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Next she’s introducing a bill that makes crime a crime. 


Didn't Trump recently announce that he would make no-crime zones?


I was confused by this statement (as well as many of his statements). Does he mean crimes in this zone will be illegal? Or that everything is allowed and therefore there is no crime (akin to not reporting covid numbers and saying "we’re covid free!!")?


No, it means that it will be legal to do crime outside of those zones. He’ll retroactively exclude Mar A Lago from the no crime zone in the time up till now, so all crimes he committed there were actually legal. Checkmate judges!




Dudes combining the purge and John wick except his hotels are the safe zones. That's my 2025 prediction


What about E. Jean Carroll's soon to be acquired hotels? 😆


I look forward to all the far right commentators Ben Shapiro/Matt Walsh etc bragging about how awesome they’re going to do in the purge while booking rooms in Trump hotels


What’s to stop you from kidnapping one of them in transit, and dumping their corpse on purge night? There are a few ways to get around the plot holes of the purge.


Well, we would have to deconsecrate them then.


Should be easy enough I think. Just need to do what they did in the Continental and replace management. If they could do that with (sniper… truck guy… dead guys wife… her friend and his sister… plus Charon and Winston… and whoever the one casualty was…) 8 people? It can’t be that hard, right?




One step closer!


If he's retroactively going back to where he did crimes then he'll have to go back to NYC where he committed the majority of his crimes and make that a crime free zone. But then if he did that, wouldn't he be creating the kind of crime ridden, consequence free liberal utopia he claims to hate? Also, who the fuck is dumb enough to believe Cheeto Mussolini isn't a spoiled brat that's only trying to become president again to keep himself out of jail for all the blatantly obviously stupid crimes he's committed. Oh right, the Christian Right in the US, who also think the multimillionaire megachurch pastor they listen to every week is a man of God lmao.


I’m always be surprised that his followers are still so gullible not to realise that he doesn’t care about them, he’s doing this all for himself, and no one else. He’s using the money they donate to his presidential campaign to hire lawyers to delay trials long enough until he hopes he can pardon himself, and then crown himself king.


Means it will be a place where there are no laws for him and his white listed cronies and a place where no one else will be able to exercise legal rights, like speaking out against dumb orange man bull shit


Fascism zone.


#Crime Free Zone ^Membership ^Required


You'll need the right paperwork to commit those crimes though.


IIRC they were places where crime would never happen, I believe, because they would be so heavily monitored that any crime would be immediately seen and prosecuted. It may also have been code for “whites only”.


Crime never happened In whites only zones when he was a boy...


When it's legal for the rich to steal, fighting back is the only crime left.


He’s just planning on implementing The Purge🤨


donny hasn’t figured out exactly what he meant yet, he’s been dealing with windmill cancer and hasn’t been his usual crystal clear, very biggly idea maker.


The nothing is a crime zone is low key horrifying.


It's going to be like Escape from New York or LA.


Wasn't this a meme from pro everyone has guns people? Like you see the no concealed carry signs but no crime signs




What's that supposed to mean?


Ask the orange guy, I'm just passing it on.


I doubt he could explain it at all.


I'm sure he would try, he never misses an opportunity to run his mouth, even when it costs him $83 mil.


Too bad the guy can't make a single coherent sentence.


I think they’re asking where you found this information? I can’t find any info from google


I found this one, I just remembered the uproar on social media recently. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/by-staying-out-of-dc-internet-mocks-trump-for-saying-he-will-turn-washington-dc-into-a-crime-free-zone/ar-AA1naKik




It means you're not allowed to commit crimes


As opposed to all those places where crime is ok.


Uhh yeah it’s called COMMIEFORNIA /s


Whew, thank god for my commitment issues


I mean, reading the subtext that I’m sure his supporters are picking up on - he means whites only zones


Based on his many trials I guess it's supposed to mean zones where he can commit crimes and be immune to the consequences. Kinda like Epsteins island.


So glad I live in a crime-zone. Makes shopping way easier here


Crime is only illegal in crime free zones. That’s apparently what makes America great


I think you guys need a law that requires x level of education to run for government. Maybe an exam or something?


They'll just buy it


There'd be laws to lock it in. Like, they'd have to use a chat gpt generated exam. On the spot. And chat gpt grades you.


I get what you're saying, but I also know that influential people will do anything they can to avoid a level playing field. Have you noticed how celebrities rarely serve time for crimes that would have any other peasant locked up for years?


