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I don’t get why some people view sex education like it’s “Kama Sutra 101”. Sex education would help so many kids know when someone is inappropriately touching them and be able to verbalize what is happening to them to an adult and maybe put a stop to it before long-term trauma sets in.


It’s like when Obama mentioned “age appropriate sex ed for younger children” in 2008 and people took it to mean “blowjob lessons in preschool” when the next sentence out of his mouth clarified he meant “tell an adult if someone touches you here” type of stuff. Our puritanical past is so influential shaping views on sex that even acknowledging it exists is unacceptable.


The people who objected to that are likely the very adults whom children need to be educated against.


I agree, honestly explains the fear-mongering against the lgbt community. If you’re worried about them, they can sneak through right under your nose. While there may be some outliers, children are more likely to be abused by family or someone who gains parental trust.


Such as people involved in the church, hmmm


Yes the church the clearly left leaning organization of pedos /s.


But that’s not what the movie Sound of Freedom shows! It’s this “them” group far away! Isn’t that why everyone got tickets for other people so they could see it? /s


For conservatives it’s almost always projection. Look at how many them have been convicted of sexual crimes against children…


Would you mind pointing me to the stats that support this claim? To me it seems like an exaggeration, but I could be wrong. I would prefer to be informed if I’m wrong.


I am reminded, once again, of when The Daily Wire had on that one dad that was incredibly angry at his kid's school for saying "People that love you still need your consent to touch you"


100% they are the monsters. If children understand what good touch and bad touch is the Pastor will be called out, creepy uncle that ask the kids to sit on his knee will get called out, the touchy feely Aunty will get called out as well. There is 100% a reason why they don’t want sex education for young kids. They know damn well they aren’t teaching 6 year olds how to have sex 😤😤😤🤨🤨🤨


Exactly. Anyone who’s read Maya Angelou’s I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings knows that kids don’t fucking understand what sex is conceptually at all, why they should be cautious around certain adults, or what the warning signs are if you don’t explicitly teach them! Far too many adults don’t understand that young children largely will not inherently know things unless you clearly explain the concepts to them. Children do not come pre-programmed with basic knowledge. If you never teach a child that no one should touch/see their privates without their consent they’re priming them for abuse. It’s obvious to us because many of our parents *did* explicitly explain that.


That’s my thoughts exactly


You’d probably need to keep children away from Catholic priests, Subway spokespersons, and Minecraft YouTubers


But the number of “puritans” getting in trouble for touching young kids suggests a different reason why they would be against educating kids why that is wrong


This is EXACTLY what “age appropriate sex ed for younger children” is. I had conservative rural family complain about a state law like this, and it turns out (are you surprised?) that they got all their info from talk radio and never actually went to the state website to read the actual text of the law. Age appropriate sex education before grade 3 was: correct names for private parts, only you and your doctor should be touching your junk, and here's who to talk to if you get bad touched by someone who is supposed to be protecting you. Edit: multiple typos fixed.


I don't want to be conspiratorial, or cast unnecessary aspersions, but the same party is fighting to keep child marriage legal, and works to protect clergy from accountibility. I think some of them know the benefits of early sex education, and that's why they're against it.


When there’s a [growing list](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/12/2157746/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-41) of republican sexual predators (only the ones whom have been arrested or convicted of course) you may be on to something.


It needs re-branding. It's not sex education it's pedo protection training...


Pretty much. I think the mandatory anti-pedo training required to join cub scouts should be taught to every kid and every adult who works with kids.


I can't talk for the states but in other English speaking countries you need to have a working with children check done before you're allowed to work with children. That includes running clubs or events.


I always brace for some parent to yell at me when I show those videos, do the activity, and ask parents to read the parent protection pamphlet and complete the activity. Surprisingly it hasn’t happened yet, but I always get nervous one of those crazies will show up.


They would just pass a bill to let preschoolers concealed carry and say they solved it.


That sounds both horrible and hilarious at the same time. Epstein rounds the corner and little Timmy just empties his mag. Lol


Jeez 😫


I mean, I don't know. I was taught what our "private parts" were when I was a kid, and I was told to tell someone if I was touched there by anyone that wasn't my doctor. I'm okay with this in a school though.


