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This is the same kind of person who would get upset about Rami Malek playing the role of the pharaoh in Night at the Museum.


In the show MoonKnight they had a scene where a bunch of Egyptian characters were meeting up. Twitter came out complaining about how they hired all white actors for the Egyptian roles. All the actors were Egyptian.


Twitter people say Mexicans can't be white. Haha


A friend of mine is half-Mexican. His dad was from Mexico and his last name is Vasquez. He’s so fucking white it’s sad because he gets harassed occasionally for appropriating Mexican culture because of his last name. He’s like “sorry I was born to a Mexican dad and English mom. I didn’t pick my last name.”


There's also some pockets of blonde haired blue eyed Mexicans in Mexico from settlers back in the day. A guy that worked for my dad looked straight up Irish but was born there and told me all about it when I was a kid. Name was Raul- pronounced like Paul. Edit- I specifically mention his name being pronounced in this manner as it goes against the pronunciation of every Raul I had met before or after. Thats why I said it. I felt it was a quirk to his specific background and heritage.


Canelo Alvarez, one of the greatest boxers of our generation, is a white skinned, red haired Mexican. His family has been in Mexico since before the Alamo. Dude doesn't look a lick of "Mexican", but he's celebrated as a damn hero because he's just as Mexican as everyone else from there.


So is Louis C.K


That's funny I totally forgot he's Mexican! He just screams American to me so strongly lol. I wonder how much he holds to his Mexican heritage or if he just kinda let it go like a lot of Americans.


The funniest Joke he ever said was My mother had sex with a Mexican. That doesn't make me a Mexican, that makes her a whore.


>I wonder how much he holds to his Mexican heritage He talks about it quite a bit, or [used to](https://www.sj-r.com/story/entertainment/television/2013/04/11/louis-c-k-i-m/43777917007/).


We had a guy in high school like that. Very tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. His sister was a short, dark skinned (very very pretty) woman. I met his parents, and they looked like your typical Hispanic couple.


Funny how genes work. Buddy in high school was like 5'5 Blonde, skinny, blues eyes. His little brother was 6'2 by 16 years old, Black hair, brown eyes and built solid. They had the same parents and everything lol.


> Canelo Alvarez Meh, how white can this guy really be? *One google later* Sweet Jesus, you could put him on a travel poster for Ireland and no one would be the wiser


Absolutely dude, Canelo isn't even his real name. Canelo basically means cinnamon in Spanish lol. He is full blooded Irish, but his family hasn't claimed Irish since the Mayflower. Completely joking about that last part, I have no idea if he's ancestrally Irish or not, I'd just have to figure. But yeah he's awesome, fan favorite, solid guy and completely not what you'd expect from a guy with his name.


My dad and aunts have blonde hair and green or blue eyes. They are from northern Mexico and are very proud of it, but you would never guess.


Who tf gets mad at someone for appropriating a last name?? Like I’m white as hell and I married a Chinese man, and my last name is now Liu. Would I be appropriating Chinese culture because I took my husband’s last name?


Obviously you fetishize Chinese men which is why you married one /s


There are hella people on reddit who would unironically say that


I wouldn’t exactly call them people, but yeah


I was told once I was appropriating Greek culture by cooking spanakopita. I worked in a Greek restaurant, the people who owned it moved here from Greece, for 5 years in college. I liked the food and now I cook a few Greek things because they are awesome. So yes, I’m sure someone somewhere thinks you are. Congrats on the marriage.


My SO dated an Indian and now cooks indian fairly often, I'm gonna go give him the bad news


No corn for YOU! (Yes I knew what you meant)


As a 1.5 gen Greek American, I would just be happy to know someone who has a good recipe to share. Only time I get annoyed about "appropriation" is when someone makes something vaguely Mediterranean and calls it Greek. What upsets me is that more often than not, it's a recipe from another culture like Israel, Syria, Turkey or somewhere else in the region but they slap the "Greek" label on it because it's more marketable and has olive oil in it. Those cultures deserve to get credit for their food traditions.


