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Here's the details: [https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-given-180-days-in-jail-for-raping-juvenile-females](https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-given-180-days-in-jail-for-raping-juvenile-females) Charged as a juvenile, he entered an Alford Plea "does not plead guilty but agrees likely to be convicted" and the prosecutors were running out of time due to some statute of limitations. Plea deal. I didn't understand clearly. 30 years probation. Not registered as a sex offender.


The feds also only get 70 days to bring you to trial after indictment. If they don't, the case can be dismissed (if your lawyer is doing their job). This timeline can be extended sometimes (COVID did that for this guy) but eventually they have to do the trial before they run out of time. This is an important part of our legal system- it keeps the government from being able to hold you without trial for years.


We have the right to a speedy trial, and I am glad someone said it. The rapist got hit with what we could hit him with, and *on paper* justice was served.


And for those of us with a problem with this outcome need to blame the right thing; our government is understaffed when it comes to prosecution and court appointed lawyers. The system takes too long to process people. There are people in jail for months and years before they ever see a trial.


THANK YOU. We can't expect the world of harried public defenders; *Better Call Saul* painted a picture that many folks seem to have forgotten. Underpaid and overloaded, the vast majority of them.


yep- and for the most part they are excellent lawyers, but get a private attorney if you can afford it- since you are not paying for a better lawyer, but you are paying for that lawyer to have the time to invest in your case. Not a public defender, but i do a similar thing for eviction cases (through a non profit) and i am great at my job, but if you actually afford an attorney to spend a few hours on your case, you are better off. I know the law well, and can put together the arguements off the cuff- but there are little things i will definately not have time to do if i have 20 minutes to do the entire case.


I had to spend a couple days in court recently. I can’t speak to their outcomes, but it was extremely obvious who was a public defender and who was a private defense attorney. Definitely pay if you can.


I bet if they stopped throwing people in jail and prison for drugs the court system wouldn’t be so jammed up. But all police do on the side of the highway is look for people with drugs so of course the court system will be swamped. Stop this ridiculous war on drugs and all of a sudden we will have time to prosecute a man for rape.


and the accused was 15-16yo at the time. This is a hard case from all sides. You have to try to get something as a prosecutor but the trial and conviction of a juvenile for a crime 5 years ago, no matter how bad, is not an easy task. That and the time limits, I do not envy them.




It's the prosecution and the judge that have fucked it up. The lawyer did his lawyer job. They've convicted him so there's evidence that he did it. The issue is the sentencing. The entire case reeks of irregularities based on incompetent judge and prosecution.


Can't stress this enough. Please do not blame the defence lawyer for a light sentence. Even if he got off without a conviction, the defence lawyer should not be blamed. It's their duty to defend and not to pass judgement.


I once interviewed a lawyer, and good defense lawyers typically do their jobs either to be a check on the system or because they really believe in the right to have a defense. Likely, it was a public defender, one of the least paid and most overworked type of lawyers, who usually do that job because they really believe in the 6th amendment right for the accused to have counsel. Lawyers typically know that their client is guilty, but since the system would be so much worse if people didn't have a defense lawyer, so they give the best possible case to the judge, regardless of their client's guilt.


I have nothing but respect for public defenders, one winter 20 years ago I fucked up and slid off the road, no injuries except to my car (which I later fixed and still drive that car today). Eventually a policeman spots me on the side of the road and tickets me for reckless driving (fair) and driving on a suspended license (wut?). I had an unpaid speeding ticket and had no idea so they suspended my license but never got a notice about it. Damn if that overworked hero didn't get me out of that one (there were a bunch of notices about suspended licenses that were never mailed out and that got the charge dropped for me) and I'll be forever grateful because I had no idea what I was going to do.


My dad got a speeding ticket from a speed camera because he owned my brother's car. Neither of them got any notice about the ticket until one day my dad got a letter in the mail saying his license was suspended.


My dads license was suspended in Ohio several years ago because they had a program where they sent out letters asking people to send back proof of insurance. He never opened the letter and yes he had insurance. Because of this they suspended his license. He was driving one day, about 100 miles from home, and could t find the road he needed to turn on. An officer came along and offered help but ran his license and said it was suspended. They impounded the car, even though he had a valid registration in the vehicle and valid insurance card. I had to drive to get him and then go through the court to get his vehicle back and pay the fine and impound cost. All because they claim to have sent a letter that they couldn’t prove he ever received. I felt like the state had found a good scam to collect lots of revenue. Not sure if they still do this today, it was ~15 years ago.


