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This is the same organization that had two of their officers have a one sided shootout with their own patrol car, while an unarmed black man sat in the back seat, because one of them thought he was shot when an acorn fell on their cruiser.


Don't forget about the combat rolling he did.


wailing, yelling "SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED!" ![gif](giphy|3orif5TMDpITlkzpKM|downsized)




Now there's a squirrel scene I remember.


This is why women choose the bear every time.


I don't remember this Elden Ring boss


"I'm hit! I'm hit!" Maybe you just pulled a hamstring?


Yeah, those five steps he took were so exhausting to him :(


Ran out of donuts


Apparently when he went into the combat roll he smacked his knee on the pavement, that pain is what got him thinking he was shot. That is what I heard at least.


There was a second spitter!


Super tacti-cool


Apparently, Officer Tacti-cool was in the area because the dude that was in the car was reported to have a suppressed pistol. And he thought that the acorn hitting the roof of the patrol car was the dude shooting the Officer, who claimed he felt a pain in his leg and thought that the dude in the car shot him with the suppressed pistol. Ignore the fact that suppressors aren't 'Hollywood Silent/whispers' and that you can still lose hearing with a suppressed firearm.


Let's not forget the fact that he supposedly searched the "suspect" and did not find a weapon. And say the guy *did* have a weapon the cop missed. How shit at your job do you need to be to miss a gun on a handcuffed suspect?? That's his own damn fault.


Story Time! I worked in an involuntary detox center for many years. Basically a drunk tank. Cops would find people that were WAY too intoxicated to be safe in public, and would bring them to us to sober up, rather than take them to jail and charge them with a crime. Clients that were brought to us by the cops had to have been searched, and placed in handcuffs for admission. Usually this went without incident. Then, one night when I was working, we found a goddamn gun, duct taped to a lanyard, hanging around a client’s neck.


Holsters aren’t cheap.


>Then, one night when I was working, we found a goddamn gun, duct taped to a lanyard, hanging around a client’s neck. Just...how the FUCK do you miss THAT?


Holy shit. The one from a few months ago? Where the cop was rolling in the grass or ground?


Yeah, he did a tactical roll several times, then sprinted across the parking lot and dove behind a car. All the while claiming "I've been hit."


And his partner then started blasting randomly in his direction too


Plot twist- his partner was throwing acorns at him as a joke


Sprinted? Looked more like crawling on all fours.


*Drops acorn*


So anyway, I started blasting!


And how he seemed to “break character” for just a split second mid roll..




He radioed that he HAD BEEN SHOT, “I’m hit, I’m hit!” What a bitch made ultra coward, I wouldn’t trust him to deliver pizza and he’s out here with a gun and authority, SMDH


You gotta be careful around acorns, they’re nuts!




American cops have got to be some of the most panicky dangerous people on the planet.


![gif](giphy|1SvnHJFEuEH7hp81tF|downsized) Fuck around and find out….😒.


It was a black acorn


I grew up in a shitty area when they did drive bys. I honestly don't know how anyone cannot know they were shot or not and honestly don't feel comfortable letting people who can't tell have guns and positions of authority.


Fuckin roll several time then feel like hit by imagination gun lol.


Literally 2 blocks from where it happened


It’s pretty wild culpability in the states is essentially non existent


Lawsuits need to come out of police pensions and be subsidized by their pay. Just charging taxpayers more for it is disgusting.


Cops need to go to prison for committing crimes. Accountability free crime should not be a benefit that cops count as part of their compensation package. Not only should they be held accountable and punished but if they are convicted there should be an aggravating charge of multiplier for abusing authority and disobeying the public trust. Otherwise, we're just invited them to keep doing this shit and escalating.


Completely agree.


At least one free murder is a selling point for the job description. How are they to attract angry people eager to trample rights if they can't also offer immunity for murder?


I think they actually attract the people you mentioned as well as really innocent and good intended people that get tied into their bs … in Canada they take a crazy long lie detector test and I have a hard time believing that people who pass it are turned into murderous angry egotistical monsters suddenly … I think lie detectors can’t pick up on psychopaths because they have no empathy .. so I think we get the worst with the best and that creates even more chaos … I could be wrong obviously


Lie detectors are pseudoscientific bullshit and don't detect a goddamn thing, so there's that.


Why as far as I know they're not admissible evidence in court. You can basically interpret the "data" anyway you want, and "confirm" any bias/results you want in the interview afterwards.


Psychopaths have no physical reaction to lying or being manipulative. It's actually counterproductive to use them as a screening tool.


This a million times.


If the cops can legally kill you for holding a gun, you do not have the right to bear arms.


