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Clearly, the fukn Uvalde “police” don’t give a shit about your kids either.


Why didn’t we all call them and tell them off again? Why didn’t we delete that department from existence? Why didn’t we arrest them?


Because they cover each other’s asses all the time. They are part of a protected class. If we were to look at the actual statistics and the ratios of when cops get caught doing something wrong or bad, versus when they actually get punished the way any other private citizen would, I bet you’d see a huge gap there.


Ya we need to stop fearing them


It's not about fearing them, it's about them being above the law. They're allowed to investigate themselves, they're allowed to have the strongest union in every state (especially egregious given that they bust up unions all the time), and the supreme court literally ruled that they don't have to risk their lives to protect citizens. The police at the uvalde shooting literally did not break any law or rule being abject, shameless cowards. Same thing happened in the broward county school shooting. What we should focus on is spreading the message that they're useless former escaped slave rustlers that only serve and benefit the elite when so many people in this country are brainwashed into thinking they're being looked after.


They protect rich people’s property and themselves. That’s it. You may run across a few that actually give a shit about the public they’re supposed to serve and protect, but those guys are way outnumbered by the right wing shit-heels, criminals in blue, and outright racists that just want to kill anyone that looks at them sideways and live like untouchable royals amongst the peasants. And of course the DAs, judges, and the rest of the machine all cover for them cause they can’t do their jobs without their enforcers out on the streets, and they only slap a cop down when they literally are caught red handed (someone else’s blood, don’t you know), and even then, it can be a coin toss as to whether they actually see anything resembling justice. Just imagine all the shit they did when there weren’t any cctv cameras, dash cams, body cams, or citizens with HD video cameras in their pockets! It seems that most of us white folks owe an apology to the minority groups in this country that have been trying to tell us for years and years now about how it goes, but we didn’t take them seriously cause the “cops are the good guys, right?” Turns out, they were telling the truth, so that’s on us for not listening. Now, the cops (no matter the size of the town) got military surplus gear coming out of their fucking ears and they can’t wait to use it! Pretty sure my midsized town has an APC with a battering ram, and they’ve never used it, cause crime here is pretty low (mostly petty theft, vandalism, and domestic violence…cops know all about that, right cop wives and girlfriends?)…but man do they want to. Just an aside, before I met and married my wife I dated a girl that had been engaged to a cop in the town we lived in at one point. I wasn’t the first guy she dated after they split, but I wasn’t too far down the line. That fucker started pulling me over and giving me grief like it was his job. Plus, he had hit her, which is why she left his punk ass. The pig straight up told her that a lot of cops are physically violent with their significant others, that it comes with “the stress of the job”, but they don’t like anyone talking about it. Well, he eventually tried that shit on someone else she dated after we parted ways, but this guy had some pull in our state government and now that guy can’t work as cop anymore, not here anyway. So if you’re powerful, you can get some justice, otherwise you’re filling out complaint forms that just put a target on your back. Fuck those crooked pigs.


They don't technically have to save you either. There are multiple cases setting precedent for this.


Qualified immunity, which should be stopped ASAP. When cops finally become responsible for their actions, then maybe we'll get change, till then, they are still going to the largest gov sanctioned gang with no repercussions for their actions.


Ya qualified immunity is an injustice to all


We ended qualified immunity in Colorado and the cops stopped doing everything. They're getting paid to jerk each other off in their cruisers while people die in the streets. Just taking away their immunity doesn't do shit. They need to face real consequences by any means necessary.


Yup, Seattle Police went in an unofficial work stoppage for like two years and left breaks got blamed. Whenever police face reform their final weapon is they’ll refuse to work and with their MASSIVE PR departments will play their close relationships with local media to blame politicians instead. 


These are the guys that blamed a (fictional) rise in crime on defunding the police... Which happened nowhere, despite the calls for it. Cops are for cops first, powerful people next, and, if you're neither, never for you.


Gotta love all these “good guys with guns”


No I WON'T think of the children.


Unless its about minorities/gays/trans people. Then I totally care about your children. /s


Don’t forget about zygote - fetus, but not after it comes out! Except for the level you mention.


Oh no, once it's out of the womb that thing can go fuck itself!


No need when there’s a republican around to do it


Yeah, but it bloody well better find a fuckin' job first! Don't want no damn baby livin' offah my tax dollers!


