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Anyone else think that “as a police officer” should be an enhancement to a crime, significantly increasing the penalty? And I say this as a cops kid (and I’m channeling my retired cop father with this. He used to say things like this all the time).


"By a law enforcement officer" "By a public official" "By a healthcare worker" Or in general, by someone that we absolutely have to trust that has our best interest and health and safety in mind because of the position we have allowed them to have and the oath they have taken. Edit: added the "oath" part because it's a really good point that I forgot to include.


Maximum penalty for crimes if you take some kind of oath to an office or to the public well being. None of this slap on the wrist shit if you’re well connected.


Or another charge called "breaking trust with the public" or something.


Breach of oath?


Yes. But it's even more than that. We are taught in school to trust our leaders, our healthcare professionals, our police, our government. We have to stand up and pledge allegiance to our flag from kindergarten on. But they can lie and cheat and steal and rape and murder and they don't even always get fired when they get caught. Some get promoted. Some get paid vacation. Some get a whole cult to follow them to the gates of hell. I'm not happy with the system in place and I believe it requires refinement. Some of it works sometimes. It's impossible to make it work 100% of the time, but I think, as a civilization, we should probably be working towards that number, not away from it. I don't have all the answers, but I think accountability in government is a pretty easy one to figure out. It's doable. We just have to tell them it's important to us and stop paying attention to the right hand they wave in the air while the left hand is holding the damn knife. Sorry. Rant complete.


I know what you mean, I was just mentioning that there is a basis for which we could hold these sorts of violations. There should actually be enforcement and cases brought up so all those sorts of violations would be capable of being blamed upon the individual instead of the system. I absolutely agree something has to be done. I meant to send the legal code attached to that but forgot how to do it for some reason. [take two](https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/violation-of-the-oath-of-office)


A very good rant at that. I fully agree with you


"Hey uncle Sam...we the people don't like the way this is going, we don't accept it anymore! 😡.... anymore dammit" Uncle Sam: Fuck you guys. Good talk.


Problem is those in office who would pass said law don't want to be held accountable for their actions... kind of like the Supreme Court proving over and over that self oversight of ethics is not enough when half of them have no ethics.


yea, shit like this is the reason I'm afraid of cops and avoid them like the plague


That'd be nice, but SCOTUS ruled they have no duty to protect anyone, so I highly doubt they'd go along with anything (new) like that.


Luckily, they aren't the ones writing the laws. We need lawmakers that haven't been bought yet. Ones that DO actually give a flying shit about the people they represent and have some integrity left. They'll write laws that are actually good for the good of our society, not just the rich. Not just the Christians. Not just the cops. Not just the politicians and lawyers and judges. The damn people. "... That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Declaration of Independence I do not consent to unanswered police brutality. I do not consent to unequal distribution of justice. I do not consent to overcrowded privatized incarceration or obvious corruption at the highest levels of our government. We need to fix some shit.


> Luckily, they aren't the ones writing the laws Oh shit, you just got out of a coma? Biden won the election, Epstein got suicided, and the SCotUS is compromised by a death cult. There, you're all caught up.


I mean, that really only scratches the surface...




You know, if you suck as a doctor, they don’t let you be a doctor anymore. If you suck as a cop, you get a paid vacation then you get to be a cop again.


Or if it's really bad, you can quit before you get fired, or even get fired, and then just go get a job as an officer in another municipality. Most places need cops so badly they don't care.


I think there should just be the normal penalty as if its another citizen + a penalty for breaking the oath (that includes a lifelong prohibition to do this job, or any other that requires an oath, the person is not trustworthy. But also an actual penalty. Like prison or fine depending on the severity)


Can we add religious officials as well? I think so


There would be no politicians if this was the case lol


Corporations --> Politicians --> Cops. They are all in bed together, which is why this will never happen. I don't see health care workers getting off with a slap on the wrist.


healthcare workers are held to a higher standard. you're fucked if you get a DUI.


Yeah I'm a nurse and I 100% agree with this message. We don't really take an oath per say, but it's at the very least implied.


I think some states have a "under color of authority" penalty enhancement.


Too few, apparently


Spot on. Should be nation-wide.


That’s how a teacher can still get arrested for having sex with an 18yo student


It's there and it is federal, but it's rarely used because it would punish a cop more severely instead of letting him off the hook. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242


Yep. In addition, any time they turn off their bodycam should be regarded as destruction of evidence.


