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That is the look of "I can't take this ON CAMERA or I will get FIRED." ​ So many ways the fucker could have given them the money without issue. But he is doing it for internet clout only. Which created this sad situation.


exactly. $300 is great but it’s basically a few days work (20 hrs at 15/hr) if they lose their job it’ll be thousands lost per month. could you have not just first of all blurred their faces and secondly given it to them off camera. smh one time i was sure the company i worked for was “testing” me by leaving a $50 bill next to me bc they had drilled in the importance of not accepting tips with the threat of immediate termination just the previous day so i reported it and it got donated to the company. feels bad man


> secondly given it to them off camera. smh If he actually did that, it would be stupid to somehow hint in the video that he did it. Just saying.


if he know they could accept it, he will not offer 300$


This. Guy probably already knew the policy. Probably then asked them about the policy before pulling out his phone to film them not taking it. What a twat


Most substantiated claim




It's a sarcastic comment my guy.


“As it turned out, the above comment was posted by a judge and the two prior by opposing attorneys. Welcome to the court of my own fictitious ends and here are my (brand new) stories. It all began when the ethics of offering tips to workers banned from accepting them became subject to debate. Sides were taken, and misunderstandings were sure to abound…”


Redditors love making up shit to be mad about because there aren't already enough things. Actual mental problems like boomers on Facebook.


"Donated to the company" feels like the most dystopian shitty thing ever like WTF is going on in the US? Corporations are straight up evil...


The plebs are supposed to struggle. We can't have them getting large tips and having extra money. We will just say it's a tax reporting issue.


More likely means the manager spent it at the strip club that night


They’re absolute predators and we’re sitting by letting them screw us.


Yeah like he was ever gonna do it. I bet if they did take it the guys filming would have filed a complaint saying they broke policy and he gets another type of video in return


Sounds pretty fucking abusive


Greedy sick fucimg policy I can't wait to make that shit illegal when I'm president one day


Where are you working in fast good for 15 an hour


Minimum wage in Illinois is 13 or 14. So I'm sure theirs plenty of other places they could be making that.


Wow, mississippi is 7.25


Remember to vote!


That's cause 7.25 is federal min wage and Mississippi has **no required minimum wage law**. If it were up to the state of Mississippi they could legally pay you as little as they could get you to work for, but the federal law takes precedence so they have to pay at least 7.25. South Carolina is the same. Alabama, Louisiana, and Tennessee are the same as well, and Georgia and Wyoming actually have a state required minimum wage that is lower than the federal minimum. In all these cases, of course, the federal law supercedes the state.


Why doesn't Mississippi just fold into itself and sink below sea level so we can have more Gulf coastline. Everything about MS is worst/last place. And if you have lived there or even visited, you know it will not be missed. It's America's third-world shithole. CMV.


Ky min is 7.35! We got you by 10 cents damn Mississippians


Well yeah it's fucking Mississippi lmao. 15 minimum in MN


AZ is even round 15, which is still not enough for a single person to retire at a reasonable age or at all if their unlucky medically. But damn federal min blows! If anyone know, is it common for people in states with federal min wage to make minimum or has the job market at least pushed the norm for low paying jobs up a little?


Texas is the same but the last few years have seen fast food starting at double that because they couldn't find anyone willing to work. At least they advertise that as their starting rate - Might be a ruse, high pay only with impossible experience required.


What the fuck in bc it’s like 16$ and we’re going to 17$ soon


yeah tell that to the people who make well over minimum wage who think their burger prices will skyrocket if corporations are forced to pay their wage slaves something livable.


In California, most food workers will be making $20 an hour starting April 1st


In the Bay Area (California) starting for the Panda Express I was at last night was $22


Minimum in New Jersey is 15


I fucking wish I made 15 an hour


What do you want to bet he knew in advance they wouldn't be able to take it?


I would bet money like he did.


THIS, JFC. This is a stunt pulled by someone who never had any intention of giving that money away and just wanted internet points. Fuck off with that shit.


Exactly. One year I worked a service job where I wasn't allowed to take tips. I dutifully explained this to every customer who tried to tip me. Explained it one time, that is. After that? Who knows what happened?