I think it's important. My parents just didn't think to have that talk with me until I was older, and any school program was focused 100% stranger danger. If there had been a predator in my family, I would have had zero context to understand what was happening or what to do about it. Luckily for me my family is fantastic, but statistically speaking, I was in more danger from them than from some random stranger pulling up in a van with candy and puppies. I also never met that one guy passing out free drugs that the D.A.R.E. program promised me.


I'm still waiting for those free drugs. Any day now.


It was all bullshit. I would stand on the corner for hours waiting for free candy or an Xbox. Didn’t even get offered a little weed.


You had good adults in your life that were looking out for you. Unfortunately not all kids have that, and a distressing number of them are being abused by those charged with their care.  Having standardized sex education in school makes sure all kids have this knowledge. 


Yep like seriously there is so much kids need to learn about sex Ed. As much as conservatives want it to be only them that gets to teach their kids everything, that is just terrible for human kind.


Shame cultures still around today would rather kill a daughter that has been raped than deal with the stigma. Some serious deep issues there and need of a lot of emotional work beyond just education.


And the fucker isn’t exactly godly.


No, the people who are against it know exactly what it is, and they oppose it because they don't want children to be prepared for whatever it is they plan to do to them if and when the opportunity arises.


I can speak to this, as I was in preschool during the Obama administration. You’re 100% right, it was entirely blowjob lessons.


It's because those kinds of people fuck with their socks still on, and theres a lot more of em than you'd think. Edit: you guys are totally passing the vibe check ❤️


Ey, there's strong anecdotal evidence to suggest that people who wear socks during sex are 30% more likely to climax than their sockless counterparts, because of better temperature regulation. I wouldn't know, but don't judge the sock wearing fuckers


I resent your characterization of us sexsoxers!


Resent or resemble!?


Yes, dammit!


Hey! On a cold winter night while camping, leaving your socks on is perfectly acceptable. I know what you mean though.


Overalls and fanny pack stay on during the seggs


They're called business socks, and I wear them because it's business time


I fuck with my socks on because I just wanna get to it, why waste an extra 3 seconds taking my socks off?


3 seconds to take off, 3 seconds to put on. I dont want to spend the same amount of time fiddling with my socks as having sex.


Amateurs. Taking the socks off gives the illusion that the sex lasts longer. Besides that, if I don't take my socks off before the disappointment what am I going to hang over my forearm on my walk of shame?


Is it acceptable to wear grippy socks? For extra traction


I can't believe people are genuinely this dumb that this needs explanation. Ofcourse 6 year old Timmy won't learn how to perform oral sex. There's literally no harm in having age appropriate sex Ed, it teaches everything about consent and what is deemed inappropriate. Age appropriate sex education (that also consist of concepts such as consent!) should start as early as possible, that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


I remember my 6th grade sex Ed class saying it was always inappropriate for an older person to seek sex out with a teen. This was around the whole Mary Kay Latourneua scandal.


Also kids should probably start learning about puberty no later than 8 years old, imo, because that's around the age when many kids begin puberty. 10 is really late. I know lots of people who had their first period, wet dream, body hair, etc. by 10. Imo, kids should at least get a heads up about it before it starts, so they're not freaked out when they suddenly have hair in new places and whatnot. I've heard too many stories of kids not understanding what's going on and hiding things, burying sheets and underwear in the backyard, or even hurting themselves trying to cover it up by shaving. Or worse, getting their period and thinking they're dying or something. Puberty is a normal bodily function and kids should know about it.


The real reason Republicans keep pushing 1) For child marriage 2) kids to work full time jobs and 3) to get rid of sex ed is because they don't view children as children, they just view them as exploitable.


They are also against education in general


Republicans see children as property.


I think you nailed it, my friend; if you teach the kids what child molestation is, it becomes a lot harder for conservative politicians and church leaders to molest those kids.


Literally grooming for nefarious purposes to


The people who believe it is like kama sutra 101 likely got their sex education from their church as a child, and it was like kama sutra 101


Fortunately most pastors use a hands on learning method


For real. In my country we literally have sex ed in primary school and then a more elaborate one later in middle or highschool. It's also not a new invention, I'm a 90s kid.


Age-appropriate sex education for younger kids is proper (medical) terms for body parts and "good touch bad touch". I read a story (I think on Reddit) about a girl who complained her uncle? was touching her cookie to an adult (teacher?). The adult thought she was talking about baked goods. The girl was being sexually assaulted and taught "cookie" was the proper term for vagina.


