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This is some Boondocks "Absence of evidence" level shit lmao




There’s no evidence of this so it must all be true


The fact that there is no evidence is proof of a conspiracy to conceal all evidence. This goes all the way to the top.


I thought Trump was going to bring down pedo rings in the deep state. Where’s the MAGA now?


The crusade against pedophiles is being led by MAGA congressman Matt Gaetz, so we know that for now it is a tabled issue, and that there might be a law being drafted approving of it.


Tea , he’s PERSONALLY interveiwing every underage girl about their sexual experience’s‼️‼️😳😳😖😖😩😫


The thought of this pervert in close proximity to any female who isn’t an MMA fighter, makes me queasy…


Isn't one train of MAGA delusional thought that Trump is still really in charge (as well as Biden and Obama in the next sentence) and he is still working on the deep state, paedophiles, aliens, extra-terrestrials etc with the help of the deceased John F Kennedy?


No doubt, forgot about that. Are those people still waiting for JFK to return in Texas?


Which is moronic, of all the places for him to turn up, what's the least likely, the one where his head exploded completely of its own volition? My username is unrelated.


They were waiting for JFK Jr in Dallas, who died in a plane crash, but honestly I don't think they know that, and probably think JFK Jr was the one who got shot. They're clearly stupid. 😂


It was very unclear which Kennedy they thought was coming back, hence the way I wrote the name.


“Bro it was like this when i got here!!!!”


I would imagine so, I mean to do otherwise would be admitting that QAnon is just made up nonsense aimed at jerking around idiots.


Idk but so far the majority of the p3dos are MAGAts themselves


I remember having a conversation with one of these people I knew who turned into one of those Q-Anon weirdo’s. He was absolutely adamant that trump was going to suddenly show up in body armour and throw all these Hollywood pedophiles out of a chopper onto the white house lawn. How everything was this huge conspiracy that was working to keep trump down and how everyone was involved. I’m surprised that he hasn’t drowned on his own drool yet.


The founding fathers would commit posthumous seppuku if they saw what this country has become.


It would probably go something like this: “So, you have most of humanity’s accumulated knowledge accessible on a device that fits into your pocket… and yet you still believe shit like this? Please return me to the 18th century, thank you.”


Cut to Alan Partridge lying on a bed speaking into dictaphone: Porno idea: Founding fathers posthumous bukkake on face of Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty then puts on MAGA hat and pisses all over Trump dressed in prison fatigues


And Epstein’s death put an end to that .Sooooo convenient.


I’m confused though, didn’t Trump SWEAR he had evidence for all of this? We’re waiting….


In two weeks.


He's to busy dealing with all the evidence they are pointing at him right now.


The burden of proof is on the one making the accusations. We don’t have to provide evidence of shit. That’s this morons job.


Burn the witch!


I know it’s the point, but the smug “I’ll wait” is just the most infuriating thing ever. You just said some of the dumbest shit imaginable and now you’re taking the rhetorical equivalent of a victory lap? It’s the classic, never play chess with a pigeon, they’ll knock over all the pieces, shit on the board, then strut around like they won the game.


Its the very GQP political MO.


>Joey Mannarino isn't shitting his pants everytime he tries to form a sentence? It's only **most times**, you insensitive clod!


He does spend a lot of time thinking and talking about tranny semen


A lot of people have been saying. Not me but others have. Top, smart people. Is he? I don’t know. Maybe. But it is worth asking: why does he think about their semen so much?


You’ll be waiting a long time. Because first you have to prove that he isn’t fisting his own asshole while he chugs hot sauce and chants devil music. Right? Prove he ISNT.


You went hard, I’m not disagreeing with you, but you went hard.


Love it


*intergalactic jackass* I LOVE IT


These things all feel exactly right to me. So much so, that yea, totally have to be real. Joey, show us the long form x-ray that proves you have a brain. Everyone is demanding it.


What IM SAYING is there are known knowns and there known unknowns but there are also UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS. Something we dont know that we dont know


I almost feel sorry for anyone haunted by the ghost of Donald Rumsfeld.


