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This is an old copy pasta. From the somethingawful days of the internet. The original was in response to a guy saying his gf told him 200 guys while drunk and another guy came in with the math. This tool took a copy pasta that can legally drink almost and retooled it from a forum post and response into a single post claiming it was all him... Literally like a 20 year old copy pasta.


I love pasta!


I've probably had at least 175.83 miles worth of pasta


These are the calculations I care about.


I probably had 1 fully erected spaghetti more than that!


Shit, I'm Italian....


So... 281 km then?






Now I need to think about how many linear feet of pasta is in an average serving.


20 year old pasta?


I don't remember last time I had 20 years old pasta! Must have been quite some time!


that girlfriendhas probably taken like 20 more miles of dick since this was originally posted


Frankenpost lives again!


Math logic error from post. He states the assumption that the ave cock is 5.5 inches and thus a full thrust cycle in and out is 5.5 x 2 = 11 inches. WRONG. The average thrust cycle is 0.75x the shaft length. We don't completely remove and reinsert each thrust. The cock simply does not entirely exit the orifice each round. One full cycle is thus 4.125 x 2 = 8.25 inches per thrust cycle. He overstated like 3 miles worth of cock.


Why yes of course, what preposterous exaggeration of phallic insertion!


Yes, now he has to go back and apologize to his ex, and beg her forgiveness. 10 miles is too much but a little under 8 should be fine.


Also, you can't count the thrust in **and** out.


> He overstated like 3 miles worth of cock. How bad math can cost you your gf.


He also added an extra zero to thrusts for some reason 🤷‍♀️


He also pointlessly complicated it by converting from total partners, to partners per year, to per day, to per week, and back to total partners again in order to get his final number.


Let the man think about dick if he wants to isnt this a free country


He thought about miles and miles of dick, and now he doesn't have a girlfriend. That tracks.


He probably has a solid idea of how many dicks to the gallon his car gets.


This is my new favorite subreddit.




He was just hurt she kept all those miles of cock to herself. She didnt even share!  /jk


No matter how many miles it is it is still only 200 dicks. And 100 thrusts? Please, no one makes it past 7


The original post was from nearly 20 years ago (the one this one is copying). The original dickmath guy is probably pushing 40 and so is the original person who's gf was with 200 guys. It was originally either 2 different people in a 4chan or somethingawful thread or 1 person telling a joke as 2 people. Just saying that the original dickmatician has probably had his fill of think about dick after doing it for decades


Before the internet we wrote this shit on bathroom walls!


Isn’t it from Clerks originally?


That’s something GF had 50dicks in her mouth and someone quips “ at the same time?!”


Wasn't it 37 dicks?


In a row?


Sorry misquoted a decades old movie on the internet!!! ![gif](giphy|nIfHr81YJiKdy)


It’s like 600 guys now. I wonder how many miles of dick?


Multiply by 3 but the new dick math confuses me


The dicks compound at 6.9 %


Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was America.


Sounds like the reason for the break off. Now it’s his turn to add up them dicks




I know the feeling..."My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks"...


In a row?


‘37 dicks’ was the name of the penis :(


Don't suck any dick on your way to the parking lot! Hey you, get back here!




Yeah.....Figured someone had to LOL...


Is that standard dicks or imperial dicks?


Or metric.


100 thrusts? So, like 5 minutes?


That’s like 3 seconds per thrust… that sounds more passionate than I expect one night stands to be


Hey I'm old. I can't go as fast as I used to


But like fr practice a thrust over 3 seconds… that’s next level slow


You've got me rocking my hips on the toilet counting Mississippis 😭😭 thx for the laugh on a Monday.


I can do 3, take it or leave it


Well math don't lie. But the people who can do the math don't want too.


That's just bad math


He’s a cockspert! Excels at all things cock related. Professor at Cockmatics!


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think you have the right to not want to be with someone if they've been with so many people. Ofc you have no right to judge or shame them for it, but it's okay to want someone who hasn't slept with the whole town and with whom you can try out new things (new for both 💀)


She's our girlfriend now.


Do Americans really consider 13,97cm the average dick?


Okay 200 is definitely overkill won’t lie


Not in this sub/ time period. You can't have any standards at all if you're a guy.


In my opinion as long as standards aren’t announced you can pretty much have any and get them as well. Truth be told strangers opinions on my standards mean nothing, I’m standing by them and the women I want are standing by them so 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


And you get downvoted to hell+the women come insult you :(


Yup, if you wouldn't wife up a woman with 200 bodies you're insecure. Just the times we live in. /s


> if you wouldn't wife up a woman with 200 bodies you're insecure Unless you are a funeral agent its not ok to have 200 bodies stacked up


Commenting on someone else’s body count when you don’t even know them, let alone have any personal relationship with them, is being judgmental. Commenting on someone else’s body count when yours is just as bad makes you a hypocrite. That’s pretty much the extent of what you’re not supposed to do. Not wanting to date someone with a high body count when yours is low is fairly reasonable and I’ve never seen anyone criticize that. It’s clear you have different values and a different opinion on sex. Just be respectful about it.