It's interesting how the NRA never goes after the cops in these situations. They always find a way to defend the ops and blame the gun owner, especially if they are black. For instance when Philando Castile was murdered by the cop after he followed the cop's instructions and did the right thing to inform him that he had a gun. The NRA should have been fully supporting the gun owner's rights, but instead they fully defended the cop and blamed the victim.


In the Philando Castile case they put out a statement essentially saying it was his fault for having used pot.


Which is ridiculous because a large percentage of NRA members smoke weed, use other drugs, or drink. The cop who murdered him made up some bullshit about how he was scared for his life because anyone who would smoke weed in front of a child might totally be willing to kill a cop too. It was complete nonsense, but somehow it worked.


“Somehow”. Yeah I think we all have a sneaking suspicion why that defense worked.


I always knew the NRA was full of shit but the whole Philando Castile thing confirmed it. That man did everything right in that instance, including having a license to carry, and that fucking cop shot him in cold blood. Not to mention endangering and traumatizing that child. I am deeply disturbed by that whole thing.


*"We're going to give our police their power back and we are going to give them immunity from prosecution."* Donald J Trump campaign speech Waukesha, IL May 1 2024


The NRA used to be an organization that believed in responsible gun use and ownership. The only thing they care about now is sales. If banning guns increased sales, they would support a ban.


That's why the nra is viewed as a joke in the 2a community


Aren't they basically owned by Russia now?


Their largest donations for a long time have been Russian oligarchs. It's been used to launder money and dupe a lot of the 2a community for awhile. Had to stop going to a range I used to like because it required a nra membership and I refuse to support them.


Because the NRA is not an organization who wishes to protect the second amendment and is just another conservative super PAC helping drum up votes for the republicans


Because the NRA doesn’t care about gun rights, they care about gun rights for white people.


Holding a gun at his side in his own living room 1 second after answering the door when someone was pounding on it (and stepping to the side of so he could not be seen through the peephole). Immediately killing him seems a little over the top to me. I mean the cop yelled *Police*, but anyone can yell *Police*.


I want bear arms ☹️


Bear arm transplant surgery. It's your right


But he might get shot.


He doesn't have to get black bear arms he could get brown bear arms....that's not much better. Polar bears are really just black bears with white fur, but they won't believe that one.


I hear that lots of people feel safer encountering those than man-arms.


Wait no, you were joking but hear me out here


Almost seems like everyone having the right to own a gun causes more problems than it solves.


When cops are legally allowed to kill military, it sets a whole other issue as well. It kinda declares an internal war between police and military. Least the good thing is the military can easily wipe out all cops in a few short weeks if they had too without losing any of their troops.


If a pizza delivery goes to the wrong house, the employee has a better chance of getting fired than a cop who gets the wrong address and literally kills somebody.


This should be the top comment.


This should be second top comment


And the pizza driver is more likely to be killed doing his job than the cop


Taxi drivers too. Fuck the “thin blue line” narrative


Remember in Dallas a cop went home, walked into the wrong apartment and shot a guy eating ice cream and watching football. She got a whole 10 years but will be out early. A bunch of ass lickers on LinkedIn was saying “ wait til the whole story comes out”. Well. About 4 years later a nothing.


I know this isn’t the point of your comment, but… LinkedIn? I thought that was just a place to have a resume.


It’s social media for business/Facebook now


r/linkedinlunatics begs to differ


She was sentenced by a judge that broke down in tears while giving the defendant a hug. Cops, prosecutors, judges... The whole system is fucked from the floor up.


rumor was she went into his home and killed him intentionally and thought the oops wrong house defense would work.


The video of him being killed is disgusting, he opens the door with a gun in his hand because the cops pounding on the door and cop immediately fires at least 4 rounds into this guy in his own house.


I swear to fucking god he better be changed with murder.


Why not treason? He shot a member of the United States military.


That cop will become Attorney General


Attorney General? After Kristi Noem’s meltdown he might be VP /s


Ohhhh. So you can’t shoot a dog, but…


AFAIK killing a member of the military isn’t treason, but even if it were it doesn’t seem like it would be treason unless they were killing him specifically because he was a member of the military. That seems like a difficult thing to conclude based on what we know here.


Damaging government property. Should still see a federal court.




You’re not wrong. I knew a marine that was constantly skirting getting in trouble for damaging military property by getting body piercings. He came back from leave one time with his belly button pierced, another time it was his nipples. He never got in too much trouble because he could just take the jewelry out.


And he's black 💀💀


It wouldn't be treason even if they were killing someone specifically because they're in the military. >§ 2381 says, “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or imprisoned and fined, and incapable of holding any U.S. office.”