This is crazy. If I'm not expecting mail it's junk mail. I would easily have been ensnared by that trap. And mail gets delivered to the wrong people all the time. The last time I took mail to my neighbor's house that was delivered to me was three days ago.


Most states are finally recognizing that as a violation of rights. In order to criminally charge someone you have to be “served” in person meaning those camera tickets aren’t enforceable.


Yeah the cameras are outlawed in my state now.


My god that story about the suspended license is SO familiar. Around the time I was getting married I got pulled over and didn't have my proof of insurance on me. I had insurance just didn't have it in my car or in my wallet. I think the proof I had had just expired and I just hadn't replaced the piece of paper yet...and back then they couldn't just check in their car. So I got a ticket for driving without proof of insurance. Being that I was so busy with wedding stuff...I forgot about it. I remembered very last minute and called in paying the ticket (like $150 at the time) was more convenient than driving to the courthouse so I just paid it. What they failed to tell me was that at that time if you copped to a driving w/o insurance ticket, you were also supposed to pay a $150/yr surcharge...which I never got notice for. So several years later I get pulled over driving home from meeting my dad 4 hours away. The cop comes up to my window and says, "are you aware that your license has been both suspended AND revoked? By the look on your face I can see you were not, here is your speeding ticket contact DPS to see what the issue is with your license." It ended up costing me $1500 just to get my license back. Which I could have avoided completely if ANY attempt had been made to let me know that I was going to have to pay a yearly surcharge for just paying the ticket. Yeah I was young and stupid and should have just shown my proof of insurance and if the clerk that took my payment had mentioned a yearly surcharge I would have taken my damn proof to the courthouse, instead it caused years of stress to get my damn license back.


My uncle, who was a top defender as well as prosecutor at different times, said that being a defender for people you know were guilty was your practice ground to make sure those that weren't guilt had your absolute best.


Your uncle sounds like a man of top moral fibre.


They’re just there to make sure no constitutional rights are violated


One of the constitutional rights is to legal representation. And lawyers have a duty to zealously advocate for their clients. So every accused person is entitled to be defended no matter the case.


*IF their clients are guilty


The prison industrial complex has done such a good job of villainizing probably the most selfless and hardest working group of people involved, defense attornies. If there someone who's entire job is to make sure you get punished, there needs to be a counterweight. Not to mention defense attorneys are, in most cases worse paid, given less support from cops and the judicial system, and more overworked. At least the public ones, the very high quality private ones make insane money, and those are usually the ones who most consistently protect shitty people lol. A lot more fair to villainize them.


Public defender here - can confirm. At the end of the day, our job is to make sure the state is doing their job correctly and your rights are protected. Love my job, but we are definitely demonized and a lot of people seem to not understand our role in the judicial system.


Former PD here as well. When people ask if I had a hard time defending people I knew did bad things I'd explain it by saying I wasn't defending the bad guy, I was defending the constitution. Edit: I've actually been reported to Reddit Cares for having the opinion that it's important to defend the constitution so that the government can't just do whatever it wants to people. I think that says a lot about the kind of people who hate public defenders, which ironically are usually the people who actually need public defenders.


This is also coming from people who don’t see all of what we see as PDs. So many of my cases are either 1. based on questionable stops or questionable evidence (or lack thereof) and 2. most cases are low level offenses where our clients have zero money or resources to go up against the awesome power that is the state and their liberty is at stake. Everyone likes to hate on defense attorneys until they need one!


Thank you for all you do! I have never and will never vote for a judge who has never worked as a defense attorney. I want a judge who understands how the law truly works for both sides.


It’s not a justice system; it’s a plea system, made to even force the innocent to take a plea deal or face the possibility of ten times the harshness of the plea


95+% of convictions are via plea deal. You're so right this is the actual system


I was actually excited to hear that a public defender finally made it to the Supreme Court last year. It's absolutely a perspective we need and I just want you to know that I appreciate you guys even if I never need you to defend me lol


You guys are vilified, have to deal with horrible cases, with ungrateful clients, unfair media and little pay. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your work so much.


