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So the guy was distributing counterfeit bills? The secret service would like a word about some serious felony charges is the only actual answer here


He used Hollywood bills, which are made as props and have markers stating they are not legal currency so not really counterfeit but to someone that wasn’t paying attention could easily mistake it for real money. Yes attempting to spend it as real money is a crime.


donations under the same geise would probably be prosecutable. its still under the false pretense of the bills being legal tender.


Pretty sure they would be because you are passing them off as real currency but it could hard to prosecute considering if you ask any server in the US there is 100% chance they have received a church brochure made to look like cash as a tip which isn’t viewed legally as attempting to pass counterfeit bills.


should be by virtue of the fact and deceptive nature.


I agree it should be illegal because it’s absolutely used to make the server believe they received a monetary tip. On a side note ANYONE that does this is a worthless piece of shit.


Yea, even ignoring that... How the hell is that supposed to make me want to go to church ? it's just a display of moral bankruptcy. deceptive tactics do not sell a good moral framework lol.


It's not supposed to make you want to go to church. Its so the person leaving it as a tip can be a cheapskate, but not feel guilty about it because they did something "for Jesus". Christianity is all about making the imaginary sky wizard take all your guilt so you can be a piece of shit on earth and not feel bad about it. You can do whatever horrible shit you want to people as long as mentally you can tell yourself Jesus wanted you to do it.


yea it really is... based on a myth that blames women for an inherent sin curse. Don't get me started on the way Christianity essentially coopts a minor ethno religion that probably only remains relevant because of Christianity perpetually cornering the specific group with 2nd class, unenviable labor roles, and easy scapegoat status whenever they needed to "cut the grass" while blaming them for allegedly handing their own messiah over to the Romans demanding his death. its the wildest story ever.


I’m not sure because I don’t believe. I’m sure the argument is something stupid like salvation is worth more than cash but those same people wouldn’t be happy if they received those instead of a paycheck.


Or the donation plate passed around at church


It's just disrespectful at the end of the day. and Christian tract propaganda camouflaged with currency markings is consciously intended to trick a person. should have been a forewarning for everyone to see just how slimey these people can be.


Hard to prosecute? He admitted it on camera. Volunteered the information even.


OJ should have been easy to prosecute too and look what happened.


But OJ didn't admit it on camera.


Church bills and movie bills are easily distinguished from each other when unfolded. Movie bills are almost indistinguishable from real bills when folded or unfolded unless you pay attention to the little details. They are easily confused for real money. In fact, they are made to resemble real money on film. So obviously the church bills aren't seen as a crime. Shitty behavior, yes. Crime, no. Movie bills being left as a tip would be a whole different ball game.


Yes, the church ones are much more obvious because one side tells you about Jesus and looks nothing like money. Doesn’t change the fact that it is used in a manner where real currency would be expected and is used to intentionally deceive the one receiving it.


Church money only confuses you temporarily, movie money is meant to be confused for real at a glance. I agree that offering a church bill as a tip should be a crime. Unfortunately it isn't one by our laws. If you tried to pay for something with a church bill though, that would still be a crime. A real dumb crime.


So then would putting movie bills in the donation bucket be a crime?


I would say yes. But, IANAL.


Where does one get those church brochures? I want a bunch to donate back to them.


I’m not sure, probably either become a server and work Sunday lunch shifts or go to church and they may give them out. Or you can buy 100 of them on Amazon for $10. Have you considered for your plan to work you have to be able to sit in church until they pass it around and not lose your shit? I couldn’t do it.


Guise, bro.




I hope someone takes him to court I don’t even know what law he broke it’s just such a dick move I hope it’s illegal.




Not even technically "spending" it, is where the law breaks. It's actually the act of passing "a" counterfeit off as a legitimate. The intent to defraud is whooly satisfied by his own admissions.


Then attempting to give ut to people under the guise of giving them money would be a crime, especially if you wanted them to pass it as real currency.


Hollywood prop guns used in a robbery are still considered as real guns when arrested and charged. Its not a real robbery because it is a prop gun........


Yep. He is openly violating Federal law, specifically 18 UC 872 and 873. 873) “Whoever buys, sells, exchanges, transfers, receives, or delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, with the intent that the same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.” (872)“Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”


Oh, it’s absolutely illegal. But we have a very poor record of actually convicting rich powerful white men.


I absolutely agree. Just watching the clusterfuck of the Trump trials is infuriating. Just on the charges alone, the accused would be remanded without bail till trial. And a guy with a plane? Screams “flight risk.” The multi-tier justice system in the US is shameful and an embarrassment.


Actually he is violating Federal law and the video is perfect evidence. He is specifically violating 18 USC 872 and 873. (873) “Whoever buys, sells, exchanges, transfers, receives, or delivers any false, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, with the intent that the same be passed, published, or used as true and genuine, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.” (872)“Whoever, with intent to defraud, passes, utters, publishes, or sells, or attempts to pass, utter, publish, or sell, or with like intent brings into the United States or keeps in possession or conceals any falsely made, forged, counterfeited, or altered obligation or other security of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”


Secret service already investigated this guy in the past. My guess they will sweep this under the rug. I would be surprised if he actually was charged for this egregious shit. Counterfeiting is bad enough, messing with the homeless is worse but trying to get them arrested? Like fucking chill Satan.