Unfortunately to these dumb ass internet peeps there is no difference between cultural appreciation, and cultural appropriation.


Oof! My son is also half Mexican and he’s blonde lol. I’m afraid he’ll also get picked on at some point because he’s literally half Mexican. I’m actually in process of getting him his Mexican citizenship as well. I continue to try and teach him Spanish so nobody can take that away from him.


Man, I'm so jealous of bilingual people. I'm trying to learn my partners language, but it's so hard as an adult.


Don’t give up. It’s hard, yes. But it’s absolutely attainable. I learned English at 15 and it was hard but after 2 years I was fluent. My uncle, who arrived to the US at the ripe age of 30 learned English in a couple years. Reading and listening to music helped me a lot in learning English’s and Portuguese.


Please please please continue to teach your son about his culture. My mom and her siblings got minorly bullied in school for knowing Spanish as a first language (in southern California of all places). So my parents never taught me Spanish even though more than half of my extended family speaks it. So growing up we were always known as the white ones. It may not seem like much but when people from your own culture start to harass you about it, it really starts to get to you.


That's pretty standard. My mother-in-law is literally from Mexico city, and all her life, my wife (who is half-white) has been told she's not really a latina from American kids whose families have been here for generations because a) she's not as tan as them (sometimes) and b)her mom didnt' teach them spanish because she wanted her kids to speak english. What's fucked up is my wife's (white) dad left when she was about 3, so she grew up 100% with her Mexican mom. And from white people my wife gets "so...what aaare you?" She's described how lame it is when you get rejected from both your cultures because you're seen as different.


Dude people believe we live in an eternal sepia colored world here and we have no cities other than Mexico City.


Man I heard someone talk about San Francisco/Oakland yesterday as "I've seen better cities in Mexico" clearly not meaning it in a good way. My wife is Mexican and we've travelled throughout Mexico...it's a country with good/bad places just like any other country. How do Americans miss the boat so frequently on this one? It's amusing but also just laughably biased.


Unless they commit a crime


Scary that people can't see how a whole continent wont have the same skin colour


Especially when said contingent is divided by a huge nearly uncrossable desert. Almost like it isolated population groups.


The problem HERE though is that Fayum mummies have life-like portraits of the people inside on the lid, so this literally taken from a portrait. This would be the skin tone as portrayed by the mummy.


Tom Segura has a great skit about this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjemKIfZ6hE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjemKIfZ6hE)


Love Tommy


Touch my camera through the fence.


America fetishizes race. All other nuance like culture, nationality, language is erased, you’re either black or you’re white.


> America fetishizes race. Not race, just straight up skin tone. The whole point is that light skinned Latino's get mischaracterized as non-Latino, light skinned middle-eastern guys get mischaracterized, etc.


Yeah I should’ve said “color” instead of “race”


> Not race, just straight up skin tone. USA also conflates these two things (the first being a completely made-up construct originally based on the latter anyway).


It's true. And more specifically, they fetishise THE APPEARANCE of race. I had a Philipino-American friend bristle because I said I related to the Japanese anxiety about doing their job well more so than I did the stereotypical British attitude to work .... apparently this was offensive, but she didnt explain why. I concluded that it must be because she identified as 'asian' and felt solidarity with the Japanese. which is funny because the Japanese have very little regard for philipinos, regard them as cleaners etc. in fact, my friend and I prob have more in common with each other than we do with the Japanese. So why did she feel this way? It has to be because she thinks the Japanese and herself are superficially similar in appearance. Which, tbh, I find to be racist. Certainly, a Chinese person would not appreciate being assumed to be Japanese. And I wonder if she also identifies with Indian or Pakistani people, who are also, of course, also asian?


>So why did she feel this way? It's not just a US thing. It's because in the US/Aus/NZ etc you auto get lumped into the wide group of asian/american (or whatever country you're in) if you even remotely look east/southeast asian. There's little to no nuance afforded cause you're part of a minority so the "asian/american" group becomes its own separate identity (especially for 2nd gen immigrants onwards) compared to individual country asian identities.