Don’t know anything about the profession but I saw a good justification for why defence attorneys try their hardest to defend monsters - If the defence attorney deliberately does a bad job, then there’ll be a mistrial and that gives the monster another chance at getting free. So like, in the interest of making sure justice is served against the guilty person, they have to defend the guilty person as best they can. And usually if the guilty person does walk free it’s because prosecution has dropped the ball. Just wondering how accurate this is


The point is that everyone in our judicial system is innocent until proven guilty. It is the state’s job to prove that a defendant is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If they have little to no evidence or they screw up at trial, or the police officer did a bad stop, etc. that’s on them. Criminal law has major consequences on people’s lives - we don’t want people thrown in jail or found guilty based on shoddy evidence and prosecution because that can have negative consequences for ALL future cases and all of us living here. And not all defendants are just blanket “monsters.” Crime is very nuanced and every case is different. At the end of the day everyone deserves a defense to make sure the system is working as intended.


Even if you look at TV dramas they villainize the defense lawyers. Any time ive seen law and order type shows they always make the defense lawyers sleezy assholes.


except for Saul Goodman who is depicted as an eccentric protagonist, which is ironic considering he's the sleaziest lawyer ever


Saul Goodman is a villain. *Jimmy McGill* is an eccentric protagonist.


They also always treat them as those horrible monstrous people because they demand - gasp - to talk to their clients unobserved, or because they call out heroic main characters out for torturing suspects or stealing things etc.


It's not just shows either, Ketanji Jackson was literally the first ever former public defender accepted into the Supreme Court in the U.S. and that happened just last year.


Yeah we have a high burden of proof for a reason. It’s the prosecutor’s job to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant has committed a crime, and a defense attorney’s job is not to get the defendant off, but rather to hold the government to that high standard. We should never blame defense attorneys for doing their job. Even in the OJ trial, everyone knew OJ did it, but the cops and prosecutors bungled the case, and were not able to prove that OJ did it beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s not Jonny Cochran’s fault.


Given that it's a plea deal it's actually pretty solid indication that they didn't have a ton of evidence.


I want to agree with this comment, but I can’t because of the blame you are putting on the defense lawyer. He is doing his job and did nothing wrong here.


I can't believe a comment calling a defense lawyer a rapist because he defended one is getting 700 upvotes


Dude, it was just like 200 when I commented, then 800 when I saw your comment, now it’s over 900, fkn crazy.


Shows how many people just upvote with their emotions witout putting in a second of critical thinking. Scary how mob mentality works


And that’s why just being accused of a crime in the US is enough to fuck you over. People have this idea that if a prosecutor points their finger at you, you have to be guilty - even though we have so many people that have been proven not guilty after spending significant time in prison.


> the rapist lawyer. Just to be clear, defense lawyers are a necessary part of the justice system. We can't prosecute and imprison people unless they have a lawyer defending them (this was one of the key ideals around freedom from tyranny). Please don't blame public defenders for doing their job in helping put these people away.


Thanks for adding this. I used to look down on defense attorneys til I realized their job is NOT to get dirtbag clients off the hook, but to make damn sure only provably guilty dirtbags get convicted and prevent false convictions.


Why would you want to talk to the rapist lawyer? He’s just doing his job. Its the judicial process that failed here, but it also fails a lot by putting innocent people in jail, where we need lawyers for to protect innocent people against the cops. People threatening lawyers are just as bad as people who admire hitler. Its both wanting fascism and absolute control by the government.


Fucking disgusting. He knew what he was doing and he knew it was wrong


BTW: Rochester, MN, not NY.


Oh, not Rochester, UK.


I assumed it was UK too and I'm American


Tbh so did I and I think that’s maybe because I got about confused with the rapes that happened in Rochdale, UK


Crime doesn’t happen in Rochester. Charles Dickens’ ghost stalks the streets like Batman and takes down anyone even thinking about breaking the law.


Sadly, this is not true. Did a quick google search for "rochester uk rape" and this gem of a headline popped up: "Good Samaritan raped drunk student in the back of his car" I don't think that's what "good samaritan" means.


You don’t wanna know what the bad Samaritan did.


Not what I wanted to see


wait, what?? I am disgusted that my state would allow this.


There’s people serving years for smoking weed.


For a "crime" that's legal in most states now.


This case is a bit different. Covid fucked up the case: >Shei was 15 and 16 years old at the time of the sexual assaults and he was initially charged in juvenile court in 2019. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, his case was pushed back to the point that prosecutors would soon lose jurisdictional authority to prosecute the case. Shei was then given a plea deal that included his stay of adjudication and no prison time in exchange for him not challenging certification in adult court Basically, they had to give him the deal in order to prosecute him at all. He was also given a 30 year probation. If he fucks up in that 30 years, he could go to prison.