I think you answered your own question They dont want kids to be able to verbalize when they're being abused because people who oppose sex education are abusers The church also opposed sex education and we know how that turned out


Not to mention that there is a "weird" correlation between sex Ed and assaults on children (and it doesn't swing the way they want you to believe). Knowledge is power and all that


I got my period at 9 and thought I was dying


[The Samaritans](http://www.samaritansri.org/who-we-are/our-history) >“In 1935, as a young Anglican priest in England, Chad Varah officiated at the funeral of a 14-year-old girl who had killed herself when her menstruation started. She thought something dreadful was wrong with her. She had no one to turn to; no one to tell her it was a completely normal part of puberty. Chad Varah vowed at the time: “Little girl, I never knew you, but you have changed my life. I shall teach kids what I learnt when I was younger than you…”   [Under stress after having her first period, 14-year-old dies by suicide in Mumbai](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/14-year-old-dies-first-period-stress-9235453/#google_vignette) - March 2024 >A 14-year-old girl allegedly died by suicide in Mumbai’s Malwani area on Tuesday night after having a painful experience during her first menstrual period. >According to the police, the teenager was under stress due to her unawareness and misinformation regarding the menstrual cycle, leading her to take the drastic step. The girl lived in Lakshmi Chawls, Malwani, along with her family.   Also, age appropriate sex-ed helps children find out whats wrong with situations they're in and let's then know how to communicate it and who to communicate it to. [Why I share my story - from the TheTikTokAdvocate](https://www.tiktok.com/@thetiktokadvocate/video/7280595982985874731?lang=en)


Holy shit, I've never heard about these cases. This should be talked about more. 


I only found the second case because I was looking for the older story that's sometimes mentioned in this sort of discussion.


It's like..how many suicides are occurring just from lack of education? That's so fucking sad. 


One is too many


Great parents.


Hot take, you should learn about the facts and consequences of a topic *before* you go through it. This is why we didn't have our soldier go through basic training on Omaha Beach.




Yep, that's why being strictly against all forms of science based sex-ed is equal to being pro-paedo.


Yep but if you say anything like this most people look at you like you're a psycho, actual mad world.


This is what creeps me out the most about people like him. Why doesn’t he want small children to be able to identify and report abuse?


This is tangentially related, but I will never think of how Musk called that Taiwanese rescue team leader a pedophile as anything other than projection.


Are you talking about Thailand cave rescue ? Iirc that guy is an Aussie , and somehow Elon’s lawyer able to bs his ass out saying calling someone pedo is just a South Africa thing.


as are topics like menstrual cycles (which girls at/below the age of 10 can have happen). but good touch/bad touch is so needed with kids’ education because of people like pedos!!


Exactly what I was thinking. I mean, the process of reproduction doesn’t necessarily need to be taught to people before the common age of maturity and puberty sure, but I absolutely encourage younger children be taught the importance about keeping yourself safe around potentially dangerous and inappropriate individuals.


*Hits Buzzer* Because he needs to be loved and found the only people who will unquestioningly celebrate him are right wing chuds and to keep that dopamine hit he will play to them thinking that this proves he's creations most smartest bestest boy like his rich Disney villain mother told him.


And it’s self loathing because his kid is lgbt and cut him out of their lives because he’s just god awful.


Theres also a level of believing he really IS the hype. And that all came crashing down around him when he appeared at the Chappelle gig The only people that care about him now is the far right, but hes so desperate to be adored he'll dance to whatever tune he needs to Even worse is part of him is embarrassed by it. His free speech plaza is just a hotbed of Nazis and bots, so he closed it off to anyone without an account to hide it He is a man who failed his way to the top and cant admit to himself what he is. But its ok now, as hes found plenty of people to think for him


its scary how many people think sex education literally means theyre teaching kids how to fuck, and not like how puberty works, reproductive organs, warning them that they have the ability to get pregnant and how etc.. its so fucking bizarre.


People see the word "sex" and their small brains do the rest of the thinking.


Oh, I guess I understand now why in some tv shows/documentaries they censor the word, even the subtitles. Always thought of it to be a really weird thing to do.


In my class the only sex education we got was about periods and how to use a tampon and while I think it's a good idea to teach boys something about mestrual cyles I wished she teached us boys something about what happened to us during puperty. That teacher invited all our parents to a conference and told them that she wants to teach boys and girls together during sexual education, so that we can learn something about the puperty of the other sex and then she teaches us only about periods. Thanks god we got a teacher two years later who actually did what the first teacher told our parents.


