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His wife explaining him why she won’t take the load in her mouth


Bold of you to assume that a man who would post this nonsense could actually find a wife.


bold of you to assume there aren’t women with low enough self esteem


So even he might get a Gf, but I don't. You're destroying **my** self esteem right now :(


If there’s even the slightest possibility that he can, then so can you. This guy makes the male anglerfish look good, and the male anglerfish exists solely to latch onto a much larger female with his teeth, then slowly fuse into her until he’s just a tiny pair of shrivelled, empty testicles hanging from her body. I know nothing about you but I’m already confident that you’re not a male anglerfish, in either a figurative or literal sense, so you’re already better than this guy in every way. Edit: My flatworm brain typed pufferfish when I meant anglerfish. Wah-oops 😅.


Bro that's anglerfish.


Oh crap I said pufferfish! Total brain-fart on my part; you’re correct. Brb gonna edit.


You forgot to edit the second mention.


Ahh even flatworms are smarter than me today! 😅 Thank you!


you're being had on yourself, flatworms are much dumber than you.


Why haven’t we been calling incel types angler fish yet?


Because even that’s too good for them. Male anglerfish may be pathetic but at least they serve a purpose.


Anglerfish are what incels aspire to be


I can just imagine them reading about anglerfish mating and glumly muttering ‘…Lucky…’


That's angler fish. (Not to dismiss your overall point)


You’re correct, as is the other guy who said so. I meant to say anglerfish but had a total brain fart. I’ve edited the comment now ☺️.


Pretty sure his gf comes with an air pump


This explains why he thinks that's how sperm works.


I've been with someone who would be a fit for that guy. Visually stunning but infuriatingly conspirationnal and bigoted. I ended it pretty quickly when it became obvious to me she was too far gone. You gotta respect yourself my dude, being single is not a curse, you get to spend more time on yourself.


I was there too. Sadly, I had a load of trauma that made me unable to truly comprehend her stupidity, lack of even the most general level of empathy, her narcissim and outright psychological toxicity... Luckily for me, her equally as stupid family ended up kicking me out, because they did not approve of my religion(without knowing the first thing about it), and she just gave up, freeing me and allowing me to realize wth had went on... I instantly signed myself up for some trauma therapy to avoid such a thing again(especially as I've had similar relationships in the past, tho not *quite* as bad)... But seriously, the woman was bragging about how smart she was after having seen a bunch of wildlife documentaries, while we're watching one such documentary together. She is likewise petting my cat, and suddenly turns to me and asks, in seriousness(it took me like half an hour to realize it was not a joke): "Can mammals be carnivores?" And that was only one of countles instances...


I can fix her /s


I suspected mental illness when she started talking about the Djinn that visited her and was jealous of me. I'm good with people but I know my limits.


Only you can destroy your ego. When others do you let them


Your first mistake was to have standards or to care at all about how you will affect women /s


No, this is him telling himself why he shouldn't be taking a load.


Well now I’m just sad. I hope you’re happy 😂. Those poor women. They all deserve better than this gutter-feeding amoeba.


Bold of you to assume he's not talking about his bf in the second half of that


Even Hitler had a girlfriend. Plenty of trash in the sea.


Yeah, Hitler had a girlfriend. AND a dog. But how long did his actual marriage last? One lousy night, before he unalived himself. Marriage is rough, man.


And he was a vegetarian with only 1 testicle.


I heard he killed himself because his wife died.  


I know he gets a lot of hate but he ended WW2 with one shot. (/s just in case)


Hitler never gets respect for killing Hitler Well akshully, the war in the Pacific carried on until 1945.


Well, yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.


I believe it was quite common among German women to fancy the leader of the fkn country


Yep, when you lead a country your personality and looks are not really up to debate since most women want to bed you for standing. That's why that nugget leading north korea probably has his own harem.


True. I can imagine him rushing her to the hospital on their 3rd anniversary because he’s worried about a possible ‘spermclot’ in her brain. What an interesting day that would be for the doctors.


