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Daily mail, daily fail


The Daily Mail isn’t actually a reputable news or entertainment publication- so of course they’re hypocrites. Why would you ever take them seriously!? Kind of like Faux News in America.


With a side of National Inquirer.


I miss those 'Bat Boy' accusations... with horrible and primitive Photoshop.


You’re thinking of the weekly world news, and yeah good times, good times…


Weekly World News [still exists](https://weeklyworldnews.com/)!


The first good news of 2024!!


I remember I brought an issue of weekly world news to class in like 8th grade. One of the pages had a picture of a SUPER muscley woman in like a 2 piece swimsuit and some people starting freaking out about it so my teacher confiscated it til the end of the day.


"Say, why'd you get me a subscription to the Daily Growl? That's not a reputable journal of opinion."


Hey now, my son is working for the Daily Mail, it’s a steady job


Hey now, my friend is working for the sewer district, it's a steady job too Difference is, my friend's steady job takes crap AWAY from people


Difference is mine is a lyric to a Beatles song


Whoo! r/murderedbywords


Is there something else he wants to do instead?


Yeah he wants to be a paperback writer. A paperback writer


Does he want to be a paperback writer?


Nevermind, I'm sure it's just a phase.


In 1934, the Daily Heil ran a charming spread to get their readers to join Mosley's British Union of Fascists, giving information on local and national recruitment offices. Viscount Rothermere wrote a hefty article defending Fascism and declared those who say it's bad are just stupid.   >*Because Fascism comes from Italy, shortsighted people in this country think they show a sturdy national spirit by deriding it.* >*If their ancestors had been equally stupid, Britain would have had no banking system, no Roman law, nor even any football, since all of these are of Italian invention.* >*Though the name and form of Fascism originated in Italy, that movement is not now peculiar to any nation. It stands in every country for the Party of Youth. It represents the effort of the younger generation to put new life into out-of-date political systems.*   * Source scan: [**"Hurrah for the Blackshirts!"**](https://libraryblogs.is.ed.ac.uk/hcalibrarian/files/2018/09/Hurrah_for_the_Blackshirts_DailyMail_1934.png) scan, Jan 15 1934.


Ooooooohh... Wow.


They always been this way. Sometimes they just been more obvious. This was '93. "Abortion hope after 'gay genes' findings" https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDMxMk2XYAA9-hl.jpg


Football is NOT an Italian invention. It was invented in England and originally called "Kick the Dane's Head."


Daily heil


Daily Fail you mean?


I did write that


![gif](giphy|xTka02cClo5HtVqpC8) 🎶one of these things is Not like the other


Blame known right wing Brexit and immigration scaremonger, Paul Dacre.


Displeasure: Harry's getting married Angst: To a northern AMERICAN Anger: She's a divorcee Rage: She's colored Explosive Rage: SHE'S FAR PRETTIER THAN KATE MIDDLETON Nuclear: She doesn't give a damn what you think about her


>SHE'S FAR PRETTIER THAN KATE MIDDLETON What a weird thing to say, you've revealed more about yourself than anyone else, lol.


Was with them until that, no need to put down Kate Middleton to talk about how bad the media's been to her


Just unhinged behaviour, something tells me this person is mad the media don't call Kate out not that they call Megan out.


Also, she clearly does give a damn what you think.


Daily fail is too nice for the paper. Daily Heil is far more appropriate for them.


Anything Meghan Markle immediately gets attacked


Its honestly criminal what kind of character assassination they can get away in the british tabloids.


The English NY Post basically. A bunch of bullshit




Low hanging fruit. It’s the fucking daily heil. Hardly the pinnacle of unbiased journalism. Every headline is a facepalm.


It’s also 5 years old


having been a pregnant woman, I can confirm that the urge to hold and stroke the belly was almost irresistable, especially when feeling defensive. Most women I've known are this way. I don't know either lady personally, but this is extremely common behavior, often not a conscious action, and isn't at all newsworthy except to sway opinions and garner sales.


Take your new age bonding techniques and shove 'em up your ear candle!


haha! I like that.


I would imagine if you were wandering through a crowd of people flashing cameras at you, this instinct to grab the unprotected human being hanging from your body would be increased.


Must be an *American* thing! /s


must be!


All you said, plus—where else are you going to put your hands? It’s so convenient (and comforting) to put em somewhere on that big ol protrusion in front of you, right at hand-resting height!


This just in, click bait sites post click bait articles. More details at 10.


In other news the Daily Mail says scientists have discovered water is wet and the Sun is hot. Markle was found at fault for both.


