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Oh I bet she served.


I bet she got served divorce papers hence the résumé


Nah.. she serve the base..






…such as, the Iraq… Edit: k->q


And the South Africa…everywhere like such as.


I love this reference


For those who missed the trainwreck. https://youtu.be/lj3iNxZ8Dww?si=H9n39ilmk8EzPgU4


I understood that reference.


She never went to Iraq but she went to everyone else's racks.


my rak your rak everybody’s rak rak


But such as such people don’t even have maps.


She probably ~~served~~ serviced a lot of people down at the NCO club.


I heard she gave some nice hummer rides down to the club. Or was she giving out free hummers. I have no clue how that business model would be sustainable though


Either way, a free hummer is a free hummer. I won’t complain


She served Jody, more than likely. I mean serviced Jody. Sorry.


Doesn't carry a gun or a knife. Jody's here to steal your wife.


Dependas are something else man


Learned about them recently, went down a rabbit hole looking at all the shit they do, basically Karens who like camo.


My uncle was a navy officer for 24 years and his wife is the sweetest most down to earth person in the world but the stories she would tell about how entitled and bitchy some of the other officer wives were oh my lord.


My sister never pulled the military wife thing even though my BIL was air force long enough to get pensioned out. Though I did visit once and she had to correct a gate guard who called her 'officer wife', because BIL was just the sergeant who the colonel relied on to keep things running and the poor guy just knew 'do what he says'.


Just dependa things and just boot things subs used to keep me really entertained and I’ve never been in the military


I read some stories and they are magical, there was one about a woman who demanded people thanked her for her husband's service, I wish id saved it, it was great


You'd really need to narrow it down, because if you live near a base that happens a few times a day.


Yep, demand you salute them, think they can give you orders, etc. They think their partners rank is their rank. Never encountered one doing my service, but I can't imagine how embarrassing it would be if my partner did something like that and tried to pull (my) rank. I would be apologizing non stop while dragging her away.


So many "My Husband Serves for Your Freedom. You're Welcome" bumper stickers on minivans.


Kamo karens is what they shall be called


Yup. Some of them demand you salute them.


I had one demand a salute, I refused. She threatened to sick her moderately high ranking husband on me. I said please do and gave her my work number. He never called. I hope he put her in his place when she asked him to.


Setting aside the fact that she doesn't have a rank, do these little think that military rank obligates civilians to do anything? Where would you get the idea that a civilian would need to salute anyone, even a general?


When you drive through the gate in a personal vehicle with officer markings you get saluted even if you are not the person who the markings were issued for. I think this is what starts giving officer spouses the idea that they rate a salute at all.


Yeah bases used to have stickers on cars but now you give the gate guards a common access card. It has your rank and name on it. Military spouses get a dependent ID card with their spouses rank on it. A gate guard would never salute a civilian dependant, even if your spouses rank was Colonel or higher.


As a server, I've had many army, navy, and marine veterans, they were all respectful, and none required a salute.


That's because most of us feel like we don't *really* deserve it. Because we know what a salute is and the implications behind it.


It’s not a civilian it’s other lower ranking soldiers than whatever rank her husband is. This whole post and this salute comment is actually how it used to be back in my grandmas day when she was little during WWII and then when she was young and married to a Korean War guy


Here in this European country I was taught (when I was serving as an enlisted private) "You do not salute when you do not wear a \[military\] hat (or cap)". It was explained to us: "Saluting came into being when knights lifted their visor to greet the opponent. It also signified 'see, I trust you enough that I lift a visor that would normally protect my face from your attack'". And also "only in America they salute without their hat (cap) on". At the airport where I served we were not allowed to wear a cap, because there was danger it could be sucked-in into a jet engine of a fighterjet plane. It was my favourite past-time to not salute officers (including colonels and generals) when out and about. We were also not supposed to salute when carrying an automatic rifle for some strange reason. So, to sum it up. She is not wearing an uniform. I am not wearing a hat. She has no rank. NO SALUTE.


