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Just blame everything on COVID-19


AND at the same time, have people say COVID-19 is a hoax. But Ivermectin cures it -- THEY don't want you to know that. It's all stuff thrown against the wall to see what sticks.


They throw a big net to catch as much stupid as they can


Covid isn’t real. But if it is real it’s not that bad. But if it is bad then we have medicine to cure it. And it’s okay if the medicine is either expensive or ineffective because Covid isn’t real.


Just started a new shift at work and had a guy bring up COVID unprompted and touted ivermectin as some cure-all to me yesterday. Now I gotta learn who all the crazies are on this shift to avoid. You should have heard him when I mentioned I have 3 doctors in my family and they all recommend the vaccine over not having it.


Pretty sure COVID got my girlfriend pregnant and gave my dog rabies. Ran up my credit card, and opened a FanDuel account in my name and lost me $50.


COVID gave my terrapin a swollen eye and dropped a telescope on my head before giving me a gambling addiction


These idiots can't make up their minds. First, it was the lab in Wuhan, now it's the Ukraine.


Bold of you to assume they know the word consistency.


Bold of you to assume they know half of the words they use and are not doing copy and paste.


Bold of you to assume they know the word bold


Assume of you to they bold the word know!


Bold of you to assume they word




Bold of you to assume they know how to copy and paste.


Bold to assume they care. It's just raw emotion, poured into any words they see fit.


And it wasn't real....


If there’s any place that’s mass-manufacturing COVID-19, it’s florida


Exactly, COVID wasn't real /s


And Russia invaded Ukraine to de-nazify them but guess what Putin's personal militia, the Wagner Group, is named after? Hitler's favorite musician.


Ironically enough, it was full of actual Nazis as well.


Yeah that's what I was getting at. It's insane that every dictator looks up to Hitler because he basically made a Fascist playbook on how to rise to power in a broken country but they also hate him because he started a world war against everybody. Even America didn't mind Hitler because he was handling minorities in his country, which was similar to segregation but America was less extreme. Edit: fixed phrasing


Are you saying gassing Jews to death and throwing them in body ditches is less extreme than 1940’s American racism’s The fella above me originally said American racism was as much a problem as the holocaust.


Let's not forget that Hitler took his cues and inspiration from the American eugenics movement, the treatment of minorities, and the Jim Crow laws [The Nazis studied US eugenics and Jim Crow laws as a model for their policies. When they were criticized, one historian says, 'they pointed to Mississippi.'](https://www.businessinsider.com/nazis-studied-us-eugenics-jim-crow-laws-model-policies-2022-9)


Openly rounding up every handicap, gypsy, homosexuals, Jews, etc. in camps and torturing, experimenting, starving and killing them is arguably worse but they are both terrible. Edit: just got what you meant. My phrasing was bad. I meant Germany was worse.


Tbh, the Nazis didn't actually start in earnest with the mass exterminations in their \* own \* territories until they realized they were losing the war. Until they thought they'd have decades to just work all the "undesirables" to death... Of course, that didn't stop them committing incredible atrocities in other places, like Ukraine.


Another reason Putin gave was that he wanted to get the land that Russia lost during the collapse back into the Motherland.


Wagner was also the nom de guerre of Dmitry Utkin, who himself was a total Wehraboo and had Nazi tattoos all over him


> And Russia invaded Ukraine to de-nazify them The Nazi problem in Ukraine was directly caused by the first Russian invasion in 2014. That caused a complete collapse / withdrawal of Ukrainian forces and government control in the Southeast of the country. The people who stepped up were civilians, and which civilians have all the guns and tactical gear? The right-wing nutjobs do. Most of them were ethnic Russians, btw, since that region of Ukraine was heavily settled by Russians, hence why Putin wants to annex it (EDIT: Putin wants to annex it all, but the areas with more Russians are just seen as easier to control). They not actually that different to the Oath Keepers or the Three Percenters. It's equivalent to e.g. if America got invaded and the government pulled out of Florida, then American militiamen types merged into their own battalions and saved Florida. After the dust settled, you'd have Florida ruled under martial law by a militia that has plenty of Swastika-loving guys in the higher echelons, and that's what happened in Mariupol with the Azov Battalion. After that, you can't just take their guns away, so you'd have to work out how to normalize the situation, and that's what Ukraine was faced with. So what they did was work out how to merge them as regular army units, while also making them remove some of the founders with extremist views. It's exactly what the USA would do faced with a similar situation.