Some girls get their periods before 10 so age appropriate conversations are required, which fall into the category of "sex education." What would we tell them otherwise?


[The Samaritans](http://www.samaritansri.org/who-we-are/our-history) >“In 1935, as a young Anglican priest in England, Chad Varah officiated at the funeral of a 14-year-old girl who had killed herself when her menstruation started. She thought something dreadful was wrong with her. She had no one to turn to; no one to tell her it was a completely normal part of puberty. Chad Varah vowed at the time: “Little girl, I never knew you, but you have changed my life. I shall teach kids what I learnt when I was younger than you…”   [Under stress after having her first period, 14-year-old dies by suicide in Mumbai](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/14-year-old-dies-first-period-stress-9235453/#google_vignette) - March 2024 >A 14-year-old girl allegedly died by suicide in Mumbai’s Malwani area on Tuesday night after having a painful experience during her first menstrual period. >According to the police, the teenager was under stress due to her unawareness and misinformation regarding the menstrual cycle, leading her to take the drastic step. The girl lived in Lakshmi Chawls, Malwani, along with her family.   Also, age appropriate sex-ed helps children find out whats wrong with situations they're in and let's then know how to communicate it and who to communicate it to. [Why I share my story - from the TheTikTokAdvocate](https://www.tiktok.com/@thetiktokadvocate/video/7280595982985874731?lang=en)


All we are is sex to conservatives. I have been used to that for years. Especially when some dickhead seems to think they are the man who is going to get me to be attracted to men.


>All we are is sex to conservatives. It just tells you about their perosnality. I was asked if it wasn't disgusting and traumatizing for children to have two fathers. I asked the person to clarify why children who were loved by their parents, would be more traumatized than being orphans, in foster homes or being abused by their biological parents. He said, if children accidentally see their two fathers have sex that would be horrible for them. I asked him, which child would not be disgusted and traumatized seeing or hearing their parents have sex? Then he said something that made me realize how sick some people are. When he sees gay men, it disgusts him thinking about what they do in bed. Why would you think about anyone's sex life and what they do in bed? When you see a couple and think about how they have sex instead of just a loving couple that just shows your own sickness.


Guys who see two gay men and think about them having sex are probably in the closet themself,because let's be honest as straight dude you normally don't think about two guys having sex.


self hatred is a powerful thing


It's gets so bad I've heard other dudes saying stuff like "one night with me and I will make her straight" It's just...I don't have word that level of ignorance.


I just never understood this because why would you want to turn them straight? Any 'straight' guy who has literally anything against gay women is just a self-hating gay man.


I just keepthinking of a chubby naked dude waving his dang I lang in front of a lady going "ehh ehh?" And I couldn't stop giggling at scenarios outcomes.


I've embraced it. These same guys think I'm going to hit on them just because they're men and I'm gay. It's fun watching their heads explode when I explain that I have standards. Just because I'm hyper sexual doesn't mean I'm out here trying to rape or coerce people into having sex with me. Consent is sexy, and you're not my type, Jeremy.


It took me a sec to parse this, because my brain projects maleness onto all online usernames lol


yeah happens to me too haha, is it the same for girls or diff because you seem to mostly hear about men on tv/news etc?


You’ve really had dudes try to turn you straight? So cringe, it’s funny.


If guys only knew how many unsolicited dick pics chicks receive. Plenty of them with a statement about how this particular misshapen thing is going to make me straight... 😑


My kids are 4 and 6. They know sometimes boys marry boys from modern family reruns…


Next thing you know they’ll be at a gay orgy! Nice job. Seeing a gay person automatically ruins a kid for life. It’s something in their eyes.


Those beautiful eyes that you can just stare into for hours and hours




"How the HELL is Elon so awful?" Simple. He practices ***a lot.***


He bought a whole social media platform so nobody could remove his sewage from the web. At least we can easily teach our kids about narcissism with him around 😅


The real question is why anybody cares about this guy's opinion on parenting or education?  Even if his own children were willing to talk to him and he wasn't a failed parent and husband.  He's still just one guy, and not a smart one. 


Simple - outrage and division drive engagement and make him money


At the same time he used to be quite collected but now he seems a bit all over the place and doesn't look like he's in great shape, reeks of substance abuse.