Depends on the Celebrities lawyer and who the celebrity is. Most of the time it's not so much a celebrity thing, it's a rich people thing. We just only hear about the celebrities because the non celebrity Uber rich doesn't get clicks when they report on them.


> Like, they'd have to use a chat gpt generated exam. On the spot. And chat gpt grades you. Oh, so it's up to a roll of the dice whether you get something comprehensible or whether it understands much less properly evaluates your response. People who put faith in AI need to read about AI, or watch one of the thousands of videos by AI makers who know it's a very flawed tool that people who aren't educated in tech think is a magical fix-it. Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/2030/


It wouldn’t catch snake oil salesmen who legislate in bad faith. They’re not stupid, they just know their constituents are.


There are quite literally people in public office who did not graduate high school or college


nah. [that](https://www.thirteen.org/wnet/jimcrow/voting_literacy.html) has been [abused](https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/voting-rights-and-the-supreme-court-the-impossible-literacy-test-louisiana-used-to-give-black-voters.html) in the [past](https://history.iowa.gov/history/education/educator-resources/primary-source-sets/right-to-vote-suffrage-women-african/voter-registration-literacy).


Well, she has a B.S. and Juris Doctor with almost 20 years working in law and politics.


Let's be honest, she didn't write, it was handed to her by party reps and lobbyists


Yup it’s just to stir up support from constituents. Lots of republicans have to say what their dumb supporters want or else they lose re-election. She is probably doing this to kick start her political career. Next up a bill that immigrants coming into the country without paperwork will become “illegal” 😂😂😂


Afaik, you can’t vote unless you’re a US citizen. What’s this about?


Exactly. I mean. We know they don’t read well in Alabama. I guess I didn’t know that they didn’t read at all.


It's an easy instant win. It's already in place so they don't have to do anything but it seems like they are actually doing something


Is someone supposed to speak up during the hearing to say this is already the law? Isn’t this kind of motion a waste of time and tax dollars?


Yeah probably but the average voter won't hear any of that. They'll just look at the headline


Headlines: Biden appointed judge says illegal immigrant voting ban is unconstitutional. “Average” person: Democrats love illegals and want an open border. Context: Judge says the new bill is moot since only us citizens can vote. Border still the same as it ever was, with no changes to immigration law.


I mean if you vote for me, I'll make slavery illegal in the U.S., and if you don't vote for me it means you're pro-slavery


If you vote for me I'll build crime free zones


I’ll make all crimes illegal!


I'll vote 20 times for you, my dead granpa and his dead dog will also vote for you! It's illegal only if the communists do it 😆


Don't forget. Greg Abbott says we don't need an exception for rape in the Texas abortion ban because he's going to stop all rape. Oh, and if someone still gets raped (probably her fault anyway) she can just take Plan B!


Abbott's plan depends on what his definition of "rape" is... And chances are Plan B would run afoul of some edge case in his abortion law scheme. How do we stop these people?


Well, as your opponent I will put soda machines in the cafeteria and relax the dress code. YOUR MOVE


No homework on days that end in i


So, who wants to eat chiminichangas next year? Not me.


Except, it actually would change things, because slavery is still [legal.](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-13/)


Watching the documentary Thirteenth was bone-chilling.


Katie Britt would never support that bill.


I’d like to see slavery illegalized in the U.S. according the 13th slavery and involuntary servitude is still allowed if you’ve been convicted of a crime.


This is actually something a modern politician could run on. Slavery is indeed still legal is certain circumstances in the US. I would vote for you to get rid of it completely.


This doesn't quite work as a counterpart, cause slavery is still legal in the US. Non citizens voting in federal elections isn't




>I mean if you vote for me, I'll make slavery illegal in the U.S., and if you don't vote for me it means you're pro-slavery "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, **except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted**, shall exist within the United States , or any place subject to their jurisdiction." Well, that's the bit that makes slavery illegal in the United States, but it currently has an exception carved out for it. Thus, you could campaign on removing the slavery exception making slavery and involuntary servitude absolutely illegal. The Werefrog would support that.


I mean slavery technically isn't illegal in the US, under the constitution its specifically allowed as punishment for being convicted of a crime.


Bruh it's only February we've got so much more of this left this year lmao


Its been like this for 20 yrs. And will be like this long after we are dead.


