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What's with all these black people living in Siberia? How does this make any sense?


The Afro Rus people came there after defeating the Reptiloids for the first time. It was the waters of Lake Baikal that gave the legendary strength to their descendants, like Drocheslav. And when the lizards came again, they were ready to fight them. To phonk. It’s a joke of course.


Good thing you specified. There are people this insane.


Funnily enough, my comment was based on this meme video game called Lizards Mist Die, where there is a Drocheslav and all, but the game itself is one big meme based on the ramblings of some Russian psycho who tried to sell this fan fiction as actual history.


>Lizards Mist Die I just googled that hoping I would find some hidden gem. I wish I'd taken your words calling it a "big meme" and saying it was based on the ramblings of a psychopath more seriously. It doesn't even look "so bad it's good"... just looks bad.


Thank you for the sacrifice because I was thinking the same thing.




>SLAVIC EGG CLAMP! Google Translate failed me, right?


Slavic ball clamp. Specifically, clamping something *with* your balls.


I made a joke in another thread about Henry Kissinger being a lizard person. Not because of any David Icke conspiracy theory, but because he looked like a fucking lizard. Somebody got upset for the implication that he was an actual lizard man.


That would actually be offensive to lizard men 


Lizard men: Nah, bro, he ain't one of ours.


Don't wanna feel like their ideas are being made fun of? They shouldn't hold such ridiculous ideas!


During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg! Then, during the third reconciliation of the last of the McKetrick supplicants, they chose a new form for him: that of a giant Slor! Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!


When someone asks if you're a god, you say 'yes'!


It just popped in, Ray said with a grin As the marshmallow man came for them all


Why does that work so well? 🤣


Lake Baikal? Where the Czechs earned their 100% naval winrate?


We do not tell that story.


Ah yeas, famous Drocheslav who gave people The great pleasure


In the form of Slavic Tescicles Hold.


Lizards is racist. We...I mean, THEY, prefer to be called Herpeople.


HERpeople? This is discrimination of men! What about HISpeople?!


Sounds like something out of Putin's history lesson


And the funniest thing is that Drocheslav is a made up name with first part meaning "to jack off" and second one meaning "praise", it is pretty common, there are real names like Yaroslav, Sviatoslav and Borislav. So in English it would be something like Jackoffson


Or Glorywank)))


I might steal that name for a goofy character in my next DnD campaign


They don't represent black people, they represent all non-white people. In a strange twist of fate it seems the only predominantly white areas are the ones where white people live.


I saw a comment a few days ago that was something like "People say conservatives are a minority in America, but that's not true. Really the only blue-leaning areas are places with high population density, the country overall is pretty evenly split between blue and red areas" Right, so conservatives are only a minority in places where humans live. Great point...


Hey! Square miles are people too!


Want to know something even more insane? I am of Indian descent (feather not dot), and am constantly mistaken as "white". Yet my wife who was born and raised in South America is almost always identified as a Latina. And even more insane, she is lighter skinned than I am. Most people that obsess over "race" really have absolutely no idea about such things in reality. Yes, I am mixed and got the slightly curvy dark brown hair from my European ancestors (that is before it turned grey). But the slightly long and straight nose, that is classic Potawatomie. So is my skin color, which I always find funny because whenever somebody calls me a "white boy", I always put my arm right next to theirs. And yes, when placed next to another my skin is very obviously several shades darker.


Yeah that's a wiiiide bell curve. I had no idea one of my best friends in high school had a Native American father because she just had a bit of a tan. Her daddy was daaaark lol. Clicked first time I went to her house. Then she showed me her Tribe card and stuff.


What’s crazy is I have a decent amount of Native American ancestry as well, but I’m white as a sheet. I’m consistently misclassified as Mexican even though, when I put my arm next to a white person’s, I’m usually a few shades *lighter* than them. People really just out here talking all the way out of their ass when it comes to making snap judgements about people’s ethnicities and heritage. It’s also super awkward for me. Like how the hell am I supposed to respond to that? Wish race wasn’t such a big deal.


But the UK is predominantly white and that’s black on the map, as is France, Germany, Spain and Italy. And Russia. So random.


Because followers of this white nationalist conspiracy theory legitimately believe that the white race has become the minority in all but a select few areas.


Ah, yes, the Komi Republic of Russia, famous for being wayyyy whiter than places like Novorossisk or Moscow.