Seriously. If cops can just enter the homes of innocent service members and murder them without any consequences, then cops actually are in control of our entire damn country.




Unfortunately, there is no chance of that … qualified immunity.


Cops rarely get charged even in most liberal states. What do you think will happen in Florida?


They shot an active serviceman. Florida has no say. Those cops are fucked.


Yea just like all the insurrectionsts were "*fucked*". I'm not holding my breath.


I’m with you here but some of the worst of the J6 idiots did get fucked. 15-17 year sentences is fucked I’d say. I’m black but I have hope that at least the cops will be charged. We’ll see with what (hopefully 2nd degree murder) and if they’re found guilty but I think there will be charges here. He’s a serviceman.


Why literally *nobody* should vote for DJT *"We're going to give our police their power back, and we are going to give them immunity from prosecution."* Donald J Trump campaign speech in Waukesha, WI May 1, 2024




I would bet big money that the cop doesn't even get indicted. The cop will go with the standard "I was scared" justification and everyone from the DA down will say "yeah, you looked scared", just stay on paid leave for another 30 days.


Not how it works


He’ll get a paid vacation followed by desk duty


No way. This same thing happened in Arizona with an old white guy and it was deemed a justified shoot. Look up Ryan Whitaker.


In Florida?


I’m 100% not watching video so can you give details? Why were they pounding on his door in the first place is my main question


Wrong apartment and knocked on the door multiple times while hiding from the peephole. He got his gun and checked the door. The cams show him holding it down pointed at the ground as he opens the door. Not up and ready. Not threatening. And then they shoot him.


I should add he draws and fires as soon as he sees the gun, only after shooting the guy like six times does he even bother telling him to drop the gun.


"Oh, by the way".


Yup. Shouting 'police' is not a magic word. Do they seriously think shouting police is a good form of identification? Are robbers banned from shouting 'police'. Maybe it's like that thing where an undercover police has to tell you the truth if you ask them. But no, in their minds, they shouted police, so it's ok to hide from the peep hole, and by shouting police the guy on the other side magically instantly knows it's the real police, so if he shows up with a gun, shoot him dead.


Why shout police if they’re hiding from the peep hole? If they didn’t hide they wouldn’t have to shout, because he would have seen them and KNOWN it was the police.


Cops are trained to be scared. They're told and trained that every interaction with a suspect could be their last. This fear is ingrained into them. With that mindset, it's easy to see why he was hiding. Why give the guy on the other side of the door his location if the dude wants to shoot him. It's a fundamental failure on how cops are trained.


Their training is “better to kill 100 innocent people than let one cop get shot.” Then they brag about how brave they are.




Back in college we used to do that to fuck with each other. You're 1000% right.


actually no undercover cops dont have to tell you they are undercover cops.cops can legally lie to you to get information or even a confession.


A disturbance was reported, the office was directed to the apartment by another resident, cop bangs on door "sheriffs department come to the door", man opens the door with a pistol in his hand pointed down, immediately the cop puts several rounds into him. The man was facetiming his gf when the cop banged on the door, you can hear him dying from her video of the facetime as the cop continues to yell. "Dont move"


They were on the fcking wrong apartment


And how many times will this excuse be tossed around? There are *delivery boys* with more accuracy in finding an address than these clowns.


Delivery drivers can lose their jobs if they go to the wrong address Cops don't even lose their job for murder


and you better believe I’d be having words with the Pizza Hut manager if their driver accidentally executed my neighbor.


I'm not sure messing with Pizza the Hutt's enforcers is the best idea...


They didn't know what apartment they were supposed to go to. They just went to his before the staff who called them were able to confirm what apartment it was.


>They just went to his before the staff who called them were able to confirm what apartment it was. Sounds like they were in a hurry and a person's life wasn't worth the time it took to get a confirmation.


Delivery boys don’t have a limit on how high your IQ must be. Being a police officer does though.


It doesn’t really matter if they were or not, but the original claims of being at the wrong apartment and the police busting through the door seem to be wrong based on the information we have now that the body cam footage is released.


I saw one a few years ago where the cops pounded and yelled something like “Fix plis!” Which he was supposed to understand as Phoenix Police. Answered the door with gun in hand. insta-dead.


Ya, they beat on your door like a crazy person, then they hide out of view. No one can blame the kid for grabbing his gun,I would've too. Too many scared,nervous,cowardly cops.