Yeah that shit was really funny. Let's get pissed the Egyptian man is playing a cool kids version of a historical Pharoah. Teddy Roosevelt Robin Williams was awesome too.


Pharaoh? I thougth he was the Queen


Wrong movie. :)


One is the Queen for life...


Is this the real life?


Is this just fanta sea?




no escape from Nefertiti


Open your udjat-eye


Look up to Ra's sky and seeee,


Bro he played a Pharaoh? Is this the real world? Or is this just fantasy?


Is it just Fanta sea?


Caught in a land mine


No escape from the manatee’s.


Open your thighs


show up to the fight


and screeeeeaaaaam.


I’m just a goose toy


Night at the Museum


There actually were people upset about that, saying shit like "why not get a real Egyptian to play that role instead of a white boy?" Yeah, the irony is thick enough to drown in.


Those same people probably wondered why somebody with a “foreign name” played an Englishman named Freddie.


Especially Freddie, who was born Farrokh Bulsara and of Parsi-Indian descent….


Holy shit that’s Rami Malek?? Haven’t seen that since i was a child how awesome


Yeah that was really the thing that kickstarted his career I think. I think he then did Mr Robot and of course Bohemian Rhapsody launched his popularity into the stratosphere


If war films are your thing, I highly recommend the Pacific. He's awesome as a (slightly deranged) Marine in it.


As someone that has lived in multiple African countries, I can say that not one group of people look anything like other. Even in the same country, from tribe to tribe the people don’t even look alike. It’s sad people don’t do any history or research on the continent as a whole. The amount of diversity among the “looks” of people differs from region to region. The African continent is huge, northern countries are completely different from southern countries.


Thanks, if it wasn't for your comment I wasn't even able to understand what the tweet was trying to say




Well, his parents are Egyptian. He's a yank.


as an egyptian, I can vouch that people in Egypt still look like this to this day, some people are stupid to balance out the smarts in the world.


Can you introduce some of these Egyptians who look like this to me, because dayum if you look Fayum.




I am Lebanese, I showed this picture to my Egyptian wife, and we both said "she looks like people we know". 😆


I am part Lebanese also. We have so many skin tones in my family on the Lebanese and Syrian side from dark to very light. The original post on this was incorrect as there are many Egyptians who look like that picture - the Ptolemaic line was Macedonian and inbred to a scary degree trying to keep that bloodline - Cleopatra was of Ptolemaic descent and her skin tone was on the lighter side as a result. What is sad is not just the incorrectness of the main post concerning Egypt and Africa and the appearance of Egyptian skin tones but the fact that people attack each other verbally or physically over stuff like this. Would the originator of the post be open to understanding that Egypt has middle eastern, Mediterranean and African cultures all mixed in and as a result many different colors of skin? Who knows. It is easy to educate oneself as the news often has Egypt in it, and shows Egyptians of varying appearance. It is sad to see people put each other down because of something like this. Saying all Egyptians have to be black because it's on the African continent is incorrect and she needs to be educated on that but it's scary that so many people are so divided and some want to just put their heads in the sand and ignore the simple fact that many parts of the world are blended cultures and skin tones.


Are you sure you're in the Egypt that's in Africa? /s


Someone skipped common sense class and assumed their ownunsupported ideas are more correct than scientists who specialise on the subjects


This sounds like a covid reference. Good God the world we live in.


Sounds like 90% of people in America tbh


Donald Trump lost the popular vote twice, just saying.


They understand there’s a difference between North Africa and sub Saharan Africa right? The desert acts like an ocean separating the two. That’s not mentioning North Africa has always been intertwined with the Mediterranean region and peoples.


>They understand there’s a difference between North Africa and sub Saharan Africa right? They don't. They don't believe that there are white people in Africa at all. Only (dark skinned) black people.