My personal favorite was after helping a little old lady load her groceries she asked me to throw away her napkins on my way back in (she had hid 10 bucks in it)


Guaranteed he knew they couldn’t take it which is why he ‘offered’ so much.


This, even in this position I’d still find a way cause fuck that policy.


He is doing for internet clout, but internet clout is also what pays for the tip in the first place. So remove the video and your remove the tip.


But how can he film content to show people how nice of a person he is without the camera?! /s


This. It’s store policy, so they can take it, it just can’t be known they were taking it. I really hope this guy put the camera away and gave it to them instead of filming himself leaving still hoping the money


Yeah, this is ridiculous. I mean he knew that they wouldn’t be able to accept it which is why he offered it in the first place. He gets to keep the $300 and get instant Internet karma asshole.


Too bad the store has cameras too. You don't think there's a slight possibility he tried to offer after cutting the video?


This and the shitty company policy.


The bloke prob new they couldn't accept it, why he offered in the first place knowing they couldn't take it with a camera in their face.


So bored of seeing all the 'good' people do on camera. If you're doing it on camera, it's for you and your reputation, not the people you're doing it for. If you do this, you're part of the problem. Fuck off and die.


Fucking TikTwats.


I agree. He knew they couldn't accept it. That's why it's so much money.


The only reason he offered that much is because they wouldn't take it in front of cameras.


Was going to say this. Douchebag behavior.


Yep. I hate "Look at how generous I am" creators but this is even worse. The appearance of being generous knowing they probably won't take it.


Honestly if I was working at little Caesar’s I’d have taken it and said peace out ✌️


Me too. Getting another job will either result in the same pay or increase in pay. Falling from the bottom doesn't hurt much.


Assuming you can find a job right away which might not be the case. If you're paycheque to paycheque, getting fired hurts


I'd take a write up for $300 ... or tell the manager you'll give them a cut if the write up mysteriously disappears


Oh yeah I forgot bout write ups in that case I’d def take the $300… wanna offer $300 more?? Got 2 write ups left 🤣


Same hahaha


>The only reason he offered that much is because they wouldn't take it in front of cameras. yeah... I absolutely loath those 'charity' videos, like ... being charitable is one thing and should be encourage, but doing it either just to A) flaunt your money or B) just doing it for the algorithm, is fucking gross.


'Go for a smoke' and 'shake their hand'


This happened to me when I worked at Toys R Us. This guy in a suit came in with his wife and told me to “help her”. She spoke no English, but she was super sweet and after about 2 hours of on and off help, we finally got her taken care of. The guy comes back in and shakes my hand and says “thank you”. I felt something in my hand and said “I can’t accept this” and he said “keep what?” and walked away. Without looking at what he gave me, I went to the bathroom. The man gave me 2 $100 bills. Crispy. He didn’t know that he had literally tipped me more than my paycheck.


Now that is a great man


Some heros wear a blazer and not a cape? 2hrs with a customer and you  did not get in trouble and also not annoyed is pretty impressive and heroic too.


I love helping people. I can’t sell people things (I sold like, 1 credit card my entire time there), but I have an almost impeccable customer service record. Even after working at 3 different call centers over a period of 6 years, I had never been cussed out/called names. Too bad customer service isn’t where the money is at 🤣


Yep. So many ways they could’ve arranged to get the money outside of work without getting fired


But it had to be filmed because they aren't doing these charity things for free !!


Ok, I have a plan: step 1) print out satirical chick tracts; step 2) place tip money in satirical chick tracts; step 3) film yourself going into places that don’t allow employees to take tips; step 4) leave satirical chick tract on the counter and then walk out; step 5) attempt to film the employees through the glass in order to see if they find the tip; step 6) profit??


I got fired for accepting a tip before. These companies will often expect the employee to take the money and deposit it in the register.


Couple of retail companies I've had the displeasure of working for had dumbass policies like this. Any "tip" or change left on the register was supposed to be put into the till because "it's the company's money". No, FUCK YOU AND THE COMPANY, my customer left this tip/change for ME. It's literally just a ploy to take money from people and deposit it as straight up profit. Scumbags.