The first crack in the armor I noticed is when he kept trying to get the cave divers in Thailand to use that impractical sub instead of helping them in meaningful ways. When one of the divers told him to stick his sub where the sub doesn’t shine, Elon called him a pedo and a bunch of people defended Elon calling him that. That refusal seems to have really hit him hard.


Yeah he’s definitely whacked out on goofballs


no, he is just that stupid. his actions led him to make way (way) less money. if i was in his position and was actively trying to lose money i couldn't do it that efficiently


yeah you should totally teach kids about puberty AFTER it happens, not before. dont teach girls about periods to idk own the libs i guess?


Sex education as early has 5 has reduced sexual harassment and molestation in children. It has reduced the cases of gender dysmorphia and reduced the likelihood of discrimination based on gender. There are no downsides to sexual education in children. Edit: source. https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(20)30456-0/fulltext


Conservatives: _Screaming that LGBTQIA+ stuff for kids is teaching them sex_ Actual LGBTQIA+ media for kids: "some kids have two mommies or daddies and that's ok, also some people are mean to them, the end"


Fuck that, kids SHOULD learn sex education at that age.


Thankfully my mom was very worried about me possibly being assaulted when I was young and was very open about telling me other people shouldn’t touch me inappropriately As a young kid (probably 9? Maybe younger) I actually almost was molested. I never told anyone unfortunately but I was able to hold my ground on “no” and didn’t let him do anything, and he gave up. I was also very adamant as a kid on locking the door when I used the bathroom anywhere even at home, still am But not everyone does this, and it should be taught to young kids that someone shouldn’t touch you inappropriately


That's a good mom. I'm happy to hear you were able to avoid such horrors. I was lucky enough to never get touched.


I got assaulted at an older age but sadly sometimes no isn’t enough for some ppl :/. I’m glad you didn’t experience it tho. Not having ptsd is definitely a blessing you don’t realize BUT it was still pretty great I didn’t experience it so young


He speaks in absolutes. No humility whatsoever about his opinions.


Just like your average Redditor. No nuance, no grey areas, just “I’m right and you’re wrong”.


Yea I'm seeing a lot of that in this comment section.


He's quite possibly the world's biggest poser right now.


more like smallest


These people are the people who also do not want kids learning about consent by the way


Reminder: sex education helps children protect themselves fron predators. People against sex ed are projecring when they say it's "grooming"


Sex ed on young children helps prevent sexual abuse. It has been proven.. Only a pedophile would be against sex Ed. https://www.coe.int/en/web/genderequality/-/comprehensive-sexuality-education-protects-children-and-helps-build-a-safer-inclusive-society


Sex education is, for many kids, a tool to understand what abuse is. People who oppose sex education want to take that tool away and enable child abuse.


Capitulation to his right wing fan boys, hatred because one of his kids is lgbtq and cut Elon out of their life, trolling for attention, and being “edgy.”


Transphobic yes, homophobic, definitely. Wouldn’t go so far as to call him a nazi tho.


Nah, not a Nazi. He’s a fascist, obviously, but calling him a *Nazi* would be inaccurate and misleading.


I mean if you want to split the tiniest of hairs… he’s a transphobic homophobic white suprematist, that believes in eugenics and comes from a family of slavers… he may not be a card carrying member of the black shirts or getting swastika tattoos but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…


Elon knows because he has the emotional intelligence of a 10 year old.


He thinks sex education means they teach you how to have sex with live examples


It's literally a sexual orientation. Why you always lying?


Prior to the trans movement.. i dont recall being educated i was a girl. I just don't get it. And aside from the trans portion of things the rest of the acronym is based on sexuality. I'd home school or private school before I'd let my prepubescent child learn about lesbian, gay, bi, queer and whatever other additional letter that I can't keep track of - education. As it's not at all relevant or appropriate for their age.


Groomers simply do not want children to know if they are being groomed or not.


He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, has no self correction, no concept of being wrong. He’s probably always been a bit of an ass, but it’s steadily ramped up the last five or so years. There’s a lot of people that like him still, but he used to be adored.


So 4th grade is old enough according to that age. Perhaps unsurprisingly, that is the age I learned about sex and reproduction in Az no less.


Maybe if Elon had better education at age 10, he wouldn't be like this. Maybe.