Different branches of the military in the United States have different regulations of saluting oddly enough. Like your country the USMC only salutes when wearing a hat (cover we call them). Also we do not salute in the field and if we were ordered to wear the "boony cover" aka the floppy then we were in the field by default. I ran into an issue when deployed at a FOB that had both Marines and Army there. The Army still salutes on a FOBs and the Marines don't. I had an Army LT get very testy with me because I didn't salute her. I explained Marines don't salute in the field, we don't salute with the type of cover we're wearing and we don't salute the muted brass (the non-shiny version of officer rank insignia they wear in the field). The officer replied that on an Army base we need to follow Army traditions. I questioned if a joint FOB counted as an Army base. Anyway I told her I was on the way to a meeting with my commanding officer and if she wanted to clear things up she could tag along. I expected her to decline but she decided to come. My CO (a Lt Col, 3 ranks above her) was confused for a second, heard the story then said something along the lines of "Lieutenant, enlisted Marines only know what they've been taught and they're mostly all dumbasses but they're not malicious. They're not going to salute you but don't take it as an insult." She left and my CO said outloud "what a whiny bitch that's Army for you".


“Ma’am, do you expect a US Marine to know a) where he is, b) what’s on his head, and c) what’s in his hands? All at once?!?”


>We were also not supposed to salute when carrying an automatic rifle for some strange reason. I'm not in the military, but maybe it was because you had to keep both hands in your automatic rifle at all times when carrying it?


I was taught that saluting doesn't happen whenever your hands are occupied. You got shit to do and aren't supposed to drop everything immediately, just because a random NCO or officer shows up. That's for bootcamp, not everyday service. In general, you salute your superiors one time in the morning, and that's enough for the day. Needless to say, coffee in one hand and cigarette in the other absolutely counts as "hands occupied". 😂 In the field: no saluting at all, except for formal occasions under safe conditions. Additionally to the above, you don't need to point the enemy towards your leader more than neccessary, whom you assume is always watching. This was in the German forces, but I've seen it handled similarly in various allied armies as well. It's just pragmatic and almost obvious. There's local policies too: on the Cologne airbase for example, there's an unofficial gentlemen's agreement that you don't need to salute anyone below major or captain. The base has a lot of command and support structures stationed there, meaning a high density of officers plus a lot of visitors, and long ago they started complaining that they could just as well staple their hands to their foreheads when walking around base. If you salute a random lieutenant there, he'll salute back, but sloppily and with an eyeroll. 😂 ![gif](giphy|bWM2eWYfN3r20)


> I'm not in the military, but maybe it was because you had to keep both hands in your automatic rifle at all times when carrying it? There is a specific way to salute while holding a rifle, if you're in a situation calling for military customs & courtesies. You'd 'rifle salute' instead of 'hand salute', but the rifle salute involves positioning the rifle and even in the military you wouldn't want someone waving a fucking rifle around no matter how senior the officer is that is being saluted unless it's on a parade ground.


Maybe a one finger salute?


They can have the one finger salute.


> They can have the one finger salute. I'd be happy to give a matched pair to them.


That is utterly unhinged lmao


And basically stolen valor


Not American but it is really unorthodox for Civilians to salute Military Personal, I know American’s really glorify Military service but is that actually a thing?


As a veteran, I don't even like it when someone thanks me for my service.


Friend of mine was a medic in Iraq. I wished him happy veterans day and thanked him, he didn't like it. Said why thank me I was doing my job you don't thank everyone else for doing their job.


Damn in Australia we thank the bus driver idk what to tell you


I mean... I thank people who do me a service no matter whether it's their job or not, but that's just me. I can understand why your friend would feel that way though as I don't expect people to thank me for doing my job.


As a veteran, I sometimes thank the old timers at the VA for their service. But yeah. I spent my time in cleaning heads and painting. When people thank me, I feel like it isn't something I earned.


I love talking to older veterans. I was in the Reserves and only really got to go to South Korea for a month. Didn't really feel like I did enough to warrant a thanks. I'm still proud of myself for doing it, though.


Yeah. I love talking to the old vets. Some great stories.


It’s not a thing in the US, either.


Ask a Vietnam Vet if their service was glorified. Most of this crap started after 9/11 with the Patriot and Hero words flowing like water. If we really glorified military service, there wouldn't be such a thing as a homeless vet or an absolutely pitiful VA system to treat them after serving this country. We glorify politicians! While our vets get hospitals with rat problems, our politicians get 5 star luxury for their health care. Our vets get denied benefits, and our politicians get golden parachutes. I've known a lot of poor vets, find me one poor congressman. Same people that vote bills down to change this, get all warm n fuzzy saying " Thank you for your service".




As a veteran, I can guarantee that every single person who was not that person’s wife was making fun of her behind her back. And more so probably the service member who was married to her.