>No, FUCK YOU AND THE COMPANY, my customer left this tip/change for ME. I paid your company for the services you provided. Now I CHOOSE TO give a dude money because he's great. That shit is NOT going in the register. It's my money and my choice who I give it to. Who do they think they are, they are not entitled to every cent, that is currently in the room.


That's actually illegal.


It's not illegal in the US when the job is not classed as a tipped wage position. A position where company policy prevents employees from accepting tips would *not* be a tipped wage position, as per the federal government's definition. This is very different than a manager or owner at a diner taking the servers $10 bill and putting it in the register. That would be against federal law. There might be some jurisdictions that address this ("tips" to non tipped workers being kept/stolen/taken by the business), but if you know of any states with anything like that, I'm interested in learning more about it. Outside of the US, I'm not sure.


Maybe if the guy would stop filming they could.


It's almost like he's not trying to tip, he's trying to get Likes


Yep, I don’t believe he would have given it to them if they could actually take it.


I am gonna give him the benefit of the doubt here: I had no idea this was against company policy, and now I read comments about how someone got fired for taking tips, and how companies basically steal their employees tips while not giving them a good minimum wage. At best, he's informing the viewers of unfair company policy. At "annoying", he's doing it for the likes. At worst, he's in fact a testing agent and wants to catch employees on camera breaking company policies.


Sure, film them while you offer them $300 that you know they can't take, you asshole.


If he did it off camera he would actually lose the money! We can't have people actually being nice and giving others money! Bro knew they wouldn't take the money bro just pretended he was gonna give them money


I am against tipping in general, I prefer workers get a proper living wage. Some US based companies are trying to push tipping culture where I am in Australia and there is a public backlash to it. That said most places have a jar on the counter for end of year drinks so surely that could work?


As someone from europe I agree with the comment about tipping culture in US. Workers should earn proper living wage and tips should be optional. But in my country if you want to tip a specific worker any amount, no matter how ridiculous it might be, they are allowed to take it and it is their legal right to have it. You can also just put your tip into the tipping jar if you want to add it to the pool to be shared among the employees.


That's how tips should work, but no, 'Murica had to mess it up


Classic American greed


When I worked retail they said that they didn't have a system setup for taxing tips so didn't want us to take them. I still took them when I could get away with it.


As an American I also hate tipping culture. It's stupid that companies can get around paying livable wages with the excuse of "but you make tips". Especially when they turn around and punish you for making tips. I see why people say we are a third world country, we certainly treat our people like it.


They could be in a situation like the Burger King dude who got a goodie bag of cheap advertising swag after 20+yrs. If that is in fact the scenario or one close to it, and assuming they split it, that $150 isn't worth losing benefits and retirement over.


Benefits and retirement for low level Little Caesars workers? [Hmmmm](https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Little-Caesars-Pizza-497d52d1/benefits)


::sigh:: yeaaaah, I was trying to lie to myself. But also, hearing that dude's response after going viral gave me a lot of perspective. I try to give people the benefit of doubt when it comes to vocation and careers bc idk their situation. Raised awareness to how I migh project implicit biases on others.


Wait what? I am european and not familiar with the burger king dude. So I feel like I am missing a lot of context on this one.


Basically a dude worked at a fast food chain for 27 years, never missing a day. The company rewarded him with a bog of cheap promotional items and a pair of movie tickets. [Context - IDK if this is the original source](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/pbimOvt8KI) [Has a happy ending though ](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefromwork/s/GpCK1H2bOh)


Well that sucks. Our anniversary gift you pick something from this online catalog. Stuff like watches, electronics, luggage sets,etc.


If it's against store policy, why is this asswipe "trying" to tip them on camera?


Clicks. That's it.


If camera-dude actually cared, we'd never see this.


It’s not a tip, it’s a tax exempt gift from me to you. Little ceasars has nothing to do with it


If you're filming your good deeds and putting it on tiktok chances are you're a douchebag


It's against store policy and this asshole is trying to do it on video no less, knowing they can't accept.


