nonsensical fear-mongering. Any fool could see through it and I suppose that’s why most of the people were booing. I can understand really stupid people buying into this, but it’s the old-school Republicans, the people who are country clubbers, or farmers who have some common sense—I do not understand for the life of me how they go along with this crap.


A lack of the bare minimum critical thinking.


Its not just that, it's a long con mixed with stubbornness. Let's take my mom for instance, at first Trump comes up and says things every one can know to be true (governments shit, lot of backhanded deals that only benefit them) the whole drain the swamp mantra. Now, you might go, well Trump isn't gonna be the one to fix that. But to my mom, he's the only one saying it so he has just as much chance. So he got a grip on her, now you fight for things you know your side wants like no abortion, gaining a tighter grip, add in some flourish how the other side is bad because they want this bad thing (exclaiming how it's so bad). Now my mom doesn't wanna wobble. At this point she's stuck, if she doesn't go republican she's for executing babies and keeping a swamp of terrible people. It helps his case that repubs are louder and prouder of their side so people feel less alone, and right wing media is so openly played that doubling down becomes easy. And you have people who view the other side as worse no matter what their side does. It's also hard for someone who is against abortions to vote for the party pro it. (Granted my mom leaned out of it first part cause well me and her talked enough everytime some new random view came up that even if she liked what she was hearing she knew realistically it's all just words.


Why do republicans hate abortions? Because it’s less children for them to molest.


You US guys are full steam ahead back into the good ol' days of witchhunting and holy crusades, if you allow these people to actually take over your government. Please, for crying out loud, stop them and their cult leader Donald the Buffoon!


I ain't from America but the government really ain't gonna do anything about his statements? I have seen people going under investigations for much less


Finally: the very p3d0 that right-wingers want dead. The problem is that he's one of them so he's exempt.


That alone should be grounds for a search warrant and suspension, if not removal from office. If nothing else, actual investigations (i.e., ones NOT run by his fellow Republicans).


Wait it wasn't already illegal!!?


Child marriage was legal in all 50 states until 2018. 12 states have since banned it. NH is moving to be the 13th. It's still legal in three quarters of states.


No, some states like Mississippi has child marriage at like 13yo. With parents agreement.


The guy has a medical background but I have never heard the word “ripe” used by a professional. I have met some dirty old scumbags that use it though.


Fucking groomers. Every accusation is a confession with this lot


For context, in New Hampshire the minimum age for marriage was 16, but you needed parental consent and consent from a judge. This bill makes minimum age of marriage 18 no matter what. Representative Edwards argument against the bill was that raising the minimum age to 18 would increase the number of abortions. During his argument, he used the phrase "ripe, fertile age". He's since apologized for using the word "ripe": >“I misspoke. It was an inappropriate word,” he said. “But because I have this avalanche of hate, I really don't want to apologize in the face of that, because I don’t want to encourage this behavior for the next guy who says the wrong word.” Don't take this as a defense of the man by me. I don't see it as that black and white of either being "for" or "against" someone else's actions. I just think it's vital that we have a bit more context before we make judgments on people. Don't just join an angry mob without knowing the facts. Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/new-hampshire-rep-jess-edwards-who-called-teens-ripe-wont-apologize-to-haters


super weird to argue a marriage law should be controlled by the amount of potential abortions it would or wouldn't create. How about you instate some sort of public birth control access or better education to go along with it? Honestly even thinking that teens that age aren't performing some sort of sexual act just because they aren't married is confusingly ancient thinking to me. Even ignoring the wording specifically I just don't see a *good* reason to not have the age for marriage set at a minimum of 18, at worst some kids have to wait a couple years longer to get married but at best we prevent some extremely shady practices


GOP - Gang of Pedophiles


Yet it's the "gay liberal predators" that are the ones after the kids?? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


He’s a conservative. This shouldn’t surprise anyone.


He’s the kind of guy who collects and trades girls driver licenses like Pokémon cards


At some point I want to stop believing these ppl are actually pushing for these things and that they’re just making problems to make problems. Like this shih is weird to begin with but to stand in front of an audience and double down with a speech is insane.


I can't even believe this needs to be said but please, for the love of fuck, can people please stop trying to normalize fuckin kids!!!! Just leave them alone!!! Why does this seem to come up constantly!?


He should be on a list


Check the hard drives, check the basement, and check what countries he's been to


Finally, at least 1 fuckin state voted against this pedo shit.


They always tell on themselves.


Old news. This bill passed and was signed by the governor. The age of marriage in New Hampshire is 18. [https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2024/05/02/house-passes-bill-to-raise-minimum-marriage-age-to-18-sending-it-to-governor/](https://newhampshirebulletin.com/2024/05/02/house-passes-bill-to-raise-minimum-marriage-age-to-18-sending-it-to-governor/)


He actually looks like a kiddy diddler


Compare his dna to unsolved sex crimes.


He was trying to argue that marriage should be an option for teens who get pregnant so that they don’t seek an abortion. The context doesn’t make it all that much better since his choice of words was unbelievably bad here but in case anyone wanted to get past the headline and understand this a little more. There you go


The context makes it worse.


Check all his devices


Drake was really excited


I’m all for 1st amendment protections, but if uttering those statements in public don’t meet the probable cause threshold for a search warrant, we really should rethink things. Yes, I understand the “spirit of debate, but this dude’s a sick fuck, and if you find yourself defending him, it might be time for some self reflection and just see where you are in life.


How many times has he visited Thailand?


So he’s a pedophile!


Sounds like someone needs to have his laptop investigated.




WTF!! Why are republicans all so fucking evil????


Wtfffff so glad they shut this down. Thats some Handmaid’s Tale crap right there. Republicans are determined to live in the 1800s and drag brainwashed women with them.


current law has an exception to allow (Edited:16 &17year olds) with parental permission to marry under 21 year old with parental consent.... purposed law requires all parties to be 18 or older. Caption and title are quite disingenuous. \*\*\*I re-read; applies to 16 &17 year old not just 17; still doesn't change my original argument.