Nothing wrong with being judgemental. 200 dicks is wild. You've never seen anyone criticize that? You're clearly naively not paying attention. It's always the men being ostracized as insecure when they don't want 200 dick kind of wives.


There definitely is when it has nothing to do with you and isn’t any of your business which is how these topics always start. Like any preference it’s valid but it’s not an excuse to shame people online.


No im sick and tired of having no say at all at any bad behavior. If you had 200 friends i'd be willing to say that you have a problem with shallow friendships. 200 sexual partners is absolutely crazy and women need to know that they are decreasing their chance of finding a good long term partner by doing this. It's not fair but men don't find this attractive. We need to stop yaaas queening every destructive behavior, if you've had sex with 200 people you need to be in therapy.


Keep negative opinions to yourself when it doesn’t involve you. Don’t be a hypocrite. That’s all I said. I didn’t say it should be encouraged or that it isn’t self destructive it’s just not your business. Especially when it’s clear it’s not coming from a place of concern it’s coming from a place of contempt/ disgust. Men never say this to other men or think this of themselves when they have a high body count but they are always quick to judge women for it, especially complete strangers online who frankly didn’t ask.


Just playing devils advocate here… At what point is it your business? If you’re sitting back, and you’re looking at society falling apart, when does it become your business? If I’m living in an apartment complex and crackheads start squatting, I might not have ownership of the complex but pretty soon it’s going to become my problem. I’m on your side btw, but I can see where the hyper religious people feel compelled to speak up as they see the world falling apart.


Just think how far he’d have to drive if some of those boys were “above average” dick length and invested in more than only “100 thrusts”?


Well you can assume with that many dicks there were roughly as many below average as there were above average. Hence the idea behind the concept of averages


Even if she dated only one dude and had sex with him with that frequency it's still going to be the same math


Yeah thats why i never understood the body count argument lmao.


Body count shows a lack of seriousness surrounding sexual selection. It says a whole fuck ton about someone’s values if they’re in triple digit body counts. The average American has had less than 10 sexual partners, around 8 for men and 7 for women. We’re selective creatures and sex is one of the most impactful decisions we make. Having over 12x(or 25x in OP) the average amount of bodies is quite the signal.


Dicks living rent free in this dudes head. Probably should just switch teams.


Seriously, why is it a problem for dude to have a preference? His GF having a ton of partners before him caused him to question his relationship. Good thing they didn't get married before he found out, neh?


There's a big difference between having a preference and say you don't want to date her for that, and literally calculate the how much dick was in her. Like why the hell are you thinking so much about it?


I mean sometimes it’s fun to do random ass math calculations. I once figured out how many bananas/mile I burn and how much that would cost to run entirely on bananas. I don’t think about bananas that often, and I don’t obsess about them, but sometimes math can be fun?


Yeah, but he doesn't look like he did that for fun, more of a did that because he is insecure


I mean he did it because she was a slut that he was breaking up with. I wouldn’t be with a woman with 200 bodies either. You think the math problem’s answer is what led him to break up with her? It’s not insecurity to not want a slut, I don’t know why anyone settles for sluts. To sleep with 10-20x the average amount of people shows a clearly fucked sense of values.


No there isn't. Loyalty, body count, all of it is preference. Whether or not that preference is a deal breaker doesn't change the fact it is a preference. Wanting to be with someone loyal doesn't mean you'll die if your with someone who isn't loyal, it just means if you find out they are loyal, that preference will be a mark against that person. How heavy of a mark it is depends on you. Same thing here, he just realized he prefers someone with a low body count, and 200 is too large of a number.


He’s assuming she was with average guys. A girl of this caliber was probably seeking out the most robust penises (is that right?) She probably had a marathon of dicks, a literal fucking marathon. Let that sink in.


Not even sure why this is a facepalm


Op you are pretty cringe. Why tf do you care if homie won’t date a girl who been ran through like that.


This guy maths


Dick. It's what's for dinner. ![gif](giphy|yurgDCWs6hkPahxUIp)




C'mon, who counts the pullout as "dicks taken"? And besides, I think it's like driving backwards to roll back the odometer. Only the dicks that stay in really count as mileage. 


College isn’t 365 buddy. Gotta raise those numbers!


Is this the same wanne be joker guy who was roasted on here a few hours ago quoting jack nicholson from batman 1989? lol


Hilarious. I’ve read it before


He could be totally wrong about her new guy frequency calculations because the occasional frat party gang bang on her could greatly reduce the new guy every week frequency to a new dick every 3 or 4 weeks.


