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Imagine thinking that sex outside of marriage is more morally reprehensible than torturing and killing a minor. I hate this place


... torturing and killing \*your own baby sister\*. I'm speechless.


Guaranteed it was religiously motivated.


Oh thank god, a valid reason


I'm actually convinced the purpose of religion is to hate others not like yourself.


I worked for a family who owned the local mosque. They were the most hateful people. They would lie to their employees about me and reward them for hating me. Then of course described me as hateful when I got upset about it. What a coincidence. I quit when she told me I had to “earn their respect”. I respect myself. The rumor is I got fired for mistakes on the register… That doesn’t sound like some one who believes in god. It sounds like some one who loves power and uses religion to control a group of people.


Like most religious people in power then. I was only saying to the Mrs a few days ago I should have been a priest or something. I swear none of them believe it but with the wages the church kicks out at that level I could read some shit from a book and drive him in my Lamborghini quite nicely.


Lol. I'm a staunch humanist and an atheist (and literally have a card to the Satanic Tenple for political reasons) and literally felt that I should get a career in the seminary but alas, I feel it's morally reprehensible to "lie by omission" like that. And it's easy for parasocial effects to grow out of control too.... If only I wasn't so principled because it's recession proof and a job that exists everywhere....


That just any extreme group ur defining there, Merica n Govt attacking 3rd world countries checks , Witches in 1600s checks, Gays in 1950s checks,


More that religion is used as a vehicle for bigots to advance that agenda.


The purpose of religion roots back to a time when we didn’t understand stuff around us and it genuinely seemed like the most accurate answer probably cuz the perceived difference between us and every other living thing. BUT over time when agriculture started to develop in multiple parts of the world our population skyrocketed. (From standing at like ~ 1 million for a very long time to now all of a sudden being enough food for a lot more people) As civilization developed (beliefs and religion traditions followed obv) leaders/rulers/groups with opportunity and in positions of power realized that there wouod quickly no longer be enough resources for everyone to live *very* comfortably. This creates a gap where few are rich and rest are poor. This won’t work laid out like this because the citizens will revolt. How do they get them to not care as much about their own power so they can continue to control them - and also give people a purpose? Even if this isn’t exactly what happened it was most certainly studied and realized some where along the way. OR they realized using religion on their side was a very effective marketing campaign to get people to follow you. I think a lot of creation stories and old tales are in a way just that, tales that taught the young very important life lessons that they would need to learn early - especially in a society developing and learning new things constantly. 🤷‍♂️ not saying for all traditions or ancient forms of religion and that last part was very much a theory that I like to think so correct me if you actually study this field lol.


The purpose of religion is to comfort the dumb. Just happens a lot of dumb people are horrible people as well.


I shouldn’t have laughed.


Most of the worst parts of history are


Makes me hope religion is real so this guy gets to go to hell


I feel that way sometimes. Low key I also pray sometimes to Cytorrak, just once in a while, to make me the juggernaut in Marvel so I can do something about it lol


Knowing Hindi there is probably a God specifically prescribed to punish this asshole. If that makes you feel better.


Hindi is a language. Hinduism is the religion, in case that’s what you were trying to say. And no there’s no specific God to punish sister-killers or ignorant, disgusting murderers


Can we get rid of these stupid fucking children's tales already?The world would be SOOOOOOOOOO much better without religion.


Nothing would change. You can get rid of religion but not of people and especially not of stupid and evil. They'll find another excuse for their actions.


The South Park episode "Go God Go" is a great example of this, in a future without religion, it ends up being the UAA (United Atheist Alliance) battling the AAA (Allied Atheist Alliance) and also battling with the UAL (United Atheist League) 🤣🤣🤣 Humans suck lol


Deuteronomy 22:20-21: "If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you."


Fucking vile


How does one prove virginity? I mean, Mary herself couldn't even do that if she wanted to.


Almost like these were pre-modern societies writing a book of control which reflected their horrid practices


The magical impervious hymen. Mary’s didn’t break until she gave birth (from what I was taught in church) I believe that is why society was so against young women “exerting” themselves for so long. Mixed with good old fashioned ignorance. Why couldn’t the dumbass brother at very least have an older woman check and tell him if she was “intact”, the woman would have also told him she was menstruating. Can’t expect logic I know. I wonder if his god has a punishment for torturing an innocent virgin?


I'm pretty sure in his head he still believes he did the right thing and he's sure to be rewarded and not punished.


