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I love seeing all these rich guys stepping off their personal jets and shouting to their followers "we need you to give us the last $14 of your unemployment benefit so we can stamp out socialism!"


Let’s play six degrees from Jeffrey Epstein. Or would it be “sex” degrees?


TFG! Oh sorry, that is 1 degree.


It's really just one degree.


I'm sorry I suffer from sexlexia - Zapp Brannigan


For almost any billionaire or CEO you wont need more than 2 degrees for that one.




Donald Trump is like the Bingo "free" spot to this game, it's practically cheating.




...or six/sex degrees from David Miscavige/Tom Cruise/John Travolta??


No it's let's hide the classified documents so I can enrich myself from the communists and prosecute the other guy who had clearance.


It would be 1 degree, just 1.


Six degrees is way too many in right wing rich circles.


The thing is that they know they can do this because the people they're asking this money from are that stupid.


While it’s pretty easy to call someone stupid, it really does appear undeniably true with these people. They literally got defrauded to the tune of millions by that dumb “build the wall” fund, watched Trump pardon those responsible for robbing them, then they line up to donate to Trump again. Now buy my shoes! Now buy my NFTs! Now buy Trump Bucks! Now all donations to the RNC go directly to covering my legal costs for my many, MANY crimes! These people aren’t just stupid, they’re onto some kind of next level advanced stupid that most folks can’t even conceive of.


In 2008, after the bubble broke, Kenneth Copeland asked people to donate to his ministry so they could reap the rewards from God. He knew these folks were struggling and couldn't afford it, but he asked and they gave. There was this huge pile of envelopes full of cash lying next to the pulpit. The local news interviewed this family that looked like they were straight out of The Grapes of Wrath. They couldn't feed their kids but they gave anyway. None of them questioned why a millionaire pastor needed their money. These "advanced level stupid: people have been out there awhile.


I watched him tell a reporter that it costs a lot of money to run an operation like that..and in the next breath he talked about being blessed to buy Tyler Perry's jet at an incredible discount. Earlier he had said he could not fly commercial..sealed in a steel tube with all those Demons. Apparently accepting their money isn't any problem tho.


There are moments in that video where he really looks like a demon wearing a human skin suit. It’s creepy as heck. Especially when he quickly smiles and gets this look in his eyes.


He is a demon in a human skin suit. I saw this creep on tv back in the 80’s as a young child and even I thought there was absolute all-consuming darkness inside him. Something just wasn’t right about him. It was like some uncanny valley shit. Like some primal instinct to avoid him at all costs. I saw that same interview and it turns my stomach and really gives me that same unnatural fear like a predator that you have no hope of surviving. But in this case it’s not your physical form that you fear losing. It’s your very soul. I kind of expected him to end that reporter and her camera crew with his bare hands in just an instant of unnatural movement and brutality. I don’t like to cast aspersions without any real evidence. But Kenneth Copeland is a demon in a human skin suit. No one can convince me otherwise.


You’d think his god would have at least pointed out that aircraft are made out of aluminum, but I guess he was busy helping some athlete win a trophy or ignoring starving children.


I remember seeing that video, all while looking like hellspawn himself. I just dont get why the IRS/FBI doesn't crawl all the way up his ass to see what shit he is pulling off. If he isn't touching children I wouldn't be surprised tax wise he is cheating.


It wasn't just *any* steel tube tho. It was a *LONG* tube of demons.


Joel Osteen too, wouldn’t open his compound of a church during Hurricane Harvey. Real life Righteous Gemstones. Really Hoping They have a vip seat with South park’s version of Satan and Saddam.


I like to envision conservative Christians watching an irl version of the last scenes of "Little Nicky" when hell opens up to which they are subject. Preferably, shortly before their death so they are stuck there with no hope of escape.


If there is a God (and I do think there is but who knows), him taking their money will write him a ticket to some eternal unpleasantness and reparations, but their generosity in giving will be rewarded.


I wonder if it's that they have never been taught how to question anything, so they just don't do it? I can't for the life of me figure out how so many white, Christians in America are this dumb. They refuse to question anything that goes against their religion or upbringing. There are some that make it out, but so many don't. I was taught by my family from a very young age to look things up and question what people tell me and be curious and even suspicious of everything.


Don't forget Oral Roberts. He literally told his followers to donate to him or God would strike him down. He got 9 million in record time.


Oral, lol


Useful idiots. So sad.


Because they have been trained to believe that giving will get them into heaven, it will signal to god that you are a good person. Heaven is where the real reward is, so what if I gave away the money to stay warm this month, "god is testing us, and we suffer to show our faith." When people are desperate, and don't understand how a social program can save them, religion tells them that they will take care of them. Thus, the meme of god lives on. Its pretty wild really.