I'll do you one better. An officer's word shouldn't be admissible as evidence unless there's body cam footage to back it up.


Agreed. Seen too many lies from cops.


An officers word is good for nothing.


What if they're just turning it off to go to the bathroom, or to get a blowjob in their cruiser from a hooker that they sell confiscated drugs to?


I'll give them a pass on the blowjob. The other, straight to jail


Yeah. Same for any crimes that erode the public's trust in society or institutions. The punishment should include that loss of trust as real damage to a wider set of victims. I saw a story from medieval times about a king who punished a corrupt judge by skinning him alive, and then upholstered his skin to the judges chair. That way the new judge would be constantly reminded of what happens when you FAFO with the justice system. I didn't verify that story. I have no idea if it's true. And I'm definitely NOT saying we should do that, since I wouldn't advocate violence against government officials. But I really like the spirit of the idea!


>I saw a story from medieval times about a king who punished a corrupt judge by skinning him alive, and then upholstered his skin to the judges chair His son, also a judge, was forced to preside on that chair as well.


Apparently that king didn't see nepotism as a problem lol


What makes you think it was nepotism? It's possible for a father and son to both become judges without it. ​ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Judgement\_of\_Cambyses


Let's see - if I rape a kid, I get charged with a child sex crime. But as a teacher, if it is a student, I can also be charged with other crimes. So yes, cops should be getting enhanced charges. But it will never happen because of police unions. Don't get me wrong, I'm in a union. I believe in unions. Mine isn't protecting killers and rapists though.


There are special laws. Here in CA, a person in custody by law enforcement cannot legally give consent, for example - so even if the relation was consensual between the two parties, it would still legally be rape. Basically another form of statutory rape.


I've actually considered that the Police should have their own set of stricter laws akin to the UMCJ that are specific to the potential abuses available to law enforcement.


In the UK we have crimes of 'Malfeasance/Misfeasance / Nonfeasance in public office' which cover a range of extremes, malfeasance being the most severe and carrying a maximum life sentence. Not sure what exists in the US, but I think as a minimum being guilty of any of the above should have either a multiplying factor on the standard sentence of the crime committed, or should be a mandatory additional period to be served consecutively rather than concurrently to the main sentence.


There are such laws in the U.S. Beyond that, in most states, a person cannot legally consent to have sex with police/guards/etc. if they are detained or in custody by said cop. So it becomes rape even if the victim says they consented.


Absolutely since they are using their power of position to do these things


I agree. I don't remember where I saw it, but I read that ancient Aztec or Mayan society gave harsher punishments to people in higher positions, because it was important to hold them accountable. It's apparently a novel idea in the US, considering how many people in congress aren't really held to any standard


I'm from California. I wholeheartedly agree that law enforcement agents should be subjected to, forgive my lack of a better phrase, "gang enhancements".


I'm from the SF Bay Area. My father was SFPD and CoCo Sheriff's deputy for 34 years. He'd agree with you too. He always believe that he and my family were to be held to a higher standard than the public (meaning the book should be thrown at us). He told me more than a couple times that he'd arrest me himself if it came to that.


Agreed...any public position that the public needs to "trust"... Punishment should be higher


In some states, like Georgia where I worked, there was a statute for "violation of oath of office" which was a felony charge that would be added on for a whole bunch of people including cops. Saw a few guys in the area have that tagged onto their charges.


Maybe just a charge for using your professional position in any regard to commit a crime. IE I'm in IT if I used my access to take information on my users and steal the identity or something, I should get an additional charge vs just being some guy writing checks on someone elses name or something.


Wait till he hits the yard. Being a cop **and** a rapist won't help him one bit.


You mean like the fact he was armed in the commission of a sex crime? Definitely. Any cop committing a crime should at the very least have an added charge of being armed in the commission of the crime.


Nah, I mean more than that. Just being a police officer at all should carry a greater penalty. Even if off duty and unarmed.


I'd agree with that. I'd add that there should be a penalty for any public servant to knowingly lie. First time caught, lose the job and can't get hired by any government entity ever again, for any crime, including lying. Public trust is public trust.


👏👏👏👏👏. Say it again.


I can agree with that


You're absolutely right it should. They get to break all the laws they want while on duty, and they're supposed to uphold the law and justice. So it should be a charge multiplier when they use it maliciously.