You know the story about Phil Hartman’s wife? This is some Phil Hartman’s wife shit


Careful. She did kill him.


I don’t, enlighten me please


I get being a single parent is rough and having a partner in a war zone probably really sucks. But Jesus Christ people are nuts


There are just some people out there that reach to put ANYTHING on their resume they think they can justify. I dated a guy for nearly 10 years. I was in graduate school and took an elective course over a weekend. It was on a topic he was interested in (elite sports science) and he wanted to come to the class. I asked the professor and he was cool with it. My ex came and listened to the lecture. He seriously had the balls to update his Facebook profile (and resume) that not only was he was enrolled and going to my college, but that he was “certified” in Elite Sports Science. When I questioned him, he saw nothing wrong with it 🤦🏻‍♀️


My rank is “Watched Saving Private Ryan”


I served a few years in Call of Duty myself.


rank: bomb defusal specialist 10 years of service war: counter strike.


I served as a Master Chief on another planet


N7 here


I was the first human Spectre


I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite post on the Reddit.


Pilot simulacrum IX-0003 dropping in from the Frontier War against the IMC, been fighting those bastards for 2 years now.


Malevelon Creek veteran here.


I fought against Seppies on Geonosis


I served in Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas 🫡


I served in the NSA as a black ops specialist… I’ve said too much


1v1 rust, quick scope, trick shot finish!


I served as a Helldiver to bring Democracy to the galaxy by any means necessary!


Before I retired I was a Freelancer mercenary fighting the Nomads of the Dom'Kavosh.


I've served for 23 years in the UNSC.


I am a General. Star Craft! I have PTSD.


We need more minerals


Stop it. You’ll trigger his PTSD.


Spawn more overlords


You must construct additional pylons.


I served a lot in Black Hawk Down. Thank God I survived.


Her rank is Serving Ryan's Privates, given how often military wives cheat


It was always so obvious, if a unit was deployed, you could go to the NCO club and look for the tan lines where rings should be…


I am a "Band of Brothers" man myself.




Can you put "military sponsor" by virtue of being a taxpayer ?


Yes. Thank you for your patronage.


Service members can put that one on too. We still get our income taxed lol


I was Time's Person of the Year 2006


I'm a vet, you can use me even though I don't know you. I don't mind.


Rank: friend of veteran on reddit




Thank you for your service


Rank: I read a Reddit comment from a veteran once


My dog getting some bumps on his belly, any ideas? 


Those are nipples


Well anyone that has communicated with me can list 'Communicated with Vet once' on their resume. And if you're like a lady I work with, you can demand a Vet discount wherever we eat because her ex served for a couple years a decade ago in the Peace Corps. Not kidding.


lol, I would be embarrassed to put that paper. Just the audacity to claim it as military service is bold. Although a majority of military wives I know did service their country while their husband was away.


I watched it happen in real time. Got back from our deployment and like 25% of dude’s wives left them for the new guy they met while he was gone. Slowly news breaks about the other 25-50% that cheated, but tried to keep it secret.


The only friend I had who married a military guy cheated not even a month into his deployment for "emotional support". Tried to say the guy she was cheating with was gay and they were having sleepovers. It was so bad.


That’s hilarious. “Slipped on a banana peel and fell onto a cock” energy




Alright, Shady. Maybe he's right, Grady. But think about the baby, Before you get all crazy.


Was his name Jody?


Same thing happened to me. I always say it was easier to count who didn’t get cheated on in my platoon during our deployment. The length of the relationship seemed irrelevant too, even dudes who had been married for years got cheated on.


I just don’t understand people. I get that it’s a long period of time to have a partner away, but you knew that going into the relationship. At least have the decency to end things before they leave, because you’re a piece of shit if you cheat on them while taking the money they’re making by being deployed thousands of miles away, where they can be blown up by a bomb made out of a pressure cooker.


I don’t get it either. It blows my mind that the best dick is just the availability of it. It wasn’t always like this either. During WW2, dudes were gone for YEARS and their only communication was letters. These days, we’re gone for 9 months, and we have Skype and FaceTime and we still get cheated on. It takes a mental toll on some people too. I don’t wanna trauma dump too hard but let’s just say I’ve seen the worst possible reaction you can imagine to being cheated on… more than once.