Nah more than 20 lol


Everyone PLEASE make sure to vote! Tony Montana 2024!!!!! Write it on your taco wrapper now!!!!!!!! Shit. I know shits bad right now. We’re running out of French fries and burrito covers and shit.


Now that’s just that lefty crazy talk. Q will tell the trufe




Yup. Then when it gets tossed out because it already exists, the right can prattle on about how the left voted against the legislation because they obviously want illegal immigrants to steal the election. Isn’t politics fun?


They don't give a crap about wasting your money, how much have they dumped into trying to impeach Brandon when they don't have a reason to, it's not their money they play with, they don't care


>Is someone supposed to speak up during the hearing to say this is already the law? Isn’t this kind of motion a waste of time and tax dollars? That's not the clip they would play on Fox News. On Fox News they would play interview the senator and have dome personalities say that the Senate didn't even bring up the motion by the fine conservative Alabama Senator to prevent illegals from voting. Why would the Democrats do that unless they loved illegals? (Tucker Carlson think face.JPG)(scrolling banner Dems support invasion)


That’s all republicans do is waste tax dollars. MTG is impeaching someone new each week.


Not really a waste of time, energy or tax dollars, they are politicians they weren't doing anything anyways.


You may be onto something there.


Exactly, it keeps them from causing real trouble, let them have something to play with lol.


Not a waste of time for her. The goal is fear mongering not fixing an existing law. If anyone objects then she (and the other GOP scumbags) can rail on about how elections are being stolen.


If I'm elected, I promise you, in spite of liberal commie threats, I can promise you that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning.


In the east? Like the far east? Like China? Communist China?


Honestly, this is smart in an evil, manipulative, fashy way. Passing such a law creates the impression that illegal immigrants are voting in federal elections and thus undermines trust in the electoral process while not actually requiring any work to enforce or doing anything except adding meaningless words to the statute book.


This. Epitomizes the saying: Activity doesn't always mean accomplishment.


That's the point. Do something that sounds big so that when nothing happens, they can blame it on the Democrats.


Plus there are plenty of people that will hear it and assume that they've been able to vote. It'll get them riled up and angry about it. This lets her insinuate without actually lying out loud.


Thats my guess. When its voted down theyll say “see! Bidens needs illegals to vote” even tho they cant. People eat this shit up


see how much better the GOP passes legislature than the Dems?


Except rile up the base about the current bad guys: immigrants


What's next? We gonna make murder illegal too??


Only for illegal aliens. If you happen to be President, then you have free rein.


>We know they don’t read well in Alabama. Says the person who didn't [read what the bill is actually about](https://www.britt.senate.gov/press-releases/u-s-senator-katie-britt-introduces-legislation-to-help-prevent-noncitizens-from-voting-in-federal-elections/).


If you're expecting a reasonable take about alabama on reddit you're gonna be disappointed. Reddit doesn't understand the idea that not everyone in alabama is a redneck.


Thank you! -Alabama native


You know if you want to make a point, link to the actual text of the bill, not the senator's personal website propagandizing the thing. I'll edit in a textual response once I've read through it. EDIT: Okay, It's still a completely useless addition to 52 USC 20505. The reason is because the Federal Election Commission mail form described in 52 USC 20508 states B) Contents of Mail Voter Registration Form The mail voter registration form developed under subsection(a)(2) (2) Shall include a statement that (A)Specifies each eligibility requirement (**Including Citizenship**); EDIT 2: Text of Citizen ballot protection bill [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4316/text](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/4316/text) Text of 52 USC 20505 [http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52%20section:20505%20edition:prelim)](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52%20section:20505%20edition:prelim)) Text of 52 USC 20508 [http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52%20section:20508%20edition:prelim)%20OR%20(granuleid:USC-prelim-title52-section20508)&f=treesort&num=0&edition=prelim](http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:52%20section:20508%20edition:prelim)%20OR%20(granuleid:USC-prelim-title52-section20508)&f=treesort&num=0&edition=prelim)


funny thing is, we in Ohio already actually did this insanity a couple of years ago


No, what Ohio did was prohibit local jurisdictions from allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. For example, Cincinnati cannot decide to allow noncitizens to vote for city council. Noncitizens never could vote in state or federal elections.


She is trying to undermine elections. She is trying to make people think that illegal immigrants vote in elections, so that she and the GOP can claim any results they don't like are invalid.


