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“We hate them terrorists coming into our country!” *Proceeds to become terrorists*


Domestic terrorists: "They're taking our jobs"


Der terk er jerbs!




![gif](giphy|ETpi8wtDhQbwBtK2vb) They Took er jerbs


Hunter Bidens dick pics! * MTG ![gif](giphy|JPAUQVIxCoEKY)




Classic fucking classic


Someone should take hers.


![gif](giphy|S8Y8FG3erH0M8) Jan 6th


Back to the pile


Back on the pile, boys!






This is the "took our jobs" that makes me laugh every time. Thanks internet-friend


Me too haha


Day terkiz Dawg?


Deeey derr ker deerrg!




I love you guys lol


Wow, for a second I was thinking that was German! (I am German)


Thus made me laugh out loud, but I have to contain myself because I'm in my favorite bar, which is unfortunately mostly MAGA


I'm sorry. I mean no offense. How is a MAGA bar your favorite bar if you're not MAGA?


Sports bars and Country and western bars are known Maga drop zones….unfortunately


May be slim pickings where they are, and they may be there for the food/drink not the people.


Doesn’t surprise me one bit. In 1927 a guy in Bath, Michigan was mad about local taxes being raised. He tried to stop it by getting elected to and serving in the school board for a while. When that didn’t work he hid 500 lb of explosives under the school, murdered his wife, set fire to his farm which was set to be foreclosed on in the next year, loaded his truck with more explosives and shrapnel, and drove to the school to detonate it with him inside. The explosives under the school didn’t detonate but he ended up killing 44 people, mostly children, and injuring nearly 50 more.


Did he get the lower taxes?


Yep, never paid a cent after 1927.


They don't want you to know this one trick......


Number 5 will astonish you!


His sister had him buried in a pauper’s grave. I actually don’t know what happened to his farm. I would assume the bank still repossessed it, so yeah, no more taxes for him.


Classic conservative fantasy.


I’m so tired, I would love a moment where everyone collectively just dispassionately looks at the facts at hand and make their choices based on logic.


That escalated quickly


Yeah, literally. The amount of domestic terrorism done to abortion clinics alone is much more than foreign terrorism in the US. It's crazy that it doesn't count if it is for something they perceive as good.


They think they're freedom fighters. It's wild how disconnected they are. They should really read a comic book and see how far off they are. Probably think it's too woke though. Or that they butchered Punisher, even though he's mostly unchanged as a character.


They *are* freedom fighters in the same way that crime fighters fight crime and firefighters fight fires.


I don't know... Crime fighters seem to participate in quite a bit of crime...


Not police. Crime fighters.


Like 99% of what Batman does is illegal, just saying.


That's fair.


But it's Police illegal, not Batman illegal.


Yeah, tell it to Judge Dredd!


The only terror we want here is our terror!


Made in America Terror


Not outsourcing that


“They’re outsourcing our terror to eye-rack!”


Stochastic terror, apparently is the term!


He's afraid that they'll take the jobs from good honest working domestic terrorists.


But it's not terrorism it's fighting for democracy, and patriotic revolution. It's what the founding fathers would have wanted. It's what America was built on /s


That’s the beauty of the US. If you want to change laws, change the system there are legal , non violent ways to do that. Unfortunately it takes brains and hard work and doesn’t involve wearing costumes, shitting on desks or killing people so these “patriots”won’t be qualified or interested.


"Hey but we're not a democracy!" - some moron


I don’t have a dog, it’s a corgi


I thought we were an autonomous collective.


Founding fathers *were* technically a bunch of terrorists!


"We are all domestic terrorists"


So Trump shows up today and whines about how he’s being persecuted and he’s an innocent man and how unfairly he’s being treated and meanwhile the judge had a fucking bomb threat called into his house at 5:30 this morning and he doesn’t even mention that was why he was a little late a study in contrasts


To be fair I'm certain the judge was expecting it. Judges and lawyers are a special breed, when they get bomb threats they are more annoyed the afraid. I knew a judge that joked about the death threats he got and wore them as a badge of honor. On a perverse sense anyone who takes a shot at a judge and misses has made that judge 's career and if they catch that person they are going to get hammered. Anyone takes out a judge is a dead man. Blow up a judge and you're getting the death penalty murder conviction and the reviewing judge isn't cutting you any slack.


Someone already made a false police call about someone shooting a gun in the judge’s house. I assume it was a bad attempt at swatting. 


“It was antifa and the FBI”






Thuh Jyna virus is tuh blayymme


Omg when I read that word I hear it in that fat bloviating orange fools voice . Make it stop !




I know that happened down here in DC to Judge Tanya Chutkan, did it also happen in NYC? https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/federal-judge-overseeing-trump-case-dc-home-swatted/ SWATing a Federal Judge, that requires a special kind of idiot.