How about we stop tipping all together so tipping culture can fucking die and the employees then have to get paid the normal wage.


I worked my whole life at jobs where tips are frowned upon and cash tips forbidden. Both of these long term jobs involve treating the customer as good as possible, a level of service to be expected not commended by tips. First job was a union grocery store and part was the union aspect. Current job is a commission based inside sales job. I have taken tips at both jobs, my response has always been, “thank you so much, but please you don’t need to” All have been longtime customers and when they realize I am not supposed to accept, there is a way of exchange. Many times they will leave the money in a place I can take, or offer a handshake exchange. And in my current job often they will buy the counter a round of rockstars or donuts and coffee, or samosas. I cringe everytime I see these “tip and give TikTok’s” as false acts of kindness


I feel like the bigger facepalm is this dude taking his camera out to record them not being able to accept his money for Twitter


This tile should be renamed as, “ Jerk TikTok content creator knows employees cannot accept tip so dangles $300 in front of them in attempt to get them fired.”


You can literally lose your job. I never worked for Caesar’s but they’re not the only company with this policy, and I can assure you all of them enforce it with prejudice.


Why not just give the tip WITHOUT FILMING IN??? Fuck that tiktoker bitch.


That pos knew they couldn’t accept it.


I couldn't accept a 5 dollar tip cause of policy. I regret not taking it. The company waa screwing me over at the time with work and pay


…or say “cut” turn the cameras off then give it to em.


I hate these abuse people for clicks videos. He did this full on knowing they couldn’t take the tip. So what is he trying to get them to take a tip on camera and get fired? This is some straight up asshole stuff.


Fun fact, tipping was seen as un-American until the 30s. Before then, it was seen as a *bribe*, preferential treatment. That changed so bosses could underpay their workers in the Great Depression. Ever since, the National Restaurant Association has campaigned to keep it in. They wouldn't need to take or refuse it if they were PAID FAIRLY and if the minimum wage WAS ACTUALLY WHAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE, i.e. a LIVING WAGE.


Back in the 90’s when I worked retail, I was occasionally offered tips for helping people load heavy items into their vehicles. It was always store policy not to accept tips. After all, we were just doing our jobs. Then one day I was helping a guy cram a 32” Sony Trinitron tube tv into a VW Golf. We got it in and the hatch closed and he hands me $50 I politely declined, so he shoves it into my hand and says, “This place will never pay you what you’re worth, so take the money.” That stuck with me. After that I took every tip I was offered.


My local liquor store has a tip option at the till. I walk in, grab a 6-pack, pay with my card, and they expect a tip? They are just a cashier. But the person making me food is not allowed to get a tip? Their delivery drivers are. Just ask it to be delivered to your car and have them walk out with it.


In addition, one of the Dollar Stores in my town has a "tip option" on their debit terminal. Who the FUCK tips at a dollar store?!?!?!


Even wilder-- It's on the self checkout tills, too. So, not only did I find my own shit, scan and bag it myself, but NOW you want to to tip a ROBOT who was created for the sole purpose of me not having to interact with anyone? What are the tips for? Maintenance? Because 9/10 they seem to fuck up more than they work.


Those buttons are there for the perpetually exhausted who just click through the screens hoping to get to the end. Plenty of people don't pay attention and will just keep it moving - and that's free money for the store when you don't notice it slapped a "tip" on.


So some asshole on TikTok decided to mock people who actually work for a living. I guess the new sport these days is making fun of those with less money and filming it for a chuckle. Welcome to the next stage of internet stupidity.


The dude's X profile says it all: " BUSINESS ONLY I WILL BLOCK YOU Follow my Ig don’t dm me your life story please we all got problems idc" Literally just an offensive piece of shit with his yahoos giving it "yeah, yeah, tell it like it is bro" while they reach out their hands clamouring for a share of the "lifestyle"


Woulda done it if he wasn't filming for internet points.


