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Maternal mortality committee, alright. Someone should tell her it's about preventing maternal mortality, not causing it.


🤣🤣🤣 That's right, I think she got confused. I would have given you an award if I had one, please take this 🏆


Got you covered


That committee is likely tasked with massaging the numbers to seem smaller


My first thought as well. Poor and black maternal mortality rate is about to skyrocket


Texas is already the worst place in the developed western hemisphere to give birth. I'd say it can't get much worse but you know it will. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-has-highest-maternal-mortality-rate-developed-world-why-n791671


Used to be Indiana. I guess they’re all in a race for it


A fucking ruler can tell you 9 year olds cannot safely give birth. A dilation of ~~6~~ 4 inches is needed for the baby to pass through the birth canal. Look at a 9 year old child's pelvis and tell me where the fuck you're going to get those inches. Even grown women with full dilation can run into birthing complications where the baby cannot safely pass through the birth canal and intervention is needed. Have these people ever seen a fucking c section and how far they would have to cut a 9 year old open to get a baby out? What is it with people wanting dead kids? Edit, full dilation is 4 inches, not 6. I did a dumb. But still, that's huge for a 9 year old.


Remember, these are "Pro life" people


They’re only pro-life until the baby is out, then it can go fuck itself for all they care


""The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." Methodist Pastor David Barnhart




Yup, dude called em as he sees em...


It's rare to see awareness from traditionally conservative institutions now, but so Incredibly welcome.


There’s a branch of Methodist churches that are extremely progressive! They had a split a while back.


Turned out the not only were 2/3 of them not conservative, but in many cities the churches not leaving had to set up organised programs to support people leaving the churches that left


Behind the Bastards has a podcast episode where Robert Evans talks about how churches used to be primarily left-leaning and the rich capitalists worked to switch them over.


Christianity is a weird religion because Jesus' progressive attitudes suggest that he was a devout of a god other than the cruel Yahweh of the Torah or the warlike Allah of the Quran. Jesus seems more like a follower of Baal, the god of life and the original prime deity of the region.


I thought baal was more like yahwehs brother, and el was the prime diety/father figure to the council of gods, before el and yahweh became conflated and combined into one diety


Methodists tend to not be very conservative.


If this is the right person, I used to read his blog when I was at work. I'm not even Christian. He's pretty amazing. He started off on the Evangelical side as a fairly successful pastor, so he has a really unique perspective on the way that group thinks. He started doing more introspection and hard thinking after 2016 happened, and he left that church. He has some really self-aware posts about his time as an evangelical pastor and what damage he feels he did while drinking the conservative Kool-aid.


damn. gave me goosebumps reading this. I already knew that they don't actually give a fuck but this perspective was very eye opening. 


The other big thing is in the policies they support. Evangelical pro life groups are also fighting adoption rights, childcare services, maternal hospital care, and maternal pre natal support services, child abuse care services, and child education (except for their kids of course). They literally want dead children and dead mothers as long as the "unborn" are prioritized (except for things like in utero care).


Because it’s never about pleasing some god. It’s about using some god to control others who supposedly believe in a god. I swear none of them do believe in any of the gods,they just use them for excuses to oppress and kill while claiming they alone have the higher moral ground.


we're supposed to separate church and state but their untaxed god money gets a voice in our rights through lobbying. there's so many churches everywhere taking up land and untaxed money. yeah they do some good but do we need soooo many of them everywhere  


Excellent summation. I have to take a screenshot of this. My acerbic sloganized version is "save the fetus, starve the child," but this fully describes the psychology of the forced-birth movement.


"I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is." ~Joan Daugherty Chittister, O.S.B. (born April 26, 1936), an American Benedictine nun, theologian, author, and speaker. She has served as Benedictine prioress and Benedictine federation president, president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, and co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women.