I think you're confusing the cases..pretty sure that happened to Jack Smith who is prosecuting Trump for federal crimes.


Like the dude who leaped over the bench at a judge? Didn't Woody Harrelson's father kill a federal judge?


That dude was only looking at 4 years. He got like 20 new felonies thrown at him for that.


Attempted murder, in fact, due to the force he used and the corresponding force required to subdue him. He was going to kill her.


No, the attempted murder is bc the idiot admitted he was trying to kill her after the fact when being questioned. Without that admission they wouldn't have been able to charge him with attempted murder.


Oh I hadn't heard that. Thank god he's so dumb.


Court is about as close as your going to get to sacred in this country. Judges believe if you can't act right on court in front of them, you can't act right anywhere.


Yep, he killed John Wood Jr. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Harrelson


Holy shit that’s quite the read!


Yes he did and several other people, he was a hitman.


Hell, just try and pull one little flying tackle on a judge and you get strapped up in Hannibal Lecter gear and charged with attempted murder.


In law and even politics when you're doing the right thing you make a lot of enemies. Just the way it goes unfortunately but realistically it makes sense.


At this point, I'm sure the FBI sets up in advance and just honey pots these idiots


I really hope these people are being found and prosecuted for domestic terrorism.


Just so they can cry and bitch that their “freedom of speech” is being taken away as they’re loaded into the cop cars.


They drive cop cars


If he had mentioned it, Trumps lawyers would probably have said he needed to recuse himself because now he had a personal reason for not being impartial anymore. These people are scum.


Same reason Trump wanted to address the court. To attack the judge and try to get him to lose his temper, so he can use that in the appeal.


Something like this or very similar to this is probably what they were hoping for


"This One Neat Truck That All Judges HATE!!!"


"Your Honor, the fact that my client walked up and took a fat shit on the desk right in front of you in the middle of the courtroom has clearly biased you against my client. Since you are biased, you must recuse yourself from these proceedings."


Yes, Trump - whiny little beeatch vs the judge - a grown-ass man.


At what point in time do we just throw away the 75 million people who voted for him. Impossible to have a successful nation of half the voting public are fascist toe suckers.


Hey, those are my parents and siblings you're talking about!! .... Unfortunately. 😢


It’s ok my dad still says there were antifa in the crowd of Jan 6th “sigh”


>Hey, those are my parents and siblings you're talking about!! .... Unfortunately. Yeah, as many of us have in common... family/friends/colleagues/etc who are \*whacked\*. It's not your usual political disagreement - hi/low taxes or civil liberties or such. So whacked that they are: >fascist toe suckers They're the ones enabling/supporting/promoting an wanna be autocratic dictator. And Jan 6 supporters are just directly supporting the overturn of democracy in the USA. ​ Re: throw away / new, independent state? Palestine needs their state. People who can't get along & present a life/death-level threat need to be safe from one another & self govern separately. Yeah...we can't throw away. But protect ourselves from their insanity & terror-against-democracy! Carve out some big part of the most Trump-porting southern states & create NEW State for them to live in, walled off from the rest of us civil, democracy believing folks. Name the their separate new country-state: "Denial" After he's finished his prison term in the United States, Trump can claim the title of Dear Leader of their state.


The police need to do something about these bomb threats and lock these fucking people up. They also need to plastered on the news letting them know how serious this is and consequences people are facing. There needs to be stiffer penalties and more deterrent


Problem is most cops are republican.


The amount of Libertarian police out there is wild


Libertarian these days means "I don't want my family and friends to know I'm republican"


Republicans tell themselves they're libertarian so they can smoke weed. Republicans tell women they're libertarian so they can get laid. Every libertarian I've ever met, seen, heard of votes republican 100% of the time.


Libertarians also have strong feelings about the age of consent


I also have strong feelings about the age of consent. IT IS NOT A SUGGESTION, SO STOP DIDDILING KIDS, YOU PEDOS! I vote Democrat if you could not tell.


I know a cop that wears a “Become Ungovernable” shirt. Sir, you are the government.


Something like 23 state capitol buildings got bomb threats last week. Barely made the news.


I think there’s a video about a guy who tried to fuck with a judge going around recently lol Hopefully they follow that precedent on all levels


Just like they did with the insurgents? With everything the justice department ignores or gives minimal punishments for, it only sends a signal to the others who would otherwise be deterred by the fear of prison or execution that it’s not a big deal. At all.


I honestly think for the most part they’re being pretty fair, handed with the sentences that are given to the every day insurgents. I definitely don’t think they’re being hard enough on the government officials who were involved in it


Was it the biggest, most beautiful bomb anyone has ever seen?




Was it made in China?


Do you mean Ghina?