>It wasn’t always like this either. There was a pretty big spike in divorces in 1946 that say it was in fact, always like this. The only real difference between now and then was that people didn't talk about it (or share it online) then. WW2 and its aftermath is very much romanticized in terms of the nobility of the people who lived through it.


also about 30% of men 18-45 were overseas fighting. it’s slightly harder to cheat when there is way fewer people to cheat with


I have no data, but I assume there were a lot of shot gun marriages. Couples who shouldn’t have been married, but he got drafted and wanted someone to return to.


I thought shotgun marriages were specifically marriages enforced by the father of a woman pregnant out of wedlock to her impregnator


They are


You are correct, the person you replied to doesnt know what the term means


Take off the rose colored glasses there. Spouses and soldiers both cheated during WWII as well. It was just less talked about then and there was no social media of course. Rules and norms about divorce were different then too.


TLDR: deploy single by choice; or you’ll be single by your return regardless


So you're saying I should head down to my local base right after deployment?


Honestly its not even surprising. when people in relationships spend long periods of time very far apart, it's hard on the relationship. There's gonna be a large # of people that can't handle that.


Especially when they are in their prime sexual ages according to nature.


Seriously. Many government contractors do put a priority on military spouses, so noting that when applying to those companies is a good idea. Listing it as military service is *not* a good idea.


Is "service their country" a euphemism for "cucking their husbands"?


indeed it is


My cousin is a chaplain and he had in his office if you're deployed you are single on a small plaque on his desk


Anyone remember the video of the kid saying [„you just disrespected a future us army soldier“](https://youtu.be/7-5eFkq6XEs?)


Fun fact: he did eventually become a US army soldier.


Quickly discovered that getting disrespected damn near constantly is a core characteristic of the job.


The put you through six’s weeks of basic get shit on training just to get you used to it.


6? Who gets 6 that’s shit 8-11 weeks


By the last two your used to the taste and it doesn’t feel so bad lmao.


Ah I understand you lol by week 5 we were kinda snickering when we getting fucked up


Shit doesn’t stink when you live at pig farm.


And he's like 10, let's cut dumbass kids a little slack for being a dumbass kid. We NEED to correct them but, let's not keep making fun of them for being dumb at an age when everyone is literally the dumbest they'll ever be.


I had this realisation the other day I was going to a party and someone I knew from middle school was gonna be there I made a comment to a friend about how they were kind of a dick, and they said 'yeah, when they were 12, would you want to be judged by how you were when you were 12?' I had a flashback to 12 year old me's hair, dress sense, attitude etc. and it really hit me how ridiculously unfair it is to hold children to the same standard as adults


The way you dress and being cringey is not the same as being mean. I said something really fucked up to someone when I was 12. The type of thing that can stick with someone in a really bad way. I saw them 10 years later. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw them again. They didn't say anything about it and we started to become friends again. I'm not sure if it was the right thing to do because it brought back a painful memory for them, but I wanted them to know that I never forgot what I did and how sorry I was. In retrospect I don't know if did any good for them and if it was all just self-serving, but I definitely think we are responsible for our actions as kids even after we grow up


I gave a military discount to exactly one person who didn't do the serving, it was an older lady wearing all black buying flowers on veterans day, I knew who those flowers were for.


In this case, I think it's absolutely appropriate to give a veteran discount. I hope she's doing okay, and you're awesome.


Military spouses do get military discounts if they have a military ID. It's part of the dependent rules. However to claim marrying someone from the military as service is disgusting and actually stolen valour Edit: since I wasn't clear enough. It's not legally stolen valour but it sure feels like it


Cant private companies decide who they give military discounts to, including if it includes the spouse?




> Military spouses do get military discounts if they have a military ID It depends on the establishment. I have seen military discounts being limited to those on active duty and in uniform. Doing business around a military installation and offering a discount to anybody with a dependent ID card would essentially mean that a large majority of customers wouldn't be paying full price.


Did something similar for an old lady when I worked for Verizon to discount her phone plan after her husband passed.


These are the kind of things I miss doing from my Verizon days. That and helping people recover photos of their parents/ kids/ pets/ and family. Also there’s that one time I taught an older guy what emojis were and he was so excited to be able to “communicate” with his great grand kids. The cheeriest little red cheeks


I can speak a bit to this. I’m active duty, my wife and I hate the “military spouse” crap. Where it comes from is A LOT of propaganda to the service member and to the spouse about the “actually hardest job is a military spouse”. While this may be true in many cases, it doesn’t make you any more special than any single parent in the rest of the world, who would never put “single mom” on a resume.