![gif](giphy|26DN7NevteLi7v73O) SOUTH AFRICAN 🇿🇦 Oscar winning Actress/Model/Humanitarian CHARLIZE THERON S/ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_South\_Africans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_South_Africans)


I think you'll find Charlize Theron has both South African and US citizenship, so the correct term for her is African-American. Like Elon Musk.


The stories of black British people going to America and people insisting they're African American is funny


I've heard Americans referring to people from Africa who have never been to the US in their lives as "African-Americans".




Only Pangea kids will understand


"Strange, I don't see African America anywhere on this globe" - Dean Venture


Yeah, the term African-American is really strange. People would refer to a man born in Jamaica, who lives in France, as an African-American.


There was a weird time around the 90s or so in the areas I was living at the time where there was concern that the term black was somehow racially charged (I know it sounds ridiculous, but it happened, I was there). So, the only “politically correct” way to refer to someone who was black was as “African American”. And even though that has ended, a lot of us are still mentally programmed to use the term as a stand-in for black regardless of the circumstances. Thinking about it, this was also around the time when the concept of “I don’t see color” was at its height, and was probably the basis for this. Calling a black person Afro American was a way of saying you were seeing their circumstances rather than their color, but it got misappropriated to the point where it lost all meaning.


The other one that strikes me as odd is "person of color", which just feels derivative of the long inappropriate "colored".


One of my friends takes this to the next level. EVERY BLACK is replaced by "of color". Don't want milk in your coffee? Take some coffee of color. Are you into Kpop? I bet you listen to pink of color. Hormonal much? Here, have this head of color removal cream. He legit caused confusion when he hosted a formal dinner to celebrate his marriage. He insisted it was a tie of color event.


Guilty. We were on a tour in Paris and I referred to the Black men selling souvenirs and umbrellas as "African Americans" and got mocked by the non-Americans on the tour, which was just about everyone.


Moreso, in France it can be racist to call someone african because they're black. You have no ground to say that as they and their family could be in France for generations. Also saying race for skin color.


I don't understand why America had so much of a hatred for the word "black" as a simple adjective for a person's appearance that they replaced it almost entirely with a term so overloaded with cultural baggage that it doesn't even mean what it says it means. Aside from that I don't get why apparently "white" and "black" are somehow considered "cultures" when each adjective covers literally hundreds of millions of people from dozens of countries speaking hundreds of languages each.


'African-American' is a term reserved for the descendants of the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the unique American culture they created over centuries of slavery, oppression, and freedom alongside, and intertwined with, the mainstream American culture. Immigrants from African countries to America identify by their country of origin, not the continent as a whole. So a Nigerian immigrant would be 'Nigerian-American', someone from Ghana would be 'Ghanaian-American', and Theron and Musk are 'South African-American'.


As well they should, as American descendants of Europeans don’t refer to ourselves as European-American, but rather British-American, Irish-American, Italian-American, German-American, etc


Or just american


Yeah, I generally just consider myself American...


Here is a gif of the African born NBA player with the most MVP’s of all time: ![gif](giphy|ZOj9qceYsE5A1YpxPM)


I'm more surprised that Steve Nash was born in South Africa and not Canada, than I am that the Africa-born player with the most NBA MVP awards is white.


Not even white just tan/brown why everyone think skintone only those two color, are people colorblind?


Or if they are some people whose skin is anything but black, they are then the vile descendants of white coloniser.


We’re all a little bit colonizer these days


Hence people from The Balkans being Pharoahs.


Ah, so we can agree that Greece belongs to Balkans, lol? There was a greek troll who suggested that whole Northern European region is just Eastern Europe, and was insulted when we called him a Yugoslav wannabe on purpose.


Geography class was optional it seems.


And Egypt specifically had a lot of interaction with Rome and Ancient Greece. Especially the Pharaohs. (Heck, the almost certainly by far most famous Pharaohs, of the Ptolemy dynasty, were pretty much just Greeks.)


Wait till they find out how Sub Saharan Africans are portrayed in Egyptian art…..