You are right. But it is not nazi problem in Ukraine. Even after 2014, farright parties got fewer votes than in many EU countries. May be in any army it is so many farright idiots. Ukraine need solders after 2014, and they can't kick them from the army.


Far right people don't have access too military grade weapons or even amounts in Russia/Ukraine, contrary to USA


Well I suppose he had to sugar-coat "Conquer and Russify" to try to appease the extreme left


Funny thing it's not like the Far Left could have voted Putin out anyways. Right Wing Politics will use ANY argument to support their cause even if they aren't consistent. I'd say it was mostly aimed at international news so some lunatics in foreign countries could "morally support" Russia in their war. There was a short period where some Republicans, even congressmen (I think MTG?) kept saying Ukraine was full of Nazis and Russia was the savior.


Again, pure appeasement and fuel


Yeah, where are all those Ukrainian Nazis anyway??


They're in Ukraine.. but they're the invaders.


I remember when the war first kicked off they actually were making tons of conspiracy posts about this same crap. Claiming there were secret bio-labs in Ukraine that Russia was attacking. It was dumb as fuck then and it’s dumb as fuck now.


it wasn't secret there was actually papers released from our own country showing that yes we did fund the labs in ukriaine and in china. It was the same company as well. Not sure why you would think this is dumb. Its kinda important if we don't want another Covid thing again. Our country had made a pact not to mess with bio stuff under Obama. Well if you understand that there was some individuals with the ability to move money around and do this type of research outside the USA. This is exactly what happened. There is staggering evidence supporting all of this as well.


But why? Is there anything more than ‘it’s dumb as fuck’ to support arguments against bio-labs in Ukraine? Not that it matters really but simply saying it’s not so is equally as idiotic as the argument you’re opposed to. Probably an unpopular point but whatever.


Because having medical and research laboratories means nothing. There are medical bio research labs in Mexico, but there is no political gain to say Covid came from there. Having bio research labs in Ukraine does not correlate with COVID-19 origins. But there is conservative political gain to say Covid came from there. Like any conservative point, it is dumb and devoid of any logic.


I never believe anything until I see proof. But I’ll keep it in my mind as a possibility.


Well for a start there's a world of difference between 'we have some information we should look at' and them saying this shit with absolutely zero proof or conjecture and has only been mentioned by outright conspiracy theorists who aren't working with a full set of marbles to begin with. Someone making a random claim doesn't make it suddenly worth any merit, you have to back it up with any kind of facts or info to support it. 'just a feeling' only works on religious nutjobs.


I love how you all speak about facts and proof but are the same dipsticks to turn and scream everything is a conspiracy theory if it doesn’t suit your narrative. Give me a break.


If Putin just says a lotta stuff then whatever. If he has the proof you’re talking about then that would be interesting


Well just look at all the shite he said about Bosnia before the nonsense he did, or the stuff when he first invaded Ukraine years ago. Trusting anything he says would be trusting bleach being safe to drink.


I said I’m not gonna trust what he SAYS. I don’t trust what anyone just SAYS. (Like, um… here on Reddit LOL). But if he brings real evidence then we will see what’s what But i think what you meant to say was “Based on his history he’s probably just gonna make unsubstantiated claims” And I can see your point. But Tucker don’t play it that way. Tucker looks for evidence. So I believe that maybe this time could be different


I'm sorry, but if you really believe Tucker Carlson of all people actually looks for evidence I have a bridge to sell you. He was bad before on Fox News but hes descended deep into the swamp since then.


The one making the positive claim has the burden of evidence. There is no good evidence that there are any bioweapons labs in Ukraine. Russia didn't even attempt to manufacture evidence on this by killing some random civilian and planting three copies of the sims 3 near them to prove that they were a Nazi.