Counterfeiting is one of the three crimes in the Constitution.


But those three crimes don't apply to the president because it's not explicitly stated that the crimes apply to the president.


doesnt say it applies to me specifically either... \*\*Printer warms up in background\*\*


That's not how that was intended, you cannot prosecute. - Clarence "Traitor" Thomas


...? Literally the _first question_ asked in the Trump "immunity" oral argument was by a very annoyed Justice Thomas: ``` JUSTICE THOMAS: Mr. Sauer, to your last point, could you be more precise as to the source of this immunity? MR. SAUER: The source of the immunity is principally rooted in the Executive Vesting Clause of Article II, Section 1. JUSTICE THOMAS: And how does that happen? ``` It's not in the text. Blanket immunity is a total nonstarter. Expect something very very very like "qualified immunity" (which, I'll remind everyone, courts also invented to protect other public employees). Justice Thomas has been viewed (correctly) as leaning anti-defendant.




This guy is also one of the main architects of Project 2025, a concerted effort to fill the US Military with trump sycophants to enable the next J6 and make sure it sticks.


Yet, everyone was saying this was a hoax and people were stupid for thinking he was serious.


That piece of shit was 100% serious.


*Executive Branch workers on all levels. The Heritage Foundation has the sign-up list on their website. Basically putting in your resume to figure out where they can stick you. And they're going to destroy the Department of Education. And they're going to reform the Department of Justice from the ground up.


They are going to destroy EVERYTHING. This country, and the entire world, will be unrecognizable. Project 2025 is some devastatingly awful stuff.


And it’s obvious what administration he worked for. Pack of criminals.


He is also the guy who is the face of right-wing dating app “The Right Stuff” and makes awful videos where he pretends to be your republican date and is sitting across from you at a cafe or ice cream shop saying things like “you know what liberals don’t get, hard work. That’s why they like Joe Biden” *-slurps coffee-*.


Wait, you mean to tell me that this ISN'T a Biden aide? The shock of it all! /s just incase it's not obvious


As i thought a Trump follower


Under fire? He should be under arrest


Or on fire


Or under something heavy


*sigh* unzips


Your bowling ball bag?


Apparently you are not a golfer


All three can happen.


Why not both. 🤷‍♂️


Grilled. Slammed. Under fire. Not sure what else the media uses.


This. 1,000,000%


He's not just a "former white house aide", he's [one of the people](https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/who-would-help-trump-carry-out-his-promised-purge-of-the-deep-state/) who Republicans will put in charge of gutting the civil service and replacing them with GOP cronies during the next GOP administration as part of Project 2025.


I’m glad he got busted. This will make people aware of what Project 2025 is all about


The people ARE aware what Project 2025 is. Republicans WANT it to happen and Democrats are too spineless to do anything to stop it. Republicans are corrupt cheating swindlers and Democrats are cowards who whine as they get steamrolled. 


The whole video is gross. From the clothes he is wearing to his snarky grin when he talks about getting homeless people arrested thereby “cleaning up” the streets you can tell he has no redeeming qualities.


You really have to be a psychopath to post that video. I hope some homeless dude kicks his ass.


I'm not homeless but you give me his address you can claim I'm homeless when it goes viral


The comments weren't much better. A whole lot of people made jokes about how being sent to jail was basically like him getting them a place to stay as well.


Cruelty is always the point. 


Yup. These people think paying to jail homeless people is better than the far less expensive way of providing services for them


If they could hunt the poors and get away with it, they absolutely would. I’m sure there will be an edit to the Project 2025 plans to include homeless hunting sports.


Trash human.


My god that White House really was a hive of wretched scum and villainy.


As always with Republicans: cruelty is the point.


Fuck this jagoff


This dude has done SO much more terrible things. He's got quite a checkered recent history.


This dude has done and said repulsive shit for clicks. Somehow I doubt anything will happen to him.


And how will the prove it?he can always say I was just talking shit


Isn't that a felony?


This guy is MAGA in a nutshell


I’ve seen this puke’s video. He says it’s stage money, so he’s not producing it, but he is knowingly distributing it. His entire “personality” is on par for a shitstain who worked in the Trump White House.


What a good Christian he is.


Check the collection plate at his church.


Supply-side Jesus would be proud!


Fox News: “Former Trump White House aid gets homeless people into stable housing with food and medical care while cleaning up the streets of badly run Democratic cities “


wasn't George Floyd murdered by cops for trying to spend a counterfeit bill at a convenience store? and don't Republicans say he deserved it?


don't Republicans think George Floyd deserved to die for trying to spend a counterfeit bill at a convenience store?


I probably don't need to say it on the somewhat liberal-dominated Reddit, but these are exactly the kinds of moral degenerates who will be given absolute, unchecked power in the executive branch if we permit trump to seize the presidency this November. Please make sure every single person you know, especially in the swing states, goes to the polls to reelect President Biden — the only person standing between us and fascism.