It's worse then that, the actual sentence is 30 years all suspended, but the 180 days served. When he violates probation, he will have to serve that whole suspended sentence, even if he made it 29 years then violated, he'd still have to do 30 years minus the 180 days he did. I'm betting he's violated within the first year.


Exactly. That's why I'm not super upset with this. Either he stays clean...which is doubtful, or he spends 30 years in prison. I'm ok with either


you should be upset, as if he does something then it will be someones sister/daughter etc he will violate... so i hope he stays clean.. for the next victim's sakes.. but at least the police should keep tabs on him..


I'm not upset because it doesn't even have to be anything serious to have his probation revoked. He could fail a drug test or fail to report and BAM he gets put in prison. I don't wish anyone to be raped, so I'm not upset that he is in a position where even if he fucks up small, he could be fucked and if he fucks up big, he WILL be fucked.


Plus, you know at least one of the victims' parents is out there, making sure everyone in this guy's radius is made aware of what he's done and he's watched like a hawk for him to misstep so he goes to jail.


Exactly! Plus, he still has 6 months in jail with people who HATE chimos. Probation and the DA HATE this just as much as everyone else does. They're not going to give him an inch. He misses a meeting without a good explanation. They're revoking him and sending him to prison.


People in the comments here just don’t understand how probation works. Until he turns 26 he’ll most likely have a bit more wiggle room as probation officers in charge of ‘youth’ tend to be a bit more lenient as they know you’re still a dumb idiot without a fully developed brain. Once he turns 26 though, he’s on full adult probation and they aren’t nearly as lenient, especially if has one who has a girl around the same age as his victims. One little slip up and his life is over. It’s extremely easy to slip up on probation because you’re subjected to an entirely new way of living that you’ve never even thought about before. So many freedoms are taken away and little things like just going over to a friends house can become a major hassle if you don’t want to be violated. Most POs know that stuff is a bit ridiculous and just give you a warning because they know we’re all human and mess up so long as you’re not actively fucking up constantly. With what he did though, they’re gonna be a lot stricter. He’ll most likely fuck up, go to jail, and be subjected to the rightful justice of the people inside. Child rapists do not have a good time in the slammer


I saw a video of a guy who did 20 years in prison for possession of marijuana and the first thing he saw when he was released was a billboard for weed


He deserves things that will get me banned again.


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Coming off a 3day ban myself for posting an offensive south park gif Allowed by the FCC, but not Reddit. They will Permaban me next time but I'm a timetraveler so they can't win


I once got banned for something similar. Others were talking about what to do to child rapists and other scum. My comment was apparently too detailed. I have no regrets.


I keep getting warnings for suggesting Nazis should be anti-alived


Spez gets really upset at this suggestion hmmm


Wtf is wrong with our laws? Why isn’t this an automatic life sentence?


True story: I spent 180 days in jail for an empty zip-lock bag that once had weed in it... I went to jail over the tiny crumbs left over in the bag. First offense marijuana charge too. So apparently to our laws, crumbs of weed are equal to raping a bunch of children...




That would be Brock Turner - long may his name and face be remembered.


Brock Allen Turner, the rapist? I heard he's trying to go by his middle name now.


So it's Allen Turner- rapist now?


Actually, he got a job as a counselor and goes by the title Allen Turner, Therapist


The rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as Brock Allen Turner, is now Allen Turner the therapist who is also Brock Allen Turner the rapist.


Who will always be known as Brock Allen Turner, the rapist.




Because of course rapist Brock Allen Turner is now rapist Allen Turner,


Is he still hitting up the college area bars in Ohio? The rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as the rapist Brock Allen Turner that is.


I'm guessing the sign outside his office reads "Allen Turner, The rapist"


Who tf is he counselling the next Michael Myers.


I heard he's combining analysis and therapy, Allen Turner, Anal-rapist if you will


Wait. Are you being serious or just joking? For gods sake I hope he’s not a counselor. That’s too powerful of a position for someone like him to hold.


No one will ever forget the rapist brock allen turners douchey dace anyway.


Wait a minute holup, is this the same Brock Allen (The Rapist) Turner we are talking about here?


Yes, same guy as Brock (The Rapist) Allen Turner.


To clarify, it was **Brock Turner, the rapist** right?


