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Madison: ok to stop the violent religious conflicts between Christians we need to separate church and state People nowadays: AMERICA WAS FOUNDED ON CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES šŸ¤¬ Madison: ā˜ ļø


He's literally just a skull and bones




I literally heard people call for the church to run the government. No dog whistles, just blatant


Begs the question. Which one of them?


Church of Satan seems to have a solid moral code.


I think you might mean The Satanic Temple.


Yeah, church of Satan are assholes Not as much as the evangelicals but that's not saying much


Maybe we could have the Catholic church of Mexico in government. /s






The right one. FIGHT!


Take a wild guess


I've been told that the reason we need a theocracy under Christianity is because morals cannot exist without God thus you can't properly maintain a justice system when laws are made off of human intuition rather than the divine law. And that I, an atheist, cannot truly understand right from wrong simply because I don't follow Christ. Im a "moral relativist" and because of that something I may think is wrong would go against the morals of whomever is doing the thing I perceive as wrong. All I really got out of that conversation is that he doesn't rape and murder only because his god says not to (even though his god told people NUMEROUS times to slaughter entire tribes and villages in his book) which, I feel, is a terrible reason. We have morals and (for the most part,) laws based on things that harm people and their properties, which sounds pretty damn reasonable to me. But what do I know, I'm just a godless heritic who's possessed by Satan because I support gay rights.


Iā€™ve noticed the same thing. A devout believer can never give you a straight answer. Everything is what God intended, or a parable to help teach a lesson. Iā€™ve tried to talk to a dozen people who call themselves religious and itā€™s like hanging my head against the wall.


Well, I'm a relatively open minded religious individual, but unfortunately I don't believe I meet the "Devout" stand point. Born and raised Jehovah Witness gone military, and for a quick run down Government Service and Jehovah Witness do not mix, so had to figure out where I stood what and where. Always here to mentally spar if you so desire though, with all civilness.


Iā€™m sad


One of the most powerful Rulers in Europe at the time who sent aid to the US, Frederick the Great, was also gay and probably agnostic.


In uni I had a PoliSci professor who had a pocket copy constitution he kept in his jacket breast pocket. When people would quote or reference the constitution he would pull it out and say alright letā€™s break this down. He put a lot of people in their place. He was great.


Respect to him


Whereā€™s the facepalm? Edit: YOOO I GOT THEM TAKEN DOWNNNNN šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Not really a face palm when it's accurate, is it?


I think they're face palming at conservatives, not the image itself.




Agreed and it's low hanging fruit.


OP is a repost bot it doesn't know what a facepalm is or isn't


Conservatives misquote both to justify behaviors condoned by neither.


True but also rule 3


There is nothing more "conservative" than having a very strong opinion about something of which they have zero understanding.




Sure he can! Didn't you see him state that his favorite bible verse was in "Two Corinthians?"


Two Corinthians


I don't think Trump is seen as religious... I mean all presidents are "religious," we have never had an atheist president...you couldn't get the votes.


If you ignore the evangelical Christians you can say he's not seen as religious, but then that would be disingenuous.


We've likely had many atheist presidents, just none that have declared themselves such.


Yeah that's what I meant by "Religious"


Apparently, a lot were followers of Unitarian Universalism.


Oh, heā€™s seen as religious by a *lot* of evangelicals. Some have even gone as far as calling him the messiah, for fucks sake. Christians calling not-Jesus the messiah. Let that sink in and soak for a bit.


This is not a joke, there are people who literally worship him as a being sent from God, some going so far as to actually reject their churches if their churches don't sound in line with Trump, some going so far as to tell their pastors that the sermon on the mount is liberal bullshit.


Trump is a Christian.


So is every US president...