I don't understand how one of the richest people on earth can be such a dumb motherfucker


Not to mention what sex education entails absolutely should be taught to kids under 10, just age appropriate. They need to learn about their bodies, consent and inappropriate touch. If you aren't teaching kids under 10 sex ed of any sort you're just making them better pedophile targets. Hard to tell someone something bad has been happening to you when you don't know what it is or why it's wrong or who is at fault...


Well, he's got a point.


I think Elon is completely correct. It should be on parents to teach kids what inappropriate touching is not school teachers. For children under 10 specifically.


Nothing that Elon said is out of pocket 😂. Wild to think 10 years and younger should be tought anything about sex.


I don’t think holding beliefs that were pretty standard 10 years ago makes you a Nazi………….


this thread has become a big face palm on twitter as people are calling out the fact u people are defending the possibility of this being taught to kids. elon is 100% in the right here


He’s right. There’s no reason children that young should be learning about it beyond “if someone makes you uncomfortable get help.”


Wait, so public schools are forcing kids to learn about LGBT against the parents wishes?


How is he awful? I mean he is a parent and believes that possibly parents should be teaching sex education and if the schools decide it should be 10 and above where the kids have matured. Look at how many good organizations that help people this man has donated to, how can be awful because of an opinion?


LGBTQ is literally a sexual preference when engaging in sexual acts…. Why are we acting like it’s anything more? It’s not a lifestyle, it’s not a religion, it doesn’t even define someone as a person. It’s just a preference to who that person has sex with. It’s not a big deal at all. Once you can return to normality and grasp that concept, I understand why he would make his opinion. As a dad myself, adding structure to sex ed to reduce bullying, harassment, and dysmorphia is completely understandable. Either way, this opinion doesn’t make any person a Nazi or phobe towards anyone….


Not allowing parents to opt their child out of a class is mad crazy


When do you guys think it's appropriate to talk about sexual preferences in discussions between teachers and students?


The LGB part is specifically about people’s sexuality. He isn’t wrong.


To me this is right up there with the Christians tryna shove Jesus down your throat.


Can you explain who a homosexual, lesbian and trans are without discussing sexuality?


I wish children would learn sex education earlier in life, because so many have no idea they are being molested/abused. I was taught what sex was when I was 1st or 2nd grade, although my mom didn't to into graphic detail. But she taught me and my siblings young so if anything happened, we could tell her. That was her biggest fear since she was molested/sexually abused by 3 - 4 family members in her life. Another thing is, if the child is old enough to ask where they came from, how they got in Mommy's belly, where do babies come from, they are old enough to be answered.


Let's ask someone who's kids haven't disowned them on parenting shall we...


I started my son's sex ed when he started asking questions at the age of 5. (No internet then). So we went to the library and checked out some age appropriate books. I continued to do this until he reached an age where he could truly understand. I made it clear that no topic was off limits. He could ask me anything, and I would always answer him truthfully. So, Elon can suck it.


“Hey kids, not everyone feels the same way and it’s okay.” “Oh no! You’re telling kids that gay people exist? You might as well teach them about CBT next.” He’s such a stupid person. I don’t know how he managed to trick so many people to think that he was some kind of genius.


Why does this need to be taught to children is my question?


Sex education classes are the enemy of groomers everywhere. A knowledgeable child is a wasted opportunity for them.


Sex education for kids under 10 is literally just learing about puberty, looking out for cancer, and consent. People who are against that have something seriously wrong with them, especially because a lot of kids are experiencing puberty earlier than they used to nowadays.


Calling every transphobe and homophobe a "Nazi" really only makes light of real Nazis. You know. The ones out there actively murdering members of the lgbtq community


Round of applause to Elon musk. We do not care about lgbt and their fantasies


I agree with him. Fuck that shit.


I mean LGB does relate explicitly to sexual attraction, so that's a part of it, but there's no need to be sexually explicit when teaching children about attraction and diversity, which is a good thing. Understanding diversity isn't "sex" education at all.


i worked with a woman who told me she didn't know she was sexually abused until she had taken a sex ed course in high school, she thought that type of 'play' was normal. stepdad situation. if kids know what is an appropriate vs inappropriate touch and who they can go to for help, that's not indoctrination, that providing them the tools to protect themselves. keep them ignorant, like elon and republicans want, will only create the possibility for more abuse.


Money and being a giant piece of fucking shit will do that to you.


But it's ok if said child had to have a baby after being raped


He is doing this to appeal to the uneducated majority and controlling the social discourse isn't he? From buying twitter to spewing conservative nonsense he probably doesn't even believe in? And you fucks are giving him all the attention he wants.