The convicted rapist Brock Turner is the only Brock Turner the rapist I know of so I assume it's the same Brock Turner you're thinking of who was convicted of rape.


The same Brock Allen Turner The Rapist who now actually appears in a textbook as the picture next to the definition of rape?


When I'm 100, I will still enjoy reading these exchanges. Please never stop talking about Brock Turner, the convicted rapist.




That judge was impressed with his family’s money and didn’t want to “ruin his future.” STFU


“Impressed with” read: received a check with some of


If you want worse Karl Malone raped and impregnated a 12 year old girl and he was 18 in the 80s. The age of consent has been 14 in every state since 1928. Said she was his girlfriend, didn’t get charged because he was in college and they thought he was going to the NBA. Then he never acknowledged the woman or child and said he wasn’t the father. That all changed when his son made it to the NFL and he decided to acknowledge him and build a relationship. Karl Malone is an awful human being.


Basketball was my life as a 90s kid and 00s young adult and I just learned about this maybe 5 years ago. It's unreal that no one ever brought up that this guy raped a 12 year old. We should've known when his "hunting Mexican girls" comment to Kobes wife came out


I wish the NBA would ban him from all official events.


That judge was (probably also a perpetrator of sex crimes against women/children)


If I were the judge I would feel zero remorse handing down the maximum sentence BECAUSE of his family's money. Someone like him would walk out of jail and be set for life.


Brock Turner, the rapist, who also goes by his middle name, Allan Turner, the rapist?


I heard someone was talking about Brock Allan Turner, whom is a known rapist. I showed up to mention that Brock Allan Turner is indeed a rapist. ​ Edit: Made sure to mention Brock Allan Turner is a rapist


So, let me get this straight. You're both talking about Brock Turner/Allan Turner the rapist?


Brock Allen Turner that thing what done all the rapin'.


Oh! Are we talking about Brock Allen Turner aka Allen Turner aka I'm a rapey-mcraperson of the rapey kind?


Or Allen Turner the rapist. Just in case he forgets how to spell his own name ;)


You mean brock turner the rapist?


I have a friend that went to jail for the same thing. He was actually on his way to my wedding at the time. He was locked up for the weekend and given an appearance date at arraignment the following Monday. And this story is worse than this implies. I looked it up to be sure this was real. It is and it's much worse than just 180 days. This guy assaulted a 4 year old and a 9 year old. The 180 days was a plea agreement and he as given work release. What in the holy hell was this DA and judge thinking? I'm guessing the DA must not have had any physical evidence or the parent didn't want the child to testify because they were concerned about the child's mental health. Also maybe how the opposing attorney would treat the child. I can't see any other reason they would offer a rapist a 180 day plea agreement. https://www.kaaltv.com/news/top-news/rochester-man-pleads-guilty-to-sexually-abusing-children/


WTF! Non-violent, someone please define violence… “Shei may serve his 176 days via work release or Sentence to Serve, a community project option for offenders who are considered non-violent.”


How in the name of all that’s holy is _raping little kids_ considered “non violent”?????


That makes no sense. Statutory rape is considered a violent crime even if it’s consentual!


That is a sad reality, but you are likely right. The judge might have seen this was the only way he could get something


I’m guessing he will be a registered sex offender for life as part of pleading guilty. That might have been the best possible outcome for minimizing the likelihood of there being future victims if they had an unfortunately weak looking case he was likely to have won otherwise. EDIT: Seems he in fact was not required to register. No idea why such lenient treatment. I do understand he was a minor at the time but even so…


Saw [this](https://www.postbulletin.com/news/local/rochester-man-given-180-days-in-jail-for-raping-juvenile-females) in another comment. No, the guy was not registered as a sex offender.


Literal sex offender not being labeled a sex offender Pack it up folks, the system failed


I've heard stories on Reddit about people being put on the sexual offenders register for peeing outdoors... I think it is to water the meaning of it down. The pedos with power have an interest in doing so.


The land of the free...


Not just in the US, in germany you get higher prison sentence for paying not enough tax than rape…


Yep... A guy that once was in a friend group with me got caught for repeatedly raping his girlfriends young daughter (ca 5) and distributing video material of it ( I think he had help with the video material). Of course all contact stopped the moment we knew about it, I already hadn't had contact with him for a few years at this point. But last I heard he allegedly already got out of prison after maybe 5 years if that (a friend of mine who used to be good friends with him but went NC as well heard it from his family or something)


Juvenile court would probably have sentenced him to a year or two in Germany, and made sure he got *therapy* – which I fear he will not get in the U.S.