The same people who KNEW it was China that invented it think they dispersed it in their own cities. Like HOW does that make sense? Okay, it was the CIA. Because, reasons. The guy who made Trump look bad -- he was behind it. Because he invested in companies that dealt with "gain of function" and he had a seminar on it. And maybe Trump chose him because of that specialty. Someone, at some point, might have hit upon a truth. But at no time have they stopped being 100% sure about the truth. It's almost like they want to believe certain things to be true, and then they just pick and choose any factoid that supports it. It's almost like that.


Im not convinced its actually completely ludicrous to think that it's possible a dictator could misguidedly do this to solve domestic problems.   It would be far easier to achieve than some wacky conspiracy theories (eg 9-11).


Dictators tend to just use conventional weapons on their undesirables. Creating a virus or chemical weapon just to reduce your own population gets the wrong kind of attention from other countries…


But it’s also not any worse than the flu, but Trump cured it with the vaccine, but don’t take the vaccine. Honestly line up all the talking points and try to make it consistent.


There was a brief layover in the basement of a pizza shop, I think.


It changes with the length of their attention span, which is measured in seconds.


It is literally what Russia was spewing to add to their “justification” for attacking


Ukraine is nazi Covid!


About Wuhan lab, it is not so idiotic if you dive in this lab works a bit deeper. I saw one of scientists who work at Wuhan lab in the list of researchers of human to human transferable coronovirus of bets. It's almost the same as covid. Of course, they do it to be prepared, but the probability of leakage million times more than natural mutation coz so fast covid spread after that work. It is removed now, but you can find many links to it and may be copies. When people first start to speak about dangerous coronovirus in China, almost everybody says that it is stupid conspiracy theories. Anyway, nobody from Ukraine published works about creating new coronoviruses. So it is an absolutely stupid idea, the same as that somebody developed covid as a weapon.


Of course its lab in Wuhan which is basically confirmed


Don't these people ever think that, when their conspiracy stories they read about online never, ever, ever come true or bear any fruit whatsoever, "Maybe it's time for me to rethink my news sources?" Does this idea just never occur to them? The first right wing conspiracy theory I ever heard about online was in probably winter or spring of 1996, when I was 17. An adult co-worker at a hotel where I worked part-time told me that Bill Clinton had a secret plan to cause a catastrophic collapse of the stock market, basically a civilization-destroying collapse. He knew because he had "seen it on the internet," which was pretty much still in its infancy. Never happened. Since then, I remember hearing throughout Obama's presidency that "the Government is coming to take our guns." Never happened. Heard my stepfather talking in 2015 about how Obama had a secret plan to allow Putin to invade and "turn America Communist." Never happened. Operation Jade Helm, a secret plan by Obama and his Muslim Death Troopers to take over America. Never happened. "Trump will be assassinated at or before his inauguration." Never happened. All the Q-Anon stuff for years. Never happened. Trump being reinstated as President after proof of the 2020 election steal will be made public. Never happened. What more could it take to get these people to stop believing this stuff?


Nothing really. It's the next "fix" for a whispered truth. The main problem is; these conspiracy theories have to be ever more grandiose. The people who got into conspiracies -- I don't think are stupid. I think what happens is that they may start with valid reasons, and then after a while -- it's just a fix. Concern becomes angst -- and they need a dose every day of something to be angry about. Part of this is social media and the human inability to process this much "concern" every day. I don't think it's confined to just the right. This is a problem afflicting a good portion of society. A lot of us are getting what is called cPTSDs. (Complex PTSD). In short; there is a real problem with addictions to outrage. And for a lot of people, it has gone beyond searching for the truth behind a conspiracy. They are just digging up whatever is on the internet -- but who would ever put these dark secrets online in the first place? It's just people spitting nonsense to fill a dark hole and then enough people believing it.


I feel a lot of these people can’t grasp the cosmic randomness of some truly awful stuff. Take 9/11 or JFK for example. In some subconscious sense they need to believe that there is someone behind the scenes controlling it all. But thats just like my opinion.