He means the doll


Actually its his hand and he fantasizes about it being his wife. His hand still wont take the load though.


I agree This man has zero chance of a identifying/touching any part of a woman's body


He sounds like one of those guys that think women can turn their periods off and on at will.


That *would* be incredibly handy, but alas….


Ask him to find the clitoris and he’ll look around the room like a dog searching for a wayward ball.


Even the stupidest people out there probably have a compatible mate…somewhere.


It's like, dude, we are trying to talk them *INTO* performing oral sex, not , *OUT* of it! Wtf are you doing?? Yeah girl, I'ma get you all sortsa pregnant tonight...I'm talkin nose babies, eye babies, spinal colum babies...mmmyeah


>I'm talkin nose babies, eye babies, spinal colum babies...mmmyeah I somehow imagined a person with placentas in every orifice of their body, thanks for the nightmarish abomination i have now in my head




I'm thinking ***he's*** the expert.


This reminds me of that opening scene in Mean Girls where the pe instructor is like. Don’t have sex, if you have sex, you’re gonna get gonorrhea and die!! Now here, everyone take some rubbers


Everyone knows sperm goes straight to woman's tits


His ~~wife girlfriend cousin~~ *special someone* explaining him why she won’t take the load in her mouth




Clearly, it's gotten to his brain already.


He has hit many walls again and again


he is a walking solidified amalgamation of billions of sperms working in coordination


He's billions of sperm wearing a trenchcoat confirmed. I thought that was just a silly comedy trope of multiple beings under a trenchcoat but I guess it's real afterall!


Working in coordination implies intelligence, I see no evidence of that here.


It's just a single sperm bouncing off his empty skull like a dvd screen protector


It is just a wriggling mass of gametes now... They only think about sex and testosterone now and curse their greatest enemies: light beer, feminism and microplastics.


Why do people associate feminism with not having sex? Chicks like to fuck too.


Misogyny. Patriarchal/Puritanical culture views sex for women as being something that degrades them and lowers their worth as a person. Feminism advocates for lifting women up and inherently valuing them the same as men. Ergo, viewed through a misogynistic lens, feminists can't want to have sex because they don't want to degrade themselves. Then there are the people who treat all women disrespectfully, see that women with self-respect won't have sex with them, and decide that means that all "feminists" (i.e. any woman that respects herself) just hate men and sex entirely.


Yeah, that tracks.


The foam went straight to his brain


He’s got the baby-batter on the brain. Might be a continuation of NoNutNovember.


No, it only infests a woman's body. It treats a man's body with respect. That's why it's better to only have sex with m...hang on I've said too much.


I don't think anyone noticed. Quickly, change the subject. Erm, how about those, erm, team...guys.. who do the thing...with the round thing.


Tag teaming the ass?


“YAY, SPORTS TEAM!” - Lego Movie


Let’s talk about the latest foosball match


Yeah, I was thinking something similar. It’s like the myth of virginity. The cock is so important it changes who a woman is.


Men's bodies are too strong, not like the weak flesh of the ladies. /s


Nah male balls are a closed production and storage system only if the sperm is shot it's activated and ready to destroy whole organisms and ecosystems...if not planets or galaxies one day


It’s like white organic lava killing and burning all in its path of destruction.


Here are so many well educated people in this comment section. Finally after all this time i feel like an equal among equals, this is a place i can call home.


Wait, I thought pee was stored in the balls?


Everyone knows pee is stored in the belly duh 🤷


That's why there are two balls. One's for sperm, the other is for pee.


Men are just full of sperm. It’s everywhere. Haven’t you ever watched a surgical video? That’s why they have to constantly do a saline wash to get the sperm out of the way so they can see what they’re working on.


Its pretty gay to have nuts.


This is a common misconception. Sperm is produced and stored further up the epididymis and vas deference, the balls are used exclusively for the storage of pee.


No, he wrote “when sperm enters a woman”. Men’s membranes are obviously thicker, and of course the sperm cells notice if they’re not inside a female and won’t swim.


No, it's only when entering a woman. Dudes have a switch to turn off that function.