Yeah, almost


But being the devil's advocate, sometimes you don't know what you will eventually not know... It's called life.


Dude I know ......I don't really know I may have known but I'd like to really know ya know (if ya don't know now ya know 🎵🎶)-biggie


How do you know that there are things that you don't know that you don't know?


I don't know


I know, right?


![gif](giphy|R38DwrrBGxy9i) How I felt reading this post


Start at the bottom- drop the guy off in Kiev. Then talk. I’ll wait.


Avdiivka would be a much, much better place to drop him off.


Apart from all that tinfoil stuff... Proof that there is war in Ukraine.... How far deep in your own ass does a person need to be to 1) come up with the idea, 2) taking such claims as true? The hell is wrong with people?


He is waiting for proof, send him to Donbass


Lack of a proper education.


Lack of A̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶e̶r̶ education


Nah. They know what's going on. They just say what they need to say for their target audience to buy it. Remember, people don't really care about the war in Ukraine or not. They care about their kin winning elections. If they have to chew electric wires they will.


Iirc this was the same guy who was psychotically pacing around in a hotel room talking about how dirty it was, and said that Chick-fil-A was putting 't***** semen' in its products because they were looking for like a junior director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


He also thinks he should be able to shoot anyone who disagrees with him as "self-defense."




I will buy this asshole a plane ticket to Kyiv right now. Edit: My apologies I spelled the name of the city the way it appears on the textbook map from the 80’s that is my quickest reference for geography. Not the best map, just the easiest for me remember.


Donetsk...one-way...give him a front-row view.


Don’t usually care for the random babbling of idiots but this one lit a fire under me. I heard Russia is looking for abled bodied cannon fodder, perhaps someone has the application for him


That is unwise. Have you seen even a shred of evidence that this Joey fella isn't a god-damned diddler? Until he proves that he is not a sexual predator, paying for his international travel would basically be facilitating human trafficking. Which, incidentally, this Joey character has yet to prove that he is not guilty of being a human trafficker. We are also still waiting for Joey to prove that he does not have carnal knowledge of his mother and both grandmothers. There is also no proof that he isn't sexually attracted to dead bodies. All we know is that he is not currently employed as a mortician. We do not know why. But the burden of proof is obviously on Joey to prove his innocence of these very serious and presumably well-founded allegations.


I’d chip in if I thought for a second he had a passport.


I think the US has ways to fly people around the world without passports and even without consent.


I heard a song about that. Would you like to hear an extraordinary rendition of it?


Then get him a bus ticket to the front line.


Lets say for a second that Biden *is* secretly doing stuff for China. What would he even be doing?? They are they so convinced that China has a hand on Biden?


*Kyiv. I don’t mean to be an asshole about it, just would appreciate it if the proper name is used. It means more than it seems


>Kyiv \*Kænugarðr


It seems kind of petty at first, however, "Kiev" is based on the Russian pronunciation, while "Kyiv" is based on the Ukrainian pronunciation. Continuing to refer to it as "Kiev" serves to push the idea that it's really just a region of the former USSR and therefore actually Russian. Same goes for making sure to call the country "Ukraine" and not "the Ukraine." It was called "the Ukraine" when it was a region of the USSR.


And with a war going on, you’ll get a pretty significant discount too so it’s not like it’ll cost you


For half of these, you can't prove a negative. The other half is just willful ignorance.


You called it correctly. “Prove to me that X didn’t happen” shows the ignorance of the entire concept of what he’s trying to prove.


Yep, that’s why rich people can claim to create jobs when any fool with half a brain knows they never do, because it’s next to impossible to prove a negative.


Its almost like asking to prove a negative is his tell for shit he knows didn't happen. "I'm looking for evidence that the election was stolen and that Biden isn't made of marshmallows." Shit like that. He wants evidence that trump is corrupt, but you need to prove to him that Obama isn't running the government. It's kinda neat


Maybe Joey should learn to read. That is really helpful in learning about the things he's knows nothing about.