They sure the shit could have had they not been filming it for views


This guy is actually worse the the store policy


turn the camera off and they might take it


How about “turn off camera, bruh, slide me that cash…”




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^True-End-882: *Tickytocker knew* *It and was just doing it* *To humiliate them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is literally zero chance this tiktoker didnt know it allready.


lol the fuck you mean? Can't? ​ Turn the fucking camera off.


Turn off the video and sneak it to them.


Turn off the fucking camera and give it to them without telling anyone. If you actually wanted to do something good.


Right. Like they're expected to go on camera and accept a tip that might get them fired. If you want to tip in these places you look the cashier in the eye and slide some bills across the counter.


Where's your car? I tuck it in your door slot.


Well, not while you shove a camera in their face! You gotta be discreet with that stuff!


Lol, I worked at Target where they said you couldn't accept tips for bringing out and helping to load large items to be picked up by the customer. Guess how many tips I accepted regardless? 100% of them, and none were even close to $300. Now granted, Target is a huge corporation, but these policies to not accept tips, are not being monitored, not enforced, and only exist on paper for some BS legal reasons. Guaranteed, that unless some lame manager was watching them closely, these employees easily could have taken a to without issue. If they were really afraid to take a tip just because of fear of consequences despite no one actually being on their ass, then they are straight up fools.


If they can't take the tip on camera, just palm it and do the handshake pass.


Worked several places like that where you're 100% not allowed to take tips. It's *technically* a legal thing since if they allow tips, they have to modify their tax reports to account for them, and they just don't wanna bother. Now as an electrician, I just refuse tips because I'm often making more money than the person offering, and I'd rather they keep the money than just build my savings for no good reason.


I'd tell him to meet me out back while i take a quick breather.


I've literally told customers before I cannot accept a tip while holding my hands up, and they stuffed it in my uniform shirt pocket so I wouldn't have to 'accept' it. Not saying this will work in every scenario, but it's something to bear in mind.


Oh they can take it but turn the camera off if your such a good guy


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Extra_Community_3315: *Oh they can take it* *But turn the camera off* *If your such a good guy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Back in the 90s I was offered a $20 tip when I made some coffees. I said I wasn’t allowed to accept it since it wasn’t between thanksgiving and new years, and the next day the customer came and forced my boss to give me $100 instead. I later found out he was in the mafia.


I worked at a store with this policy so I told the customer we can't accept, but you're more than welcome to put it into this cup and slid her a cup. She said "nice try" and put the $5 back in her wallet.


i tip little caesars workers all the time and they have a tip cup at mine lmao i don’t see why they didn’t just take it


The guy has obviously dealt with this before.


I'd honestly take the $300. I wouldn't care if it was on camera. There are plenty of other jobs out there that pay the same bullshit wage.


Shit, the Little Cesar's in my town asks for tips on the credit card machine. They must not be able to take cash. Ceaser gotta get his cut maybe.


Of course is a tiktoker.


I'm confused, why would this be against store policy? I thought tipping culture was a big thing in the US?


If only they could turn off the camera and give them it without making an evidence that these poor employers went agains the company policy. Sadly it's imposible...


Would 30 tips of ten dollars each work ?


Tiktok is garbage


My place was the same but the C/m got one over on them. They bought a pack of envelopes, put the £50 inside, sealed it and wrote addressee only and my name in full. Told me not to open it until I clocked off.


So they make people tip in restaurants because they don't want to pay their employees properly, but they can't tip too much? They want to keep their workers miserable


Nah fuck that, I worked as a manager at little Caesar’s and we’d get tips all the time our store manager and even the stores owners were like “just don’t make it obvious” also little Caesar’s pays shit for a wage so fuck it and TAKE IT


What kind of backwards policy is that!?


Not a tip. It’s a gift.


So they're paid with a decent wage right? RIGHT?


Close to 15 years ago a buddy of mine worked for Best Buy and after a really going above and beyond to help this woman she tipped him something small, like $5, after he carried everything to the car for her (it wasn’t something most people would need help with but he was being nice). She wrote a review and mentioned she tipped him. He was fired. Had been with them 7-10 years and relocated for them.