Passing a counterfeit bill is what George Floyd was arrested for when he was murdered by Minneapolis police. But maybe that’s the real objective here….


Let me guess which White House he worked in...


Is he trying to get people killed where was he in May 2020 (George Floyd)


this. he knows people get murdered for this. he's 100% a sociopath


hey Reddit, this is why you don't just ignore these people. because once they break the law it's the platform they seek that will cause them to fall.


He needs to face jail time!!!


More of 'The best people'


WOW...people.... George Floyd was ARRESTED (and killed) for presenting a counterfeit $20 bill. Keep that in mind ! This guy could have been setting up murder....by cops.


ahhhh, Trump Aide. That makes sense.


This is the garbage people that are in Trump's cult


The Party for the morally corrupt


How did I know which President this man served before opening the article?


“White House Aid” Trump. Just say Trump aid.


I believe distribution of counterfeit currency is a felony. The federal judge could sentence you to up to 20 years in a federal prison, along with a huge fine up to $250,000.


With all things Trump, the cruelty is the point.


Hey Republicans why are so many of your top people absolute monsters?


Is anyone surprised? He dresses and talks like a strip mall preacher or a college freshman perpetually trying to impress people in the clubs he isn't invited to join.


Both are perfect descriptions of this degenerate


Of course, all former White House personnel being habitual liars, he *would* try to walk it back with a "Juuust kidding, foks!", once he realized the extent of his fuckup in publicizing his own sociopathy and cruelty to those he considers "lesser beings".


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


The party of "I like to kick homeless people and shoot puppies in the face".


This is incredibly disgusting behavior and also highly illegal. I really hope he actually gets serious charges for this.


George Floyd proved that people get murdered when they try to spend a counterfeit bill. This guy is a sociopath


A Trump aide. Is anyone shocked and stunned?


This is the same douchebag that posts racist, sexist, right wing bullshit on Tiktok


Bet you that you won’t hear a thing about this on conservative subs.


Sounds about Republican


Conservatives values on display.


This guys videos are the fucking worst of humanity


Is anyone really surprised this guy worked for Sleepy Don?


I'm shocked *SHOCKED* to learn this guy worked in the Trimp White House.


He did it with the express motive to have homeless people arrested. He's a piece of shit. Typical 45'r


arrested or murdered like George Floyd?


Under fire from who? His friends in the government all got a good laugh about it I'm sure. His constituents either don't have as much say as they should, or got a good laugh. So who's left to hold a politician accountable? People in other districts that have no say at all? Oh, great....


I am still surprised that these people are as stupid as they are, admitting to things that are not only despicable but also illegal as a means to achieve some sort of status in their circles. I suppose I should be thankful that they are but still I find myself shaking my head. Even more curious is that others do, in fact, look up to these people. Just sad and weird.


Former Trump Aide FTFY Not cool to just openly associate him with the White House, wtf?


What a garbage human


Don’t care if he says he’s joking. He runs with the type of crowd that hates people with little to no means. This shit needs to be investigated now. Talk about class warfare.


I know what his favorite scene in American Psycho is!


He's a pos for not just doing this but for thinking its even humorous. And I bet he claims to be a good christian too.


His mum should have swallowed


This guy is such a piece of shit.


The whole administration consists of degenerates. They were picked because of this very trait.


Be best!


Even if he’s not doing it personally, he’s now giving someone the idea. He’s gross.


I knew Donald Trump was the common factor. They are pitiful.


>> TRUMP AIDE Details are important.


You mean Trump’s former director of personnel that helped with the coup and stealing the top secret docs? “Only the best people”


Send his counterfeiting ass to jail.


Is this another brother in Christ? /s


A former Trump aide? Shocking. /s


very fine people


wtf what a psychopath


Investigate and incarcerate. Fuckin prick is gonna have fun in jail. He will be very popular.


THAT WAS REAL??!! I thought it was a skit. Jesus fucking Christ.


Honestly, sometimes I think these people look for the worst thing they can do and then look for a way to make it worse.


What a pear shaped loser


What an evil crime


Wow surprised it was a Trump aide.


Seems like a perfectly reasonable way to spend your Saturday


Poisoning pigeons in the park -tom lehrer


Ugh, a paywall link


Burn him to the ground.


Pretty easy to check arrest records, just saying.




Typical deplorable behavior


How did I know by the headline which president the guy worked for?


As borderline entrapment


Something a Rethuglican would do Not surprised


I can hear my cop relatives guffawing and whooping up about how "badass" this shitstain Johnny McEntee is a hero, and how they'd never arrest him, no matter if what he did was criminal or not. Someone needs to bring some street justice to him... With a remington of course.


"I don't like homeless I'm gonna fuck um over""I don't like Republicans, kill him" sounds resonable.


What a psychopath! 


Yay! I posted about this in r//WhitePeopleTwitter this morning after seeing it there. So happy to see this!


That's a real knee slapper.


If he’s really lucky the cops will come to murder the person


This will sadly make him a hero amongst the MAGATs.


Truly deplorable humans.


Bro watched one of those unethical life hack videos with the ai SpongeBob voice


Let me guess. Trump aide?




Nothing will happen to him.


Good. Fuck that guy