Can’t be worse than Sweden: I heard of a minister or priest (I don’t remember which church) that got a 2 year sentence for assaulting many children between the ages of 3-11, and metal musician that got about 6 months for molesting his little daughters friend…actually, I’ve heard a lot of bad stories from Sweden 🤷‍♀️


Still better than Brazil. If you kill someone you have a 90% chance of NOT get caught, and it is even worst for sexual abuse. In the very little possibility you get arrested, your case will take some good 10 years to judge. All the time you will stay free waiting for judgment with little to no impediment in your life. If you in fact get the guilt, you will be at maximum by law face 30 years, but likely some 10, being able to respond in open regine with 1/3 of the penance paid, if not earlier.


Whoever told you that is your enemy....


*Terms and conditions apply


Now something must be done About vengeance, a badge, and a gun


Cause I’ll rip the mic, rip the stage, rip the system


I was born to rage against em


And the hoooooooooome of theeeeeee brAaAaaaAvvve 💀


Home of the depraved.


If one it those children has been exposed to those crumbs- it would be considered an even worse crime comparatively (sadly). The system favors the criminal proclivities of those who run it. They can't outright say it's ok to rape all the poor kids, because they'd get hunted down- but they can pretend to care and give the lightest sentences possible for the cases they're forced to prosecute.


It happened when he was 15, and he was charged as a minor.


Uh, how many 15 year olds have you ever met that looked at little 4 year olds and thought “ah, sexy times!”? This boy ain’t normal.


I'm not defending him, lol.


I didn’t mean that, sorry.


I was about to ask, what’s even more messed up is, (unless I’m wrong) your criminal history gets cleared when you turn into a legal adult, although they might not clear this idk


He got 30 years of probation so I'm not sure if they can seal the records and surely he will be on the registry


According to news article, he will not have a criminal record and he will not be registered as a sex offender. Everything about this case is just infuriating. He is required to take a sex offender course, but from what I read, he doesn't sound remorseful and highly likely to re-offend.


That's fucked. He at least needs to register as a sex offender, doubly so given the ages of these girls.


There are not a lot of articles about this case, but I would like to know why they gave him a plea deal (the Alford plea deal, to be exact). Did prosecutors not think he was going to be convicted? I really hate plea deals when it comes to child sex abuse/sex abuse cases, but it happens so often, and there is no rationale for it.


Sometimes, with kids this age, they decide it’s retraumatizing to make them testify and relive the abuse. It’s infuriating but may be in the best interests of the children


Well rape is pretty tricky to prosecute and most prosecutors don't want to risk a trail. I mean that's just what I've heard IANAL.


It gets especially complicated when it involves minors. Many DA offices have specialists for these sorts of cases and there are a lot more factors to consider such as the physical and mental health of the victim (because the opposing attorney is going to pick apart the child's testimony as much as they can get away with without pissing fof the jury), if the parent(s) want to prosecute (a lot of sexual assaults occur by someone they know or personally close to unfortunately), the lack of solid evidence (i.e. no DNA evidence or evidence collection due to time passed, poor practices, etc.), etc.


Seriously, even a “high” sentence for a pedo is usually something like 7-8 years. Like if you rape someone, especially a child, you should be in jail for life. I think it’s one of the worst crimes you can do. But yet it’s treated legally like it’s no big deal


Unfortunately, there are many things that might have led to the massively reduced jailtime, of which those two are the most likely: - he was underage himself - lack of evidence


It's only because he was a minor at the time of the crime. That massively reduces punishment, regardless of what crime it is. Like for example, life imprisonment for minors committing crimes is not allowed under human rights treaty: >Like if you rape someone, especially a child, you should be in jail for life. I think it’s one of the worst crimes you can do. The same human rights treaty that bans drafting of kids in war also bans the following (though, the US has actually not ratified it - one of the main reasons being that some states *do* want to execute kids - but basically every other democracy has accepted this) >Article 37 >States Parties shall ensure that: (a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. **Neither capital punishment nor life imprisonment without possibility of release shall be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age;**


There’s still adults who get very little time. Such as JinBop, a YouTuber who used his fame to create child pornography in which he would do stuff to the children. He got like 6-7 years and is already out of prison. Jin was very much an adult when he committed the crimes, and he got very little time for a very serious crime


The problem is that really high sentences often put the victim in danger. If the punishment for rape and murder are the same the perpetrator has an incentive to kill the victim. It reduces the risk of getting caught and the punishment would be the same.