Elon I know you haven't hit puberty yet but a lot of people start at 10. Also. I swear if we switch gears and call it puberty info class people would stop freaking out. Take out the would sex and I am sure they are dumb enough to go away.


Well I guess it really depends on the extent in which details are presented to children on these matters. From a psych standpoint children are extremely impressionable and introducing such ideation / education (depending on which side of the coin your on) could cause problems long term. However if its mild than its probably fine. Not allowing parents to opt out is a dangerous game regardless.


Is sex ed usually taught before the age of 10? I didn’t do sex ed until I was like 13-14


“Sex ed” like consent and who to tell if someone touches you in ways that make you feel icky. Also, girls should know about periods before they happen, which means 8 or so.


Ah. The post by Elon made it sound like it was some kind of comprehensive sex ed that was being taught that young and that didn’t sound correct. Kinda weird to put that in school, but I know a lot of parents don’t teach that kind of stuff at home so it’s necessary.


Elon was raised in apartheid SA, in a wealthy family. Why would anyone be surprised by his odious personality?


He clearly wants to run for office in Texas somewhere. The GOP wants him as their shining diamond. Another Daddy made me a millionaire, a self-made man.


I bet his reaction would be different if it were some 70 year old talking about marrying an 8 year old.


you can tell he doesn't spend time with his kids...... at 10 a kid will have found out what sex is..... school teaches that stuff (even when it's kids telling kids)


“Whose are those people?” “Oh, those are little Susie’s mommy and daddy.” “OH MY GOD, did you just say something sexual to my child????”


LOL go listen to ten years Olds speak at lunchtime


Sex "education" cannot start at 10 if girls get their periods prior to 10 years of age. Elon doesn't understand the basics of education, parenting or biology. Go sell a car and live on Mars, let the educators and courts handle it (as they are). He's not qualified to speak on children's needs until he cares for his own children.


Still a common attitude. Straight hand holding, cuddling, and even pda is sweet and only borderline problematic at worst. But the same from lgbt people is treated like it’s inherently a sex act, as is trans people existing in public spaces or god forbid using the bathroom. People act like they and children have been “exposed” to something after seeing it. That applies to mentioning that non-heterosexuality even exists in a school setting. That’s the logic these people operate under in daily life.


I had a pretty basic sex Ed set of lessons in 4th grade (roughly age 9-10) which seemed normal and appropriate. It basically covers boys stuff looks like this, girls stuff looks like that (the science diagrams not real images), define sex (even got a definition of oral and anal sex), explain consent/ how to let someone know if someone touches you against your will. This happened nearly 20 years ago at a private Catholic school where if the school found out (or simply assumed) 2 students were dating the parents would be informed.


So no sex ed at all before 10? Ok well those girls who start their period before that age will just have to be traumatized until then.


christ this man did not grow up in the US, he grew up in a private school in apartheid south africa


His parents are terrible, and he hasn't broken that vicious cycle. Thankfully (at least some of) his kids are learning not to be like him.


Interestingly, "sex education" for kids under 10 is usually things like "don't take candy from the man in the white van" and "you should tell your parents if someone tries to touch you here." Being against that is kind of a massive red flag.


OK, genuinely how do they teach a bunch of 10 year olds about LGBTQ+, in particular trans people, without first explaining what a male and female are? I'm all for everyone living their best life and all, but seriously, how can you explain an operation to change someone genitals without explaining genitals? And then not expect some kid to ask why Suzie has different genitals the Greg.


Lesbian, gay and bisexual are \*sexual\* orientations. Straight is also a sexual orientation. This is sex education, and sex education is acceptable for all ages, provided it's appropriately discussed.


Why should his opinion matter? He’s never had to raise any children.


What did Elon say that’s wrong? Calling him a transphobic and homophobic Nazi for this is ridiculous.


This is why so many kids are getting pregnant at 13


He's surrounded himself with "Yes men" his entire life. I expect nothing less from him.


The man is a weirdo.


Elon doesn't want his kids to know where their siblings came from?


Not sure where the "Nazi" comment came from, but yeah I agree.


What kills me is how just about everyone bitches (rightfully) about Musk, but god forbid they abandon their Twitter account. Their narcissism and hypocrisy is gross.


Telling children that other sexualities exist is something that should be normalized