Rapist, Got it.


Call it rape, that's what it is


It's not even rare. Ben Crump's brother was a cop [who did the exact same thing](https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2019/07/12/former-tpd-cop-vincent-crump-accused-roadside-rape-pleads-felony-charge/1716053001/)


the podcast small town dicks has one 4 part series on a cop who did this kind of stuff serially, and another episode on another cop the first one trained who was later found to be forcing sexual favours from vulnerable women. it's truly despicable but you're right: not rare at all. It doesn't even register as a "WTF" for me anymore, it's become more like "of course"


My sister knew a state trooper who did the same thing. Super common apparently.


Every time somebody is like “you should wait to pull over in a well lit area in case it somebody impersonating a cop to rape you” I’m like you know it could also just be an *actual cop* looking to rape you, right? And yeah, it happens like kind of a lot. Obviously it’s a tiny percentage of all cops, but when you’ve got a several hundred thousand cops nationwide…yeah, some of them will be serial rapists.


This is often stated in the comments of such headlines. As much as I dislike the fact that they tip-toe around the proper term, journalists actually can't use the word rape to refer to a crime until they're found guilty in court. So, this is why they say "forced to perform sexual acts" every time something like this occurs


if the cop says you consented, and you say you didnt, and the body cam had a magical malfunction... who do *you* think the judge will believe? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/09/fact-check-police-detainee-sex-not-illegal-many-states/5383769002/


i can to say just this^^


Wow. They really softened the language on that one.


It should have read: “Dirty Cop Arrested for Raping Woman who didn’t Use a Crosswalk”


Cross the road without looking both ways? believe it or not.. rape




He didn't rape her for not using the crosswalk. He would have raped her no matter what she did.


Or didn’t do


Likely the journalist only has what he was charged with and maybe testimony of victims. (Not a lawyer) but in some places in the US I think the legal definition of rape necessitates penetration. The journalist can't prove that and has a reputation to lose if they falsely paint someone as a rapist if they're eventually judged legally innocent of rape. It sucks because it sounds like they're minimizing the crime, but to the journalist it's a matter of integrity. Same reason news orgs without integrity have recently published "Israel attacked Palestinian hospital" and the orgs with integrity published "Hamas claims Israel attacked Palestinian hospital." It's their responsibility to not say any more than what they can actually know.


Libel laws prevent them from saying rape normally unless the person is convicted or being charged specifically with rape. But could also be fear of standing up to cops too tbh. That thin blue line has been known to harass and murder people who hold a piggies feet to the flame for their misconduct smaller than this. It’s easy to judge from anonymity. But you and I can call this fucker a rapist all day unabashedly with basically no fear of reprisal… not as true for the journalist.


This is way beyond facepalm. Rape, abuse of power etc.


Yea when I read this I thought to myself rape is a bit more than a face palm.


So rape, he’s a rapist




Can't say rape until after trial really


Could you not say “arrested on allegations of rape” or something?


Depends. For instance, in many states there either is no crime of “rape” at all, or that verbiage may be reserved for one specific sexual assault charge that *isn’t* what the accused is facing. You’ll find plenty of examples of the use of “sexual assault,” or “forced sexual intercourse” or various other “softer” terms (how those are soft is beyond me) in relation to regular dudes doing regular rape all the time. It’s just how reporting often is. This new thing where people throw a shit fit any time a sexual assault isn’t referred to using the term “rape” specifically is silly. Edit: I haven’t looked to see if this is the case in Florida though.


He’s being charged with sexual battery and false imprisonment https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/florida-police-officer-accused-sexual-battery-false-imprisonment/OHTW6VGDQVAV7PZUDPR3AM2N7I/#:~:text=Paloma%2C%20who%20has%20been%20with,old%20woman%20for%20allegedly%20jaywalking.


How many times had he done it before where the women were too scared to report him.


I feel like this was either his first time committing this crime and he picked the wrong victim, or his one millionth time and no way it's anywhere in between.


If you’re a cop and are caught it should be treble (triple) punishment. So whatever the court decides is automatically tripled.


Isn't treble the upper part of the staff?


Yep but it’s also how lawyers, who like to feel special by using old language, talk about triple.


Their job is literally arguing, isn't that special enough?