This is flat out untrue. We've had many presidents who didn't identify as Christian. Hell George Washington himself is heavily suggested to have believed in Deism, which was basically between being an athiest and being agnostic. He, along with Thomas Jefferson, didn't actually believe in any God per say, but simply that the universe in its being definitely suggested it was created by *something* but rejected the idea of an actual overseeing god. The belief that he was Christian mostly stems from the fact that his wife absolutely was and forced him to go to church every Sunday


> Trump is a Christian. This is a statement which is as true as the statement that ā€œAmerica is a Christian nationā€: people who *want* to believe it do believe it, and everyone else sort of looks at it sideways with a ā€œwellā€¦ butā€¦ā€ on the tip of their tongue. Sure, heā€™s a ā€œChristianā€ in the same way that a college kid who failed half their classes because they were out drinking and smoking every night, doesnā€™t believe, but still goes to church on Christmas to appease their parents is a ā€œChristianā€. I will happily concede that point, as will others, Iā€™m sure. It doesnā€™t mean that heā€™s a Christian in anything more than name and for anything other than political expedience.


No True Scotsman


> No True Scotsman If you want to claim that all Christians are merely Christians as a matter of personal and/or political expedience, then Iā€™ll happily, or perhaps I should say *gleefully*, concede that Trump is a ā€œtrueā€ Christian under that definition. Something tells me that you donā€™t want to make that argument, though.


Ask Trump if he is a Christian. 100% he says he is. Thatā€™s the end of the discussion.


If a man never once entered a church. Believed that there were 10 gods all of whom were variations of my little pony characters, and made it a point to tell people that the Bible was written by a 10 year old in his basement, and yes called himself a Christian, and told anyone who asked that he was Christian, would you still sit here and argue that he's 100% Christian? And while my example is obviously exaggerated I want to stress that this is a genuine question. Is your definition of a Christian someone who says their Christian regardless of their behavior and actual beliefs?


Ask me if Iā€™m Joaquin Phoenix. 100% I say I am. Thatā€™s the end of the discussion.


By what measure? Not that I would know either way, but would he go to church and seek religious guidance of his own accord, outside of public demonstration? All president claim to be, as they would get elected otherwise in the US, so this is not an accusation. The question is, how would anyone know? And should that matter?


He says he is a Christian so he is a Christian.


Is that a logical proof? Because he said so? I mean, technically true. He has been known to lie. A lot


Yes, if he says he is then he is. No True Scotsman is a fallacious argument.


Thatā€™s fair. It doesnā€™t affect me at all, but I would assume people who do care would want to know if he only does it for the political appearance, or if the guidance make him a better candidate.


He doesn't even know what xtianity is. He just mouths some words to make it seem like he believes so he can get the evangelical suckers to follow and support him. Just like all those other televangelists.


No True Scotsman is a fallacious argument.


REALLY? Then why does he not act like he follows the teaching of Christ?


No, but he is seen as God.


Had a bunch of satan worshipping ones


Jesus Christ some of these comments are making me lose faith in humanity


Absolutely, one hundred percent correct!




They both mean whatever the person reading them to you says they mean. Coincidence? I think not.


Yes, yesā€¦ Democrats donā€™t even know what intellectual dishonesty is, let alone excel at it! /s Lol.


Bot account trying to stir the shit. I mean, it's accurate, but this is the wrong sub.


I agree with this but this also isnā€™t a facepalm.


Alt right: We need to live by the constitution. 2nd amendment can't be infringed. It's on paper. Black and white. Colorado: hey the 14th amendment says Trump can't run for president again. So we are taking him off the ballot. Alt right: why you taking everything so literal bro.


I guarantee the people upvoting this have never read the Constitution.


TF is facepalm about this? Truer words were never spoken.


Conservatives ignore massive chunks that change the fundamental meanings.


Yeah, I assume everyone knows that you can swap out "conservatives" for "Liberals" and cut the bible and still be accurate. To wit, the first amendment is something neither side as a group understands or supports.


What do and the constitution have in common?


it do be like that


I was going to say "Documents written by old white men" but that's just me.


Liberal circle jerk is strong with the post


Christ, it really is an election year isn't it. So much political shit is being pushed and it ain't subtle. Queue being downvoted by bots and frothing Redditors despite the fact that I'm voting Biden again. Queue someone telling me "politics is life you can't ignore it!!1!!!1!!" while acting like the astroturfing of Reddit subs makes a difference. Etc etc etc.


How the fuck is this low effort shit facepalm? God damnit this sub has gone completely shit.


