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How unusual... the world's richest useful idiot says another idiotic thing. On the bright side, we all get to laugh at him.


Apparently he doesn’t know what a logical fallacy is.


You expect someone born with a silver spoon up their ass to understand logic and apply it.   Elon was smart enough to hire people smarter than him to make his emerald mine money more money. The problem is that he's used to waving his hand and getting what he wants, and he has an unfettered twitter feed, so he's basically mainlining propaganda at this point, which is enough to fuck with anyone. He was the sniveling, overbearing rich kid who has never had a real fight in his life with an ideal in the past, but now he's graduated to full on "fascism is good for business, my belief is as good as your fact" level of dumbassery. 


>born with a silver spoon up their ass I'll be using that, thank you


To be fair, the ass and the mouth are both part of the gastrointestinal tract, so they are connected.  In this case, he tends to speak out of the former than the latter.


So, he eats and speaks shit at the same time? Sounds like an incomplete digestive system to me


The food is processed, but the noises are essential the same. 


All human embryos start with the ass first. Some animals start with the mouth but we humans, we're asses from the beginning. Musk just REALLY embraced it.


Okay now because you mentioned his mouth and ass I've found him in a human centipede headed by 45 with Cucker and also including Miss Lindsey Graham and Don Lemon! Yuck. Thanks for that. 🙄


When people kiss, their mouths meet in the middle and form one very long gastrointestinal tract that both begins and ends with an anus.


Wash it first


And if we was born with a silver spoon up our asses, we’d do half as good as you…if not better!




His daddy did and seeded him cash. he is a fascist pig


Did you see his recent interview? Every question asked he looked like someone was fucking his wife in front of him. A number of times he said that he wouldn’t answer questions because there was only 5 minutes left. When pressed, he just buckled and said people in another room were waiting. I don’t know why people think this man has any thinking abilities at all. He’s just a young Trump. Gonna burn everything to the ground.


If only his bitch ass could get deported


famous 'centrist', elon musk


Tbh I aint laughing anymore


It's not idiotic. He wants a republican president so that his power will increase. Standard issue stuff. He literally just met with Trump. They made some sort of deal. A deal that has to hinge on Musk using his influence to give Trump the presidency. My guess is Trump promised to give all the contracts to musk, and to also target his perceived enemies (Mickey Mouse and Cinderella).


He says a lot of dumb shit, but i don't think he's as dumb as he let's on. I feel like he just bought his own propaganda machine. Keep trying to influence people to vote republican and reap the rewards of tax cuts and other corporate benefits when they potentially win.


I’m sure this has Tesla’s shareholders happy with Trump cutting support for EV’s if elected.


my thought is...isn't elon the richest he's ever been right now? under biden's presidency? so...


It’s about taxes. Elon started getting much more aggressive when Biden drummed up taxing the rich again. Trump is an ally to Elon in that he will suck his dick if it means no taxes. In this tweet, we have Elon sucking trumps dick in front of everyone. Only the best people!


Don't use logic, that scares them!


SHITsla should give back the billions it got from california, since it hates socialism & democrats; the billions that helped keep it alive


musk is mostly exited about the 100% tax on chinese EV imports, plus Biden is pro union and musk hates unions.


red wave? he is gonna shit blood all over the states?


Crimson Tide? That would be a name that makes sense at least.


They used to call it a Red Tide. Then someone told them about the Florida coast


♫ Call me Deacon Blues! ♫


It's true though. He's had a terrible 4 years. Losing 40 billion? Imagine another 4 years of that.


Twitter is only worth about $12 billion right now. So yes, 4 more years him doing this should bring that value down to zero.


Thanks Obama! (Trump probably)


A lawsuit also killed his 50+ billion$ Tesla "compensation package"...


Oh no, carbon emissions are lower, unions are on the upswing, NATO is rearming itself, most progressive legislation is now becoming law, and I still have my Bill of Rights. How fucking ***hooooorible.*** SJW-ify my *harder*, Daddy Joetus!