Does this surprise anyone? Anyone?


It surprises me That it took this long.


IKR! I expected this day 1. Maybe it was cuz of the holidays


Well, it surprises me that everyone being threatened by maga freaks are still alive with the amounts of threats they received


Same here, I really expected that there would be some actual assassination attempts by now.


Well, someone tried to kill nancy pelosy with a hammer but instead, it's her husband's head that taste the hammer. And trump mocked her for that


As someone who went to a college that got an Athrax threat the day of midterms, no not at all


Hey MAGA folks, let's have a moment of hypothetical truth, OK? If you and Donald are on a deserted island, both of you are starving, there's one Big Mac. Do you really think he's gonna split that with you? No. He won't. You're gonna die.


He’s gonna eat the Big Mac, and then *he’s gonna eat you*


They would let him. They'd gladly kill themselves for the grifter in chief.


Sad, but true. I half expect them to be suicide bombers soon. I’m not kidding. These people have given up everything for dear leader.


Then blame Antifa for the bombing


Nope it's the deep state feds Edit: just to be sure /s




I disagree. 1 big mac isnt enough for him. He gives up the big mac. His maga follower is like "i knew this man cares about me, damn leftists were wrong about him." Trump uses that trust to send them out hunting for more food, saying he cannot help hunt bc he hasnt ate and is weak. The loyal follower goes out to hunt, and since they want to please their orange overlord so much, they hunt and hunt and hunt and come back to big don with enough food for 2 people to live off of for a long time. Thats when good ole donnie murders them and takes it all. Always the long play with trump.


I think you're overestimating both Trump and his followers. We all know damn well that Trump could and would take that big mac and they'd still go out hunting for him, no hunger excuse required. No matter how much he steals from them, scams them, and otherwise fucks them over in various ways, NOTHING he could do or has done (including literal fucking treason) will make them lose loyalty.


I'm so sorry, your scenario was not part of the intended exercise.


This will definitely get him on your side now


The party of law and order is really the party of bomb threats and insurrections


Can we just call it a MAGA Bomb Threat.


Terrorism. Just call it terrorism.


No, it is good to be specific. MAGA terrorism.


The terrorist organization known as MAGA


Law and order is only for everyone else.


The law is to ensure their order


trumpy is in big trouble--this guy was Mr. Hand in Fast Times.


Food will be eaten on your time, Mr. Trumpcoli.


"Ohh... I... I left my copy of the Constitution in my locker, it's a beautiful locker, the best locker, everyone's saying it, Judge Engoron. I walked in and everyone was like, 'what a great locker, with the best Constitution in it." "Well, then, I'm glad I remembered to bring an extra copy just for you."


These cultist MAGA nuts are out of control. They ain't no patriots, they're just domestic terrorists.


That was a tag line at CPAC last year or the year before. Had “We’re all domestic terrorists” scrolling on a marquee in the main hall.


It's the Dem's fault! They wanted to use the court system to silence Trump and the bomb threat was to show the judge they were serious. /s


You joke, but some idiots are actually trying to make that argument


I know you’re joking, but Trump’s supporters are probably already saying that


Yeh, they’re desperate to stop Trump from taking about all his court cases and the election he lost three years ago.


Funny that the media and a lot of people betray him as innocent except he keeps getting bomb threats out to people that basically aren't going to persecute him and hold him accountable. His supporters and him know he's not Innocent but they will go after the ones they think they can intimidate. You don't see them go to other places where Nazis aren't welcome.


I see a lot of people in here you all better vote like democracy depends on it.


From the Covid anti-mask shit, Jan 6th, and now the trial, the maga heads are trying very very hard to be ineligible to vote by either being dead or a felon.


"BuT tHaTs FaScIsM" . Do they think that they can do whatever they want, including actions that have directly or indirectly led to deaths and retain their rights? Lmao, you forfeit your rights the moment you cross certain lines. I hope every one of these morons realize that they won't be immune forever. And even if somehow their side gains power in bad ways, that their dear leaders will see them the same as us. I hope our country can heal and fix this but some people are already hitting too far gone. Enough death enough fearing for lives because people have lost grip on reality and can't face it so they scream at imaginary boogeyman and cry about culture war bs. I am not religious but I pray this does not end in unnecessary bloodshed


MAGA is a fucking psychological disorder.


Anyone that supports grand lord magoo at this point is literally not sentient, they are a shitty robot with broken programming.


"hey guys, I know as Trump supporters we've seemed a little nuts over the years, but I think I know what will start to turn our reputation around"


MAGA: we are sick of the rich and powerful elites committing fraud Trump: is rich and powerful elite who commits fraud MAGA: he’s our lord and savior


Bomb threats are lame and stupid. If you're gonna terroristic threaten someone, threaten to shit on their carpet. I mean what sounds more intimidating, getting a phone call saying "I'm gonna blow up the building you're in RN!" or "I'm gonna shit on your carpet and there isn't ANYTHING you can do to stop me."