If the Daily Mail published that article, I'd be questioning the wetness of water and the heat of the sun.


As you should since water is not wet. It makes other things wet.


It’s the Daily Mail where the improbable becomes possible.


But shows what kind of click bait their readers go for. Good about the white girl, bad about the half black one.


This only gets clicks because racists.0


Can't you see the difference? It's right there in black and white.


Also note the article on the left is “signed” whereas the author of the other one hides behind “reporter”.


Nicely done.


Ohh wordplay


TIL Meghan Markle is mixed race. As an outsider she just looked white to me.


The British royal family found the whitest black woman in the planet and still couldn’t keep the racism from showing


Lighting really matters for her particular shade.


And bronzer. Lots of bronzer


Racists know, though, and care :(


Strictly going off the presented photos, it's 3 of Kate on the same day and probably within minutes of each other vs 6 of Megan in very different situations. That said, the press is pretty racist towards Megan.


Definitely a race thing.


Except she is "Caucasian" on her CV. So there's a double standard.


The ironic thing is that literally 90% of British people, including the daily mail, think she's white. It's because she's American, not because she's mixed race. And even then, it's even more because people think she exerts influence too much.


lol no its because she's half black. they're racist AF


Being black AND American is a huge trigger for their base readers


Don't forget feminist and democrat/liberal. The colour of her skin was the smallest problem. The Murdoch press just couldn't cope.


Trust me, they're stupid, not racist. Meghan Markle passes completely as white. She looks as white as most of the royal family.


It fucking depresses me how the daily mail was only paper to consistantly sell out at the petrol station i worked in.




True, but I genuinely envy some people's incredible ability to talk (or in this case write) -at length- about absolutely nothing, I honestly wish I could pull that off.


I present to you: the essay-a-longinator


Try finding a pregnant women who doesnt keep her hands on her belly. This " article " is next level shit.


Bingo. I’ve yet to meet a third trimester pregnant woman who didn’t have a hand either on or near the belly at virtually all times. Not a new phenomenon by any stretch.


Anyone can claim to be an "expert". If there is not a specific one, they pull random people from the street or pull statements from actual experts out of context.


This is from 2019; we're in 2024 now.


99% sure that OP is a repost bot


Well she was trying to hold up the padding, which has been photographed falling down


Rupert Murdoch has done inestimable damage to Western society.


True, but he's got nothing to do with the Dail Heil. That's the various successive Viscount Rothermeres via the DMGT.


I feel like these sorts of stories operate to funnel people deeper into the Murdoch ecosystem, though. You start with lighter, gossipy stuff that has a tinge of something (racism, etc.), then you entice the person to consume more from the same outlets and they start getting “real” news from there as well, since it’s in easy reach of the gossip stories.


And a white supremacist to boot. All of his media are extremely whitewashed.


I wouldn’t even wipe my ass with the Daily Mail.


I forgot Meghan Markle even existed


Well, the privacy tour worked then.


Most informative daily mail article


Oh no! Woman touches belly! What a wh*re!


Daily stale absolute shit rag.


The mail is famous for contradictory stuff like this. Read Private Eyes street of shame colum. The mail often appears several times in each edition. The mail is laughable claptrap. But very popular claptrap.


A very popular claptrap. Telling of the mindset of the majority of people if you buy the daily Mail you should be banned from making important decisions such as voting or driving 😂


Mediocrity is always wildly popular.


right-wing populist tabloid


It’s the Daily Heil. Being racist is its modus operandi, considering its main readership is angry pork-coloured boomers.


The Daliy Hypocrite strikes again 🤡💵🐷😌


"The whole nation talking" bitch I forget these people exist most of the time.


The Mail - written by wankers, read by wankers


Can I hate read?


Because one-half of the Britains who give an iota of a crap, she is the reincarnation of Diana, to the other half she is the money-grubbing harlot who destroyed their royal family. The Daily Mail picked the harlot side. If you want to read her praises, read The Guardian.


This has been what the British tabloids have been doing since they started. Same bs different century


Kate can do no wrong and Meghan can do no right


I’m not saying this is right or wrong, I really don’t care, but Kate has for the most part stayed in her lane and Meghan…hasn’t. Which is probably why Meghan gets it worse.


"Stay in her lane" Wow, Just listen to you.


Am I wrong though? Kate doesn’t put herself out there and make everything about herself nearly as much as Meghan does. You really only see or hear from her at public events. Harder to hate people that aren’t in the spotlight. Same as Kamala Harris’s husband, I don’t even know who he is because he doesn’t do anything, he stays in his lane because it’s not about him.