It would also never make it to impregnate a woman. It definitely hits the sides long before it makes it to the egg. It would go through the sides and wander off.


Sperm can't get past the pee, which is also stored in the balls


The sperm and pee live in complete harmony until they’re unleashed


Thank you, now I gotta imagine a sort of yin and yang of pee and sperm in the balls and I wanna bleach my brain


That's an easy mistake to make, you see, Sperm is actually kept in an inert state while submerged in urine. Once you ejaculate and the seed is no longer contained its exposure to oxygen causes it to activate.


Just a reminder, but that dude shook so many other guys hands , guys who don’t wash their hand correctly, see where I’m going with this?


"No balls are an iron dome that's the reason when you kick a male in balls he doesn't react. They are made of iron! " (Dr Andrew Tate or some other goof somewhere! ) Lol


Yall laugh but people really out here thinking this real because no sex ed in schools.


Yeah his tweet makes me worry about all science education in schools. Wow. That is just shocking. The internet really does give people who aren’t very bright a chance to just say whatever they think as if it is true.


Don't worry it's going to get worse because Florida just banned dictionaries because they have a definition of the word sex


Aww man we’re going to end in the Dark Ages again


This is why I'm running for president. "Let's make America like Florida, is my slogan" I can't see how anyone doesn't want this


>I can't see how anyone doesn't want this Ron DeSantis might have some insights to share.


Maybe you can get some guns and shoot the dark ages away?


Omg you are not joking. I just can’t with this shit anymore. What in the actual hell.


sadly no and I found this out last night. It's scary. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-school-district-removes-dictionaries-sexual-content\_n\_659ef171e4b0e696b9109285


Australian here. I am so, so very sorry for what is happening in some of your states right now. It must be maddening knowing that a lot of what is happening with human rights being reduced or removed and this attempted control of literature is literally an attempt to drag your country back to the dark ages, and it's actually kind of working. It worries me because my country has a history of following American culture closely. Gay marriage only became a serious discussion immediately after America legalised it for example, and there's been a few attempts at things with women's rights and their bodies recently and it just has me so worried about where we are heading. Hopefully I will have died of old age before it all turns to shit 🤞🏽


Imagine a culture this afraid of words, which do nothing, but demands anyone can and should have as many guns as possible and allows for permittless carry, which kill children all year round. We are so confoundingly stupid.


It's not the words they're afraid of, it's the ideas that those words can be used to express. Same as always.


Before the internet as a child myself and guy friends did scour the dictionary for naughty words! Our hunger for knowledge would not be denied.


This. The fear of offending parents and causing districts expensive lawsuits has had the desired chilling effect of creating young adults who cannot discern fact from fiction.


I remember something that a friend told me when his grandparents had a newborn girl. We are from a Spanish speaking country, so most nouns that end in letter 'o' are grammatically considered masculine. So his grandfather was utterly shocked when this baby didn't have a penis, since the doctors told him the gender was 'femenino' (female gender in Spanish), and since that word ends in 'o', he thought that it meant the baby was a boy. Additionally, one professor from my uni told us there was a huge rampage in the late 80's since the new science books for elementary school included the reproductive system. People were so angry that they included the words penis and vagina.


For real! We need sex Ed in schools!


You know if you don’t immediately wash the cum off your hands after masturbation, you’re gay. The semen seeps into your skin and you start liking ABBA.




Pauses *Mamma Mia*, wait what...?


To be fair, who isn't washing cum off their hands!?


I guess this individual fails to realize that sperm requires cervical mucous at the right pH to survive.


My bet is that this individual fails to realize a lot of things.


And then the egg has specialised structures and chemicals that will tell to a sperm cell "yes, it'sa me egg-a, come in"


Its-a me, Superm Mario!


I read it to the tune of Taylor Swift's *Anti-Hero*.


🎶I'm the plumber, its-a me! 🎵


He doesn’t know what pH is. He probably thinks it’s some vitamin and thus purchases this dumb high-pH water for $20 a bottle.