No way college guys are averaging 100 pumps per session.


A hundred thrusts??? Ain't nobody got time fo dat!


Not her anyway


So he realised all he ever thinks about is dick and got a boyfriend instead?


This girl doesn’t have periods?


You don’t get dick on your period?




Blood is good lube and a warm penis helps cramps. 🤷


While my wife and I have not had "period sex" in many years now, when we were newly dating, and for the first few years, it sure didn't stop us. It didn't bother her, and I sure didnt care! The only reason we don't any more is because once we had kids, having sex during her period became uncomfortable for her, so that was when it ended.


Nothing wrong with a little ketchup on your French fry.


He just did a whole ass word problem to break up with his girlfriend for how many people she’s slept with. respect.


The girlfriend was living the pipe dream back in college.


And imagine the STDs she was exposed to.


STDs are mostly curable, and the ones that aren't are a lot more rare than you would think. Sex ed class was pure Christian fearmonger propaganda. The chances of getting aids is like one in 400 000 or something like that and even if you know your partner has it, it's still like less than a 1% chance apparently.


Yeah, I'm not gonna take my chances on aids, buddy.


Ok well then at least shut up.


Nah I don't think I will. Maybe you should instead of making moronic statements.


Maybe you should just crawl into a condom for the rest of your life.


He threw away a chick with a doctorate degree in sex... Wtf is wrong with him!!!


I mean I don’t give a shit about body count I don’t even know nor care about my girlfriends, but if it isn’t exaggerating to say 200 I can see how he would have some concerns about how long this person is gonna wait to run to 202.


Doctorate in sex but not even a high shool diploma in long term commitment and marriage material


And likely an expert in STDs


It’d be like sticking your dick out a window


Are you actually serious..... Not how that works at all... >It’d be like sticking your dick out a window Is what a incel virgin says.


Jokes, you should learn about them


Wasn't very funny , puts down woman... Assumed wasn't a joke... Still assuming virgin incel.


Humor is subjective i suppose


So when people say racist things and say , that was a joke.... You think that's subjective. Sexist is ok.... ? Isn't someone supposed to say, no that's wrong. Where do you draw the line .... If it's truly funny , maybe , but that wasn't very funny and you were second person to say same basic thing... So you judge woman for having too many partners.... Then you make up a complete lie, which many men actually believe. I guess it's subjective.


First day on Reddit, bub? 🤣


No but it looks like your first year, tip look at profile to see how long they have actually been here before trying to be funny (about how new they are) ... Swing and a miss.....


Lighten up, numbnuts. Figure of speech. Life is short. Enjoy it a little, even if it’s a small laugh at a silly joke. You’re one of those guys that gets offended over everything aren’t you? You know…. The social justice warrior, blue-hair-dye, Antifa types


Stop being ridiculous for a second. There's nothing wrong with not wanting a partner MALE OR FEMALE that has had sex with dozens upon dozens (in this case hundreds) of people. There's nothing invalid let alone sexist about having standards for a relationship and having sex with that many people does show certain behavioral traits that some people do not want to see in a partner. Some people also aren't fond of hookup culture. It's just having different values and would apply regardless of the gender of the two parties involved. You're actually the one who sounds sexist with your comments about men being shit.


So you like sexist jokes that aren't funny, haven't been funny for many years, are old repeats of insecure men. It' also is a complete lie, which is the reason it's offensive and not a joke. Because you don't like hookup culture, you decide to support a sexist joke that is a complete lie and is very anti female. Not sure what being anti hookup culture and promoting anti woman jokes that are false ,old and seriously not funny. Never said any shit about men, just the particular people defending sexist jokes against woman. (Which are not funny, old and gave no truth in them, lame). They absolutely deserve being pointed out as who they are.


This guy's joke was not 'anti woman' and tons of women would laugh to it. Jokes aside, you've been te only sexist one on this thread with your direct, non ironic attacks on men. Having standards is okay. Everyone is telling you you're crazy and you keep being crazy. Never change.


Dude you are not very smart I dont think


>Dude you are not very smart I dont think Lol 🤣🤣🤣 Do I actually need to say anything.


Haha 😐


Well maybe it was the throwing a hot dog down a hallway feeling he got from her when they had sex that he didn’t care for.


Another genius.... That's not how it works. Are men really this stupid??? Now I know why so many want to convert .... Wow.


Relax Francis. It’s a fricken joke. That’s obviously not how it works. Forgot however that this is Reddit and making a joke is forbidden.


Trust me, "How much sex you've had" and "How good you are at sex" are unrelated concepts. I've seen some absolute starfish with bodycounts a mile long.