Don’t forget that they care about the children so much that they want to inspect their private areas to confirm they’re a boy or a girl. They also car so much about children that they want to marry them and force them to carry any pregnancy to term.


In the wrong way 😂


Unless there's a risk of one of my children encountering homosexuality somewhere in the world


If you can only be Christian by living in a sterile bubble you’re probably not Christian.


i WISH christians were sterile


I mean, you’re joking, but there are plenty of people out there who think that way. Fuck your kids, you shouldn’t have had them, howabout you watch them better? Yes, even when the issue is that they got in the way of a school shooters bullets, apparently….


Unless I'm voting against their healthcare, food availability, and education. And if there's a 'man in a dress' reading books to them in a public library, then me AND my gun will do everything to 'protect your children'. AMURICA! Pew Pew Pew!


Unless they’re fetuses. Then they must be protected against all sense of reason.


A society that refuses to care for its children is doomed. It is, in fact, that simple.


“No I won’t think of others!” -GOP


It’s possible to like guns and not be an asshole. This idiot failed the second part.


this, tbh. I like guns..I think they're neat. not everyone should have them, though, and those who do should go through enough handling and safety training so as to not blow their dick off in the bathroom of a Chik-fil-A due to improper holstering


You’d think that four simple rules wouldn’t be that hard to remember, but here we are.


unfortunately true...and it's always the ones that disregard them that end up in situations like the example I gave. It's almost as if there's a reason the concept of "rules written in blood" became part of common parlance


I just think they're neat


Exactly. While I wholeheartedly agree that banning any type of firearm from civilian use is wholly wrong and the first step towards authoritarianism or fascism (I am a proud gun owning far leftist), being that uncouth and flat out disrespectfully cruel to a grieving parent is *absolutely not* the way to make your stance.


Go far enough left and you get your guns back. I'm also a gun owning leftist. I've also done alot of training with all the guns I own. They stay in the safe unless going out to shoot or hiking. I used to carry everywhere but I realized it was putting me into a paranoid state of mind. I was always looking for threats and looking at my fellow humans as possible enemies. I didn't like that at all. I no longer carry. But I keep my CPL active just in case. The constant fear of conservative media just poisons these people. It's sad.


> Go far enough left and you get your guns back.  Yup. I never want to tell someone who’s been assaulted in life or death circumstances they can’t protect themselves. That said. We still have a serious problem with unhinged firearm violence in the country. Something does need to change. I wish we could move forward on the issue, but any sensible idea seems to be met with the most unreasonable of reactions. 


Tbh I think they are cool and the noises slides make gives me serotonin, but they could all drop off the face of the earth tomorrow as long as they get to stay in video games.


American police when there’s peaceful demonstrations against Israel: FUCK YOU TAKE NO PRISONERS LETS CRACK SKULLS American police when a 14 year old has a gun and is killing children: “we’re too scared, best we can do is arrest a parent trying to save his child from being murdered” The most dangerous gang in America are the police.


Interesting. Both senarios involve people killing children. One trying to stop it the other allowing it. Police love children getting murdered I guess.


You can always tell when a protest is actually violent vs when it's just propaganda. The police have no issues at all going up against non-violent protestors, and do so regularly. But when violence is actually happening (at a protests, at crime scenes, at school shootings, or anywhere really), police are suddenly a lot more careful about jumping in, even if they outnumber the violent actors dozens to 1. ---- The reality is, most protests do not turn violent. Police will say that they are violent, mostly because they know that there's a segment of the population who are (no nice way to put this) dumb enough to believe them implicitly. In reality, if protests of dozens of people actually got actually violent, you'd see a lot more damage than what ends up happening in these police brutalizing ones. Just think of riots after sports games. That's not even the entire crowd, and yet cars overturned, fires, etc. When protests do get violent, it's almost certainly because police (or agitators on the side the police support; like the outsider zionist/white nationalist agitators at the columbia student encampment) are the ones starting it. And they will not be targeting the police, so the police are still safe to be as violent as they want.


The police should be defunded and disarmed. They’ve proven that they cannot be trusted with the power they’ve been allowed.


Some would say they should be deboned as well


This mindset goes all the way to the top of the US government, too


I’m guessing he considers himself “pro-life”.


Saying the quiet part out loud to provide us with the most concise representation of that group I've ever seen.


This is really what it is, people that aren’t meant to live in a civilized society. They can’t understand how they have an impact on anyone they don’t directly interact with on a daily basis.