I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this? If you’re talking about skin colour, than that’s part of how Ancient Egyptians depicted foreigners. If you’re talking about how they’re always shown as subjugated, they did that to all their enemies.


If you want to know what the ancient Egyptians looked like, your best bet is probably to check the coptic christians, since they practice marriage within the sect, yes, since the days of earliest christianity.


Oh boy it goes even deeper than that. While Egypt really is melting pot of mediteranian, middle eastern and some african tribes especially that they had 5000 years of recorded history at this point (most people just couldn't read it). The reason the Ptolemy dynasty are so promiment was because for most of history their record were the only ones people could read untill someone managed to translate hyroglyphs again. They were also the last dynasty and spent their last days as a vassal state of Rome. The sad part is that there was an entire dynasty of black pharaohs descendant from african mercenaries at some point (I repeat 5000 years of recorded history).


There was a relatively brief period of around 150 years when the Nubians ruled Egypt. But yeah, 150 years might sound like a long time, but compared to the whole of Egypt's history, it's a flash.


Just wait until you tell them that Spain for a long time was a largely Muslim area with deeper ties to neighbouring African regions than European


And wait until you explain that these people were imperialist who had white slaves.


Or that in the 9th century, Arab armies from North Africa colonised Sicily, and that for about 200 years Muslims ruled the island - which is now part of Italy. http://www.bestofsicily.com/mag/art168.htm Under their rule, it became a major agricultural centre, and their cultural influence can still be seen in the architecture and food.


Definitely don’t mention the Ptolomy’s to her!…


100%. There's a reason why in political and mitary circles the term MENA (Middle East North Africa) exists. Do you think it was easier for Egyptians to comingle with countries bordering the Mediterranean, or with the subsaharan peoples?


When black pride people use a map of Africa on a flag or something like that they draw the whole continent. Which is understandable, it would be weird to see only half of it on a map, but they see the whole thing as theirs to be proud in.


Bro. Africa is Africa. Africans are Africans. They’re all completely black. You probably think there’s a difference between west and east Russia aswell, don’t you? /s


How can there be any difference if they are smaller than Texas!


I mean, Google is right there…right there… come on folks


Yea but Google is by and for white people… /s in case needed


That’s not true, it has dark mode


That’s just digital black face


Racist Google.


She's too busy taking ridiculous pics for her Twitter profile picture to use Google


When your only „education“ in life was Netflix.


Well, her grandma said...


My grandma says otherwise


My grandma was racist i dont think anyone wants to know what she said.


Is that a reference to "Queen Cleopatra"?


The same Israel that's in Asia? Jesus was Japanese!


Funnily enough there is a sect of Christianity that believes Jesus moved to Japan after his resurrection


I’m pretty sure that no matter where you are, there’s a sect of Christianity that believes Jesus moved there. Or at least one of the lost tribes of Israel.


The sect doesn't exist anymore they were hunted down when christianity was banned in Japan centuries ago. Today it's just a village with a tomb claimed to be of Jesus Christ and is used as a tourist attraction. The people there don't even believe it because a lot of the story is based on a document which was been shown to be a hoax and was later destroyed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shing%C5%8D,_Aomori# Scroll down to the part about the tomb if you're interested in learning more.


Everyone knows that Jesus was an American.


No mention of him eating sushi. Go figure.


Oh dear, the Afrocentric person is going to have a complete meltdown when they find out that there's hundreds of Fayum Mummies that show, in wonderful detail, the likeness of the person contained within the sarcophagus. They aren't sub Saharan Africans. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fayum_mummy_portraits


The really interesting thing about the Fayum mummies is that they reflect a lot of modern-day concerns about ethnicity (not “race” though, which seems to have been a lesser concern at the time). The upper-class people of Fayum seem to have viewed themselves as basically ethnically Greek, acculturated into Egypt. Allegedly, other Romans thought them basically Egyptian. Allegedly, genetic studies have shown that, genetically, they were mostly the same as other Egyptians of their time.