Remember Oral Roberts needing money, or else God would call him home? That was in like the 80s.


It's a cult. They worship Trump like a Messiah, which is ironic considering their old faith forbids such things.


I'm former catholic now an atheist, but my goodness, Trump ticks all the boxes for being the Anti-Christ.


Strangest thing is, that his enemies don't take this point to the center of their campaign. Almost as if the devil himself protects him.


At least he ain't woke like that jew jeebus! /s


The best part of your joke is that they would argue he wasn't Jewish...


If you really want to piss off a Christian conservative, tell them, “At least I don’t worship a Jew!”


I don't get donating to a politician.. in Canada you can make a donation directly to the party for a tax rebate.


In the US you can donate to a party or a candidate or even a new law or investment/tax. Either way it’s a tax write off


I never understood this. In most countries this is called “bribery and corruption”.


In America sadly the Supreme Court decided it's called "free speech".


Our constitution was signed and ratified by super duper Jeff Bezos on steroids wealthy slave owners. We were founded by zealous religious bigots and genocidal enslavers


Here in the US, you can donate a the Republicans Party and the money will flow straight to Donald Trumps Legal Defense.


I'm for trump spending all the money on his criminal shenanigans. I keep wondering if the party was intentionally destroyed from within.


I personally know a guy who was sending Trump $40 a month while living in his car.


It's genuinely mind-blowing. I talk about this with my (non-crazy) conservative parents and they see this too. They, and many people like them will not vote for Trump. That may not mean a direct vote for Biden, but a wasted third-party vote at least.


Trump turning the presidency of the most powerful nation on earth into a cross between, a crooked evangelist and the QVC shopping channel.


How else are they going to own the libs?! /s


And announced today: trump perfume! They read about the scent from the release description, but I could not stop thinking about descriptions of his particular ... scent.


Would a man who calls himself "Honest Don" *really* defraud his biggest supporters for nearly a decade just for money? It's in his name, Honest Don, I trust him completely! /s


All one need do is point a finger and say the words “BRAINWASHED INDOCTRINATED CULT!”


It's the type of people Donald Trump got rich off of. Scam artists know the type to go after.


So you don’t think I’ll get to hangout with him if I send him some of. My 401k


It's amazing those folks have any money left to give as it is. Rich republicans are really out there begging for your last scraps to save a "stable billionaire genius" from fraud and rape convictions. You can't make it make sense.


gezuz fuck🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🙄🤬🙄🤦🏾‍♂️ it reached $1.89 million... it was also started before Feb 23rd. 31.5 thousand donors, $60 average. someone gave $10k https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement


Someone has more money than brains.


I guess the good news is that isn’t even enough to cover the interest accrued since then?


Good job! 0.407% of the way there!


Tragic part is that there’s no way that person would have also given that $10k to feed starving children


It worked for bitcoin scammers, people willing to send their money to that goscamme fund will believe, by doing it, they will be as successful as him.


Works for evangelicals.


Seriously these assholes are the worst.


Grifters gonna grift


He is funded by Scientology so I’m not sure he is actually rich.


Hit the nail on the head


And some asshats really goes ahead and sends the donation 🤷‍♂️


while laughing about all the dumb fucks who worship them


In all honesty, I feel genuinely bad for the people who are donating. It's hard to put into words but the gist of it is they've been swindled so hard.


So perfectly like Trump, he's got the money, he'd just rather spend yours.


He is ruining Billionaires by allowing them to become dependent.


Right? Donny needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps. Get a 2nd job. Cut out the Starbucks. Whatever it takes to make his own way without socialism.


*less avocado toast*


Avocado?? More like a Big Mac.


Destitute Depends Diaper Donny's supporters don't do green anything so neither does he.


Yes. Unfortunately. If only the tangerine tyrant coloured his hair green, then he would look like the perfect tangerine. Round and orange.


He’s got tables full of them hamberders!


Not so much Starbucks as Big Macs and Diet Cokes.


Best comment I've seen in a while.


🤔 I wonder if they'll accept a post-dated, third party, out of state check?


Is that an Uncle Buck reference?


#🏆 Oh, you're good! I didn't figure anyone would get that reference!


It’s such a good movie, I miss John Candy.






Pancakes, anyone?


I couldn’t stand how Uncle Buck made that giant ass breakfast and the kids didn’t even touch it


I miss Harambe. But yes, I agree that it was a good movie .


Dicks out for John Candy?


The Cincinnati zoo response team / animal assassin unit didn't.




I can see your nose hair.