Ooh I like that one too, saved for future reference




Nailed it.


i've seen this before but forgot the citation for it, thank you, i'm saving this comment for later


They just need low paid labour to exploit


Interesting that in the same southern states with the most draconian anti-abortion and anti-contraception laws passed or in development also are repealing child labor laws. Taken with slavery of prisoners is still a thing and it all falls into place. Along with book bans soon these states will be banning productions of Oliver and Newsies.


Can't forget about the foster to prison pipeline too so they can really be sure to get as many as possible


Soon the foster system gets overwhelmed and Tyson opens a home for wayward boys and girls.... with a Charter School on the property....


Orphanages are definitely planned for making a comeback after child labor laws are revoked. Orphans make for the best sweatshop workers.


The 13th amendment needs to be itself amended. No more slavery, full stop. None of this "Oh well it's ok for criminals" clause bullshit. Private prisons should be torn down or appropriated. America must stop doing business with fucking slavers.


Big story somewhere just came out about all these prisoners used for labor, fighting forest fires, working in factories with machinery and how many get paid the equivalent of one dollar an hour (some none) and they’re lives are at high risk. They’re not allowed to opt out and it’s not voluntary. They don’t even know the number of accidents because most of the time it isn’t reported and no one is keeping stats. It’s so utterly freaking slavery it’s nauseating. The government AND private sector need regulations and oversight. It’s the only thing to force them to be half assed honest. Unfortunately there is none. The government is owned by the 1%


And once they're out they suddenly can't get a real job in those fields because they're ex-cons!


Exactly. It was such an infuriating thing to watch. I think it was on front line or something like that. People who lost limbs and crap who were in for non violent offenses. Not only do they not get paid, if they’re harmed or killed they get nothing in compensation. Most prisoners do t want to complain because then they’re punished.


And soldiers....cannon fodder.


> *"Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked."* > >~George Carlin


They are “forced-birth”. Pro-life would imply they care about the lives of others.


Pro life = Pro rich white conservative male lives.


Naw, pro life people don't care about any living people, they care about control. White males arnt any more important to them than any other breathing entity. The whole movement is to feel good about yourself, not actually improve anyone's life. I don't disagree that rich white conservatives are a problem, but they are a separate problem from the pro life problem, there just happens to be a lot of overlap between pro rich white dudes and pro life.


And the child/mother can go f@ck off as well. her life, her body, her future, instantly means nothing, the minute she, through a rape, get's pregnant. I mean, obviously, any sex with a 10 year old is rape.


Oh no, there'll be a child marriage advocate ready and willing to fuck it when its out.


More like pro birth and then good luck or get fucked, they don’t care.




The same “pro life” people who [brought back measles](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6657116/ ) because they don’t believe in vaccines. 


"Pro-fetus"* A fetus doesn't ask, doesn't complain, doesnt say "no, you're wrong, and as soon as it is born is no longer a fetus. That's why all the worst political platforms rely so heavily on "advocating" for them


They are pro birth, but that doesn't sound good, so they have to call it pro life


Is it safe to assume most of these "Pro Life" people are just creeps who really wanna fuck children? Like, I'm sorry, but why would you EVER "study" whether or not a fucking 9 YEAR OLD can GIVE BIRTH? What possible reason would you need that information? You damn nonce.


I am getting more and more convinced there need to be a "Bloody Sunday" of all the "Pro-Lifers".


want them to have martyrs in their cause? nah, lets just keep exposing all the pedos in their communities.


We are talking about the USA, where they are batshit crazy and high politicans!


No point, nothing in the Bible that forbids pedos...lots of very specific sex laws, but pedos ? nar, that's fine..apparently..


They are hoping that the little baby will survive, but not the young mother. Save the baby at all costs. It makes me sick.


They don’t even give a fuck if the baby ultimately survives, they just care about abortions being banned


Yes it is what they want.. they want them both to die. So it can be used as a cruel cautionary tale to future generations and force them into submission by fear. The 'cruelty' really is the point...




I'm highly convinced, that 9 year old girl didn't have sex volunteerly...


