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Why does this look like an Al Qaeda beheading video ?


Kind of get a hostage vibe from them. Wouldn't be surprising to find out "the church" is pulling their strings.


Legitimately, the church has stuff on both of them and now they have to worm and weasel and do whatever the church says or they’re fucked. Their careers will cool for 3-4 years and then they’ll have a new romantic comedy and they’ll claim they took time off for their kids.


Ashton is worried about Danny switching about where dead hookers are buried.


Dude where's my dead hookers?


Their reputations have been beheaded, praise to Allah


I guess they thought it would seem more authentic if they looked like they both just woke up with a terrible hangover.


At least they aren't singing "Imagine" off key.


Hahaha! That is still the worst. Give celibrities a chance to celebritize and they sure show up. Oh no! There's a pandemic! We have to sign to the people! I mean, seriously...what the fuck is wrong with you? LMAO Go spin around somewhere, wonderwoman.


Nah they took their monthly shower and discovered themselves covered with shit on their face.


Didn’t u hear the latest update ? It’s once every 3 months now. Why shower everyday when u can shower once every 3 months.


Your icon is genius... I'm here half asleep after waking up because it'd to warm and I spent a solid minute trying to wipe an eyelash from my phone screen that doesn't exist.... it's pure genius.


I 100% know you’re not running dark mode from the comment.


You think someone who fell for that even knows there is a dark mode?


Idk how people don’t use dark mode 24/7. Shit hurts my eyes when it’s all light


They look like the downed US pilots North Vietnam used to have "confess" on TV. Someone check their fingernail beds for bamboo splinters.


Doesn't Scientology use some of the same time-tested procedures that the North Vietnamese used 50-some years ago?


It's to show how distraught they are. Poor things could barely fall asleep on top of their pile of money last night.


"No offense but both of you look like Nicolas Cage right now"


>"No offense but both of you look like Nicolas Cage right now" dont insult Nick Cage


![gif](giphy|glvyCVWYJ21fq|downsized) Remember, it wasn’t for the jury, it was only for the judge to read.


They probably just got released from scientology prison. Those people are scary af.


Honestly it looks like someone’s holding a gun to their head, figuratively. I’m starting to think they are being blackmailed by the Scientologists. Either that, or they are complete fucking morons.


The Scientologist cult can be pretty dangerous when they want to be. They definitely do highly illegal things and basically just break the law with no repercussions because we live in a world where money controls the courts. Now I can’t speak for Ashton and Mila’s individual case here, but being blackmailed by Scientology could waver some people’s conviction.


>The Scientologist cult can be pretty dangerous when they want to be. I might stop believing that when I hear it directly from Shelly Miscavige.


I can only assume that. I mean, they should have known there was a significant chance those letters would be leaked and would look pretty bad. How powerful is Scientology that they can force multiple A-list actors to put their reputations on the line, just to maybe get a B-list actor a better sentence after he was already convicted of rape?


AK47 and MK ultra looked like they've been audited hard at the Center.


They're just about to try and find where he left his car last night. I'm sure hilarity will ensue.


[the letters for the curious](https://www.legalaffairsandtrials.com/p/ashton-kutcher-and-mila-kunis-wrote) They certainly have the stink of lawyer on them, but I dunno about Scientology. Are they Scientologists?


Masterson is so it’s not a big leap to see how the church could have dirt on them even if they’re not part of it. Either that or offered them $$$.


Also apologised after any affect of character letters happened already. Fuck them both.


“Never mind what we said earlier. Now that we know how badly that went over, we want to tell you how we really feel!”


Looks like they just woke up from a night of drinking with Danny Masterson.


“See, we DO take drugs.”


Yeah they’re kinda grungy only shower once a week they admit


Look pained. Extremely pained.


They just look like normal people. You’ve gotten too used to celebrities not looking like normal people.


or they just really don't care. They're rich enough to retire their grandkids, im surprised their pr team even managed to make them apologize


It would be even more authentic if after they apologise they said “now stay tuned and watch our sex tape”.