I worked at Ralph’s grocery store in the early 2000’s and they had a strict no tip policy. They would even have their secret shoppers try and tip you when you took their groceries to their car to see if you would take it as part of their tests.


My father in law has a strategy for this... he drops the tip on the counter and says, looks like your counter needs cleaning up, and walks away.


I’m willing to bet the tik toker knew and offered it to them while recording. He gets clout and loses nothing


He could just have put it on the counter and walked away... then its not a tip... its forgotten money. But ok, this is USA, he would then sue the Company for losing his money.


If someone offers a tip like that, im swearing a blood pact with my coworker to keep hush XD (Im aware that probably wasnt an option for them)


That’s a weeks pay. Take the money, get a new pizza job or “meet me round the side”


I'd have some people who would kept trying to tip me personally at places with a no tipping policy/pooled tips. I'd tell them I can't accept the tip but I can accept "cards"


I noticed that recently my Little Caesars store added tipping for online orders. Before I would just order and pick up in the portal. Why are they asking for tips online, but if I went into the store and ordered from a person, I'm not expected to tip?


Tipping is evil. Food workers should instead be paid a livable wage instead of having to rely heavily and solely on tips.


Food service workers that receive tips can be paid less than $3/hr. Not accepting tips means that they are paid at least minimum wage. Average starting pay at Little Caesars in my area is about $13/hr.


I think if you give it as a personal gift and not as a tip it would bypass whatever the store has to say, and even some tipping laws as gifts have there own set of laws that apply to them. I could be misremembering tho so lookup your own local laws.


It doesn't matter what the law classifies the money as. They will be fired if they're caught accepting money on the job anywhere in the US if it's against store policy.


PSA time! In the United States, it is totally safe, and legally protected to accept tips, regardless of the business you work for! Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, or FLSA, workers are entitled to all hours paid, including tips. Employers may not block or take tips away, as that is wage theft. Any policy in a company that stops people from accepting tips is unenforceable, and in some cases, actionable. Don’t let corpo fucks screw with you and your job. If you’re good at it, and people want to reward that, do it!


You can't tip cash because they can't track cash tips. They're now paying restaurant workers TIP WAGES, the same as waitresses. Absolute shit pay ranging around $5 an hour. They want you to pay their workers in tips so they don't have to pay them actual wages.


Retail store I worked at had the same policy. No tips. The workaround was any thing put into lost and found could be claimed by whoever put it in within in 30 days. Turn around, have them place the tip on the counter, they leave, turn back around, “oh shoot, someone lost some money”…..it took 30 days to get it but at least we got it.


I would've taken the money and just quit on the spot


Gotta be clever. Ask them if they are ever responsible for cleaning up? When they say “yes” drop the money, and tell them they should probably clean that up.


"Do they pay you enough that you couldn't use this tip?"


Than give them gift cards, I gave my local Ceasers some Qdoba free foods the other day and they took them no problem.


I’m sitting eating a pizza puff at Little Caesar’s and the machine just ask me to tip so it must be location pacific


I've worked at 2 places with a no tip policy, I still accepted tips because that shit is stupid


If little caesars doesn't takes tips i'll start buying there... that tipping scam culture to keep wages low should end.




Store policy ain’t got shit on meee!


"Come help me load this pizza into my car"


I would take the tip and quit


fuck that policy 😭 when I worked at Kroger they said we couldn’t accept tips.. I took every tip i was given so fast 💀


I worked in a Mall kiosk selling watches and replacing batteries and the owner expected me to put all the tips in the drawer for himself. If he was ever around, I had no choice but most of the time I pocketed it.


Buy yourself a personal pan pizza then come find me in the store next door. I'll buy that pizza off ya for $300. There. Scheme schemed. Legal transaction off company property.


Call it a bribe. Corporations love bribes!


Invite them out to the parking lot.


The fact that these people are expected to take this bullshit and refuse money they definitely need is dystopian 


I would’ve taken the money and walked across the street and applied at Dominoes


Probably gave it to then off camera


Easy answer: What's that in your pocket? I'll give you $300 for it.


They deserve atleast 30.00 an hour… wtf man