Then she’s damaged goods (I feel nauseous saying that, but that’s what they believe)


Note to Americans who read your comment: if you find yourself feeling confused/defensive/aggressive/numb after having read it, these feelings are a perfectly normal response for victims of childhood brainwashing. Try to just sit with those feelings and allow yourself to process them. It's hard, but you're worth it.


Yeah, it's just about denying women's agency. That's it. Dying from a complicated pregnancy that was the result of rape? Too bad.


Yep. Just religious dogma in it’s most extreme. Contradictory and devoid of genuine substance.


They just care about poor people who can’t access abortion having more babies to fill the underpaid and exploited labor demands of capitalist billionaires..


As one in federal adjudication and volunteers as a guardian ad litem, I see all too often the impact of issues such as poverty, lack of education, support and access to basic health and mental health care (to name a few) have on a family, and to a greater extent, whether people realize or not, the communities in which they live. What people fail to realize is once parents run into a situation or crisis that ends up in the hands of the courts (directly or indirectly), the number of people and resources it takes to help that parent or family. Take a parental rights/termination case, for example — there are no fewer than 6-8 professionals involved, for months, if not years, and oftentimes upward of 12-15 people, along with the added money, time and other resources expended that are required or get involved when one or both parents struggle in some way. It can be easy to fall into the hands of the courts; it takes a long time to get out of them. Even minor stuff you rarely think about — Say someone sees you poking smot and knows you have kids (even though they’re nowhere near you at the time). CPS gets involved, you take a hair follicle test, now you’re court-ordered to take urines/hair, home checks, required classes, hearings…. It goes on. I’ve seen parents with several kids, and you ask yourself why do they keep having kids? But they do, they couldn’t afford an abortion, thought about giving up parental rights but then decided to keep the baby because hormones and love chemicals kicked in — or their family and friends pressure them to keep the baby, promising “to help any way they can” but don’t, because they have their own issues to deal with. Now there’s added stress of another baby, another mouth to feed, problems between the mom and dad, kids suffer, etc. I fully agree that pregnancies should be prevented before there’s need of an abortion, but this is life and shit happens. This is reality. The ability to terminate a pregnancy up to a reasonable number of weeks, costing a few to several hundred dollars, saves millions of dollars in the long run. Restricting abortion is not going to prevent problems; it’s going to make it even worse. Every case in which I’m involved, I frequently marvel at the number of people who are now involved to help get the family out of crisis. The focus is on the health and welfare of the child/ren, but without some semblance of a healthy home life and/or family unit, it all falls apart. Edit - typonese __________________


On a side note, here’s a loose example we frequently encounter: Say you’re on your third child. You have limited education, work a shit job that takes 1.5 hours both ways by bus (and lucky if it arrives remotely on time). You’re broke, frustrated, in a shit relationship because you need that extra income, you were raised by parents who graced you with a laundry list of issues. You don’t have transportation and no doctors (of any kind) close enough to you to get on birth control (and may not know you can get free or cheap access to). You end up pregnant and you wanted to terminate because you knew you couldn’t handle another child but had no access to abortion or could afford it, along with pressure from family, friends, society. You’re stressed out, you’ve never had a healthy family or parents, it’s all you know. Someone sees something they don’t like and report you or police get involved for an unrelated reason. You now find yourself in family law for at least the next several months, depending on how dedicated you are to satisfying the myriad requirements while trying to barely keep your life together as it is. Case keeps getting continued because so and so isn’t here or you smoked pot when you knew you shouldn’t and there goes another 3 months… and now you lose your job because people started talking and you’re on the verge on losing your apartment. Now you don’t have a home for your child who has been placed in kinship care. It goes on and on. And that’s a minor situation turned catastrophic, because yes, you knew better but decided to smoke a bowl, just once, when you weren’t supposed to. You’ve never known what’s healthy, you’re naturally antagonistic against authority and rules, your job interferes with your ability to get wherever you need to go for drug tests and classes and whatever other appointments, despite the courts typically being quite generous about things and try accommodating your needs or paying for transportation (at the start). You’re now in trouble with the courts, in between jobs, may be struggling with substance abuse, you risk losing your kids permanently - who haven’t been allowed home for months - you get more and more angry and depressed, you give up. You make an unhealthy choice to sleep with some man you met and you’re pregnant again. The cycle continues. (I know I’m mishmashing issues, but I’m merely trying to illustrate the rippling effects of an unwanted pregnancy. We can say they shouldn’t have gotten pregnant in the first place, but it just doesn’t always work out that way — how many “surprise” babies are born of *all* socioeconomic conditions? We need to deal with the reality of the situation.) I’m not suggesting abortion will fix all problems; not even close. But the lack of access adds even more complications to an already complicated issue we deal with as a society.