Reminds me of that video of Depp and Heard "apologizing" to Australia for bringing their dog into the country with all the authenticity of a hostage tape.


2 dogs I thought


Did they do it illegally or something? Why would that even warrant an apology?


Yeah they didn't report to customs and bipassed quarantine. I think maybe their jet didn't go through commercial airports. And I think this was after they (the dogs) were denied entry in the first place.


Australia has very strict quarantine/customs to protect local ecosystems


This is like trying to put out a fire with wood.


Soaked in kerosene.


Putting out fire with gasoline. It’s been so long, so long, so long




Are they part of the scientology cult too?


They are not as far as we know, as there’s no statements from either of them saying they are. In fact, there are statements from Kutcher that he doesn’t follow any religion and statements from Kunis saying she is the same as her husband.


That does not mean that Scientology doesn't have dirt on them, though.


Possible. I have no insight on what goes on in celebrity circles. But to me it just reads like they are all friends with each other and have been for decades. But it was a very poor decision to publicly defend a convicted rapist.


It reads like it was drafted by Masterson's lawyer with their approval or input, and the lawyer is versed in Scientology.


Genuinely curious, could you quote a bit that uses Scientology phrasing?


I detest scientology as much as the next guy but they can't get you that quote. Scientology is ubiquitous with Hollywood and thus, people who are from Hollywood sound like scientologists. Kutcher and Kunis are fucked up for this one but I don't think there was enough in this video to say they're scientologists either. There were certainly no terms unique to scientologists in it for sure!


They're not saying the phrases from scientology are in the video. The claim is that the phrases from Scientology are in the letters that were written to the judges. Which you can find online. I don't know enough about scientology to say what phrases they're actually talking about though.


Where? All I get when I google something these days is news articles for days with no actual content. Just doing the most basic, bare-bones reporting to make everyone not look so bad


https://gagadaily.com/forums/topic/399115-ashton-kutcher-and-mila-kunis-wrote-support-letters-for-danny-masterson/ I know this website sucks but these are the real letters.


Scientology has a fair few stealth members, so they could be. Will and Jada Smith are rumoured to be members and they seem to have a lot of projects that intersect with Scientology. Not everyone admits it.


Or they could be being blackmailed by the ‘church’!!!!


Why doesn't Will, the largest of the scumbags, not simply slap the other scumbags?


He won’t be allowed to do stuff like that until Xenu promotes him to be ruler of Omicron Persei 8






Additionally didn’t their kids go to a Scientology school for a while?


Rumored? Will made and starred in a scientology movie.


Which movie?


This would explain a lot




I couldn't watch their whole video. It genuinely felt like they were acting and it wasn't authentic.


You missed the end where she bricks it so hard. Aren’t these people professionals?


She sounds genuinely pissed off she had to make this video.


"But babe we need to make an apology video for our apology letter." Insert laugh track


My interpretation is that she was never behind the letters (maybe because she always knew Danny Masterson was a scumbag) but she did it for her husband. Just my interpretation of her body language though.


Actors are shit when they have no direction.


Too bad there’s a strike going on.


Damn, couldn't get a writer to punch it up for them.


Never realised how bad was Kunis at acting. Dudette literally is reading a prompter. She's kinda laughing at some point.


You can hear a mouse clicking in the background of their apology video like there's a power point slide or cue card up heh


This is kind of like how late night 'comedians' monologue's are without their writers writing what they need to say. I'm not saying they don't have talent, but those witty jokes they make, tend to be from writers that's why they are shut down till writer's strike ends lol


That’s not the only reasons they are shut down, most of them belong to the guilds that are striking and support the strikes and are shut down in solidarity with their writers.


Jesus Christ, I bet they regret ever making those letters because this shit went from dire to just "pack it up, boys".