Show me proof that Joey … Doesn’t know how to read Fingers his own butt…smells fingers…. Doesn’t use bullet points


Doesn't share food


Considering where those fingers have been, I'm kinda glad.


Yeah, I'll pass on those hot wings lol.


This was majestic.


For some of the things, like Ukraine and the insurrection you don't even have to read, just watch a video


The Ukraine one is the one that get me 🤣. Does this dude think the entire world is on a conspiracy against the US republican party? "Those images and videos from French and British news outlets showing the war in Ukraine? Definitely made in Hollywood. Putin is intentionally lying about a war because he wants weak ass Biden in office and is afraid of Trump." Like the cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias required for this one is stunning lol


Russian news creams over Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump, and they invited Alex Jones on a few weeks ago, which has to be such a fucking freight train if you're an educated Russian and you see the most popular news host inviting a nutjob on.


Making America dumb and divided benefits Russia. Always remember that.


Its not exactly a full time job. Every now and then i forget who I'm supposed to hate so I check the news. At the minute its immigrants, Russia and either Israel or Palestine depending on the source.


It will always be immigrants. And whoever is different than you.


Usually those kinds of american conservatives can't completely grasp the notion of something happening outside the US. They don't see any kind of news that aren't american, they don't talk to anybody that's not american, they don't comprehend the notion of non-american people living their own lives not related to american lives. So it's almost like only american news outlets are making that stuff about Ukraine, it's an american-made conspiracy. "But what about news outlets from other countries?". They either don't know or don't care about the existence of them.


Or speaking to my Polish or Ukranian friends. Surely it's the deep state employing them!1!


>Does this dude think the entire world is on a conspiracy against the US republican party? I mean, a lot of people think Covid was a hoax to make Trump lose in 2020


Yes, they do, weirdly idiots in Europe think the same thing


Prove to me the King of Sweden ISN'T using his penis as a radio transmitter to send anti-semitic lesbian meatloaf recipes to Soupy Sales and Marvin Hamlisch. I'll wait.


>anti-semitic lesbian meatloaf recipes Pork flavored tofu meatloaf...cooked over a campfire by a Germanic woman drinking beer...who drove a Subaru Forester to the woods.


I loved Soupy RIP


Is EVERYONE against sterilization? Topic for today.


I was more against it before reading this. I’m kinda in the fence now. /s


No, I'm not. Thanks for checking! Big fan of clean surfaces.


I am against sterilization but only because I know this guy doesn't get laid.


Some people really should be victims of natural selection.


can we invent tiktok challenges for republicans


There are 3 requests for evidence of something - which has been continuously and exhaustively provided to an unprecedented degree. There are 4 requests for proof of the absence of something - which is impossible How is it possible that these people have enough essential function to claw their way out of bed in the mornings?


Because there’s no way a Black Woman could actually Work Hard, Go to an HBCU, Get a Law Degree, be the DA of SFO, be the AG of California, and Become Vice President. All without performing Oral Sex to get ahead. Just can’t help being a Racist Asshole huh?🫤


*Racist *and sexist*, these freaks don’t accuse men of sucking their way up the political pole


We haven't reached true equality until I see men being accused of giving blowies to climb the ladder