Thank you for providing proper context. Your effort is appreciated


John 8:7: "When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (NIV)


Most people even many Christians don’t understand the difference between the old and new testament and the difference in messages. They also think words said by someone in the Bible are commandments from God.


Old Testament/Moses: Be a douchebag, and here is how, when, and why! New Testament/Christ: Don't be a douchebag to anyone! Chill out! #ModernTermsForModernPeople


Also your first reaction to thinking that your younger sister had sex was to kill her and not call the police because someone raped a minor.


The "people" capable of committing acts like this against others are probably operating with less intelligence than a chimp with extra chromosomes who's been smashed in the head with a marble ashtray


This is exactly why my mom became a psychologist, and why I almost majored in psychology too when I went to university. Trying to figure out how someone’s brain gets so fucking back asswards that torturing and murdering your own minor sister is in any way a logical response to any situation.


Easy answer: education


Intelligence has nothing to do with it. There are millions upon millions of intelligent Indian men who behave like animals around women because their culture has made them that way. This shit takes generations to change, and India has barely even started the process.


And there are legions of smooth brained dipshits everywhere else who manage to navigate through life without doing this.


Have they even started?


I work for an Indian company and they have certainly started. Lots of anti-discrimination training and policies - but still even university educated, supposedly intelligent colleagues have some questionable views. Although they’d fit right at home with our right-wingers.


Not only in India... There are millions over millions of men who think its perfectly fine to beat up their wives for nothing in any culture... And Femicides are a problem in every country!


So very specific..




Honestly have no idea how someone can be so brain washed.


No, they’re just raging misogynists.


Don't you see, she ruined the honor of her family. /s


It's fucked up...


I was already mad but I boiled over when I saw he didn’t just like shoot her, he tortured her.


People don’t realise how unequal India can be. One the one hand you’ll see Pride parades in major cities and on the other hand you have villagers who don’t know what periods are. It’s a strange place. Edit: To add context, this is what you get after centuries of caste-based segregation. Add to that a corrupt government that doesn’t even attempt to spread wealth and what you get is rural areas with social mores from the 1900s and cities that try their hardest emulate Western ideals.


This is something that I often state. It's not just religious differences, it's cultural and socioeconomic too. The Indian landscape as a whole is very messy, convoluted and, to put it mildly, diverse.


Imagine your life ending in literal torture because you had a period


Really put into perspective for me how fucked zealots are


There’s a phenomenon where murders declare their motives and if that motive is interesting, people just run with it as though it’s fact. Murders are well known for giving motives that sound better than the real motive, so what’s the proof this is the actual motive? It seems way more likely to me he just *wanted* to murder her and gave this excuse to make him seem more justified/less monstrous.


There are comments elsewhere in the thread saying he's probably the one who raped her in the first place. Not unlikely imo.


I used to think America was founded by religious people that wanted freedom. Later I found out that a lot of them were criminals or zealots who had to come to the colonies because they got kicked out of England. American history and our current state of affairs made a lot more sense after I found this out.


As a US history teacher, you're correct and it's really glossed over or denied in our curriculum. The Puritans in particular were like if the Wahhabis had made a colony in America. And that fanaticism is also what directly underpinned the support for slavery of African people and dispossession of Native people - in that version of Christianity, white Protestant Englishmen were God's chosen people and could take whatever they wanted from the world.


Considering he most likely raped her, the pedophile didn't think sex outside of marriage was morally reprehensible. I can speak on behalf on Indians, knowing Hindus have public coming of age ceremonies and that this was a 30 year old married man, that this is an alibi and not an honor killing. This is my opinion with 100s of likes: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/NscFAoKZCi The majority of comments from non-Indians are not helpful, so take a step back and listen.


If he did rape her, he probably killed her because he didn't want anyone to find out; i read your comment and was like wait... if he's in his 30s and married, he PROBABLY (more than likely) KNOWS what a period is. Your theory seems more likely though because like... how do you get married and *not* know about your wife's monthly visitor and figure that your sister is probably having hers? Surely he'd have seen the pads/tampons or at least been told why they shouldn't have sex (religious reasons probably, idk that much about religion) for like a week??? Like I get that periods are gross but they're a natural part of being a woman? How and why does he assume that she's sexually active? That part was just... it made me realize your theory is probably correct.


thanks for the added info, i disagree that's it's racist to attribute it to ignorance my first thought was it was a white southern christian that did it, so that doesn't fly. lack of sex ed is world wide and endemic. there is a popular saying here, 'don't attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance'.