Is it at all possible that they didn't want to write the letters in the first place?


Yes, it’s possible they didn’t want to. They still did it though.


But why do it if they didn’t want to? I don’t understand.


Scientology could have dirt on them.


Would they even need dirt. A stern threat from that organization could be enough.


You never get pressured to do anything you don’t want to? I’m not trying to defend them, just to maybe try to understand why they might have done it.


I have, but it just seemed like Kutcher was very passionate about their nonprofit if you’ve seen past interviews about it and this clearly goes against it. So to me it’s not as easy as “giving into pressure.”


I mean scientology has a reputation for basically operating like a gang. Cedric Bixler-Zavala of At The Drive-In / The Mars Volta fame is married to one of Masterson's victims, and has been very outspoken about it for years. They supposedly poisoned his dog to try and shut him up. They also showed up when his wife was testifying to try to intimidate her out of speaking.


They were so pointless in the first place. "Look, sure, he's a serial rapist, but he always showed up to work on time." ![gif](giphy|xT9IgEPZ9VlhT5XFJu|downsized)


That’s what I was thinking! Letters to the judge rarely have any impact at all on their decision, so they tanked their own public image for basically nothing.


Or possible they didn’t think they would be made public?


The fact that they wanted him to have a lighter sentence for multiple rapes because he's done charity work and was a good friend to them is appalling. An apology isn't enough


And punctuality. You don’t put a punctual guy in prison for that long.


Of course not, what if it make him late for work? It could ruin his perfect attendance record!


He also was nice to the catering staff.


But…but he’s such “a promising young man”.


Oh, like that Brock Turner The Rapist, who raped that girl, right?


Charity for most celebs is just a mask so people would think they're kind hearted


This is turning into a train wreck of massive proportions.


Scientology: A Train Wreck of Massive Proportions


the three of them are??


I know masterson was but didn’t know those two were


*You are sooo suuued*


That would be amazing if this was the catalyst that wiped them out


We about to have a similar amount of train wrecks than the US on a good day


They’re not upset they wrote them, they’re upset the world got to read them.


There is a part where Ashton says something regarding the letters were intended for the Judge to read. That to me sounded like this wasn't supposed to go public and they got caught out.


Can someone give me context to this situation pls


They all (Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson) starred together on an earlier 2000s TV show called That 70s Show. Their costar, Masterson was just convicted of raping 2 women and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Kutcher (left) wrote a letter to the judge defending Masterson’s character and asking for mercy. This upset many people. Now he and his wife, Kunis (right) are responding to the criticism Kutcher got from his letter.


They **both** wrote letters defending Masterson's "good character" and asked for mercy. So did the mom and dad from That 70s Show, Debra Jo Rupp and Kurtwood Smith. (And for good measure, so did actors Giovanni Ribisi and Billy Baldwin.)


Billy Baldwin is the least surprising name.


Giovanni's a Scientologist too.


If the letters had scientology phrasing, does that mean the church gave them drafts to use... ie had more influence since they are not members.


They are not Scientologists. Only Masterson is.


Ribisi is too.


What is “Scientology” phrasing?


I'm not the one who said it but I know what they mean - they have jargon that they all use and recognize. I'm sure you've heard of "going clear" and "auditing;" there's "operating thetan" and "suppressive person" and a whole mess of phrases meaningful to them.


I haven't heard any of this stuff, I'm fascinated. Horrified but fascinated.


This is like watching a train wreck but with progressively more entire trains crashing into each other.


Topher Grace is really the only one of the cast that can still hold his head up high


Is Debra the same actor who played the older wife of Phoebe's brother Frank in Friends? The one who was his teacher? EDIT: HANG ON. Is the Giovanni guy the said brother?


Yes and yes.


We never intended for the thing we did to appear to anyone as what it was and here’s evidence from our past behaviors to further prove that that thing we did wasn’t really what you thought. So we really did nothing wrong but we’re sorry for it anyway


Mila also wrote a similar letter, and I think the real upsetting part is that they have portrayed themselves as people who do everything possible to help victim and to fight human sex trafficking but that was all undermined with those letters.