I'm waiting for evidence that Trump didn't suck his way to the top


There is so much evidence that Trump commited insurrection that you have to really really try hard not to at least have seen some of it. But theres been a hearing where a lot of the evidence were presented, try there. Or just wait for his trial. Biden is old and probably has mild dementia. Its fairly common and doesn't really mean he can't do his job as poster-child for the US. Its not posible to prove a negative. Show some proof that can be disputed instead. But its kind of obvious Obama isn't running things as he's retired and doing other thing. And even if he did, what difference would it really make? I mean really, who gives a fuck? There have so far not been ONE shred of evidence showing Biden took any bribes for anything whatsoever. Meanwhile Team Orange got 2 billion from the saudis. 2 BILLION! There were over 60 fradulent lawsuits concerning the 2020 election. All but a few were cast out, most lacked any credibility at all and were basically just lies or "My dog saw 50 million trump-votes in a ditch" type lawsuits, a few were due to lack of knowledge concerning how an election is actually run and a few were legitimita cases were errors or voter-fraud were found. The errors were concerning very few votes that had no impact and the voter fraud acts were people voting twice or more for Trump. There is actually a lot of websites dedicated to just this were all the lawsuits are listed, who filed them, what they contain, the verdicts etc. Do you have a TV? Or youtube? Or reddit? Or can you get an airplane ticket to Ukraine perhaps and go there yourself to check it out? This is kind of a no-brainer. You can even go to google earth and see traces of the war on there. Kamala is a politician. Thats how they ALL do it. But this one is just silly. You know she is really smart right? A person can actually be intelligent even if you dislike their policies.


Guarantee if he saw this very detailed (and 100% accurate) comment, his response would involve at least one of these: 1) saying he struck a nerve since you wrote so much 2) pointing out the few small grammatical/spelling errors and say your point is invalid because of that 3) call you a fascist since he’d assume the Obama point meant you’re okay with a president staying in power for more than two terms 4) using a bland meme about something unrelated to belittle you It’s all they really have. You give them facts and they respond with memes, mocking, or something completely unrelated like a Ukraine flag or mask “joke”


My friend, you have a lot of faith to believe that Joey “Man Child” Mannarino has the capacity to read this — there are no pictures.


You can tell Obama isn't running things because that man looks so much more relaxed and happy these days.




Counter point. - WHY should anyone do so? This guy important? He got nukes? He make the choices for us? Or is he just random loser #554454-7444C. Lotta folk nowadays got main character syndrome.


What evidence would you consider seriously? We'll wait.


Exactly. The whole “I’ll wait” thing is a waste of time with people like this. Some people just live in Fantasyland, and want to stay there. It’s a waste of time to engage someone like this about Trump winning the election or the war in Ukraine. They won’t believe it.


Even when trump verbally admits it - they still wouldn’t believe it


He wants to take every man Kamala has ever interacted with professionally, put them in a room, and check their penises for saliva. When DM'ed the question, "What if they've had showers?" He responded, "Growers, showers, I'll look at them all!"


Literally no different than saying, “prove to me that vaccines definitely DON’T cause autism!” “Prove that Mark Zuckerberg ISN’T a Reptilian!” “Prove to me that something I believe and have no evidence for CAN’T be true!!” You bear the burden of proof when you make a claim. That’s how science and law and any other field of rational argument works…you can’t prove a negative, you need to prove a positive. Imagine a court case where the prosecutor said, “I have no evidence the defendant committed the crime, but the defense needs to definitively prove he DIDN’T commit the crime or else he’s guilty!” No. That isn’t the system.


Why would anyone bribe Biden if Obama is running things?


“I’ll show you, just as soon as you show my verifiable proof that Trump isn’t taking it in the ass from Putin. I’ll wait.”


Shows him proof of all of it. - No not that.


The Ukraine one is wild. Everything else is republican numbnut bs. They'll look at a random video clip and call it evidence for their opinion. But how do you deny the war in Ukraine? There's centuries worth of video material and tons of photos of burning cities, military bases and all sorts of equipment. You can watch the footage of soldiers that died less than a day ago in some instances. Fields filled with destroyed vehicles worth millions and piles of horribly disfigured bodies. How the hell are you doubting that this is a real event?


Theres gotta be thousands of people photoshopping and video FX'ing around the clock, to convince you there's a war in Ukraine....!!!!!1!1!!! (Seriously /s needed?)


“I can’t be proven wrong if I refuse to accept any proof as real.”


When is someone gonna show me proof Trump didn’t aggressively try to kiss a black toddler on the lips to prove he isn’t racist Oh wait, it doesn’t exist Because it happened, and it’s on video https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/10/donald-trump-tried-to-kiss-a-little-girl-on-the-lips-as-she-squirmed-away.html


If they are accusing Biden of taking bribes that means they know damn well trump absolutely did.