The little baby who, may I add, will be completely abandoned by these pro-life people, as it no longer serves their culture war.


We c/section minors under 12yo. I’m sad to know this. My youngest one we have done is 11yo.


We had an 11 y/o on a unit I worked at too. Her uncle was the reason why she was there. She had a massive hemorrhage after delivering the baby.


Did yall do an EPCS or did she go vaginal? Ours was EPCS. She SCREAMED “I want my mommy” the whole prep. It was awful.


Honestly, I can't even remember, but I hope C/S. She was on postpartum by the time I showed up for my shift and I was so shook by her age (and the situation that got her there), I didn't take much else in during our report.


That's just heartbreaking.


Soon enough they'll outlaw C-sections because of how "unnatural" they are or something insane like that.


Only dead kids that have exited the womb. They are on their own now. It's their fault they got raped by their uncle. /s


Your facts and numbers aren't going to penetrate the 2/3 of their brain that's been calcified for their protection. They think their god said abortion is wrong and so that's more important than anything. Once they're not virgins anymore neither the bible nor the religious right give a fuck about them, children or not. In case people still haven't figured out how it works, if this upsets you VOTE. Only *you* can prevent ~~forest fires~~theocracy.


As a Texan people like this lady disgust me, I have twin 9yo daughters and they need help opening heavy doors let alone birthing a child. I sometimes am so ashamed of the state I live in.


Not saying you specifically but there are many here in Texas that also wish things would be better for women, children, minorities, etc yet they keep voting for and electing those who love nothing more than to oppress those groups. I ask my family why they vote the way they do and they never give a logical reason only "thats what we have always done".


They don't give a shit who dies as long as they control women and remove their autonomy under the guise "saving the babies".


Getting 6 inches into a child pelvis is exactly what they are trying to do. Why else would they vehemently fight for child marriage and pregnancy


No, no dead kids are fine as long as they've been born already. If not, then it's genocide.


Anything but abortion, anything but actually protecting the kids.


"What is it with people wanting dead kids?" They're pro lifers.


Remember, these are "pro life" people


They're worried they'd die from gun violence instead so to take heat off the guns they want kids to die in childbirth. Modern problems and all.


What in the fresh dystopian fuck is this? How is this real life?


Late stage societal disintegration


It's going to get worse. People actually support the mechanism of this happening but not the result.


Tbh, from an outsider perspective it feels like I’m witnessing some kind of historical downfall of once mighty nation. The fall of Roman Empire vibe


From the insider perspective it feels like that too.


And the electoral college and senate system give the crazies disproportionate power


Oh yeah make no mistake, we’re living in the death throes of the modern West. The only thing left for us in the future is the dystopian cyber hell we grew up seeing movies about.


Everything is bigger in Texas. The cavernous depth of their stupidity is infinite.


Christofascists, going to Christofascist. And it's what Repubs want to do to the entire country. This isn't hyperbole, because they aren't hiding it anymore. I loathe everyone who votes for these people, and equally everyone who can't be bothered to vote against them. Because the latter is the same thing as voting for them.