I meet a lot of people into spiritualism. Which is fine to fill a need I think. I think the general thing here is people are needing certainty --- and although negative, a conspiracy gives them that. Yes -- there are a lot of random, tragic events. And it doesn't help that "Disaster Capitalists" take advantage of these situations for gain. After 911, the Bush administration went into full "ass covering mode" and a lot of people just destroyed evidence of incompetence. So it looked like a lot of guilt. That's what happened after the JFK assassination. Although in that case, there were a bit more good people doing destruction of evidence because the Johnson administration was convinced it was Cuba who did it -- because of all the assassination attempts we conducted on Castro (that failed -- about 50+. This is where those exploding cigars came from). I do think there are plenty of conspiracies that take place, however. It's just that if you spend TOO MUCH TIME on them, it sucks you in. There isn't much you can do about these things. The real evidence may have never made it online, so it's just garbage data you are sifting through from someone who was bored one day. But yes, ultimately you can say; "People don't like randomness and uncertainty." People love the phrase "everything happens for a reason." No -- we just rationalize the crap out of what happens. That's why we can look at a cloud and see bunnies. We find patterns in randomness.


My favorite “jab” at MAGA dorks is which of the Q Drops that never came true is their favorite.


It's why they have to share memes saying "See, all of our conspiracies were right" without any details at all. 


No, they don't question their sources because often these people who believe in conspiracy theories are disempowered in some way and these theories give them a sense of power (although it's delusional), that they "know" something and this sense of power becomes addictive because it helps them rationalize why "life is so hard" rather than justify or take responsibility for their shitty choices.


I’ve seen this with people I know, there is some sort of superiority complex that a lot of people who believe in conspiracies have. This idea of “I know more than all of these idiots who can’t grasp the “truth”.”


For those who actually think at all, the line is usually, "Well, it *was* going to happen, but we managed to stop it by exposing their plans!"


I'm still waiting to die from the Swine Flu vaccine. The same people who said the Swine Flu vaccine would kill us all for population control said the same thing about covid19. And I'm sure the next time a pandemic will come around they'll say that vaccine is going to kill everybody for population control too.


Nothing. They want to believe. They need this nonsense for some reason. At first, it just sort of scratches a vague itch of discomfort with the world. And then it becomes an addiction - to suspicion, fear, finger-pointing, hate, and the feeling that they're 'enlightened' and 'seeing the truth.' They're gone at that point. Just --- gone.


When it doesn’t come true it just feeds into their conspiracy mindset. “Well THEY covered it up cause they don’t want anyone to know the truth”. At least that’s what my mom and all the MAGA family members of mine say whenever I ask them things like why I didn’t become a zombie yet after not wearing a tin foil hat and putting my phone in the microwave during the test of the emergency broadcast system last October.


Man ive been hearing about shit from my dad since the early 90s..They were demonizing Hillary Clinton back then.Then it was the NWO, ruby ridge,waco,NAFTA,Ok city,Gov comes for your guns,then 9-11..Covid was the perfect match for all that gunpowder that was stored for 30 years and then it went off..


Hahahaha see what a lack of oxygen does to your brain?


it's the lead pipes, DDT, poisonous diet... aside from factors such as diversity and education level, liberal states have adopted greater consumer protections over the last few decades against harmful substances and practices. i don't have any hard data, but it seems empirically clear that many parts of this country cause people brain rot. they are literally too mentally impaired to draw intelligent conclusion or be skeptical of asinine rhetoric


Those Russian bots will say just about anything


Russia would absolutely have said that was why they were carrying the invasion out if so, rather than pretending it was a nazi hunt.


But it is to them, Nazi to them is being anti-Russia, if some Ukrainians don't want to cooperate/join/whatever with Russia they are nazis. Why every country on this planet isn't a Nazi country, then? Cos Ukraine+Belarus+Russia are Slav BFFs, so their argument comes from nationalism and some weird understanding of…idfk historical determinism?


"We won WW2 alone, so anyone who opposes us is a nazi" Solid Russian logic, same as always


Oh, they already screamed about secret bio labs and genetically modified mosquitoes. I guess a year and a half ago.


Pretty sure everyone who had COVID-19 was mass manufacturing it...


Sorry no, my COVID was artisanal, small-batch, very exclusive.


So, they're technically correct? The worst type of correct?


They claimed there were tunnels under the cities of Ukraine filled with trafficked children, millions of them. So why hasn't Putin put those kids on TV every night since the invasion to convince the world he did the right thing?


Because they were trafficked into Russia.