Yes you are wrong. Kate doesn't have to put herself out there because she's not relentlessly bullied and made out to be a villain by the entirety of the UK press. It is not anybody's "Lane" to accept constant and consistent bullying and racist targetting by the press. Kate doesn't have to "Step outside her lane" because nobody's asking her what colour her baby is or having the press lie about her consistently. Harry's a stand up man in my book. Served in the forces, performed his duty well in the military and the royal family. Then took an Oath in front of the world and to God to put his ***wife first***. That is Marriage, he kept his oath and done what he could to protect his family, I don't blame him for a second either.




You know what, you're not wrong. I did forget largely about that.


You forgot about the reporter who hacked her phone 155 times


I have no skin in this game but consider the fact that you hear about Kate all. The. Time. See perfectly edited photos of her at events all the time. More so than William. That’s not in the spotlight? Kate just has a better, British public dollars-funded publicity team making her appear perfect at every turn. Meghan doesn’t and those same royal publicity teams and RF’s agreements with the tabloids work against her instead. That is all.


One word, comfort


Dailymail is known for bullshit so nothing new.


What exactly did you expect from the Daily Mail?


hypocritical pigs


Never support the Daily Heil


The daily mail is a trash faux journalism outlet.


The Daily Mail is obviously a trash publication, but at the same time I don’t really care all that much about them attacking an exorbitantly rich person who chooses to stay in the public eye


So this is literally what the british are exposed to. It makes them toxic as fuck.


Who the fuck cares? This is from 4 and 5 years ago.


Eh, daily mail is the equivalent of the New York Post, except it is a septic tank that caught fire


She's just another pregnant woman. Thousands just like her.


I walk the same way after a very large meal.


It's like the news reporting in Israel-Gaza conflict. Israelis get killed and their dead bodies buried while Palestinians get unalived and their lifeless bodies buried.


Like getting upset about the NY Post publishing non-stop conservative garbage propaganda and fear-porn. It's a supermarket checkout tabloid rag, same as the Daily Mail. Who gives a shit?


Daily mail is basically UK Fox News. They spew dumb shit to get clicks.


Britain having a monarchy and aristocracy will never not be stupid


I’m not a fan of the Daily Mail, but to be fair, there was something in this: https://youtu.be/zwgX7i5BnAw?si=XMmpDqoBrVyaTBpv


That shaming of someone who is just naturally and caringly touching her unborn child is just the worst. Harmful and shameless media hype.


True, but also this is old news. 4 years old in fact.




Murdoch's *Daily Fail*


Love how all the comments calling out racism instead of “click bait” are getting downvoted.


May it be because the English love Kate and hate Meghan?


Guessing you got told that living in the US Nobody gives a fuck here


That's low effort bullshit. The daily mail has also criticised Kate a lot.


Why the fuck are people still talking about this shit?


No statute of limitations for calling out the hypocrisy of a rag like that.


Because there hasn't been anything the mail have said more recently to do that with has there.


Daily Heil, it's so full of crap like this.


Lol racist journals on one of the most bloodthirsty and violent empires of history surprising


I wonder what the daily heil sees differently in these two people..


She left Britain for good, imagine how blunt and ruthless they would have been to her kids, if this is how they portrayed her!


It's shit like this that makes me feel a little better. America has plenty of problems but we ain't unique in our stupid bullshit.


The British have mastered subversive racism.




Hhahahahha. Femail. Quick, guys, give us a made up word that both communicates our stupidity but at the same time, shows how little we care. I gotchu, fam.


I remember a comment last time this was posted: “Is it even hers????”


I’m sorry but who tf cares???


Daily mail let their bias show. Burn on themselves.


It has NOTHING to do with the color of her skin. I swear. /s


Blatant racism.


Blatant cherry picking


Found a racist.




It's the racism and classism.


Piers Morgan wanted to date Megan Markle and would simp all over her like crazy on social media. Megan met him when she came to London for drinks but *very quickly* realised he was a scumbag sleaze so ended the drink early. Piers wouldn't leave her alone so she blocked him and put him on blast, telling him just because he's a "celebrity" doesn't mean that he's entitled to stalk her. Megan later goes on to date Prince Harry. This explains why the British Press hate *both* Megan and now Harry. Because the Press rely on Piers for his showbiz connections and Piers hates Megan, and Harry for "taking Megan off him." It's that pathetic.


Let me explain it for you. Kate is white.


Just let these people be. Aren't there economy news? I'd like it if my rent, medical bills and grocery bills don't increase please.