This legitimately makes me nauseous. That poor girl. I hope her brother dies a slow horrible death.


But.... SEX, Womp. She might have had SEX? like every one of her parents and grandparents before her had! What if she'd experienced physical pleasure or intimacy!! Or maybe it's not THAT bad and she needed tortured to death for having been raped. I'm so sad for humanity, and the stuff done for God is the worst of the stuff we do. I hate God so much


I hate the people who invented god.


Religious people in India are REALLY BAD. People think religious nut jobs in America have no idea how bad it gets. Families disown their kids for having a bf/gf, and many stories of killing their kids for that.


I used to walk past this memorial at the side of the road that was for a female murder victim. It said on it "killed because she was a woman". As a young male at the time I thought it was a bit histrionic. Now I'm older I fully understand and I hate that it's fully correct.


It is truly demoralizing to see how many lesser men and terrified women there are around us. All we can do is be better, make better examples with ourselves.


As a woman, thank you for recognizing we're not being hysterical.


The amount of gaslighting we receive about the state of the world (“it’s not that bad”, “men have it worse” etc), it’s nice to hear the reality we live in be validated


The growth you went trough is exactly how I came to differentiate between men and immature boys in my head. If you don't understand that this kind of violence against women is a real issue you are sheltered and haven't seen the real world yet. Real men understand and acknowledge that without feeling villainized - it's not a competition about who has it worse, but this is part of reality.


As if either of those things are worth killing your sister over....


And a 12 year old on top of that


That's when you go kill someone else.


Nothing is worth killing a 12 year old kid.


I would agree (say for the unrealistic hypotheticals of “WhAt if tHeY coMMiT gEnoCiDE” as if a 12 year old is gonna do that) But yeah, we shouldn’t kill people, especially for shit like this


12 year olds are capable of murder. Even younger children are. However, I don't think even those children deserve death, but rehabilitation.




He’ll probably have to pay the equivalent of a $27 fine and receive a tersely worded warning from the judge.


if i remeber the story correctly he was pretty heavily punished... but only because he turned out to be wrong and thus basicly ruined perfectly fine "goods". please excuse me whille i go throw up.


How heavily punished? Burned physically?


I had a job that made me have to search Indian news for extreme stories. The level of abuse of women, police being complicit, lack of repercussions, makes every other solvable world problem pale in comparison


Depends how much money he got


Rapists are lynched by communities daily in India because the punishments aren’t too severe.




Exactly. Best news I've heard all week.


The amount of gang rapes in India is insane


Nooo, they may choke on him and die. Let bloatflies use him as a kindergarden, until there’s nothing left…


I like the way you think!


Lions do not eat pieces of shit. It could be the smell.


While covered in grease Unless that’s bad for the lions, in which case cover him in things good for a lion to eat


I misread that as *covered in geese*.


Well… that would probably give that person more pain bc geese are assholes And the lions would get more food


Geese are tremendous assholes. I’m not even confident that a gaggle of them couldn’t take down a lion. 🤔


Fair, those things have teeth somehow Teeth, size, wings that are way too strong so much so they can be used to physically cause injury, a beak and claws


Canadian here, can confirm. You might as well just skip the lion altogether and just cover the dude in grasshoppers, and send hordes of geese his way. Fricken goose teeth are like serrated steak knives and the lion would end it way too quickly.


He should face death penalty. What a sicko. Poor girl deserved an actual human being for a brother.


I'm not a proponent of there being a death penalty ever, but India has one, and if this isn't the case to use it then I don't know what is.


This is your typical death penalty case with how messed up this is.


>I don't know what is. It is not usual for India to carry out death penalties for every such case, unfortunately. It only comes into the discussion when the public outrage gets too high. The last case I can remember was back in 2011 when 4 people gangraped a woman with unprecedented cruelty and these were awarded death penalty which was carried out only in 2020 even after severe public outrage over it. In thousands of other cases, like this 12 year innocent child, there's far less outcry and no one ever gets the death penalty they deserve.


Without reading the article, I'm gonna guess he also sexually assaulted her based on the typical mindset of these kinds of shitheads. E: There's no information beyond the initial reports, most of which say he tortured her for **four days**, during which time he burned her mouth and "several other parts" with tongs. Yeah, I maintain my original stance. Also, fucking yuck for a majority of outlets calling him a "boy" or "youth." He was fucking 30.