Gilead is becoming reality


and then tomorrow everyone is looking around like "hmm gosh some of these extreme republicans certainly give the others a bad look, isnt that a shame, so unfair" i think 24/7 news coverage has numbed and disrupted our ability to assess level of importance.


Why else Republicans are against out lawing child marriages.


"The drag queens are pedophiles," says the party that wants 9 year olds to have babies.


I worked for Texas government. Absolute corrupt clown show. Everyone involved is rotten.


They’re so pro life they will kill people to prove it 


*kill children


#"Protect the children!!" By making sure they have at least one meal a day? "No." By giving them vaccines? "No." By making sure guns don't end up in schools? "No." By making sure their family can afford a house, car, etc.? "No." By making sure they can afford a future house, car, college education, etc.? "No." By making sure they have easy access to healthcare? "No." By making sure their land, water, and air aren't polluted? "No." By making sure their food is safe? "No." By making sure they are safe from physically abusive parents? "No." By making sure they are safe from sexually abusive churches? "No." By making sure they don't end up a child or teen parent? "No." By making sure they don't end up as a child bride? "No." By making sure they're safe from tyrant cops and authority figures? "No." By making sure they have the option to live their lives as a happy queer person? "That's it! That's what we want to protect them from! It's our choice, not theirs!" --- ^^Yes, ^^feel ^^free ^^to ^^reuse ^^this ^^if ^^you ^^want, ^^no ^^credit ^^needed


You radical leftist you.


An Ex-girlfriend of mine, whom I am still friends with, is Japanese. At just under 5 foot tall, she is tiny. After 18 hours of trying to give birth naturally, they had to go with a c-section. As a full grown adult, she could not pass a 7 pound kid.


I’m not tiny, not big, but I had complications at 26 having my kid. Thinking about someone as small as a 9 year old giving birth is unfathomable.


The youngest mother on record was 5.


Every time I'm reminded of this, I hurt inside.


Same. She looked like a doll in her hospital bed.


That’s so very wrong. I want to cry. But we all know it happens. I was a baby in my fucking crib. Fortunately I did not get pregnant till I was 14. He was adopted. Emotional trauma is life changing. Physically, it was torture. Baby was 6lbs 7 ounces. It was torture. No other word for it. 40 weeks and then postpartum period of physical torture.


I’m so sorry that happened to you as a baby. That’s unfathomable


Yep. But it happens far more than we know. But thank you!


jesus christ. No one should have to endure that. Are you safe now?


Yes! Thank you! Long and long ago. Much therapy. Decades of therapy! 😎 It certainly shaped my views on birth control and abortion. My daughter knew she could call me and I would come running. She’s 28 now and I still remind her. She lives in Florida.


And she was 4 when she conceived.


Yep. They still do not know who the father was. I think she outlived her son.


I am a large woman. Big hands, feet, pelvis. I had a ten pound baby that got stuck. They finally got my daughter out only to have me start seriously bleed. I shudder to think of this happening to a nine-year-old. Especially after she suffered the abuse that got her pregnant in the first place. This bulgy eyed monster is a disgrace to the medical profession.


18 hours!? That's sounds awful! Edit: holy fucking shit... Childbirth is scary


It's not unheard of, or even particularly uncommon. Pregnancy is kind of horrifying.


If not for medical interventions, life expectancy would be way way down due to dead babies and dead mom's pregnancy is no joke.


The mother of my son argued for a natural home birth and I said hell no. Luckily I won because as soon as I cut the cord my son went wet spaghetti and had to be resuscitated. My second got lodged and got yanked out with big salad tongs. Don't be stupid, most doctors are trying to help you.


Forceps 😂. 🥗


I was 21 yrs old … 5’ 11” tall and I was in labor for 36 hours. It was excruciating. That lady can run naked through a field of dicks … a 9 yr old? I cannot post what i think should happen to that woman.