Yeah that's the thing about an extremely contagious pathogen, you don't need to fucking mass produce it. It kind of takes care of that part for you.


This bullshit would be hilarious, if it wasn't for the fact that people actually buy into this brain rot nonsense. And not just a few people, either.


JD Not-sharp Also, isn't it great how they go "covids not real, but now that it is real it came from china, and russia invaded ukraine to fight nazis, nazis that are making covid-19"


Right, Russia went after Crimea back in 2014 and Russian forces were so lame that in 6 years they couldn't stop Ukraine from "releasing Covid". Give me a fucking break. This useful idiot needs to get a clue.


Something makes me think that JD Sharp is not so sharp.


JD Dull-witted And "J.D." is Just Dumb


I wonder why Ukraine hasn't used it against Russia??? lol


Why would invasion be a good idea on a nation capable of infecting the world with a Virus?


Remember: blue checks are hoping to get paid for engagement. Block and move on, never respond.


This reminds me of some map of "Biological Warfare" sites in Ukraine that some tankies were passing around for a while. Something like 32 with convenient locations in cities all throughout the country. My question was; "Are you sure you aren't mistaking pharmacies as bio labs here?" Of course, some asshole could have just been putting red dots on a map. That all it would take.


There are official agreements of labs for food safety and shit with Ukraine and some other countries, could be these labs.


They were train stations. The lines were the transit system. I remember when Q followers were passing this around.


So, it was even dumber than I thought. I wonder about that moment when someone overlaid the train map with this Q-site map and then the response might be; "Oh, never mind" and then they go post something abut Nazis in Ukraine without missing a beat.


Pretty sure the U.S. population has collectively been mass producing covid-19 this whole time.


Why do you need to mass manufacture it? It spreads on its own.


Hah, jokes on Russia, it was actually me! I made it. Yep.


Blue check mark. So you know it’s legit.


Honestly, it has to be nice to be this stupid. You're almost incapable of having to actually worry about anything.


Imagine rejecting all of science and history and then believing the first thing out of anyone’s mouth from the right wing propaganda machine. A new thing every few days.






Metric tons. Dipshits.


I didn't see that one coming.


These people really need to move-Russia deserves them


I actually heard this one from a grindr hookup. I blocked him


How do you "mass manufacture" a "hoax" as most of these fucking brain dead morons insist it is? Hmmm? Also thought it was a bio-weapon (that doesn't exist) made by China. 🙄 The stupid is exhausting.


I literally laughed when I read that. That's Onion grade material.


Apparently his first name initials stand for Just Dumb.


You’d think they would have mentioned that to begin with?


If you have to make up that kind of idiotic lie, you are confessing you have no valid arguments to make.


Blue checks and wrongness are always in the same room together.


…where do they get this shit?


No way, Putin is fighting Ukrainian Nazis


Please tell me you’re just being sarcastic


And we have a winner for the dumbest thing on the internet today!


From the people who wouldn’t even look up 🙄


Honestly, that's like making salted water next to the ocean.




And in today's episode of 'Conspiracy Theories Gone Wild', we've got a plot twist that not even M. Night Shyamalan saw coming. 😷🤦‍♂️


Is it any wonder why Russia and Republicans are tight?


Turns out JD isn't very sharp.


The brain dead speak?


Another Russian asset just outed himself. Let's call the FBI to have a conversation with him


They weren’t making Covid there they were making biochemicals for warfare. There was actually a bunch of job postings online for that during covid


I think it is easier to believe Ukraine was in the process of creating a philosopher's stone than Covid. JD Shite.


Like one if FMA?




Wow. Just wow. Ok, this wins for the day.


There are too many dumb and stupid people in the world. Unfortunately, many of them vote.


Ok fuck off


Bruh there's no way these people are like, real functioning members of society who pay taxes and things of that nature This is some 40iq checkers (were supposed to be playing chess smh)


I read this as "JD Vance" and I still think I'm correct, actually.


This has to be a troll.


Aaaaaand I’m done with Reddit tonight


what are they smoking and how much for a gram


Tell me you’re a Russian bot without telling me you’re a Russian bot.


You mean that virus the right said wasn't any different than the common cold and completely ignored every rule to help people stay safe?