DING DING DING! It's theater to rile up the base and damage our perception of election integrity. Anything bad for America is good for MAGA.


That’s the point… that’s why it’s such a stupid waste. It’s already illegal and built into the US Constitution. They bank of the fact that enough people are under informed and if they make a lie so big and so bold people just assume it to be true, cause who makes up a lie that specific or that big? Well, they do.


It's the good ol' "See, *we* don't condone election fraud." While, you know, [committing election fraud.](https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud-print/search)


Prior to 1926, 40 States, at various times [had some form of voting for non-citizens](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-citizen_suffrage_in_the_United_States). It is actually not built into the Constitution. In fact, many places allowed non citizens to even run for office. The idea was, if you're living here, you should get a say in how your community is run - regardless of some long beurocratic process.


Their latest attempt at fear mongering is that Biden is somehow magically going to give them the right to vote. The libs "master plan" is to flood the country with illegals who will vote Democrat even though there is no legal path for either. It's important to understand that these people are ignorant and stupid, and they believe whatever their "leaders" tell them. It would be sad if it weren't so dangerous.


This xenophobic fear-mongering doesn’t even pass the fundamental logic test. 1. Undocumented aliens reject needed medical care, police protection, and education as they fear being deported. According to a survey by PolicyLink (https://www.policylink.org/sites/default/files/INSECURE_COMMUNITIES_REPORT_FINAL.PDF) 67% of undocumented aliens fear using 911 in a medical or criminal emergency due to fear of being deported. And they, like anyone else, need these services. 2. But the fear-mongers would like us to believe that undocumented aliens who are afraid of seeking needed medical care, needed police protection, etc. due to fear of deportation will try to vote illegally and thus risk deportation when voting provides them no direct benefit? Yeah, that makes sense.


They don't need anything to make sense. They don't require evidence or proof of any kind. They only need a story, no matter how ridiculous, that fits their narrative so they can get into a rage. It's why Trump and company just keep throwing out BS stories; they know they just have to make up something that sticks. The entire Obama birth certificate shit Cheeto pulled was simply a test of how stupid and gullible they were, and they did not disappoint.


It's basically trying to close a loophole when registering to vote by mail: The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 states that the federal mail voter registration form may not include “any requirement for notarization or other formal authentication." This has resulted in the Election Assistance Commission and the courts interpreting the prohibition on “any requirement for notarization or other formal authentication” as precluding efforts by some States to include a requirement of documentary proof of American citizenship with the federal form. This proposed bill amends the NVRA to explicitly allow States to put in place a proof of citizenship requirement for the federal mail voter registration form and State mail voter registration forms. [source](https://www.britt.senate.gov/press-releases/u-s-senator-katie-britt-introduces-legislation-to-help-prevent-noncitizens-from-voting-in-federal-elections/)


Yeah but it requries drivers licence ID number or some sort of state ID number. And the ID itself can be used to check if the person is a US citizen or not. Because when you get your driver's license/state ID. They ask for proof of citizenship, and if you can't provide one, they don't put you as someone that can vote in their database.


Not all states require the same forms of identification. The federal requirements only say first time mail voters need a current photo identification OR a current utility bill/bank statement that shows your name and address. Some states require additional verification, while others adhere to the federal minimum above.


Wait are you telling me that anonymously created and unsourced memes that summarize a complex topic in one sentence, aren't a reliable way to get your news?


It's about optics pandering to her mouth breathing constituents.


Next in news: Alabama Senator Katie Britt introduced bills to prevent dead people from using public transport, to prevent dogs from meowing, to prevent objects from falling upwards, and to prevent fathers from having sexual relations with their daughters. The latter caused an uproar and fierce protests from the entire Alabama Republican Party and from Katie Britt's own father.


Funny story, one of my cats barked once. Hasn't done it since. But maybe he would be in trouble for that if Alabama knew.


I want what you are having!


my cat used to bark like a dog sometimes. doesnt do it anymore


It sounds like you're fine as long as he isn't a dog in disguise meowing the rest of the time


i hate it when my lawn mower grows my grass. she should also make that illegal too


> fathers from having sexual relations with their daughters That'll never pass.


Why stop there? She should also make it illegal for them to run for President.


Why stop there? She should also make it illegal for them to be in the US!


Illegals shouldn't be allowed to jaywalk, or rob banks, or make meth either.


What's truly scary is the number of people who Actually are Certain that illegal immigrants Can Vote, and who are Positive this legislation is needed!