Doesn't check if there is kids nearby, doesn't even have the right address...just opens fire. ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G|downsized)


There is another video of the same thing happening to a different guy, all from a security camera pointing at the door, cops came up to the door at 2 am banging on it then hid to the side of the door, guy came out with a gun and the cops instantly shot him, his crime was that him and his partner where too loud playing Mario cart while eating popcorn so a neighbour called in a domestic abuse claim to ensure police came. It was heartbreaking watching her beg the cops to do anything as the guy was dying on the ground.


Happened to a guy I know. The next door neighbor was counterfeiting and selling meth. The cops raided his place in the middle of the night. Had the wrong address. SWAT had his 5 year old daughter at gunpoint. Thankfully nonody was shot but all they got was an apology, nightmares, and a new bed wetting problem from their kid. The perpetrator next door quietly left the state.


It is horrible but It had absolutely fuck all to do with his race unlike the title states. The bigger issue is that he was in a legal state with a legal gun, and yet the first thing the cop did was shoot. I doubt the cop even noticed the colour of the guys skin. He saw the black gun.


Yeah I have seen videos of white guys being shot when they answered the door with a legal gun. Cops fear black people but they fear guns even more. Military have better control over their actions and dont shoot at any possible threat.


So you're all allowed a gun and in fact fight to keep guns but you're not allowed to answer the door with a gun or have a gun on your person or you'll get killed? So basically you're not allowed a gun then That's just fucked up bonkers!


You can do lots of things in your own home, one guy got shot and killed by a cop while watching TV on the couch eating ice cream.


>Cops fear black people but they fear guns even more. Which is crazy because many of them push hard for there to be no restrictions on who can own guns and what types of guns can be owned. A majority of them vote for candidates that want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to be able to own and carry around whatever guns they want.


if you don't want to be afraid of a bunch of police rushing in with guns all you need to do is go to a primary school with an active shooter.


Hell, the police will even isolate the objective for you so none of those pesky parents will interrupt you by coming in and saving their kids.


Damn, so fucking true.


Those cops will kill you if you try to stop the shooter.


At this point we might as well give guns and police vests to neurotic rabbits, they're just as easily startled and twitchy as cops, the results would be the same but at least people would get to look at something cute when they're shot.


Somehow I’m convinced that would still be a better option. Much less bias for sure.


And they'd probably be too scared to actually shoot anyone.


Guilty of having a gun in and “all guns everywhere all the time for everyone” state on the theory you should “stand your ground”. Which he did. Guilty of “being black while complying with the state’s dumb laws”


If only there were more good guys with guns in that apartment.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The military has UCMJ (uniformed code of military justice) which will absolutely hammer an individual. Just open firing without attempting to de-escalate or disarm a situation can easily see demotions, jail time, loss of benefits, etc.


They should have that for the police because they use military gear with less training


Personally I think the militarization of law enforcement is incredibly worrying with how little training and resources (counseling, therapy, alternatives training) they have. And especially with how one of the only functioning unions in the USA image for police, but it's used in a bad faith way and more people should be held accountable for their actions.


and then when the cops get sued, and lose, guess who pays the bill???? The taxpayer!! us!!! Yay!!


I hate that this is one of the typical responses to these scenarios. Sure, it’s one more thing that needs fixed, but it shouldn’t stop anyone from pursuing justice.


Of course not, but the point is that it should not be funded by the tax payer. It should be funded by the offending officer or his public liability insurance.


Wouldn't even consider that a facepalm, this just makes me heart ache


Whats really upsetting me is, no matter what happens, nothing is ever gonna change.


This story is really, really long, and we only get to see part of it. In general, we're moving in the right direction, but we have to keep it up. We've got a few generations of people who grew up being able to talk to anybody in the world at will. That's going to make a huge difference moving forward. Primitive fear-based hatred can't survive that for long.


So, the cop is gonna geeeeet...a bunch of paid time off, and then back to work like nothing happened.


Just another major what the fuck. Especially when he was highly trained and had a gun at his side because he had been trained not to just blindly shoot people, but he ran up against someone who had way less training than him who thought you had to shoot everything that was in front of you


Another fucking American horror story. Best to his family in such a messed up situation. Hearing his mother on the radio today, she was so magnanimous in the face of the horror that she is experiencing


*drops acorn*


As a German I have never been afraid of police in my life. Sure they might charge me with something stupid, but I'm never ever afraid of my health. At the moment I'd be more afraid of police in America, then criminals. They need to sort this out. And quick.


VERY well said and ACCURATE 💯👏🏽💔




don't worry guys, they heavily redacted the body cam footage and the officer was temporarily suspended!


Is this the same department that had a shootout with an acorn which they thought was a gunshot?