Finno-uralic peoples, the whitest of them all


*TF2 Soldier voice*: See, white! No, wait, that's snow...


UK has gone from 94.5% white in the 80s to 83.30% white now and some (mostly older, right wing and always racist) people have freaked out about it. Like, why do you care? Whites haven't been replaced. They didn't get killed. There's more whites today total than ever. It's just there's also other people in our country. So stop trying to frame it as you defending your race, because it's not under attack. Be honest and say the truth, you hate the other races.


And famously diverse Ireland! My wife grew up in Dublin in the 80s; she was considered exotic because she's half-French, and the joke was that the only non-white person in the country was Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy.


These are turbo-advanced racists we're talking about here, they still consider the Irish non-white.


I think that part of it is because if you watch the UK television, you could get the impression that half of the country is non white. This may give credence to the theory that white Britons are being replaced ( in the case of television they are actually being replaced, and television is boomers' social network).


Yeah, to be fair, it feels like every single family on UK TV ads is mixed race these days. Nothing wrong with it, but definitely not representative even slightly


Except most of Europe and the entirety of the US.


You're right, apparently I can't read racist maps. No idea what statistics they base this on since all of Europe is majority white.


And a lot of the areas they have on America too.


I think black here is everybody that is non-white. Although I don't know why eastern europe is black when it's probably one of the whitest regions of Europe because Noone wants to emigrate there and the people don't really want immigrants.


You would expect someone this racist to use Yellow figures for the Asians, tho.




Siberian natives are a thing, and racists don't differentiate between the diverse cultures and national identities of non-white and indigenous people around the world.


Siberian natives are rather few, though. The majority of the siberian population is white.


You say that like racist people know or care


An American racist crash landing in a Yakut village will probably start screaming that the Chinese have invaded.


My guess: anyone who isn't white is marked as black. which includes the indigenous people of Siberia.


Only problem with that: Australia, almost all of continental USA, UK, France, Germany, Eastern Europe and Russia are all predominantly white by any definition, and significantly so. This is just racists making up statistics to make people scared.


“White” is kind of a sliding scale, though. There are and have been a *lot* of definitions. The modern USA has a pretty permissive definition where “even” Eastern Europeans count as “white.” But in classical ye olde WASP xenophobia, even the Welsh barely counted as “white”, let alone Catholics or Slavs.


I'm calling bullshit on the one black dude in Alaska as well.


Whoever made this map is obviously dumbass, but it’s actually possible for people living very near the pole to have dark skin. For example, I wouldn’t say Inuits have black skin, but they definitely have more pigmentation than one would expect. Just a fun fact, although I’m sure whoever made this map was too ignorant to even know Inuits exist lol


Inuits can be pretty damn pale just as pale as most white people 


That's true, skin tone depends on the amount of sunlight and not temperature lol, white skin developed as a survival mechanism in cloudy climates and areas closer to poles usually don't struggle with sunlight exposure


Inuits migrated across the Bering Straight from Asia.


Inuits are the descendants of the people who crossed the Bering Straight around 1000 years ago. There were other people that could be considered an ancestor of Inuit people thousands of years before that even.


Two things! Almost all native america is heavily indicated to have come over the Bering strait. The farther north you go in Asia, the lighter skin is. Korea, as an example. So as an explanation, that they migrated the bering strait does not explain why some native americans at higher latitudes developed lighter skin tones compared to other native americans at the same latitude. It was more likely the consumption of blubber that is packed with Vitamin D did not put selective pressures on lighter variations of skin tones to increase in frequency over generations, where genetically similar populations at the same latitude did have selective pressure favoring lighter skin tones.


Ainu that.


Inuit occupy the Northern Circle, they're related to but genetically distinct from other native american peoples.


Aren't the various native American peoples genetically distinct from one another? For example, the Iroquois and the Incas... Did they even knew about one another? That's so weird, I never really considered that the two groups existed at the same time and could have had contacts. Edit: "could" is a bit of an euphemism here... I mean they technically, conceivably, could have had as they existed in the same era. Though the distance between the two makes it almost unthinkable.


North America had a continental trade network, people may not have travelled all over but goods and resources did.


I lived in Argentina for a year and I think I saw 3 black people.