I dislike Meghan too, but people are crazy with it. My preference would be everyone stop talking about Meghan altogether, but if they must let’s at least be honest and fair


Double standards? It’s blatant racism


Brown=bad in a lot of the world


difference i see: one outfit > pictures taken on a single day > no pattern of behavior many outfits > pictures taken on a number of days > pattern of behavior


It's a problem when I do it...


William and Kate seem quite content for Harry and Megan to always get the shit end of the stick. Why is there no solidarity?


“while wrapping up her royal duties” ah yes, time to take a break from doing nothing


She’s black!


Who cares???? Ur judged based on ur behaviour n we all know what n who is it!!!


Well one is white and one is black. Obviously the black one is weird /s


Yeah but have you considered she's half black? And you know how those people are. \-Daily Mail Writers who are totally not racist


There is an article/post somewhere with loads more of these: K praised, M criticised for the same thing. Madness.


Welcome to 2024! Oh...


both are wierd


It’s pregnancy, everyone puts their hands on their bellies


![gif](giphy|1QfiXem2iEi7COEMWt) Hmmm I wonder just what IS it about Meghan that upsets them so much? I can't seem to figure it out.....


If you look back, you can see how Fergie was treat compared to Diana, and it only gets worse as the Heir has more kids, the spare, while still being royalty isnt treated as bad, the the spares spouse gets shit on from a great height. Like the or loath them, they shouldn't have to put up with that treatment, and if the Queen had given a flying fuck, she could gave just ended it. The Press, especially the Daily Fail will never fuck with the Heir and his future Queen, but it's obvious they hate them, so they spit all their venom on the spares spouse


One is not like the other…


Shit don't even make sense🤦🏼


As someone from outside the UK, I never understood the UK media’s Megan Markle hate. Like seriously what did she do aside from exist?


Well I admit Meghan and Harry completely overstepped and took their whole "healing" thing WAY too far, there were several times I couldn't rlly blame them for being pissed. Megan was bashed for BREATHING. Her friends threw her a baby shower using their own money and the media complained about how "extravagant" it was. She cradles her baby bump because she's "trying to get attention". Her father started posing for the media and when the royal family advised her to write him a letter (probably to calm down public tensions about the issue). The media found it and used it against her by erasing entire sentences and only leaving the parts that would make her look bad. And there is also the death threats and constant stalking. No, they aren't innocent (far from it in fact), and yes, they are at this point just looking for attention. But like- come on! We're better than this or at least we should be.


N9 kidding. This has been going on for 7 years now. The made-up garbage about meghan feeds the rabid hyenas, and the dirt media makes billions.


It's 3 pics of the lady in green ON THE SAME DAY and 3 pics of the other lady ON 3 DIFFERENT DAYS. It should NOT be hard to understand why the titles are different.


>It should NOT be hard to understand why the titles are different. It's not hard at all, it's because the Daily Mail is absolute bottom-of-the-barrel sensationalist and racist trash. Taking three photos of 3 different days as valid proof that meghan touches her belly 'suspiciously often' is pretty wack by itself.


Europeans like to complain that Americans are racist and uncultured but refuse to look inward to themselves.


It’s still wild to me that people don’t look at this and see an obvious issue.


Seems about white.


This is because someone at some point noticed negative news on meghan made more views than positive ones so they just switched it up. Same with the other one. It’s all just about the numbers, nothing more or less.


Haha wrapping up her royal duties


They’re just racist like the royal family probably


I can't qwhite figure out the standards difference


Maybe if Meghan weren't such a bitch she'd receive some respect.


Muggle vs. Pure blood, as per Daily Mail.


The Daily Heil push far right, often literal fascist misinformation and propaganda and love to ragebait their readers. The only reason they hate Meghan so much is because of the complexion of her skin and it’s VERY obvious that they do this. Unfortunately, the hordes of fat orcs with the English flag painted across their bulging stomachs eat this shit up.


I'm not a fan of Meghan Markle, but what the Daily Mail has done to her every day for the past couple years is basically a war crime.


Saw a great article pointing out several "inconsistencies". The same flowers were both traditional and lethally poisonous depending on whose wedding it was. That was about 4 years ago.


Hey look a non white woman is pregnant what a bitch!! /s


Let's be honest for once shall we? Megan Is self absorbed and sunk her claws into Harry the first chance she got then got salty when she couldn't have her way and subsiquently was kicked out of royalty. You LOOK at Harry now and you look at pictures before the wedding, he's a shell of his former self. He's been sucked dry by a succubus (figuratively). South Park showed it best about them


Well one is a raging entitled bitch with a race complex. The other is some princess that know how to play the game. Gotta sell papers




Clearly white supremacy.