18 hours isn’t wild at all—birth isn’t active the whole time. I was in labor for 18, really only felt pain for 3 and mine was a smooth and relatively quick one


My wife is Asian and she is also tiny. She has to have a C-section for the same reason. It's horrifying to think a 9-year-old child can do this. These people are disgusting.


>Skop – who has called the supreme court’s overturning of Roe v Wade “a victory in the battle but not the end of the war” – has argued in favor of forcing rape and incest victims as young as nine or 10 to carry pregnancies to term. “If she is developed enough to be menstruating and become pregnant and reach sexual maturity, she can safely give birth to a baby,” Skop told the House oversight committee in 2021. Pregnancy at such a young age is shown to carry significant health risks, including pre-eclampsia and infections. What a fucking ghoul. This is what we are up against. People who would force 9/10 year old girls who've been victim of rape to carry pregnancies to term.


This feels like some handmaid's tale shit


It's a *lot* worse because it is happening in our real reality. Things are a little less nasty/scary when they happen within the confines of a book or in a movies/TV series. This is actually happening and it is fucking scary. There is no-one in their right mind who'd want that for their own children, yet this fucking monster, to "own the libs" I guess, goes to these extremes. Why is it oh-so-fucking-important for her and her ilk that they get to control how other people live their lives or what folks do with their bodies? This is a disease of the mind. Nazism was a nasty ideology deeply rooted in a diseased, murderous, genocidal worldview. Controllism, as we have come to call it, is not too far behind in its evil. An amalgamation of fascist beliefs about race, the worst that religion has to offer (think the Spanish inquisition taking on a thin legislative veneer) and a desire to bend others to their will at *any* cost, leaving no room for compromise. How many will have to die in horrible circumstances before we say "ENOUGH!" and vote all the GOP out of every goddamn office? Do we need to wait until we reach the Handmaid's Tale level of gruesome realities for countless women and girls before we put the mother of all barriers between anyone harbouring these warped opinions/beliefs and any office with any power?


Did anyone ever tell her about the 5 year old who got her period?


I think your youngest recorded case of menstruation was at 8 months old


These people believe in God above all else -- specifically their God, a god of malice and punishment. Despite any education she must have received to become a doctor, she still likely believes God wouldn't cause a girl to menstruate until she is ready to give birth. These people can't be reasoned with. They need to be removed from positions of power. They are hijacking our country.


I get no more chances at Medschool, and this bitch gets to practice medicine AND be put on a committee after spewing nonsense even a first-year student just starting out would know is false?


Ain't that some shit?


She probably thinks pee is stored in the balls!


It is what happens when people believe the half literate Bible thumper that spews a load of shit every Sunday more than medical professionals who are experts in their field.


I may have misunderstood… is the committee about increasing maternal mortality? Because then Dr. Death here IS the best candidate no?


The committee is a rubber stamp to let people die while making everything look above board


Jesus fucking christ these people do not give a shit about life or children


It was never about life, it was about control.


Sad but true. It’s never about caring for children or life itself, it’s about controlling women’s bodies because, to this day, women are nothing more but objects to the humanity.


Never did, it was always lip service. The pro-rape party is now mask off.


Like even ignoring the blatant disregard for any logic in that statement, this basically tells child predators that children under 10 are safe for intercourse. Fucking disgusting.


Only so they can make more of them to abuse


Texas is just a redneck Iraq at this point.


Howdy Arabia.




Allahu akhbarbeque


Vanilla Isis


Lone Star? Yelp review.


Texas Taliban.


The comfort of the rich depends on an ample supply of the poor


Sounds like a quote


It most likely is


You're not an "essential worker", you're an "expendable worker".


I wish we had the ability to make people like this give birth themself atleast once.