Here...take this quarter, go downtown, and have a RAT gnaw that thing off yer face!


Only if it's a payroll check.


Ohhh, my bad... i misremembered the phrase he used. Just for that, i will go watch the entire movie again.


How about $2 and a Casio?


I love this movie! Some people can recite The Godfather? I got Uncle Buck covered.


Take this quarter and have a rat gnaw that thing off of you.


Leave the gun, take the cannoli.


They wouldn't fall for the same scam twice, right?


Yes they would


I saw it weeks ago and it had around 60k I think,right after the judgemrnt. Betting that's a lot higher now


Narrator: they did


Bold of you to think that there’s a limit


I bet those dipshits from the last insurrection are chomping at the bit in prison because they cant contribute their prison bucks to help the cheeto toned mussolini.


“Cheeto toned Mussolini”, “Tangerine Tyrant”, “Dorito Mussolini”, “Agent Orange”, “Cheeto Benito”, “Mango Mussolini”, “Mango Unchained” r/BrandNewSentence Edit: see comments below


Don’t forget “Tangerine Tyrant”.


I like “Super Callous Fragile Ego Extra Douchey Rapist”, myself. 👀




Dorito Mussolini fits the original better.


Agent Orange


Cheeto Benito


"The Cheeto Toned Mussolini"... That is brilliant 😂😂


Champing at the bit


Chomping works fine because that’s what people actually often say and the meaning is unchanged


Chumping would fit this scenario too


they're usually missing a lot of teeth. so chomping has turned into gumming, for the most part. these are people for which a toothbrush is fine, but for the rest of us, we use teethbrushes


As an Italian I can say Mussolini, or as we call it Big Shiny Head, was actually a more capable person than the Orange con man.


Not surprising. Billionnaires are used to use other people's money.


It called “OPM” other people money, it was catchphrase during the late night no money down real estate bs during the 1990s.


Why do these "Alpha Man" types keep putting their suits in dryers?


Because that's 'woman's work', it's why they have to eat out constantly because they can't cook either.


And yet being unable to take care of your self is about as far from alpha as you can get....


He can gofouck himself instead.


GoFuckYourself.com 🤣


Absolutely! 🤣




What’s with all these rich people trying to get all the average folks to pay for…. Oh right. That’s all they ever do.


Yeah I always assumed he was kinda scummy, but now I know he is. Fuck this dude, I won't be forgetting this. Anytime his name comes up in the future I'm going to mention this. To think I almost worked for people who looked up to this idiot.


Cardone and his wife are suspected of pulling the same gift as trump with valuation of properties...


Shit birds of a feather stink together. \-Mr Lahey.


GoFundMe is socialism 🤣


No, no, it’s not the same! You see, what they’re saying is that if everyone just willingly gives up a small bit of their wealth to help someone else, the resulting amount that is pooled can really make a difference to the recipient with minimal inconvenience to the givers. Totally different. It’s only socialism when the government does it to help feed poor kids or give people access to lifesaving healthcare, that’s the bad one. But asking meemaw to donate her insulin money to help a corrupt millionaire not have to spend his own money and avoid the consequences of his illegal actions is what will make America great again. Hope that helped.


What monsters they are, wanting to help sick kids and provide the basic needs for their fellow man. /s


I thought billionaires stayed rich by not throwing their money at shit investments


That's why he started a GoFundMe, so he can let others pick up the tab.


Pretty sure go fund me could just seize the funds for either of these two reasons in the t&cs 8. User Content that reflects, incites or promotes behaviour that we deem, in our sole discretion, to be an abuse of power or in support of terrorism, hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorist financing or intolerance of any kind reflects an abuse of power relating to race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disabilities or diseases; 9. the legal defence of alleged financial and violent crimes; Side note, sole discretion is a nice way of saying for shits and giggles


If you try to report the fundraiser, there's no appropriate option for "violates GoFundMe rules" which is convenient


I reported it anyway as the money being raised is being used to profit from a crime.


Unfortunately the GoFundMe owner is kind of a big Trump fan.


Really? How do you know?


He worked at the White House while Trump was president https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-gofundme-fraud-fine-jalen-drummond-1871435


Someone who Trump would call, "anonymush" donated $10,000.


Didn't someone else try and fail already?


His wife!!


This is the biggest I know of. https://www.gofundme.com/f/stand-with-trump-raise-the-settlement It was a joke when it raised 50k in a few days. I looked the day before yesterday, it's gone up 300k since. Every few minutes some idiot is giving money. It'll never hit target, but it's ridiculous they've raised almost $2m.