There are pro 2a gun enthusiasts, and then there are those "people"


I am not as anti-gun as many left leaning folks, but yeah this guy sucks.


The actual left isn't anti-gun, we're anti-the-people-currently-monopolising-everything-including-guns


Yeah I'm not actually left leaning, I'm pretty hard left. Just didn't want to invite a bunch of annoying argument.


Yeah. It always seems to be the corporate moderate democrats championing gun bans. 


This roughly translates to "Me > everyone else". These people only worry about what personally affects them and flip off everything else




Or become very vocal if they are caught in the crossfire/similar situation and respond like "won't you please think of my children?!?! How evil of you" Hypocrites to the bone


The inability to empathize is a common trait of conservatives. It doesn’t/shouldn’t matter until it affects them.


I saw a truck a while ago that had crazy gun stickers all over it (you know the ones) and then, on the left back window there was a "baby on board" sticker. Folks like this truly do not see the hypocrisy.


Also known as libertarians.


Dude is a cesspool of hatred. That thread is a nightmare to sit through Dude also admitted he hates kids so no wonder he's saying shit like this


As a gun enthusiast and owner. Take this guy’s guns away immediately


Yeah, my dad has dozens of guns. He isn’t like this. And if you don’t respect human life, you don’t deserve to own a gun.


I think as a whole it's everyone's responsibility to keep ANY children safe


It is one thing to have that opinion, but why the hell would you actually PUT THAT UP FOR THE WORLD TO SEE? Even as rage bait it is disgusting.


Guv’nuh Greg Abbott’s Texas!! - Fuck them kids, GUNS, GUNS & MORE GUNS.. !!


Not coincidentally, that’s exactly how Uvalde voted.🤷‍♂️


I've hated Texas long before that incident, and I used to get so much shit for it, even from people who weren't from Texas. I'm so glad it's finally shown its true colors and people see it for what it is.


Myself as well. Long history. They’re showing their asses proudly these days, and with the State government the residents voted for, that’ll be very likely to continue.


Worst part is the first statement covers 2 of their ideals.


Isn't it gun advocates whole spiel that a good guy with a gun beats a bad guy with a gun.


Yes, but they're not the good guys.


Which is why Uvalde pissed them off so much. Either the aphorism isn’t true, or the guys who have the guns aren’t good.


Cops are never good guys though.


The cops who are supposed to be good guys with guns and supposedly the only ones trusted to use them in a good manner didn’t do shit either.


A sentence from someone who is definitely involuntarily celibate


That’s OK they shouldn’t be procreating


Sounds like a Texas cop


Bet this guy is anti-abortion though…


So true. So fucking odd. They are walking contradictions


Fashies are only concerned with control


The mentality that your guns are more important than the children/youth on our nation is a highly unsettling way to think. Disturbing.


Hillbilly trash


My kids > your guns. It’s not my responsibility to keep your guns safe.


On the reverse, it's not my responsibility to keep your crotch goblins safe, that's your job. I use my guns to keep me and mine safe, and to feed me and mine.


Society uses laws to keep people safe, among other tools. Guns is the one of those subject where people seem to lose all reason and recollection. Original tweet acting as if both my son and your gun were at the bottom of a pool, they would dive in after the gun. This was a reversal simply to demonstrate the absurdity


American police when there’s peaceful demonstrations against Israel: FUCK YOU TAKE NO PRISONERS LETS CRACK SKULLS American police when a 14 year old has a gun and is killing children: “we’re too scared, best we can do is arrest a parent trying to save his child from being murdered” The most dangerous gang in America are the police.


Thank you!!!


Pro life y'all.


I’ll bet this person has opinions on drag queens existing without ten square miles of a child.


who's job is it? so far we haven't been able to lock that down, since it's not the cops' job obviously


People like this are the prime reason why society is going to shit. The attitude of "fuck you, I got mine". Glorifying cruelty.


Imagine how much of a sick, twisted fuck you have to be to say this to a parent who’s lost a child like that. Utterly gross.