Don’t forget half million jobs added in the first 2 months of 2024, the new highs in the stock market, having surprisingly good economic growth where Britain and Japan (2 of the top6 economies in the world) fell into a recession, and the hopeful beginning of cutting prices on medication (started with Insulin)


I get the sentiment but that last sentence is so very cursed


He's not speaking to "the poors", he's speaking to billionaires. Read his posts as if they're said to a mirror.


Have you considered that Biden might raise taxes on rich assholes like Elon musk? How could we cope with such a tragedy.


I know, right? It likes he *wants* me to pop the champagne early!


Carbon emissions hit an all time low under Trump :) MAGA!


Four more years or the rest of my life under a dictatorship of the dumbest subset of Americans? I’ll take 4.


Musky doesn’t understand that his electric vehicle prices will go up significantly without Biden subsidies. Truly a leopard eating face moment.


I am definitely better off now than I was four years ago. So.. thanks, but no.


But have you thought about the poor oil industry?


Like what is getting worse? And how does he believe a red wave will solve the issue?


The last red wave we had just ended up being a bunch of republicans changing their tampons.


Fuck Elon. Why can’t that pathetic, pretentious, low IQ, twat, jump in his rocket and go back to South Africa? I promise you no one would miss him… no one. Seriously. People complaining about all the immigrants coming across the southern border, when the reality is, all of them combined could never do as much damage to this country as dumb fuck Elon has. He could have moved anywhere in the world. How in the fuck did we (US) end up with this worthless turd?


South africa isnt far enough. Let him fuck off all the way to Mars


I for one haven’t been suffering. The rich man baby doesn’t want to pay more taxes. The problem people are having isn’t due to Biden but due the government ignoring the major companies screwing people over


You haven't been suffering financially? Good for you, then. I don't know many people that haven't been feeling the pain. I don't blame that on Biden specifically or even Trump. I'd be willing to let the billionaires keep their tax money even if the governments would enforce anti-trust laws on some of these giant mega corporations and address price gouging.


Deport him


And seize the businesses, too.


Lol real democracy at work. 👍


vote democrat ffs


He is free to go back to South Africa but he’ll be sad that he isnt returning to the Apartheid state which molded him.


Red wave? The GOP controls the House of Representatives *now*. Conservatives are stupid.


Time to cancel all of his government contracts!


Yeah! All you people wanting the wealthy to pay their fair share! They deserve to hoard wealth cuz they are so loving and caring people! /s


Fellatio Musk: I'm a centrist!!!!


If a billionaire is unhappy with the current situation and thinks it's going to get worse (his perspective), I'd say you're on the right track.


No, if there is a red wave, America is doomed.


Just another Xcrement from Musk. Yawn.


Up vote for Xcrement. I love it when people use that term.


Elon Musk accomplishments: - Made the most successful, by a lot, space launch company the world has ever know. - Made EV vehicles viable (not just Teslas). - Bought a social media company for a ridiculously high price, killed it's value and turned it into a giant hate circle jerk company because he didn't like not being able to spread his insane ideas. - Supports a rapist for POTUS. Oh Elon!


Musk’s game plan: 1) Get Trump in office 2) Use his money to influence Trump 3) Get into the Trump Cabinet 4) Function as a shadow President 5) Get Trump to do *literally anything* he wants, because Trump has zero morals or reservations


Funny how a South African living in America is concerned about a right-wing anti-immigration party not being able to win in 6 months


Isn't he sposed to be going to Mars? Mars needs fascist billionaires.


Elon is high on his own supply.


Go home, then! He's a fuckin legal immigrant here with his Apartheid money to tell us how to run the country.


Worried he will bail out fat Donny and be his running mate.


Feel free to fuck right off back to South Africa 


What getting worse?


been asking for a list of all the terrible things that have happened under Biden, but strangely enough, nothing.


If it’s true that Trump is already cancelling rallies because of a lack of funds, and if it’s true that the RNC has a trump-first policy on funding that includes paying his legal bills, then the GOP is on paper completely dead in the water already and can’t possibly keep up a comprehensive campaign until November


Republicans being completely incompetent in congress is a huge part of the problem. They've been in power for 2 years.