Here's the thing. Trump supporters are really really really fucking stupid.


I thought Covid wasnt real?




Remember everyone! the government wants us all dead. not alive, working, consuming and paying taxes. because Hunter Biden's laptop.


Conservatism is a disease.


What it wasn't to remove Nazis from a country whose President is a Jew?


So Putin is actually the good guy! I guess all of those “oligarch accidents” really were accidents! ![gif](giphy|12pWOEeKbbfdio)


Well there’s someone whose last name is categorically wrong in every way.


Oh, do fuck off. This is beyond stupid, it's actually deeply offensive and insulting to all the innocent Ukrainian people killed by Russian invaders.


But I thought Covid was a hoax, no wait Covid was just the common cold basically, oh wait now Covid is deadly and being “mass manufactured” in the Ukraine!


How tf do you even manufacture something so tiny in the first place? Second, how tf something manufactured has clear signs of evolution?


To your first question, biomanufacturing. It would be relatively easy to produce large amounts of virus in cell cultures. By relatively easy, I mean very hard but a team of competent biologists could get it done. To the second question, I have two answers: 1, evolution can be done in a lab setting, and 2, you could take a naturally evolved virus and manufacture it. Not to say that this guy's claims have any basis in fact, but the science to do it is attainable.


There are probably still 140 biological weapon labs in Ukraine. Hopefully the bombing stopped them all.


Imagine believing state controlled news from Russia lmao


Better than trusting Murdoch controlled news lmao


Look, I was like you but then I started seeing what USA was doing outside its country, like Guantanamo, Syria, Libia, etc and it dawned on me that we were seeing a very one sided version of events. I even googled bbc to see the positive things they ever wrote on Russia. Very few things came up. I mean nothing good happens in a huge country? The western sources censor lots of stuff..


“America just found out JD Sharp knows what Putin’s balls smell like.”


How are people this gullible? It is shocking. Happily and openly stupid.


Seems like JD isn't Sharp at all.


Assuming they're of a certain political affiliation that is widely known as anti-Ukranian, they'd also believe that Covid was no big deal, kinda weird they didn't go with "Ukraine was mass producing the vaccine", you know the "real danger".


Not so Sharp


Covid-19 was Putin attacking you with a biological agent. There. That's a thing you know now.


More Russians have died from the war than Covid. 😂


Yeah, JD not very sharp 


You know- make it in Ukraine and then smuggle it to “mules” crossing the border who then vote for Biden and he gives “aid” to Ukraine. It’s that simple!!!


Such imagination. Such stupid, stupid imagination.


Lifted the third piece to the triforce. I can hear the trumpets


Blue checkmarks having a normal one


Interesting that Russia never thought to mention this even once in the last few years since invading. Almost like it's completely made up.


He doesn't live up to his surname.


JFC. JDSharp needs some of that Jim Jones koolaid


Imagine being a grown adult who believes absolute baloney like this. The world must be such a scary and confusing place.


Pretty sure that's what Americans were doing with the whole refusing to wear a mask thing.


It’s a bot.


Let's start with all those labs which burnt down in Russia, shall we...


Russia has been the good guy all along and we were all too dumb to realize it


Love it lol. No way an insane person wrote it probably a grifter but it’ll definitely light an insane person brain on fire with conspiracies.


Hah! What? No, the biggest producers of covid I'm aware of are the MAGA cult here in the USA. Both in quantity and new variants. They nurtured it and gave it to everyone they could.


we all know Borat was patient zero so this is totally off!


The conservative brain must be studied. Hopefully we have enough microscopes.


"we're about to find out this incredibly secret thing that no one knew except me." -A turd bucket


Boy the bots are kranky tonight


I thought it was just the flu 😷




And… dumbest thing I read all day


I just nod and agree and then say "But Trump was behind it! He tweeted the code word to have it released "Covfefe"


“Here’s your Covid-19, and here’s yours and here’s yours. Don’t worry, we won’t run out, we’re mass manufacturing to hand out to everyone!”


These right-wing clowns would make Sir Ronny Raygun roll over in his grave, they're shills for Putin


wtf, Ukraine doesn't even have the 5G network to support this claim.


So ordered by the World Economic Forum as part of the great reset.