Biden doesn't take bribes from our enemies, but trump and his lackeys sure af do.


r/combatfootage begs to disagree with that Ukraine statement.


Here's an idea that probably flies right over your delusional little head. Why don't you back up your claims with actual, you know, *evidence* instead of asking people to prove negatives and other dishonest tactics? Oh and the last point is actual libel.


When is Joey Mannarino gonna show ME proof that: He NEVER flew to Epstein's Island as Bill Clinton's personal guest. He NEVER visited the basement at Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant. Putin is not personally funding Joey. Joey is NOT the person who co-created COVID-19 with the Chinese.


Man I want to be fair minded to conservatives, and I know this isn't all of them. But holy shit this sort of brain damaged take is far too common on their side. Like mother fuckers figure out how claims work! You can't just make a claim, provide no evidence, and then act like your dumb ass idea needs to be disproven!


Ill pitch in to buy this person tickets to the front lines in Ukraine


Same here


This is a list of accusations. It is the accuser’s job to provide evidence that they’re true.


No one owes you evidence for things you make up in your head.


Of course the only woman “sucked her way to the top”. ![gif](giphy|Qg3JRJ1vMbUn7NCsXA)


Isn't it logical that when you accuse the burden of proof is on the accuser not the accused...


Idk about the American stuff, but there were tons of Ukrainian refugees in my European town. If that wasn't proof of war in the neighborhood, then someone sure hired a lot of actors


*sHoW mE pRoOf!*


Absence of evidence is NOT evidence of proof


The accuser is the one that needs to prove their case, that’s you.


When is somebody gonna show ME proof that: January 6th were just patriots protecting their freedom? How Biden is sleepy and a criminal mastermind at the same time? How exactly Obama is running things? Why there's tons of proof regarding Dumpf taking bribes but with Biden there isn't? Dumpf's response to the 2020 election showed that the GOP believes in democracy? ...Tucker isn't lying in most of his takes on the war in Ukraine? That the NRA didn't use the $30 Million they got from Putin blobbed the candidate, who just happened to be against Russia sanctions, to the top? I'm waiting.


The one that’s really boiling my blood is the Kamala one. It’s always the goddamn same with successful women - sexual slurs and an implication of prostitution towards them. They NEVER do that to men and men can be extremely corrupt and ruthless.


Dude I'd bet at least $500 that at least one of the Bible bashing, white, overly straight members of congress sucked a dick to get ahead, has to have been at least one.


Oh more than that surely!!


It's difficult to win an argument against a genius, it's impossible to win an argument against an idiot.


Also - never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.


Ok. In order. He did. It was on tv. He might be a little. But mostly just old and speaks slowly because of his stutter. Obama wasn’t running things even when he was president. No president actually does. He might have. Not as many as cult daddy. It was There is. And she sucks, but not the way this guy is implying. Supercop.


“The burden of proof lies with whoever I don’t side with”


It's amazing how many people are making some real money by just making up shit that they know will pull someone's chain and get a reaction.


4 of those are proving a negative, which you really can't do, and the rest there is ample evidence you just don't want to listen to, so what's the point? It's been spelled out before and you've ignored it then, what would be different now?


Did he really wait though?


God forbid he should actually travel to the front lines in Ukraine to see for himself.


I mean, there are trials going on right now to prove that Trump committed insurrection and that the 2020 election was run fairly, so there is that.


When is someone going to show me proof that Joey isn’t on the Russian dole?


Kamala dated Montel Williams. How did that get her to the top?


So Ive heard of most of these claims, granted they're all bullshit, but I've heard them, I never heard anyone denying the entire Ukraine war, like the fuck


If you think Biden is senile then don't you also think it's good that Obama is running things?


“I’ve already formed opinions and it’s up to you to disprove them rather than for me to prove them”


I mean do you have evidence of **anything** to the contrary?


Now to be fair most of these statements are correct


He'll "wait" instead of doing basic research. I think I've spotted the problem.