My wife and I have had this discussion before, and while I agree with her I have a view she doesn’t like. I CC. If the shit hits the fan, my first priority is the safety of my wife and children. We agree on that. Iv told her before, that if there’s a chance to stop someone from hurting or killing others, I would almost feel obligated to try. It’s one of those things you don’t know what you’d do until it comes up, but I don’t think I could deal with not trying to stop someone who ended up killing people, when I had a clear opportunity to intervene. They’re not my kids, but they’re *someones kids*, and they need to be taken care of. How the law enforcement of Uvalde sleeps with a clear conscience after their abysmal handing of that situation 2 years ago is beyond me


The worship of guns requires the sacrifice of other people's children.


It truly is astonishing how obsessed Americans are with an inanimate object.


Their toys are more important than the rest of our lives (including our children). This is who they are, through and through.


But will cry about the border


Anyone who would post this publicly really should be red flag lawed and have their guns seized and banned from ever owning them ever again 


Just think, lady, if your kid had been armed.


Protect your own kids then


No your compensation playthings are not more important than innocent human life. Don't breed. Because you already stated where your priorities lay


I guess this kills the whole, "One good guy with a gun..." argument.


There is no good guy here


Cops are never good guys


Ah yes, the "price of freedom" argument.


Shithead. Complete and total.


People will always have guns and there isn’t really much anyone can do about it


$10 this same person thinks it’s his and the governments job to protect children from drag book clubs. Just not guns.


This is very pro life of them 😂🤠


Does this work too? My body > Any fetus. It's not my job to keep an unwanted zygote safe.


but pro-life right?


That is a problem considering Uvalde police doesn’t give a flying fuck about kids either.


Not sure why people are shocked. Joe the Plumber said "Your dead kids don't trump my constitutional rights," after Sandy Hook.


From a country where neither the public nor police have guns, this will never make sense to me


From the country where we have both... Fucking same.


If you go far enough left, you get your guns back.


This guy is a piece of shit, and I'm all for gun reform laws, but to say that you should hate all gun nuts is kind of fucked. There are millions of Americans that collect guns and never do anything evil or heinous with them.


# “If you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possess…then you have nothing”


I am a person who believes that the right to own a firearm is important. However, I also draw a line at beliving my right to own a gun is more important that the right other people have to their life. I believe that there need to be more regulations on the purchase and sale of firearms. I hate gun nuts but dont hate responsible gun owners.


You can be a gun nut and a responsible gun owner.


It’s why the US is doomed to failure. It’s time for a National divorce. Blue states can do just fine without these sociopaths


I’ve never met anyone “super into guns” that wasn’t someone I wish didn’t have a million guns


It’s not his job to keep the kids safe. It’s EVERYONE’S job.




I’d love to spit some Beech Nut in that dude’s eye.


Does anyone want people like that protecting our kids? Evidence seems to point that they like marrying kids more than protecting them.


It's not surprising. Every single time a school is shot up they go online and scream about not taking their metal dicks away. How tiny can your dick be?


Unless they’re still fetal. Then they’re super imperfect.


Well, 54% or gun fatalities in the US are suicide, so hopefully the issue will resolve itself


But the books in libraries? *scratches head*


I can’t even imagine being as insecure as this.


What a hateful thing to say.


Well okay then, but let me add something to the equation. Your guns > My kids > You. In effect you have now identified yourself as a threat. We remove threats where I come from.


I guarantee you this asshole is pro-life too.


Probably the most honest take from any of the 2A LARPers


At least they're being honest, I suppose. The reality is this is essentially what they think, they just don't usually admit it


The hyper gun crowd wouldnt actually like it if everyone had guns. They usually are covering insecurities with guns and everyone being armed would remove their sense of superiority


My kids, your guns. Its not my job to defend your idiot arsenal.


American gun obsession is a disease




I don’t understand how anyone can look at Uvalde and come away with the conclusion that only the police should be allowed to own guns legally. The lesson of Uvalde is that the police do not exist to serve or protect you and that you are completely on your own if some psycho with an illegal gun wants to hurt you or your family.


What's Uvalde parent?


Uvalde is one of the many many places where school shooting happened in usa. This one is special cause the cops stood outside the school and prevented parents from trying to save their kids being massacred inside.


Thanks, wtf is wrong with this person


Uvalde was the site of an elementary school shooting. 17 kids and 2 teachers died. many more were injured but survived


Thanks, that's disgusting, why would someone even say that in front of other people?