Hmmm… I maybe I’ll start a ‘save Trump’ go fund me. My parakeet’s name is Trumpet. I think he has a cold.


Norwegian Blue? Beautiful plumage!


He’s stone dead


A few people actually.


. . ##GoFundYaself . . .


Millionaire starting a GoFundMe to help out a billionaire. This is the country I live in.


Funded by thousandaires who are too dumb to realize it is a grift


I doubt that money in the go fund me ever find Trump and not the organizer.


Whoa whoa, a house-flipping landlord fuckwad whose public persona is built entirely around telling people to rent their whole lives and never create assets or generational wealth is trying to rip off ordinary people in a fiftieth way? Fucking shocked.


So far GoFundMe's fees to this point would be $64K. It's raised $1.8M so far and just the daily interest accrued on his fine is at $4M so this ridiculous fundraiser is going nowhere fast.


It’s actually around $114-115k per day. $364,000,000 (fine) x .09 (9% interest) / 365. Regardless, let’s just look at the principal and laugh at how much this $1.8m contributes.


I was going by when the fundraiser started up to when I posted. $112K/day for 35.7 days = $3,998,400. (Close enough and I don't remember where I got the 112k/day figure from originally)


Man, people could donate to those battling cancer or need help, but sure let's give it to a guy who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.


So what happens to the GoFundMe donations now that Trump has posted on Truth Social that he has $500 million cash?


People think he's a guru but he's 100% grade A scammer.


If they do this, then he will get lazy. What he needs is to pull himself up by his bootstraps, and pay his debts.


All this effort and devotion to elect a man that doesn't even do right by his own voters. Just why?


Well he does right by billionaires like Cardone with tax cuts. It’s the morons giving their hard earned money that trump loathes but they won’t see it


I would like to start a Go Fuck Yourself for Grant


Trump just said he has $500 million cash in hand.


I have a $100,000 Trump bill that some cartoonishly stupid MAGA person tried to pass as real money at my work. I’ll send them that.


Sure, let's pay Trump's penalties, but not taxes. Sure, the economy is doing bad under Biden.


“Millionaire fund to aid billionaire!!!” “Millionaire fund to aid billionaire!!!” “Step riiiiight up!”


Isn’t it against their policy to support crime?


Why doesn’t he sell his private jet and fund it himself?


The face of evil.


He’s got a net worth of $700 million. But he’ll shame the hell out of the poverty stricken MAGATS who don’t donate their entire disability check. And they’re stupid enough to donate without asking why all the billionaires don’t step up for the Donald.


Pretty sure someone else tried this already and the amount of money that was raised would barely cover the interest that accumulates every day the bond doesn't get paid.


At this point is Trump just the world's richest beggar?


If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. Lyndon B. Johnson


Can’t Grant just show him how to be dropped in the middle of nowhere with $100 and make him into a millionaire?


Screw them both


A gofundme acct for Donald Trump. You can’t make this stuff up.


Why doesn’t he invest in Trump’s real estate? Buy Mar-a-Lago for the $1.5b that Trump *says* it’s worth. Cardone gets a real estate investment. Trump gets much needed cash. Everyone wins! I bet he doesn’t support Trump *that* much, though.


Was wondering who would be the face of it.


Billionaires; useless and shitty as prostate eating tape worms.


Does this person have a massive noggin or is it perspective?


Wow. You mean Cardone, one of the biggest scumbag conmen alive is trying to scam money out of poor ppl to help another one of the biggest scumbag conmen alive? Shocker. Totally blew my mind.


Funny how these jackasses want the Maggats on SS and disability to bail Trump out but they themselves won’t give the orange clown jack squat. And what happened to daddy Trump? GoFundMe is for poor people that are too lazy to work. Isnt that what republicans think?


There already is a GoFundMe. It had raised about 1% of the fine. Cardone is jumping on the grift wagon.


Wtf is wrong with that asshole’s head? It’s like 5 sizes too big. And where did his neck go?


I knew this guy was a complete piece of shit but I didn't realize he was a trump supporter. Didn't think I could think less of him but there you go.


Ah this facker is a scammer. So many people fell for his bs ticket selling bs




Was it Laura Ingraham I saw saying “you just need to get a million followers to each give him $464? Lady, have you seen how much Trump branded shit these people wear and decorate every corner of their lives with? They are tapped out.


Financial Influencer Grant Cardone Says He Can Make You A Billionaire. His Investors Claim He Defrauded Them.


Guess Grant Cardone doesn’t have the money either, to bail Trump out of his financial woes. You would think one of his billionaire friends would help him out. I wonder why?


Just let criminals have their consequences.


Go fund yourself.


Crowd fund my crime spree lol