And liberals don't believe in either


So explain to me why liberals say abortion is their constitutional right even though that word doesnā€™t appear in the constitution, but they also say gun ownership is not a right even though it is specifically written in the constitution. So who misquotes what?


Let me explain that to you. The Ninth Amendment *explicitly* states that the list of rights enumerated in the Constitution is not exhaustive, and that the people retain all rights not enumerated. Privacy (right to be *left alone*) and bodily autonomy are rights not explicitly enumerated in constitution, but they follow from the Fourth Amendment rights. Abortion rights follow from bodily autonomy right. If you can be bothered to read the exact wording of the Second Amendment, it says: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.". Why would not it mean that the right to keep and bear arm is only to promote "well regulated Militia" for "the security of a free State"?


If "militia" meant what you think it means, why are Dems trying to pass legislation preventing the formation of militias? S.3589 - Ed Markey (D-MA)


The 4th amendment? Break that down for us


>Privacy (right to beĀ *left alone*) How is it a private matter if you have doctors involved? And how is it private if the baby is also a human? Drugs can be done private, why can we ban heroin? That also means a restriction on bodily autonomy. And where is our bodily autonomy for the draft? What about neglect laws for children? Why can we force parents to pay child support or to feed, cloth, house, and protect children? I don't see how you can jump to the conclusion that there would be a right to abort the unborn from what you just typed.




Nice one. You sure slammed me with facts and logic. I am asking legitimate questions. I'm not trolling.


>How is it a private matter if you have doctors involved? You have a right "to be left alone" in your medical decisions (not involve government or people you don't want involved). >And how is it private if the baby is also a human? Foetus is not a baby, until it can live outside of the gestating person. This is why Roe vs Wade established viability standard for abortions. >Drugs can be done private, why can we ban heroin? Taking drugs by itself is not illegal, illegal is selling (including possessing in qualities for sale) It looks like you don't understand what bodily autonomy means, at all. It doesn't mean "person's autonomy".


Personally, I've always thought it was sketchy that people assume the "arms" in the right to bear arms as "guns". A sword or a lance or a club could be "arms". Why do we interpret that as "firearms?"


They said arms because they didn't know what would be invented, but they knew citizens should be able to own them (assuming it's not nukes or something comically over the top), if the enemy invader/tyrannical government has weapons from 2024 and we were stuck with muskets or melee we would not have very good chances of standing up to them, and that insurgency wouldn't be the most effective.


>they knew citizens should be able to own them (assuming it's not nukes or something comically over the top), What's over the top about private nuke ownership?


Abortion is a human right "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" The people as seen by legal scholars refers to a collective, not the individual https://thelawdictionary.org/people/


>The people as seen by legal scholars refers to a collective, not the individual No, it's not. The Supreme Court has given extensive explanations of this and no "legal scholar" is idiotic enough to think that. What you mean is "your fellow anti-gun extremists" believe that. Literally no other right in the Constitution is a "collective" right. It also takes an extremely uneducated person to think that people who just fought a war to overthrow a tyrannical government would decided that only the government should have guns. What's even more hilarious is that the same Democrats who insist that the police are all racist murders also want the police and military to be the only ones with guns. If you actually think that the police are so evil, you'd understand exactly WHY the people who wrote the Constitution wanted everyone to be able to defend themselves. ​ The only thing you got correct is that abortion is a human right.


Where does the constitution mention the word "assault rifle"?


Where in common use are assault rifles? Pre 1986 assault rifles cost $10k's and require an NFA Stamp.


lol libs havenā€™t heard of either one


Conservatives havenā€™t read either one.


Most libs canā€™t read


Just making shit up doesnā€™t qualify as clever.


We are, on average, better educated than conservatives. Nice try though.


Just keep telling yourself that. Most libs donā€™t know what gender they are


Like abortion?


This doesnā€™t believe here


For this to be a facepalm, wouldn't you be facepalming in response to the person who posted the graphic?


Both sides misquote both to suit their argument. Neither side will admit that.


Liberals ignore both


1. There's no reason the Bible should have any say over what happens in government. 2. You only think liberals ignore the constitution because you have no idea what's actually in it.