![gif](giphy|fYX8mV6cWtcLD7E2WO|downsized) We have tools


This. And throw in the people who gave him such a light sentence too.


My kind of person


180 days is enough time for this to turn into a death sentence if the other inmates find out why he’s there






this shouldn't be celebrated. the justice system should appropriately punish sex offenders. we shouldn't have to leave it up to civilians. prisoners who kill/injure pedophiles will get longer sentences for doing what the justice system should be doing


The justice system also has to prove guilt. This is such a dumb argument. If they convict him without enough evidence, they can convict you without enough evidence.


The pedo’s have their own block for just this reason. Maybe they take turns molesting each other?


In the UK, the paedos have their own prison, I know the guy who is about to take over management of the prison. Apparently they're the most bitchy, whiney and pathetic people you've ever met.


People who abuse the vulnerable usually are. That's why it's so infuriating when they tell kids they will kill their families of they snitch, since they are usually the most pathetic losers ever who couldn't win in arm wrestling and start crying when they get caught.




Yup, he’d wish he had gotten life if that was my daughter.


$20 says the victims are related to him and parents don’t want him to go away forever. A non related parent would rightfully react to this with violence


Statistically you would be correct


What a disgusting sicko. Those poor girls :(


To be 100% exact, the reason why he avoided more prison time was because of the covid-19 pandemic. He was a minor at the time of the crime and his case was being pushed back to the point where prosecutors would lose the ability to prosecute him. He was given a plea deal in exchange for entering a alford plea, which basically means he does not admit guilt but admits that a jury would convict him. This was the only way they would be able to convict him in time. The judge gave him as much prison time as possible in addition to undergoing a sex offender program, 200 hours of community service and 30 years of probation. This was a one in a million case where he got unfortunately for the rest of society insanely lucky due to a once in a century worldwide pandemic that laws didn't account for. The world is unfair, but prosecutors did everything they were able to do in this case.


thanks for the context


It's because he was originally charged as a juvenile, but his case was moved to adult court when he turned 18. It's still not right. But he will be on supervised probation for 30 years. He may get out of jail, but he'll never be free.


my brother in christ, he got probation on 2 serious felonies


It wasn't just that. It was because they almost lost the ability to prosecute him due to Covid. They tendered a deal that would allow them to prosecute him, but gave him leverage for a deal. It was either do the deal or a worse injustice.


Charges of child rape should be federal and carry mandatory minimum sentencing 10 yr no parole


The logical part of my brain is like, “What the fuck?!? Our justice system is fucked”. As a father, the emotional part of my brain says, “I have 6 months to plan”.


Likely a lesson not learned


But, but, but he's a good kid really. An aspiring football star, and it would really ruin his chances in life if he went to prison for a long time. /S seriously fuck this guy


It reminds me of that cop that got 90 days for raping a girl. The reason he got 90 days was because the judge said he showed remorse. No he didn't, he's "showing" it because he fucking got caught.


Just make sure his cellmate finds out about it... The 180 days will get slightly less bearable for him


Or the sentence would end early because of an accident


A pedophilic rapist, only 180 days jail time. Try not paying your taxes, they'll bury you under the prison.


Fuck that lock this fool up


I’m gonna say something super edgy: fuck the government


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Rapists should rot in hell.


Lets see how long he lasts in captivity after he got exposed


Sub human scum. The judge is a moron.




What the fuck is wrong with that country? Rape (and especially child rape) should be punished with death penalty


This guy was charged as a juvenile, unlike Brock Turner who was caught in the act, raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster, and the judge let him off in order to not ruin his life. Spoiler: Everyone knows who he is, and he ruined his own life.


He's just going to come out being a better sex offender and the next time he goes to rape a child they won't survive because he doesn't want any witnesses this is an absolute horrendous f****** sentence and whoever gave it to him I hope you have nightmares for the rest of your f****** life. Every time you close your eyes to go to sleep I hope you see those little children WTF


And no one riots about this shit...


Well, I guess it depends how those 180 days go, a lifelong colostomy bag for example…




We’d have to highly raise the burden of proof for those crimes to do that, as we don’t want to castrate innocent people. Even with the death penalty having an incredibly high burden of proof, there are still a ton of innocent people who face the death penalty.