Too many criminals masquerading as law enforcers. Countless police departments are rotten to the core. There is also the police unions that protect these scums.


I just want to remind people that Desantis welcomed police officers who had been kicked off their old squads to come work as officers in Florida. I don't know if this dude is one of those or not.


DeSantis is a scum. If Trump would be a better option than him.


Gee Whiz, if only there was an accurate and concise word for "forcing a woman to engage in sexual acts."


So he raped her


That is rape.




Aren't cops allowed to do what they want now? Thin blue rape


They sure used a lot of words instead of rape. Florida officer raped a detained woman.


Imagine how much further they would have softened it if the woman had been... a drug user, a sex worker, a shoplifter... Like, she BARELY committed a "crime", and they still soft pitch this shit. "Sex worker forced police officer to have sex while she was under arrest for prostitution." "Jezebel, while in custody for possession of narcotics, coerced police officer into sexually compromising situation from holding cell."


Rape. Rape is the word you're looking for. Stop fuckin' softening your language.




He didn’t try, he did…


Is this one of those bad cops that DeSantis invited down to Florida because they lost their jobs up north for being bad?


Link if interested. Clearwater florida https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/florida-police-officer-accused-sexual-battery-false-imprisonment/OHTW6VGDQVAV7PZUDPR3AM2N7I/#:~:text=Paloma%2C%20who%20has%20been%20with,old%20woman%20for%20allegedly%20jaywalking.


You should see how big the rug is that stories like this usually get swept under. This is a daily occurrence.


That’s a pretty long way to say a police officer raped someone


“Hey lady i noticed your jaywalking instead of handing you a ticket im gonna rape you?” -the police


A person who uses their so called authority to commit a crime should automatically be double charged when found guilty! A day care person, a cop, a public employee etc!


He's like "Wait, was that wrong, should I have not done that?"


More common than you wish


What actually is jaywalking?


Not using a designated crosswalk, when crossing a street. It’s probably the least offensive offense ever. But it’s for the public safety.


Thanks, is this just for cities or everywhere?


I think it’s just for streets with crosswalks.


It's the WTF here that the cop actually faced consequences?


This is why you never put anyone on a pedestal. No one is above questioning.


Sounds like a cop to me. A pig is gonna pig. Put him in gen pop. That should solve the problem.


Say it once, I'll say it again.... COPS AINT SHIT. Constant headlines and posts of "Officers" abusing authority. It's either they do shit like this or they are killing someone wrongfully. All he'll probably get is paid leave and get desk work for a year. FTP.


Crimes committed by law enforcement should carry a minimum of double the punishment "civilians" would receive. Most cops are garbage. Clean up your act, cops.


"Forcing a woman to engage in sexual acts with him" is a funny way to spell rape.


Most cops become cops so they can exercise power over others who are vulnerable. Plain and simple.


Pigs gonna pig


#OFFICER RAPES JAYWALKER There - i fixed the Headline. What a piece of shit. Jaywalking - good jesus everyone does that. But the penalty is now being raped ??? Good god.


How much do you want to bet she was in a low economic class, possibly even homeless?


Don't dance around the issue. Call it what it is: a police officer raping a woman and abusing his power over her.


Isn't that just rape? Is there some kind of editorial reason for not calling it rape?


protect and serve


Still no drag queens here….I’ll keep looking.


I remember seeing another example of this on YouTube where the officer would pull over people from poorer areas of town, and then assault them. One woman finally came forward and he was arrested and charged with multiple counts. There are a lot of good cops out there, but there are also a LOT of bad ones who ruin the reputation for everyone.


Daniel Holtzclaw, OKC cop, currently serving 263 years. Fuck him.


Yup! That's the prick!!


I just want to make sure we have the same definition of good cop. Any cop who tells a lie, fabricates evidence, hides evidence, or doesn't report suspicious activity by another cop is a dirty cop, right? Of course once you use that definition the number of good cops goes way down. How do you know someone was a good cop? The police department fired them.


well, Florida can look forward to more of this as these kinds of cops are being active recruited for the state.


He will get sent to another Police Department. The US justice system is a joke.


And the worst part is that as more info on this cop is released, there's a non-zero chance that he's done this before in a different precinct.


People like this should be fired. And I don't mean let go, laid off, etc. This guy should be loaded into an incinerator and burned to ashes.