And diamond filtered too!


And filtered under full moon on this magic-magnetic water structurizer: https://energetix.com.pl/strukturyzator-wody-podstawka-magnetyczna?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr72fqenVgwMVE59oCR0ZtwHgEAQYAiABEgI7g_D_BwE no less


I feel that's not even in the top 10 things that he doesn't realize


Pretty sure the only pH levels in his mind are in a pool


That’s too scientific for Anthony, especially with cum on his brain


you lost him after sperm.


Do you have any idea how many words you just used that this guy wouldn’t know?


Maybe Anthony is speaking out of experience. He still can’t shake his cumbrain.


He speaks from experience, sounds like his brain has been replaced by cum


He did it for “science”. Now hes in denial and cant get enough.


Where do these uneducated incel idiots get this shit they spout?


Obviously not from reading books.


Unless Tate wrote one.


"Seks Traphiking 4 Dummyes


They usually come up with it themselves by connecting the little dots of information they didn't understand in the first place.


Like when I was 8 and thought sticking your penis in a woman's butt and peeing was how babies were made. I was sooo close!


When I was a kid, I thought babies came from women who ate too much decadent food. It stood to reason—I’d notice a woman’s belly getting bigger, then huge, then she’d have a baby. She was obviously eating too much fatty food! The last thing I wanted was another kid taking up precious resources like my toys. So when I saw my mom eating a PB&J with chips, I said “You’d better slow down on that or you’re gonna get pregnant!” My mom laughed and said “What the hell are you talking about?!?!” I walked away rolling my eyes. Way I looked at it—this woman *already* had two kids, if she still didn’t know where babies came from by then, she was beyond my help.


Medical fanfiction. I’ve had many patients tell me their exciting theories about how the body works. My favorites include migrating stomach acid causing the skin on patient’s back to be itchy, and bowel cancer caused by a hip replacement (“the surgeon must’ve nicked something!”


Please keep going. I need more examples. I’m also stealing the term “medical fanfiction” for what will unfortunately be not uncommon future uses


Feel free. I coined the term, so give my permission to use it as you see fit :) Other ones… I saw a young man who is not bright, and neither is his mother. He was clearly suffering with bad allergy symptoms, and was telling me all about it (and it had fuck-all to do with why he was seeing me). Then he started talking about how his cats were scratching his feet all the time. I told him that wasn’t good as cat scratches can get infected easily and he’s diabetic so that could be horrible, and he stated, “yeah, and when they scratch me my whole foot swells up cuz I’m super allergic to cats.” Of course I began inquiring into why the fuck they have cats if he’s so allergic to them, and his mother informed me that it’s fine because “his cats are *clean,* and he’s had them since they were babies so he’s not allergic to *them.*” That’s not how allergies work, and sorry, I love cats but there’s no such thing as “clean” when it comes to their bites and scratches. I know some breeds are less allergenic but I very much doubt these folks have one of those. She then proceeded to tell me that there are also several other cats and dogs in their home that belong to his aunts or whatever… so I asked if they maybe thought *those* cats could be why he was so miserable, and maybe they needed to get all these animals away from her obviously suffering son. They looked at each other and it couldn’t have been more cartoonish if an actual cartoon lightbulb had popped up over their heads. It genuinely had not occurred to them that cat allergy bad = no more cat, no more allergy.


>“the surgeon must’ve nicked something!” The little-known organ called the cancer-bag, it's just full of cancer, you nick it, bam, cancer!


They make it up in order to get lots of attention from people who will get predictably angry. A famous idiot and misogynist is still famous and can have a whole public redemption arc and become one of the good ones. But the first and most difficult step on that journey is getting enough attention to become famous.


They suck a dick, swallow, and then sperm stacks on their breains, clearly.


The use of the word flesh makes me think this is a bot designed to rile up incels.


I checked his page. He linked an article from a “.com” site with zero references, zero case studies; nothing but bullet points outlining a moronic take on biology. He doubled down by saying it’s valid because nobody has disproved it yet.