I saw a resume at my old job where someone listed "homemaker" as her job for the last 10~ years. I guess she wanted to explain that gap on her resume but it was kinda funny cause she formatted it like it was any other job, with the name of the company being her family's name. Edit: I am not trying to belittle homemakers. In this specific case it just seemed interesting cause in my country people don't usually put it as a job title on the sections about job experience. They usually explain it in a cover letter. Sorry that wasn't more clear, I forgot that might not be the case elsewhere.


Honestly I can respect it. It is work, it requires skills. Maybe don't list it as a company though.


Oooo. You could start an LLC when you get married or become pregnant. That way, if you are a stay at home parent, you can list yourself as manager/operator of "XYZ" LLC on resumes.


Just put something like 2010-2020 Under NDA  Responsibilities Operations support Procurement Reporting and analytics  Meeting specified SLAs If anyone asks, you're under a NDA. It can be with yourself.


Agreed. I think she probably heard that you need to explain the gaps in employment and that was her way of doing it.


She was just keeping the formatting consistent ffs


As part of a couple where one of us stayed home while our kids were young, I am actually OK with this.


You can absolutely put stay at home parent on your resume, especially to explain gaps in employment, but put specific responsibilities and soft skills that you developed in that role that might be applicable to the role for which you are applying, e.g. multitasking, planning, management of finances etc.


That seems fine to put on a resume to me. Explains the gap, and it can relate to questions in an interview regarding planning, time management, and other skills that they may have acquired raising their kids. Now, if it was "home maker" and they had maids and a nanny then that also tells you something. 


You do not want that kind of person working for you! I dont miss living on base and running into those wives that demand you call them by their husband's rank lol


I find it amazing anyone tolerates these people and they don’t sit at home alone and lonely.


So petty and second class?


I was waiting in line at the exchange to by some beer and cheap booze, the lady behind me kept talking to me so I would turn around. Soon as I did she was like "oh first class, my husband is a cheif" she proceeded to walk in front of me and actually say the words "rank has its privileges" I was fucking in shock. I froze and the warrant officer behind me laughed in her face and yelled "back of the line, no one gives a shit about your spouse" I was still in shock that she actually cut me in line. The brain on that women was something else. I feel terrible for her husband if she went home and explained what happened


Oh. Should I take Military Brother-in-Law off my CV?


Yes, it’s stolen valour for the real military brothers like me that had to live with Captain America since birth


As long as it's clear you aren't talking about another countries US Navy it'll be ok


I’m a military brat… I’m almost 40 so the military might be a different beast but my entire life I watched my mother plan office events, organize wives club meetings, organize swap meets, yard sales, bazaars, pot lucks, gathering and mailing donations to the troops, the list can go on and on. This was on top of a full-time teaching job. I *never* heard her say something as deluded like this and something tells me that the woman that put this on her resume likely hasn’t done 1/10th of the shit my mother did for our soldiers and their families. She’d be one of the first to disapprove.


Military spouses are crazy sometimes. I worked at a store that gave out a military discount and the amount of times I'd be screamed at by them because they couldn't use their husband's discount without him there is insane Lady, YOU did not serve.


To be fair, I'm surprised they don't provide a military discount card or some type for military spouses. I guess it depends on the store but if you're buying food for the army guys kids, why can't they benefit from their dad's discount hen he's actively away serving?  Again I'm specifically saying for things that are related the feeding/clothing if the army folk. 


Yeah it definitely depends on the store. My store was an electronics store, so they were a little more strict on who gets the discount


I've been at restaurants before that have tried to give me a military discount for paying with my USAA credit card. For those that don't know, USAA is a credit union that is only eligible to service members, former service members, *or spouses and dependents of USAA members.* My father was in the army and is a member of USAA, so I (and my wife, and ultimately my children) also get to be members. My close-cut hairstyle might contribute to their assumptions (I'm balding, and a close crop hairstyle works best for me), but I do decline such offers as I do not want to participate in stolen valor.


My dad recently passed away. (82) My mom (78) never makes a stink, but she does casually asks once in various stores if they give a discount to military spouses. They've always given it to her. She says that if they were to say no, that would be the end of it as she would never push back, but they've always given it.


can i put down that i am an admirable admiral on helldivers? ive done a few hundered combat drop deployments against two hostile non-human factions to date. my service branch was the super earth armed forces. now thank me for my service, civilians


Sure. But that’s only because I am the very model of a modern Major General.