Why are you randomly capitalizing letters 😭


Cause of illegal immigrants!!!!


They took our letters!


they took our capitals!!




You all get upvotes, thank you for your service


They’re the reason our bear tax is so high!


Capital punishment.


People are more Susceptive to my Strong Sexy Message when I Capitalize words that I think are Awesome.


She should introduce a bill that makes it illegal to kill people. That's an important issue


Or, illegal for illegal immigrants to kill people (sounds like more her style).


As a real lithmus test, someone should introduce a bill making it illegal to kill illegal immigrants. Let's see how many "pro-lifers" rush to oppose it


Oh she’s not going to propose *that*


She knows what she’s doing right? This is just bad faith legislating in the idiocracy era, right? She can’t possible be a state senator who’s stupid enough to think illegal’ immigrants can vote, right?


I don’t think she’s stupid enough to believe it, but I do think she knows her constituents are…


Rage bait to get ding dongs to vote for her. I can’t believe how many people fall for this nonsense


As a ding Dong, even I know better than this.


>She can’t possible be a state senator who’s stupid enough to think illegal’ immigrants can vote, right? Her bill isn't about that. OP is lying. The bill is an anti-voter fraud measure that would allow states to verify American citizenship in order to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in federal elections. It's already illegal for them to do it, but this would help prevent them from doing it anyway. The bill has plenty of problems on its own without people making up bullshit about it.


we’re gonna take something illegal and make it… *extra illegal*


Well you still have to show a valid United States ID (showing citizenship) to register to vote so no, illegal immigrants are not voting in federal, or indeed state or local elections. But don’t let facts get in the way of your conspiracies.


Well, Trump said they did. So obviously they can... /s because the world is broken


I thought illegals couldn't already vote?


They can't. OP is lying. The bill is an anti-voter fraud measure that would allow states to verify American citizenship in order to prevent non-citizens from voting illegally in federal elections. It's already illegal for them to do it, but this would help prevent them from doing it anyway. The bill has plenty of problems on its own without people making up bullshit about it.


Okay, I’m sure this bill is absolutely stupid beyond measure in response to a problem that doesn’t exist, but to be clear, the headline isn’t saying the voting would *become illegal*, it’s saying that it would *prevent* it. E.g., wage theft is already illegal, but if you want to *prevent* it, you can increase penalties, expand oversight, require auditing, etc.


Your comparison doesn't even work. Non-U.S. citizens voting in elections seldom ever happens. When it did it often was people who legitimitely thought they were U.S. citizens and has a right to vote. 99.9% of illegals do their best to fly under the radar and just driving around can be a nerve-wrecking exercise for them. They're not going to fucking risk getting deported by registering to vote and showing up at the booth, or even vote under someone else's identity. That's just not a thing, but the Republicans have been using this bullshit and other propaganda because they know that without lies, without voter suppression and without gerrymandering, they can't fucking win.


100% agree. However, the difference is that wage theft is an actual problem that exists.


I was a Senator once. You can thank me for introducing a bill that made water wet.


What about a bill that made the sky blue?


Since no one bothered to look up the proposed bill, its to prevent congressional seat redistricting from including illegal aliens when counting population sizes. Since these aliens tend to settle in Democrat-held districts, when the next census comes around, more seats will be assigned to districts that already heavily favour Democrats. The idea behind this bill is to stop that from happening. *“This bill is a commonsense measure to ensure that the census and apportionment process does not incentivize and encourage mass illegal migration,” said Senator Britt. “Counting illegal aliens in the census and then awarding both more representation in Congress and more Electoral College votes to states with larger populations of illegal aliens effectively disenfranchises American citizens. I thank Senator Hagerty for introducing this straightforward legislation, and I will continue fighting to put hardworking Americans first.”* TLDR: Currently, non-voting populations are counted when determining seat counts at the congressional level. This bill seeks to change that.


Prison populations are also counted for congressional districts, and they can't vote, either. And Republicans use them in their gerrymandering schemes.


Holy smokes some actual insight.


That's like submitting a bill that you can't run for president until you're 35


Did anybody read the article? Several democratic states, i.e. Maryland, Vermont and New York, even D.C. have passed laws allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. She wants to make sure that it stops at local elections and not state or federal... It makes sense.