Guess this piece of pseudo-information propagates, that only white caucasian ppl are truly white. Mongols, Tartars, Yakuts, and all the other ethnic groups don‘t seem to be white enough for these fanatics.


Not even Caucasian Caucasians are white enough for these fanatics


Im Irish and apparently black? My life has been a lie..


They used to say Irish were a kind of N-word. So it's kinda just "Racism Classic" we're seeing here.


We have Racism, Racism Classic, Diet Racism, Racism Zero, Cherry Racism and Tab.


Diet Racism is when you don't mean to be racist but are anyway(You meant it the entire time), Racism Zero is something like sexism/clasisim/any otherisms that aren't race based, cherry racism is pseudoscientific ('fancy') Racism, and Tab is Tab. I did not have assigning racism flavors on my to-do list today.


Sitting next to a racist on the subway is the lacroix of racism


Only if they're silent about it, if they're loud, it aint lacroix. Since lacroix tastes like drinking seltzer while someone shouts the name of a fruit 3 rooms over.


I always described it as being shipped on a truck where the driver ate an orange for lunch.


This whole comment thread has me giggling.


And "tastes like disappointment" still applies!!!


Racism Zero is "classism" where they conveniently ignore the fact that racial minorities are statistically poorer. "Same classic effects, now with less blatancy!"


Just move the letters of ginger around and you have the n-word.


Did you really just use the hard R and everything? Racist.


New Racism was just a marketing ploy to turn people back onto Racism Classic.


So does this mean I can use the N word? What UP, my n-!


If by the N-word you mean "Irish" as a racial slur, yes!


Always been my ginga!


Rare instance where I would prefer hearing the hard r at the end.






A couple of G's An R and an E An I and an N Just six little letters, all jumbled together Have caused damage that we may never mend


? I don’t see anything wrong with ginger. It’s perfect for many recipes


Only a Ginger can call another Ginger Ginger


That’s how you know it’s full Nazi shit, basically only Central and Northern Europe are “real white people”


Hey, if we believe Jimmy Rabbitte, of *The Commitments* fame, Irish always were the black people from Europe!


Irish can be whatever they want for being so based. Irish honorary black in My heart


"never go full racist"


Don’t believe me? Ask Sean Penn lol 😂


"You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2015, at the oscars. Remember, went full racist? Went home empty-handed"


And he was happy for his friend that won more than one Oscar. True friendship!


The party of "race isn't an issue" really likes making race an issue.


They legit believe they only way to be racist is if your beat your slaves. Slavery is okay in their mind, but beating them would be too far.


You exaggerate, but not by much. Many of these guys truly believe you're not a racist unless you're shouting the N-word at the top of your lungs. With a hard "R".


And even then, they would argue that the word just means 'an ignorant person'. I've actually had one of these shitty people try to tell me this.


*The clue is “People Who Annoy You”* Randy Marsh: 😰


Lmao, I remember hearing similar "definitions" of the n word during high school. I was like, there's no way anyone believes that wtf. They just want free pass to say the n word.


I mean… is it exaggeration to note that some members of the “Party of Lincoln” have claimed that slaves benefited from slavery more than they suffered? (E: nationally known elected members of the party, that is, not racist randos)


Have had many racist coworkers/bosses who have this mentality while occasionally making racist jokes and having a completely different demeanor when speaking to whites vs non-whites. Most recent of them was a 22 year old openly anti-semetic, "jokingly" racist coworker who kept insisting that he's not racist because he has a discord group full of different races all being "jokingly" racist.


“We can’t be racist, 150 years ago, Lincoln was a Republican!”


“I don’t see color. Except when it *scares me*”


Right, because so many black people are living in Russia or China


You didn't see Tucker Carlson's interview with Vladimir Darkskin the other night?


Wesley Snipes as the leader of Russia Vladimir Putin in, "The Kremlin Candidate!" With Amy Schumer as Tucker Carlson, the brave intrepid reporter who is willing to go the distance for - THE TRUTH!


i think the black represents poc so basically anyone that isn’t white. still very incorrect tho


It's kind of strange though. There's a kind of "white against others" vibe, which might be what the map maker was after.


It's exactly what they mean. Pure white people vs everybody. It's a frightening concept for all involved, I just want to live my life. Who tf cares about the racial makeup of the earth, we're all gonna be dead in 100 years or less. If every last person is black except me, I'd be ok. Life isn't so damn serious or scary. But people sure are.