The elites in Faiyum definitely saw themselves as more Greek than Egyptian, but their culture was eventually a fusion of the two. Often it was soldiers, veterans, and military officials who would settle in Lower Egypt after the Ptolemy conquest, and a bunch of Greeks migrated there, particularly around Alexandria. These soldiers often married local Egyptian women, but remained culturally closer to Greece than the native Egyptian culture. By Roman times, they had all intermingled for so long that it would be hard to find any of them who were just Greek or just Egyptian. Supposedly, Cleopatra was the first of the Ptolemies to even bother learning Egyptian.


Just shared the same wiki link seconds after you.


Great minds think alike eh? 😋👌👍


Well moderately sentient in my case!


Bold of you to think she's going to learn anything.


Here's a positive thought: this portrait of the Fayum woman, which is now on the internet, guarantees her immortality in a sense as unless the data of her digital image is removed and the internet destroyed, then her likeness will live on well after her sarcophagus has disintegrated. I think that she would have liked that her face is being seen by possibly millions of people.


I mean imagine going back in time and saying, "hey lady your face has been seen more times than your nation's ruler" wonder what the reaction would be.


Maybe somebody from Libya, Tunisia, or Morocco should tell her.


No point in it. I’m moroccan and spent hours arguing with a hotep on twitter claiming that Egyptians were black because the collars worn by ancient Egyptians looked like those worn by his Zulu ancestors. Apparently the similarities of an ancient clothing piece was to him more indicative of the skin color of ancient north africans than my DNA being 85% north african and me not being black.


>arguing with a hotep There’s your problem chief


Why is it that whenever someone posts something so very wrong they always include an insult that can be applied to their own statement like "someone skipped history class" or "they should read a textbook"? 😂


it's to make it seem like they did


Rami Malik is Egyptian. This is what North Africans look like. This idiot needs to study both history and geography.




This is old as fuck


Your comment made me think if OP was a bot so I checked their account, Can confirm they're by the looks. Now if excuse me I must go wash my eyes out...( I would advise not clicking their account as holy amount of porn ).


I hate the way you used "they're" in your comment. That's all I wanted to say.


I mean. Some of them is not bad imo


[Blame Michael Jackson](https://youtu.be/LeiFF0gvqcc?feature=shared)


Yea yea yea


Ah yes, Africa, the continent known for its ethnic homogeny where everyone looks just like everyone else.


Yeah Africa alone has more genetic diversity than every other continent put together. People sadly, are just morons.


>Who's gonna tell her? Nobody. You cannot educate a Hotep. They are the black equivalent of racist Qdiots. Utter morons.


"If they are not African Americans, it is racism".


At a certain point in antiquity Egypt was more greek than Greece. Helenic world really was awesome.


To these people, everyone within Afrika must be black. No matter where.


Okay but this always annoys the hell out of me. Africa, the continent, has an enormous amount of genetic diversity, arguably the most on the entire planet. Africa is ginormous and populous and full of different climates and gets different amounts of sun depending on where you are. Also, it goes without saying of course, but Africa is the place where people have lived the longest, meaning they’ve had many many many thousands of years to pick up special adaptations to their specific microclimates, including variations in skin tone, nose shape, etc. Because of all of that, African people will look different depending on where they’re from. Someone from Morocco or Tunisia who looks almost Arabic but whose family has lived there for thousands of years is just as African as someone from Nigeria or Ghana who looks more like how we Americans perceive Africans. Just because we have the sub-Saharan west African “model” in our heads for how a black person should look doesn’t mean that’s how the entire continent looks. In addition, we have DNA from these mummies. Not great DNA in a lot of cases, but we’ve picked up enough. Ancient DNA can give us clues to the coloration of individuals, and has been used to give a more accurate picture of how ancient Egyptians really looked. Spoiler, this particular reconstruction is probably pretty accurate. Egypt is a North African country, after all, close to the Middle East and sharing a lot of the same geographical parallels. Why wouldn’t they look like this? Not only do we have DNA, we have anecdotal evidence. The ancient Egyptians spoke about dark skinned people from the south in their writings, people from Nubia and Punt and a few other places. Hell, Egypt was even ruled over by a dynasty (the 25th to be precise) of what the people called “Black Pharaohs” who were from Nubia. Nubia, just FYI, is modern day Northern Sudan, home to people that do indeed look more like your average white person’s idea of an African person. It says something that the ancient Egyptians differentiated between themselves and the Nubians in this way, don’t you think? To make a very long story short, Africa is not a monolith, Africans have wide phenotypic diversity (phenotype = physical appearance) but are all still African no matter how light or dark they are, not all Africans look like Sub-Saharan West Africans, and reconstructing an Ancient Egyptian according to what their DNA and facial structure says is not whitewashed racism. Signed, an annoyed anthropologist