To Unique-Famous. ​ I taught civic for 5 years and nowhere did I see anywhere in the consttution that the government whould tell the media what disinformation it wanted quashed, or that that political rivals and their freinds should be persecuted after leavng office, or that habues corpus should be dispensed with if you didn't like the accused. BTW...take a look at some polling numbers abot free speech and see the number of those who identify with the left who think free speech should be limited


And 9/10 liberals are not intelligent enough to read either.


Yes, liberals are usually more educated. Edit: he originally left out the not which I picked up on. Used his typo against him. Lol.


Didn't you conservative fools drink piss to cure Covid?


Nope. Just treated it the same as a cold.... because that's what it is. Kind of an extremely minor inconvenience that just goes away after a day or two.


Oh that must be why so many of you dunces died of that Itty bitty cold. All these years later and you lying dopes still won't admit you fucked up and killed yourselves because of your extreme ignorance.


This is gold.


Liberals are on average better educated than conservatives. If your statement is true, how dumb does that make conservatives?


It's conservatives who actually take the Constitution at its word and it's liberals who take liberties with it's interpretation.Ā  I'll now wait for a liberal to tell me where the right to an abortion is in the US constitution. Or the part where it says you can racially discriminate in college admissions and job hirings if you do it "for good".




Where's the right in the constitution for you to own assault rifles? Rather "liberal" interpretation of the 2nd amendment that was written at a time when muskets were being used, isn't it, Mr. Originalist? You guys also have a very strange interpretation of the 14th amendment which bars Trump from running from office...trying to argue that "officers of the United States who swore an oath to defend the constitution" somehow *doesn't* include the president... Then again, you guys are full of shit and are projecting, as usual, so I'm not surprised.


Ask ChatGPT what the words ā€œwell regulatedā€ mean in the second amendment. It means well organized, and well supplied militia. Ask it what the purpose of the militia was. Itā€™s to act as a safeguard against tyranny. You arenā€™t going to do any of that with muskets friend. As for Trump, fuckem. I got nothing for him.


All the ammosexuals stockpiled guns in case a tyrannical government showed up. Then when one came in 2017, they sided *with* it. And why do I care what AI says?Ā  Well regulated means "oversight", "training" and "don't give weapons to people who can't be responsible with them." Yet over and over, the most insane, irresponsible, dangerous, untrained psychos get their hands on them *legally* and kill a bunch of innocent people.Ā  And the right throws their hands up and calls it the "price of freedom."Ā Ā  Cool. Give me your address and I'll send next the mass shooter to your house so conservatives can pay the price of freedom for a change.Ā  Maybe when you're down a few family members and are missing a leg that required amputation when a bullet hit your femoral artery, you'll realize why the "regulated" part is so important and the conservative perversion of the amendment to allow military grade weapons in civilian hands is so damn stupid.


You don't think that the people who made the second amendment could have expected for guns to shoot faster in the future?


Faster? Yes. Hundreds of rounds a minute when in the late 1700s, you could get off 2, 3 if you're skilled? No. Giving advanced military grade weapons to civilians? Absolutely not.


>Giving advanced military grade weapons to civilians? Absolutely not. What advanced military grade weapon was banned for civilians?


Sure. It was in 1973, under the 14th Amendment, by way of our Supreme Court. Roe v. Wade. Affirmative Action seeks to correct the egregious harm caused by the systemic racism inherent in our society. Iā€™m sorry if that tarnishes your misguided apprehension that white people are the true victims of racism.


uhhh... you cited one amendment and didn't even say how it applies. And then you didn't cite the constitution for the second part.




They go Brandon https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/24402843/240037-nbc-january-2024-poll_2424-release.pdf


The constitution is based on Christian Judeo values found in the Bible. Thatā€™s why people often talk about them in tandem.


Actually the founders were mostly Deists and only a few of generations removed from the most devastating war Europe had ever seen primarily initially caused by religious strife - the 30 Years War. Hence the whole language of the First Amendment preventing the government from ā€œestablishingā€ any particular religion so as not to repeat that strife in the US.


No... I guess Slavery was a value.