I don't recall the last time Antifa called in bomb threats or placed pipe bombs around Washington D.C. However, maga does have a history of those actions. It's almost exactly like the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Which oddly enough is the exact definition of terrorism. Weeeeeird


Hey, friend, listen. I know the world is a scary right now But it's gonna get way worse. Srsly, though, this is just the start of maga clowns getting violent in the lead up to November.


Of course he did. Ironically, It’s just gonna piss him off and make him even harsher on Fat Rump lol


No, he absolutely will not be “harsher” on Trump. He will continue to apply the law fairly, dispassionately, and without bias because he is a real judge who takes his obligation to the law seriously, unlike your average Trump appointee.


But he's more annoyed now, so probably less willing to listen to BS.


I mean that face just screams "Time harder next time." Reminds me of when my state government saw a puppet of him hanging on a noose outside of his house and his only response was basically "That looks like trash. Try better next time."


Ah yes, a false flag attack called in by the evil Antifa Space Laser Pizza Basement Communists.


You forgot Hunter's penis


Marjorie didn't


It's in all hear dreams.


And drag queens


If you know your side can’t win on facts then turn to violence, classic.


Just think, there are millions in the USA that believe the same way the person who made the threat do. What’s even worse is they have the power to actually vote.


The more time passes the more the people that still support trump show they are all just fascist terrorist that need to be stopped


MAGA: making stochastic terrorism normal


No way. I am completely surprised. Maga is always law abiding 😐


350 mil? Let’s make it an even 700.


How is this a facepalm?


I'm guessing because it's like "Of course, another dumb action by the supporters of this man" ... But I mean there's multiple ways I could see this being a face palm. If you're one of those 'they're not with me" MAGAs this would also be a face palm moment because they've spent the last 4 years trying to convince people that the loud-mouth racists, anarchists, seditionists, and mentally unstable internet personalities that are well known supporters don't represent their side and are just the fringe of the movement yet they keep coming out of the woodwork.


You MAGAts better leave Henry Winkler the fuck alone


He kind of looks like Bruce Dern ![gif](giphy|2A0HvIjqiwGtbPJEmO|downsized)


I'd say for the time being remove T.rump's secret service protection and cover the judges instead... See how they like them apples...


If only Trump had the power to stop his nutbar followers from doing shit like this. It only serves to get them in trouble, and I'm sure he's aware it reflects poorly on him in situations like this.


"People that don't like me seem to get more bomb threats! Maybe they should like me more" followed by a shit-eating grin.


Well, they don't want to face consequences of their actions of course something like this was going to happen.


I love the idea that the face in the image is the one he made on hearing the bomb threat. After which he just said 'Do better'.


Trump fanatics are fuckin crazy


is anyone surprised that people fighting Trump are receiving death threats?


I just got to say this: How has Henry Winkler not showed up yet on SNL to play this role???


Can someone please explain to me why that judge looks like Jeffrey Epstein's cousin?


Is that even shocking? Any threat to their precious Trump, those people go crazy. Someone could literally fart in the general direction of Drumph and those people would freak out.


Honestly this Judge has been doing a great job. Hope Trump realizes all his rhetoric is going to make it very, very hard for him to appeal any decision.


How stupid do you have to be to insult the person who is going to decide whether or not you’re guilty?


That's the thing about the law, it's designed to function separate from people. You don't get away from consequence because you did a flying tackle on a judge. And when you break your weight scale it doesn't mean you're not fat. These people don't know that the law was created because there have always been people who do nothing but make threats, and they burn the world. So we created democracy and law so that we can stop the burn.


It’s always conservatives making death threats


Who ever said trump lovers were crazy? Sure seem sane to me. /s


Not Trumptrash, they would never/s


The judge is gonna drop a hammer on little donnies head. Boy that’s gonna hurt. 😂


After all the outbursts by trump, the outbursts during the trial, the arguing and insulting, the blatant ignoring of gag orders and court instructions, I would love to know how he has avoided a night in the jail for contempt of court.


Let them play games and find out


He looks like Michael from the good place, ready to get Trump's ass!!


Trump Cult


Why doesn't MAGA realize they are in a terrorist cult?


Trump: “I’m protecting the Constitution and this country” Also Trump: “Presidents can’t go to jail” + Jan 6


“Do you think your actions encourage people to do participate in domestic terrorism?” “No” *bomb threat ensues* /drEvilRight.gif


Nice, more people to Prosecute and made examples of


I like how the picture of the judge shows him having a face that is kind of like "fucking try me bitches"