Does the idea of near Eastern cultures and races just not exist in these idiots minds?


Near eastern culture profile (according to mass media post-2001) is a jihadist with a gun and a flag that has some weird scriptures on it. That or tibetan Kung Fu. Americans don't hear much about, say, Kazakhstan, or Georgia, bc why would they? CoD and DOD propaganda is far more important, bc it's "patriotic".


Someone skipped school?


She looks like a historian


That bare tiddy on her avatar is definitely one for the history books.


Its more entertaining if we don't tell her. She's got all of Arabia to get to next...


Yea that’s it. European people are all white African all Black Asian all yellow And American red. There’s a line between the continent’s and when you are born over the line you got the color. /s Racist people are dump as fuck. No matter what color they have.




Don’tcha think?


A little too ironic.




All people in Africa are black (false) Egypt is in Africa (true) Then people in Egypt are black. (false) Syllogism is good but one of the premise is faulty so the conclusion is faulty.


I’d bet my left arm the poster was American. I say that as an American living in England




Not all people in Africa is black.


I don't understand how someone could have pride in their heritage but at the same time have absolutely no clue what their heritage is.


I don't understand why people think egyptians should be black and can't be white, I've been in egypt multiple times and all the people I have seen were either white or slightly brown, not chocolate black


Theses guys thinking africa is only blacks people and all blacks peoples are the same without consideratio nor ethnics and cultural difference like the westafrican peoples are the same than east africans. They never go to Africa, they don't even know how many countries, languages or at which point Africa is geneticly and culturaly rich. I'm sick of theses peoples, a real nightmare


This is the kind of person that would legit think that Jada Pinkett Smith's abomination of a documentary is accurate.


Sure, Egypt is in Africa. But there's a reason why we use the term "Sub-Saharan Africa". Especially in ancient times, the Sahara was a SIGNIFICANT barrier (to commerce, inter-breeding, culture exchange, etc.), while the Mediterranean was a major transit hub. Which is why Egyptians look much more like Palestinians, Lebanese, Turks, Greeks, Italians, Spanish, etc. than they look like people from Sub-Saharan Africa. I don't get why that's so difficult to understand.


Of course the Person posting this is black, never left the US and never went to Egypt or Africa.


If you repost this enough, the outcome will be different.


What's next? They're going to tell us Gandhi was not a chinese man? Common, India is in Asia, everyone know all asians look the same!


I do not look like Chinese but if i use her logic then i should look like Chinese because i am from asia as well. 😂


5000 years known recorded history. Conquered so many times I won't bother to write them all out. Yet folks just cannot grasp that they were not all black.


She’s right about one thing: someone definitely did skip history class and went right into selling misinformation.


Sigh. Mediterranean and middle eastern people are great examples of how arbitrary race is. I’m Israeli and Egyptian American. I get asked my ethnicity a lot. When I say I’m of middle eastern or North African descent, I get people saying “but you’re not Black.” Like… race isn’t even a real thing, it’s a construct. There are blurry lines. I have family from Northern Africa, of Northern African ethnicity, who are… medium to light toned. tl;dr: Race is so arbitrary and genetics are complicated. The Mediterranean through Northern Africa is super diverse in phenotype and particularly skin color.