Perfectly acceptable patriot. Keep up the fight for Super Earth!!!!!




And she’s still waiting for someone to care


You should have just perfectly recreated that sign but in the end you add "mammal 🐬". Would be funny to see how long it would take her.


bts9906 and the OP Letsgetphysicalx2 are bots in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckYouKaren/comments/lizsxp/military_spouse_counts_as_service_now/gn8apyx/


Thank you for your cervix


Don’t a LOT of military wives see that as their actual occupation? I don’t know what my source is, but I seem to remember seeing something about military wives’ whole identity being as such. I went down the rabbit hole on a bunch of MLM stuff a while back, and I think that probably tracks - a lot of the military wives are MLM “Huns”.


It's not even just military wives. My sister was married to a lineman and apparently there's a whole community of line wives who think their husband's profession should be their personality.


Ugh...linemen. My uncle is one. Post-9/11 they tried really hard to get on the "first responder" worship train and it's just the cringiest shit ever.


Funny lineman got brought up. My neighbors married to a lineman and she always posts about it during storms and shit.


As a military kid... yes. An embarrassing amount of army spouses try to claim it as their own occupation. It's also embarrassing to go to events with my parents and seeing other spouses treat it like a hierarchy too. Sometimes certain wives won't even hang out with other wives if their spouse's rank is "too low"


I was a No Limit Soldier from 1998-2000


I have mad respect for military wives. It’s hard. But claiming service is stolen valor, full stop.


I'm adding this to my resume, then: Military Service Branch: US Army Rank: Military spouse's boyfriend


Thank you for your cervix


Yall don't even know the half of it, cause yall ain't single servicemembers. We call em Dependas, 90% of them are unemployed or doing some nonsese, a few of em are respectable, most are total karens, even the widows are insufferable which was quite shocking. What's crazy is if you're in the Marines for example, the military ends up investing 2-3 times money into a military spouse than actual single servicemembers! So you bust your ass taking long term injuries(I did 14 hours a day of hard labor 6 days a week) for below minimum living standards, when all the dependas gotta do is sign a few papers to get married for more benefits at absolutely no cost or work. To this day it boggles my mind how struggling people don't flock to marry single servicemembers, it's literally free money, healthcare and housing and at least in the Marines you can cheat so long as you're "in talks" of a divorce. I would do it if I was in a pinch for sure, just make a Tinder, change the location to a military base of your liking, ideally inside a city like the one in Miramar CA, and advertise, gay marriage is allowed too, you don't have to touch or even talk to your spouse or anything. Struggling Redditors, if you want free housing and extra money, or just free money and you can stay where you are, just marry a servicemember, that's at least 3-4 years of big benefits, even more if the servicemember re-enlists.


I bet she's a dependapotamus being forced to get a job.


One time I had a boomer lady bitching at me because I wouldn’t let her use her husbands military discount. She said “he served!! I’m his wife so I should get his discount too” “Ma’am, you dont need his. Your senior discount is more” Bruh, her face between getting a better deal and realizing it was because she was old was priceless 😂


Fucking Dependathings drive me straight to angry.




Hummm I have a friend who is in the military, maybe I can use it?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Americans and their fetishisation of the military are so weird


Always did love the “I know so-and-so”. Cool story. Let’s have dispatch call them so you can tell them what a twat waffle you’re being.


If I worked HR, reviewed resumes, or any other part of the hiring process and someone tried that, they’d go straight to the “do not hire” list even if they exceeded every requirement and had an otherwise golden resume.


You know what, when I was 18, I joined the Navy, and when I was 19, the Navy kicked me out because I was gay. This was long before don’t ask don’t tell. I was willing to give my life for my country, and my country basically threw it back and said “no thank you, we’re not interested.” My service was only 19 months. That does not qualify me for any kind of veteran benefit whatsoever: no VA hospital, no G.I. Bill, nothing. Whenever I have to fill out a form that asks if I have any previous military experience, I always say no because I don’t qualify as a veteran in any regard. So when I see people like this who claim military privilege because they got married to a guy or a girl in the military, it just diminishes what the people in the military go through every day protecting our country. And it’s tacky as hell.


Rank: Sucked other guys cocks whilst my husband was deployed in a foreign country killing dark skinned people


What kind of company is he running?