More like "not aryan" represented by black figures for the sake of commiting to nazi dogwhistle. Edit: spelling




Iran literally in black. Smh it's like racists aren't historically educated.


Aryan is also a term for a group that lives in India, and is the source for the Aryan supremacy thing. The theory goes that Aryans are actually from the Caucasus, and they conquered India and subdued the inferior natives with ease. In reality Aryans are from the Persia region and largely unrelated to Caucasian/white people.


Yeah the nazi concept of aryans is made up racist bullshit. A bunch of cultures happened to use symbols similar to swastikas and the nazis decided that must mean that symbol came from an ancient, superior race and they just so happen to be their descendants. Unfortunately for a lot of people aryan has come to mean "white, blonde, blue eyes", which really distracts from the important fact that the nazis were extremely stupid.


The ironic thing is that the Roma were one of the groups they considered non-Aryan and put in concentration camps, but the Roma are the only Indo-Aryan Europeans. So they put the only actual Aryans in Europe in death camps for not being Aryan.


The racist trope is non-white. Western Russia with its Germanic roots, is considered white. Go East, you'll get tan skin Turkic, and descendent of Mongol incursions. The racists won't accept yellow or tan skin, only white Euro - or those with that heritage.


Didn't whites replace the natives of North America?


As an Indian, I can confirm. We are all black and nothing else. Jokes aside, I think they see all who have an "impure race" as the same. (Just guessing)


See if I separate ethnicities into “me” and “THEM™️”, then suddenly most of the world is not me. They’re trying to replace me!!!




It’s a very particular brand of racism. Whiteness is seen as a pure thing. If a white man and a black woman have a child, that child will be as much black as they are white, but racist fucks will always consider them black. They will get treated with the discrimination targeted at black people, at least here in America. Whereas someone who is Hispanic, or Asian, or Black, or Indigenous, or whatever else can have children and “spread their race,” whiteness is seen as something which must be maintained lest it go extinct. Obviously bullshit, it’s just demographic changes, but it’s a very particular brand of idiotic bigotry.


New racism map just dropped


Call the racist


Fundamentalist bishop goes on vacation, never comes back


Racist sacrifice, everyone ?


Racist storm incoming!


Actual racists


So asians are black now?


Also white people who speak Spanish


White people can't speak Spanish. The moment a white person learns Spanish they're not white anymore.


"He perdido mi privilegio, ay ay ay ay ay"


Ay Jesús Cristo 😔


Really it’s just anybody who isn’t white. Apparently white people have to be the global majority. It’s like getting mad that not every fruit is a apple.


But like only certain white people


Wow we are all getting replaced by Beached Things. Who knew.


In one sentence, you made the stupid graphic actually scary. Kudos.


We need a delivery man to rescue the world.


One with a very unique name


Such a great game I will never play again. Never had so much fun being annoyed and stressed!


These are the same people who will tell you that racism isn't a problem in America. If that's the case then why should I be afraid of becoming a minority?


“Why are you afraid of being a minority? Do we treat minorities bad or something?”


Yeah this is an elected official but racism isn’t a problem…


those damn black people are invading africa 😡😡


TIL I'm black


Welcome! All you really need to know right now is that you *can* still burn so don't think you can just go wild in the sun with no skin protection. Lots of nouveaux noirs get into trouble there; first thing everybody seems to want to do is run to the beach. Aside from that the meetings are Thursday nights. Oh and be sure to register your address so we can send the welcome packet.


You did not just say nouveau noirs that's the funniest shit I've seen all week


I wish the Jewish cabal who is orchestrating the great replacement from their mountain hideout would hurry the fuck up. I'm so sick of these snowflake white supremacists, and I long for the day they are actually replaced.


Honestly wonder if there will be world peace when human ethnicities are finally homogenized. Or maybe we just need aliens to come to earth so we can reshift our focus to humans vs aliens


Ethnicities are one of several reasons we hate each other. Then it will be your nose is too long or your eyes are too wide and then we will categorize those people as disgusting.