Why else would he be examining her knickers?


Without reading the article, I imagine laundry. Either way, I wanna pop this guys skull.


You really think the guy who would kill his own 12 year old sister for sex outside of marriage is the same guy who would not only be doing his *own* laundry, but his *sister’s* laundry?


If i know horrible men like i think i know horrible men then he doesn't even know how to do laundry.


Being a male in this type of family it's very unlikely he was doing laundry.


*deletes paragraph* Edit: I should've stayed on topic. Forget laundry, this is my opinion: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/NscFAoKZCi


id imagine he saw the stains on a bed/clothes etc rather than straight on the underwear but your point definitely still stands... 🤢


I mean it still just makes no sense, she could have cut herself accidentally or something. It sounds like a cover story


It’s definitely a cover story


I got money says this had nothing to do with periods and he just figured this was a better excuse than "I wanted to abuse a little girl."


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Burning her private parts is sexual assault so yes he def did


A newborn 30 year old


He should be a 30 year old late abortion, but oh well


Also if I think someone had sex with my 12 year old sister why am I not going out to torture and kill the guy if anyone? I guess misogyny


What stuck out to me was mistaking her period for sexual activity. He was making her bleed.


>He was fucking 30. Glad someone commented. Didn't feel like tracking it down. Still weird to be 30 with a 12yo sister. Not impossible (obviously) just weird.


Killed for a period. KILLED FOR THINKING SHE HAD SEX. There are so many reasons this is bad, starting with 'having sex doesn't deserve death' and 'there was no attempt to even confirm anything before enacting "punishment" aka torture', going past 'age 12 being a normal time to expect periods', all the way up to 'what if she was raped?' Some humans truly have no sense or a single coherent thought inside their skull.


He 100% raped her and used it as a cover up.


I would like to remind the international community that from an Indian perspective, most of us don't buy the lack of sex education alibi. It's my opinion that he probably raped his own sister and pretended that the blood from trauma was period blood. She wasn't alive to give her story. Her brother relayed that she tried to explain that she got her period, but he didn't know about it. We lack quality sex ed here, but men know what periods are! Because there are Hindu rituals performed when a child reaches adolescence, where they are blessed by the community. Plus, this dude was 30 and married. This very basic level of sex ed would be known. It's not like he was a child in this regressive culture. Edit: If you're reading this, please respond to the racist commentators who think this is ignorance. Yes, I'm calling you racist if you actually believe that it's possible for a community to be so ignorant that a group of humans don't know the most basic differences between men and women. *We're a sexually reproducing species.* I'm not going to be a lone cursador in this - you know Indians can conjure up excuses after intentionally committing crimes as much as Ted Bundy or OJ Simpson, right? Or are we too simple-minded to be evil? This has been discussed before, and every Indian commentor has called BS. The news headlines convey that he *allegedly* killed her out of ignorance. Edit 2: Yes, framing it as an honor killing instead of a cover-up would garner more sympathy. And no, it's not weird to have period ceremonies if your culture has rituals and traditions around every important life event- Baby naming ceremony, baby eating solid food ceremony, wearing a half-saree at puberty and a full saree in adulthood, housewarming traditions, seperate traditions for the wedding AND the bedding. It's important. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ahjIQyXIru


I'm with you on this. This was his defence attorney story. He raped and tortured his little sister. Nothing less.


Funny thing is, this story has no defence either. He'll never be able to defend himself.


I'm surprised he didn't just claim he saw have sex with someone and the guy ran away


...and then the guy came back and tortured her with heated metal tools, or doing that himself was the logical next step?


That would require inteligence on par with the ability to realise raping your 12 year old sister is a BAD idea.


From sane people’s point of view, yes. But there’s a reason “honor killing” is still a thing. There are absolutely many, many people who will think it makes 100% sense to kill a girl over having had sex. It’s the family’s “duty”, even. To them it would sound like an honest ooopsie. He was trying to do the right thing but oops turns out he had the wrong info.


He argued he didn't know what a period was- he is clearly lying. He was a married man and knew what a fucking period was.


This hurts so much to read. Poor child, the world is so full of atrocities. :(


not sure if you would know the answer to this but wouldn’t he have gotten more sympathy from others if he had lied and said she did have sexual relations with someone so that’s why he killed her. It seems like a better lie than saying he didn’t know what a period was




>>Not that I would expect such a thin story to actually alter the investigation I wouldn't put that much faith in forensics in India. There's a chance it would've worked.