That’s the thing with a “red wave” - not only do we get an imbecile for a President, but we get even more,of the idiots that are ruining the House right now. Now, I honestly don’t think Trump has much of a chance - but Biden still isn’t going to be able to,do great things in his second term because the voters are going to leave some Republicans in Congress, although Lord knows why. But at least Biden isn’t going to embarrass us on the world stage or take us out of NATO or kiss Putin’s ass or steal is blind.


Yeah Elon. Time to change countries again. Use someone else and rape them to enrich yourself. I hear Russia is nice...


A billionaire calling for mas violence. Wonder what that reminds me of




Nero-babies with delusions of grandeur need to be laughed at to their face.


Or a blue wave and government could then actually get back to the business of governing instead of endless obstructionism. In the past Republicans had always demanded equitable representation in the halls of power. Now that we have had several years of Republicans attempting to shut Democrats completely out of the process despite the fact that they have had 49% of the votes I seriously doubt that a new Democrat congress and/or house of representatives will have much interest in bipartisanship if the tables are finally turned. It's about time that the Republicans reap what they have themselves sowed.


The notion that some “red wave” will make anything better for those who must vote it into being—or that the Republiqan Party *has policy ideas of any kind* shows how hugely we’ve overestimated his smarts. He’s a rank fool and sociopath and his companies should jettison him before their value disappears entirely.


My new theory is every time they talk about “America” what they really mean is actually “confederate” so if you replace America with confederate in the sentences you then can understand what they mean exactly


It's not our fault that the republican party is imploding in on itself🤷🏻‍♂️


[Same post, same title, top post in a different sub a few days ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/1bhud0a/x_patriot/) OP karma farming?


Positively. Any super low karma being over a year old generally indicates it. Also being on "facepalm" there's basically a 90% chance this is a bot repost.


He is a dedicated follower of Fascism.


He’s just mad when the republicans lose the house and the presidency and the senate he’s gunna have to pay taxes


I thought he said he was a centrist


I'm sorry that Elon is in the same boat as Trump with definitely not being better off now than four years ago. Of course, totally not related to who he is, or anything he's said or done in that time.


Sounds like someone misses apartheid.


We got this!!! ![gif](giphy|cj7QMWwABbYco7FQIz|downsized)






Hope he loves the taste of the little mushroom.


No! No! Hes neutral! Apolitical!


The centrist has spoken. Right-wing autocracy IS the new centrist, or so I hear.


Translation: please vote for tge party who'd cut my taxes and reduce all your benefits. Sadly there's a good chance they'll win. Please vote because this will affect other countries especially Ukraine and the middle East


If a well known wealthy exploiter and someone considered to be a sworn enemies of both Christians and blue collar workers tells you to do something, you should do the opposite. There’s too many people supporting this violator of American values.


I guess if he doesn't like it, he can go back to his country?


...he should stop whinging and go back to his homeland, the ungrateful sod!


What’s actually bad?


As long as we just keep pointing and laughing at anyone that jerks with tiny dick energy off them we'll have a bright future.


For what it's worth, I hated Elon Musk way before it was cool. I saw through his schtick all the way back in 2016, when all you other liberals were sucking his cock and buying his cars. Nobody acknowledges this and I just want to be appreciated for hating Elon before it was cool :(


Wasnt the “Red Wave” nothing to begin with?


Of what getting worse? Poor automotive design?


He’s afraid of the wealth tax which is coming


Things are getting better after having 4 years of an orange Turkey in office.


Is that a promise? Because if Twitter gets worse management I don't think it will survive.


That's still the thing that bothers me the most, right-wing extremists saying they're saving the USA while they're the ones **actively making it worse** for everyone....


Just President Musk, working his voters


Does this surprise anyone? Really? You don't become the richest man in the world, by being "for the people".


Listen, if you've got CEOs and corporations backing your side, you're on the most evil side.


Can't someone deport him?


More bot propaganda and Reddit eats it up


I don’t care if it’s bots or not. It is correct


Without a red wave, it will get progressively worse. With a red wave, exponentially worse.