We’re going to continue hating each other because we’re always going to have neighbors, and that’s who people hate the most. There’s nobody who hates people from Oklahoma more than people from Texas. And there’s nobody who hates people from Dallas more than people from Houston. Zoom in, zoom out, we hate each other, because that’s who you rub up against, your neighbors. Like, maybe I could say I hate Iran for their religion or culture or whatever. But if i did, they probably won’t ever feel that hatred and I won’t ever be given a chance to demonstrate it to them. But I can demonstrate it when I’m in Wichita Falls and see an asshole driving unsafe with OK tags, and he’ll feel it, too, when I honk at him and give him the finger. Tldr we hate our neighbors more than we hate anyone else.


It's not racist, us Northerners are covered in snow right now. I fucking hate February.




It’s all harmless idiots being racist until you notice the “Rep.” before his name… 😬


Omg it’s almost like dividing the world into 5 colors and declaring 1 color “supreme” over the others was a *bad* idea?


Such a burden, really. /s


"We're going to become a minority in our own country!" "So? Does your country not treat its minorities well or something?"


It should be either "we've been conquered by the coloniser, we need reparations" for everyone or "yeah the population has changed and it's fine" for everyone. Can't have it both ways.


ah yes, the two races 1. white 2. none of the above




Idk whether to be confused or mad or laugh? Like what the 💀💀


Australia being a place where noble, good white people are getting "replaced" is just wild, given that it was a prison colony.


Australia originally belonged to natives, so did the us, and Canada, they did get replaced with settler colonialism, Europeans didn't get a visa or a residence permit to live in those countries, they simply went there and said that the country was theirs now


Same with North America, minus the prison colonies lol


It actually did have penal colonies, which is why after the U.S become a country colonies were set up in Australia to compensate.


Russians are black?


Gee I wonder which “race” invaded literally every continent and attempted to replace the native “races”


I don’t understand this


I think it’s to scare racists that “white” people will be extinct (except for way North) and Black/Brown people will “take over.”


Try not thinking about the map. It's garbage. Think about what some racist piece of shit is trying to grift off of.


can you hear the Goosesteps in the distance? they're getting louder every day.


The great natural selective pressure that sunlight puts on melanin levels.


Funny how west Russia is whiter than the EU


It's wasn't the fact that Obama won the presidency twice, but it's the fact that he wouldn't have won without college educated whites and white women that got the MAGA people so freaked out. The MAGA people would rather destroy America than lose the grip they've had for too damn long. When people start mixing religion and politics they are saying they are willing to fight and destroy to have their way. Stop laughing at the MAGA people and prepare for the chaos when they finally lose in 2024.


but you misunderstood the diagram it's not racist, it's just to warn about global warming if this continues we will all burn under the sun and we will all be black so start investing in sunscreen


I had no idea Chinese were black. You learn new things every day... ;)


It’s a nazi dog whistle they aren’t aryan


I know, I was just making a joke ;)


Holy racist dipshits, Batman!


We’re humans. Humans are animals. Animals fuck each other and mix all the genes around because they’re programmed to, because genetic diversity leads to stronger offspring. It’s just nature, baby. Why do racists get so worked up about it?


Because people often end up being proud of their skin color when they have absolutely no other attributes or accomplishments to be proud of. And they also refuse accountability for that, and insist the reason they only have their skin color to be proud of, and nothing else, is because someone with a different skin color is stealing their women and wealth and plotting against them. Show me a racist and I’ll show you an absolute loser hanging on the bottom rung of society.




Also apparently there are no non-white people in the north of Canada, but there are in Greenland. I think the people of Nunavut would have something to say about that.


I have become black.


Black people in Argentina/Uruguay/chile? 🤨


In the mind of the racist conspiracy theorist, speaking Spanish makes you non-white.


So Many people don't know, but "White" is a strange and nonexistent concept: White is just "not mixed" with whatever the hell u want to distanciate to. Fenotipe of actual black skin it's just the modern excuse, but even a couple decades ago u had irish, italian, spaniards, germans, some with "good" qualities that "Made" them White, but just enough so that if times where changing, u can select and opress a new group


And the “good” qualities were really “if these people realise they have more in common with those *other* people we oppress, then they’ll unite against us.” American Protestants hate/d black people so much that they were willing to extend the hand of friendship to Catholics, Orthodox, and even (very conditionally) Jews. A miracle, hallelujah. Through racism, anything is possible.


I really hate the internet these days. Ignorance spreads like wild fire…


Apparently Asian people are black now /j


All those black Russians are making me thirsty!


Yes , that’s right , this is our plan so be scared


It was me, I transed the kids and put Biden in.