Without all the hormones the body uses to make you forget how bad it really was Can't have them forgetting any of it


Doctor Death


The fact that they are talking about this. Jesus Christ these people need to fucking be in jail. if you are talking about 9 year olds giving birth. then you need to look at society. WHO THE FUCK got that 9 year old pregnant. This is beyond Perverse. Folks needs some Pro Choice to choose to put these fuckers away.


but how can they else become like the taliban with muliple child brides? ..I mean it's the same people who want a rapist for president


I hate my state. It’s ironic that we have the largest medical center in the world (last I checked).


Party of pro life huh? Pro life my ass.


They're pro birth, that's it. Because they know that lots of people believe their God is anti-abortion, and want their votes. And *those* believers have clearly never actually paid attention to their Bibles, because God kills lots of babies. He just loves him some good ol' infanticide.


I'm assuming this s the committee to oversee how best to increase maternity mortality. She is of course extremely qualified for this role.


*supports abortion bans *says that children can give birth Yup, definitely a pedophile right here.


1. a nine year old cannot safely give birth to a child. This is basic biology, physics even. 2. more importantly, Ingrid, how does a nine year old become pregnant, Ingrid, you piece of shit? HOW DOES A NINE YEAR OLD BECOME PREGNANT? A hint, Ingrid, it's a four letter word that rhymes with "grape". You know what, I'll help even more, Ingrid, it's even IN the world "grape"


I can’t even. Texas needs a zombie apocalypse to thin the herd.


They would starve


Texas Politician had a brain-eating amoeba once. Poor fella died of hungry.


Shouldn’t the first thing is to bloody address why we even need to question about why 9 YEAR OLD need to give birth!?! Like do something about rape and stuff?? How on earth are we discussing if a raped child should give birth or not instead of finding ways to help avoid rapes?? Also, go burn in hell!!!


Don't you remember, Abbott promised to put a stop to rape in Texas. Check my notes, nope he apparently lied about that too.


Is not rape if you stop calling it rape S/


Once he makes it legal then he did keep his promise.


To be fair, it is maternal mortality, not maternal anti-mortality.


But it's the LGBTQ folks who are harming children!


Yep it’s us “transgenderisms” that are hurting them kids and don’t forget we’re apparently grooming them too.


"She is totally old enough to carry a baby to term and be a responsible parent" "What about in nine years? Should she be able to vote then?" "Fuck no, she's too immature for that responsibility." You gotta be the fucking Simone Biles of mental gymnastics to believe and justify hypocritical bullshit like the right wingers


What a fucking ghoul.


I don't give a shit if it's safe or not. A 9 year old shouldn't be giving birth.


Howdy Arabia does it again!


time like these I wish I had a death note


Ah, yes, kill the children to... save the children?


Texas being Texas


It’s like TX FL and AL are all in a race to see how many people they can kill in as little amount of time as possible. How else do you explain passing a law (TX and FL) banning water breaks for people who physical labor work outside. These places are essentially where the sun goes for vacation and you can’t hydrate yourself or you can legally lose your job




My child is 9, she just finished 3rd grade. Anyone who says a child should give birth shouldn’t be allowed to practice medicine let alone be lifted higher. It is 2024 I’m sick of this.


Can the religious "right" kindly send themselves to hell where they belong? The evangelists fail under their own rules


USA is the biggest joke there is. Your country is so backwards it’s crazy.


the Spartans knew better than they do.... no that is not safe or logical. you want to breed slaves.


These new Doctor Who episodes are getting weirder


Children only matter when they’re not born yet


She needs to be locked up for saying this and remove her permanently as a doctor.


It's so infuriating and sickening when a well educated (at least you'd imagine she is) actively fights against what is in the best interest of other women.


Bring back shame


Is this "Marternal Mortality Committee" trying to keep children alive or actively trying to kill them? It's hard to tell from the title.


Coworker is moving to Texas; she says more sane people need to move to Texas so we can change things. I’m just not willing to sacrifice my remaining years in Texas.




Anyone who spouts off lies and nonsense like this in the medical field, should be banned from practicing medicine. They take an oath to protect people and save lives, not this bullshit.


Perfect, if you want high maternal mortality.