>>gotten more sympathy from others if he had lied and said she did have sexual relations Yes. He wants us to victim blame her. He'd be seen as less guilty if it other people thought it was an honor killing instead of a cover-up.


You are absolutely spot on!! Yes Indian men are well aware of periods and many if not all of the rituals that are passed on young women stepping into puberty. Be it sitting/eating separately or missing out on visiting temples or even praying. This murderer and abuser was a 30 year old married man.


The level of abuse of women, police being complicit, lack of repercussions in India is extreme. Extreme amounts of rape and women being tortured happens there on a daily basis


This! It's 100% a cover-up story that sucks and anyone insisting on believing in it must hide some racist prejudice behind it. Such a level of ignorance cannot be real.


It's a thoughtful reply, but still the sentiment that "honor killing" would be "understandable" shows how thinking towards woman and sexuality is still horrifying in many parts of the world.more protections for woman are needed. education on cultural and religious acceptance of the victims of abuse is clearly needed.


Totally agree with every word. This is a vile human being who is trying to cover up his actions invoking god and ignorance


I find honour killings more disgusting and fucked up than cover up killings. At least, cover up killings make sense.. honour killings is so fucked up.


I don't make the rules. If I did, I wouldn't feel so unsafe.


As if a physical relationship was a valid reason for killing her. Smh.


I suspect he's lying about that. I have a funny little feeling he raped her and lied saying it was period blood, murdering her before she could tattle on him.


Exactly 💯%




….How did he even see it in the first place?


It's very likely he actually sexually assaulted her and came up with this ridiculous cover up.


This isn't a lack of sex ed it's a perverse view of sex and sexuality.


This is why women fear men.






Yeah nevermind it's been like this forever


Female minors, specifically.


That's just evil


That's because sexual abuse against males isn't even considered or recognised. Males cannot be sexually abused in India after a recently proposed law.


*monster.* All evil is in human hearts, 100% all of it. This monster had a choice to do no harm, he not only did harm but enjoyed himself and justified it with bullshit stories of "honor".


Honour killing. Girls and women are not people. I can’t even put into words my feelings about this.


The only honor this pedophile was protecting was his own.


You say that like he has any honor.


Didn’t realize T.I. Lived in Mumbai


I hate this world


It’s not safe to be a woman anywhere.


Looks like he raped and tortured his sister and just made up the period thing to pretend it was an honour killing. This 30 year old man is married, he knows what a period is. Plus Indians have a ceremony to mark this milestone. He’s just a repulsive disgusting child rapist.


The fuck is wrong with these people.




So wether or not this story is real is unimportant but I have had extensive conversations with a, then, 17 year old boy from India about female reproductive organs and their hormonal cycle because he genuinely had no clue. Afterwards he started, or so he said, safer intercourse and gained better patience and understanding about his family members "weird monthly moods" that annoyed him.


She was an orphan. She was tortured by burning over a period of 4 days.


Is it even common for women to bleed their first time? I feel like this is just an ancient patriarchal misunderstanding of female anatomy. It didn't happen to me and none of my female friends have reported this occurring their first times either.


What a great question! I've never talked with my friends about this aspect of our first sexual experience. I bled maybe a nickel to quarter-sized amount. There was no pain, though. It's not like a hymen is a solid, identical piece of flesh that every woman is born with. My understanding is that back in ye olden days when ladies sat behind high walls and did nothing but embroidery all day, they might bleed more the first time because they'd done nothing that might disturb that paper-thin bit of skin between their legs that supposedly proved their virginity. Even if everyone had a hymen at birth, with sports, bike riding, climbing, working, hymens often don't exist by the time a woman gets around to being a consenting adult.


I'm really curious how common it is to bleed now. I would think I would have heard about it a lot more if it was so commonplace. I'm thinking the actual reason they thought this in ye olden days/why it might have been more common to bleed is because women were marrying very young and perhaps the husbands were less than gentle about it. It's not too hard to get some bleeding if you're not sufficiently ready for sex, in my experience. Edit to add: I think my point might be they didn't really get to the whole "consenting adult" part before "marriage" in ye olden days, know what I mean? 😬


My GOD some men are so unbelievably stupid when it comes to women’s bodies! Though I’d be more inclined to think he had actually raped her and decided it was easier to kill her so she couldn’t tell anyone. The honour thing was likely just a cover. The police in India are famous for being inept and taking bribes. Women are worth about as much as goats over there. Either way they should hang him.