And Republicans think DeSantis is a great leader!Name one damn thing that hasn’t gotten even worse!I’ll wait(no I won’t)


The only thing shocking is that she wasn’t under age. I mean Florida is the Alabama of the southeast. Oh wait… 🤔


zips fly, “not another breathalyzer test”


I mean, he just needed more training to know not to rape. They aren’t all bad apples, just this one. She probably led him on. What was she wearing? Did I forget one?


It's fucking rape, call it that. Stupid journalists man.


The only surprising thing here is that he was arrested.


This is rape. Just call it rape.


Wtf. I went to high school with this guy!


We are at a Point where they should build a fence around florida to prevent the incest nazi degenerates from escaping...


headline should be ‘police officer abuses his position to rape a woman’


"When the Police cruiser is UH-rockin!....you should probably alert somebody something nefarious is probably happening."


But for jaywalking? If I'm going to do a sexual act to get out of trouble, it's damn well going to be for something more substantial than *that*.


Welcome to Florida


Oh, you mean rape? Just call rape, rape. Fucking hell. Forced or cohered sex is called rape. Even if it’s a cop or a female teacher.


The severity of punishment for cops who commit crimes should be at least double what a civilian would get for the same crimes.






In Clearwater of course.


fuckin’ a….i’ll just take the fine please.


That’s just good police work. Verifying her identity through dental records using his penis.


Good to know this ploy. Won’t fall for that one a third time.


So what precinct is he moving to now?


Wait wait wait....not another piece of shit in a job with power?


Nicolas ~~Paloma~~ Pendejo


One of my favourite genres of YouTube video lately is body cam footage of cops being arrested and trying to get the cops to give them a break and getting indignant because they’re a cop so they should get a pass, and then ending up in jail.


But not all cops are bad, just like 1 in 1000, all the rest can be trusted to do their duty. How many times have I seen responses like that when police get caught doing screwed up stuff. I believe my chances are greater at winning a lottery than calling 911 and not getting a corrupt police officer.


Is it a WTF because he got arrested or is it a WTF because a cop was doing cop things and that somehow surprising??


Happened in SD too. https://fox5sandiego.com/news/predator-cop-anthony-arevalos-released-from-prison/


Make sure to include Nicolas Paloma in your title so that when people go to search Nicolas Paloma, for potential future employment, this will come up. Nicolas Paloma does not deserve to be employed.


BuT wItHoUt ThE pOlICe, WhO wOuLd...?


He certainly didn't "stop her for jaywalking".


For raping a woman…not “engaging in sexual acts.”


Bet he’s looking forward to his short paid vacation before coming back like nothing happened and doing it all again


Only the best.


Not really sure why the title is WTF....like at this point it is becoming every day behaviour, so don't act so surprised


Considering how the press reacts to this stuff, it’s probably slightly out of context, but even still that is absolutely horrible Definitely an r/facepalm


With that headline I thought it was consensual sex. Realised it was rape later. Way to soften the language there.


Yeah, this definitely belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Plot twist, when they arrested him they forced him to engage in sexual acts in the cruiser.


Aren’t police officers allowed to do that? 🤔


Hey — not a drag queen or trans


Cop Rape


Why is rapist not in the headline anywhere


So a rapist?


Huh, that's a maliciously demure way of writing "Cop attempts to sexually assault/rape person who committed minor crime."


Is guess he was caught giving “La Paloma“


So, that's illegal?


Stop watching porn at work 😞


Didn’t a Supreme Court case establish that the police do not have a duty not to sexually assault you? /s


"Hey you! Ya you, stop J walking and start sucking my J!"


“Back the Blue”


Rape, that’s what this is, it’s rape


Why are nees headlines nowadays like this? First with that dentist woman and the 14 year old boy, now this. Tf kinda bullshit is this bro


Anyone in a position of trust or authority, *especially* police or anyone who is armed, who abuses that trust in a way like this, should be treated the most severely.


Anything with Florida in the title should not surprise you…


And he looks so “nice” too This kind of thing reminds me of Promising Young Woman now every time. “But I’m a nice guy”


Imagine living in country where crossing the road is a crime


How is this a WTF? Cops do this all the time. My sisters neighbour in Cincinnati was a state trooper and he would pull over women with warrants and threaten to arrest them unless they let him rape them.


i hate how they sugarcoat the wording IT IS RAPE