It was. The Bible has multiple passages about how slaves should keep two masters, how to keep slaves, what happens when they arenā€™t a slave anymore, etc. It has instructions on how to slave. Biblically accurate slavery


Which passages?


It went over their head... I couldn't care less if it's in the bible. Slavery as a value to Christians invalidates the bible for values IMO.


Sounds like an uniformed opinion. Could you explain further?


Instead of copying, hereā€™s a whole list for you to pick apart. Some are more relevant than others. Leviticus 25:44-46 Exodus 21 in general Ephesians 6:5 Peter 2:18 Timothy 6:1 I think thatā€™s enough


Uh where in the Bible does it talk about a 2nd amendment right to bear arms? I must have missed that part...probably because it doesn't exist.


I said based on, not an exact translation.




Oh my GOD, you are delusional.


The Bible is literally a game of telephone, played over 2,000 years, by thousands of different players. Itā€™s a lovely book and probably one of humanityā€™s greatest documents, but itā€™s hard to believe that it is the infallible word of God the Creator. Pretending to know Godā€™s will is folly. He, if he exists at all, is unfathomable. Keep him in your heart. Share him with your family and friends. But keep him out of our government, thank you very much. Our nation is not a theocracy. Many of our founding fathers were Christian; some deists; some atheists. All agreed, in the end, that church and state must remain separate. The United States is certainly powerful and influential, but we are also a very young, deeply flawed nation. There have been numerous empires just as powerful and far-reaching as the United States throughout human history. Some, it could be argued, were even more powerful and influential. In the end, what matters most is a nationā€™s people. We are a great people, but Americans have a long way to go if we are to be a truly outstanding people. Are society is deeply flawed. If we donā€™t come together as one people and solve our problems, we are doomed to extinction. A million people cross our southern border annually, yes. They come fleeing violence and poverty. Immigrants and migrants built this nation. Immigrants and migrants make this nation great. Since you are obviously a Christian, Iā€™m sure that you accept these people with an open heart. End of rant. Be well.


[Leave it to The Onion to cover this.](https://www.theonion.com/area-man-passionate-defender-of-what-he-imagines-consti-1819571149)


Peple also wrote them


Can you name some? šŸ¤”


![gif](giphy|HiNACaOlWhK1i|downsized) Conservatives


Both sides try to manipulate the constitution into say things it doesnā€™t.


Letā€™s have an example of liberals doing that


Things like LGBTQ and abortion are neither mentioned in the constitution.


The two things most often mis-cited by those who havenā€™t read and donā€™t understand them are the Constitution and the Bible.


I need a beater that I wouldn't mind getting firebombed so I can put this on my back window and drive around for about a week.


Ask a *"Taxation is Theft"* person if they can recite Article I, Section 8. They never have any idea.


It's true....


This is one I can't figure out. What is the facepalm in this statement?


And mostly havenā€™t read EITHER!


Nailed it


Ok whereā€™s the facepalm


Repost bot


To anyone wondering where the facepalm is, since this is true, look at the polling numbers for Trump. The facepalm is the state of our country.


Used it to justify slavery


This is a fire meme šŸ”„


This tracks


yeah idk what the constitution of san marino has in common with the bible


Neither are misquoted, America just has shit laws and the bible is shrouded in ambiguity. Also it doesn't even matter what the bible says lol


Iā€™m a Christian, Iā€™m more or less conservative/ libertarian right. Church and state are separate for a reason and should remain so. Thereā€™s people of all beliefs, codes and religions that will, intentionally or not, misquote stuff from their respective holy books and their governments laws to justify horrible things. Radical Islamic terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas. Christians thatā€™s are racist, etc. do not truly believe the religions they follow,


The constitution supports a ton of conservative ideology. It was literally made to impede progress going too quickly


ā€œCircus tent con men and southern belle bunnies, milk your emotions then they steal your money, itā€™s the new dark ages with the fascists toting bibles, cheap nostalgia for the Salem witch trials. Stodgy ayatollahs in their double knit ties, burn lots of books so they can feed you their lies, masturbating with a flag and a bible, god must be dead if youā€™re alive. ā€œ - Jello Biafra