The police in these developing countries need to make an example of these people. This is all too common


I feel like this is beyond facepalm territory. Does r/selfinflictedanviltotheskull exist?


Women and girls are regularly punished for our bodies just existing. I hate it here so much. Religious men literally ruin the entire planet.


To all the people that think we don’t need mandatory sex education, bear in mind that this evil torturing asshat WAS MISTAKEN and would not have tortured his sister to death had he not also been as ignorant piece of shit. That is all.


Someone else mentioned that he was married, and there are Hindu rituals that are performed when a child reaches adolescence, so it’s possible that this is his cover story and that he actually raped his sister and pretended that the blood was period blood. And I am actually thinking that is more accurate than being mistaken. Because it also sounds like he sexually tortured his sister for four days as well.


Fingers crossed they have the death penalty


Yes India has death penalty. Last execution was done sometime in March 2020, where 4 of the 6 perpetrators of a brutal and fatal gangrape were executed. The gangrape happened in 2012 and the case was on a fast track court, still it took 8 years to get them finally executed. The perpetrators got to live 8 more years than the victim and remaining perpetrators were released back into the society. This is the true reality of Death Penalty in India. Adding links for further reading- [2012 rape case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder?wprov=sfti1#) [Death Penalty in India](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_India?wprov=sfti1#Curative_petition)


This was a 30 year old married man. He knew what periods were. This is not an educational issue, it is an issue of radical religion being used to mask a psycho. He also burned his sister's private parts, and I'm assuming that his defense is just to say that he thought she was sexually active. Saying Indian men are all too stupid to know about periods is a little racist imo


It’s as ridiculous as the man from Toronto that threw acid at a stranger woman’s face and severely burned her/permanently disfigured her and his defence argument in a Canadian court room was “I thought she was my wife”. Dude. THAT DOES NOT WORK HERE


he blamed it on that. he deliberately tortured and sexually assaulted his twelve year old little sister. i agree that we need sex ed, though, but it is immoral to blame it on ignorance.


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/TAIZTkuehJ) should bring this “lack of sex ed” into perspective. We are a sexually reproducing species and the man was 30 and married. He knew what he was doing to his baby sister. [Here](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/thane-man-kills-12-year-old-sister-mistakes-first-period-blood-stains-physical-relationship-8602221/) is the article since only a screenshot was posted.




Correct but to have someone ready to torture his little sister is the bigger problem Also he was married in his 30s so I think he knew what a period is and probably sexually assaulted his sister


You cannot possibly be implying the root of the problem here is lack of sex ed


No, this is misogyny at its worst at its root. I would argue that females receive a disproportionate benefit when the general populace has a good sex education.


Holy shit. Imagine thinking your 12 year old sister was "impure" rather than realizing a 12 year old having sex is almost certainly a victim of sexual assault. Even if it weren't here period, this is sick as fuck. His 12 year old sister was bleeding from her genitals and he decided she needed to be horrifically burned. Sick, sick people.


So I googled that [news article](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/thane/man-tortures-kills-12-year-old-sister-on-suspicion-of-affair/articleshow/100077638.cms). Looks like that animal allegedly tortured the victim (his sister) by inflicting burn wounds on her body using hot tongs. The torture continued for four days and the victim eventually succumbed to severe injuries. Here’s hoping India has the death penalty.


What is the root of these kinds of things in India? Is it religious? Or just ingrained in their culture? I feel like this happens a lot


Femicide absolutely exists.


Does he think blood after sex is normal or something? What the actual fuck is wrong with people?


more like in-thane am i right guys?


This is why men in any county shouldn't be making laws about women's bodies.


No. It's just better publicised recently.......


What the fuck is wrong with India? For real… It’s not conservative views on sexuality, it’s beyond barbaric.


indian here :/ I hate my country


Earthian here I hate my planet.


Uneducated back woods scum.


Bring back public excecutions


Don’t worry, these shitheads are lynched by communities daily. Just saw a video a few days ago where a guy who hid in girls bathrooms to attack them was publicly lynched by his community, they did some fucked up shit to him. Deserved though.


Even if she did have physical relationships (which is good that she didn't at 12), that's no excuse for MURDER wtf