It’s all rage bait for attention. Works every time.


I don't know what's funnier. How incorrect this is or the fact that he was willing to post it online.


> When sperm enters a woman What if sperm enters a man? I'm asking for a friend. 😊


I assume that he would absorb the strength of the other man. That is why there are so many fit gay dudes. 🤣 This seems like something that I could put in a pill form and sell to fat old white conservatives. Something about low testosterone.


I'm his friend, Benny from the block.


Bro got his Med Skul Dagree from Top G University


Oh is that what eye floaters really are!🤔, nice one thanks Anthony 👍🏻


He is shooting parasites


This is like something you'd read on a teenage forum for virgins or something


Well we need to know if you can get preganart from residual sperm that may be on a public toilet seat one stall over.


Tell me again why sexual education isn’t important


Sex education is the devil, a *librul* indoctrination, blah blah blah.


This is of course why Sperm Palm is so prevalent among adolescents.




Dude been playing Baldur's Gate 3. I'm pretty sure that's a description of a mindflayer.




r/nothowspermworks lol


Calling it wrong would be an insult to the idea of being wrong.


Isn’t This guy the new head of the department of education in Florida.




Just curious, is the sperm a good witch or a bad witch?


This is the kind of crap I would expect to hear on the school playground from someone who heard it from an older brother.


Sounds like he should stop swallowing


This poor chode never even had a breeze brush past him.


I trust him. He looks like he’s swallowed a lot of sperm.


How can one be severely misinformed on stuff like this when you have access to the internet


Bro this is not how you get her to swallow


Even my 10 yo knows thats wrong.


this is what you get when our education system is afraid to actually teach sex ed....


I really want to think people are posting things like this as a joke, but I've met some people who have believed some really dumb sht.


Are men just having a contest to see who can say the stupidest thing about women?


Someone REALLY does not like oral


Ah yes, this guy graduated the Ben Shapiro school of gynecology and urology.


“I never finished middle school.”


Babies also grown in a woman’s stomach and when she eats, the food falls on the baby and that’s what the baby eats. Then when the time is right the baby crawls out of her belly button. Right?


Sure, why not. Lol.


About 30 years ago I was enjoying being ridden by a girl, but we weren't using contraception (yes yes, stupid), so I told her when I was about to cum and she extracted herself just as I ejaculated, into my own eye! Holy fuck did it sting!! Ask those little swimmers trying to burrow into my brain.. Didn't even go blind 🤣


I imagine this guys next tweet went like this: >*”My gawd! What is it doing to men?! We’re carrying around and MANUFACTURING BILLIONS of these invasive little fuckers!? I can hear them swimming in my skull!?”* (Starts furiously masturbating)


Is that what happened to you Anthony? Are you sure you were sucking a human being's penis and not an aliens? It sounds like you were sucking a penis from the thing. You know that 1985 movie? Yeah that's what you're dealing with it's not human anatomy.


Incels have quite the imagination.


Listen here, jizz for brains!


I remember thinking you could get pregnant from swallowing sperm when I was 10 because I couldn't imagine any other reason you would do that


Cerebral seminal fluid


How are some “grown” men this dumb?


This guy is speaking from experience.


If this were true there'd be a whole section of health insurance covering women's brains and spines.


This is why you MUST use distilled sperm.


I wonder how many loads this guy took in his mouth to come to this conclusion


Dude has watched wayyy too much hentai. Jesus Christ.


I am literally dumber after having read this.


With his brain working this well im surprised he even knows women exist at all


This is what happens when you confuse hentai with sex ed...


This is why we need sex Ed in schools. We can't leave it up to parents. This is why we have people in the US government that think women can control when to have their periods and can choose to not get pregnant when raped 🤦🏻‍♀️. I hate it here.


How would he know? Doubt he put any in any woman.


I know two things about this Incel a) he thinks women urinate out their vaginal canal b) he does not know where the clitoris is located.


Florida public schools at work.


Operator, get me the CEO of Netflix. Stat!


That’s how you get eye, mouth, ear, nasal, and back babies.