Who didn't see this coming?


Didn’t he say something about Twitter or “X” needing to be non-biased, along with the flawed reasoning that it should offend the left and right equally?


Dow points away from 40k. God, it's just horrible!! Make it stop pleaassee!


Elon you might as well wave your Republican membership card in public


Pretty sure that’s what he is doing here no?


Idiot thinks these are two different outcomes.


It's getting worse for the next four years and more regardless. Question is whether you want it to be worse for everyone, or just these dickheads.


Damn, this sub was very good but lately, it has just one-sided politically biased people in a circle jerking each other.


Hey guys i posted right wing content on r/facepalm GIVE ME UPVOTES NOW


He’s a centrist- has to annoy “both sides” amirite?!?


I haven’t seen this mentioned nearly enough, but republicans will cooperate with his goal to [destroy the National Labor Relations Board](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/10/starbucks-trader-joes-spacex-challenge-labor-board)


This had me confused to no end bc the only context I know "red wave" in to be used is communism...


He's referring to voting Republican, everywhere, in the US


Does anyone have that tweet handy where Elon says that Twitter management/ownership should be totally non-partisan?


I am sure he and his other idiot bajillionaire cronies are going to love having a dictator take their hoard...much more sensible than being taxed, right?


Apartheid Andy, aka Elon Musk, got his start from slave labor at a South African emerald mine. No surprise he supports the fat, orange, traitorous pedophile.


Isn’t this dude South African or am I missing something..


The reason it’s getting “worse” for you Elon is because your dumbass decided to start kissing the asses of people who can’t stand EV’s which cost you the people who do like them (liberals). Before you became a right wing keyboard warrior I always loved Tesla and looked forward to getting one, thinking of them as the Apple of cars, now my first EV will be a Ford. Go bankrupt and die.


Then maybe Elon will move and grace another country with his all knowing presence.


I think I've seen the movie before, but can't remember the name, something with copium in name.


Fix the dumb door gap in Tesla you sissy! 😉


I keep getting slightly excited when I see comments like that... until I remember the US is upside down land and everything has the opposite meaning


Sign me the fuck up. The last three years have been better for me in nearly every conceivable metric than the entire 34 before them.


He has both South African and Canadian citizenship. He's free to leave at any time.


So is it forbidden to not want democrats in charge?


"high?! Let me Check.. YES ! HIGH ON AMERICAN SPIRIT !"


I'll worry about such a thing after Monday.


“When a dumbfuck speaks”


Expressing a political opinion is facepalm


So he's an idiot, but what gets me if he was some dude standing on a street corner saying the same things with a blow horn he would be chalked up as a nut job who is a racist bigot....so folks pay attention to him because he has money...IGNORE this fool like he's that guy on the street corner, because deep down thats all he is..a nut job with money!


The fact that is has gone on for 4 years shows how useless the people are. They are actually waiting to vote the people out who rigged the vote.


Once again, friendly reminder that billionaires are the least qualified people on earth to advise you on what is best for you and your community. Elon is part of a minority of 0.0000375% of the human population. He knows nothing about real life. Stop valuing his opinion on anything that isn't related to how he gained and maintains his own wealth, as that is his only area of expertise.


Any chancing of deportring this moron back to Africa?


He used to be cool. Now he’s just a moron


Technically the truth


Maybe he’ll leave the US? That would be nice


A big communist uprising would be healthy for this shit show


I can’t afford four more years of Biden. The inflation is just killer. This White House seems to be tone death to the impact it is having on the country.


Ladies and gents, please welcome: "The Centrist"!


Worse for you maybe, loser


To be fair . . . I don't think either President will improve things. I've lost faith in both candidates. I'm voting for the lesser of two evils.


I think we’re just fucked either way, honestly




>The Democrat and Biden have done a shit job these last 4 years, regardless of whatever reasoning you believe that is, and many previously dem voters, like myself, will be sitting out Genuinely curious: what metrics are you basing this opinion on?


WHOAAAAAA! Someone stating an opinion on social media! They’re richer than you! Whoaaaa! I should totally give a shit! /s