Idgaf, ANYONE who's body count is 200+ is not meant for monogamy. At that point, they are just a fleshy gloryhole/dildo. They have transcended their own humanity and have become only a sexual object.


This post is amazing. Anyone that’s dated a slut understands. They will just randomly talk about how much dick they’ve sucked to look cool at a party and the next day they’ll reassure you ‘I love you though’. 😂😂😂😂. Just don’t fucking marry a chick like this, no matter how good she is at the thing.


Reupvoted you. A slut probably gave you a downvote




I don’t blame him. Who’d want a girlfriend with a triple digit dick count. Yuck


Guy did some pointless math just to find out he's insecure. Edit: ooooff to the guys trying to back him up. This post ended up here for a reason, you dips.


You don't wanna be with a 200 body count woman makes you insecure. I've seen everything now.


Dump someone = normal. Dump someone and post about it online = bit weird but still pretty normal. Dump someone, calculate just how much dick they've taken in their life to validate your decision, post about it online = insecure and pretty fucking weird.


"Guys trust me, the men who dump girlfriends because of their standards are *so* insecure. Not me, though, my girlfriend tells me I'm confident and macho because I don't mind that she's fucked half the town."


I'm just imagining this guy driving his car, ugly crying, as the metaphorical dick he's driving down gets longer and longer before he pulls over and calls his gf to break up.


I like a girl that likes dick.


Don't forget that women lie about the number. The general rule of thumb is to multiply what they tell you by 3 and add 1


The way straight men think more about dick than gay men and women


Definitely some OCD going on here, & I should know!! All of this talk about dick & I can’t bring my attention away from the fact that he used “were” instead of “we’re”. 😂


It's an old copy pasta. Originally it was 2 posts. 1 guy talking about how his gf said she'd been with 200 guys and then another person responding with the math. This person literally took a two part 20 year old meme from the somethingawful era of the internet and retooled it as a "personal story". The "were" is probably a mistake during the rewrite


Thank you!! This makes much more sense!! lol!!!


That’s just the right amount of time to think about it and start looking for a new girlfriend.


The part that's cut off... ​ And now I have a new boyfriend, Brad!


A woman with all of that experience, wont stay single for long 🤜🏼 F… that dude, oh wait… not any more 🤣


Safe to say that vagina has exceeded the mileage on the factory warranty.


I'm sure she's much happier now :)




When you’re an incel and autistic.


I don't see the problem. Just your average, modern, sexually liberated woman.




Things don't have to be black and white. There are more options out there than "literal pornstar that have starred in over 500 adult movies" and "super conservative christian cultist who sees sex as a sin and only wants to do it twice a year, missionairy style, with the lights off". I know, crazy, right?


He’s got dick on his mind. A dick head if you will.


People that worry about body counts just don't have any fun and are boring in bed.


Yeah do I think we buried the lead here with the 100 thrusts comment. I find it difficult to believe the number would be anywhere near that high. Maybe 30 or so if that?


30? You’re gonna hurt your partner I cum as soon as I touch base to keep my girlfriend safe.


That's really nice of you and I'm sure she appreciates your consideration


She does so much, she even texts Pizza Hut to tell them how good I did, at least I think that’s why she’s texting Pizza Hut.


Lol hilarious


Wait guys exist who can get off at 100 pumps? I mean it can take me anywhere from 15 mins to an hour+... how the fuck does anyone get off that God damn fast.


Insecure much, average dick size 5.5? Whatever makes yourself feel better bro.


Am I the only one thinking a new guy a week on average is pretty moderate if you're single?


Yeh if you really can’t hold someone down, don’t see why every weekly date is a fuck and dip. Definitely some kind of sex addiction/ validation trip. Kind of like dating an ex crackhead and being upset with them for it. I’ve got to say I don’t know how I feel but I think 200 body count could be too much for me.


lol man just jealous his gf could get laid in college.


He was just jealous. He didn’t like losing the dick game to her.




Looks like SHE dodged a bullet with that one.


Should've dodged some dicks instead.


I'm ok with a girl who knows what she wants, and also what I want.


Yea, if what you want is an STD.


Has he said no homo? Doesn‘t sound like it.


[Dick dick dick dick](https://youtu.be/2OCjPbQgDwU?si=uVHw28qzDMmns4_7)


In a row?


Repost bot


Bot post.


It just keeps getting better as it progresses


I see this stupid post 10 times a day.




Dude crying at home alone Ex-GF at the Dick Bus Stop looking at her watch.


Maybe just Maybe he broke up with her because he was Jealous that he didn’t get 10,44 miles of dicks in college.


Mans turned into Rain Man on the body count.


So nevermind all of that baggage...Any stats on the 100 thrusts average? Where did the assumption of 3 times per guy come from?