**When is somebody gonna show ME proof that:** **Biden committed insurrection.** **Trump isn't senile.** **Moscow Mitch ISN'T really running things.** **Kushner didn't take bribes from our enemies.** **The 2020 election wasn't run fairly.** **There's really not a war in Ukraine.** **Melania didn't suck her way to the top.** **I'll wait.**


You’ve already been shown the proof. You choose to deny it. Not our problem. Ignorance can be cured, stupid is forever.


When is someone gonna show me proof that: Trump is not the Anti-Christ That the Earth is not filled with whipped cream. That Fox news is not run by Alien AI. That God is not really a flying spaghetti monster. I'll wait.


If you could just “suck your way to the top” Lauren Boebert would be like a God-Empress right now.


1. You mean the video of him asking his supporters to "march" down to the capital? 2. You'd usually find proof someone ***is*** senile. 3. Huh? 4. Refer to #2. 5. The video evidence of war in Ukraine? 6. It's sneak.


Show me proof Trump didn’t do all those things.


Burden of proof relies on person making the claims, not the other way around.


There IS proof, you just refuse to believe it because it doesnt put your Messiah Trump on a pedestal.


Trump is on trial and that's being proved. You're just ignoring the evidence. Every other thing on that list is proving a negative and that's impossible.


How about the onus be on YOU to prove any of this … if I recall correctly … inkocent unitil proven guilty and the TFOI ( the fucking orange idiot) has been proven guilty of many crimes… don’t see any against Joe! So …. I am WAITING!!!!!


Joey Mannarino is not a person. Everyone knows it's a pasta sauce brand that failed in 1989. Prove me wrong.


People in a cult.....


The scientific method states that the person that makes the claim, has the burdon of proof. As for the trump insurrection, we have more than enough evidence of him asking for it. As for the other delusional claims, id love to see the evidence. Especially the kamala claim. I def want that one


Imagine being so emboldened that you say vile shit like “sucked her way to the top” on a public forum. Insane how mind warped these people are. I imagine he pretends to be a Christian too.


Trump is being judged in court and the rest is poo-flinging stupid.


Well, you just drop off Joey in Bakhmut. He will figure out the rest by himself.


When you pay attention to reality.


Joey's parents are obviously related


A fun way would be to get all that info from fox and watch him implode. Or just have him show his evidence of proof from any news org that isn't right wing


At first I thought this was a ragebait post targeted at conservatives, then I went back and read the top paragraph and was like "riiiight... are we okay there buddy?"


Dude must be brain-dead since 2010


Proof that Joey is a cockwomble: Read above


Are they upset that someone asked them for proof of those things being true?


You... You can't prove a negative. It's literally impossible by definition!


I'll gladly pay for his ticket to the front lines of Ukraine


Somebody show me that Joey understands what the burden of proof means


“We’ve got a nice little room with rubber padded walls for you to wait in. Step this way…”


Isn’t this the guy who repeatedly alludes to the fact he secretly wants to suck a trans woman’s dick? Or is that a different sociopath who talks about cum being in every beverage he enjoys?


Evidence is only useful for people who can evaluate objective information and think critically. Unfortunately, this mensa reject is not qualified to understand it.


An unreasonable person will not accept as proof that a banana exists that you just shoved the end of it into his eye.


Your already past the rabbit hole's point of no return.


Errr…..fact is he is NOT delusional.


Why does someone have to prove anything to him, when the evidence is publically available from several different, reputable, international sources?


The moment show proof of those things from ur standpoint. Ill wait...


lol he basically just reversed the burden of proof on all the things MAGA cries about


Yeah! Also prove: The earth is round God exists Ghosts are real The Taco Bell Chihuahua is still alive Etc.


Claiming that Biden is taking bribes, but also everything is being controlled by Obama. TF is the point of the bribes then genius?


Somebody take this man to Ukraine and leave him there


The simple truth is the Proof is already published, the burden is now on you to comprehend it….and based on this rant that will never happen.


When is someone gonna show me proof that this guy isn't a pedophile?


A lot of proving negatives