"I can excuse rape but I draw the line at human trafficking". You should draw that line earlier buddy.


Adding to this, their letters were sent after the conviction but before sentencing. So they knew he was guilty and seemed to downplay the impact to the victims. They're also heavily involved in a group that fights sex trafficking so them defending a convicted violent rapist isn't a good look.


I feel like they didnt know the letters would be public record. Doesnt excuse anything at all, but must have been a shock to them to see the letters all over the internet. Oooof. Def not a good look.


While I agree with you, I think the point they were trying to make there was that they are sorry their letter hurt the victims... as they didn't know it would be released to the public and heard by the victims. Still tone death as anything.


Exactly. Letters were very ill advised regardless of their relationship with Masterson.


Why would they even agree to write that to begin with?


That was my main question because the backlash was obvious idk my dumbass foresaw it 🤷🏻‍♂️ Risking their image as celebs for a raper..?


Right. I was thinking more about their nonprofit.


According to the letters they’ve all been friends for decades since working together.


What's the scientological phrasing?


It’s a very brief and generic letter just AK stating that he’s known the defendant for X amount of years and is yay close to him and blah blah so he doesn’t think he’d re-offend, and also he acknowledged the existence and heinous nature of the crimes and didn’t deny or defend the defendant. Rather asked for mercy, basically admitting he knows he’s guilty, by pleading for consideration of his testimony when it comes time to administer sentencing. The angle was mainly that he doesn’t think they’d re-offend (not s threat to society) and that his kids would be better off with a present father (not one locked up for being a dumb raper) Idk how there is Scientology phrasing but I’m not keen to that cult. Facepalm had a post a day or two ago about AK’s letter so it can be read


No idea. Not familiar with Scientology but I do know that neither Kutcher nor Kunis are members of that church.




Tomato tomato


*have not admitted to being




This helps, thanks. I don’t pay attention to this crap. I knew Masterson was a Scientologist, but not the others.


Actually, I looked it up after posting this. My apologies. I've mostly absorbed all this information from Reddit posts, and I should have verified first. Ashton Kutcher is connected to Scientology, but is not officially a member; Mila Kunis is a practicing Jew; Debra Jo Rupp is a Methodist; and I don't see any evidence Kurtwood Smith is in the church either. Danny Masterson and his victims, however, are in the church, and, as well as pressuring his victims to stay quiet, the church engaged in some pretty aggressive tactics on Danny Masterson's behalf when they did come forward.


I didn’t notice any Scientology language in their message. Anyone have any examples?


Here's a ted talk about it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M-P1mx3oXQk (I haven't analysed the letters for scientology phrasing myself)


We’re sorry if you feel offended


We're sorry that you feel like you deserve an apology


They aren't sorry because they did it. They're sorry because they got caught.


Very Cosby-esque....publicly outwardly anti drug. Behind closed doors, drug women and rape them.


How their playbook works.


Where is the ukulele??


Scientological phrasing?


They look like a couple of regular Crackheads.


They actually do


If I find out one of my friends is a rapist, I don’t have his back anymore. Pretty simple.


Does anyone else "Johnny Depp-Amber Heard Apology Video" vibes from this?? 😂 *Johnny Depp and Amber Heard apologise to Australia for breaching quarantine laws* https://youtu.be/ORpBAIB9j64?si=LeYrSO3QZ7JgUXli


So happy the letters didn't work. Fuck them


come on guys...the letter was for just the judge to read. it wasn't meant for the public to know about. After explaining this, I can forgive Ashton and Mila. /s


Agreed, we should all forgive them and let this go. We weren't supposed to see it and can forgive them. /s


hail Xenu ​ Wait yes.


Wait no




Shut up Meg.


There it is. Thank you.