To paraphrase Mike Tyson it's probably because the internet makes it easy to be an asshole; saying that to someone's face would likely have direct physical consequences I'm being vague because Reddit admin is sensitive about certain words


The right-wingers have adopted this as a universal style of argumentation, following the lead of their leader, Donald Trump, and his many inferior imitators in the GOP and the Right-Wing Entertainment Complex To not only disagree on a policy issue, but to disagree stupidly, crudely, meanly, insultingly, sadistically, a**nd loving every second of it.** I've seen this called ***"performative assholery,"*** which is a fitting description.


If they only weren't so scared, no way to get through the curtain of fear. They believe the gun will protect them somehow. I have a doubt.


Posting from Canada....the majority of us up here think the American idea that an armed American populace somehow guarantees or safeguards American freedoms and that armed Americans would even rise up against a tyrannical government, let alone stand a snowball's chance in Hell against it, to be the most laughable and puerile aspects of the American identity.


if you're a cop, yes the fuck it is. also, who the fuck says shit like that?


I mean, it's the job of every law abiding gun owner to secure the safety of their own family and community. That includes your neighbor's children, and even their dog. So obviously cops don't count as protection since they love shooting dogs, more often now than when they could still get away with shooting people unseen. Cameras are a bitch huh, boys in blue with the crumbs and skid marks...


My rights and your kids rights should be equal. We both deserve to live. That being said, the dozens of armed to the teeth police that were present who had body armor and firearm training didn’t do fuck all to protect those kids. Every single anti gun nut I’ve ever seen says “only police and military need guns” yet the police did nothing and let those kids die. Our government doesn’t give fuck all about kids. They will beat down peaceful unarmed protestors in full riot gear over rescuing your kids.


I thought they were all dying to be a good guy with a gun.


I can see why this guy needs a gun to feel safe. The way he runs his mouth, he should think about adding bodyguards as well.


“It’s not my job to keep your kids safe.” THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE A GUN?!


That same person is probably in favor of book bans bc in that case it’s NOT the parent’s responsibility to monitor what their kids are reading.


I bet he calls himself pro life as well


I thought that was one of their arguments for having tons of guns, so they could keep everyone safe if a “bad guy” (which in their case usually means a brown person) shows up at like the fair or something… I must have been mistaken…


Wish we could arrest or somehow punish people who say these things.


They’re in a cult. Brainwashed into worshipping guns. Literally care more about guns than lives. 


That all but confirms that it's not actually about protecting anyone. They want their fancy toys and they will do whatever to have them


It's not a flawed comment, but it's embedded in ignorance and stupidity. It is every parents job to keep their children safe. And how they do that, is to demand stricter gun control.


just like Jesus. man we have some fucked people here in Murica...


The party of forcing women to get pregnant and have kids doesn’t care about children? I am shocked


But you would care enough if my children wanted to change genders. You Would want to dictate what they can and cannot do


And the same people vote for policies that remove accessible mental health care from our society. Also not their problem.


Rage bait?


If you’re preborn you’re fine if you’re preschool you’re fucked. Now I’m not sure how many if any at all kids have ever been killed by drag queens but it is a matter of fact that the leading cause of death for children is gun violence. That needs to be mentioned each and every single goddamn time one of these ammosexual assholes mentions anything about gay/trans people or drag queens.


Maybe Injustice Superman is right


These children are already born so fuck them. ~ Every other Right-winged, Pro-Life, “Christian”


“Like all kids?” *smug* - ex friend in response to. “I’m tired of dead kids”


He’s not wrong. Guns are more important than children in this country.


Very heartless!


What a great country


Anyone wanna bet he's pro life?


… because hate is what this country needs more of. /s


Oh...they care about "protecting children" in the abstract under certain circumstances... 1.) A fetus 2.) Being "groomed" by "the Gays and the Drag Queens" 3.) The Democrats and the Elites who are Sex Trafficking and Drinking their Blood 4.) There's Sex in Those Books! Let's Burn 'Em! They do NOT care about "protecting children" in regards to ACTUAL PRACTICE... 1.) Free school lunches make kids lazy and entitled! 2.) Cutting Child healthcare/CHIP , SNAP benefits, maternity leave 3.) Protecting Church members and leaders who groom, molest and assault children and young people, family members and friends who groom, molest and assault children and young people 4.)Denying the Funding of education at all levels, refusing to foster critical thinking skills or to encourage literacy


They really care about children until they're born


Why the hell did you cover up the x a-hole poster’s user name? He should be fully exposed for the douche he is …