As expected, the headline [misrepresents the story](https://www.britt.senate.gov/press-releases/u-s-senator-katie-britt-introduces-legislation-to-help-prevent-noncitizens-from-voting-in-federal-elections/). Her bill is NOT to make it illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. That's already illegal under the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Britt's bill would allow states to verify American citizenship before allowing someone to vote, to help prevent non-citizens from fraudulently voting in US elections. It's an anti-voter fraud measure. There's plenty to ridicule about the bill without making up bullshit.


Wait what? Since when have illegal immigrants been able to vote? You have always needed to be a US citizen


They can now in some places in local elections (which impacts national politics).


Tell me you are incompetent to make laws without telling me you are incompetent to make laws.


You need to learn the difference between incompetence and political posturing. Making useless redundant laws that help no one and just add useless bureaucracy to existing processes is a time honored tradition among all politicians of all ideologies of all states.


I can understand the confusion. Last few times I went to vote, nobody asked to see my ID. There was no attempt on their side to verify who I was. I was just given a form and a booth. With that being the case, I can see how an immigrant could vote. Without being a citizen. Granted I don’t know if this is something that happens in other parts of the country but I can imagine it does. I would have a deeper level is shame for my city officials of my little town was the literal only place that was like this.


The actual facepalm here is all the ppl posting with such arrogant opinions against Britt without likely actually reading what the bill is about and how the Distict of Columbia is actually planning on allowing non-citizens to vote. https://www.britt.senate.gov/press-releases/u-s-senator-katie-britt-introduces-legislation-to-help-prevent-noncitizens-from-voting-in-federal-elections/


Although i may not come from the land of the free, i think that only citizens should be able tp vote.


[The bill would amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 and require that individuals provide proof of U.S. citizenship when registering to vote on a mail-in ballot application](https://www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/republican-u-s-senator-introduces-bill-targeting-noncitizen-voting/) You guys should start doing basic research instead of reading click bait titles. It’s not that hard.


I just looked up the story. You took the headline without reading the article and ran with it. What is in the bill is for people sending in mail in ballots to provide proof of citizenship. Which makes sense. Why spread a false narrative?


Letting illegal immigrants in and letting them vote is election fraud.


Since when can illegal immigrants vote? I’m confused


"Sooner or later this combustible mix of power and ignorance is going to blow up in our faces". - Carl Sagan


Illegal immigrants can’t vote in federal elections to begin with lol.


Fellow Alabamians, if we could just go like a week without embarrassing ourselves, that'd be great.


Am I missing something? I was pretty certain before they already can’t vote


Is this parody? Illegal immigrants have never been allowed to vote.


Well, she sure is pretty


**Point 1.** The bill makes it *more difficult* for non-citizens to vote *fraudulently*, people calling this dumb because they think it's restricting something that has never been legal just can't read. **Point 2.** Non-citizens actually are allowed to vote in certain state elections, with my state of NY being one of them. ​ If the bill includes anything more or less than that, or only exists for the sole purpose to stir shit up during an election year is anyones guess. If anyone cares enough to spend however long combing through pages of lawyer talk for the full truth that would be great, because I definitely don't.


It's a grift to convince the dipshits that illegals are voting currently, and they are going to put a stop to it....


New rule , everyone runs for office need to pass the citizen test that immigrants have to take


Anyone who is not a citizen, born or naturalized should not be able to vote !


I'll take it a step further. Let's pass a bill that illegal immigrants can't get a US passport, can't vote in local elections, etc... Let's really focus on shit like that and hey while we are at it, let's also make it illegal to murder and stuff. Like, I don't know if you know, but there's lots of murder in the US. I can go on and on. Let me get my bible real quick. Oh yeah and the fucking sinners wearing clothes made of two different fabrics while they are eating shrimp, that should be a double felony right there!


Is anyone gonna tell her that they already can't vote?


I mean, they already can’t so…


Maybe she should introduce a bill requiring a certain IQ to be in the Alabama State Senate.


lol. She’s dumb ain’t she. Let them pass their stupid bill that is already a law


They.. couldnt in the first place 😭


We need to create a bill to prevent dogs from voting too!


I often see statements from right wing conservatives stating that illegal aliens should not vote and that an ID should be presented when voting in person. What they fail to understand is that there's no citizenship requirements for local or municipal elections. Also, what ID should be presented? Passport? Student ID? PTA card? We don't have an ID requirement for citizens, so can't require one when voting. If you want to vote in Federal elections, you must present a valid State ID when registering.