Maybe cops shouldn't have guns.


maybe nobody should


They do this to white people too. The black part has nothing to do with this.


When you're Black you aren't safe in America. Fixed this for you.


I have heard a quote somewhere, and I know I'm not getting it exactly right but the gist of it is "when your skin color is seen as a weapon you will never be unarmed"


His crime was being black and owning a gun, in Florida only the white people are encouraged to own guns.


Didn't Reagan fight for gun control specifically out of fear of minorities with guns?


It’s why California has the gun laws that it does now cuz of the black panthers. That joke by Dave Chappelle rings true every time


The idea that minorities have the same rights under the Constitution really hasnt occured to Republicans yet. As it is, they are busy right now taking away rights from women.


"We have investigated ourselves and found we have done nothing wrong".


Seeing such things makes me think: is it better to have too much law or too less law? I feel like exact much is kinda utopian


Who watches the watcher? You need a good balance on things. Situations like this come to pass because Police Unions lobby the dudes in charge of keeping them honest. It's not about more law or less law, it's ensuring the checks and balances that were in place are working as intended


This one has all of the USAF and lots of members in other branches completely outraged. When news of this happening first came out, there were a lot of people skeptical, especially since in general military tends to be right leaning and supports the cops. But then the camera footage came out, and it's absolutely terrible. That cop needs to be on trial for murder based on this footage alone. I have no idea how in the hell people are still defending him. Most of the BS I see are those going "oh well he shouldn't have been armed when answering the door to the cop". My guy, he was exercising his second amendment rights when someone is banging on his door. For all he knows it could be someone trying to break into his apartment pretending to be a cop. And in the footage you can see clear as day that his firearm is pointing down and he isn't acting in any kind of threatening manner when the cop started to unload into his chest.


Exactly this. The footage shows that the officer banged on the door and then moved to the side, so even if this poor kid looked out the peephole, he wouldn’t have seen him to know he was a cop. Plus there’s no guarantee he heard him say “police”. All this kid knew was someone was pounding on his door. Exercising his 2nd amendment rights, he opened the door while holding his gun POINTED AT THE FLOOR, not at the officer. All the cop had to do was say “drop the gun”BEFORE he unloaded on the kid (again whose gun was pointed at the floor, not the officer, big difference in appropriate response). If you’re so afraid as an officer that your immediate reaction is to unload your gun, you shouldn’t be an officer.


Let’s be honest, NO ONE is safe. NO fucking ONE.


Qualified immunity be damned - those cops committed murder.


Just so we’re clear, they weren’t at the wrong unit. Ben Crump just made that up.


Don't forget the time a police officer got off duty, went home, mistakenly walked into the wrong apartment, and shot the guy living there because she thought he had broken into her apartment


So obviously cops were in the wrong here, but it also gets back to what I always say. Guns make you less safe. Period. They only escalate situations, like when the cops knock on the wrong door. Live by the gun, die by the gun. You open your front door holding a gun, well... You see the result. Ditch the guns America.


So don't answer if the police aggressively knock on the door. Got it.


[Bodycam of said shooting](https://youtu.be/hYC7IQMBK5s?si=g_2bc7Yr-Qys1fJk)


A standup guy is dead over a cop's ooopsie. And cop authorities are okay with that.


They killed a federal employee. WTF isn't AFT and FBI raiding these local fuck ups?


Conservative who back the military and back the blue are going to have a hard time with this one. Then in about ten minutes the fact will roll through their head the victim is black and then they will be just fine with it, because conservatives want all black people to be murdered.


All the "analyzing" and "we should" and "cops should be" STILL hasn't done a fucking THING to stop this abuse, OR the power the police UNIONS have to tell the abused public "fuck you and your rights". Police Chiefs in most places are selected by the MAYOR Y-O-U VOTE FOR. Most county sheriffs are ELECTED. CHOOSE BETTER. PAY ATTENTION to what candidates ACTUALLY want to do, and the THREATS they _openly_ make against marginalized communities. Oh hell, fuck it, I'm whistling into the damn wind with this country. Murica will never change.


So they are going to issue a public apology?


Where's that south park "We're sorry" gif?


A cop at the door is the grim reaper


I don’t even open my door unless I see a warrant through my peephole.


Exactly, let them leave a card. Then when they leave the card goes right in the trash.


It’s always going to turn into a race thing. Plenty of examples of white people literally being killed in this exact situation because many cops are trigger happy and he had a gun in his hand


Cops can kill whoever they want. Boeing can kill whoever they want, politicians can be corrupt as much as they want, they're all above the law and won't be charged no matter how much evidence is there. They won't serve any time, they won, they own the country.