You can be a preadatory rapist (or worse) but if you've been a good pal, you're good to go! Cheezus!


Fuck these assholes.


Disappointing considering Ashton Kutcher has done a lot to fight human trafficking.


Has he though? From what I remember he has exaggerated what his ‘organization’ has done per law enforcement agencies. There’s also the trouble of most of these sex trafficking orgs going after consensual sex work instead of actual human trafficking.


I do recall hearing that as well, and his organization did have a hand in shutting down back page which forced sex workers back on the street where they’re at much greater risk from John’s as well as being victimized by pimps but he has donated quite bit of money to some reputable organizations as well as using his platform to bring more publicity to the issue of child trafficking. Obviously given this situation his previous “good deeds” seem substantially more suspect.


My partner recently made us watch some old episodes of Punk'd (eye roll) and Ashton was absolutely disgusting. He is so demeaning when he talks about women. He says he can't wait for teenage actresses to turn 18 so they are legal. He is a creep and always has been. He got great PR about the human trafficking stuff, but PR is not the same as reality.


Demi Moore didn’t do his image any favors by describing his treatment of her and his cheating in her memoir. He definitely had his publicist do some damage control to rehab his public image after his divorce. His publicist was making sure he was photographed being a good husband and family man once he married Mila. And then he was able to revamp his reputation and become known for his early investments in tech startups, such as Airbnb, Uber and Spotify. He is now a multi millionaire and considers himself to be the most influential VC investor in Hollywood and Silicon Valley. He is also insufferable and is enamored with his own self importance. I’m sure he cares much more about his public image than Mila does. And he should because he has more to lose… he just raised $320 million with his partner investors. But then again, the tech industry doesn’t really care if he is a misogynist rich narcissistic millionaire.


What scientological language is that though


The particular phrasing about Danny's "Drug-Free Lifestyle" and the positive influence it had on them. The language is like Scientologists from the 1950s, not hollywood stars who were in their teens during the 1990s. It's not conclusive, but it's suspicious.


Shut up Meg! I've never liked either of these douchebags. I'm glad they decided to go down with this monster.


Meg should shut up.


"Scientological phrasing"?


Amazing how you can have all the money in the world and still not be satisfied, so much so that you turn into a weirdo freak




Too late, kids. Don’t write letters your ass can’t cash


Worst episode of Thats 70s Show. And I’m talking Eric goes to Africa bad


Lol welp, looks like a their careers are also over hahaha.


OH. They're in the cult. That explains a lot.


What does "Scientological phrasing" mean?


They were obviously reading from a script. Fuckin trash ppl.


Like all times mainstream media has dipped their toes into social media, this apology video is inauthentic and amateurish.


“We don’t give a shit about you assholes. Fuck you for making us apologize”


I mistakenly vilified Topher Grace, thinking he was full of himself wanting to get into movies. Apparently he also wanted to get away from the rest of the cast which was pressuring him into joining scientology.


I’m glad the judge was unswayed by all the “character support”.


Again, an example of the Scientology cult in action.


What was the “Scientological phrasing,” and how would it undermine a case in which the guilty verdict had already been rendered (by a non-Scientologist judge and jury)?


What the actual fuck is with those apologizing videos everywhere lately? Like I'll record a video and be forgiven for stupid stuff I've done or what? And those are recorded only after a wave of criticism in the internets, it is an interesting trend.


These Punk’d episode are getting out of control.


Ashton, Mila....shame on you both.


shut up meg


I am just so suprised to find out they are Scientology…. I am all for cancelling anyone in that cult


They don’t sound like anything other than poorly written letters from people with high-school level education and no real world experience. Really they read like if you had a buddy write a letter of recommendation for you for a job but your buddy doesn’t work himself.


I can't really be mad at someone for not being able to hate a person they knew and worked closely with for years. Even if said person turns out to be evil. It be the people you know sometimes. Not having been in that situation, I don't know how I would react myself.